COLUMN SYLVESTER EIJFFINGER Full Professor in Financial Economics The Sound of Spring Our society is a society of winners. A winner reforms to realize and consolidate the tax- and work towards common goals and they follow is the hero, a loser a victim. And perfection is thereby the political integration within Europe. the same rules and values. The unity in variety is the norm nowadays. Every day we are faced It will take four of five years before Europe will just the power of Europe. with images of perfection: the TV shows us have overcome the euro misery. The reinforce- To conclude, like the sea moves back to uncov- perfect bodies, perfect carriers, perfect interi- ment of the financial discipline by means of er the shells and the stones, the crisis exposes ors. But what about the idea that mistakes let the stability pact is one of the crucial issues to underlying issues that go unnoticed in flourish- a person become stronger and more human achieve that. An intern market and a common ing periods. It inspires thinking of reconsidera- than permanent success can do? Can failures European currency have to be coupled with a tion of the way we organize our national and and collapses not become the start for a new fiscal union. Budgetary- and tax policy can no European society economically and politically. consciousness? Isn’t it sometimes necessary longer be the primacy of each individual state. The crisis can be seen as a chance. And with the to stand at the edge of the abyss to make the Political willingness is fundamental, because end of the crisis we find the seed for new life. next step? That seems not to apply only for there is no political union in Europe. Euro coun- That perspective is encouraging and gives trust the life of individuals but also for the develop- tries do have to be able to tackle each other to take responsibility for the coming period. ment of Europe and European countries, as about their budget policy. To speak with the words of the Dutch poet Her- the recent crisis shows. If the heads of government would have acted man Gorter: ‘Een nieuwe lente en een nieuw Looking at European history, it becomes clear more pro-active – look at Greece, Spain and geluid’, ‘a new spring and a new sound’. that history repeats itself. That is good news, Portugal – the costs would have been much because after rain comes sunshine: economy lower. But politicians go to the limit. Now it is growths, technical revolutions like the introduc- the moment for them to take their responsibil- tion of ICT involve unbalanced growth, excesses ity, as the ECB-president Trichet urges them. and speculative behavior occur, there are diffi- Quick acting is necessary now, because then culties at the financial markets, recession starts. the euro crisis will not effect the real economy. Then a crisis is needed to get things well organ- The challenges we face ask for more interna- ized again. The European process of economic tional cooperation between countries in stead and financial integration has always been a of competition on the basis of the Darwinian dialectical process. In fact, it has to be a never- principal of the survival of the fittest. Europe Sylvester Eijffinger ending process of trial and error. can be an example par excellence, because in collaboration with Annemarie Hinten-Nooijen The crisis is the opportunity to make structural European countries cooperate voluntarily: they (Centre for Science and Values) Asset Magazine 19