Document 10392587


Ecosystem functioning and service delivery through social greening interventions

Pippin Anderson

Work by Gina Avlonitis (Mphil 2011)

Research questions and relevance

• The ideal: to make connections between biophysical attributes relating to ecological functioning and what society values

• This project: to understand whether small-scale social greening interventions materially improve ecological factors

• Questions

– What role do the interactions between social and ecological systems play in determining the ecological functioning of urban environments?

– What is the ecological value of social management / intervention?

• Why bother?

– To potentially inform policy

– Establish how rehabilitation projects in marginalised and often neglected green spaces can empower and benefit people, fauna and flora

• Limitations

What was actually done

• Explored ecological functioning (using indicator measures) of three small-scale interventions in urban greening in the Cape Flats Sand Fynbos in the City of Cape Town

• Picked three fairly different ‘intervention’ sites and three ‘reference’ sites to work on

• Collected abiotic and biotic data at each site

– Vegetation composition (plant cover, species number, functional types)

– Soil moisture and organic content

– Pollinator diversity and numbers

– Interview data on site history and management

Intervention sites

Civic -led intervention

‘Formal’ , scientific intervention

1) Bottom Road


2) Princess Vlei 3) Tokai Park

Reference sites

Degraded High conservation status

1) Vacant Plot

2) Rondevlei Nature


3) Kenilworth


Results: plant cover and species diversity

Bottom Rd Sanctuary

Kenilworth Racecourse

Princess Vlei

Tokai Park

Rondevlei Nature


Vacant Plot

Figure 1 Two dimensional image of the correspondence analysis of the sites sampled by species composition and percentage cover

Results: plant functional diversity

Table 1 The mean values ( ± SD) or total values of plant variables for each site.

Nine functional types:

- annual and perennial herbs;

- annual and perennial grasses;

- geophytes;

dwarf shrubs;

woody shrubs;

succulents ;


Total number of plant functional types

Total species number





Bottom Road


Princess Vlei

Rondevlei Nature


8 7 9

31 25 26

Tokai Park



Vacant Plot






Red Data List species (mean % contribution to overall coverage)

Erica margaritacea-


(1%), Lachnaea grandiflora-VU

(2.5%), Serruria glomerata-VU (1.4%)

Erica verticillata-EW


Lampranthus vernalis-NT


Alien invasive flora (mean

%contribution to overall coverage)

Pennisetum clandestinum (1.25%),

Invasive Rumex sp.

(2.2%), Briza maxima


Lagurus ovatus


Pennisetum clandestinum


Pennisetum clandestinum


Erica verticillata-

EW (2.3%),

Leucodendron coniferum-VU


Erica verticillata-

EW (2.4%), Serruria foeniculacea-CR


Amphithalea imbricata-R (12%)

Acacia sp. (0.9%),

Lagurus ovatus

(0.2%, Briza maxima (7.4%),

Leucadendron levisanus (0.42%)

Acacia sp. (1%),

Briza maxima


Pennisetum clandestinum

(4.7%), Lagurus ovatus (19.3%),

Acacia sp.

(0.24%), Briza maxima (4.8%)



Results: Pollinators

Figure 2 Bar graph representing the total number of insect pollinator species, differentiated into functional groups, collected from 24 hours pan trapping

Results: soil organic and moisture content






Bottom Rd Sanctuary

Kenilworth Racecourse

Princess Vlei

Rondevlei Nature Reserve

Tokai Park

Vacant Plot



0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0%

Moisture Content

2.5% 3.0% 3.5%

Figure 3 Scatter plot representing the relationship between soil moisture content (%) and organic content (%)


Ecological continuum observed- trajectory towards Kenilworth

Racecourse. There IS value in social intervention

The issue of connectivity: the more connectivity in a landscape, the more chance of ecological functioning. Need for more restored areas or well-informed, suburban gardens to form interconnected networks of urban green space

Management dichotomy between the science-orientated and civic-led management becomes clear.

The valuable social dimension of the more civic-led interventions is reinforced, where ecology becomes something everyone can enjoy

Future research directions

• Grow the empirical base for this type of work (re-examination of the vegetation in five years time, explore degrees of connectivity, explore other ecosystem services etc)

• Funding and governmental support for civic-led interventions : a potentially economical way for government to create spaces that integrate both ecosystem services goals and public open space functions

• Greater transdisciplinary efforts between the social and scientific research communities, in conjunction with the users/managers of these urban green spaces is needed
