PUBLICATIONS BY STAFF MEMBERS OF EOARC 1. Weaning weight of calves as related to age of dam, sex, and color. W.A. Sawyer, Ralph Bogart, and M.M. Olufa Technical Paper (Mimeo) 1948 2. The relative influence of age, birth weight, and size of dam on weaning weight of calves. W.A. Sawyer, J.C.R. Li, and Ralph Bogart Technical Paper (Mimeo) 1949 3. Rotation-deferred grazing as compared to season-long grazing on the sagebrush-bunchgrass ranges in Oregon. D.N. Hyder and W.A. Sawyer Journal of Range Manage 4(1) 1951 4. The influence of winter nutrition of range beef cattle production in eastern Oregon. Farris Hubbert and W.A. Sawyer Proceedings Western Section American Society Animal Science Production II 1951 5. A brief report of the 1951 Squaw Butte-Harney Experiment Station Field Day. Farris Hubbert and D.N. Hyder Circular of Information (Mimeo) August 1951 6. 1952 Field Day Report. Station Staff Circular of Information July 1952 7. Controlling big sagebrush with growth regulators. D.N. Hyder JRM 6(2):109-116 March 1953 8. The Stockman's Laboratory -- Field Day Report. W.A. Sawyer, C.S. Cooper, Farris Hubbert, D.N. Hyder, F.A. Sneva Circular of Info. 530 (Mimeo) June 1953 9. Influence of age of meadow hay in beef cow's winter rations following summer grazing on sagebrush-bunchgrass range. Farris Hubbert, P.H. Weswig, J.R. Haag, W.A. Sawyer July 1953 10. Spray to control big sagebrush. D.N. Hyder Station Bulletin 538 January 1954 11. A method for rating the success of range seeding. D.N. Hyder, F.A. Sneva Tech. Paper 829 (Mimeo) March 1954 12. Fertilization of mountain meadows in eastern Oregon. C.S. Cooper, W.A. Sawyer JRM 8(1):20-22 January 1955 1 13. A comparison of trucking and trailing beef cows and calves to and from summer range. Farris Hubbert Journal of Animal Science 14(1) February 1955 14. Rate and efficiency of gains in beef cattle: 3. Factors affecting weight and effectiveness of selection for gains in weight. G.H. Hitchcock, W.A. Sawyer, Ralph Bogart, Lyle Calvin Station Technical Bulletin 34 March 1955 15. Effect of form and rate of active ingredient, spraying season, solution volume, type of solvent on the mortality of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva Station Technical Bulletin 35 April 1955 16. A comparison of Brahman X Hereford crossbreeds with Herefords. Farris Hubbert, E.N. Hoffman, W.A. Sawyer, Ralph Bogart, A.W. Oliver Station Bulletin 549 June 1955 17. 1955 Field Day Report. W.A. Sawyer, C.S. Cooper, W.F. Brannon, R.W. Wheeler, D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva Circular of Information June 1955 a. Cooper, Clee S Mountain meadow improvement studies b. Brannon, Warren F., and Robert W. Wheeler Beef cattle research c. Hyder, Donald N., Forrest Sneva, and Clee S. Cooper Range improvement research 18. More mountain meadow hay. C.S. Cooper Station Bulletin 550 June 1955 19. Soil firming may improve range seeding operations. D.N. Hyder, F.A. Sneva, and W.A. Sawyer JRM 8(4):159-163 June 1955 20. Herbage response to sagebrush spraying. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva JRM 9(1):34-38 January 1956 21. The effect of source, rate, and time of nitrogen application upon the yields, vegetative composition, and crude protein content of native flood-meadow hay in eastern Oregon. C.S. Cooper Agronomy Journal 48:543-545 June 1956 22. Seed- and plant-soil relations as affected by seedbed firmness on a sandy loam rangeland soil. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva Soil Science Society of America, Proc. Vol. 20, No. 3:416-419 1956 23. Chemical control of sagebrush larkspur. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva JRM 9(4):184-186 July 1956 2 24. The effect of carotene intake by Hereford cows on calf growth. R.W. Wheeler and W.A. Sawyer Technical Paper 979 (Mimeo) July 1956 25. The carotene content of stored meadow hay in the Northern Great Basin. J.R. Schubert, Farris Hubbert, W.A. Sawyer, W.F. Brannon and J.R. Haag Technical Paper 987 (Mimeo) July 1956 26. The effect of time and height of cutting on the yield, crude protein content, and the vegetative composition of a native flood meadow in eastern Oregon. C.S. Cooper Agronomy Journal 48:257-258 December 1956 27. Grass is the wealth. E.R. Jackman, W.W. Chilcote, D.W. Hedrick, Gene Lear and D.N. Hyder Extension Bulletin 770 1957 28. The constituent differential method of estimating species composition in mixed hay. C.S. Cooper, D.N. Hyder, R.G. Petersen, and F.A. Sneva Agronomy Journal 49:190-193 April 1957 29. The carotene and vitamin A content of plasma and liver on range Hereford cows and their calves in the Northern Great Basin. R.W. Wheeler, P.H. Weswig, W.F. Brannon, F.E. Hubbert & W.A. Sawyer Journal of Animal Science 16(2) May 1957 30. 1957 Field Day Report. W.A. Sawyer, C.S. Cooper, R.W. Wheeler, D.N. Hyder & F.A. Sneva Circular of Information (Mimeo) June 1957 31. Meadow grazing - 1. A comparison of gains of calves and yearlings when summering on native flood meadows and sagebrush-bunchgrass range. C.S. Cooper, R.W. Wheeler and W.A. Sawyer JRM 10(4):172-174 July 1957 32. The use of the production function and linear programming in valuation of intermediate products. Michael Nelson, E.N. Castle, W.G. Brown, assisted by C.S. Cooper Technical Paper 1051 August 1957 33. A legume for native flood meadows - 1. Establishment and maintenance of white-tip clover (T. variegatum) in native flood meadows and its effect upon yields and vegetative and chemical composition of hay. C.S. Cooper Agronomy Journal 49:473-477 September 1957 34. The influence of ammonium nitrate on the growth and yield of crested wheatgrass on the Oregon high desert. F.A. Sneva, D.N. Hyder Agronomy Journal 50:40-44 January 1958 35. Sagebrush control in Oregon. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva Tech. Paper (mimeo) January 1958 3 36. Ranchers, Ranges, and Cows. E. Cornett, W.A. Sawyer, C.E. Poulton, Joe Johnson, and E.R. Jackman Extension Bulletin 772. March 1958 37. Profitable use of fertilizer on native meadows. Michael Nelson, E.N. Castle, assisted by C.S. Cooper and W.A. Sawyer JRM 11(2):80-83 March 1958 38. Differences among butyl, ethyl, and isopropyl ester formulations of 2,3-D,2,4,5-T and MCPA in the control of big sagebrush. D.N. Hyder, W.R. Furtick, F.A. Sneva Weeds 6(2) April 1958 39. Sagebrush or grass. D.N. Hyder, F.A. Sneva, and W.A. Sawyer Circular of Information 590 June 1958 40. Chemical control of rabbit brush with emphasis upon simultaneous control of big sagebrush. D.N. Hyder, F.A. Sneva, D.O. Chilcote, R.W. Furtick Weeds 6(3) July 1958 41. Response of beef cattle to phosphorus fertilized and unfertilized flood meadow hay with in vitro observations on factors influencing rumen micro-organism activity. Farris Hubbert, R.W. Wheeler, C.S. Cooper, and W.A. Sawyer Tech. Paper 1136 (mimeo) July 1958 42. The effects of low supplementary phosphorus intakes on range cows in the sagebrushbunchgrass region. R.W. Wheeler, Farris Hubbert, W.A. Sawyer, and J.R. Haag Tech. Paper 1137 (mimeo) July 1958 43. Adaptability and yield of eleven grasses grown on the Oregon high desert. C.S. Cooper, D.N. Hyder JRM 11(5):235-237 September 1958 44. Range robbers - undesirable range plants. W.A. Sawyer, Elgin Cornett, D.W. Hedrick, D.F. Costello E.R. Jackman, W.R. Furtick, B.N. Freeman Extension Bulletin 780 December 1958 45. A legume for native flood meadows: Phosphorus fertilizer requirements for maintaining stands of white-tip clover (Trifolium variegatum). C.S. Cooper, A.S. Hunter Agronomy Journal 51:350-352 June 1959 46. Oxytetracycline and high levels of phosphorus in the wintering ration of beef cattle. Farris Hubbert, J.D. Wallace Technical Paper 1238 (mimeo) July 1959 47. The effect of injectable iron and oral oxytetracycline on hemoglobin packed cell volume, and rate of gain of baby range calves. Farris Hubbert and J.D. Wallace Technical Paper 1243 (mimeo) July 1959 4 48. The response of beef cattle to pelleted and coarsely chopped mountain meadow hay with digestibility comparisons. J.D. Wallace and Farris Hubbert Technical Paper 1239 (mimeo) July 1959 49. Growth and carbohydrate trends in crested wheatgrass. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva JRM 12(6):271-276 November 1959 50. Bitterlich's plotless method for sampling basal ground cover of bunchgrass. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva JRM 13(1):6-9 January 1960 51. Beef cattle research at the Squaw Butte Station Livestock. Field Day Report (Mimeo) J.D. Wallace and R.J. Raleigh March 1960 52. Beef Cattle Day. OSU Miscellaneous Paper 92 (Wallace's paper included) May 1960 53. Grass to beef. Station Staff - Circular of Information 602 June 1960 54. The influence of yeast in a high roughage wintering ration for Hereford calves as measured by digestibility and performance. J.D. Wallace and R.J. Raleigh Journal of Animal Science 19:967 1961 55. Research in beef cattle nutrition and management -- A Progress Report. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Miscellaneous Paper 106 March 1961 56. Effect of time of weaning on winter performance of Hereford calves. J.D. Wallace and R.J. Raleigh Technical Paper 1424 June 1961 57. The performance of weaner calves as influenced by low levels of alfalfa in the wintering ration. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Technical Paper 1425 June 1961 58. Evaluation of range and meadow forages at various stages of maturity and levels of nitrogen fertilization. J.D. Wallace, C.B. Rumburg, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society Animal Science June 1961 59. Fertilizer-induced changes in botanical composition, yield and quality of native meadow hay. C.B. Rumburg and C.S. Cooper Agronomy Journal 53:255-258 1961 60. Fertilization on sagebrush-bunchgrass range - A Progress Report. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva Miscellaneous Paper 115 July 1961 5 61. Fertilization on sagebrush-bunchgrass range - A Progress Report. C.B. Rumburg Miscellaneous Paper 116 July 1961 62. Third Annual Beef Cattle Day - A summary of reports, including: "Protein requirements for supplements for wintering range beef calves with meadow hay." R.J. Raleigh Oregon State Univ. Miscellaneous Paper 112 May 1961 63. Wheel-track planting on sagebrush-bunchgrass range. D.N. Hyder, D.E. Booster, F.A. Sneva, W.A. Sawyer, and J.D. Rodgers JRM 14(4):220-224 July 1961 64. Optimum feeding rates for wintering weaner calves. E.N. Castle, J.D. Wallace and Ralph Bogart Technical Bulletin 56 July 1961 65. Utilization of chopped, wafered, and pelleted native meadow hay by weaned Hereford calves. J.D. Wallace, R.J. Raleigh, and W.A. Sawyer Journal of Animal Science 20(4) November 1961 66. Growth characteristics of crested wheatgrass Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Shult., in the big big sagebrush-bluebunch wheatgrass province of southeastern Oregon. D.N. Hyder Abstract of Thesis 22(4): - Order No. 61-3925 June 1961 67. Chemical control of foothill deathcamas. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva JRM 15(1):25-27 January 1962 68. Research in beef cattle nutrition and management - A Progress Report. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Miscellaneous Paper 126 March 1962 69. Estimating herbage production on semiarid ranges in the intermountain region. F.A. Sneva and D.N. Hyder JRM 15(2):88-93 March 1962 70. The influence of iron and copper of hematologic values and on body weight of range calves. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Journal of Vet. Res. 23(93) March 1962 71. Effect of different levels of salt in a cottonseed meal supplement for yearling cattle on crested wheatgrass pasture. J.D. Wallace and R.J. Raleigh Technical Paper 1556 July 1962 72. Response of weaner calves to various levels of protein and energy. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace July 1962 73. Selective control of big sagebrush associated with bitterbrush. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva July 1962 6 74. Susceptibility of big sagebrush and green rabbitbrush to 2,4-D as related to certain environmental, phenological and physiological conditions. D.N. Hyder, F.A. Sneva and V.H. Freed Weeds 10(4) October 1962 75. Winter feeding and management of range calves. J.D. Wallace, R.J. Raleigh, Farris Hubbert, and W.A. Sawyer Station Bulletin 584 August 1962 76. Forecasting range herbage production in eastern Oregon. F.A. Sneva and D.N. Hyder October 1962 77. The response of yearling cattle on crested wheatgrass pasture to energy, protein, and sodium supplementation. J.D. Wallace, Farris Hubbert and R.J. Raleigh Technical Paper 1537 January 1963 78. Research in beef cattle nutrition and management - A Progress Report. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Special Report 145 March 1963 79. Summary of Reports - Fifth Annual Beef Cattle Day. W.A. Sawyer's paper included Special Report 151 May 1963 80. Effect of urea at different nitrogen level on digestibility and on performance of growing steers fed low quality flood meadow roughage. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Journal of Animal Science 22(2):330-334 May 1963 81. A summary . . . Range fertilization studies, 1953-1963. F.A. Sneva OSU Special Report 155 May 1963 82. Relationship among performance traits in young cattle as influenced by nutritional level. J.D. Wallace, R.J. Raleigh, Ralph Bogart, W.A. Sawyer, J.S. Brinks, and R.T. Clark Technical Paper 1674 (OSU) August 1963 83. Relationship among weights of dam and progeny performance. W.A. Sawyer, Ralph Bogart, J.D. Wallace, R.J. Raleigh, J.S. Brinks & R.T. Clark Technical Paper 1975 (OSU) August 1963 84. Effect of supplementation on intake of grazing animals. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Technical Paper 1690 (OSU) August 1963 85. Production of regrowth forage on native flood meadows. C.B. Rumburg Agronomy Journal 55:245-247 July 1963 86. Effect of level of concentrate feeding on heritability of performance traits in cattle. Ralph Bogart, J.D. Wallace, R.J. Raleigh, W.A. Sawyer, August 1963 Technical Paper 1676 (OSU) 7 87. Morphological and physiological factors affecting the grazing management of crested wheatgrass. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva Crop Science 3:267-271. August 1963 88. Raising dryland rye hay. F.A. Sneva and D.N. Hyder Station Bulletin 592 April 1963 89. Studies of six grasses, seeded on sagebrush-bunchgrass range. D.N. Hyder and F.A. Sneva Technical Bulletin 71 April 1963 90. Effect of season of use and grazing systems on nutritional value of forage. R.J. Raleigh PNW Section American Society for Range Management Portland, Oregon Nov. 1963 91. Frequency sampling in sagebrush-bunchgrass vegetation. D.N. Hyder, C.E. Conrad, P.T. Tueller, L.D. Calvin, C.E. Poulton, F.A. Sneva Ecology 44(4):740-746 1963 92. 1964 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Special Report 171 March 1964 93. A summary of alfalfa investigations conducted on the Squaw Butte Experiment Station. F.A. Sneva, C.B. Rumburg, D.N. Hyder Special Report 176 May 1964 94. Digestibility of native flood meadow hay at different stages of growth. R.J. Raleigh, C.B. Rumburg, and J.D. Wallace Technical Paper 1824 June 1964 95. Calf production from Hereford cows wintered at different nutrition levels. J.D. Wallace and R.J. Raleigh Technical Paper 1825 June 1964 96. Performance of calves fed vitamin A with baled and chopped meadow hay. J.D. Wallace and R.J. Raleigh Technical Paper 1825 June 1964 97. Influence of nitrogen on seasonal production of dry matter and nitrogen accumulation from meadows. C.B. Rumburg, J.D. Wallace, and R.J. Raleigh Technical Paper 1706 June 1964 98. Overstory-understory grass seedings on sagebrush-bunchgrass range. D.W. Hedrick, D.N. Hyder, and F.A. Sneva Technical Bulletin 80 November 1964 99. Performance and carotene conversion in Hereford heifers fed different levels of nitrate. J.D. Wallace, R.J. Raleigh, and P.H. Weswig Journal of Animal Science 23(4):1042-1045 November 1964 8 100. 1965 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Special Report 189 March 1965 101. Response of wet meadow vegetation to length and depth of surface water from wild-flood irrigation. C.B. Rumburg and W.A. Sawyer Agronomy Journal 57:245-247 June 1965 102. A comparison of in vitro techniques and their relation to in vivo July values. J.D. Wallace, C.B. Rumburg, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 16 1965 103. Frequency of feeding and urea utilization by ruminants. R. J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 16 July 1965 104. Yield, yield-trend, and response to nitrogen of introduced grasses on the Oregon high desert. F.A. Sneva and D.N. Hyder Special Report 195 July 1965 105. A comparison of carcass and meat characteristics of Hereford and Hereford x Charolais cross steers. W.H. Kennick, J.D. Wallace, R.J. Raleigh, and Lois A. Sather Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 16 1965 106. 1966 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Special Report 210 March 1966 107. Growth and development of replacement heifers wintered with rhythmic changes in feeding. R.J. Raleigh and J.D. Wallace Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 17 March 1966 108. Digestibility of chemically cured range forage. J.D. Wallace, F.A. Sneva, R.J. Raleigh, and C.B. Rumburg Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 17 March 1966 109. Investigations of an alternative method of measuring forage digestibility of ruminants. W. Pryor, R.J. Raleigh, J.D. Wallace, and J. Oldfield Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 17 March 1966 110. Performance of Hereford and Charolais x Hereford crossbred cattle in eastern Oregon. J.D. Wallace, R.J. Raleigh, and W.H. Kennick Station Bulletin 603 July 1966 111. Feeding and management of cattle with a limited feed supply. R.J. Raleigh and W.A. Sawyer Special Report 223 October 1966 112. Ecological response of sagebrush-grass range in central Oregon to mechanical and chemical removal of Artemisia. D.W. Hedrick, D.N. Hyder, F.A. Sneva, and C.E. Poulton Ecology 47:3 June 1966 9 113. Control of big sagebrush associated with bitterbrush in Ponderosa pine. F.A. Sneva and D.N. Hyder Journal of Forestry 64(10):677-680 October 1966 114. 1967 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management. R.J. Raleigh and H.A. Turner Special Report 232 March 1967 115. Protein intake and exercise for pregnant heifers. J.D. Wallace and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 18 July 1967 116. Finishing steers on range. R.J. Raleigh, J.D. Wallace and H.A. Turner Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 18 July 1967 117. Chemical curing of range grasses with paraquat. F.A. Sneva JRM 20(6):389-394 1967 118. 1968 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management. R.J. Raleigh and H.A. Turner Special Report 251 March 1968 119. Chemical curing range forage for fall grazing. R.J. Raleigh, F.A. Sneva, and H.A. Turner Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 19 July 1968 120. Biuret and urea in range cattle supplements. R.J. Raleigh and H.A. Turner Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 19 July 1968 121. Techniques of research in range livestock nutrition. Harris, Lofgreen, Kercher, Raleigh, and Bohman Utah State Univ. Bulletin 471. Reg. Public. December 1967 122. 1969 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. R.J. Raleigh and H.A. Turner Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 270 March 1969 123. Biuret and urea for growing cattle. H.A. Turner and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society Animal Science 20 July 1969 124. Yield and N. concentration of meadow hay fertilized with three N sources. C.B. Rumburg Agronomy Journal 61:824-825 September 1969 125. Symposium on pasture methods for maximum production in beef cattle: Manipulation of both livestock and forage management to give optimum production. R.J. Raleigh Journal of Animal Science 30(1):108-114 January 1970 10 126. 1970 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. March 1970 R.J. Raleigh, H.A. Turner, and R. Phillips Oregon State Univ. Spec. Rep. 288 a. Raleigh, R.J., H.A. turner, and R.L. Phillips Research in beef cattle nutrition and management b. Lesperance A.L. Alfalfa hay for weaner calves 127. Fall calving yields a bumper crop of benefits. R.J. Raleigh Oregon's Agricultural Progress 1970 128. Accumulation and loss of nitrogen during growth and maturation of cereal rye (Secale cereale). C.B. Rumburg and F.A. Sneva Agronomy Journal 62:311-312 May 1970 129. Behavior of yearling cattle on eastern Oregon range. F.A. Sneva JRM 23(3):155-158 May 1970 130. Energy level and N source for fall-calving cows. H.A. Turner, R.J. Raleigh, and R. Phillips Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 21 July 1970 131. Production of fall-born vs. spring-born calves. R.J. Raleigh, H.A. Turner, and R. Phillips Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 21 July 1970 132. Crested wheatgrass and nitrogen. F.A. Sneva Squaw Butte Experiment Station Mimeo September 1970 133. Paraquat - Effects of growing-season application. F. Sneva JRM 23(6):451-452 November 1970 134. 1971 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. R.J. Raleigh, H.A. Turner, and L. Foster Special Report 322 March 1971 a. Foster, Larry, H.A. Turner, and R.J. Raleigh Daily versus alternate feeding of range supplements b. Raleigh, R.J., Turner, H.A, Foster, Larry Management of cattle grazing native flood meadows c. Raleigh, R.J., Larry foster, and H.A. Turner Fall calf production d. Foster, Larry, R.J. Raleigh, and J.A. Turner Energy level and nitrogen source for fall calving cows 11 135. 1972 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. R.J. Raleigh and L. Foster Special Report 352 March 1972 a. Raleigh, R.J., and Larry Foster Creep feeding fall-born calves b. Foster, Larry, and R.J. Raleigh Ralgro and stilbestrol implants for beef cattle. c. Foster, Larry, and R.J. Raleigh The value of quality hay for weaner calves d. Foster, Larry, and R.J. Raleigh The effect of winter gains on summer performance 136. Yield and N accumulation of meadow forage fertilized at advancing maturity with N. C.B. Rumburg Agronomy Journal 64:187 March 1972 137. Herbage yield and intake of grazing steers. William P. Handl and L.R. Rittenhouse Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 23:197 June 1972 138. Reproductive performance of the beef cow: Nutrition effects. R.J. Raleigh and L. Foster Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 23 June 1972 139. Estimation of a performance function for evaluating range improvement investments. A. Gene Nelson and Larry Rittenhouse Technical Paper 3362 1972 140. Grazing return following sagebrush control in eastern Oregon. F.A. Sneva JRM 25(3):174-178 May 1972 141. Paraquat-cured herbage for late season grazing. F.A. Sneva, R.J. Raleigh, and H.A. Turner Journal of Animal Science 36(1):107-113 January 1973 142. Crested wheatgrass response to nitrogen and clipping. F.A. Sneva JRM 26(1):47-50 January 1973 143. 1973 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. Special Report 38 March 1973 a. Foster Larry, R.J. Raleigh, and H.A. Turner A comparison of long vs chopped alfalfa or meadow hay for wintering weaner calves b. Foster Larry, and R.J. Raleigh Nitrogen and energy relationships in wintering steer calves 12 c. Gomm F.B., and Larry Foster Copper and Molybdenum nutrition in pasture management d. Raleigh R.J., and Larry Foster Profit from a short breeding season 144. Wheatgrass response to seasonal applications of two nitrogen sources. F.A. Sneva JRM 26(2):137-139 March 1973 145. Energy level and N source for fall-calving cows. L. Foster and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 24 1973 146. The effect on cows of creep feeding fall-born calves. 1973 Larry Foster and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 24:195-197 1973 147. Stockwater restriction and trailing effects on animal gain, water drunk, and mineral consumption. F.A. Sneva, L.R. Rittenhouse, and Larry Foster Proceedings Water-animal Symposium, Twin Falls, Idaho June 1973 148. The influence of selected climatological parameters on water intake of cattle Larry R. Rittenhouse and Forrest A. Sneva. Proceedings Water-Animal Symposium, Twin Falls, Idaho June 1973 149. Creep feeding of fall-born calves. Larry Foster and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 1973 150. Nitrogen and Paraquat save range forage for fall grazing. Forrest A. Sneva JRM 26(4):294-295 June 1973 151. (See No. 125) Range Forage and Animal Nutrition. R.J. Raleigh Journal of Animal Science 30(1):108-114 (1970) (Reprinted by Range Research and Range Problems - 1973) January 1973 152. 1974 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. Special Report 407 March 1974 a. Foster Larry, and R.J. Raleigh Liquid supplements in beef cattle production b. .Foster Larry, and R.J. Raleigh Ralgro - suckling calves to slaughter c. Kartchner Rex, Larry Rittenhouse, and R.J. Raleigh Relative forage requirements of spring and fall d. Rittenhouse Larry, and William Handl Some implications of early spring turnout 13 153. Feed intake by spring and fall-cow-calf pairs. R.J. Kartchner, L.R. Rittenhouse and R.J. Raleigh Technical Paper 3815 March 1974 154. 1975 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition. Special Report 431 March 1975 a. Kartchner, R.J. Raleigh, and L.R. Rittenhouse Comparative range forage Intake of spring and Fall calving cow-calf pairs. b. Phillips R.L., and M. Vavra Feeding grass straw to wintering beef cows c. Turner H.A. Cow size as related to efficiency d. Phillips R., and M. Vavra Early weaned fall-born calves on irrigated pasture 155. Summer grazing performance of cattle as influenced by water stress and trailing. F.A. Sneva, V.E. Hunter, and L.R. Rittenhouse Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 26:27-28 July 1975 156. A comparison of methods for measuring forage intake. R.J. Kartchner, L.R. Rittenhouse, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 26:155-156 July 1975 157. A comparison of three methods of estimating digestibility for determining intake of grazing cattle. W.P. Handl and L.R. Rittenhouse JRM 28(5):414-416 November 1975 158. Soil ingestion by cattle on semiarid range as reflected by Titanium analysis of feces H.F. Mayland, A.R. Florence, R.C. Rosenau, V.A. Lazar & H.A. Turner JRM 28(6):448-452 November 1975 159. Wintering cattle on grass straw. R.L. Phillips, M. Vavra, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings of Pacific Northwest Nutrition Conference 1975 160. 1976 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. Special Report No. 455. Oregon State Univ., Ag. Experiment Station March 1976 a. Turner H.A., and T.J. Raleigh Improved Efficiency for wintering cows by feeding rumensin b. Peterson, K.J., R.J. Raleigh, R. Shroud, and H.A. Turner Anaplasmosis studies conducted on the Squaw Butte Range c. Vavra, M., R.L. Phillips, and M.M. Wing Weaning management of spring calves on forested ranges d. Vavra M., and R.L. Phillips The performance of induced cryptorchids and steers 14 161. Conditioning cattle to water stress. F.A. Sneva, V. Hunter, and L. Rittenhouse Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 27:240-243 1976 162. Monensin for wintering gestating cows. H.A. Turner and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 27:320-322 1976 163. Flexibility with irrigated pasture. F.B. Gomm and H.A. Turner Rangeman's Journal 3(2):37-38 April 1976 164. Expressing the competitive relationship between Wyoming big sagebrush and crested wheatgrass. L.R. Rittenhouse and F.A. Sneva JRM 29(4):326-327 July 1976 165. Multiple cropping in the western United States. F.B. Gomm, F.A. Sneva, and R.J. Lorenz (Reprinted from Multiple Cropping 103-115) 1976 166. Crested wheat production: impacts on fertility, row spacing, and stage age. F.A. Sneva and Larry R. Rittenhouse Technical Bulletin 35 November 1976 167. Stockwater's effect on cattle performance on the high desert. F.A. Sneva, L.R. Rittenhouse, and V.E. Hunter Station Bulletin 625 January 1977 168. A technique for estimating big sagebrush production. F.A. Sneva, L.R. Rittenhouse, and V.E. Hunter JRM 30(1):68-70 January 1977 169. 1977 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition. Special Report 480. Oregon State Univ. Ag. Experiment Station March 1977 a. Turner, H.A., D.L. Whittington, and R.J. Raleigh Marketing Steers Directly off Grass b. Vavra, M., and R.L. Phillips Feeding Alternatives for Wintering Steer Calves c. Britton C.M., and F.A. Sneva Production and Chemical Attributes of Kochia Prostata d. Phillips, R.L., M. Vavra, and R.J. Raleigh The Effects of Nutrition Level on the Performance of Wintering Cows e. Sneva, Forrest A., and H.A. Turner Paraquat Plus Meadow Equals Winter Grazing 15 170. Bovine anaplasmosis transmission studies conducted under controlled natural exposure in a dermacentor andersoni = (venustus) indigenous area of eastern Oregon. K.J. Peterson, R.J. Raleigh, R.K. Stroud, and R.L. Goulding American Journal of Vet Res. 39(3):351-354 March 1977 (Send reprint requests to Dept. of Vet. Medicine, Oregon State Univ.) 171. Coordinating beef cattle management with the range forage resource. M. Vavra and R.J. Raleigh JRM 29(6):449-452 November 1976 172. Effect of monensin on feed efficiency for maintaining gestating mature cows wintered on meadow hay. H.A. Turner, R.J. Raleigh and D.C. Young Journal of Animal Science 44:338-342 1977 173. Production of slaughter steers from forages in the arid west. H.A. Turner and R.J. Raleigh Journal of Animal Science 44(5):901-907 1977 174. Production of slaughter steers grazing crested wheatgrass and irrigated pasture in eastern Oregon. D.C. Whittington, H.A. Turner, F.B. Gomm, R.J. Raleigh and W.H. Kennick Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 1977 175. Interstation Correlation Coefficients for Oregon. F.A. Sneva Mimeo Report 1977 176. Early growth of Nordan crested wheatgrass and Sherman big bluegrass. L.R. Rittenhouse and F.A. Sneva JRM 30(3):236-237 May 1977 177. Failure of anaplasma marginale theiler to survive natural winter conditions on a Dermacentor andersoni = (Venustus) infested range. K.F. Peterson, R.L. Goulding, and H.A. Turner Rpt. from U.S. Admin. Health Assoc. 80th Annual Meeting 1976 178. Supplementation considerations for beef cattle. H.A. Turner and R.J. Raleigh Special Report 489 July 1977 179. Correlations of precipitation and temperature with spring, regrowth, and mature crested wheatgrass yields. Forrest A. Sneva JRM 30(4):270-275 July 1977 180. A technique for measuring rate of fire spread. C.M. Britton, B.L. Karr, and F.A. Sneva JRM 30(5):395-397 September 1977 181. Soil nitrogen levels in a semiarid climate following long-term nitrogen fertilization. Forrest A. Sneva JRM 30(5):328-330 9/77 16 182. 1978 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. March 1978 Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Report 505 a. Turner ,H.A., and R.J. Raleigh Artificial Insemination Considerations for Beef Cattle a. Holechek, J.L., M. Vavra, J.M. Skovlin, and R.L. Phillips Cattle Performance on Forested and Grassland Range c. Phillips R.L. Winter Management of Weaner Calves d. Turner, h.a., Dale Zobell, and R.J. Raleigh Hay Savings with Monensin 183. Monensin levels and their effect on hay requirements for brood cows. Dale Zobell, H.A. Turner, D.C. Young, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science Vol. 29 1978 184. Evaluation of chromic oxide, lignin, crude fiber, nitrogen, and indigestible dry matter as indicators to determine fecal production and forage intake. D.L. Whittington, H.A. Turner, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science Vol. 29 1978 185. An improved Thiessen grid for eastern Oregon: An interstation correlation study determining the effect of distance, bearing and elevation between stations upon the precipitation correlation coefficient. Forrest A. Sneva and Lyle D. Calvin Agricultural Meteorology 19:471-483 1978 186. The Western Harvester Ants: Their density and hill size in relation to herbaceous productivity and big sagebrush cover. Forrest A. Sneva JRM 32(1):46-47 January 1979 187. 1979 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. Special Report 534. Oregon State Univ. Ag. Experiment Station March 1979 a. Turner H.A., and R.J. Raleigh Ryegrass Straw for Wintering Spring-Calving Cows b. Holechek, J.L., M. Vavra, J.M. Skovlin, and R.L. Phillips Cattle Performance Under Three grazing systems in Northeastern Oregon c. Britton C.M., and F.A. Sneva Effects of Tebuthiuron on a Western Juniper Community d. Phillips, Ralph L. The use of Growth Promotants e. Daugherty, D.A., H.A. Turner, and C.M. Britton Pasture Management for Increased Gains 17 188. Botanical composition of feces from pronghorn antelope grazing the Oregon High Desert. Forrest A. Sneva and M. Vavra Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Pronghorn Antelope Workshop, Jasper, Alberta, Canada May 1978 189. Insect grazers on the cold desert biome. J.A. Kamm, F.A. Sneva, and L.R. Rittenhouse Proceedings of the First International Rangeland Congress pp. 479-483 1978 190. Nitrogen and sulfur impacts on the cold desert biome. Forrest A. Sneva Proceedings of the First International Rangeland Congress pp. 678-680 1978 191. Seasonal diets of five ungulates grazing the cold desert biome. Martin Vavra and Forrest Sneva Proceedings of the First International Rangeland Congress pp. 435-437 1978 192. Temperature-precipitation considerations in eastern Oregon. Forrest A. Sneva Special Report 537 March 1979 193. Forage and animal management implications of spring and fall calving. R.J. Kartchner, L.R. Rittenhouse, and R.J. Raleigh JRM 48(3):425-429 1979 194. Effects of grazing intensity on steer gains. D.A. Daugherty, H.A. Turner, and C.M. Britton Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science Vol. No. 30 1979 195. Net aerial primary production of an Andropogon - Paspalum grassland ecosystem. C.M. Britton, J.D. Dodd, and A.T. Weichert JRM 31(5):381-386 September 1978 196. 1979 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management. Various authors - Special Report 549 June 1979 a. Sneva, F.A. Cool, Clear water - water - water b. Buckhouse, J.C.,and J.M. Skovlin Streambank erosion in a blue mountain stringer meadow in response to livestock and big game grazing management. c. Britton, C.M., and F.A. Sneva Effects of haying and non-use on flood meadow vegetation d. Waller, S.S., D.K. Schmidt, J.L. Stubbendieck, C.M. Britton, and F.A. Sneva Effect of harvest date and drying procedures on germination of Kochia Prostrata (L.) Schrad. e. Miller, R.F., R.R. Findley, and J. Alderfer-Findley Response of understory vegetation in mountain big sagebrush habitat types after spray release 18 f. Champlin, M.R., and A.H. Winward The response of bunchgrasses to prescribed burning in mountain big sagebursh plant communities. g. Britton, C.M., F.A. Sneva, and R.G. Clark Effect of harvest date on five bunchgrasses of Eastern Oregon h. Schmisseur E., and R.F. Miller Anticipated forage responses and economics of fertilizing Eastern Oregon rangelands1/ i. Sneva, F.A., and J.A. Kamm Bugs in the range ecosystem j. Vavra, M., and F.A. Sneva Diets of grazing animals using common range in Eastern Oregon k. Vavra, M., Holechek, J.L., Phillips, R.L. Improved beef production from forested rangelands l. Clark, R.G. and Britton, C.M. Seasonal response of bitterbrush to burning and clipping in Eastern OR m. Krueger, W.C., Bunch, T.R., Killingsworth, K. Herbicides for control of western juniper 197. A bibliography of bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata [Pursh] DC.) annotated from 1967-1978 Robert G. Clark and Carlton M. Britton Station Bulletin 640 July 1979 198. Time and rate of Paraquat application for curing meadow vegetation for winter grazing. Forrest A. Sneva and F.B. Gomm Agronomy Journal 71:634-638 July 1979 199. Climate and agriculture of Malheur-Harney Basin, Oregon. F.B. Gomm Special Report 530 August 1979 200. Irrigated pastures for range livestock. F.B. Gomm Station Bulletin 635 October 1979 201. Alfalfa for hay and pasture in southeastern Oregon. F.B. Gomm Special Report 531 December 1979 202. Management alternatives for native meadowlands. F.B. Gomm Special Report 532 December 1979 203. A feces-urine separator for making total fecal collections from the female bovine. R.J. Kartchner and L.R. Rittenhouse JRM 32(5):404-405 September 1979 19 204. Lithium toxicity in seedlings of three cool season grasses. Forrest A. Sneva Plant and Soil 53(219-223) October 1979 205. A portable burner for evaluating effects of fire on plants. Carlton M. Britton and Henry A. Wright JRM 32(6):475-476 November 1979 206. 1980 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. H.A. Turner, R.J. Raleigh, Lloyd Swanson, and D.A. Daugherty Special Report 574 March 1980 207. Effect of various levels of monensin on efficiency and production of beef cows. H.A. Turner, D.C. Young, R.J. Raleigh, and Dale Zobell Journal of Animal Science 50(3):385-390 1980 208. Growth and development of meadow plants as affects by environmental variables. F.B. Gomm Agronomy Journal 70:1061-1065 December 1978 209. Herbage yield and nitrate concentration in meadow plants as affected by environmental variables. F.B. Gomm JRM 32(4):359-364 September 1979 210. Accumulation of NO3 and NH4 in reed canarygrass. F.B. Gomm Agronomy Journal 71:627-630 August 1979 211. 1980 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management. Special Report 586 June 1980 a. Schmisseur, E., and R.F. Miller Economics of spraying sagebursh b. Hefner, P., R.G. Clark, and C.M. Britton Seasonal flammability of big sagebrush and western juniper foliage c. Britton, C.M., J.E. Cornely, and F.A. Sneva Burning, haying, grazing, and non-use of flood meadow vegetation d. Sneva, F.A., L.R. Rittenhouse, and P.T. Tueller Forty Years - inside and out e. Miller, R.F., Mee, C. Forage quality of cereal aftermath f. Buckhouse, J.C. Mattison sediment potentials and high intensity storms on rangelands g. Leckenby, D.A., Isaacson, D.L. Remote sensing inventory of elk habitat in the Blue Mountains 20 h. Winward, A.H., Rudeen, David P. Sheep and Deer grazing on lodgepole pine plantations i. Sharrow, S.H., Warner, J.R. Rotational grazing for farm flocks j. Wheeler, W.P., Krueger, W.C., Vavra M. The effect of grazing on survival and growth of trees planted in a Northeast Oregon clearcut k. Krueger, W.C., Vavra, M., Wheeler, W.P. Plant succession as influenced by habitat type, grazing management, and Reseeding on a Northeast Oregon clearcut l. Vavra, M., Krueger, W.C., Wheeler, W.P. Cattle grazing potential on clearcuts m. Daugherty, D.A., Britton, C.M., Turner, H.A. Grazing management of crested wheatgrass range for yearling steers n. Malin, L., Bedell, T.E. Federal land use policy: improving citizen participation project- an overview 212. Yield and crude protein concentration in forage species and cultivars adapted to Oregon improved meadowlands. F.B. Gomm Special Report 593 July 1980 213. Range vs. feedlot finishing. I. Performance and carcass quality of fall-born steers finished on forage with limited grain. D.A. Daugherty, H.A. Turner, W.H. Kennick, E.A. Elgasim, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 31, pp 139-142 1980 214. Range vs. feedlot finishing. II. Performance and carcass quality comparison of feedlot and limited grain finishing of fall-born steers. D.A. Daugherty, H.A. Turner, D.C. Church, and W.H. Kennick Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol 31, p. 143-146. 1980 215. The effects of cow nutrition, creep feeding, and weaning time on weaning performance of fallborn calves. D.A. Daugherty, H.A. Turner, R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 31, p. 147-150 1980 216. Effect of ronnel on weight gain of yearling heifers on range. H.A. Turner and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 31, p. 155-156 1980 217. Crown temperature of Whitmar wheatgrass as influenced by standing dead material. Forrest A. Sneva JRM 33(4):314-315 July 1980 21 218. The Squaw Butte Experiment Station: Its Development, Program, and Accomplishments. W.A. Sawyer Special Report 599 September 1980 a. Sawyer, W.A., and Ralph S. Besse The Squaw Butte Experiment Station: Its development, program, and Accomplishments 219. Chromic oxide in range nutrition studies. R.J. Raleigh, R.J. Kartchner, and L.R. Rittenhouse Station Bulletin 641 September 1980 220. Effects of Tebuthiuron on western juniper. C.M. Britton and F.A. Sneva JRM 34(1):30-32 January 1981 221. 1981 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. Special Report 609 March 1981 222. a. Turner, H.A., and D.G. Wooten Rumensin and ralgro alone and in combination for growing-finishing steers and growing heifers b Lanka, K.E., and M. Vavra Selenium supplementation in selenium-deficient regions c. Turner, H.A., and R.J. Raleigh Winter feed needs of fall-calving cows d. Berry, T.J., and M. Vavra The influence of grazing systems and advance in season on the diet and performance of yearling cattle. e. Raleigh, R.J., and H.A. Turner Grass-fat beef - Myth or reality 1981 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management. Special Report 620 June 1981 a. Britton, C.M., and F.A. Sneva Effect of fire on herbaceous yield of sagebrush-bunchgrass rang b. Sharrow, S.H. Effects of early spring grazing on Yamhill Wheat yield c. Hilken, T.O., and M. Vavra Food habits of deer and cattle grazing in common on a sagebrush-bunchgrass range in Northeast Oregon. d. Snider, M.D., and R.F. Miller The effect of tractor logging on understory production in Eastern Oregon’s Blue Mountains. e. Warner, J.R., and S.H. Sharrow Rotational forward grazing of sheep on improved pastures 22 f. Bohn, C., and J.C. Buckhouse Interpreting coliform counts in Northeast Oregon rangeland streams g. Buckhouse, J.C. Infiltration, runoff, and sediment yield in relation to Mount St. Helens ash deposition 223. The efficacy of an estradiol-silicone rubber removable implant in suckling, growing, and finishing steers. H.A. Turner, R.L. Phillips, M. Vavra, and D.C. Young Journal of Animal Science 52(5):939-944 1981 224. Will your sagebrush range burn? C.M. Britton, R.C. Clark, and F.A. Sneva Rangelands 3(5):207-208 October 1981 225. Mt. St. Helens Ash: Considerations of its fallout on rangelands. F.A. Sneva, C.M. Britton, H.F. Mayland, J. Buckhouse, R. Evans, J. Young, and M. Vavra Special Report 650 February 1981 226. 1982 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. Special Report 653 March 1982 a. Turner, H.A., and R.J. Raleigh Compudose® - A new growth-promoting implant b. Lanka, K.E., and M. Vavra The effects on gain of feeding selenium to cows and calves and injection selenium in calves c. Raleigh, R.J., and H.A. Turner The range beef cattle production system d. Haferkamp, M.R., F. A. Sneva, and R.F. Miller Revegetation within the St. Helens ash fallout zone 227. Monensin and zeranol alone and in combination for growing-finishing steers and growing heifers. D.G. Wooten, H.A. Turner, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, 31:139-142 1980 228. Correlation of environmental factors with nitrate concentration in meadow plants. F.B. Gomm JRM 33(3):223-228 1980 229. 1982 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management. Special Report 663 January 1982 a. Bedell, T.E., monte Heintz, and W.e. Schmisseur Some characteristics of grant and Harney County beef cattle ranches dependent on federal grazing b. krueger, William C., and Thomas R. Bunch Improvements in herbicidal control of sagebrush and rabbitbrush 23 c. Miller, R.F., P.S. Doescher, S.R. Swanson, T.J. Svejcar, J.C. Buckhouse, F.A. Sneva and A.H. Winward Soil-plant relationships among three big sagebrush subspecies d. Buckhouse, J.C., and D.A. Bolognani Hydrologic response following rangeland improvement practices in Eastern Oregon e. Motazedian, I., and S.H. Sharrow Effect of defoliation frequency on growth of improved pasture in Western Oregon f. Sharrow, S.H. Effect of grazing management on diet and weight gains of sheep grazing annual grass-clover pasture 230. Grazing management of crested wheatgrass range for yearling steers. D.A. Daugherty, C.M. Britton, and H.A. Turner JRM 35(3):347-350 May 1982 231. Comparison of Estradiol-17 and Zearalonol on rate of gain in steers on pasture. H.A. Turner, D.C. Young, and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 33 1982 232. Chemical composition of the diet, intake, and gain of yearling cattle on different grazing intensities. M. Vavra, R.W. Rice, and R.E. Bement Journal of Animal Science 36(2):411-414 1973 233. 1974 Progress Report--Beef Cattle Research-Eastern Oregon Exp. Sta., Union. Special Report 408 March 1974 a. Vavra, M., and R.F. Miller Quality of the diet and intake of steers grazing a forest clearcut b. Miller, Richard F., and William C. Krueger Summer use by cattle on foothill rangelands in Northeastern Oregon c. Phillips, R.L., M. Vavra, and J.A. B. McArthur Feeding grass straw to wintering beef cows d. Vavra, M., J.A.B. McArthur, and M.M. Wing The performance of induced cryptorchids and steers 234. Effects of dam, sire, and birth type on lamb production. R.L. Phillips, M. Vavra, and J.A.B. McArthur Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS 25 1974 235. Artificial rearing of lambs. M.M. Wing, R.L. Phillips, and M. Vavra Special Report 477 February 1977 236. The effects of age at first lambing on production and longevity of Columbia and Targhee Ewes. W. Hohenboken, M. Vavra, R. Phillips, and J.A.B. McArthur Technical Bulletin 138 May 1977 24 237. Ewe lamb conception as an indicator of future production in farm flock Columbia and Targhee Ewes. J.M. Levine, M. Vavra, R. Phillips, and W. Hohenboken Journal of Animal Science 46(1):19-25 1978 238. A comparison of esophageal fistula and fecal material to determine steer diets. M. Vavra, R.W. Rice, and R.M. Hansen JRM 31(1):11-13 January 1978 239. Winter diets of elk and deer in the Blue Mountains, Oregon. Jon Skovlin and Martin Vavra Research Paper PNW-260 1979 1980 Progress Report -- Beef Cattle and Range Resources. Special Report 583 1980 240. a. Buckhouse,John Watershed considerations in land resource planning b. Krueger, Bill How a forest affects the forage crop c. Kellems, R.O. Utilization of liquid supplements with ryegrass straw d. Hohenboken, William D. Beef cattle breeding at Oregon State Univ. e. Wilburn, Rich The Oregon range validation project from a rancher’s view point f. Laycock, W.A. Selection of appropriate grazing systems– A vital part of rangeland resource management planning. g. Hall, Frederick C. Taking an ecological approach to multiple use planning. h. Obermiller, Frederick W. The local costs of public land use restrictions i. Work, Lewis M. The need for cooperative land use planning j. Isley, Arleigh Coordinated resource planning 241. The effect of pre-calving energy level on cow performance. R.L. Phillips and M. Vavra Special Report 582 April 1980 242. Factors influencing microhistological analysis of herbivore diets. M. Vavra and J.L. Holechek JRM 33(5):371-374 September 1980 25 243. Diet quality and performance of cattle on forest and grassland range. J.L. Holechek, M. Vavra, and J. Skovlin Journal of Animal Science 53(2) 1981 244. Deer and elk use on foothill rangelands in northeastern Oregon. R.F. Miller, W.C. Krueger, and M. Vavra JRM 34(3):201-204 May 1981 245. The effect of slide and frequency observation numbers on the precision of microhistological analysis. J.L. Holechek and M. Vavra JRM 34(4) July 1981 246. Cattle diets in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. I. Grasslands. J.L. Holechek, M. Vavra, J. Skovlin, and W.C. Krueger JRM 35(1):109-112 January 1982 247. Meadow forage production as influenced by fertilization in a dry year. F.B. Gomm JRM 35(4):477-479 July 1982 248. Copper supplementation of young cattle grazing improved meadow pastures in southeastern Oregon. F.B. Gomm, P.H. Weswig, and R.J. Raleigh JRM 35(4):515-518 July 1982 249. Mortality of bitterbrush after burning and clipping in eastern Oregon. Robert C. Clark, Carlton M. Britton, and Forrest A. Sneva JRM 35(6):711-714 November 1982 250. Forage intake by cattle on forest and grassland range. Jerry L. Holechek and Martin Vavra JRM 35(6):737-741 November 1982 251. Cattle diet and daily gains on a mountain riparian meadow in northeastern Oregon. J.L. Holechek, M. Vavra, and J. Skovlin JRM 35(6):745-747 November 1982 252. Comparison of micro- and macro-digestion methods for fiber analysis. J.L. Holechek JRM 35(6):799-801 November 1982 253. Relation of precipitation and temperature with yield of herbaceous plants in eastern Oregon. F.A. Sneva Int. J. Biometeor. 26(4):263-276 1982 254. Manipulation of flood meadow vegetation and observations on small mammal populations. J.E. Cornely, C.M. Britton, and F.A. Sneva Prairie Naturalist 15(1):16-22 March 1983 255. 1983 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management. Special Report 678 March 1983 a. Turner, H.A., and R.J. Raleigh Preliminary results of a study designed to test the effect of implants on replacement heifers. 26 b. Haferkamp, M.R., R.F. Miller, and F.A. Sneva Enhancing late season forage quality of crested wheatgrass? c. Miller, Richard F. Crested wheatgrass and bluebunch wheatgrass: How they cope with grazing d. Vavra Martin, and Tony Svejcar Improved cattle production on forestlands 256. 1983 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management. Special Report 682 June 1983 a. Buckhouse J.C., and C.C. Bohn Response to coliform bacteria concentration to grazing management b. Miller, R.F., P.S. Doescher, T.J. Svejcar, and M.R. Haferkamp Growth and water relations of three big sagebrush species c. Ganskopp,David,C., and Martin Vavra Home range size and habitat use by wild horses d. Young, Richard P., and Richard F. Miller Effects of prescribed burning on bottlebrush squirreltail e. Leininger W.C., and S.H. Sharrow Sheep and timber: Are they compatible? f. Rhodes, B.D., and S.H. Sharrow Effect of sheep grazing on big game habitat in Oregon’s coast range g. Eddleman, L.E. Some ecological attributes of western juniper h. Sneva, Forrest A., H.F. Mayland, and M. Vavra Soil ingestion by ungulates grazing a sagebrush-bunchgrass range in Eastern Oregon. i. Sneva, Forrest A. Diurnal variation of nitrogen in flood meadow vegetation j. Krueger, W.C., and M. Vavra Responses of herbaceous vegetation, planted trees, and cattle on a forest plantation 257. Relationships between performance, intake diet nutritive quality and fecal nutritive quality of cattle on mountain range. J.L. Holechek, M. Vavra, and D. Arthun JRM 35(6):741-744 November 1983 258. Nitrogen fertilization effects on the essential oils in sagebrush. F.A. Sneva, A. Winward, and R.G. Kelsey Northwest Science 57(2):224-118 1983 259. Drought effects on diet and weight gain of yearling heifers in northeastern Oregon. J.L. Holechek and M. Vavra JRM 36(2):227-231 March 1983 27 260. Effect of soil contamination on the mineral composition of forage fertilized with nitrogen. H.F. Mayland and F.A. Sneva JRM 36(3):286-288 March 1983 261. Germination characteristics of two varieties of Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. S.S. Waller, C.M. Britton, D.K. Schmidt, J. Stubbendieck, and F.A. Sneva JRM 36(2):242-245 March 1983 262. Adjusting and forecasting herbage yields in the intermountain sagebrush region of the steppe province. Forrest Sneva and C.M. Britton Station Bulletin 659 August 1983 263. A comparison of four methods used to determine the diets of large herbivores. Michael L. McInnis, Martin Vavra, and William C. Krueger JRM 36(3):302-306 May 1983 264. Fistula sample numbers required to determine cattle diets on forest and grassland ranges. J.L. Holechek and M. Vavra JRM 36(3):323-326 May 1983 265. Nitrogen yield in reproductive organs of crested wheatgrass. Forrest A. Sneva Northwest Science 57(3):224-228 1983 266. The concentration and composition of big sagebrush essential oils from Oregon. Rick G. Kelsey, William E. Wright, Forrest A. Sneva, Al Winward, and Carlton Britton Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 11(4):353-360 1983 267. Big sagebrush control with tebuthiuron. C.M. Britton and F.A. Sneva JRM 36(6):707-708 November 1983 268. Effects of soil moisture on burned and clipped fescue. C.M. Britton, R.G. Clark, and F.A. Sneva JRM 36(6):708-710 November 1983 269. 1984 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition. Special Report 714 1984 a. Turner, H.A., R.F. Angell, and M.R. Haferkamp Strip grazing rake-bunched hay and standing forage as alternatives to wintering cows on baled hay b. Ganskopp, David, and Martin Vavra Use of slopes by cattle in rugged terrain c. Miller, R.F., Haferkamp, M.R., Angell, R.F. Defoliation effects on forage growth d. Angell, R.F., R.F. Miller, and M.R. Haferkamp Defoliation effects on nutritive value e. Haferkamp, M.R., R.F. Miller, and F.A. Sneva Effects of Mefluidide 28 270. 1984 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management. Special Report 715 1984 a. Buckhouse, John C. Riparian shrubby vegetation protection against herbivore grazing b. Miller, Richard F. Water use by western juniper c. Bedell, Thomas E., and tamzen Stringham Forage sources for Eastern Oregon cattle ranches with federal grazing permits d. Haferkamp, Marshall R., Richard F. Miller, and Forrest A. Sneva Seeding rangelands with a rangeland imprinter in Eastern Washington and Southeastern Oregon. e. Krueger, William C., and Martin Vavra Twentieth-Year results from a plantation grazing study. f. Carlson, Deirde H., Steven H. Sharrow, and Denis P. Lavender Agroforestry: Optimizing livestock and forest productivity g. Schrumpf, Barry J., and Paul S. Friedrichsen Remote sensing technology and materials for use in extension programs 271. The Concentration and Composition of Big Sagebrush Essential Oils From Oregon R. G. Kelsey, W. E. Wright, F. Sneva, A. Winward, C. Britton Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 11(4): 353-360 1983 272. The effect of zeranol and monensin on reproductive performance of spring-born replacement heifers. H.A. Turner and R.J. Raleigh Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 35 1984 273. Impact of pre-sowing treatment, temperature and seed coats on germination of velvet bundleflower . M.R. Haferkamp, D.C. Kissock, and R.D. Webster JRM 37(2):185-188 1984 274. Changes in protected and grazed sagebrush-grass in eastern Oregon, 1937 to 1974. Forrest A. Sneva, L.R. Rittenhouse, P.T. Tueller and P. Reece Station Bulletin 663 September 1984 (PUBLICATION AVAILABLE ONLY AT OREGON STATE Univ.) 275. Shoot growth and development of Alamo switchgrass as influenced by mowing and fertilization. M.R. Haferkamp and T.D. Copeland JRM 37(5):406-412 September 1984 276. Soil chemical patterns under eastern Oregon plant communities dominated by big sagebrush. Paul S. Doescher, Richard F. Miller, and Alma H. Winward Soil Science of America Journal 48(3):659-663 June 1984 277. Response of Sitanion Hystrix (Nutt.) J.G. to prescribed burning. Richard P. Young and Richard F. Miller American Midland Naturalist 113(1):182-187 1985 29 278. Effects of moisture and temperature on germination of Idaho fescue. Paul Doescher, Richard Miller, and Alma Winward JRM 38(4):317-320 July 1985 279. Effect of N fertilizer on protein content of grain, straw, and chaff tissue in soft white winter wheat. D.M. Glenn, A. Carey, F.E. Bolton, and M. Vavra Agronomy Journal 77:229-232 March 1985 280. The influence of several range improvements on estimated carrying capacity and potential beef production. Tony Svejcar and Martin Vavra JRM 38(5):395-399 September 1985 281. Long-term effects of monensin supplementation on productive and reproductive performance of beef cows. H.A. Turner and D.C. Young Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 36:82-85 1985 282. Effects of tractor logging on soils and vegetation in eastern Oregon. Michael D. Snider and Richard F. Miller Soil Science Society of America Journal 49:1280-1282 1985 283. 1985 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management. M.R. Vaitkus, et al. Special Report 743 June 1985 284. Seasonal forage production and quality on four native and improved plant communities in eastern Oregon. T. Svejcar and M. Vavra Ag. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. 149, Oregon State Univ. September 1985 285. Winter nutrition of fall-calving cows and calves. H.A. Turner and R.J. Raleigh Ag. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. 665, Oregon State Univ. October 1985 286. Forage utilization by grazing. R.J. Raleigh and H.A. Turner Second Intermountain Meadow Symposium. Colorado State University and University of Wyoming Ag. Exp. Sta. Special Series #34 1984 287. Diets and live weight changes of cattle grazing fall burned Gulf cordgrass. R.F. Angell, J.W. Stuth, and D.L. Drawe JRM 39(3):233-236 May 1986 288. Habitat use by feral horses in the Northern Sagebrush Steppe. D. Ganskopp and M. Vavra JRM 39(3):207-211 May 1986 289. 1986 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management. Special Report 773 June 1986 a. Krueger W.C., and M. Vavra The Hall Ranch 30 b. Miller, Richard F., Drueger, William C. and Vavra, Martin Twelve years of plant succession on a seeded clearcut under grazing protection from cattle c. Doescher Paul S., and Mabel Alejandro Grazing as an alternative silvicultural practice. d. Jaindl, Raymond, and Steven H. Sharrow Forest grazing: Willamette valley plots revisited 20 years later e. Rose , Jeffrey, and Lee Eddleman Ponderosa pine and understory vegetation response to western juniper removal. f. Schrumpt Barry J., and william J. Ripple Monitoring elk impacts in the subalpine of Mount Rainier National Park g. McInnis, Michael L., Thomas M. Quigley, and Martin Vavra Using computer simulation to estimate grazing capacity and beef production h. Previous rangeland management progress reports 290. Insect predation on Astragalus filipes and A. purshii seeds. B.A. Youtie and R.F. Miller Northwest Science 60(1):42-46 1986 291. Comparative water relations of Carex geyeri and Calamagrostis rubescens. T. Svejcar Botanical Gazette 147(1):71-77 1986 292. Managing grazing animal response to forestland vegetation. M. Vavra From: Forestland Grazing, Proceedings of a Symposium held February 23-25, 1983 293. Oregon State Univ. Beef Cattle Day and Board Meeting. H.A. Turner, et al. 5/86 294. Ecology and plant communities of the riparian area associated with Catherine Creek in northeastern Oregon. J. Boone Kauffman, W.C. Krueger and M. Vavra Oregon State Univ. Technical Bulletin 147 1985 295. Cattle use on summer foothill rangelands in northeastern Oregon. R.F Miller and W.C. Krueger Journal of Range Manage. 29(5):367-371 September 1976 296. Economics of range fertilization in eastern Oregon. E. Schmisseur and R. Miller Agricultural Experiment Station Circular of Information 673 October 1978 297. Changes in mountain big sagebrush habitat types following spray release. R.F. Miller, R.R. Findley, and J. Alderfer-Findley JRM 33(4):278-281 July 1980 31 298. Nitrogen-sulfur relations in Nordan crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) and its response to nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer. Forrest A. Sneva In: Johnson, K.L. (ed.). 1986. Crested Wheatgrass: Its Problems and Myths; Symposium Proceedings. Utah State Univ., Logan. 1986 299. Manipulative grazing of plant communities. Martin Vavra In: Gudmundsson, O. (ed.). 1986. Grazing Research at Northern Latitudes. Plenum Publishing Corp. 1986 300. Prescribed fire for eastern Oregon rangelands: management considerations. E. Schmisseur and R. F. Miller Circular of Info. 699. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta., Corvallis. September 1985 301. Tolerances of sagebrush, rabbitbrush, and greasewood to elevated water tables. D.C. Ganskopp JRM 39(4):334-337. July 1986 302. Estimating leaf area of big sagebrush from measurement of sapwood. D.C. Ganskopp and R.F. Miller JRM 39(4):338-340. July 1986 303. Identification of the Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis/festuca idahoensis habitat type in eastern Oregon. P.S. Doescher, R.F. Miller, S.R. Swanson, and A.H. Winward Northwest Science 60(1):55-60. 1986 304. Gonandtropin releasing hormone-induced release of luteinizing hormone during the milk ejection reflex in the postpartum beef cow. J.R. Jaeger, H.A. Turner, and F. Stormshak Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 37:33-35. 1986 305. Factors associated with dystocia in beef heifers. M.L. McInnis, H.A. Turner, and R.F. Angell. Proceedings, Western Section ASAS, Vol. 37:162-165 1986 306. Summer diets of domestic sheep grazing mountain meadows in north eastern Oregon. M.L. McInnis and M. Vavra Northwest Science 60(4):265-270. 1986 307. The ecology and management of bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum): A review. R.F. Miller, J.M. Seufert, and M.R. Haferkamp Station Bulletin 669. Ag. Exp. Sta. OSU, Corvallis. 1986 308. Breed and heterosis effects on wool and lamb production of rotationally crossed ewes. C. Gallivan, W.D. Hohenboken and M. Vavra Journal of Animal Science 64:43-49. 1987 309. Dietary relationships among feral horses, cattle, and pronghorn in southeastern Oregon. M.L. McInnis and M. Vavra JRM 40(1):60-66. January 1987 32 310. Grazing system influences on cattle performance on mountain range. J.L. Holechek, T.J. Berry, and M. Vavra JRM 40(1):55-59 January 1987 311. Slope use by cattle, feral horses, deer, and bighorn sheep. D. Ganskopp and M. Vavra Northwest Science 61(2):74-81 1987 312. 1987 Progress Report . . . Research in beef cattle nutrition and management. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 801 May 1987 a. Turner, H.A. Utilizing rake-bunched hay for wintering mature cows b. Tinsley, I.J., P.D. Whanger, and J.B.J. van Ryssen Plasma levels of vitamin E and Vitamin A in cattle raised over a one year period on the Squaw Butte and Union Stations. c. Whanger, P.S., J.BJ van Ryssen, H.A. Turner, and I.J. Tinsley Influence of routine management practices at Burns and Union, Oregon, on selenium, copper, zinc and cobalt status of cattle. d. van Ryssen J.B.J. Aspects of livestock production in South Africa 313. Nitrogen - sulfur relations in Nordan crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) and its response to nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer. F.A. Sneva In: Johnson, K.L. (ed.). 1986. Crested wheatgrass: its values, problems and myths; symposium proceedings. Utah State Univ., Logan 1986 314. Growth of introduced temperate legumes in the Edwards Plateau and south Texas plains. E.C. Holt and M.R. Haferkamp JRM 40(2):132-135 March 1987 315. Forage kochia germination response to temperature, water stress, and specific ions. J.T. Romo and M.R. Haferkamp Agronomy Journal 79:27-30 1987 316. Effects of osmotic potential, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride on germination of greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus). James T. Romo and Marshall R. Haferkamp Great Basin Naturalist 47(1):110-116 January 1987 317. Establishing grasses by imprinting in the northwestern United States. M.R. Haferkamp, D.C. Ganskopp, R.F. Miller, F.A. Sneva, K.L. Marietta and D. Couche In: Frasier, G.W. and Evans, R.A. (eds.) Proceedings of Symposium "Seed and Seedbed Ecology of Rangeland Plants" April 1987 318. 1987 Progress Report . . . Research in Rangeland Management. Special Report 803 June 1987 a. Eddleman Lee E. Ecology of western juniper 33 b. Miller, Richard F., and Raymond F. Angell Competition for soil moisture by woody species in the juniper zone c. Rose, Jeffrey A., and Lee E. Eddleman Western juniper, Ponderosa pine, and grass d. Buckhouse, John C. Watershed management in the juniper zone e. McInnis Michael L., and Martin Vavra Beef cattle production on western juniper rangelands 319. Short Duration Grazing. Raymond F. Angell Proceedings of the Short Duration Grazing and Current Issues in Grazing Management Shortcourse, Kennewick, Washington 1986 320. Gonadotropin releasing hormone-induced secretion of luteinizing hormone during the milkejection reflex in the postpartum beef cow. J.R. Jaeger, H.A. Turner, and Fredrick Stormshak Journal of Animal Science 65:543-547 1987 321. Development and longevity of ephemeral and perennial leaves on Artemisia tridentata Nutt. spp. Wyomingensis. R.F. Miller and Leila M. Shultz Great Basin Naturalist 47(2):227-230 April 1987 322 . Mefluidide effects on forage quality of crested wheatgrass. M.R. Haferkamp, R.F. Miller, and F.A. Sneva Agronomy Journal 79(4):637-641 1987 323. Water relations and leaf morphology of Juniperus occidentalis in the Northern Great Basin. Richard F. Miller and Leila M. Shultz Forest Science 33(3):690-706 1987 324. Systems for reducing dependency on harvested forage for wintering cows. H.A. Turner and R.F. Angell Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 38, pp. 197-200 1987 325. Relationship of western juniper stem conducting tissue and basal circumference to leaf area and biomass. R.F. Miller, L.E. Eddleman, and R.F. Angell The Great Basin Naturalist 47(3):349-354 July 1987 326. Drilling versus imprinting for establishing crested wheatgrass in the sagebrush-bunchgrass steppe. M.R. Haferkamp, D.C. Ganskopp, R.F. Miller, and F.A. Sneva JRM 40(6):524-530 November 1987 327. Comparison of water use of Artemisia tridentata spp. Wyomingensis and Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus spp. viscidiflorus. R.F. Miller JRM 41(1):58-62 January 1988 34 328. Environmental factors affecting plant productivity. Marshall R. Haferkamp In: (R.S.White and R.E. Short eds.) Achieving Efficient Use of Rangeland Resources, Fort Keogh Research Symposium, Miles City, Montana Feb. 1988 329. Range Research Areas in the Western United States. William A. Laycock, Administrative Assistant to WRCC-40 M.R. Haferkamp, P.O. Currie, J. Menke, and B. Zamora, editors Agricultural Experiment Station, OSU, Station Bulletin 671 May 1988 330. Comparative water relations in Artemisia tridentata Nutt. subsp. wyomingensis and Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. J.T. Romo and M.R. Haferkamp Journal of Arid Environments 15:53-64 1988 331. Mineral and vitamin status of steers under various management practices in eastern Oregon as determined by hepatic, plasma and hair samples H.A. Turner, P.D. Whanger, J.B.J. van Ryssen and I.J. Tinsley. Proceedings Western Section, ASAS, Volume 39, 82-85 1988 332. Defoliation of Thurber needlegrass: herbage and root responses. D. Ganskopp JRM 41(6):472-476 November 1988 333. Water relations of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis and Sarcobatus vermiculatus in the steppe of southeastern Oregon. J.T. Romo and M.R. Haferkamp American Midland Naturalist 121:155-164 1989 334. Supplement to SB 659: Adjusting and forecasting herbage yields in the intermountain big sagebrush region of the steppe province. F.A. Sneva Oregon State Univ. Agricultural Experiment Station, Station Bulletin 673 April 1989 335. Modeling: Three approaches to predicting how herbivore impact is distributed in rangelands. Mark Stafford Smith New Mexico State Univ., Agricultural Exp. Station Research Rpt. 628 The Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station was a cooperating agency June 1988 336. Executive summary - Joint HVDC agricultural study. Robert J. Raleigh OSU and Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration February 1989 337. Implications of Dietary Overlap to Management of Free-Ranging Large Herbivores. M. Vavra, M. McInnis and D. Sheehy Proceedings, Western Section ASAS, Vol 40:489-495 1989 338. A definitive study of the dose-response relationship of tetronasin in steers on pasture. H.A. Turner and J.H. Bailie Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 40:113-115 1989 35 339. Supplementation with injectable zinc, copper and selenium and the effects on average daily gain and plasma levels of weaned steers. T.O. Dill, H.A. Turner, D.W. Weber, and P.H. Whanger Proceedings, Western Section ASAS, Vol. 40:377-380. 1989 340. Correcting for differential digestibility in microhistological involving common coastal forages of the Pacific Northwest. D.M. Leslie, Jr., Martin Vavra, Edward E. Starkey, and Ron C. Slater Journal of Wildlife Management 36:700-732. 1983 341. Variability of crude protein in crested wheatgrass at defined stages of phenology. Raymond F. Angell, Richard F. Miller and Marshall R. Haferkamp JRM 43(3):186-189 May 1990 342. Clipping date effects on soil water and regrowth in crested wheatgrass. Richard F. Miller, Marshall R. Haferkamp, and Raymond F. Angell. JRM 43(3):253-257. May 1990 343. Power requirements of an imprinter and rangeland drill. Dale E. Wilkins, Marshall R. Haferkamp, and David C. Ganskopp. JRM 43(3):274-275. May 1990 344. An assessment of cow winter feeding regimes using a net energy based biophysical-economic simulation model. J.D. Bates, H.A. Turner, and F.W. Obermiller Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, 41:137-140 1990 345. Effects of zinc, copper and selenium supplementation on the humoral immune system of weaned steers. T.O. Dill, H.A. Turner, D.W. Weber, D.E. Mattson, and R.J. Baker Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS 41:399-401 1990 346. Effects of Nitrogen Availability on Growth and Photosynthesis of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis. P.S. Doescher, R. F. Miller, J. Wang, and Jeff Rose Great Basin Naturalist 50(1): 9-19 1990 347. Common concerns and shared interests: Research potentials in Oregon for the Great Basin range and forests. Convened by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Report of a meeting April 1990 348. Considerations for Rangeland and Livestock During Drought. R. Angell, D. C. Ganskopp, L. Hammond, R. F. Miller, T. DelCurto, H. A. Turner, and Martin Vavra 1990 349. Predicting beef cattle stocking rates and live weight gains on Eastern Oregon rangelands: Description of a model. M.L. McInnis, T.M. Quigley, M. Vavra and H.R. Sanderson Simulation 137-145 September 1990 350. Effects of a high-voltage direct-current transmission line on beef cattle production. R.F. Angell, M.R. Schott, R.J. Raleigh and T.D. Bracken Bioelectromagnetics 11:273-282 1990 36 351. Response of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis and Stipa thurberiana to nitrogen amendments. R.F. Miller, P.S. Doescher and J. Wang Amer. Midl. Nat. 125:104-113 1991 352. Nutritional and managerial considerations for range beef cattle production. H.A. Turner and T. DelCurto Beef Cattle Nutrition Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Animal Practice March 1991 353. Behavior of cattle in pens exposed to + 500 KV DC transmission lines. D. Ganskopp, R. Raleigh, M. Schott, and T.D. Bracken Applied Animal Behavior Science 30:1-16 1991 354. Understory Vegetation Response to Increasing Water and Nitrogen Levels in a Pinus ponderosa Forest in Northeastern Oregon. G. M. Riegel, R.F. Miller and W.C. Krueger Northwest Science 65(1):10-15. 1991 355. Urea-ammoniation and (or) Supplementation Strategies to Improve the Nutritive Value of Tall Fescue Straw for Beef Cattle Production. T. DelCurto, R.K. Barton, P.R. Cheeke and H.A. Turner Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS Vol. 42. 1991 356. Humoral Immune System Response to Copper and Selenium Supplementation in Weaned Beef Steers. T.O. Dill, H.A. Turner, D.W. Weber, D.E. Mattson, R.J. Baker and P.D. Whanger Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS Vol. 42 1991 357. OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report. SR 878. 1991 a. Davis, S.L. Serum growth hormone-binding protein in domestic animal b. DelCurto, T., R.K. Barton, P.R. Cheeke, and H.A. Turner Ammoniation and (or) supplementation of tall fescue straw for beef cattle production. c. Dill, T.O., H.A. Turner, D.W. Weber, D.E. Mattson, and R.J. Baker Effects of zinc, copper, and selenium supplementation on the humoral immune system of immune system of weaned steers d. Kwansa, W., D.C. England, and C.Y. Hu The effect of nutritional manipulation on pre-and postnatal response by the sow and her offspring e. Meyer H.H., and K.S. West Effects of ewe mating condition and post-mating nutrition on embryo survival f. Swanson L.V. Effect of dietary protein degradability on fertility of dairy cattle g. Gamroth M.J. NCALC- A software program for balancing manure resource use 37 h. Gamroth M.J. High performance milking parlors i. Zollinger, W.A., G.R. White, and g. Colyer Purchasing and managing young bulls j. Albro, J.D., D.W. Weber, and T. DelCurto The use of soybean protein supplements with low quality roughage for growing beef calves k. DelCurto, T., S.D. Brandyberry, R.K. Barton, and R.F. Angell Alfalfa supplementation of beef cattle grazing winter sagebrush-steepe range forage l. DelCurto, T., M.M. Stamm, M.R. Horney, and R.K. Barton Utilizing grass seed residues as a winter feedstuff for beef cattle m. N.E. Forsberg OSU research in muscle biology n. Holtan, D.W. Studies on the pregnant mare and newborn foal o. Thompson, J.M., F. Stormshak, J.M. Lee, and D. Hess Endocrine responses of ewe lambs exposed to a 500 kv a-c transmission line p. Thompson, J.M. Effect of late gestation supplementation of multiple bearing ewes on lamb birth weights, survival and weaning weight. 358. Influence of Protein Supplements on the Intake and Utilization of Low-Quality Roughages Tim DelCurto 1991 359. Effects of Strip Versus Continuous Grazing on Diet Parameter and Performance of Steers Grazing Eastern Oregon Native Flood Meadows D.K. Blount, R.F. Angell, H.A. Turner, and D.W. Weber The Professional Animal Scientist 7(2) July 1991 360. Management in the Sagebrush Steppe. (Special Report 880). 1991. a. Winward, Al A renewed commitment to management of sagebrush grasslands b. Miller, Richard F., Paul Doescher, and Teal Purrington Dry-west cycles and sagebrush in the great basin c. Miller, Patsy Using past climatic data to estimate effects of predicted climate change on temperature and precipitation in South Central Oregon d. McInnis, Michael L., Larry L. Larson, and Richard F. Miller Grazing management strategies to control weeds e. Angell, Raymond F., Martin Vavra, and David Ganskopp Season effects on cattle diet quality 38 f. DelCurto, Tim, Raymond Angell, Roxane Barton, Jeff Rose, and Shane Bennett Alfalfa supplementation of beef cattle grazing winter sagebrush-steppe range forage g. Ganskopp David How finicky are cattle about wolf plants? h. Miller, Richard F., and Jeff A. Rose Responses of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) growth and carbon allocation to fall defoliation 360a. Failures in the Assumptions of the Condition and Trend Concept for Management of Natural Ecosystems Tony Svejcar and Joel R. Brown Rangelands 13(4), August 1991 361. Competition for Resources Between Understory Vegetation and Overstory Pinus Ponderosa in Northeastern Oregon G.M. Riegel, R.F. Miller, and William Krueger Ecological Applications 2(1), pp. 71-85 1992 362. Growth and carbon allocation of Agropyron desertorum following autumn defoliation R.F. Miller and J.A. Rose Oecologia (1992) 89:482-486 363. Is The Range Condition Concept Compatible With Ecosystem Dynamics? Tony Svejcar and Joel Brown Symposium, 1992 Annual Meeting of Society of Range Management 364. Response of cattle to cured reproductive stems in a caespitose grass David Ganskopp, Ray Angell and Jeff Rose JRM 45(4):401-404, July 1992 365. Bunchgrass basal area affects selection of plants by cattle David Ganskopp and Jeff Rose JRM 45(6):538-541 November 1992 366. Effects of Zeranol and Monensin on Reproductive Performance of Replacement Heifers T.O. Dill, H.A. Turner, and D.W. Weber Professional Animal Scientist 8:30-35, March 1992 367. Factors Associated with Dystocia in Beef Heifers H.A. Turner, M.L. McInnis, R.F. Angell, and D.W. Weber Professional Animal Scientist 8:43-47, September 1992 368. Mineral Status of Steers in Eastern Oregon J.B.J. Van Ryssen, P.D. Whanger, H.A. Turner, I.J. Tinsley, and J.E. Oldfield Professional Animal Scientist 7:37-45 December 1991 369. Livestock and Big Game Forage Relationships Martin Vavra Rangelands 14(2), April 1992 370. Nutrient composition of whitetop M.I. McInnis, L.L. Larson, and Richard Miller Journal of Range Manage. 46(3):227-231. May 1993 39 371. Labeling of Forages with 13C for Nutrition and Metabolism Studies T.J. Svejcar, M.B. Judkins, and T.W. Boutton Journal of Animal Science 71:1320-1325 1993 372. Range Field Day Report: Livestock and Forest Renewal: Research in Rangeland Management Dept. of Rangeland Res. OSU, Corvallis, OR. June 12, 1993. Rangeland Science Series #2 373. a. Sharrow, S.H. Agro forestry systems for Western Oregon hill lands b. Doescher, P.S. Prescription grazing to increase tree growth. c. Krueger, W.C., and M. Vavra Grazing forest plantations d. Rieger, G., R. Miller, and W.C. Krueger Competition between understory and overstory vegetation in a Ponderosa Pine forest in Northeastern Oregon EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923 Agricultural Experiment Station, OSU. June, 1993 a. Miller, R., T. Tibbs, and M. Vavra Understory response to thinning Ponderosa pine in Northeastern Oregon b. Purrington, T., R. Miller, P. Doescher, and J. Rose Wyoming big sagebrush: Coping with drought c. Miller, R., and J. Rose The historic expansion of western juniper in Southeastern Oregon d. Miller, R., T. Svejcar, J. Rose, and M. McInnis Growth, plant water relations and carbon allocation of heart-podded hoary cress (cardaria draba (L.) desv.) e. Angell, R.F., and R.F. Miller Simulation of leaf conductance and transpiration in western juniper f. Ganskopp, D., B. Meyers, and S. Lambert Black-tailed Jackrabbit selection of 8 forages available for reclaiming great basin rangelands g. Ganskopp, D., R. Angell, and J. Rose Wolf-Plants: How finicky are cattle about old growth in standing forage? h. H.A. Turner Effects of reducing dystocia on heifer productivity i. Angell, R., H.A. Turner, and D. Blount Diet and performance of steers grazing Eastern Oregon native flood meadows j. Stamm, M., T. DelCurto, M. Horney, K. Brandyberry, and R. Barton Nutritional quality of grass seed residues harvested for livestock feed in Western Oregon 40 k. Stamm, M., T. DelCurto, M. Horney, S. Brandyberry, and R. Barton Influence of alkaloid concentration of tall fescue straw on the nutrition, physiology and subsequent performance of beef steers l. Horney, M., T. DelCurto, M. Stamm, R. Barton, and S. Brandyberry Early-vegetative meadow hay versus alfalfa hay as a supplement for cattle consuming low-quality roughages m. Rose, J., R. Miller, and T. Svejcar Vegetation change in response to 56 years of livestock exclusion n. Barton, R., T. DelCurto, S. Brandyberry, M. Stamm, and M. Horney Physical modification and/or supplementation strategies to improve the feeding value of tall fescue straw for beef cattle o. Brandyberry S., T. DelCurto, and R. Angell Physical form and frequency of alfalfa supplementation for beef cattle winter grazing northern great basin rangelands p. DelCurto T., R. Barton, K. Brandyberry, and S. Brandyberry The influence of supplementation strategies on digestion and performance of beef cattle being fed tall fescue straw q. Vavra, M., L. Bryant, C. Ballard, and W. Titus Ongoing studies at the Starkey Experimental Forest r. Fajemisin, B., M. Vavra, T. DelCurto, and D. Ganskopp Potential of goats as brush control agents s. Sheehy,D., M. Vavra, T. Tibbs, and R. Slater Big game and cattle interrelationships and their influence on biological resources, seasonal rangeland and agricultural land in Northeastern Oregon t. Brandyberry, S., T. DelCurto, R. Barton, K. Paintner, and K. Brandyberry Effects of early spring grazing of rangelands used in winter grazing programs in the Northern Great basin u. Brandyberry, S., T. DelCurto, R. Barton, K. Brandyberry, and K. Paintner Environmental influences on nutritional physiology and performance of beef cattle winter grazing Northern great basin rangelands v. Brandyberry, S., T. DelCurto, R. Barton, K. Brandyberry, and K. Paintner Year and season effects on diet quality of beef cattle grazing Northern Great Basin rangelands 374. The grass seedling: When is it established? R.E. Ries and T.J. Svejcar JRM. 44(6):574-576 November, 1991 375. Growth and nutrition of combinations of native and introduced plants and mycorrhizal fungi in a semiarid range J.D. Trent, A.J. Svejcar, and G.J. Bethlenfalvay Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 45 13-23. 1993 41 376. Effects of Reducing Dystocia on Heifer Productivity H.A. Turner and G.L. Farnsworth Proceedings Western Section ASAS Vol 44. OSU Tech. Paper #10159, Eastern Oregon Agric. Res. Ctr. 1993 377. Black-tailed Jackrabbit Preferences for Eight Forages Used for Reclamation of Great Basin Rangelands D. Ganskopp, B. Meyers, and S. Lambert Northwest Science, Vol.67, No. 4, April, 1993 378. Effect of low densities of senescent stems in crested wheatgrass on plant selection and utilization by beef cattle D. Ganskopp, R. Angell, and J. Rose Applied Animal Behaviour Science 38:227-233. 1993 379. Simulation of Leaf Conductance and Transpiration in Juniperus occidentalis Ray Angell and Rick Miller Forest Science, Vol. 40. 1, February 1994 380. Influence of Alkaloid Concentration of Tall Fescue Straw on the Nutrition Physiology, and Subsequent Performance of Beef Steers Michele Stamm, T. DelCurto, M.R. Horney, S.D. Brandyberry, & R.K. Barton OSU Tech. paper 10,156, Eastern Oregon Agric. Res. Ctr. 1993 380a. Effects of Early Spring Grazing of Rangelands used in Winter Grazing Programs in the Northern Great Basin. S.D. Brandyberry, T. DelCurto, R.K. Barton, K.J. Painter, and Kelly Brandyberry Proc. WSASAS, Vol. 44, pp. 223-226. 1993 381. Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-Induced Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone in Postpartum Beef Heifers Maintained on Two Planes of Nutrition Before and After Breeding S. Leers-Sucheta, P.K. Chakraborty, K.F. Rowe, H.A. Turner, and F. Stormshak OSU Tech. paper 10,289, Oregon Agric. Exp. Sta. December 1993 382. Mineral and vitamin interactions of steers in a Mediterranean climate J.B.J. van Ryssen, P.D. Whanger, H.A. Turner, I.J. Tinsley Livestock Production Science 30(1994)107-115 July 1993 383. Field Day Report. Special Report #935. Management of Great Basin Rangelands. 1994 a. Svejcar Tony History and mission of the Squaw Butte Experiment Station b. Angell, Raymond, Tim DelCurto, and Roxane Barton Fall defoliation of Bluebunch wheatgrass: Tiller growth and development c. Barrington, Mack R., Douglas E. Johnson, Norman R. Harris, and Kirby M. Krueger A digital evaluation model and associated GIS data bases of the Northern Great Basin Experiment range. d. Bates, Jon, Rick Miller, and Tony Svejcar Understory plant succession following cuttings of Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) woodland on Steens Mountain, Oregon. 42 e. Borman Michael M. Climate change, biodiversity, and native plant restoration on the sagebrush steppe: The vegetation diversity project. f. Ganskopp David, and Ruben Cruz Selective grazing among improved varieties of grasses by beef cattle, Black-tailed jackrabbits, and Angora goats. g. Eddleman, L.E. Broadcast seeding as a means of restoring depleted Western Juniper woodland. h. Larson, Larry, Michael McInnis, and Gary Kiemnac Yellow Starthistle invasion and management. i. Rose, Jeffrey A., Richard F. Miller, and Tony Svejcar Vegetation and livestock exclusion in the sagebrush steppe. j. Cruz Ruben, and David Ganskopp Beef cattle forage preferences: Native grasses and crested wheatgrass. k. Brandyberry, Steve, Tim DelCurto, and Raymond Angell Winter grazing as a grazing management program for Northern Great Basin Rangelands. l. Wolf, Donald, W. and John C. Buckhouse Land-use and nonpoint source phosphorus pollution in the Dairy-McKay Hydrologic Unit area of the Tualatin River Basin, Oregon m. Svejcar, Tony, Dave Pacioretty, Kara Paintner, Steve Beverlin, and Dave Ganskopp Stand establishment from seeded native grasses n. Rose, Jeffrey A., and Richard F. Miller Range 14- Vegetation change 384. Ponderosa Pine and Understory Growth Following Western Juniper Removal Jeffrey A. Rose and Lee E. Eddleman Northwest Science, Vol. 68, No. 2, 1994 385. Plant Development, Water Relations, and Carbon Allocation of Heart-Podded Hoary Cress Richard F. Miller, Tony J. Svejcar, Jeffrey A. Rose, and Michael L. McInnis Agronomy Journal 86:487-491. 1994 386. Holocene Changes in Semiarid Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Richard F. Miller and Peter E. Wigand BioScience Vo. 44 No. 7. August 1994 387. Mycorrhizal Colonization, Hyphal Lengths, and Soil Moisture Associated with Two Artemisia Tridentata Subspecies. James D. Trent, Tony J. Svejcar, and Robert R. Blank The Great Basin Naturalist 54(4), pp. 291-300. August 1994 387a. Western Juniper Woodlands: 100 Years of Plant Succession Rick Miller, Jeffrey Rose, Tony Svejcar, Jon Bates, and Kara Paintner USDA - For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-258: pp 5-8. August 1994 43 388. Evaluation of a positive conditioning technique for influencing big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata subspp. wyomingensis) consumption by goats. Lesley M. Richman, Douglas E. Johnson, Raymond F. Angell Applied Animal Behaviour Sci. 40(1994) 229-240 March 1994 388a. Interactions of Riparian Zones and Grazing as Related to Water Quality. Tony Svejcar and Robert Blank Proc. 2nd Ann. Intermountain Ag. Conference, Feb 8-10, 1994, Klamath Falls, Oregon 389. Historic Expansion of Juniperus Occidentalis (Western Juniper) in Southeastern Oregon. Rick Miller and Jeffery A. Rose Great Basin Naturalist 55(1)37-45. January 1995 390. Gas Exchange and water relations of Lemmon's willow and Nebraska sedge. Tony J. Svejcar and James D. Trent JRM 48:121-125. March 1995 391. EOARC, Annual Report, 1995. (Special Report 948) June 1995 a. Svejcar, Tony, and Roger L. Sheley Alternative approaches to rangeland management b. Rose, Jeff, and Rick Miller Changes in an ungrazed Wyoming big sagebrush plant community over three years of different rainfall c. Miller, Rick, Tony Svejcar, Lee Eddleman, Jon Bates, Kara Paintner, and Jeff Rose Western Juniper woodland program d. Angell, Ray, Dave Nixon, and Roxane Barton Drought effects on Southeastern Oregon native meadows e. Sheehy, Dennis P., William Krueger, and John Williams Enhancing upland rangelands to mitigate impact of ungulate grazing on critical watersheds f. Sheehy, Dennis P. Ungulate management to enhance a grazed seasonal rangeland ecosystem g. Sheehy, Dennis P. Calibrating nutrient content of elk diets using near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS) Techniques h. Turner, Harley A., and P.D. Whanger Mineral status of steers in Eastern Oregon i. Angell, Ray, Roxane Barton, and Tim DelCurto Energy Supplementation for cattle grazing native meadows j. Nunn, Calvin, Harley A. Turner, and Dan Drake Effect of selenium on feed efficiency of steers wintered on selenium deficient hay k. Nunn, Calvin, Harley A. Turner, Phillip Whanger, and Robert Van Saun Effect of vitamin E and selenium injections on scours, plasma copper concentration, and immune status of newborn beef calves 44 l. DelCurto, Tim, Teena Tibbs, and Roxane Barton The influence of physical modification and supplementation strategies of grass seed straw on beef cattle intake, feed efficiency, and performance m. DelCurto, Tim, Christiph Weder, Tony Svejcar, Roxane Barton, and Alison Early The influence of supplemental alfalfa quality on the intake and utilization of low-quality roughage by beef cattle with varying levels of protein requirements n. Sheehy, Dennis P., and Ron Slater Applying grazing management strategies to mitigate elk impacts on agricultural land o. Ganskopp, David, and Ruben Cruz I’m new here, what’s good to eat?: Naive cattle and new forages 392. EOARC, Field Day Report, 1995. (Special Report 951) June 1995 a. Tibbs, Teena M., T. DelCurto, M. McInnis, A.R. Tiedemann, and T.M. Quigley Influence of electronic diversion from riparian areas on livestock grazing behavior nutritional physiology, stress physiology, and performance b. Johnson, Doug E., N.R. Harris, S. du Plessis, and T.M. Tibbs Mapping and analysis of Catherine Creek using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) c. Kauffman, J. Boone An ecological basis for the management and recovery of riparian zones d. Buckhouse, John C. Lessons learned concerning livestock in riparian zones and the associated uplands of rangeland watersheds 393. Free-ranging angora goats: left- or right-handed tendencies while grazing? David Ganskopp Applied Animal Behavior Science 43:141-146. January 1995 394. Technology Transfer: Who Uses Information About Rangelands and Why? Tony Svejcar, Joel Brown, and Mike Connor Rangelands 17(3), June 1995 394a. Rangeland can improve with grazing Kathryn Barry Stelljes Ag Research 43(9) September 1995 395. Ungulate foraging areas on seasonal rangeland in northeastern Oregon. Dennis P. Sheehy and Martin Vavra JRM 49(1)16-23. January 1996 396. Preferences of Angora goats for eight selections of grasses used for reclamation of Great Basin rangelands. D. Ganskopp, L. Richman, D. Johnson, R. Angell, R. Cruz Small Ruminant Research 19:103-112. January 1996 45 397. The Effects of Aboveground and Belowground Competition on Understory Species Composition in a Pinus ponderosa Forest. Gregg M. Riegel, Richard F. Miller, and William C. Krueger Forest Science, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 864-889. November 1995 398. Soil Genesis and Morphology of a Montane Meadow in the Northern Sierra Nevada Range R.R. Blank, T.J. Svejcar, and G.M. Riegel Soil Sciences Vol. 160, No. 2, pp. 136-152. August 1995 399. Cattle Grazing a Riparian Mountain Meadow: Effects of Low and Moderate Stocking Density on Nutrition, Behavior, Diet Selection, and Plant Growth Response. S.A. Huber, M.B. Judkins, L.J. Krysl, T.J. Svejcar, B.W. Hess, and D.W. Holcombe Journal of Animal Science 73:3752-3765. August 1995 400. Potential for woody plant control by Spanish goats in the sagebrush steppe B. Fajemisin, D. Ganskopp, R. Cruz, M. Vavra Small Ruminant Research 20:99-107. August 1995 401. Sustainability of Animal Production Systems: An Ecological Perspective. M. Vavra Journal of Animal Science 1996. 74:1418-1423. February 1996 402. The Influence of Energy Supplementation on Performance, Digestive Kinetics and Intake of Cattle Grazing Native Flood Meadows in Eastern Oregon. R. Angell, R. Bailey, and T. DelCurto Proceedings Western Section ASAS Vol. 46, August 1995 403. What Are Working Groups and Why Should Scientists Be Involved Tony Svejcar Weed Technology. 1996. 10:451-454 June 1996 404. Improving Elk Habitat Characteristics with Livestock Grazing M. Vavra and D. Sheehy Rangelands 18(5), October 1996 405. Streamside Vegetation Regrowth After Clipping G. Sheeter and T. Svejcar Rangelands 19(1)30-31. February 1997 406. Relationships among variables indexing selective grazing behavior of goats D. Ganskopp, R. Cruz, and B. Fajemisin Applied Animal Behaviour Science 51 (1997) 75-85. February 1997 407. Crested wheatgrass and shrub response to continuous or rotational grazing. R. F. Angell JRM 50(2):160-164 March 1997 408. Management of Perennial Pepperweed (tall whitetop). Special Report 972. April 1997 a. Sheley, Roger Integrated weed management 46 b. Blank Robert, and James Young Influence of invasion of perennial Pepperweed on soil properties c. Wotring, Shay, Debra Palmquist, and James Young Perennial Pepperweed rooting characteristics d. Birdsall, Jenny, Chuck Quimby, Tony Svejcar, and James Young Potential for Biocontrol of perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.) e. Cox, Taylor Perennial Pepperweed Idaho f. Young, James, Debra Palmquist, and Robert blank Herbicidal control of perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifoloum) in Nevada g. Baker, J.L. (Lars) Control of perennial Pepperweed in Wyoming h. Kilbride, Kevin, Fred Paveglio, David Pyke, Margaret Laws, and Joel David Use of integrated pest management of restore meadows infested with perennial Pepperweed at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Southeastern Oregon. i. Reid, Chad r., B. Allen Rasmussen, and Steven Dewey Managing perennial Pepperweed in Uintah County, Utah j. Svejcar Tony Proceedings summary and suggestions for future work. 409. Gas exchange of Idaho fescue in response to defoliation and grazing history P.S. Doescher, T.J. Svejcar, and R.G. Jaindl JRM 50:285-289. 1997 410. EOARC, Field Day Report, 1997. Special Report 979 The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments. a. McInnis, Michael L., and Martin Vavra Dining out: Principles of range cattle nutrition b. Angell, Raymond Mixing and matching: Grazing wet meadows and desert range c. DelCurto, Tim, and Martin Vavra Management of beef cattle for economic sustainability: A review of research d. Willis, Mitchell J. Livestock systems complementary or compatible with wildlife e. Ganskopp, Dave, Ruben Cruz, Tony Svejcar, Jerry Farstvedt, and Fred Taylor Selective livestock grazing: A tool for vegetation management f. Eddleman, Lee E. Sustainable restoration 47 g. Miller, Rick, and Jeff Rose Fire history and juniper expansion in Southeastern Oregon. h. Svejcar, Tony, Herman Mayeux, and Raymond Angell The rangeland carbon flux project 411. Riparian Zones: 1) What Are They and How Do They Work? Tony Svejcar Rangelands 19(4):4-7. 1997 412. Riparian Zones: 2) History and Human Impacts Tony Svejcar Rangelands 19(4)8-12. 1997 413. Short and Long-Term Reproductive Responses of Heifers Fed Different Nutritional Regimes Pre-and Post-Breeding. Shelby Filley, R.K. Bailey, H.A. Turner, and T. DelCurto Proceedings, Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 47:273-276. Oregon Ag. Exp. Sta. Tech Paper 10:971 1996 414. The Rangeland Carbon Dioxide Flux Project Tony Svejcar, Herman Mayeux, and Ray Angell Rangelands 19:16-18. October 1997 415. Preferences and behavior of cattle grazing 8 varieties of grasses David Ganskopp, Bill Myers, Scott Lambert, and Ruben Cruz JRM 50(6):578-586 November 1997 416. Succession Rangeland Weed Management R.L. Sheley, T.J. Svejcar, B.D. Maxwell, and J.S. Jacobs Rangelands 18:155-159 August 1996 417. An Ecological Perspective of Livestock Grazing Martin Vavra Proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal Production Under Grazing. Universidade Federal de Vicosa, M.G., Brazil. pp. 333-348. 1998 418. Spatial pattern of gas exchange for montane moist meadow species Tony Svejcar and Gregg M. Riegel Journal of Vegetation Science 9:85-94 1998 419. Thurber needlegrass: Seasonal defoliation effects on forage quantity and quality David Ganskopp JRM 51(3):276-281 May 1998 420. Seasonal preferences of steers for prominent northern Great Basin grasses Ruben Cruz and David Ganskopp JRM 51(5):557-565 September 1998 421. Public Land and Natural Resource Issues Confronting Animal Scientists and Livestock Producers. Martin Vavra Proceedings of the “Role of Animal Science in Natural Resource Management”, 87th ASAS Annual Mtg, July 1995 48 422. Special Report 994: A Catherine Creek Study - Perspectives, 1995-1998. September 1998 a. Johnson, D.E., N.R. Harris, S. du Plessis, and T.M. Tibbs Mapping and analysis of Catherine Creed using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) b. Li, H.W., J. B. Kauffman, R.L. Beschta, and B.A. McIntosh The relationship of cattle and salmon redds at Catherine Creek: A scientific assessment. c. Johnson, D.E., N.R. Harris, T.M. Ballard (formerly Tibbs) An update on the Catherine Creek Riparian study 423. Understory Patterns in Cut Western Juniper (Juniperus Occidentalis SPP. Occidentalis Hook.) Woodlands. Jon Bates, Richard Miller, Tony Svejcar Great Basin Naturalist 58(4), pp. 363-374 1998 424. A chamber design for measuring net CO2 exchange on rangeland. Ray Angell and Tony Svejcar JRM 52:27-31 January 1999 425. Range Field Day - 1998: Meadow Ecology and Management a. Angell, Dr. Ray Working with Meadow Foxtail: Fertilization and Livestock Grazing b. Svejcar, Dr. Tony Perennial Pepperweed (Tall Whitetop). Sharrow , Dr. S.H., and Mr. D.E. Kuntz Subalpine Green Fescue Community Ecology: Reaction to Defoliation c. Stringham, Dr. Tamzen Meadow Ecology and Hydrology 426. EOARC Annual Report - 1998: Special Report 991 a. Miller, Rick, Tony J. Svejcar, and Jeffrey Rose Woodland Succession: Structure, composition, and Thresholds b. Miller, Rick, and Jeffrey Rose Pre- and Post-Settlement fire return Intervals on Intermountain Sagebrush Steppe c. Miller, Rick, and Wendy Waichler Old Growth Juniper Woodlands d. Bates, Jon D., Miller, Richard F. Miller, and Tony J. Svejcar Understory Dynamics in a Cut Juniper Woodland (1991-1997) e. Bates, Jon D., Tony J. Svejcar, Rick Miller, Ray Angell, and Roxane Bailey Influence of Precipitation Timing on Sagebrush/Bunchgrass Vegetation f. Angell, Ray and Tony J. Svejcar Measuring Carbon Dioxide flux on Sagebrush Range 49 g. Cruz, Ruben, David Ganskopp, and Martin Vavra Modeling Habitat Preferences of Cattle on Eastern Oregon Rangelands h. Ganskopp, Dave, and Ruben Cruz How Efficient are Cattle in Rugged Terrain?: GIS Analysis of Livestock Trails i. Decorate, Marni L., Patrick A. Momont, Timothy DelCurto, Neil R. Rimbey, John A. Tanaka, and Michael McInnis Offstream Water and Salt as Management Strategies for Improved Cattle Distribution and subsequent Riparian Health j. Angell, Ray, and Roxane Bailey Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Meadow Foxtail Hay k. Bailey, Roxane, and Martin Vavra Forage Quality of Round Bales Stacked Different Ways l. Weder, Christoph, Tim DelCurto, Tony Svejcar, John Jaeger, and Roxane Bailey The Influence of Supplemental Alfalfa Quality on the Intake, Use, and Subsequent Performance of Beef Cattle Consuming Low-Quality Roughages m. Jaeger, John, Fred Stormshak, Tim DelCurto, and Kenneth Fite Melatonin to Induce Puberty in Virgin Heifers n. Jaeger, John R., Kenneth Fite, and Tim DelCurto Postpartum Prostaglandin Administration Before Estrus Synchronization to Improve First Service Conception Rate and Pregnancy Rate o. Jaeger, John R., Kenneth Fite, and Tim DelCurto Evaluation of days postpartum on efficacy of estrus synchronization and artificial insemination. p. DelCurto, Tim, Allison Earley, Tammy May, and Wade Nichols Comparison of bambermycins, lasalocid, and momensin on the nutritional physiology of beef cattle consuming concentrate and forage base diets q. DelCurto, Tim, Harley Turner, and Ron Slater Comparison of biuret, cottonseed meal, and corn gluten meal barley mixtures as protein supplements for prepartum beef cattle consuming tall fescue straw. r. Sheehy, Dennis P., Robert Lewis, and Douglas Johnson Transitory habitat in eastside industrial forests. s. Sheehy Dennis P., and Ronney Slater Improvement of elk habitat in the North Grande Ronde Valley. t. Willis Mitchell J., and Richard F. Miller Importance of western juniper communities to small mammals. 427. Selective differences between naive and experienced cattle foraging among eight grasses D. Ganskopp and R. Cruz Applied Animal Behaviour Science 62 293-303 1999 428. Seasonal cattle management in 3 to 5 year old bitterbrush stands Dave Ganskopp, Tony Svejcar, Fred Taylor, Jerry Farstvedt, and Kara Paintner JRM 1999; 52:166-173 50 429. Grazing Behavior in Ungulates: Current Concepts and Future Challenges. M. Vavra and D. Ganskopp Annals of Arid Zone 37(3):319-355, 1998 430. Fire History and western juniper encroachment in sagebrush steppe Rick Miller & Jeff Rose J. Range Manage. 52:550-559, November 1999 431. Fixed location rain shelters for studying precipitation effects on rangelands. Tony Svejcar, Raymond Angell & Richard Miller J Arid Env. 42:187-193, 1999 432. Understory dynamics in cut and uncut western juniper woodlands Jon D. Bates, Richard F. Miller & Tony J. Svejcar J. Range Manage. 53:119-126, January 2000 433. Prostaglandin F2_ Concentration, Fatty Acid Profiles, and Fertility in Lipid-Infused Postpartum Beef Heifers S.J. Filley, H.A. Turner, & F. Stormshak Biology of Reproduction 61:1317-1323, 1999 434. Plasma fatty acids, prostaglandin F2_ metabolite, and reproductive response in postpartum heifers fed rumen bypass fat S.J. Filley, H.A, Turner, & F. Stormshak J. Anim. Sci. 78:139-144, 2000 435. Spatial and Temporal Changes of Sage Grouse Habitat in the Sagebrush Biome. Richard F. Miller & Lee L. Eddleman Technical Bulletin 151, April 2000 436. Least-effort pathways?: a GIS analysis of livestock trails in rugged terrain. D. Ganskopp, R. Cruz, & D.E. Johnson Applied Animal Behaviour Science 68:179-190, 2000 437. Range Field Day 1999. Progress Report Juniper Woodlands: History, Ecology, and Management. Special Report 1002, June 1999 a. Eddleman, Lee. Developing Ecological Guidelines for Management and Restoration of Juniper Woodlands. b. Miller, Rick, Tony Svejcar, and Jeff Rose The Impacts of Juniper Encroachment on Understory Cover and Diversity c. John Buckhouse Juniper and Watersheds d. Bates, Jon, Rick Miller, and Tony Svejcar Plant Succession in cut Juniper woodlands: 1981 - 1998 e. Eddleman Lee, and Rick Miller Understory Vegetation Change Following cutting of Western Juniper Cutting in Grant county, Oregon 51 f. Doescher Paul, Lee Eddleman, Rick Miller, Jay Goodwin, Ray Jaindl, and Mohamed Maori Persistence of Idaho Fescue on Degraded Juniper/Sagebrush/Steppe in Central Oregon g. Miller Rick, Wendy Waichler, and Paul Doescher Old Growth Western Juniper Woodlands h. Fox, Anne, and Lee Eddleman Long Term Vegetation Changes On the Island Research Natural Area i. Wall, Travis, Rick Miller, and Tony Svejcar Western Juniper Encroachment into Aspen Stands in the Northwest Great Basin j. Miller, Rick, and Jeff Rose Fire History and Western Juniper encroachment into Sagebrush Steppe g. Rick Miller Managing Western Juniper for wildlife l. Willis Mitch, and Rick Miller Importance of Western Juniper Communities to Small Mammals m. Miller Rick, Mitch Willis, Jeff Rose, Dan Reinkensmeyer, and Bob Anthony The Affects of Juniper woodlands on Avian Populations 438. Range Field Day Report 2000. Sustainable Livestock Production in Forested and Intermountain Rangelands. Special Report 1018, June 2000 a. Vavra Martin, Tim DelCurto, and Mike McInnis Designing Sustainable Livestock Grazing Systems b. DelCurto Tim, David Bohnert, and Callan Ackerman Characteristics and Challenges of Sustainable Beef Production in the Western U.S. c. Parson Cory T, Patrick A. Momont., Timothy DelCurto, and Jeff L. Sharp Effects of Season of Use on Beef Cattle distribution Patterns and Subsequent Vegetation Use in Mountain Riparian Area d. McInnis, Mike, and Jim McIver Off-Stream Water and Salt Reduce Stream Bank Damage in Grazed Riparian Pastures e. Walburger Kenric, Timothy DelCurto, Martin Vavra, Larry Bryant, and John G. Kie. Influence of a Grazing system and Aspect, North vs. south, on the Nutritional Quality of Forages, and Performance and Distribution of Cattle Grazing Forested Rangelands. f. DelCurto Tim, Johnson Bruce, Vavra Martin, Ager Alan, Coe Priscilla The Influence of Season on Distribution Patterns Relative to Water and Resource Use by Cattle Grazing Mixed Forested Rangelands g. Boyd Chad, and Tony Svejcar Using 35-mm Photographs to Monitor Herbaceous and Woody Plant Abundance in Riparian Systems h. Carr Jay, Randall R. Mills., and John Williams Compliance with the Clean Water Act: Animal Feeding Operations and the EPA 52 439. Impacts of western juniper on plant community composition and structure. R. Miller, T. Svejcar, and J. Rose J. Range Management 53:574-585 November 2000 440. Modification of Mixed-Conifer Forests by Ruminant Herbivores in the Blue Mountains Ecological Province R. Riggs et al. USDA- Forest Service PNW Research Station. Research Paper PNW-RP-527 Sept. 2000 441. Medusahead (Taeniatherum asperum Nevski): A Review and Annotated Bibliography. T.O. Hilken and R.F. Miller Agricultural Experiment Station, OSU Station Bulletin 644 June 1980 442. The Ecology and Management of Bluebunch Wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum): A Review R.F. Miller, J.M. Seufart, and M.R. Haferkamp Agricultural Experiment Station, OSU Station Bulletin 669 December 1986 443. Harvesting Energy from 19th Century Great Basin Woodlands J.A. Young and T.J. Svejcar Proceedings: Ecology and Management of Pinyon-Juniper Communities Within the Interior West. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9 June 1999 444. Implications of Weedy Species in Management and Restoration of Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands T. Svejcar Proceedings: Ecology and Management of Pinyon-Juniper Communities Within the Interior West. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9 June 1999 445. Conversion of Shrub Steppe to Juniper Woodland R. Miller, T. Svejcar, and J. Rose Proceedings: Ecology and Management of Pinyon-Juniper Communities Within the Interior West. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. June 1999 446. Importance of Western Juniper Communities to Small Mammals M.J. Willis and R.F. Miller Proceedings: Ecology and Management of Pinyon-Juniper Communities Within the Interior West. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. June 1999 447. Nitrogen dynamics in perennial- and annual-dominated arid rangeland T. Svejcar and R. Sheley J. Arid Environments 47:33-46 2001 448. Bowen ratio and closed chamber carbon dioxide flux measurements over sagebrush steppe vegetation R. Angell, T. Svejcar, J. Bates, N. Saliendra, and D. Johnson Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 108 153-161. 2001 449. Manipulating cattle distribution with salt and water in large arid-land pastures: a GPS/GIS assessment D. Ganskopp Applied Animal Behavior Science 73 251-262 2001 53 450. Fundamentals of supplementing low-quality forage. CL317. Bohnert, David, and Tim DelCurto In: J.R. Adams (ed.). 1999. Cow-Calf Management Guide and Producer’s Library (2nd edition). Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. 451. Supplementation strategies for beef cattle consuming low-quality forage. CL318. Bohnert, David, Tim DelCurto, and Ed Huston. In: J.R. Adams (ed.). 1999. Cow-Calf Management Guide and Producer’s Library (2nd edition). Univ. of Idaho, Moscow 452. Influence of grain type and processing method on beef cattle consuming forage-based diets Bohnert, David, and Randy Mills In: J.R. Adams (ed.). 2000. Cow-Calf Management Guide and Producer’s Library (2nd edition). Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. 453. Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on steers consuming low-quality forage: Ruminal fermentation and site of digestion. Bohnert, D.W., C.S. Schauer, M.L. Bauer, and T. DelCurto. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Animal Science 52:311-316. 2001 454. Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on performance and nitrogen use in ruminants consuming low-quality forage: Cow performance and efficiency of nitrogen use in wethers. Bohnert, D.W., C.S. Schauer, and T. DelCurto. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Animal Science 52:305-310. 2001 455. Beet pulp supplementation of heifers grazing native flood meadow: Performance and ruminal fermentation Bohnert, D.W., C.S. Schauer, and T. DelCurto. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Animal Science 52:340-343. 2001 456. Community characteristics of old-growth western juniper woodlands Waichler, Wendy Sims, Richard F. Miller, and Paul S. Doescher JRM 54:518-527 2001 457. Managing western juniper for wildlife Miller, Richard Woodland Fish & Wildlife MISCO286 Washington State Univ. Cooperative Extension 2001 458. Juniper encroachment into aspen in the Northwest Great Basin Wall, Travis G., Richard F. Miller, Tony J. Svejcar JRM 54: 691-698 2001 459. Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Union Station Centennial Celebration Pumphrey, Vance, DelCurto, Tim, Vavra, Martin Special Report 1033, October 2001 460. The role of fire in juniper and pinyon woodlands: a descriptive analysis (reprint only) Miller, Richard F. and Robin J. Tausch In: K.E.M. Galley and T.P. Wilson (eds.). Proc. Invasive Species Workshop. Misc. Publication No. 11, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Fl. 2001 54 461. The role of fire in juniper and pinyon woodlands: a descriptive analysis (entire publication) Miller, Richard F. and Robin J. Tausch In: K.E.M. Galley and T.P. Wilson (eds.). Proc. Invasive Species Workshop. Misc. Publication No. 11, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Fl. 2001 462. Modification of Mixed-Conifer Forests by Ruminant Herbivores in the Blue Mountains Ecological Province Riggs, Robert A.; Tiedemann, Arthur R.; Cook, John G.; Ballard, Teena M.; Edgerton, Paul J.; Vavra, Martin; Krueger, William C.; Hall, Frederick C.; Bryant, Larry D.; Irwin, Larry L.; DelCurto, Timothy USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Research Paper PNW-RP-527, 77p. September 2000. 463. Does the presence of Wyethia Mollis affect growth of Pinus Jeffreyi seedlings? Riegel, G.M.; Svejcar, T.J.; Busse, M.D. Western North American Naturalist 62(2):141-150 2002 464. Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on performance and nitrogen use in ruminants consuming low-quality forage: Cow performance and efficiency of nitrogen use in wethers Bohnert, D.W.; Schauer, C.S.; DelCurto, T. J. Animal Science 80:1629-1637 2002 465. Comparison of urea and biuret as nitrogen supplements to low-quality forage: daily and alternate day supplementation effects on digestion and ruminal fermentation in steers Currier, T.A.; Bohnert, D.W.; Falck, S.J.; Schauer, C.S.; Bartle, S.J. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Vol. 53, 2002 466. Comparison of urea and biuret as nitrogen supplements to low-quality forage: daily and alternate day supplementation effects of efficiency of nitrogen use in lambs Currier, T.A.; Bohnert, D.W.; Falck, S.J.; Bartle, S.J. Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Vol. 53, 2002 467. Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on steers consuming low-quality forage: I. Site of digestion and microbial efficiency Bohnert, D.W.; Schauer, C.S.; Bauer, M.L.; DelCurto, T. J. Animal Science 2002. 80:2967-2977 2002 468. Influence of rumen protein degradability and supplementation frequency on steers consuming low-quality forage: II. Ruminal fermentation characteristics Bohnert, D.W.; Schauer, C.S.; Falck, S.J.; DelCurto, T. J. Animal Science 80:2978-2988 2002 469. Effects of juniper cutting on nitrogen mineralization Bates, Jon D.; Svejcar, Tony J.; Miller, Richard F. Journal of Arid Environments (2002) 51:221-234 2002 470. Applying ecological principles to wildland weed management Tony Svejcar Weed Science, 51:266-270. 2003 471. Range Sites: Are they the appropriate spatial unit for measuring and managing rangelands? Joel R. Brown, Tony Svejcar, Mark Brunson, James Dobrowolski, Ed Fredrickson, Urs Krueter, Karen Launchbaugh, Jack Southworth and Tom Thurow Synthesis of a symposium presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Boise, ID. December 2002 55 472. Mineral concentration dynamics among 7 northern Great Basin grasses Dave Ganskopp and Dave Bohnert J. Range Manage. 56:174-184. March 2003 473. Range Field Day 2002: Research in Rangeland Management: Management of Western Juniper Rangelands. Range Science Series Report #5. June 2002. 474. a. Tim Deboot Ecological constraints to management of Central Oregon rangelands: Enjoying its products and values. b. Rick Miller, Chris Baisan, Jeff Rose, and Dave Pacioretty Pre and postsettlement fire regimes in mountain big sagebrush communities: the northern intermountain region c. Jon Bates Livestock grazing in cut juniper woodlands d. Lee Eddleman Dynamics in Central Oregon’s western juniper woodlands Range Field Day 2003: Research in Rangeland Management: Environmental and Management Impacts on Stream Temperature. Range Science Series Report #6. July 2003 a. G.I. Taylor, T.K. Stringham, W.C.Krueger Irrigation as a tool for stream temperature management b. Casey A. Matney, Tamzen K. Stringham, Chad Boyd, and Robert Gresswell Great Basin Redband Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss newberrii) Habitat Improvement Using Felled Western Juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) c. Katherine Lowson, John C. Buckhouse, Tamzen Stringham, Chad Boyd Effects of planting location on survival and growth of Booth’s willow plantings d. William Krueger and Claudia Kelley Canopy cover and shade/stream temperature relationships: I. Evaluation of techniques to measure canopy cover e. William Krueger, John Williams, Michael Borman, and Larry Larson Canopy cover and shade/stream temperature relationships: II. Relationships of shade and maximum stream temperatures on three northeastern Oregon streams f. Craig Carr, Tamzen Stringham, and David Thomas The influence of environmental and physical factors on the thermal patterns of headwater streams g. Cynthia L. Meays, Michael M. Borman, and Larry L. Larson Elevation, thermal environment, and stream temperatures on headwater streams in northeastern Oregon h. Michael Borman and Larry Larson A case study of river temperature response to agricultural land use and environmental thermal patterns 56 475. The relative importance of sexual reproduction versus clonal spread in an aridland bunchgrass A. Liston, B. L. Wilson, W. A. Robinson, P. S. Doescher, N. R. Harris, T. Svejcar Oecologia 137:216-225 2003 476. Influence of protein supplementation frequency on cows consuming low-quality forage: performance, grazing time, distance traveled, distance from water, and distribution C.S. Schauer, D.W. Bohnert, and D.C. Ganskopp Proceedings, Western Section Am. Soc. of Animal Sci. 54:72-76 2003 477. Grass Seed Straw- Considerations for Use as a Forage source for Ruminants D.W. Bohnert, C.W. Hunt, and T. DelCurto Alternative Feeds for Livestock and Poultry 39-52 November 4 & 5 2003 478. Distance Education: A new course in wildland fire ecology John D. Walstad, Mark D. Reed, Paul S. Doesher, J. Boone Kauffman, Richard F. Miller, Bruce A. Shindler, John C. Tappeiner Journal of Forestry 101(7):16-20 2003 479. Nutritional dynamics of 7 northern Great Basin grasses Dave Ganskopp and Dave Bohnert JRM 54:640-647 2001 480. Can spring cattle grazing among young bitterbrush stimulate shrub growth? Dave Ganskopp, Tony Svejcar, Fred Taylor, Jerry Farstvedt J. Range Manage. 57:161-168 March 2004 481. Daily and alternate day supplementation of urea and biuret to ruminants consuming low–quality forage: I. Effects of cow performance and the efficiency of nitrogen use in wethers T.A. Currier, D.W. Bohnert, S.J. Falck, and S.J. Bartle J. Animal Science 82:1508-1517 2004 482. Daily and alternate day supplementation of urea and biuret to ruminants consuming low-quality forage; II. Effects on site of digestion and microbial efficiency in steers T.A. Currier, D.W. Bohnert, S.J. Falk, C.S. Schauer, and S.J. Bartle J. Animal Science 82:1518-1527 2004 483. Daily and alternate day supplementation of urea and biuret to ruminants consuming low-quality forage: III. Effects on ruminal fermentation characteristics in steers T.A. Currier, D.W. Bohnert, S.J. Falck, C.S. Schauer, and S.J. Bartle J. Animal Science 82:1528-1535 2004 484. Ecology and management of sage-grouse and sage-grouse habitat John A. Crawford, Rich A. Olson, Neil E. West J. Range Manage. 57(1):2-19 January 2004 485. Effects of Range Improvement on Roosevelt Elk Winter Nutrition Ihor M. Mereszczak, William C. Krueger, and Martin Vavra J. Range Manage. 34(3):184-187 May 1981 486. Use of Grass Seed Residues as a Winter Feed Resource for Beef Cattle David Chamberlain and Tim DelCurto EOARC Circular of Information No.2 57 487. Harmonizing Rangeland Interests-Technology transfer brings foes together Interview with Tony Svejcar and Rick Miller Katheryn Barry Stelljes Agriculture Research pp.14-16 February 1994 488. A Theoretical Framework for Developing Successional Weed Management Strategies on Rangeland Roger L. Sheley, Tony J. Svejcar, and Bruce D. Maxwell Weed Technology. Volume 10:766-773 1996 489. Livestock-Big Game Relationships: Conflicts and Compatibilities Martin Vavra, Mitchell J. Willis, and Dennis P. Sheehy Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Exp. Sta. Bull. #70 1999 490. Oregon State of the Environment Report 2000 Statewide Summary Dr. Martin Vavra, Science Panel September 2000 491. Tracking Movement of Cattle With Satellites David Elstein Agricultural Research pp. 16 August 2002 David Ganskopp-GPS collars for cattle 492. OSU’s Home on the Range Interview with Marty Vavra, Tony Svejcar, Dave Ganskopp, Rick Miller, David Bohnert Oregon’s Agricultural Progress Fall, pp. 22-25 2003 493. Winter Nutrition of Spring-Calving Cows and Crude Protein Supplementation Strategies David W. Bohnert Performance Edge Beef Issue 6:4-6 November 2003 494. Identification of the limiting resource within a semi-arid plant association Jane Krueger-Mangold, Roger Sheley, Rick Engel, Jeff Jacobsen, Tony Svejcar, Cathy Zabinski Journal of Arid Environments 58:309-320 2004 495. Plant Species Diversity in a Grassland Plan Community: Evidence for Forbs as a critical Management Consideration Monica L. Pokorny, Roger L. Sheley, Tony J. Svejcar, and Richard E. Engel Western North American Naturalist 64(2): 219-230 2004 496. Nutritional and Seed Responses of Forage Kochia to Ruminal Incubation Christopher S. Schauer, David W. Bohnert, Michael F. Carpinelli, and Stephanie J. Falck Rangelands 26(1):8-11 February 2004 497. Evaluation of perennial ryegrass straw as a forage source for ruminants M.J. Fisher, D.W. Bohnert, C.J. Ackerman, C.S. Schauer, T. DelCurto, A.M. Craig, E.S. Vanzant, D.L. Harmon, and F.N. Schrick J. Animal Science 82:2175-2184 2004 498. Environmental influences on germination of utricles and seedling establishment of ‘immigrant’ forage kochia Marshall R. Haferkamp, David C. Ganskopp, Kay L. Marietta, and Bradford W. Knapp J. Range Manage. 43(6) November 1990 58 499. Range Field Day Report 2004. Current Forage and Livestock Production Research. Special Report 1052 June 2004 a. Ganskopp David Affecting Beef Cattle Distribution in Rangeland Pastures with Salt and Water b. Ganskopp David, and Bohnert David Wolfy Forage: Its Effect on Cattle Distribution and Diet Quality c. Bohnert David Strategic Supplementation of Crude Protein-An Economical Management Strategy for Intermountain Cow/Calf Producers d. Bates Jon Interannual Productivity in Burned and Unburned Wyoming Big Sagebrush-Grassland e. Bates Jon, Svejcar Tony, and Miller Rick Forage Production in a Cut Juniper Woodland f. Boyd Chad, and Svejcar Tony Production and Regrowth of Riparian Sedge/Grass Communities g. Carpinelli Michael Effect of Mowing Prior to Applications of Picloram and Clopyralid on Russian Knapweed Control h. Carpinelli Michael Effect of Ruminal Incubation on Germination of Perennial Pepperweed Seed i. Larson Larry, Borman Mike, and Kiemnec Gary Russian Knapweed Germination and Grazing/Herbicide Trials Preliminary Results 500. Integrating 2, 4-D and sheep grazing to rehabilitate spotted knapweed infestations Roger L. Sheley, James S. Jacobs, and John M. Martin J. Range Manage. 57(4):371-375 July 2004 501. Livestock forage conditioning: Bluebunch wheatgrass, Idaho fescue, and bottlebrush squirreltail Dave Ganskopp, Tony Svejcar, and Marty Vavra J. Range Manage. 57(4):384-392 July 2004 502. Using Sampling and inverse distance weighted modeling for mapping invasive plants. Elizabeth A. Roberts, Roger L. Sheley, and Rick L. Lawrence Western North American Naturalist 64(3):312-323 August 2004 503. Ecology and management of sage-grouse and sage-grouse habitat John A. Crawford, Rich A. Olson, Neil E. West, Jeffrey C. Mosley, Michael A. Schroeder, Tom D. Whitson, Richard F. Miller, Michael A. Gregg, and Chad S. Boyd J. Range Manage. 57(1):2-19 January 2004 504. Regrowth and production of herbaceous riparian vegetation following defoliation Chad S. Boyd and Tony J. Svejcar J. Range Mange. 57(5):448-454 September 2004 59