Wayland Baptist University QEP Writing Rubric Score Distinguished - 4 1 Proficient - 3 Developing - 2 Unsatisfactory - 1 Content Focus on Topic The topic is clear and well-focused; Main idea is clear, but the Main idea is somewhat clear, but The main idea is not clear. There is a the main idea stands out and is supporting information is general. there is a need for more seemingly random collection of supported by detailed information. supporting information. information. Support for Topic Relevant, telling, quality details give Supporting details and the reader important information information are relevant, but one that goes beyond the obvious or key issue is unsupported. predictable. Supporting details and information are relevant, but several key issues are unsupported. Supporting details and information are typically unclear or not related to the topic. Critical Thinking Writer demonstrates abundant evidence of evaluation and assessment of the importance of information and application of that information in drawing logical conclusions. Writer demonstrates some evidence of evaluation and synthesis of information in order to reach logical conclusions. Writer demonstrates limited or no evidence of the ability to understand the importance of information and to draw logical conclusions. Writer demonstrates ample evidence of evaluation and synthesis of information in order to reach logical conclusions. Structure and Organization Introduction Organization and Development The introduction is inviting, clearly The introduction clearly states states the main topic, and previews the main topic and previews the the structure of the paper. structure of the paper, but it is not particularly inviting to the reader. Support or details are placed in a logical order, and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interest of the reader. The introduction states the main The introduction has no clear topic topic, but it does not adequately and does not introduce the structure preview the structure of the of the paper. paper and is not particularly inviting to the reader. Support or details are placed in a Some details are not in a logical Many details are not in a logical or logical order, but the way they or expected order, distracting the expected order; the writing are presented/introduced reader. demonstrates little organization. sometimes makes the writing less interesting. Transitions A variety of transitions are clearly Transitions clearly show how Some transitions work well, but The transitions between ideas are and thoughtfully used to show how ideas are connected, but there is many connections between other unclear or nonexistent. ideas are connected. little variety. ideas are fuzzy. Conclusion The conclusion is strong and leaves The conclusion is recognizable the reader with a feeling that s/he and has effective closure. understands what the writer is conveying. The conclusion is recognizable, but it lacks effective closure. There is no clear conclusion; the paper ends abruptly. Most sentences are wellconstructed but have a similar structure. Writer makes several errors in grammar or usage that distract the reader from the content. Sentences lack proper structure and appear incomplete or rambling. Writer makes a few errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation that interrupt the reader and disrupt the flow. Writer makes several errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation that interrupt the reader and greatly distract the flow. Conventions Sentence Structure Grammar and Usage All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure. Most sentences are wellconstructed with varied structure. Writer makes no errors in grammar Writer makes few errors in or usage that distract the reader grammar or usage that distract from the content. the reader from the content. Writer makes no errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation; thus Spelling, Capitalization, the paper is exceptionally easy to Punctuation, etc. read. Writer makes few errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation, but the paper is still easy to read. Writer makes excessive errors in grammar or usage that distract the reader from the content. 4/14/2008 Wayland Baptist University QEP Writing Rubric Score Distinguished - 4 2 Proficient - 3 Developing - 2 Unsatisfactory - 1 Style The writer successfully uses several reasons/appeals to show why the reader should care or want to know more about the topic; s/he seems to Voice and Personality write from knowledge or experience, demonstrating ownership of the topic. The writer successfully uses one or two reasons/appeals to try to show why the reader should care or want to know more about the topic and also seems to draw on knowledge or experience, but s/he lacks direct ownership of the topic. The writer attempts to make the reader care about the topic but is not really successful; some of his/her knowledge or experience is related, but it adds nothing to the discussion of the topic. The writer makes no attempt to make the reader care about the topic and has not tried to transform the information in a personal way. The ideas and the way they are expressed seem to belong to someone else. Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader's mind, and the choice and placement of the words seem accurate, natural, and not forced. Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader's mind, but occasionally the words are inaccurate or overdone. Writer uses words that communicate clearly, but the writing lacks variety, punch, or flair. Writer uses a limited vocabulary that does not communicate strongly or capture the reader's interest. Jargon or clichés may be present and detract from the meaning. Every paragraph has sentences that vary in length. All sentences sound Sentence Variety (Flow natural, and each sentence is clear and has an obvious emphasis. Almost all paragraphs have sentences that vary in length, and almost all sentences sound natural. However, one or two sentences are awkward or difficult to understand. Some sentences vary in length and sound natural, but several are awkward or difficult to understand. Sentences rarely vary in length and are difficult to read because they sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or difficult to understand. The writer demonstrates a general understanding of the potential reader and uses vocabulary and arguments appropriate for that audience. The writer demonstrates some understanding of the potential reader and uses arguments appropriate for that audience. It is not clear for whom the writer/author is writing. Audience Writer demonstrates a clear understanding of the potential reader and uses appropriate vocabulary and arguments. S/he anticipates reader's questions and provides thorough answers appropriate for that audience. Resources All sources used as supporting information (quotes, statistics, and facts, etc.) are credible and cited correctly, exhibiting quality and breadth. All sources used as supporting information (quotes, statistics, and facts, etc.) are credible and cited correctly but with minimal variety of sources. Most sources used as supporting information (quotes, statistics, and facts, etc.) are credible and cited correctly a majority of the time but lack quality and breadth. Many sources are suspect (not credible) AND/OR are not cited correctly, lacking quality and breadth. Word Choice and Rhythm) Resources 4/14/2008