Noncommutative Geometry and Conformal Geometry (joint work with Hang Wang) Raphaël Ponge Seoul National University May 1, 2014 1 / 40 References Main References RP+HW: Noncommutative geometry, conformal geometry, and the local equivariant index theorem. arXiv:1210.2032. Superceded by the 3 papers below. RP+HW: Index map, σ-connections, and Connes-Chern character in the setting of twisted spectral triples. arXiv:1310.6131. RP+HW: Noncommutative geometry and conformal geometry. I. Local index formula and comformal invariants. To be posted on arXiv soon. RP+HW: Noncommutative geometry and conformal geometry. II. Connes-Chern character and the local equivariant index theorem. To be posted on arXiv soon. RP+HW: Noncommutative geometry and conformal geometry. III. Poincaré duality and Vafa-Witten inequality. arXiv:1310.6138. 2 / 40 Conformal Geometry 3 / 40 Group Actions on Manifolds Fact If G is an arbitrary group of diffeomorphisms of a manifold M, then M/G need not be Hausdorff (unless Γ acts freely and properly). Solution Provided by NCG Trade the space M/G for the crossed product algebra, nX o Cc∞ (M) o Γ = fφ uφ ; fφ ∈ Cc∞ (M) , uφ∗ = uφ−1 = uφ−1 , uφ f = (f ◦ φ−1 )uφ . Proposition (Green) If G acts freely and properly, then Cc∞ (M/G ) is Morita equivalent to Cc∞ (M) o G . 4 / 40 The Noncommutative Torus Example Given θ ∈ R, let Z act on S 1 by k.z := e 2ikπθ z ∀z ∈ S 1 ∀k ∈ Z. Remark If θ 6∈ Q, then the orbits of the action are dense in S 1 . The crossed-product algebra Aθ := C ∞ (S 1 ) oθ Z is generated by two operators U and V such that U ∗ = U −1 , V ∗ = V −1 , VU = e 2iπθ UV . Remark The algebra Aθ is called the noncommutative torus. 5 / 40 Overview of Noncommutative Geometry Classical NCG Manifold M Spectral Triple (A, H, D) Vector Bundle E over M Projective Module E over A E = eAq , e ∈ Mq (A), e 2 = e indD / ∇E ind D∇E de Rham Homology/Cohomology Cyclic Cohomology/Homology Atiyah-Singer Index Formula R indD / ∇E = Â(R M ) ∧ Ch(F E ) Connes-Chern Character Ch(D) ind D∇E = hCh(D), Ch(E)i Characteristic Classes Cyclic Cohomology for Hopf Algebras 6 / 40 Spectral Triples Definition (Connes-Moscovici) A spectral triple (A, H, D) consists of 1 2 3 A Z2 -graded Hilbert space H = H+ ⊕ H− . An involutive algebra A represented in H. A selfadjoint unbounded operator D on H such that 1 2 3 D maps H± to H∓ . (D ± i)−1 is compact. [D, a] is bounded for all a ∈ A. 7 / 40 Dirac Spectral Triple Example (M n , g ) compact Riemannian spin manifold (n even) with spinor bundle S / =S /+ ⊕ S / −. D / g : C ∞ (M, S/ ) → C ∞ (M, S/ ) is the Dirac operator of (M, g ). C ∞ (M) acts by multiplication on L2g (M, S/ ). Then C ∞ (M), L2 (M, S/ ) ,D / g is a spectral triple. Remark We also get spectral triples by taking H = L2 (M, Λ• T ∗ M) and D = d + d ∗ . ∗ H = L2 (M, Λ0,• TC∗ M) and D = ∂ + ∂ (when M is a complex manifold). 8 / 40 Diffeomorphism-Invariant Geometry Setup M smooth manifold. G = Diff(M) full group diffeomorphism group of M. Fact The only G -invariant geometric structure of M is its manifold structure. Theorem (Connes-Moscovici ‘95) There is a spectral triple Cc∞ (P) o G , L2 (P, Λ• T ∗ P) , D , where P = gij dx i ⊗ dx j ; (gij ) > 0 is the metric bundle of M. D is a “mixed-degree” signature operator, so that D|D| = dH + dH∗ + dV dV∗ − dV∗ dV . 9 / 40 Conformal Change of Metric Example (M n , g ) compact Riemannian spin manifold (n even) with spinor bundle S / =S /+ ⊕ S / −. D / g : C ∞ (M, S/ ) → C ∞ (M, S/ ) is the Dirac operator of (M, g ). C ∞ (M) acts by multiplication on L2g (M, S/ ). Consider a conformal change of metric, ĝ = k −2 g , k ∈ C ∞ (M), k > 0. Then the Dirac spectral triple C ∞ (M), L2ĝ (M, S/ ) ,D / ĝ is unitarily √ √ equivalent to C ∞ (M), L2g (M, S/ ) , k D / g k (i.e., the spectral triples are intertwined by a unitary operator). 10 / 40 Twisted Spectral Triples Definition (Connes-Moscovici) A twisted spectral triple (A, H, D) (A, H, D)σ consists of 1 2 3 A Z2 -graded Hilbert space H = H+ ⊕ H− . An involutive algebra A represented in H together with an automorphism σ : A → A such that σ(a)∗ = σ −1 (a∗ ) for all a ∈ A. A selfadjoint unbounded operator D on H such that 1 2 3 D maps H± to H∓ . (D ± i)−1 is compact. [D,a][D, a]σ := Da − σ(a)D is bounded for all a ∈ A. 11 / 40 Conformal Deformations of Spectral Triples Proposition (Connes-Moscovici) Consider the following: An ordinary spectral triple (A, H, D). A positive element k ∈ A with associated inner automorphism σ(a) = k 2 ak −2 , a ∈ A. Then (A, H, kDk)σ is a twisted spectral triple. 12 / 40 Pseudo-Inner Twistings Proposition (RP+HW) Consider the following data: An ordinary spectral triple (A, H, D). + ω 0 A positive even operator ω = ∈ L(H) so that 0 ω− there are inner automorphisms σ ± (a) = k ± a(k ± )−1 associated positive elements k ± ∈ A in such way that k +k − = k −k + and ω ± a = σ ± (a)ω ± ∀a ∈ A. Set k = k + k − and σ(a) = kak −1 . Then (A, H, ωDω)σ is a twisted spectral triple. Examples 1 Connes-Tretkoff’s twisted spectral triples over NC tori associated to conformal weights. 2 Invertible doubles of conformal perturbations of spectral 13 / 40 Further Examples Further Examples Conformal Dirac spectral triple (Connes-Moscovici). Twisted spectral triples over NC tori associated to conformal weights (Connes-Tretkoff). Twistings of ordinary spectral triples by scaling automorphisms (Moscovici). Twisted spectral triples associated to quantum statistical systems (e.g., Connes-Bost systems, supersymmetric Riemann gas) (Greenfield-Marcolli-Teh ‘13). 14 / 40 Connections over a Spectral Triple Setup (A, H, D) is an ordinary spectral triple. E finitely generated projective (right) module over A. Space of differential 1-forms: Ω1D (A) := Span{adb; a, b ∈ A} ⊂ L(H), where db := [D, b]. Definition A connection on a E is a linear map ∇E : E → E ⊗A Ω1D (A) such that ∇E (ξa) = ξ ⊗ da + ∇E ξ a ∀a ∈ A ∀ξ ∈ E. 15 / 40 σ-Connections over a Twisted Spectral Triple Setup/Notation (A, H, D)σ is a twisted spectral triple. E finitely generated projective (right) module over A. Space of twisted differential 1-forms: Ω1D,σ (A) = Span{adσ b; a, b ∈ A} ⊂ L(H), where dσ b := [D, b]σ = Db − σ(b)D. Definition A σ-translate of E is a finitely generated projective module E σ together with a linear isomorphism σ E : E → E σ such that σ E (ξa) = σ E (ξ)σ(a) ∀ξ ∈ E ∀a ∈ A. 16 / 40 σ-Connections Definition (RP+HW) A σ-connection on a finitely generated projective module E is a linear map ∇E : E → E σ ⊗A Ω1D,σ (A) such that ∇E (ξa) = σ E (ξ) ⊗ dσ a + ∇E ξ a ∀a ∈ A ∀ξ ∈ E. Example If E = eAq with e = e 2 ∈ Mq (A), then 1 E σ = σ(e)Aq is a σ-translate. 2 It is equipped with the Grassmanian σ-connection, ∇E0 = (σ(e) ⊗ 1)dσ . 17 / 40 Coupling with σ-connections Proposition (RP+HW) The datum of σ-connection on E defines a coupled operator, D∇E : E ⊗A dom D → E σ ⊗A H, of the form, D∇E = 0 + D∇ E − D∇ E 0 , ± ± → E σ ⊗ H∓ are Fredholm operators. where D∇ E : E ⊗ dom D Example For a Dirac spectral triple (C ∞ (M), L2g (M), S/ ,D / g ) and E = C ∞ (M, E ). Then 1 Any connection ∇E on E defines a connection on E. 2 The corresponding coupled operator agrees with D / ∇E . 18 / 40 Index Map Definition The index of D∇E is ind D∇E := 1 + − ind D∇ E − ind D∇E . 2 ± ± where ind D∇ E is the usual Fredholm index of D∇E . Remark ind D∇E is actually an integer when σ = id, and in all main examples when σ 6= id. Proposition (Connes-Moscovici, RP+HW) 1 2 ind D∇E depends only on the K -theory class of E. There is a unique additive map indD,σ : K0 (A) → 12 Z such that indD [E] = ind D∇E ∀(E, ∇E ). 19 / 40 Connes-Chern Character Lemma (RP+HW) Suppose that (A, H, D)σ is p-summable, i.e., Tr |D|−p < ∞ for some p ≥ 1. Assume further that D is invertible and E = eAq , e 2 = e ∈ Mq (A). Then, for all k ≥ 21 p, ind D∇E = o 1 n Tr γ(D −1 [D, e]σ )2k , 2 where γ = idH+ − idH− . Theorem (Connes-Moscovici, RP+HW) Assume (A, H, D)σ is p-summable. Then there is an even periodic cyclic class Ch(D)σ ∈ HP0 (A) , called Connes-Chern character, such that ind D∇E = hCh(D)σ , Ch(E)i ∀(E, ∇E ), where Ch(E) is the Chern character in periodic cyclic homology. 20 / 40 Conformal Dirac Spectral Triple Setup 1 M n is a compact spin oriented manifold (n even). 2 C is a conformal structure on M. 3 G is a group of conformal diffeomorphisms preserving C. Thus, given any metric g ∈ C and φ ∈ G , φ∗ g = kφ−2 g with kφ ∈ C ∞ (M), kφ > 0. 4 C ∞ (M) o G is the crossed-product algebra, i.e., nX o C ∞ (M) o G = fφ uφ ; fφ ∈ Cc∞ (M) , uφ∗ = uφ−1 = uφ−1 , uφ f = (f ◦ φ−1 )uφ . 21 / 40 Conformal Dirac Spectral Triple Lemma (Connes-Moscovici) For φ ∈ G define Uφ : L2g (M, S/ ) → L2g (M, S/ ) by −n Uφ ξ = kφ 2 φ∗ ξ ∀ξ ∈ L2g (M, S/ ). Then Uφ is a unitary operator, and p p Uφ D / g Uφ∗ = kφ D / g kφ . Proposition (Connes-Moscovici) The datum of any metric g ∈ C defines a twisted spectral triple ∞ 2 given by C (M) o G , Lg (M, S/ ),D /g σg 1 The Dirac operator D / g associated to g . 2 The representation fuφ → fUφ of C ∞ (M) o G in L2g (M, S/ ). 3 The automorphism σg (fuφ ) := kφ−1 fuφ . 22 / 40 Conformal Connes-Chern Character Theorem (RP+HW) 1 The spectral triple C ∞ (M) o G , L2g (M, S/ ),D /g σg depends on the choice of g ∈ C only up to unitary equivalence and conformal deformations in the realm of twisted spectral triples. 2 The Connes-Chern character Ch(/ D g )σg ∈ HP0 (C ∞ (M) o G ) is an invariant of the conformal class C. Definition The conformal Connes-Chern character Ch(C) ∈ HP0 (C ∞ (M) o G ) is the Connes-Chern character Ch(/ D g )σg for any metric g ∈ C. 23 / 40 Computation of Ch(C) Proposition (Ferrand-Obata) If the conformal structure C is non-flat, then C contains a G -invariant metric. Fact If g ∈ C is G -invariant, then C ∞ (M) o G , L2g (M, S/ ),D /g σg is an ordinary spectral triple (i.e., σg = 1). Consequence When C is non-flat, we are reduced to the compuation of the ∞ 2 Connes-Chern character of C (M) o G , Lg (M, S/ ),D / g , where G is a group of isometries. 24 / 40 Computation of Ch(C) Remark 1 When G is a group of isometries, the Connes-Chern character of C ∞ (M) o G , L2g (M, S/ ),D / g is computed by using JLO or CM representatives and a differentiable version of the local equivariant index theorem (Azmi, Chern-Hu). 2 We produce a new approach to equivariant heat kernel asymptotics that proves the local equivariant index theorem and computes the JLO cocycle in the same shot. 3 This approach was subsequently used by Yong Wang in several papers (e.g., equivariant eta cochain). 25 / 40 Local Index Formula in Conformal Geometry Setup C is a nonflat conformal structure on M. g is a G -invariant metric in C. Notation Let φ ∈ G . Then M φ is the fixed-point set of φ; this is a disconnected sums of submanifolds, F M φ = Maφ , dim Maφ = a. N φ = (TM φ )⊥ is the normal bundle (vector bundle over M φ ). Over M φ , with respect to TM|M φ = TM φ ⊕ N φ , there are decompositions, ! 1 0 φ φ φ0 = , ∇TM = ∇TM ⊕ ∇N . 0 0 φ|N φ 26 / 40 Local Index Formula in Conformal Geometry Theorem (RP + HW) For any G -invariant metric g ∈ C, the conformal Connes-Chern character Ch(/ D g )σg is represented by the periodic cyclic cocycle ϕ = (ϕ2m ) given by ϕ2m (f 0 Uφ0 , · · · , f 2m Uφ2m ) = n Z φ a (−i) 2 X φ (2π)− 2 Â(R TM )∧νφ R N ∧f 0 d f˜1 ∧· · ·∧d f˜2m , (2m)! a Maφ −1 where φ := φ0 ◦ · · · ◦ φ2m , and f˜j := f j ◦ φ−1 0 ◦ · · · ◦ φj−1 , and # φ R TM /2 , Â R := det sinh R TM φ /2 φ φ N − 12 0 −R N νφ R := det 1 − φ|N φ e . TM φ " 1 2 27 / 40 Local Index Formula in Conformal Geometry Remark The n-th degree component is given by R 0 1 ˜ ˜n if φ0 ◦ · · · ◦ φn = 1, n 0 M f df ∧ · · · ∧ df ϕn (f Uφ0 , · · · , f Uφn ) = 0 if φ0 ◦ · · · ◦ φn 6= 1. This represents Connes’ transverse fundamental class of M/G . 28 / 40 Cyclic Homology of C ∞ (M) o G Theorem (Brylinski-Nistor, Crainic) Along the conjugation classes of G , MM HP0 (C ∞ (M) o G ) ' HGevφ (Maφ ), hφi a where G φ is the centralizer of φ and HGevφ (Maφ ) is the G φ -invariant even de Rham cohomology of Maφ . Lemma Any closed form ω ∈ Ω•G φ (Maφ ) defines a cyclic cycle ηω on C ∞ (M) o G via the transformation, f 0 df 1 ∧ · · · ∧ df k −→ Uφ f˜0 ⊗ f˜1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ f˜k , φ f j ∈ C ∞ (Maφ )G , where f˜j is a G φ -invariant smooth extension of f j to M. 29 / 40 Conformal Invariants Theorem (RP+HW) Assume that the conformal structure C is nonflat. Then 1 2 For any closed even form ω ∈ Ωev (Maφ ), the pairing Gφ hCh(C), ηω i is a conformal invariant. For any G -invariant metric g ∈ C, we have Z φ φ hCh(C), ηω i = Â(R TM ) ∧ νφ R N ∧ ω. Maφ Remark Branson-Ørsted proved that for ω = 1 the above integral was independent of the choice of any metric g ∈ C preserved by φ. Remark The above invariants are not the type of conformal invariants appearing in the Deser-Swimmer conjecture solved by Alexakis. 30 / 40 Vaffa-Witten Inequality Theorem (Vafa-Witten ‘84) Let (M n , g ) be a compact spin Riemannian manifold. Then, there exists a constant C > 0 such that, for any Hermitian vector bundle E over M equipped with a Hermitian connection ∇E , we have |λ1 (/ D ∇E )| ≤ C , where λ1 (/ D ∇E ) is the smallest eigenvalue of the coupled Dirac operator D / ∇E . Remark The proof combines the max-min principle with some version of Poincaré duality in K -theory. Remark Moscovici extended Vafa-Witten inequality to ordinary spectral triples satisfying a suitable form of Poincaré duality. 31 / 40 Poincaré Duality Definition (Connes, Moscovici) Two ordinary spectral triples (A1 , H, D) and (A2 , H, D) are in Poincaré duality when [a1 , a2 ] = [[D, a1 ], a2 ] = 0 for all aj ∈ Aj . The following bilinear form (·, ·)D : K0 (A1 ) × K0 (A2 ) → Z is nondegenerate, (E1 , E2 )D := ind D∇E1 ⊗E2 , Ej ∈ K0 (Aj ). Definition (RP+HW) Two twisted spectral triples (A1 , H, D)σ1 and (A2 , H, D)σ2 are in Poincaré duality when [a1 , a2 ] = [[D, a1 ]σ1 , a2 ]σ2 = 0 for all aj ∈ Aj . The following bilinear form (·, ·)D,σ : K0 (A1 ) × K0 (A2 ) → Z is nondegenerate, 32 / 40 Poincaré Duality. Conformal Deformations Example (RP+HW) Consider the following data: Ordinary spectral triples (A1 , H, D) and (A2 , H, D) in Poincaré duality. Inner automorphisms σj (a) = kj2 akj−2 , aj ∈ A, with kj ∈ A+ j . k = k1 k2 ∈ A1 ⊗ A2 . Then (A1 , H, kDk)σ1 and (A2 , H, kDk)σ2 are in Poincaré duality. Remark When k1 = 1, the ordinary spectral triple (A1 , H, kDk) is in Poincaré duality with the twisted spectral triple (A2 , H, kDk)σ2 . Remark The above results extend to pseudo-inner twistings of Poincaré dual pairs of ordinary spectral triples. 33 / 40 Poincaré Duality. Further Examples Further Examples Duals of duals for cocompact discrete subgroups of semisimple Lie groups satisfying the Baum-Connes conjecture (Connes). Ordinary and twisted spectral triples over noncommutative tori (Connes, RP+HW). Spectral triples describing the Standard Model of particle physics (Chamseddine, Connes, Marcolli). Quantum projective line (D’Andrea-Landi). Quantum Podleś spheres (Da̧browski-Sitarz, Wagner). Conformal deformations of all the above (RP+HW). 34 / 40 σ-Hermitian Structures Setup (A, H, D)σ is a twisted spectral triple. E is a finitely generated projective module with σ-translate E σ . Definition (RP+HW) A σ-Hermitian structure on E is given by 1 2 A Hermitian metric (·, ·) : E × E → A. A right A-module isomorphism s : E σ → E such that (s ◦ σ E (ξ), η) = σ (ξ, s ◦ σ E (η)) ∀ξ, η ∈ E. Example If σ(a) = kak −1 , then any Hermitian structure on E gives rise to a σ-Hermitian structure with −1 s(ξ) = σ E (ξ)k −1 ∀ξ ∈ E σ . 35 / 40 σ-Hermitian σ-Connections Definition (RP+HW) A σ-connection ∇E on E is σ-Hermitian when (ξ, s∇E η) − (s∇E ξ, η) = dσ (s ◦ σ E (ξ), η) ∀ξ, η ∈ E. Proposition (RP+HW) Assume ∇E is σ-Hermitian σ-connection. Then 1 The operator sD∇E is selfadjoint (and Fredholm). 2 |sD∇E | = |D∇E |. 3 + + − ind D∇ E = dim ker D∇E − dim ker D∇E . Definition 1 The eigenvalues of sD E are called the s-eigenvalues of D E . ∇ ∇ 2 We order them into a sequence λj (D∇E ), j = 1, 2, . . ., so that |λ1 (D∇E )| ≤ |λ2 (D∇E )| ≤ · · · . 36 / 40 Vafa-Witten Inequality for Twisted Spectral Triples Theorem (RP+HW) Let (A1 , H, D)σ1 be a twisted spectral triple such that 1 (A1 , H, D)σ1 has a Poincaré dual (A2 , H, D)σ2 . 2 σ1 (a) = kak −1 for some positive element k ∈ A1 . 3 dim K0 (A) ⊗ Q < ∞. Then there is a constant C > 0 such that, for any Hermitian finitely generated projective module E over A1 and any σ1 -Hermitian connection ∇E on E, we have |λ1 (D∇E )| ≤ C kk −1 k. Remark For ordinary spectral triples with ordinary Poincaré duality the inequality was obtained by Moscovici (‘97). For k = 1 this extends Moscovici’s inequality to ordinary spectral triples with twisted Poincaré duals. 37 / 40 Conformal Deformations of Spectral Triples Theorem (RP+HW) Consider the following data: Ordinary spectral triples (A1 , H, D) and (A2 , H, D) in Poincaré duality. Inner automorphisms σj (a) = kj2 akj−2 , aj ∈ A, with kj ∈ A+ j . k = k1 k2 ∈ A1 ⊗ A2 . Then, there is a constant C > 0 independent of k1 and k2 , such that, for any Hermitian module E over A1 equipped with a σ1 -Hermitian connection ∇E , we have |λ1 ((k1 Dk1 )∇E )| ≤ C kk1−1 kkk1 k2 k2 . Remark There is also a version of the above results for pseudo-inner twistings of Poincaré dual pairs of ordinary spectral triples. 38 / 40 Vafa-Witten Inequality in Conformal Geometry Theorem (RP+HW) Let (M, g ) be an even dimensional compact Riemannian spin manifold. Then there is a constant C > 0 such that, for any conformal factor k ∈ C ∞ (M), k > 0, and any Hermitian vector bundle E equipped with a Hermitian connection ∇E , we have λ1 (Dĝ ,∇E ) ≤ C kkk∞ , ĝ := k −2 g , where kkk∞ is the maximum value of k. 39 / 40 Further Results Remark (RP+HW) There are also versions of Vafa-Witten inequality for: 1 Twisted spectral triples over noncommutative tori associated to conformal weights (with control of the dependence on the conformal weight). 2 Conformal deformations by group elements of spectral triples associated to duals of cocompact discrete subgroups of semisimple Lie groups satisfying the Baum-Connes conjecture (with control of the dependence on the conformal factor). 40 / 40