Selected UNCTAD Publications
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 GENEVA 10
Selected UNCTAD Publications
Trade and Development Report, 2014
Global governance and policy space for development
United Nations publication, sales no. E.14.II.D.4
ISBN 978-92-1-112877-2
Recent Trends in the World Economy
Towards a Sustained Economic Recovery: Review of Policy Options
Policy Space and Global Governance: Issues at Stake
Policy Space and the Origins of the Multilateral Economic System
Trade and Industrial Policies in an Evolving Global Governance Regime
International Finance and Policy Space
Annex: Do Bilateral Investment Treaties Attract FDI Flows to Developing Economies?
ChapterVII Fiscal Space for Stability and Development: Contemporary Challenges
Trade and Development Report, 2013
Adjusting to the changing dynamics of the world economy
United Nations publication, sales no. E.13.II.D.3
ISBN 978-92-1-112867-3
Chapter I Current Trends and Challenges in the World Economy
Annex: Alternative Scenarios for the World Economy
Chapter II Towards More Balanced Growth: A Greater Role for Domestic Demand in Development Strategies
Annex: Shifting Growth Strategies: Main Implications and Challenges
Chapter III Financing the Real Economy
Trade and Development Report, 2012
Policies for inclusive and balanced growth
United Nations publication, sales no. E.12.II.D.6
ISBN 978-92-1-112846-8
Current Trends and Challenges in the World Economy
Income Inequality: The Main Issues
Evolution of Income Inequality: Different Time Perspectives and Dimensions
Changes in Globalization and Technology and their Impacts on National Income Inequality
The Role of Fiscal Policy in Income Distribution
The Economics and Politics of Inequality Reconsidered
Trade and Development Report, 2015
Trade and Development Report, 2011
Post-crisis policy challenges in the world economy
United Nations publication, sales no. E.11.II.D.3
ISBN 978-92-1-112822-2
Current Trends and Issues in the World Economy
Fiscal Aspects of the Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Public Debt
Fiscal Space, Debt Sustainability and Economic Growth
Financial Re-Regulation and Restructuring
Financialized Commodity Markets: Recent Developments and Policy Issues
Annex: Reform of Commodity Derivatives Market Regulations
The Global Monetary Order and the International Trading System
Trade and Development Report, 2010
Employment, globalization and development
United Nations publication, sales no. E.10.II.D.3
ISBN 978-92-1-112807-9
Chapter I After the Global Crisis: An Uneven and Fragile Recovery
Annex: Credit Default Swaps
Chapter II Potential Employment Effects of a Global Rebalancing
Annex: Simulation of the Trade and Employment Effects of Global Rebalancing:
A Technical Note
Chapter III Macroeconomic Aspects of Job Creation and Unemployment
Chapter IV Structural Change and Employment Creation in Developing Countries
Chapter V Revising the Policy Framework for Sustained Growth, Employment Creation and
Poverty Reduction
Trade and Development Report, 2009
Responding to the global crisis
Climate change mitigation and development
United Nations publication, sales no. E.09.II.D.16
ISBN 978-92-1-112776-8
The Impact of the Global Crisis and the Short-term Policy Response
Annex: The Global Recession Compounds the Food Crisis
The Financialization of Commodity Markets
Learning from the Crisis: Policies for Safer and Sounder Financial Systems
Reform of the International Monetary and Financial System
Climate Change Mitigation and Development
Trade and Development Report, 2008
Commodity prices, capital flows and the financing of investment United Nations publication, sales no. E.08.II.D.21
ISBN 978-92-1-112752-2
Chapter I Current Trends and Issues in the World Economy
Annex table to chapter I
Chapter II Commodity Price Hikes and Instability
Chapter III International Capital Flows, Current-Account Balances and Development Finance
Annex: Econometric Analyses of Determinants of Expansionary and Contractionary
Current-account Reversals
Chapter IV Domestic Sources of Finance and Investment in Productive Capacity
Chapter V Official Development Assistance for the MDGs and Economic Growth
Annex: Details on Econometric Studies
Chapter VI Current Issues Related to the External Debt of Developing Countries
Selected UNCTAD Publications
Trade and Development Report, 2007
United Nations publication, sales no. E.07.II.D.11
ISBN 978-92-1-112721-8
Regional cooperation for development
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Current Issues in the World Economy
Statistical annex to chapter I
Globalization, Regionalization and the Development Challenge
The “New Regionalism” and North-South Trade Agreements
Regional Cooperation and Trade Integration Among Developing Countries
Regional Financial and Monetary Cooperation
Annex 1 The Southern African Development Community
Annex 2 The Gulf Cooperation Council
Regional Cooperation in Trade Logistics, Energy and Industrial Policy
Trade and Development Report, 1981–2011
Three Decades of Thinking Development
United Nations publication, sales no. E.12.II.D.5
ISBN 978-92-1-112845-1
Part One Trade and Development Report, 1981–2011: Three Decades of Thinking Development
Macroeconomics and finance
Global economic governance
Development strategies: assessments and recommendations
Part Two Panel Discussion on “Thinking Development: Three Decades of the Trade and Development Report”
Opening statement
by Anthony Mothae Maruping
Origins and evolving ideas of the TDR
Introductory remarks by Richard Kozul-Wright
Statement by Rubens Ricupero
Statement by Yιlmaz Akyüz
The TDR approach to development strategies
Introductory remarks by Taffere Tesfachew
Statement by Jayati Ghosh
Statement by Rolph van der Hoeven
Statement by Faizel Ismail
The macroeconomic reasoning in the TDR
Introductory remarks by Charles Gore
Statement by Anthony P. Thirlwall
Statement by Carlos Fortin
Statement by Heiner Flassbeck
Evolving issues in international economic governance
Introductory remarks by Andrew Cornford
Statement by Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Statement by Arturo O’Connell
The way forward
Closing remarks by Alfredo Calcagno
Summary of the debate
Trade and Development Report, 2015
Rethinking Development Strategies after the Financial Crisis United Nations publication, sales no. E.15.II.D.9
ISBN 978-92-1-112894-9
Volume I: Making the Case for Policy Space
Edited by Alfredo Calcagno, Sebastian Dullien,
Alejandro Márquez-Velázquez, Nicolas Maystre and Jan Priewe
Alfredo Calcagno
Rethinking Development Strategies after the Global Financial Crisis
Jan Priewe Seven Strategies for Development in Comparison
Eric Helleiner
Restoring the Development Dimension of Bretton Woods
Veerayooth Kanchoochat The Middle-Income Trap and East Asian Miracle Lessons
Robert H. Wade The Role of Industrial Policy in Developing Countries
Roberto Frenkel and Martín Rapetti The Real Exchange Rate as a Target of Macroeconomic Policy
Rachel Denae Thrasher and Kevin P. Gallagher Defending Development Sovereignty: The Case for Industrial Policy and Financial Regulation
in the Trading Regime
The Financial and Economic Crisis of 2008-2009
and Developing Countries
Edited by Sebastian Dullien, Detlef J. Kotte,
Alejandro Márquez and Jan Priewe
United Nations publication, sales no. E.11.II.D.11
ISBN 978-92-1-112818-5
The Crisis – Transmission, Impact and Special Features
Jan Priewe
What Went Wrong? Alternative Interpretations of the Global Financial Crisis
Daniela Magalhães Prates and Marcos Antonio Macedo Cintra
The Emerging-market Economies in the Face of the Global Financial Crisis
Jörg Mayer
The Financialization of Commodity Markets and Commodity Price Volatility
Sebastian Dullien
Risk Factors in International Financial Crises: Early Lessons from the 2008-2009 Turmoil
The Crisis – Country and Regional Studies
Laike Yang and Cornelius Huizenga
China’s Economy in the Global Economic Crisis: Impact and Policy Responses
Abhijit Sen Gupta Sustaining Growth in a Period of Global Downturn: The Case of India
André Nassif
Brazil and India in the Global Economic Crisis: Immediate Impacts and Economic Policy Responses
Patrick N. Osakwe Africa and the Global Financial and Economic Crisis: Impacts, Responses and Opportunities
Selected UNCTAD Publications
Looking Forward – Policy Agenda
Alejandro Márquez The Report of the Stiglitz Commission: A Summary and Comment
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
Reforming Macroeconomic Policies in Emerging Economies: From Procyclical to Countercyclical Approaches
Jürgen Zattler
A Possible New Role for Special Drawing Rights In and Beyond the Global Monetary System
Detlef J. Kotte
The Financial and Economic Crisis and Global Economic Governance
The Global Economic Crisis: Systemic Failures and Multilateral Remedies
Report by the UNCTAD Secretariat Task Force
on Systemic Issues and Economic Cooperation
United Nations publication, sales no. E.09.II.D.4
ISBN 978-92-1-112765-2
A crisis foretold
Financial regulation: fighting today’s crisis today
Managing the financialization of commodity futures trading
Exchange rate regimes and monetary cooperation
Towards a coherent effort to overcome the systemic crisis
These publications may be obtained from bookstores and distributors throughout the world. Consult your bookstore
or the United Publications Sales and Marketing Office, 300 E 42nd Street, 9th Floor, IN-919J New York, NY 10017,
United States; tel.: +1 212 963 8302, fax: +1 212 963 3489, e-mail: publications@un.org, https://unp.un.org.
Trade and Development Report, 2015
Regional Monetary Cooperation and Growth-enhancing Policies:
The new challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean
United Nations publication, UNCTAD/GDS/2010/1
I What Went Wrong? An Analysis of Growth and Macroeconomic Prices in Latin America
Chapter II Regional Monetary Cooperation for Growth-enhancing Policies
Chapter III Regional Payment Systems and the SUCRE Initiative
Chapter IV Policy Conclusions
Price Formation in Financialized Commodity Markets: The role of information
United Nations publication, UNCTAD/GDS/2011/1
1. Motivation of this Study
2. Price Formation in Commodity Markets
3. Recent Evolution of Prices and Fundamentals
4. Financialization of Commodity Price Formation
5. Field Survey
6. Policy Considerations and Recommendations
7. Conclusions
These publications are available on the website at: http://unctad.org. Copies may be obtained from the Publications
Assistant, Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies,
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10,
Switzerland; e-mail: gdsinfo@unctad.org.
Selected UNCTAD Publications
UNCTAD Discussion Papers
No. 222
July 2015
Ulrich Hoffmann
Can green growth really work and what are the true (socio-)
economics of climate change?
International policy coordination for development: The forgotten legacy of Bretton Woods
E-commerce trends and impacts across Europe
No. 221
May 2015
Eric Helleiner
No. 220
May 2015
No. 219
March 2015
No. 218
Dec. 2014
No. 217
Nov. 2014
No. 216
April 2014
No. 215
No. 214
March 2014
Dec. 2013
No. 213
No. 212
Nov. 2013
Nov. 2013
No. 211
Oct. 2013
No. 210
Dec. 2012
No. 209
Nov. 2012
No. 208
Oct. 2012
No. 207
July 2012
No. 206
Dec. 2011
No. 205
Dec. 2011
No. 204
No. 203
Oct. 2011
Sep. 2011
No. 202
June 2011
No. 201
Feb. 2011
No. 200
Sep. 2010
Martin Falk and
Eva Hagsten
Piergiuseppe Fortunato, Operationalizing the product space: A road map to export
Carlos Razo and
Kasper Vrolijk
Daniel Poon
China’s development trajectory: A strategic opening for
industrial policy in the South
Yılmaz Akyüz
Internationalization of finance and changing vulnerabilities in
emerging and developing economies
Andrew Cornford
Macroprudential regulation: Potential implications for rules
for cross-border banking
Stephany Griffith-Jones A BRICS development bank: A dream coming true?
Jörg Mayer
Towards more balanced growth strategies in developing
countries: Issues related to market size, trade balances and
purchasing power
Shigehisa Kasahara
The Asian developmental State and the Flying Geese paradigm
Vladimir Filimonov,
Quantification of the high level of endogeneity and of
David Bicchetti,
structural regime shifts in commodity markets
Nicolas Maystre and
Didier Sornette
André Nassif,
Structural change and economic development: Is Brazil
Carmem Feijó and
catching up or falling behind?
Eliane Araújo
Giovanni Andrea
Development policies and income inequality in selected
Cornia and Bruno
developing regions, 1980–2010
Alessandro Missale and Multilateral indexed loans and debt sustainability
Emanuele Bacchiocchi
David Bicchetti and
The synchronized and long-lasting structural change on
Nicolas Maystre
commodity markets: Evidence from high frequency data
Amelia U. SantosTrade, income distribution and poverty in developing
countries: A survey
André Nassif,
The long-term “optimal” real exchange rate and the currency
Carmem Feijó
overvaluation trend in open emerging economies: The case of
and Eliane Araújo
Ulrich Hoffmann
Some reflections on climate change, green growth illusions
and development space
Peter Bofinger
The scope for foreign exchange market interventions
Javier Lindenboim,
Share of labour compensation and aggregate demand
Damián Kennedy and
discussions towards a growth strategy
Juan M. Graña
Pilar Fajarnes
An overview of major sources of data and analyses relating to
physical fundamentals in international commodity markets
Ulrich Hoffmann
Assuring food security in developing countries under the
challenges of climate change: Key trade and development
issues of a fundamental transformation of agriculture
Jörg Mayer
Global rebalancing: Effects on trade flows and employment
UNCTAD Discussion Papers are available on the website at: http://unctad.org. Copies of UNCTAD Discussion Papers
may be obtained from the Publications Assistant, Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch, Division on
Globalization and Development Strategies, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Palais
des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland; e-mail: gdsinfo@unctad.org.