Financial Aid Planning

316 Boulevard • Anderson, South Carolina 29621 •
Financial Aid Planning
Phone: 864-231-2070 • fax: 864-231-2008 •
Verify South Carolina Residency – Independent Student
Academic Year: 2016-2017
The Palmetto Fellows, LIFE, and HOPE Scholarship Programs and the SC Tuition Grant program
require that recipients certify they are South Carolina residents in order to receive the scholarship.
The initial determination of one’s resident status is made at the time of admission and the burden of
proof is provided by the student applicant. No person is eligible for in-state residency status unless
he/she is domiciled within South Carolina for 12 consecutive months immediately preceding term
enrollment or meets state requirements for residency.
Student Information
Student Full Name
AU Student ID#
Current Permanent Home Address: Street/PO Box, City, State, Zip
Student Home Phone
Student Cell Phone
Student Email
Establishing SC Residency
How long have you been a legal resident of South Carolina?
**If less than 2 years; list all the addresses where you have lived during the past two years and the dates you
lived at each
For First-Time Eligible Recipients
Have you been employed full-time in South Carolina over the past 12 months?
⧠ Yes: if this box is checked, submit proof of employment in SC (i.e. letter from employer)
⧠ No: if this box is checked, complete the employer information section below.
City, State
Dates Employed
Updated 9/2014
Acceptable Documents for proof of Residency
Two of the four listed must be submitted:
 Copy of your valid South Carolina Driver’s License, or if a non-driver, a SC issued ID card.
 Copy of your Vehicle Registration
 Ownership of a principle residence (i.e. mortgage agreement property showing the date South
Carolina domicile was claimed) or a valid lease.
 Voter Registration Card
Change in Residency after initial award
Attach a letter of explanation with details of move along with third-party documentation (i.e. letter from
Date of enrollment at AU:
Reason for move:
Besides summer, have you remained continuously enrolled at AU?
No. If no, explain:
Any student who has obtained a scholarship through means of a willfully false statement or failure to reveal any
material fact, condition, or circumstances affecting eligibility will be subject to applicable civil or criminal
penalties, including retroactive loss of the scholarship and/or grant. I understand that the University may find it
necessary to request additional information to verify residency in compliance with the regulations regarding the
awarding of the aforementioned Scholarships.
Student’s Name (please print)
Student’s Signature
Last four digits of Social Security Number
Parent’s/Legal Provider’s Name (please print)
Parent’s/Legal Provider’s Signature
If your SC residency appeal was denied, the decision may be appealed using the SC Residency
Decision Appeal Form found on the University website, If you prefer, you may
request a form by e-mailing to
Updated 9/2014