Document 10380456

2013 C.I.R.C.L.E Conference – November 2
Connecting Inclusive Responsive Communities Leading Education
Location: Stanley British Primary School, 350 Quebec Street, Denver, CO
Department: UCCS College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction
Number of Credits: 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU)
UCCS Instructor: Abby Ferber,
Abby is a Professor of Sociology, and Women's Studies and Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. She writes
a blog for the Huffington Post, and has authored numerous books, including White Man Falling: Race, Gender and White Supremacy
and most recently co-edited Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: The New Basics. She directs The Matrix Center for the Advancement of
Social Equity and Inclusion (, works with the national White Privilege Conference and co-founded and cofacilitates the Knapsack Institute a national curriculum transformation project.
Guest Speaker: Dr. Cornel West
Cornel West is a prominent and provocative democratic intellectual. He is a Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at Union
Theological Seminary and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University. He has also taught at Yale, Harvard, and the University of
Paris. Cornel West graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard in three years and obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy at
Princeton. He has written 20 books and has edited 13. He is best known for his classics Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and
his memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud. He appears frequently on the Bill Maher Show, Colbert Report, CNN and CSpan as well as on his dear Brother, Tavis Smiley’s PBS TV Show. He is also co-host of the popular radio show “Smiley & West”
heard on PRI around the country. The co-hosts have recently co-authored the book titled The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty
Manifesto. The new book is a game-changing text on economic injustice in America
The C.I.R.C.L.E Conference is an annual diversity and inclusiveness conference for educators, board members, parents, and students
committed to building more inclusive school communities. Whether or not educators feel prepared, schools in every community are
changing. Student populations are diversifying, and educators must respond with professional and personal development to ensure
that they are able to meet the needs of diverse student populations.
 Knowledge of how to handle classroom implications of discussions across difference
 Ability to think of new and creative ways to engage courageous conversations about identity, power, oppression, and privilege
Course Requirements:
 Students are expected to attend and participate in the entire 2013 C.I.R.C.L.E Conference held on November 2.
 Participants must submit a REFLECTION PAPER (one-page) of their experience at the 2013 C.I.R.C.L.E Conference.
o Identify ALL sessions you attended
o Describe the challenges you will face in your current position and the ideas you have to address the challenges and
engage discussions across difference.
The Reflection Paper must be submitted by November 16 to receive a passing grade for UCCS Continuing Education Units.
Please e-mail your reflection paper directly to:
 Dr. Abby Ferber, -----In the subject line, please include: C.I.R.C.L.E. Conference_student name
The point distribution for the course:
Reflection Paper
No Credit
Campus Wide Extended Studies
Toll free:
800-990-8227 x3498
2013 C.I.R.C.L.E Conference – November 2
Connecting Inclusive Responsive Communities Leading Education
Course Title:
Special Topics in Curriculum & Instruction: 2013 CIRCLE Conference
NEDU 5590 – N01
Class Nbr to enroll: 41369
November 8 = Enrollment Deadline
Application and Registration process takes 1-2 business days to complete
Continuing Education Units cannot be used toward an academic degree program
STEP 1 ---Apply: Non-Credit = Continuing Education Units
1. Go to, click on Extended Studies Application --- Online Application
2. Click on “REGISTER HERE” to create an account profile. –-You will receive two (2) emails with username/password.
Note: the automated e-mail may go to “junk mail” if you have an e-mail filter.
3. Login to the Extended Studies Application---Online Application, with your application username/password
4. From the drop down menus, please select the following:
Please select a career: Non-credit
Please select a program: Non-credit
Please select a field of study: Non-credit
Please select an admit term: Fall 2013
Click “Apply for This Program”
Non-credit = Continuing Education Units
5. Provide your information on each page of the application, click “Save & Continue” –-Save and upload documents as needed
6. Verify that the information you provided is correct, click “Submit Application” –-Print a copy for your records
STEP 2 ---Claim Your Account
Wait 1-2 business days after submitting your application, then “claim your account”. The instructions below detail how to
activate your student portal account, which is where you will register and pay for your class.
Go to, to obtain your username/password for access to the MyUCCS Current Student portal
 *helpful tip* Keep this username and password for future access into myUCCS Student Portal
STEP 3 ---Register and Pay
Go to, and click on “MyUCCS Current Student Portal Access”
Click on “Students” in the top left corner,
Registration - Under “Academic Resources” click on “Register for Classes”
Under “Academics” click on “Enroll”
Verify your emergency contact information; ‘Home’ address needs to also be marked as ‘Local’
Enter the 5 digit Class Number under “Add to Cart”. Click “Enter”
Confirm the details of the course and click “Next”
Check the box of the course you would like to enroll, under the “Select” column
Click “Proceed to Step 2 of 4”
Confirm the course and click “Finish Enrolling”
Payment - click
on “Make Payment”
Enter the payment amount and payment method and click on “Continue”
Provide payment information for the selected method and click “Continue”
Confirm the payment information and click “Confirm” – Print a copy for your records
Step 4 ---Request a Transcript
Once your grade has been posted, you can request: your official transcript through UCCS Admissions and Records
An unofficial transcript can be printed from your student portal. Select 'Access Student Self Services', go to 'My
Academics' link and choose 'View My Unofficial Transcript'.