Hugo van Zyl PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Illustrating the methodology using case studies PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Methodology re-cap and illustrative case studies chosen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Estimate relative importance of natural assets for EGS Estimate importance of EGS to beneficiaries/users Establish links between EGSs and development objectives Select EGS with ability to influence through management Assess ability of ecosystems to yield a sustainable flow of EGS and prioritise according to risk Apply valuation techniques to selected EGS Case studies Site specific: Zandvlei based on previous study for CCT (Turpie et al., 2001) Area-wide / sectoral: Tourism PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: 1. Estimate relative importance of natural assets for EGS The primary natural assets that provides the bulk of EGS at Zandvlei is the wetland area However, the site also contains the following elements that provide important EGS: Municipal park with lawns, sport facilities, braai area Non-aquatic natural vegetation areas Coastal area where the vlei enters the sea at Muizenberg PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: 2. Estimate importance of EGS to beneficiaries/users Use EGS matrix as guide to identify important EGS in the area (ideally involves a field trip for ground truthing) Focus for Zandvlei is regulating and cultural services as provisioning (e.g . harvesting) not a prominent use Water regulation Natural hazard regulation (floods, etc.) Regulating Water purification and waste treatment, assimilation Space for biota to live and reproduce (refugia) Recreation and tourism Provision of inspirational beauty Aesthetic values and sense of place Cultural (information) Educational uses (e.g. school excursions, scientific research) Use in cultural and artistic practices and ceremonies Use in religious practices and ceremonies Use in productions (film & events), advertising and publications PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: 3. Establish links between EGSs and development objectives (IDP, etc.) According the City’s 5-year IDP, the following seven strategic focus areas have been identified: 1. Shared economic growth and development 2. Sustainable urban infrastructure and services 3. Energy efficiency for a sustainable future 4. Public transport systems 5. Integrated human settlements 6. Safety and security 7. Health, social and human capital development 8. Good governance and regulatory reform Focus areas are very broad and provide little clear guidance. Con – hard to make targeted arguments, Pro – easier to argue for just about anything Nevertheless, links are clearest to areas 2 and 7, less so for areas 1, 3 and 4 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: 4. Select EGS that City has ability to influence through management Revisit EGS and establish level of influence that City does or could have over the value of the EGS This is done to focus on EGS that are ‘controlable’ or at least more easily influenced by City actions Zandvlei is already a relatively intensively managed area Lawned areas, park, sporting and braai areas are particularly actively managed Stands to reason that City has relatively high ability to influence state and value of the area PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: 5. Assess ability of ecosystems to yield a sustainable flow of EGS and prioritise according to risk With continued adequate management, park, braai, sporting area should yield sustainable flow of EGS Assistance in management should be forthcoming from boat club and residents with an interest in keeping the area maintained Water quality is probably area where City could experience most difficulty with regard to management – not as easy to control by comparison to other EGS flows Security risk is not currently particularly high relative to other areas, but remains a risk PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: 6. Choose appropriate valuation techniques and apply PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Linking key EGS to valuation techniques Ecosystem Services Water regulation Natural hazard regulation (floods, etc.) Water purification and waste treatment, assimilation Space for biota to live and reproduce (refugia) Valuation techniques Replacement cost, preventative costs, costs of disaster or system failure Recreation and tourism Provision of inspirational beauty Aesthetic values and sense of place Travel cost, property Educational uses (e.g. school excursions, scientific price / hedonics, research) contigent valuation and Use in cultural and artisitc practices and ceremonies choice experiments Use in religious practices and ceremonies Use in productions (film & events), advertising and publications PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Property value / hedonic approach Property price = function of (property variables, neighbourhood variables, accessibility variables, environmental quality variables) Case study differed from the norm in using both estate agent interviews, and the more conventional statistical technique Focused on the estimation of the effects of the open space on properties in close proximity to the space Homogeneity of areas allowed for the use of less variables. (broader approach often requires aggregation across suburbs and areas within suburbs increasing the risk of misinterpreting local realities) Limited as it does not allow for the capture of the full inf luence of open spaces on property prices at a larger scale such as at suburb level PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Application Commenced by asking agents for their opinion of premium/discount created by the vlei for each row of houses as one moves away from it Sourced detailed property sales data for last four years from Cape Property Services. Data included house prices and characteristics Measured distance to open space using municipal maps Ran regressions using house characteristics and proximity to open space PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Zandvlei results: estate agent interviews Table 1: Property price premiums associated with proximity to Zandvlei generated using estate agent interviews Lakeside Muizenberg Marina Da Gama Total area Number of houses 124 282 923 1329 affected Total premium R1.05 million R3.32 million R87.45million R91.8 million PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Zandvlei results: statistical analysis Proximity to open space was rejected as a candidate independent variable for Muizenberg and Lakeside - not entirely unexpected given small number of observations (14 and 16) A step-wise regression was then performed on the Marina Da Gama data (n = 80) A dummy to indicate whether a house had water frontage was use in favour of distance in meters from the water better results and conformed better to the views expressed by estate agents. PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: R= .82511486, R²= .68081453, Adjusted R²= .66401529 F(4,76)=40.527, p<.00000, Std. Error of estimate: 1474E2 Estimated Standard error T-ratio Variable coefficient of coefficient (76 DF) Water frontage dummy (1 = 131578.4 35577.3 3.698 on waterfront, 0 = not) House size in m2 1453.7 261.4 5.562 Stand size in m2 199.2 108.34 1.839 Number of garages 58104.3 31292.3 1.857 P-level .000408 .000000 .069879 .067212 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Discussion of property value results The results of the statistical analysis compare well with those of the estate agent interviews for Marina Da Gama (R77 million using statistical analysis vs. R87 million using estate agent interviews). Despite insufficient data for statistical analysis in Muizenberg and Lakeside, there is no reason to doubt the views of estate agents that a relationship does indeed exist. Main strength of hedonics is that it derives values from actual market transactions and known trends. However, data can prove inadequate: Lack of properly kept sales records Inadequate number of candidate houses Scarce sales data for areas where the property market is not well-developed or stagnant Estate agent interviews provide a relatively quick and inexpensive way of estimating property price effects without having to comply with the often stringent data requirements of statistical analysis. PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Replacement cost technique Wetlands are widely recognised as particularly important providers of EGS per area – tend to punch above their size Several of these services may save cities significant amounts in terms of the infrastructural costs that they would have had to incur had the natural systems not been present. In the 2001 Open Space Values study three replacement costs techniques were used for determining the equivalent functional value for selected wetlands were used: Estimation of the cost of constructing an artificial wetland, Estimation of the cost of providing the same level of water quality enhancement using a treatment plant; Estimation of the cost of providing for the identified flood storage capacity only, i.e. the construction of a detention pond providing flood storage; PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Replacement cost results Descriptive value based on ecological, functional and social assessment Estimated monetary value per indicated alternative. Values in million R (2000 value) Ecological value Functional value Social value Constructe d wetland Treatment Plant Flood storage Rondevlei High High High 18 36 13 Zandvlei High High High - 180 24 Moderate/ High High High 102.4 165 38 Metro Area and Name Zeekoevlei PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Travel cost technique Focuses on recreational use value Observed behaviour is used to derive a demand curve and to estimate a value (including consumer surplus) for an unpriced environmental good by treating travel costs as a surrogate for value. Less prone to bias than stated preference methods because it estimates the value of an amenity on the basis of the actual behaviour of users. More commonly used to estimate the value of a site where there is no on-site expenditure due to absence of an entry fee, as is the case for Zandvlei. 6000 5000 4000 V isitor days PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Recreational use patterns at Zandvlei 3000 2000 1000 0 Sailing Fishing Picnicking Walking (w ith/out dog) Canoeing BirdBirdKite flying w atching w atching in reserve around vlei Cycling Sw imming Existence, conservation 100 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 0 0 Very valuable 60 Quite valuable 60 Not valuable 80 Very valuable 80 Quite valuable 80 Bequest value Very valuable 100 Quite valuable Open space, view s, aesthetics Not valuable 100 Not valuable PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Relative importance of value categories at Zandvlei PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Relative value of different parts of the Zandvlei area 50 40 30 20 10 0 Nature res erve Park areas Water PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Populations, number of visitors and average travel costs from the six zones used in the Travel Cost analysis Zone Distance by road (km) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Totals Zonal population <1 1-6 6-11 11-16 16-21 >21 18 611 90 070 178 952 99 326 419 407 1 769 397 2 575 763 Sample’s Estimated total number Average Travel Visitors per of visits originating Cost zone from each zone per (Rands per visit) year 54 42 857 0.7 23 18 254 6.1 22 17 460 11.6 9 7 143 18.7 16 12 698 24.0 2 1 587 34.8 126 100 000 Using this survey data a value of R700,000/year was estimated for Zandvlei in 2001 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Contingent valuation method Visitors were asked if they would pay a fee (entry or annual) to make use of Zandvlei, on the understanding that they would be able to influence how this money was spent. Most (85%) respondents were willing to pay an entrance fee. Of those that were not willing, some voiced concern that this might be a council proposal (i.e. not so hypothetical!). The overall average willingness to pay was R6.40 per entry Using a rough estimate of a total of 100 000 visits, this suggests an overall willingness to pay, or recreational use value, of about R640 000 per year. 60 Average%allocation PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Allocation of entrance fee to different management functions 50 40 30 20 10 0 Conserve nature areas Water quality Litter Crime prevention Safety 60 High risk medium risk low risk Water quality 60 50 Good Ok bad 50 % of responses % of responses PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Crime and water quality perceptions at Zandvlei and Zeekoevlei 40 30 20 10 40 30 20 10 0 Zandvlei reserve area Zandvlei park Zeekoevlei Park 0 Zandvlei Zeekoevlei 14 If 100% safe % change (days /year) 14 % change (days /year) PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Change in visitation rate with improved safety and water quality 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 If w ater quality excellent 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Nature area Park Watersports PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Overall results discussion Significant benefits for wide variety of users Property value, travel cost and contingent valuation techniques had areas of overlap Links between management, water quality and security were relatively apparent Valuation technique Present value in 2000 Annual value Property value technique R84 million +/- R6 million Travel cost R10 million R700,000 Contingent valuation R9 million R640,000 Replacement cost R24 million – R180 R2 million – R15 million million PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Area-wide case study: Natural areas and tourism From a wider policy perspective, it is relatively clear that the tourism sector is a cornerstone of economic development in the City and that natural areas play a key role. Growth of eco-tourism shows that nature based activities are an increasingly prominent part of global tourism and that accessible and attractive natural areas are increasing in scarcity Focus of valuation would thus be on contribution of natural areas to the entire tourism sector. Key information required: What is the relative importance of natural areas within the Cape Town tourist package? What proportion of tourist spending can be attributed to natural areas? How can City management affect this number – i.e. what are the management scenarios from total neglect will result in a loss of X to ideal management will result in a gain of Y ? PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Likely approaches and challenges • • • • Determining a defensible estimate of the relative role natural areas play within tourism requires a survey and can probably draw on existing tourist attitudinal surveys, visitor number counts at key sites Unfortunately difficult to trace impact of past management improvements on greater tourism – this kind of information would allow one to argue that money committed to management in the past has resulted in benefits allowing for more confidence with respect to further investment Need to be aware of major role of relatively few sites in attracting tourists (i.e. TMNP, Kirstenbosch will be dominant in value of natural areas in the City) Predictions with regard to the impact of management scenarios will rely on: professional judgement evidence from elsewhere to a large degree (a carefully worded survey may help, but the question is relatively complex and not clear people will be in a position to provide properly thought through responses) PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: Thank you for your attention