COLUMN SYLVESTER EIJFFINGER Full Professor in Financial Economics The success of unity in diversity The current ‘instant society’ does not foster sion making in Europe cannot keep pace the financial elite is to bring about the political unity historical consciousness. People ask them- dynamics of the financial markets. An inability in variety at the level of daily life of the people in selves ‘What is in it for me right now?’ instead that is at its heart caused by a lack of central each one of the member states. In Europe, forms of ‘What does this contribute to my life when direction. In addition, the power of the individ- of community spirit have taken shape at the I consider it from a long term historical point ual member states of the Economic and Mon- supranational level. That is the added value of of view?’ This is pre-eminently true of Europe. etary Union has been on the rise. Europe stands Europe. it is this that people should appreciate The European Union of today was founded at a crossroads: Move forward on the communal as an important achievement for everyday life. by political leaders and a populace commit- path conceived by its founders and continue Europe needs people with a positive attitude ted to the idea of an ever-stronger European to trust in its established institutions? Or does who want to build something together and continent. Nowadays, with the current finan- it regress to the intergovernmental mode of who see other people as allies instead of ene- cial crisis, people do not want to pay for other doing business, in which the larger countries like mies. European leaders should revive the soul countries in Europe and think that every coun- Germany, France, and the weak nations like Italy of Europe and resurrect her rich value-based try should mind its own shop. What is required and Spain become dominant in the EMU? That foundation. The former generations of European as a next step if the European project is to suc- would marginalize the influence of a medium- leaders lived through the Second World War and ceed? sized country like the Netherlands and would came away from this experience with a vision not be advisable. Furthermore, sanctions should of a new Europe: no confederation of nation After the Second World War, Jean Monnet, automatically be applied to European countries states but a federal Europe of unity in diversity. Robert Schuhman, and Konrad Adenauer put that do not adhere to the rules of the Stability The current European leaders should take a step forward that European integration was the and Growth Pact. forward in the process of the consolidation of only way of ridding their respective nations of The process of integration will be more diffi- Europe as unity in diversity, confirming their mis- extreme nationalism. As an initial foundation of cult than before, because nowadays in almost sion as bearers of hope. Where there is no vision, peace and reconciliation, the European Coal and all European countries the anti-European par- there is no hope and no progress for Europe. Steel Community was founded. The process of ties are gaining more influence or have already European integration moved steadily forward attained substantial influence. One reason for from that point on. Political leaders like Konrad this is that many European leaders have chosen Sylvester Eijffinger in collaboration with Annemarie Hinten-Nooijen (Academic Forum) Adenauer, Charles de Gaulle, Helmut Schmidt, to appeal to the gut feelings of the electorate for and Helmut Kohl were ardent Europeans who short-term political gain. There are no govern- cherished the values of peace, reconciliation, ment leaders who dare to explain that Europe is solidarity and unity. On the notion of unity in a synonym for hope and welfare instead of fear variety, the European idea was built. It remains and impoverishment. In essence, they are using an ambition to this day: in the year 2011 27 the rise of ‘us versus them’ thinking, a by-product countries, with 27 different histories and 23 lan- of increased individualization, to create a politi- guages, have to work together. cal rift between national electorates and Europe. But what we now see is that the political deci- The challenge for the political, intellectual and Academic Forum where science meets society and life Expand your horizons, take the time to reflect Asset Magazine 19