Unit Name: Department of Forest Properties Unit Mission: To ensure the long-term health, viability, and productivity of the College forests in support of the institution’s research and instructional mission. Work Sheet for Unit Level Institutional Assessment Unit Goal Align services with client needs and expectations Link to ESF Goals (by #) 2/3/5/6 Method(s) of Assessment and Targets Results of Assessment (Data) Implementation Plan (Changes resulting from Assessment) Attend seminars sponsored by academic departments to gauge direction of current and future research. Meet informally with individual Dept. Chairs and faculty – “walk the halls” on a regular basis. Current program misaligned with desired future directions of FNRM and EFB. Achieve a seamless Integration of forest properties management activities with current and future academic programs. Conduct comprehensive internal program review. Conduct SWOT analysis Implement technology to enhance business processes and improve service delivery 1/5/7 Achieve financial sustainability 4 Get the right people in the right roles! 7 Restructure departmental Chart of Accounts in accordance with Balanced Scorecard financial metrics and monitor IFR cash flows. Based on above assessment of client needs and expectations, determine likely types of future projects /support services. Derive optimal staffing levels and mix of skill sets to support present and future “customer” base. Develop ability to better track and quantify research and instructional use of properties over time. Lack of prior strategic and succession planning had resulted in stagnant skills development, inefficient business processes and reliance on aging (1970’s – 1980’s vintage) technology. Need to better leverage technology to enhance effectiveness. Current revenues insufficient to carry out departmental operations over the long-term. Over-reliant on timber as primary revenue source. Currently deficient in key skill sets necessary to support desired academic and administrative initiatives. Have the right number of staff – just in the wrong positions. Develop internship / independent study opportunities. Develop forest resource information system. Develop informational website where clients can get information. Improve GIS/GPS mapping capabilities. Increase revenues from operations Diversify revenue mix Reduce administrative costs Acquire missing skill sets as vacancies develop. Develop skills in existing staff (wherever possible) Share realignment plans with executive management to gain critical support.