This is SCA

This is SCA
SCA – a leading global hygiene and
forest products company
The Group develops and produces sustainable personal care,
tissue and forest products.
Sales are conducted in about 100 countries under many strong
brands, including the leading global brands TENA and Tork, and
regional brands, such as Libero, Libresse, Lotus, Nosotras, Saba,
Tempo and Vinda.
As Europe’s largest private forest owner, SCA places considerable
emphasis on sustainable forest management.
The Group has about 44,000 employees. Sales in 2014 amounted
to SEK 104bn (EUR 11.4bn).
SCA was founded in 1929, has its headquarters in Stockholm,
Sweden, and is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more
information, visit
SCA’s strategic priorities are Growth, Innovation and Efficiency
Sustainability is an integral part of the company’s business model
and its work is based on economic, environmental and social value
generation – where all parts are equally important in the endeavor
to create a successful company.
business Areas
Personal Care
30% of SCA’s 2014 net sales
54% of SCA’s 2014 net sales
Forest Products
16% of SCA’s 2014 net sales
Personal Care
SCA is a global leader in personal care and has a portfolio of incontinence
products, baby diapers and feminine care products. Within these product
segments, SCA also offers such products as wet wipes, soap, baby oil, lotion
and cotton pads. The products are sold under SCA’s global, regional and local
brands, such as Libero, Libresse, Nosotras, Saba and TENA, as well as under
retailers’ brands. Distribution channels for the products are the retail trade,
pharmacies and care institutions.
The global leading brand for incontinence products, TENA, is the single
largest brand in the Personal Care
business area.
Incontinence products
SCA offers a broad range of incontinence
products under the TENA brand and is the clear
global market leader. The global brand TENA
has annual sales in excess of SEK 10bn. SCA’s
offering, which includes both products and
services, improves the quality of life for
consumers while also reducing costs for
institutional customers, such as nursing homes.
Baby diapers
SCA offers both open baby diapers and pant
diapers, as well as baby-care products, and
is the world’s fourth largest player in the segment and the second largest in Europe.
Feminine care
In feminine care, SCA offers a broad product
portfolio that includes pads, panty liners,
tampons and intimate soaps. SCA is the
world’s fifth largest player in the area and
the third largest in Europe. SCA is the
market leader in Latin America.
Libresse Roll.Press.Go™
A hygienic solution which addresses
the problem of disposing of used
pads. Now women can simply roll up
a used pad, place it in the wrapper
and press the self-sealing edges to
close. This offers a hygienic and discreet way to dispose of used feminine care products. The product is
also sold under the SCA brands
Bodyform, Nana, Nuvenia, Saba,
Nosotras and Libra.
SCA is a leading global tissue company and manufactures and sells consumer
tissue and Away-from-Home (AfH) tissue. The consumer tissue product portfolio comprises toilet paper, kitchen rolls, facial tissues, handkerchiefs and napkins. In the consumer tissue segment, products are sold to retailers under SCA’s
own brands, such as Lotus, Tempo and Vinda, as well as under retailers’
brands. In the AfH tissue segment, SCA develops
and markets complete hygiene solutions,
including tissue, soap, dispensers, service
and maintenance to hospitals, large
workplaces, industries, restaurants
and hotels, under the globally
leading brand Tork.
Consumer tissue
SCA is the world’s second largest supplier of
consumer tissue, which includes toilet paper,
kitchen rolls, facial tissues, handkerchiefs
and napkins.
AfH tissue
SCA is the world’s largest supplier of AfH
tissue with the global Tork brand. The AfH
segment comprises institutions and companies, including hospitals, healthcare institutions, large workplaces, industries, restaurants and hotels, for which SCA develops
and sells complete hygiene solutions comprising tissue, soap, dispensers, service and
maintenance. The products are distributed
by wholesalers and service companies.
Tork Xpressnap® Image line
napkin dispensers with Tork
Xpressnap® Extra Soft Leaf
Design napkins
This new range of napkin dispensers
focuses on design and is targeted at
image-conscious customers. At the same
time, it reduces napkin usage by at least
25% compared to traditional dispensers.
The dispenser, which contains high-quality
napkins, is made from aluminum and walnut
and is available in two sizes. Winner of the
Red Dot Product Design Award in 2014.
Forest Products
SCA is Europe’s largest private forest owner, encompassing some 2.6 million hectares of forest land and
produces forest products with a strong environmental profile. Operations are based on in-depth customer
insight, high innovative ability and a sustainability perspective at all levels. SCA sells paper for packaging
and print, pulp, solid-wood products and renewable energy.
Publication papers
SCA’s sales of publication papers mainly take
place within the Western European market. The
single largest markets are the Nordic region,
Germany and the UK.
Kraftliner (packaging papers)
SCA is Europe’s third largest supplier of packaging paper based on fresh wood fiber – kraftliner.
In the pulp market, SCA has positioned itself in
the high-quality segment based on its excellent
access to, and expertise in, the unique
Nordic long-fiber forest raw material.
Solid-wood products
SCA is a qualified supplier of purpose-designed
wood products to industries for further processing
into such items as panels, floors, windows, doors
and furniture. SCA’s saw mill operations is the
second largest in Europe.
Renewable energy
SCA is one of Europe’s largest suppliers of forestbased biofuels, such as tree branches, crowns,
stumps, bark, sawdust, peat and processed
products which includes pellets and briquettes.
Activities continue at SCA Energy, which is tasked
with managing and developing SCA’s renewable
energy business.
Planning over hundreds of years
In 2014, a new long-term harvesting calculation
was performed that shows that SCA will be able to
maintain its current harvesting level for the next
15-20 years, after which it will be able to increase
harvesting. At the same time, the amount of forest
excluded from forestry activities to provide sensitive animal and plant species room to thrive is
growing. This is our relationship to the forest – it is
a resource that generates value and prosperity and
it offers an environment in which all living organisms can thrive – plants, animals and us humans.
Creating value for people and nature
Sustainability is an integral part of SCA’s business model and is of critical importance to our success
and profitability. Sustainability work contributes to business value in a number of ways.
Ambitious sustainability targets
SCA has established ambitious People and
Nature targets in the areas of Employee Health
& Safety, People and Nature Innovations,
Hygiene Solutions, Code of Conduct, Climate
and Energy, Fiber sourcing, Biodiversity and
Creating value for people
We want to share our hygiene knowledge
and ensure access to affordable, sustainable
hygiene solutions. Our activities include teach-
ing young women about menstruation and
puberty, children about the importance of good
hand hygiene and nurses about incontinence.
Creating value for nature
Our forests represent a unique resource. They
provide our industries with high-quality wood
raw material and enable energy production for
wind and biofuels. Our growing forests absorb
2.6 million tons of carbon dioxide annually
which exceeds the emissions from SCA’s own
SCA was named one of the
world’s most ethical companies by
the Ethisphere Institute in the US.
SCA has been listed on the
FTSE4Good global sustainability
index since 2001.
SCA is included in the Climate
Disclosure Leadership Index.
CDP holds the world’s largest
database of primary corporate
climate change information.
SCA is a UN Global Compact
signatory as of 2008.
SCA is recognized as a global leader in sustainable
­d evelopment, and has received numerous industry
awards for sustainability.
Innovation drives growth and profitability and is one of the company’s three strategic priorities. Innovation is crucial when it comes to building our brands and meeting customer and consumer needs.
SCA’s innovation process is deeply embedded
in the Group’s strategy and business model.
Innovation activities are based on market trends,
customer and consumer insight, new technology
and new business models. SCA also takes
sustainability aspects and product safety into
consideration throughout the process. SCA’s
presence in both mature and emerging markets
provides a good understanding of trends and
customer and consumer needs.
Innovation work is supported by SCA’s innovation
teams across the globe and a well-developed
innovation culture. SCA’s strategy is to increase
the pace of innovation, capitalize on global economies of scale and ensure that all segments
have a competitive and balanced portfolio of
innovations. Particular focus is given to exploring the possibility of broadening the product
portfolio, as well as expanding the range of services.
SCA encourages open innovation – meaning
cooperation with external parties. Open innovation
is an important part of the innovation process and
offers a number of benefits, such as providing
input from adjacent industries, speeding up
development processes and cutting costs.
SCA depends on motivated, competent and highperforming employees who have a personal sense
of drive and are encouraged to be innovative. To
further capitalize on its employees’ creativity and
good ideas, SCA has created an internal innovation
platform that can be used during all stages of a
project to ask for help with solutions and find
people with the right expertise.
In 2014, SCA introduced about 30 innovations
and product launches and applied for 48 patents.
New TENA Slip with ConfioAir™
TENA Slip has been improved with
the addition of ConfioAir™, a breathable material that maintains skin
health. TENA Slip is suitable for
medium to heavy urine leakage.
Tork SmartFresh™
An IT-based service for public restrooms
that provides easy access to real-time data
showing the number of restroom visits. This
allows cleaning schedules to be adapted to
actual toilet use. Tork SmartFresh™ gives
the restroom area a distinctive design and
provides the end user with a new restroom
experience. For example, a media screen
can be used to display information or advertisements. Tork Smart Fresh™ also offers
added freshness thanks to its automatic
scent and toilet cleaning function.
A strong brand creates long-term value
SCA is a leading global hygiene and forest products company
with the ambition of establishing a strong corporate brand and
strengthening the link to our customer and consumer brands.
SCA has undergone a major transformation in recent years, completing a
number of acquisitions and divestments around the world. To increase the
awareness about SCA and to strengthen the connection to the company’s
customer and consumer brands, as well as provide women the opportunity
to act in an arena that has normally been reserved for men, are some of the
reasons for SCA to participate with a female team, Team SCA in the Volvo
Ocean Race 2014–2015.
Our participation with Team SCA and the opportunity to follow the crew’s
journey in the Volvo Ocean Race have played an important role in SCA’s
journey of change to increases awareness of SCA, our products and the
approximately 80 brands in SCA’s portfolio, including the global leaders
TENA and Tork and strong regional brands such as Lotus, Libresse,
Tempo, Libero, Saba and Nosotras.
The Volvo Ocean Race serves as a unique global marketing
platform to unite and connect target groups, such as customers,
consumers, other external target groups and employees, with
SCA’s operations and brands worldwide, in order to increase
awareness of SCA and strengthen the perception of the Group
as a leading global hygiene and forest products company.
SCA and WSSCC educated girls and
volunteers about menstruation and
hygiene in conjunction with the stopover in Cape Town. SCA and the
women of Team SCA have already
inspired and motivated tens of thousands of people around the world to
believe in themselves and to go after
their goals and dreams.
SCA is dedicated to creating value for people
and nature. During the stopovers in Alicante,
Spain, and Cape Town, South Africa, seedlings were donated for tree planting projects.
During all stops, we invited children from local
preschools, schools and orphanages to show
and teach them about how good hand hygiene
impacts people’s health. This work is linked to
our longstanding philosophy of educating
people around the world about such issues.
We work to raise awareness of the importance of good hygiene, to break taboos regarding incontinence and to support young
women in their development, for example, by
educating them about what happens to their
bodies during puberty and when they have
their period. In late 2014, SCA announced its
partnership with the Water Supply and
Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), the
only UN body devoted solely to the sanitation
and hygiene needs of vulnerable and marginalized people. As part of this partnership,
SCA and WSSCC educated young girls,
women and volunteers about menstruation
and hygiene in conjunction with Team SCA’s
stopover in Cape Town.
Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA (publ)
PO Box 200, SE-101 23 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Klarabergsviadukten 63
Tel +46 8 788 51 00, fax +46 8 788 53 80
Corp. Reg. No.: 556012-6293