General Congress ­ 10/12/15 ­ 8pm 1. Prayer 2. Icebreaker ­ What was the highlight of your past two weeks? 3. Committee Updates a. Israel ­ Campus Life Board i. Implementing the ten year plan ­ getting the new board of trustees fully immersed and involved ii. Confederate flag incident ­ smooth conversations, the students are going through the judicial process, but have been compliant b. Nola ­ Academic Computing Committee i. Standardizing the online resources ­ how can we make online resources easier to use for students? ii. Cable TV ­ worth the cost? How much pushback would we receive from removing cable from each room? iii. Computer labs ­ update or are they unneeded? 4. Task Force Updates a. Kylie ­ Advocacy (Catherine): Designed a shirt for the clothesline project b. Campus Relations (Spencer): Helping out with the Taste of the South ­ meet after Congress today. 5. Officer Reports a. Appropriations (David): Interviews have been completed and selections will be made this week. The committee will start meeting next month. b. Committee involvement: make sure you have been in contact with the committee chairs and that you are attending each meeting. 6. Old Business ­ None 7. New Business a. ASGA (Conference): American Student Government Association ­ schools country­wide involved, the conference included seminars, lectures and discussions. i. You probably have been receiving their emails. (We’re still working on deciding if we will continue our membership) ii. Learned a lot from the other students, exp: How can we make life easier for students who are financially challenged (cheaper food, textbooks, etc.) iii. Seminar on creating a signature program through your congress ­ how can the student body know more about student congress, its purpose, voice and meetings? We want students to feel represented not unheard. iv. STEP meeting after General Congress meeting tonight v. Brainstorm activity: Idea ­ (1­5 importance) / (1­5 cost) 1. Parking ­ 5 / 5 2. Recycling in apartments/cottages ­ 2 / 2 3. Togo coffee cups in Cook&Phelps ­ 3 / 2 4. More ‘cool’/sustainable water fountains ­ 4 / 4 5. Kollen water too hot? (also cottages) ­ 1 / 2 6. Transportation to tests (GRE/LSAT/MCAT, etc.) ­ 2 / 2 7. Doors in Scott and Wyckhoff (adding keypads to get into each door) ­ 3 / 5 8. Keypads in library­front door and VZ door (safety issue) ­ 3 / 5 9. Limiting plastic water bottles on campus (sustainability) ­ 3 / 1 a. Perhaps offer more sustainable options (reusable bottles, boxed water, etc.) b. 10. Designated places to know and contact your congress representative (bulliten board, etc.) ­ 4 / 2 a. Perhaps updating the website to include all congress members, bios and areas they represent 11. Emergency blue light system possibly faulty? ­ 5 / 1 12. Extreme hand dryers ­ 4 / 5 a. Sustainable, saves on paper towels 13. A/C in the Chapel ­ 2 / 5 14. Having all students take the strengths test ­ 2 / 2 15. Kitchen utilities for res halls ­ 3 / 2 16. Separating walkway for bikes/longboards and walking ­ 4 / 3 17. Sustainable printing systems (scan your id to make the paper print) ­ 1 / 4 18. Streetlights (safety when walking at night) ­ 3 / 4 19. Wifi vs Cable (minimizing cable to increase wifi) ­ 5 / 2(0) 20. Clothes donation bins on campus ­ 2 / 3 21. Giving students a vote on Board of Trustees ­ 5 / 2 a. Currently just a voice, but could we make students a larger part? 8. Next week a. Cabinet 7:15, General Congress at 8pm b. Dining Services is coming in next week or the week after ­ check your emails! c. Talk with the students you’re representing about issues they would like discussed. 9. Parliamentarian ­ Make sure we’re using the Rules of Order!