20-201 Certificate of Proficiency Worksheet Professional Sales Name___________________________ SID______________ Date___________ Advisor_________________________ The Certificate of Proficiency is designed for students who wish to receive specialized occupational training for a specific career objective. See college catalog for academic residency requirements. Students are required to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 to receive this certificate. Any course specified below must be completed with a grade of a “C” or better to satisfy requirement. Plan ahead as some courses are not taught every quarter. Program Distribution Major Area Requirements Courses listed below are to be completed with a “C” or better. General Education Requirements 1RWH6RPH*HQHUDO(GXFDWLRQ5HTXLUHPHQWVPD\EHPHWE\ WKHVSHFLILFPDMRUDUHDUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKHSURJUDP&RXUVHV VSHFLILHGEHORZPXVWEHFRPSOHWHGZLWKD&RUEHWWHU • Communication Skills — 5 credits CMST& 220 or 230* ............................... • Computational Skills — 5 credits MATHB 065 ............................................. Prerequisite: Grade of “C ”or better in DVED 023 Mathematics or recommending Placement Score • Human Relations — 5 credits CMST& 230* ............................... Complete Needed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eyboarding…............................ 3 BTEC 150 Computer Business Applications 5 BUS 028 Basic Accounting Procedures...... 3 BUS 029 Basic Accounting Procedures...... 3 BUS& 101 Introduction to Business.............. 5 or BUS 115 Small Business Management….. 3 or MGMT 100 The Business Environment.......... 5 BUS 116 Merchandising Management…... 3 BUS 117 Advertising…………………….. 3 or BUS 217 Principles of Advertising………. 5 BUS 251 Professional Selling……………. 3 BUS 260 Principles of Marketing............... 5 ECON 101 Introduction to Economics..…… 3 MARs Complete MARs Needed 0 *CMST coursework will fulfill a maximum of two distribution areas in the General Education Requirements portion of this degree. TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED: 47 0 NEEDS: _________ STUDENT SIGNATURE:_______________________________ ADVISOR SIGNATURE:_______________________________ UNOFFICIAL EVALUATION GIVEN TO STUDENT Degree & Certificate Intent The career and technical education degrees and certificates are designed for students interested in gaining specific technical career skills. Students focus on completing program specific coursework, balanced by minimal general education courses. Although the Associate in Applied Science and the Associate in Applied Technology degree programs are not designed to guarantee transfer to a senior institution, some institutions may accept technical coursework for students in certain areas of study. Students should contact an advisor and/or the senior institution for additional information. General Education Requirements Note: Some specific requirements of the program may be met by general education requirements. Communication Skills – 3 credits Complete a minimum of three (3) credits from the following courses: BTEC 087 BTEC 107 ENGL 097 ENGL 098 ENGL 099 ENGL& 101 or 135 ENGL& 102 ENGL 103 ENGL& 235 ENGL 212 or BUS 211 PTWR 094 PTWR 095 PTWR 096 PTWR 097 PTWR 098 PTWR 099 Note: Pharmacy Technician students may meet the Communication Skills requirement by achieving one of the following: 1. Completion of ENGL 098 and placement in college level reading. 2. COMPASS test score of 78 on Writing skills AND completion of READ 087. 3. COMPASS test score of 78 on Writing skills AND a score of 74 on Reading skills. Computational Skills-3 credits Complete a minimum of three (3) credits from: • Any Mathematics MATH 096 (MATH) course, except • Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) 121, 222, 223, 224, CS& 131, CS& 141; or any CTEC course except CTEC 102, 103, 104, 105, 180, 181, 200, or 281 • Chemistry (CHEM) 050 • Pharmacy (PHAR) 110 • Health Occupation (HEOC) 011 Only meets the computational skills requirement for Medical Assistant, Health Information Assistant, and Medical Billing/Coding Specialist. • Business Technology (BTEC) 040 Only meets the computational skills requirement for Health Information Assistant, Medical Billing/Coding Specialist, and Medical Transcriptionist • Environmental Science (ENVS) 135 Human Relations – 3 credits Complete a minimum of three (3) credits from: • Communication Studies (CMST/CMST&) 210, 212, or 230 • Any Human Development (HDEV), Psychology (PSYC), or Sociology (SOC) course • Addiction Counselor Education (ACED) 201 • Business Technology (BTEC) 140, 141, 143, 145, 147, or (BMED) 166, 225, or 226 Note: Specific Requirements in an Occupational Field Refer to the prescribed curriculum in the catalog for specific coursework. 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