Wester W rn Illiinois U Univeersity Procu urement Carrd Log--In www.pa w aymenttnet.jpm morgan n.com us644306 WIU U Emplo oyee ID # 8 Diigit Password (aat leasst 1 Alph ha and 1 Num meric, n no Speciial Chaaracters)) 1 April 2015 5 P-Card Transactions Once the proper information is completed under Accounting Codes, the Cardholder will check the “reviewed” box and click “save”. The transaction will now be available for the Approver to check. The following is required for each transaction: Fiscal Year – The fiscal year the transaction is to be charged. Campus Code – The appropriate code – 01 WIU Account or 08 Foundation Account # - The proper departmental account to be charged Object Code – The proper subcode for item purchased Receipt (Itemized) – Mandatory “yes” or “no” Transaction Notes – Please describe the transaction and be specific – remembering the 5 “Ws”. If equipment is purchased, include unit cost in transaction notes. If sufficient information is not provided, you will be contacted by Accounts Payable during the audit process. 2 April 2015 WIU P-Card Travel Transactions Last name of Traveler First name of Traveler City, State mmddyyyy mmddyyyy The following information is necessary in the Transaction Custom Fields for any transaction that has a travel subcode (3940, 3945, 3950, 3955 and 4825), which will also include registrations: Traveler’s Last Name Traveler’s First Name Destination (City, State) Travel Begin Date and Travel End Date (MMDDYYYY) Transaction Notes must state the purpose of travel If the transaction is for multiple travelers – please see the following pages labeled “Splitting P-Card Transactions”. Note: These fields (except Transaction Notes) should be blank if not for travel. After you have completed the required fields, check the “Reviewed” box and click “Save” (not shown on this example). This transaction is now complete for the remaining approval process. 3 April 2015 Splitting P-Card Transactions A If you want to split your allocation between more than one account/subcode or if there are multiple travelers for one transaction – Click “Add Lines” (see A). Enter the number of lines that you’d like to split between multiple accounts, travelers or subcodes (see B). The number of lines entered must be at least 2. Then click “Add” (see C). B C 4 April 2015 A B Once the number of lines is selected, click on the triangle (A) above each line number to open up the accounting codes and transaction custom fields and enter detail for each traveler and/or account. You can quickly add or delete another item without starting over (see B). 5 April 2015 A B C B C Change the amount or percentage for the first line item (A). The subsequent line items will adjust automatically. You will also be able to update the Account # and Object Code as necessary (B). If applicable, please list each traveler on a separate line (C). Remember that “Transaction Notes” is a mandatory field located at the top of the transaction (not seen in this example). Please describe the transaction (remembering the 5 Ws) and be for each traveler as indicated earlier. Click “Save” to complete your review. 6 April 2015 Mulltiple P-Car P rd Rolees (Custo om Card dholder and a Traansaction n Appro over) B A The hom me button (see A) is now n listed next n to the Transactioons drop-do own. If a uuser has morre than onee responsibility in Paym mentNet (eex: revieweer and apprrover), the uuser will now w have to sw witch betw ween them by b selectingg from the System Ro ole drop-do own in the to op right (seee B). D will be vissible. Paym mentNet willl Only the roles assigned to thee individuaal’s User ID t one of th he roles in the list, and d the defauult role willl be presentted each tim me default to the userr logs in. Ussers are enccouraged to o select a ppreferred deefault role o on the My Profile screen. s Ag gain, this iss only for those userrs who havve more th han one responssibility. On O page 8 iss a sample screenshot s of the My Profile - G General Informaation screen n where thee default ro ole can be sset (see C). This is alsso the screeen where users u can seelect their e-mail notifi fication opttions (see D D). We reccommend th hat cardhold ders check the Transaactions for Review boox and apprrovers checck the Transactions for Approval A bo ox in orderr to get the automatic notifications. Make ssure to hit Saave if any of o the settin ngs have beeen changedd. 7 April 2015 5 D C Users caan switch to o a differen nt role in th he list at anny time. Sellecting a neew role willl refresh the t user’s screen s view w and displaay the Welccome screeen with the new role selected d. Unsaved changes prrior to switcching roless will be losst, howeverr a warningg messagee will be preesented to remind useers to save their changges prior to o switchingg roles. To o ensure im mportant no otificationss are not m missed as useers switch b between ro oles, a new notification icon (yellow w triangle) will be intrroduced. T The icon wiill be displaayed t list wheen notificattions appeaar in the Iteems Awaitiing Your A Action and next to the Alerts seections on the Welcom me screen. The notification iconn will allow w users to eaasily see when there aree importantt items thatt require their attentioon for one o or more ro oles. The rolees with actiion items an nd alerts will w be displaayed whenn the user cllicks on thee notificattion icon. w also need to be mo ore thoughttful about tthe actions they take ffor a speciffic Users will role. Wh hen makingg updates, users u shoulld remember that the action willl be tied to the role currrently seleccted. For exxample, if a user creattes a reportt as a cardh holder, the report will w be tied to the card dholder rolee and will oonly be avaiilable for ddownload w when the card dholder rolee is selected d. 8 April 2015 5 Reminders: -Transaction notes need to include enough detailed information to answer the 5 W's who, what, when, why, and where. If equipment is purchased, include unit cost in transaction notes. If sufficient information is not provided, you will be contacted by Accounts Payable during the audit process. -Travel transactions, including registrations, must have the following information added to the transaction custom fields: traveler last name, traveler first name, destination (city and state), travel begin date (mmddyyyy), and travel end date (mmddyyyy). Do NOT include dashes or slashes in the date. Enter only the twodigit month, two-digit date, and four-digit year leaving no spaces. The purpose of the travel must be added to the transaction notes. - If multiple travelers or multiple accounts or subcodes are being used on one transaction, click on Add Lines during the review process. Once the number of lines is selected, click on the triangle above each line number to open up the accounting codes and transaction custom fields and enter detail for each traveler and/or account. -Transactions should be reviewed and approved within 30 days of posting to PaymentNet. -If VP approval is required (generally for transactions $1000 and above or for policyrelated approvals), please add to the transaction notes when approval was received (back-up documentation of VP approval is required with the monthly statement and receipts). -P-Card statements, receipts, approvals, etc. must be submitted to Business Services before the billing date of the following month. Do NOT submit your statement until ALL receipts and back-up documentation are attached. 9 April 2015 Object Codes for P-Card 450 663 685 775 1355 1380 1505 1510 1515 1525 1530 1535 1540 1545 1550 1560 1562 1565 1570 1575 1580 1585 1590 1595 1610 1635 1640 1695 2525 2540 2580 3110 3150 3160 3180 3205 3210 3220 3225 EXP & OTH COST RECOV PROGRAM & REGISTRATION CHARGES TICKET SALES OTHER INCOME A/R CLEARING OTHER RECEIVABLE PURCH FOR RESALE-BEVERAGE PURCH FOR RESALE-CAP GOWN PURCH FOR RESALE-CARDS/STATIONERY PURCH FOR RESALE-SOFTWARE PURCH FOR RESALE-EQUIPMENT PURCH FOR RESALE-FOOD PURCH FOR RESALE-MATERIALS PURCH FOR RESALE-GIFT ITEMS PURCH FOR RESALE-TEXT BOOKS PURCH FOR RESALE-LABOR PURCH FOR RESALE-PHONE CARDS PURCH FOR RESALE-TRADE PAPERBACKS PURCH FOR RESALE-PRINT/DUP MAT PURCH FOR RESALE-SOFT GOODS PURCH FOR RESALE-SUPPLIES PURCH FOR RESALE-USED BOOKS PURCH FOR RESALE-SUNDRIES/SNACKS PURCHASE FOR RESALE-NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED EVENT DEPOSITS (FOUNDATION ONLY) COST OF SALES (CONCESSIONS/FOOD) CS-CUSTOM ITEMS COST OF SALES (NON-FOOD) CREDIT CARDS PAYABLE UTILITIES PAYABLE A/P CLEARING ACCTS OFFICE & LIBRARY SUPPLIES/COMPUTER SUPPLIES OFFICE & LIBRARY EQUIPMENT < $100 FOOD & FOOD SUPPLIES COPYING/PRINTING ATHLETIC SUPPLIES EDUCATIONAL & INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL/SCIENTIFIC/LABORATORY SUPPLIES VETERINARY SUPPLIES 10 April 2015 3230 3420 3460 3470 3472 3480 3490 3510 3520 3530 3550 3560 3570 3574 3590 3591 3592 3593 3596 3598 3710 3720 3730 3780 3790 3940 3945 3950 3955 4110 4111 4120 4140 4141 4150 4151 4160 4161 4190 4191 4200 MEDICAL/SCIENTIFIC/LABORATORY EQUIPMENT < $100 MECHANICAL SUPPLIES HOUSEHOLD, LAUNDRY & CLEANING SUPPLIES FARM/GARDEN SUPPLIES FEED ROCK SALT, CALCIUM CHLORIDE FOR ROAD USE HOUSEHOLD, LAUNDRY & CLEANING EQUIP <$100 COAL & COKE FUEL OIL & BOTTLED GAS GAS, OIL & ANIT-FREEZE FOR OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT WEARING APPAREL SMALL TOOLS < $100 EQUIP NEC < $100 TRAINING MAT/EDUC <$100 COMMODITIES NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED PROMOTIONAL ITEMS (NEEDS VP APPROVAL) AWARDS & PLAQUES CONFERENCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES EVENT/ACTIVITY SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE, AUTOMOTIVE EQUIP PARTS & FITTINGS, AUTOMOTIVE EQUIP GASOLINE, OIL & ANTIFREEZE AUTO SERVICES, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED AUTO EXPENSES, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED TRAVEL IN-STATE, VENDOR PAYMENT TRAVEL IN-STATE, SCOUTING/RECRUITING TRAVEL OUT-OF-STATE, VENDOR PAYMENT TRAVEL OUT-OF-STATE, SCOUTING/RECRUITING REPAIR & MAINT/OFFICE/HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT PARTS FURN/OFF EQUIP MAINT CONTRACTS/REP & MAINT OFFICE EQUIP REPAIR & MAINTENANCE-REAL PROPERTY R&M REAL PROPERTY - PARTS REPAIR & MAINT-MACHINERY & MECHANICAL EQUIP PARTS, MACHINERY & MECH EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT-ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING EQUIP PARTS EDP EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT-NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED PARTS, NEC IN-HOUSE REPAIR & MAINT, MERCHANDISE 11 April 2015 4210 4211 4220 4222 4223 4230 4240 4250 4260 4290 4291 4295 4320 4330 4340 4345 4350 4360 4370 4375 4380 4390 4392 4395 4510 4520 4540 4545 4556 4552 4555 4566 4570 4595 4657 4660 4661 4665 4666 4667 4669 RENTAL, OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE, OFFICE EQUIPMENT RENTAL MOTOR VEHICLES CHARTERED BUS CHARTERED AIRCRAFT RENTAL, REAL PROPERTY RENTAL, MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT RENTAL, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING EQUIP RENTAL, FILM & AUDIO/VISUAL AIDS RENTAL, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED/TEMP LODGING TEMPORARY LODGING LODGING, TEMPORARY - SCOUTING/RECRUITING BOOKBINDING & PROCESSING SERVICES ADVERTISING AUDIT & MGT SERV COMPUTER SOFTWARE STATISTICAL & TABULATION SERVICES MEDICAL CONSULTANT FEES HOSPITAL & MEDICAL SERVICES, VENDOR PAYMENTS PRESCRIPTIONS, VENDOR PAYMENTS BLDG & GROUND MAINT (FOR SVC NOT PARTS) PROFESSIONAL & ARTISTIC SERVICES, NEC PROF ENTERTAINMENT BROADCAST PROGRAMS SURETY BONDS & INSURANCE PREMIUMS FREIGHT, FEDERAL EXPRESS & DRAYAGE OPERATING TAXES, LICENSES & FEES ROYALTIES GROUP/TEAM TRAVEL RECRUIT/SCOUT TRAVEL TRAVEL, NON-EMPLOYEE/VENDOR PAYMENT INTERVIEWEE EXPENSES/VENDOR PAYMENT EMPLOYEE TUITION & FEES EMPLOYEE MOVING EXPENSES/VENDOR PAYMENT CREDIT CARD FEES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED LAUNDRY & LINEN CATERING/ MEALS CATERING/MEALS - REC CATERING/MEALS - PRE-SEASON RECRUITING - ENTERTAINMENT 12 April 2015 4670 4671 4672 4710 4720 4730 4790 4810 4825 4826 4827 4830 4831 4860 4870 4940 4950 4980 4990 5150 5170 5190 5310 5510 5520 5540 5550 5560 5565 5610 5620 5630 5640 5690 5699 5910 5911 7210 7220 7230 7240 FLOWERS-INDIVIDUAL (FOUNDATION ONLY) ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (FOUNDATION ONLY) ENTERTAINMENT GAS (UTILITIES) ELECTRICITY WATER UTILITIES, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED SUBSCRIPTIONS REGISTRATION FEES & CONFERENCE EXPENSES/VENDORS REGISTRATION - WEBINAR ENTRY FEE (ATHLETICS ONLY) ASSOCIATION DUES (DEPT/UNIV) PERSONAL/EMP MEMBERSHIPS (NEEDS VP APPROVAL) PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES POSTAL CHARGES REMODEL/RENOVATE (<$5000) SITE IMPROVEMENTS (< $5000 CONTRACTUAL) FIXED EQUIPMENT < $5000 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT REMODEL/RENOVATION (OVER $5000) SITE IMPROVEMENTS (OVER $5000) UTILITIES FIXED EQUIPMENT OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT ($100 & UP) HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT & FURNISHINGS ($100 & UP) SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS & APPARATUS ($100 & UP) TRAINING MATERIALS/EDUC EQUIP/BOOKS ($100 & UP) COMPUTER & ELEC DATA PROCESSING EQUIP ($100 & UP) COMPUTER EQUIPMENT-REST (5 ACCTS ONLY) MACHINERY, IMPLEMENTS & MAJOR TOOLS ($100 & UP) NON-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES ($100 & UP) PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES ($100 & UP) LIVESTOCK ($100 & UP) EQUIPMENT NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED ($100 & UP) EQUIPMENT NOT OWNED LIBRARY BOOKS LIBRARY BOOKS - NON-CAP EXP TELECOMM REPAIR & MAINTENANCE RENTAL, TELEPHONE SERVICES & EQUIPMENT RENTAL, DATA COMMUNICATION SERVICES & EQUIP RENTAL, RADIO COMMUNICATION SERVICES & EQUIP 13 April 2015 7250 7260 7280 7285 7290 7291 7292 7300 9090 9095 9702 RENTAL, OTHER COMMUNICATION SERVICES & EQUIP PARTS, TELEPHONE & RADIO TELE, DATA, RADIO & OTHER COMM EQUIP ($100 & UP) TELEPHONE, RADIO, OTHER COMM EQUIP <$100 TELECOMMUNICATION SVCS, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED OFF CAMPUS LINE SERVICE CELLULAR SERVICE VIDEO CONFERENCING PRIZES, PREMIUMS & AWARDS (NEEDS VP APPROVAL) TORT CLAIMS GUARANTEES (ATHLETICS ONLY) 14 April 2015