STIS Instrument Science Report 97-12 STIS Target Acquisitions During SMOV Rocio M. Katsanis, Ron Downes, George Hartig, and Steve Kraemer July 25, 1997 ABSTRACT We summarize the first results on the analysis of in-flight STIS target acquisition (ACQ and ACQ/PEAK). These results show that the STIS target acquisition (ACQ) is working very accurately for point sources (within 0.5 pixels = 0.025 arcseconds), about 4 times better than specified in the Instrument Handbook. As a result of the accuracy of the ACQ algorithm, we are no longer recommending to perform ACQ/PEAKs for the 0.2 arcsecond wide slits. For diffuse acquisitions the accuracy varies with target size. Although analysis of ACQ/PEAK data is hampered by a flight software problem, we anticipate that peakups will be accurate to roughly 5% of the slit width (instead of the 15% previously advertised). We are implementing several enhancements to the flight software that will take effect by midAugust to improve the quality of the acquisitions. 1. Introduction To have a successful STIS science observation in a slit or behind a bar/wedge, the target has to be accurately located in the instrument aperture. Following the initial guide star acquisition for a field, the target location in the aperture plane will be known to an accuracy of ~1-2 arcseconds. For science observations taken through spectroscopic slits that are less than 3 arcseconds in either dimension and for imaging observations taken using one of the coronographic apertures, an on-board STIS target acquisition, and possibly a peakup acquisition, will be needed to fully center the target. There are two types of STIS target acquisitions, ACQ and ACQ/PEAK (see STIS ISR 97-03 for details). The ACQ observation uses the CCD camera to take an image of the target’s field in a 100x100 pixel target acquisition subarray. The on-board flight software then processes the image to position the target at the center of the TA subarray (coarse locate phase). A second image of the field is then obtained, along with an image of the reference aperture (0.2X0.2). These are used to calculate the fine slew needed to center the target in the reference aperture. The ACQ exposure should center the target on the slit or 1 behind the coronographic bar/wedge to an accuracy of ~0.1 arcseconds (based on prelaunch measures). The ACQ/PEAK observation should be performed if a narrow slit is used for a science image. The slit is scanned across the object with a predetermined pattern, and the telescope is then slewed to center the object in the aperture; a confirmation image is obtained (32x32 grid) as the final step. The accuracy of an ACQ/PEAK was expected to be 0.3 and 0.2 times the dimension of the slit or bar for CCD and MAMA peakups, respectively. 2. Data Analysis and Results We have collected data from the Servicing Mission Orbital Verification (SMOV) of STIS to analyze the STIS ACQ and ACQ/PEAK accuracies. The data were selected from the proposals listed in Table 1. Table 1. STIS Proposals used for Target Acquisition analysis. Proposal Number Title 7067 STIS CCD Point Source Acquisition 7068 STIS CCD Diffuse Source Acquisition 7071 CCD Target Centering 7148 STIS CCD Target Acquisition Workout 7076 STIS Corrector Alignment, Fine 7147 STIS Fine Corrector Alignment with CCD The analysis of the ACQ exposures was performed using two methods. In the primary method, the positions of the reference aperture (in the third science image of the ACQ exposure) and the object (in a confirmation image taken right after the ACQ exposure) were measured. Comparison of these positions provides an estimate of the errors in the acquisition. For those ACQ exposures that did not include a confirmation image, the following ACQ/PEAK exposure was used to estimate the ACQ errors (by looking at the motion derived from the ACQ/PEAK data). Table 2 below shows the individual ACQ exposure results for this analysis. The results are listed by Proposal#, Visit#, target name (and size if extended), type of acquisition (POINT or DIFFUSE), estimated error (in detector pixel units; 1 pixel = 0.05 arcseconds), and method employed to estimate the errors. The estimated total error is 0.5 pixels (0.025 arcseconds) for point sources, and varies from 0.2 (for the point-like object NGC 6683) to 2 pixels (for the 1.3 arcsecond nuclear region of M86) for diffuse sources. The error for M86 is not scientifically significant due to the size of the object itself. 2 Because of general problems with the flight software (section 3 below), the individual ACQ/PEAK results are not being included in this report. Simulations where the flight software problems were corrected on the peakup data show an improvement in the final position of the target in the aperture, close to the expectation errors quoted above. We expect to confirm these results on the ACQ/PEAK errors after the flight software has been updated. We did, however, analyze a series of 20 ACQ/PEAKs (10 in the X direction and 10 in the Y direction) in the 0.1X0.09 slit. We performed a flux-weighted centroid on the individual points in the peakup to determine where STIS should have pointed. To determine where STIS did point, we fit the peakup fluxes with a Gaussian, and derived where in that Gaussian the flux level seen in the confirmation image fell. The difference between the two positions gives an estimate of the accuracy of the ACQ/PEAKs. The average offset so derived was 0.103 pixels (0.005 arcseconds), or about 5% of the slit width. Table 2. Individual acquisition errors for all the ACQ exposures analyzed. Prop. ID Visits Target Acq. Type Error (pixels) Method 7067 1 GD153 Point +0.1,-0.1 Confirmation image 7067 2 GD153 Point +0.6,-0.2 Confirmation image 7067 3 GD153 Point -1.3,+0.0 Confirmation image 7068 1 NGC1399 (0.8 arcseconds) Diffuse with Geometric Centroiding N.A.,-1.6 Confirmation imagea 7068 1 NGC1399 Diffuse with Flux Centroiding N.A.,-1.6 Confirmation imagea 7068 1 NGC1399 Point N.A.,-1.8 Confirmation imagea 7068 2 M86 (1.3 arcseconds) Diffuse with Flux Centroiding -1.7, +0.4 Confirmation image 7068 2 M86 Diffuse with Geometric Centroiding -1.7, +1.4 Confirmation image 7071 1a GD153 Point -1.3,+0.0 Confirmation image 7071 1b GD153 Point -1.2,+0.3 Confirmation image 7071 3 GD153 Point +0.4,+0.1 Confirmation image 7148 1 PKS1255-316 Point +0.0,+0.0 Confirmation image 7148 2 NGC6624 Point -0.3,+0.1 Confirmation image a. Confirmation images were diffuse extended objects along the 52x0.5 slit; therefore, only the centering of the object along the spatial axis was possible to estimate. 3 Table 2. Individual acquisition errors for all the ACQ exposures analyzed (continued). Prop. ID Visits Target Acq. Type Error (pixels) Method 7148 3a NGC6683 (point like) Diffuse +0.2,+0.1 Confirmation image 7148 3b NGC6683 Diffuse -0.1,-0.1 Confirmation image 7076 4a BPM16274 Point -0.1,+0.0 Peakup 7076 4b BPM16274 Point +0.0,-0.7 Peakup 7076 4c BPM16274 Point -0.4,-0.5 Peakup 7076 5a BPM16274 Point +0.0,+0.1 Peakup 7147 1a BD+28 4211 Point +0.0,+0.0 Peakup 7147 1b BD+28 4211 Point +0.1,-0.3 Peakup 7147 1c BD+28 4211 Point +0.2,-0.3 Peakup 7147 1d BD+28 4211 Point -0.3,-0.4 Peakup 7147 1e BD+28 4211 Point -0.6,+0.1 Peakup 7147 1f BD+28 4211 Point +0.0,+0.0 Peakup 7147 2 BD+28 4211 Point +0.0,+0.0 Peakup 7147 3 GRW+70 5824 Point +0.2,-0.5 Peakup The main result is that the basic STIS target acquisition (ACQ) software is working, and for point sources to a better accuracy (a factor of 4) than was specified. As a result, it is no longer necessary to perform an ACQ/PEAK in science slits that are 0.2 arcseconds wide in either direction, since the ACQ itself is positioning the target within 0.025 arcseconds of the center of the aperture. For smaller slits, an ACQ/PEAK should still be performed following the ACQ exposure. 3. Problems encountered during the analysis. Observations during SMOV resulted in the discovery of 3 problems with the target acquisition flight software. Solutions to these problems have been identified and will be implemented by mid-August (or are already corrected). The problems are • When a CCD sub-array is read out (such as for ACQ observations), the first 5 columns have elevated counts due to the readout timing pattern construction. If a target is underexposed, it is possible for the bright columns to be acquired rather than the target. The software will be modified to ignore these “bad” edge columns. 4 • The high background level that biases the centroid toward the center of the ACQ/ PEAK scan when using the flux-weighted centroid method. Increases in the background level can be due to bias level fluctuations, hot columns (such as those explained above), and hot pixels that are not rejected by the current bad pixel table. The high background level will be corrected by subtracting the minimum value of the flux (integrated over the subarray) from each of the dwell point fluxes before the search method (centroiding) is applied. • The HST computer (NSSC-I) that commands the spacecraft motion for acquisitions was truncating the STIS-generated slew requests, thus leading to improper peakup patterns and consequent miscentering of the target. This truncation error has been corrected, so that the slews are properly rounded to the nearest (~1.54 milli-arcsecond) step size. 4. Further work on Target Acquisition. As part of the Cycle 7 calibration program, we will be obtaining more data on target acquisitions. To verify the flight software updates described above, proposal 7605 (“STIS CCD Target Acquisition Workout”) will perform point source and peakup acquisitions of a bright target. We will monitor all STIS target acquisitions in Cycle 7 to determine the slews needed to center the target in the STIS reference aperture. The target acquisition slews represent the error in the initial HST pointing, which is a combination of the error in the Guide Star positions, the target position, and the STIS-to-FGS alignment. We will also track the pointing offsets over time and as a function of the dominant FGS to search for trends, which would imply a STIS-to-FGS misalignment, or a degradation in the stability of an FGS. For each peakup acquisition (ACQ/PEAK), we will determine the motion of HST based on the acquisition results. This motion represents the error in the fine position of the target, and is a combination of the error in the target position (from the ACQ), the slit wheel repeatability, and the error in the relative aperture locations in the (PDB) database. We will track the pointing offsets over time to search for trends. 5