1 Activity Sheet 4 Electricity Knowledge and Comprehension Key words and definitions for you to know Behavior change- can refer to any transformation or modification of human behavior. Energy efficiency- is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. Load shedding- cutting off the electric current on certain lines when the demand becomes greater than the supply. Like to surf? Learn more about this topic at……. Engineering News http://www.engineeringnews.co.za Electricity saving tips - how to save electricity in South Africa http://www.electricitysavingtips.co.za News 24.com http://www.news24.com Saving electricity, using electricity and everything ... http://www.electricity.co.za Activity Sheet Did you know? Space heating in winter , by using heaters, is a big power ‘guzzler’, and the same goes for summer cooling when airconditioners are used more often. Use oil heaters with thermostats and avoid under-floor heating. Wear warmer clothing. In summer use a fan rather than air-conditioning. 1 2 2 ACTIVITY 4A: ELECTRICTY SAVING ARTICLE COMPREHENSION Activity Instructions: Read the article below Use less or it's lights out – City March 10 2011, By Babalo Ndenze (condensed) http://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/western-cape Capetonians have been warned to cut their power consumption or face rolling blackouts as there were in 2008. The warning has been issued by the City of Cape Town, which has launched a campaign this week calling on consumers to cut electricity consumption across the City by 10 percent to keep the lights on. Middle- to high-income groups, the biggest electricity guzzlers, have been called on to slash their power consumption by a whopping 25-40 percent. The city and Eskom will be running electricity-saving campaigns to ensure consumers are not too badly affected by load-shedding. The City’s campaign uses the slogan “Electricity is expensive, saving is simple” and calls on residents to set their geyser thermostats for a lower temperature, to shower instead of taking a bath, to fit a water-saving showerhead, and to install a geyser blanket to save up to 15 percent on electricity bills. Asked about the campaign, the City’s head of electricity and climate change, Sarah Ward, said there were several reasons why the City was calling on residents to cut electricity consumption. “One of them is that electricity tariffs are going up,” Ward said. “We’ve had cheap electricity in South Africa in the past and so people are not used to being electricity efficient. “And there’s definitely a threat of load-shedding. It’s very likely this year.” Cutting consumption by 10 percent overall would make Capetonians less vulnerable to blackouts. A 25-40 percent reduction by middle to high-income households would be ideal, Ward said. Cape Town residents can expect an increase4B: of ELECTRICTY about 20 percent in the price ofCOMPREHENSION electricity later in 2011. ACTIVITY SAVING PICTURE Activity Instructions: 1. Listen to the ‘Electricity Facts’ introduction from your educator. 2. Look at the ‘BE SMART’ picture over the page. Activity Sheet 3 Exercise: Use the picture you have just studied to answer these comprehension questions. Remember to answer in full sentences were necessary. Answer these questions on your own. Activity Sheet 4 Comprehension Questions and Answers: 1. What is the main topic of the picture? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Does the picture encourage positive or negative behavior? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which statement is false? (you can circle the statement below) b) Have a deep bath instead of having a shower (TRUE/ FALSE) 4. Why do you think having a shower would use less electricity? ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What appliances can be used differently in the kitchen to save electricity? ( ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Should you switch off your computer after you are finished using it?( ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. What could you do instead of using an airconditioner? ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. What electricity saving tips could you add to this picture? ______________________________________________________________________________ Group Work: While seated at your desks swop your worksheet with the person sitting next to you and discuss your findings or observations, including ideas on things you can do at home! Activity Sheet 5 ACTIVITY 4C: ‘BE SMART’ COLLAGE . Activity Instructions: Look at the ‘BE SMART’ picture below. Exercise: Now work in groups of 4. 1. Activity Sheet Take a large piece of cardboard. Separate the cardboard into two 6 columns using a ruler and pen/marker. At the top of the left hand column write: BAD ELECTRICITY USE BEHAVIOUR. At the top of the right hand column write: GOOD ELECTRICITY SAVING BEHAVIOUR. For example: 2. Page through yor magazines and newspapers and find pictures of both good and bad electricity use behavior (for example a person standing with the fridge door open (bad) or a person using an electricity efficient washing machine (good)). 3. Then cut out and paste these pictures in the correct columns on the cardboard (surrounding the central picture that you have cut out and pasted in the middle). This will form what is called a ‘collage’. 4. Each group must to present their creation to the class explaining each picture, why it was chosen and why a certain column was chosen (either left or right). Stick the collages up in the classroom or around the school to educate other learners. Take it Home: • Encourage your siblings to make a collage at home. You, your sisters and/or brothers can all find pictures together. Hang your collage up in your • house. Make it your mission to share the information you have gathered during this Activity. Activity Sheet