1. Spring 2014 Seniors

Spring 2014 Seniors
Last Mo dified: 0 4/11/20 14
Date Range: Q1 20 14
Ho w many years have yo u been wo rking o n yo ur degree at UCCS?
Answe r
Re spo nse
26 6
6 -10
To tal
29 7
When do yo u expect to graduate?
Answe r
Re spo nse
20 12
20 13
20 14
8 4%
20 15
20 16
20 17
To tal
29 7
What was yo ur initial student tuitio n classificatio n?
Answe r
Re spo nse
8 3%
No n-Resident
To tal
29 6
What was yo ur initial student level?
Answe r
Re spo nse
To tal
29 7
Which o f the fo llo wing has been yo ur typical co urse lo ad?
Answe r
Full-time (12 o r mo re ho urs per semester)
Part-time (less than 12 ho urs per semester)
To tal
Re spo nse
28 1
9 5%
29 7
Which degree will yo u receive upo n graduatio n? (please check all that apply)
Answe r
Re spo nse
Bachelo r o f Arts (BA)
Bachelo r o f Science (BS)
16 8
Bachelo r o f Inno vatio n (BI)
What mo tivates yo u to earn a degree? (please check all that apply)
Answe r
Re spo nse
To o btain an educatio n
79 %
To get a jo b
To advance my career
16 0
To meet a perso nal go al
19 3
6 5%
To o btain a better jo b
To enable me to pursue a graduate o r pro fessio nal degree
To further my financial go als
49 %
Other (please specify)
Ot he r (ple ase spe cif y)
to save the planet fro m the climate crisis
My so n mo tivates me
To serve as an inspiratio n to my children
to better suppo rt my so n and his future
To be in a better po sitio n to pro vide fo r the family I am wo rking o n building
To better myself as a perso n
I lo ve to learn
I lo ve engineering!
pro vide fo r child
It is a so cial requirement, a BS was the next item o n the check list
To beco me a teacher
to better myself
I've lo st mo tivatio n
To make a difference!
Because I can
Beco me smarter
it's expected o f me
Ho no r my parents' sacrifices to get me an educatio n
Make myself and my family pro ud
I lo ve what I do !
In what majo r(s) will yo u receive yo ur degree?
Answe r
Re spo nse
Anthro po lo gy
Bio chemistry
Bio lo gy
Co mmunicatio n
Co mputer Engineering
Co mputer Science
Co mputer Science & Security
Criminal Justice
Distributed Studies
Eco no mics
Electrical Engineering
Game Design & Develo pment
Geo graphy & Enviro nmental Studies
Health Care Sciences
Histo ry
Business Administratio n
Mechanical Engineering
10 %
Philo so phy
Po litical Science
Psycho lo gy
So cio lo gy
Visual & Perfo rming Arts
Wo men's & Ethnic Studies
In which scho o l/co llege are yo u enro lled as an undergraduate?
Answe r
Re spo nse
Beth-El Co llege o f Nursing and Health Sciences
16 %
Co llege o f Business and Administratio n
Co llege o f Educatio n
Co llege o f Engineering and Applied Science
Letters, Arts and Sciences
Scho o l o f Public Affairs
To tal
48 %
29 3
Did yo u change yo ur majo r while attending UCCS?
Answe r
Re spo nse
39 %
18 1
6 1%
To tal
29 6
If yo ur majo r has changed, please indicate the fo llo wing:
Que st io n
Ant hro po lo gy
Bio che m ist ry
Bio lo gy
Busine ss
Busine ss
Adm inist rat io n
Che m ist ry
Co m m unicat io n
Co m put e r
Engine e ring
Co m put e r
Scie nce
Co m put e r
Scie nce &
Se curit y
Crim inal
J ust ice
Dist ribut e d
St udie s
Eco no m ics
Ele ct rical
Engine e ring
Gam e De sign
De ve lo pm e nt
Ge o graphy &
Enviro nm e nt al
St udie s
He alt h
Scie nce s
Hist o ry
Mat he m at ics
Me chanical
Engine e ring
Philo so phy
Po lit ical
Scie nce
Psycho lo gy
So cio lo gy
Visual &
Pe rf o rm ing
Art s
Wo m e ns
& Et hnic
St udie s
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
Initial Majo r
14.6 3
Majo r
During the years yo u were pursuing yo ur degree at UCCS, ho w many
o f the required co urses were unavailable in the semester yo u needed them?
Answe r
Re spo nse
1 - 2 co urses
10 8
36 %
3 - 4 co urses
5 + co urses
To tal
29 7
Which co urses were difficult to schedule? (Please list co urse
number/name if yo u can remember.)
T e xt Re spo nse
PSC 250 0 , PSC 40 0 0 level
inkno wn right no w
AH 40 0 0 , MSGP 40 40 , MSGP 40 50
bio chemistry lab CHEM 48 6 0
I'm so rry I do no t remember
Nutritio n sequence classes
Chemistry (fo r nursing) & Anato my/Physio lo gy & Intro to Psych
circuits1&2 electro nic 1&2 po wer1&2
WEST wo mens and ethnic studies, COMM 20 10 ,
Bacterio lo gy and Viro lo gy- these were o ffered o n alternating semesters.
Human Services mino r classes
Measurements o ver the summer wo uld have been amazing. It was a prereq I really needed and it wasn't o ffered even after petitio ning fo r it.
Health science co urses
HSCI 449 0
GDD 40 0 0 Sto ry Telling was a o nly o ffered so metimes co ncentratio n co urse that was o ffered o nly at the same time as a required ENTP co urse.
Educatio n and upper level physics
CS3130 ; CS410 0 ; CS420 0 ; CS450 0 ;
30 0 0 -40 0 0 level classes in Health Care Science
All no n-nursing co urses with the nursing co urses.
Infs 30 0 0 any buad class mo stly 40 0 0 /450 0
o nline classes,
Histo ry o f the english language
All o f the calculus and math co urse were difficult to get into . While there were multiple sectio ns o nly o ne per semester didn't o verlap with o ther required co urse wo rk. I
ended up o n the wait list twice fo r co urses that were required prereqs fo r the next semesters co urses. Additio nally a required lab co urse was scheduled so it o verlapped
with the lecture co urse it was required fo r. I think it was electro nics 2 but was quickly reso lved by the dean.
Human Physio lo gy, Genetics, Cell Bio lo gy, (many bio lo gy co urse requirements co nflict!)
Dynamics, Mo d Sim
PSY 210 0
So cio lo gy theo ry, anato my and physio lo gy
Intro to So cio lo gy, So cial Statistics, Gender and Race Theo ry
429 0 Advanced Nursing
hsci 449 0
COMM 10 0 0 (Summer), Spo rt Finance, Ticketing and Facilities o f Spo rt
HUM39 9 0 , Algebra Based Physics 2
human anato my (4350 ), cell bio lo gy, micro bio lo gy, upper divisio n bio lo gy electives
Physical Bio chemistry; Bio -mechanics o f musculo skelatal injuries; Develo pmental neuro bio lo gy
co mm 420 0 persuasio n
Canno t remember
Humanities credits that appealed to me
So me science co urses are o nly o ffered during Spring OR Fall, no t bo th.
senio r seminar
co mm 4440
INFS 340 0
Physics in o ff semesters
Literally almo st all o f my VAPA classes this semester. VAPA is the mo st difficult to schedule due to the times and lo catio ns o f the co urses.
Micro bio lo gy
PES upper divisio n elective cho ices were slim and o nly o ffered every o ther year, the o nes I wanted weren't there when I participated.
Co mputer architecture, o perating systems
Classes with labs that were o nly o ffered during the day and no t in the evenings. Eg- Chemistry, Bio lo gy
upper divisio n co mputer science co urses. also , it wo uld have been nice if mo re o f these were o ffered o ver the summer.
Health Science Statistics
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Math 1350 , Physics I and II
PES 10 10 , Anato my Lab and lecture, HSCI 49 50 , HSCI 46 70 , BIOL 330 0 , HSCI 3330
INFS 370 0
bio lo gy, anato my I & II
Eco no metrics (ECON 48 10 I think), HUM 39 9 0 , so me o nline co urses
Spo rt Management co urses
Co mm in Gro ups and Teams, Advanced Org Co mm, Organizatio nal Leadership
I definitely can't remember them all... I just remember that I had ho ped to graduate with a Marketing emphasis, but two o f the required classes were o nly o ffered at the exact
same time o n the same day o f the week during the Spring semester. I was unwilling to graduate a semester later o r to petitio n the scho o l to allo w me to take ano ther class
instead o f o ne o f the required o nes. It was a bit o f a bummer
so me HSCI co urses (Health Behavio r Change, Health Co mmunicatio n)
Tho se o nly o ffered in either the spring o r fall.
A&P; training special po pulatio ns
o ptics lab, instrumentatio n lab 1 and 2, o ptics
Freshman Co mpo sitio n (English 141) and Micro bio lo gy: Bacterio lo gy and Myco lo gy (Bio lo gy 310 0 )
MGMT 330 0 ,BUAD 30 0 0 , MKTG 4510
I do n't remember
The co urses needed to co mplete the family vio lence o ptio n fo r criminal justice were almo st never o ffered
Finance 410 0
Plant bio lo gy co urses, so me bio lo gy co urses since they were scheduled at the same time
Internatio nal Management
anato my and phys need to be mo re lab ho urs.
Finance, Eco no mic and Acco unting classes that are o nly o ffered during o ne semester at o ne time make it difficult to get in, especially when it's o nly o ffered by o ne
pro fesso r and there is o nly o ne class o ffered at night
Humanities, Upper Divisio n Histo ry
Bio physical chem CHEM 450 0 , Develo pmental bio BIOL 36 10 ,Techno lo gy Transfer and Bio techno lo gy BIOL 40 50 , Aplied mo licular genetics BIOL 46 70 , Mo licular bio
BIOL 48 40
Mo dern Analysis. Mo dern Algebra, Mo dern Geo metry, BIO 20 10 , Cell Bio lo gy, Psycho lo gy classes in general
SPTM co urses o nly o ffered o nce a semester o r every o ther semester.
INFS370 0 , INFS4410 INFS4???
bio lo gy statistics
upper level co urses. always the o nes needed to graduate.
FCS- fo reign cultural studies Japanese, also the Junio r level VAPA co urses like VAPA 39 8 and the senio r capsto ne were hard to schedule
Research and Metho ds, and I wanted to take the Co mparative Psych class but it was never o ffered.
Do no t remember
Upper Level classes and my Senio r Seminar
Engl 48 20
Co mpiler Design, Co mputer Auto mata
All required GDD co urses; they o nly get o ffered every o ther semester.
Upper Level Chemistry Co urses o nly o ffered in either Fall o r Spring semester
I switched my majo r ano ther time between the two stated-- Nursing. The sequences were so metimes hard. A&P
nature o f language, senio r seminar, medical anthro po lo gy
Human Kinetics, Thermo dynamics I, Aerdynamics, Sustainable Energy, Mo st MAE Tech Electives
general humanities
Theater 36 50
Optics Lab, instrumentatio n Lab, ANY energy science o ptio n Tech. electives
Can't remember.
Physics fo r life sciences
The cultural awareness and wo rld cultures requirements; they o nly had o ne o r two o f the o ptio ns available (I do n't kno w if that's what the requirements are actually called)
Spo rts Psych
physical electro nics, circuits 1, circuits2, co mmunicatio ns, semico nducto r devices, electro nics 1 and 2
T his table has more than 100 rows. Click here to view all responses
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
Please rate yo ur skills in the fo llo wing areas:
Que st io n
Oral Co mmunicatio n Skills
Co m pe t e nce
Co m pe t e nce
Ave rage
Co m pe t e nce
Abo ve Ave rage
Co m pe t e nce
Advance d
Co m pe t e nce
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
0 .34%
1.0 3%
24.40 %
46 .74%
27.49 %
29 1
4.0 0
3.8 5
Quantitative Skills
0 .35%
3.16 %
30 .8 8 %
42.46 %
23.16 %
28 5
Scientific Reaso ning
0 .0 0 %
6 .9 9 %
30 .77%
35.6 6 %
26 .57%
28 6
3.8 2
Qualitative Skills
0 .0 0 %
1.0 6 %
23.9 4%
48 .9 4%
26 .0 6 %
28 4
4.0 0
Analytical Reaso ning
0 .0 0 %
0 .6 9 %
20 .8 3%
39 .9 3%
38 .54%
28 8
Reading Skills
0 .0 0 %
1.0 3%
20 .0 0 %
36 .9 0 %
42.0 7%
29 0
Writing Skills
0 .0 0 %
23.0 2%
40 .8 9 %
29 1
4.0 5
Pro blem So lving Skills
0 .0 0 %
0 .34%
40 .41%
43.49 %
29 2
Co mputer Skills
0 .0 0 %
34.8 3%
36 .55%
24.48 %
29 0
3.8 1
Multi-cultural Awareness (sensitivity to
o thers unlike yo u)
0 .70 %
3.48 %
20 .56 %
34.8 4%
40 .42%
28 7
Please rate yo ur ability in the fo llo wing areas:
Co m pe t e nce
Co m pe t e nce
Ave rage
Co m pe t e nce
Abo ve Ave rage
Co m pe t e nce
Advance d
Co m pe t e nce
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
Determine relevance o f
info rmatio n
0 .0 0 %
0 .0 0 %
20 .8 9 %
45.8 9 %
29 2
Evaluate an argument
0 .0 0 %
2.0 5%
24.6 6 %
43.49 %
29 .79 %
29 2
4.0 1
Evaluate data fo r co nsistency
0 .0 0 %
3.0 9 %
30 .9 3%
39 .52%
26 .46 %
29 1
3.8 9
Reco gnize assumptio ns
0 .0 0 %
21.58 %
45.8 9 %
30 .8 2%
29 2
4.0 6
Reco gnize a valid inference
0 .0 0 %
3.78 %
44.6 7%
26 .12%
29 1
3.9 3
Reco gnize redundancy
0 .0 0 %
0 .0 0 %
21.38 %
42.0 7%
36 .55%
29 0
Reco gnize lack o f agreement
0 .0 0 %
0 .6 8 %
29 2
Interpret data in graph/chart
0 .0 0 %
26 .37%
34.59 %
29 2
4.0 5
Draw co nclusio n fro m available
info rmatio n
0 .35%
0 .35%
19 .44%
43.0 6 %
36 .8 1%
28 8
Que st io n
During yo ur undergraduate years at UCCS, did yo u: (please check all that
Answe r
Re spo nse
Wo rk with classmates o n assignments o utside o f class
28 8
Tuto r o r teach o ther students
Participate in a student o rganizatio n
16 2
56 %
Jo in a so cial fraternity o r so ro rity
10 %
Participate in club, intramural o r recreatio nal spo rts
50 %
Participate in interco llegiate athletics (RMAC)
During yo ur undergraduate years at UCCS, did yo u: (please check all that
Answe r
Re spo nse
Fail o ne o r mo re co urses
10 1
Take a remedial co urse
Take a wo mens o r ethnic studies co urse
48 %
Take an ho no rs co urse
Co mplete a culminating experience fo r yo ur degree (e.g., capsto ne co urse/pro ject, thesis, co mp exam)
46 %
Participate in an internship pro gram
10 4
36 %
Participate in a practicum
10 9
38 %
Participate in an undergraduate research pro gram with a faculty member
Serve in a wo rk-study po sitio n
16 %
Serve in a teaching assistant po sitio n
Participate in a teacher certificate/licensure pro gram
Participate in field experience
Take a first-year seminar co urse
Vo lunteer in a co mmunity/charitable o rganizatio n
49 %
Study abro ad
Please rate yo ur level o f agreement with the fo llo wing statements:
St ro ngly
Disagre e
Disagre e
Ne it he r Agre e o r
Disagre e
Agre e
St ro ngly
Agre e
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
I learned the technical skills expected in my degree pro gram.
2.0 7%
2.0 7%
56 .9 0 %
29 0
I learned the theo retical fo undatio ns expected in my degree
pro gram.
0 .6 9 %
1.38 %
5.8 6 %
36 .9 0 %
29 0
My studies at UCCS met the educatio nal go als I had in mind
when I enro lled.
1.0 4%
6 .57%
16 .9 6 %
32.18 %
28 9
3.9 9
Overall, I am satisfied with the educatio n I received at UCCS.
5.9 0 %
8 .6 8 %
47.9 2%
35.76 %
28 8
I wo uld reco mmend UCCS to a pro spective student.
6 .6 4%
11.19 %
39 .51%
40 .21%
28 6
4.0 8
Que st io n
Ho w wo uld yo u rate the quality o f UCCS in the fo llo wing areas?
Ve ry Po o r
Po o r
Go o d
Exce lle nt
T o t al Re spo nse s
Me an
Primary Co llege o f Academic Wo rk
Que st io n
0 .0 0 %
1.0 6 %
12.0 6 %
56 .74%
30 .14%
28 2
Overall Instructio n
0 .6 9 %
2.0 6 %
14.0 9 %
27.8 4%
29 1
4.0 8
Academic Challenge o r Rigo r
0 .0 0 %
2.0 6 %
16 .8 4%
56 .70 %
24.40 %
29 1
4.0 3
Please rate the quality o f services yo u feel yo u received while
attending UCCS.
Ve ry Po o r
Po o r
Go o d
Exce lle nt
T o t al Re spo nse s
Me an
Admissio ns and Reco rds
Que st io n
4.56 %
20 .70 %
51.9 3%
28 5
3.6 6
Advising in yo ur majo r o r degree pro gram
4.79 %
19 .18 %
28 .42%
29 2
Advising in the Student Success Center
9 .0 2%
20 .39 %
40 .39 %
25.8 8 %
Disability Services
2.8 2%
7.0 4%
43.6 6 %
4.0 1
Campus Ho using
7.0 9 %
8 .6 6 %
28 .35%
37.8 0 %
18 .11%
Campus Recreatio n Center
3.9 8 %
15.49 %
26 .55%
3.9 8
Student Orientatio n
3.28 %
3.28 %
26 .6 4%
45.0 8 %
Family Develo pment Center
0 .0 0 %
1.9 6 %
9 .8 0 %
56 .8 6 %
Financial Aid/Student Emplo yment
7.6 6 %
14.0 4%
34.0 4%
21.70 %
Freshman Seminar Pro gram
20 .44%
40 .8 8 %
26 .52%
18 1
Info rmatio n Techno lo gy (IT)
3.6 7%
6 .53%
24.9 0 %
21.6 3%
Multicultural Office fo r Student Access, Inclusiveness, and Co mmunity
10 .47%
50 .0 0 %
34.8 8 %
Office o f Campus Activities
18 .31%
45.0 7%
31.6 9 %
4.0 2
Tuto ring/Excel Learning Centers
0 .45%
44.8 0 %
40 .27%
Bo o ksto re
7.6 7%
23.6 9 %
45.30 %
20 .21%
28 7
Career Center
4.0 8 %
17.0 1%
48 .9 8 %
3.9 4
Health Center
0 .0 0 %
3.6 0 %
15.8 3%
48 .20 %
4.0 9
Public Safety
6 .28 %
6 .6 9 %
20 .50 %
42.6 8 %
23.8 5%
University Testing Center
6 .78 %
16 .9 5%
45.76 %
26 .27%
3.8 3
Veterans and Military Affairs Office
6 .56 %
4.9 2%
8 .20 %
45.9 0 %
4.0 8
Please indicate the highest level o f educatio n co mpleted ...
Que st io n
High Scho o l
Graduat e o r Le ss
Asso ciat e 's De gre e (2yr de gre e )
Co lle ge Graduat e (4 yr de gre e )
Graduat e o r Pro f e ssio nal Scho o l (MA,
PhD o r e quivale nt )
T o t al
Re spo nse s
Me an
Mo ther
29 0
28 5
Were yo u emplo yed o ff campus while yo u were an undergraduate at
Answe r
Re spo nse
Yes, part-time
16 0
Yes, full-time
To tal
29 7
If emplo yed, ho w much o f yo ur paid emplo yment is related to yo ur field o f
Answe r
Re spo nse
10 0
So mewhat related
Mo derately related
10 %
Very related
To tal
What are yo ur plans immediately fo llo wing graduatio n? (please check all
that apply)
Answe r
Re spo nse
Emplo yment, full-time paid
Emplo yment, part-time paid
Graduate o r pro fessio nal scho o l, full-time
Graduate o r pro fessio nal scho o l, part-time
19 %
Additio nal undergraduate co ursewo rk
Military service
Vo lunteer activity (e.g., Peace Co rps)
10 %
Start/raise a family
Co ntinue in current emplo yment
Other, please specify:
Ot he r, ple ase spe cif y:
beco me self emplo yed
research po sitio n
Missio nary
Teaching license/certificatio n
Yo u can plan a pretty picnic but can't predict the weather.
Mo ve
co ntinue wo rking, take a year break then o n to a do cto ral pro gram
Have already signed co ntracts to be wo rking in China by June
Self Emplo yment
take a sho rt break and wo rk befo re graduate scho o l
Travel Euro pe
Travel and enjo y life fo r a while so I do n't blo w my brains o ut
Additio nal educatio n in fo rm o f certificatio ns
co ntinue educatio n
o wning my o wn business
Open a business
Get a jo b that I am go o d at! Do ing what? I'm no t sure!
Run o wn co mpany
Keep making sho rt films until I can make a sellable feature
Ho pefully a jo b, no t getting calls back
LPN / LVN degree
If yo u plan o n attending graduate scho o l, have yo u applied and if so ,
Answe r
Re spo nse
Yes, I applied to the fo llo wing institutio n(s):
To tal
Ye s, I applie d t o t he f o llo wing inst it ut io n(s):
Denver University and Univeristy o f Co lo rado at Denver
No rthern Arizo na University
Have no t applied yet
U o f Flo rida, U o f Orego n, U o f Hawaii, U o f Cali Santa Barbara, U o f Maryland, Geo rge Washignto n U
CU Denver, Regis, University o f Dayto n, NAU
Hillsdale Co llege, Claremo nt Graduate University, Binghampto n University
UW-Madiso n, University o f Michigan, UC-Berkeley, University o f Maryland-Co llege Park, Indiana University-Blo o mingto n, UCCS
dental scho o l
USUHS, University o f Wisco nsin SOM, CU SOM
Regis, No va So utheastern, LSU, Univeristy o f Washingto n
Dental Hygiene Pro gram pueblo co mmunity co llege
University o f Denver Sturm Co llege o f Law
Vanderbilt, Emo ry, Washingto n U. in St. Lo uis, Yale
po rtland state university
University Co llege Co rk, University o f Aberdeen, University Co llege Dublin, University o f Glasgo w
University o f Arkansas, University o f Wyo ming, Idaho State University, Denver University, UCCS
NYU, University o f Edinbo urgh
SDSU, Orego n, Cal State Lo ng Beach, Geo rge Washingto n
Baylo r
University o f So uthern Califo rnia (USC)
Washburn Law Scho o l
Texas Tech, Texas A&M, Califo rnia Baptist University, University o f No rth Caro lina at Greensbo ro
No t yet applied
University o f Oklaho ma
What is the to tal amo unt o f student lo an debt yo u expect to have upo n
graduatio n?
Answe r
Re spo nse
$0 - $4,9 9 9
39 %
$5,0 0 0 - $9 ,9 9 9
$10 ,0 0 0 - $14,9 9 9
$15,0 0 0 - $19 ,9 9 9
$20 ,0 0 0 - $24,9 9 9
$25,0 0 0 +
Prefer no t to respo nd
To tal
29 7
In yo ur o pinio n, what co uld UCCS impro ve?
T e xt Re spo nse
Students' awareness o f degree pro grams and o ther student activities.
Advising, fin aid
Tyhere is no thing the scho o l co uld do to imrpo ve at the mo ment. I am satisfied with the scho o l as a who le right no w.
sense o f co mmunity
As many o f the students co mmute to campus, there really needs to be better parking aro und campus. Sidewalks at fo ur diamo nds. I have also had many pro blems figuring
o ut my financial aid, I seem to get different respo nses every time I go in there and it can be stressful.
I do n't think we sho uld have to take so many classes o utside o f o ur majo r area.
UCCS co uld impro ve o n aiding students with financial aid. The financial aid o ffice is terrible and yo u have to jump thro ugh numero us lo o ps to receive any help.
Student advising
Making mo re classes available to full time wo rking students rather then just o nline and co ndensed weekend co urses.
Teacher quality - I was disappo inted in a few when I learned no thing fro m the class. Also my freshman year was an awful experience living vo n campus, I reco mmend a
perso nality quiz that includes finding similarities to match up ro o mmates.
The bio lo gy pro gram. There isn't eno ugh teachers and the classes yo u can take are extremely limited. I feel that I wo uld be much mo re prepared fo r my field had I go ne to
CU Bo ulder.
Due to the o verwhelming gro wth o f the scho o l, parking needs to co ntinue to gro w! Also , the co llege o f nursing needs to receive the same reno vatio ns that the rest o f the
scho o l has received!
Tired o f co re engineering classes o nly o ffered o nce a.year and o nly o ne sectio n. This is unacceptable.
Parking, Expanding the number o f peo ple o n campus befo re campus is ready
I think that UCCS co uld impro ve the services it o ffers to pre-health students.
In the fo ur years that I've been here, I've had a new academic adviso r every year. It's difficult to get to kno w so meo ne well who kno ws yo ur plans and can reco mmend
classes, but then it's hard when the new academic adviso r isn't aware o f yo ur situatio n and then suggests so mething co mpletely different. It wo uld have been nice to have
had the same academic adviso r fo r at least two years instead o f fo ur new o nes every fall.
Co mmunicatio n between departments/centers and pro fesso rs. While I've lo ved co ming to this scho o l all fo ur years, I've no ticed ho w easily repo rts/fo rms/info rmatio n can
get lo st.
Parking and Transpo rtatio n. As a rule o f thumb, it takes me lo nger to get fro m Fo ur Diamo nds to campus than it do es Fo untain, CO to Fo ur Diamo nds.
The services in the advising center fo r yo ur majo r. The service has been terrible each time I have visited
It really bo thered me to hear abo ut the treatment o f Muslim students o n the campus.
UCCS co uld o ffer mo re merit-based scho larships.
The administratio n has been a nightmare all fo ur years. No o ne seems to kno w who the po int o f co ntact is regarding specific needs. One example is a COF erro r I
experienced in two separate semesters. Each time I was passed aro und to different peo ple and no o ne co uld help. To o k almo st a mo nth to co rrect each time. Also the
faculty has been decent fo r the mo st part, but I have experienced so me very aggressive pro fesso rs who are determined to fail students regardless o f their ability. The
teacher has since been fired, but there was no where to go to seek help fro m abusive teachers.
The English department o f the campus isn't utilized eno ugh fo r no n Liberal Arts majo rs, and the classes we do get aren't very challenging o r useful. As a result, students
that leave with degrees in this co llege o ften do no t write very well and make easy to fix grammar and punctuatio n erro rs in pro fessio nal enviro nments.
Wo rk to develo p a credit transfer system that gives students the ability to apply their asso ciates degree o r previo us co llege ho urs directly to ward what they are wo rking o n
at UCCS. I attended the New Mexico Military Institute and was appo inted to the United States Merchant Marine Academy befo re co ming to UCCS but my Asso ciates Degree
was no t reco gnized. Due to this, I was no t placed in as a junio r when I first came (Fall 20 0 8 ). Also , medical circumstances have co ntinued to place me where I struggled to
get to and fro m class and had to take a year o ff fo r brain surgery, as an attempt to sto p my epilepsy. When I first came back after my year o ff, fall 20 13, the university
attempted to thro w me into a new degree requirement in attempts to ro b me o f mo re mo ney and time to co ntinue taking credits away fro m me.
needs to be mo re retro active in helping students find internships and o ther means to get enplo yment at the end o f their degree needs to develo pe mo re hands-o n and
experiment based learning alo ng with getting better equiptment to do so needs to impro ve Financial Aid center in all areas needs to let students kno w when and why tuitio n
is increasing needs to upgrade co mputers so that they can run all o f pro grams co rrectly and in a timely manner
Info rmatio n Techno lo gy (IT) is ho rrible. I reiterate, ho rrible. It is such an uno rtho do x infrasrructure, and the student emplo yees have no idea ho w to assist. No student
sho uld be required to redo wnlo ad a safeco nnect every time they wish to co nnect to the netwo rk (which happens to all Windo ws 8 co mputers). The netwo rk is unreliable
and the IT desk staff is no t well-ediacated o n the po o r infrastructure o f the netwo rk and system. Ho rrible. Also , UCCS needs to ackno wledge that the majo rity o f the
students are co mmuters. The scho o l bo ard can lo o k away and pretend we are a ho used university all they want, but that do es no t make it true. Yo u need to cater to the
co mmuter students who make up mo st o d the po pulatio n. I.e. do no t sell us a $20 0 parking pass that will still require us to park o n Nevada because there is no parking. It
is ridiculo us. We pay the scho o l so much mo ney, and yet no ne o f it co mes back to us. Parking: terrible. Dining: terrible. Engineering building: o ld and decrepit. Pro fesso rs:
brilliant and far underpayed. The bo ard o f directo rs need to put mo re mo ney back to the students and educatio n. The scho o l, fro m a business/infrastructure standpo int
seems pretty terribly run.
the aquisitio n o f bo o ks required fo r co urses and supplies in the bo o k sto re
bringing the campus to gether
Spo rts teams and o ff campus co llege hang-o ut bars clo se by!
UCCS co uld impro ve its relatio n with Beth-el. After petitio ning fo r three years, there was finally a new co mputer lab. The building is in dis-repair, and main campus keeps
taking classro o ms fo r main campus co urses. Beth-el is the o nly reaso n I wo uld ever attend UCCS, o r reco mmend it to ano ther student.
Impro ve the kno wledge o f peo ple who wo rk in financial aid. Every time I called o r went in to talk to so meo ne, they to ld me so mething different; every time. No w I am in a
HUGE amo unt o f debt because financial aid gave me wro ng info rmatio n and so did my academic adviso r. My academic adviso r had no clue what he was talking abo ut and
to ld me I had an X amo unt o f classes and I went and talked to the head o f the department and she said that he was very wro ng, which made me change majo r yet again,
adding to my tuitio n and time in co llege.
Parking availability and price
The financial aid o ffice needs to impro ve the o ne to o ne co unseling. Students get a different sto ry depending o n who they speak with each time. Mo st o f the co unselo rs
give o ff an attitude like the student is wasting their time.
1) It wo uld be go o d if mo re quiet study ro o ms co uld be added to the library. A number o f the gro up study ro o ms are o ften taken by a single individual. When wo rking as a
gro up I have no pro blem requesting they give up the ro o m fo r the gro up but it indicates to me that I am no t the o nly o ne who hates the feeling o f everyo ne staring o ver their
sho ulder in the main quiet study area. 2) While my pro fesso rs have kno wn their field well fo r the majo rity o f the class I to o k I have no ted that the influx o f entry level
engineering students has put a go o d deal o f stress o n the pro fesso rs and the pro gram as a who le resulting in po o r learning fo r the students as pro fesso rs are asked to
take o n additio nal co urse o utside o f their area o f expertise. If the engineering pro gram (electrical in particular) co ntinues to gro w please co nsider recruiting new faculty
members fo r co urses like Co mputer based mo deling, circuits 1, and electro nics 1 and 2. I kno w so me o f these were Dr. Wang's co urses and he has been o ut fo r medical
leave but these are fundamentals co urses that need to be taught well fo r students to be successful co ntinuing o n. 3) The difference in rigo r between business (my mino r)
and engineering (my majo r) is asto nishing. I feel very stro ngly that there sho uld be mo re o utside o f class wo rk required in business co urses because the po o r
perfo rmance I am seeing in them fro m o thers is fro m lack o f co mmitment rather than lack o f ability.
Parking, fo r Christ's sake. Planning, in general: why wo uld yo u admit tho usands o f new students kno wing there's no ro o m fo r them in classes, no fro m fo r them all to park,
and limited surro unding space to expand into !! The VA o ffice o n campus: why do n't yo u emplo y students that kno w their rear ends fro m an enro llment fo rm. That wo uld be
PARKING! Using each building fo r what they were designed fo r (i.e. all engineering classes sho uld be in the engineering building that is why they were built!)
UCCS sho uld first co nsider the fact that residents are paying a to n o f mo ney and aren't getting much o ut o f it. (no air co nditio ning) They never warn students o f the fact that
shuttles are go ing to sto p(i.e they remo ve sto ps when we pay $75 fo r shuttle services) o r even co nstructio n (they are tearing apart Lo t 9 to add mo re do rms and therefo re
have less parking . . . again) and they also charge students fo r parking whether they have a car o r no t which is co mpletely unfair. The o ther co mplaint that I have is with the
Bio lo gy degree pro gram. The pro gram sucks! I haven't taken many bio lo gy classes here because my degree requires to o many o ther humanities and so cial science
requirements. I understand that the university wants their students to be diverse and co mfo rtable with the vario us fields but I didn't co me here to learn abo ut everything
except bio lo gy. I understand taking physics and chemistry because tho se sciences do co rrelate with o ne ano ther. Taking Film in the 19 6 0 s because I needed an upper
divisio n humanities requirement do esn't help when I have plenty o f o ther co urses that I can take. I also hate that many bio lo gy classes are o ffered but the majo rity o f them
co nflict, so I end up excluding so me o f bio lo gy electives (in which will help me later o n i.e I want to study parasites but can't take all my electives because they co nflict with
required classes)
Peo ple wo rkin gin the library usually can't answer my questio ns and waste lo ts o f time trying to instead o f just po inting me in the directio n o f IT o r so meo ne else that can
answer my questio n.
Athletics and bringing students o n campus
Greater number o f co re class time o ptio ns, mo re parking (mo to rcycle in each lo t),
There are so me do wn right ho rrible pro fesso rs. I kno w no t every pro fesso r hired can be excellent, but I have had teacher's in the past that flat o ut stunk. This leads me to
no t being interested in the class o r the material when the teacher can't even learn the material, o r kno w the material, befo re they teach.
Parking situatio n, rec center sho uld have mo re machine weights. I liked the assisted pull up machine but that was taken o ut and replaced with new equipment.
Instructio n is very hit-o r-miss. I've had pro fesso rs who kno ck it o ut o f the park, and o thers who clumsily stumble thro ugh the curriculum. While this is to be expected, the
quality o f instructio n is no t co nsistent. Freshman Seminar is useless. It do esn't co unt to wards my degree pro gram, and it do es a po o r jo b o f preparing students fo r co llege.
It's estranging to anyo ne who do esn't live o n campus. The bo o ksto re is o verpriced. Amazo n o ffers literally everything at a lo wer price. Bo o k buyback is similarly ho peless.
If the bo o ksto re o ffers to buy a bo o k back (no te the "IF"), the bo o ksto re do es no t o ffer anything clo se to what the bo o k is wo rth. Financial Aid is irremediable. Every single
year, I am no tified that my applicatio n fo r aid is missing info rmatio n (despite that I supplied said info rmatio n the previo us year).
Parking situatio n, recreatio n center
Fo o d services: bring o n an o ff campus chain such as chik fil a o r chipo tle.
Pro mo te WEST mo re. I have heard that many o f the academic adviso rs in the Student Success Center actively enco urage peo ple NOT to take WEST co urses o r majo r in
WEST. I kno w that o ne o f the biggest things that affects student retentio n is related to students who take WEST co urses. WEST has a hard eno ugh time finding peo ple; we
do n't need academic adviso rs pushing peo ple away fro m the pro gram.
Quality co ntro l o f pro fesso rs and classes; parking; co st o f parking and tuitio n; system fo r co mplaints o r reso lving issues; better trained students emplo yed by public safety;
ano nymity fo r blackbo ard surveys, FCQ's, etc.; equal treatment by unbiased third parties fo r disputes; so mewhere/so meo ne students can talk to where their grievances can
safely be heard witho ut fear o f failing a class o r fear o f being kicked o ut o f their pro gram, o r fear o f no t receiving their degree
mo re parking available
Better marketing o f student events. I feel as tho ugh no t a lo t o f peo ple have scho o l spirit, better marketing co uld really gro w that and UCCS wo uld be hands do wn o ne o f the
best co lleges o ut there.
As a who le, it wo uld be mo re beneficial if pro fesso rs' o ffice ho urs co rrelated with the students' schedules. I've always ran into the bump where I want to go see a pro fesso r
fo r help, but he o r she will no t extend o ffice ho urs fo r me.
UCCS co uld stand to be cho o sier in the students admitted. Also , co nsider screening peo ple fo r racist attitude if yo u interview them because I have enco untered many
students with pro fo undly bigo ted views o f peo ple who are no n-white and no n-Christian. It wo uld also be great if the scho o l had a talk with the religio us individuals that tell
students that they are go ing to hell. Many o f us already feel like we are in hell with o ur wo rklo ads (mo stly science/engr students) and we do n't need verbal assault while we
appro ach o r leave lab in Centennial. I wo uld also advise watching the way Yo ung Americans fo r Liberty treat attractive female students as they pass by because I have
no ticed that the males tending the tables o ften say crude o r rude remarks to tho se students. I also think that there sho uld be mo re o ptio ns fo r students when they take their
cultural awareness co urses due to schedule co nflicts. UCCS sho uld also update co urse listings so that co urses that are no t currently taught o r available will no t sho w up
o n yo ur degree audit as a class yo u theo retically co uld take to fulfill a requirement. If that pro fesso r is go ne and no o ne teaches the co urse, remo ve it rather than get
students excited abo ut a co urse that do esn't actually exist. I also think that mo re o f the health science classes sho uld co unt to wards upper level elective credit in the
bio medical bio lo gy o ptio n. If intro to nutritio n co unts, why no t advanced nutritio n? I think pro fesso r specialty co urses sho uld be expanded and also explicitly co unted
to wards upper divisio n co ursewo rk in the majo r.
Parking, having to pay to take tests o utside o f class even if o n military o rders, no o utdo o r track.
parking, upgrade co lumbine
Activities fo r co mmuter students. Later ho urs fo r the rec center and library o n weekends.
The career center pro vides o nly the very BASIC needs o f so meo ne lo o king fo r wo rk. No jo b o r internship I have received in this degree was assisted by a recruiting event
o r o therwise. The co mpanies that we get fo r recruiting events are pithy in co mpariso n to the co mpanies o ffered at events at Co lo rado Scho o l o f Mines, CU Bo ulder etc.. I
believe that change needs to be made with the peo ple running that o ffice.
Reduce fees. I purchased a parking pass, why do I have to pay fo r the shuttle services I will never use. I also have a gym membership, why do I need to pay fo r the rec.
center. Fresh healthier fo o d. A late night study area fo r co mmuters.
Degree required co urses that do no t have mandato ry Friday lectures/labs.
gro up pro jects, parking
Mo re co mmunity-student invo lvement like in cities such as Fo rt Co llins and Bo ulder where the co mmunity really seems to suppo rt the co llege students. The fo o d services
co uld also be impro ved.
Quality o f teaching, many o f my pro fesso rs were glo rified babysitters... no t true educato rs
Put the Co mputer Science classes in class ro o ms that are mo re geared to ward the majo r. ie: give us so me electrical o utlets we can plug o ur lapto ps into .
Student activities and invo lvement; paying fees fo r services I do n't use; parking; transferring credit fro m o ther scho o ls.
Ho nestly, I just feel like I'm a walking paycheck instead o f a student when I co me to class. I do n't feel that UCCS cares abo ut my educatio n- which has been po o r to fair.
Impro vement wo uld be to create a system where students are no t feeling invalidated abo ut their educatio n- like they're human beings. I do n't feel that way and will likely
never reco mmend UCCS to ano ther student.
Beth-el faculty sucks
Do I even need to say the parking situatio n is ho rrendo us? The parking is ho rrendo us.
Allo wing resident status fo r peo ple who are reco gnized as citizens by the Co lo rado go vernment (Ex. have a Co lo rado driver's license, have a residence fo r mo re than 1
year) even if tho se aiding them financially are no t residents.
Theo retical educatio n. Even the upper divisio n co urse material in the co llege o f business can be easily fo und o n go o gle. Teach us so mething we can't learn fro m a bo o k.
Parking needs to be expanded. Mo re student interactio n at spo rting events.
Rethink the nursing scho o l ho no rs catego ries fo r graduatio n. We have to have a 9 6 % to make an A in a co urse but o ur Latin ho no r levels are harder to o btain than all o ther
co lleges in the university.
The biggest gripe I have is parking. The seco nd biggest gripe I have is that I feel I spent to o much time taking general electives and no t eno ugh time taking degree specific
pro grams. I am all fo r a liberal educatio n, but the number o f electives required fo r a Physics degree are to o many and enco urage spite to wards a subject instead o f a
bro adened acceptance. In additio n to that, I feel my electives have deprived me o f valuable time to learn my field o f cho ice mo re in depth by replacing that allo cated time
with Art Histo ry and WEST co urses that, no t o nly failed to inspire me, but co nsumed my time fro m a dedicated study in preferred study o f cho ice. A seco nd gripe wo uld be
this: if I were to pursue a Physics Do cto rate at UCCS I wo uld incur debt where at Bo ulder I wo uld make mo ney. I wo uld like to see additio nal subsidies o ffered to graduate
students to o ffset the co sts o f living, class expenses, etc.
-Fo cus mo re o n co urse wo rk that relates to o ne's actual degree rather than requiring no n-related classes. -Have co nsistant academic advising; everytime I went to get help
fo r signing up fo r classes I wo uld get co nflicting info rmatio n and ended wasting co untless credit ho urs and mo ney.
Parking is a nightmare. Offer mo re flexible class schedules fo r full time emplo yed students in the evenings and o n the weekends.
Parking!!! Parking is HORRIBLE. Also , mo re co urses o ffered o ver the summer. Academics co uld be a bit mo re rigo ro us. Also , the wait list fo r the family develo pment center
is ridiculo usly lo ng.
As a who le, the co llege sho uld do better co mmunicating and including Beth-El and all o f the students who have class there. There are huge gaps between these two , and it
pro vides the students who attend with a feeling that it is no t a 'true' co llege experience, because we are so far a part. It was fantastic that Beth-El finally go t new co mputers
and printers this year, its abo ut time. We pay a great deal o f mo ney to attend scho o l here, and it was no t fair that fo r the lo ngest time we did no t receive the same services
as the rest o f the campus.
Transpo rtatio n and parking
Degree co unseling and help creating schedules needs to impro ve. When mandato ry classes are o ffered at the same time and day as o ther mandato ry co urses it fo rces
students to fall behind in their degree plan. UCCS also needs to keep in mind that peo ple try to have classes o n 2-3 days per week in o rder to be able to ho ld a jo b o n o ther
days. There also needs to be mo re than 10 minutes between classes so that peo ple can cro ss campus and get to University Hall fro m Main Campus. There are mo re
passes being so ld than there are parking space, which is a huge issue. I live 10 mins fro m campus yet have to be at campus 1 ho ur befo re class simply to find a really far
away parking space
The u hall building and including in with main campus (like the free breakfasts 1/week)
Mo re parking space. The parking garage being built no w is a jo ke and wo n't begin to to uch the pro blem.
Co urse availability, better PROFESSORS (as in with a PHD)
Do no t require Freshman Seminars o r HUM 39 9 0 . These classes were the biggest waste o f time and mo ney I have experienced at UCCS. Yo u sho uld at least have an
o ptio n fo r students to test o ut o f them o r so mething.
Parking, Parking, Parking, and parking fees
Parking, Student Life, Ho using
Career Co unseling sho uld be mo re co mprehensive and perso nalized. Less educatio n track o riented and mo re perso nality and skills o riented. Orientatio n fo r Transfer
students. I missed o ut o n a lo t and didn't even kno w it fo r a while.
Parking. Of co urse, this is pro bably a co mmo n answer, but I did no t purchase a parking pass in my last two years at UCCS because it was faster fo r me to walk to class
than try to find a parking place. It was also difficult to utilize the Rec Center because I co uld no t park anywhere clo se eno ugh to be wo rth my time and effo rt witho ut paying
extra fo r it (I'm still waiting fo r the go ndo la fro m fo ur diamo nds to the main campus!). I was satisfied, o verall, with the academic advising I received, but it wo uld have been
nice to kno w what classes were o ffered during which semesters. As I described befo re, I ended up no t being able to graduate with my desired emphasis because I was
unaware o f the scheduling issues that wo uld o ccur during my last semester. UCCS is no t an art scho o l, but it still wo uld have been nice to have so me variety o f VA classes
when I was co mpleting my mino r. Maybe as the scho o l expands, it can invest in better/so me art reso urces. Finally, the Spanish department co uld use so me impro vement
in my o pinio n. The pro gram is no t geared to wards helping students speak Spanish as much as it helps them learn abo ut histo ry and literature. I understand that these
things are impo rtant, but I was ho ping to be fluent in Spanish by the end o f my mino r at UCCS. I received A's in my Spanish classes, but I am no t co nfident in my speaking
abilities. I also do no t kno w why so me o f the Spanish pro fesso rs are still wo rking at UCCS because they receive po o r FCQ sco res and o ne o f my pro fesso rs made
several students cry thro ugho ut my time in her classes (she was hard but also harsh).
A better system fo r parking, i.e. kno wing when the lo ts are full.
Parking, academic rigo r, scho o l spirit fo r spo rts teams, bo o k sto re
T his table has more than 100 rows. Click here to view all responses
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
In yo ur o pinio n, what do es UCCS do well?
T e xt Re spo nse
Teachers in the po litical science department are wo nderful. Teachers in the psycho lo gy department are very kno wledgeable. Academic co usenlo rs were very helpful.
Campus lo o ks go o d
Allo ws me to take my classes that I need in the area o f study I desire.
delivering what it pro mises
Mo st o f my pro fesso rs have been really great, and are inspiring so the educatio n I received has been wo rth the time. The main campus is a beautiful place to sit and do
ho mewo rk. The services in the library have been great as well.
UCCS do es incredibly well with advising.
No t sure
Pro vides several reso urces and help fo r students struggling in any area o f their educatio n.
The o ther 9 0 % o f staff are o utstanding! Lo ve the ease o f navigating the campus.
Have relatively small class sizes.
Co mmunicate with it's students and help them to achieve their go als
Pro mo ting itself
Adapted the bus schedule well to the gro wing number o f peo ple that were riding
Small class sizes!! Great co mmunicatio n and educatio n between teachers and students due to the mo re perso nal educatio n.
I think the faculty at UCCS are incredibly receptive to students and genuinely seem to enjo y their subjects. I have felt in each o f my classes that I am able to co nnect with my
pro fesso rs.
UCCS do es an excellent jo b in o ffering student activities and trying to get freshman o riented to campus. While each year I've lived o n campus at UCCS has been exciting
and gro wing in its o wn way, my freshman year was so mething I'll always treasure.
Retain a smaller co llege atmo sphere, which I enjo y o ppo sed to the larger campuses o f CU Bo ulder o r CSU Ft. Co llins.
The classes that I to o k were all very go o d quality
Quality instructo rs.
Sustainability, co urse wo rk, learning, catering class schedules
UCCS o ffers may ways to get invo lved
The engineering scho o l has been pheno menal, but ho nestly that's the o nly thing abo ut UCCS that I believe is perfo rming well.
The GDD pro gram is aweso me.
The UTeach pro gram do es a nice jo b pro vo king students to wo rk hard and reach fo r the go al they ho pe to acquire.
Great pro fesso rs and class sizes, at least in the co llege o f business
theo ry and fundamentals teaching very well keeps campus clean and o rganized
The academics at UCCS are pheno menal. Granted, I have had o ne o r two bad apple pro ffeso rs, but the rest were brilliant. Despite my co ntempt fo r the way the scho o l is
run, the academics is why I go here; they are brliliant and I learned alo t fro m the pro fesso rs I studied under.
Variety o f degrees and co urse times
Co mmunity
pro vide guidance and assistance to students with their degree pro grams
Impro ve and maintain building.
UCCS do es a great jo b o f pro viding a large number gro ups o n campus fo r students.
Offers a well-ro unded educatio n, small class sizes, and reso urces to succeed
Class size, co urse o fferings, academic assistance
Recreatio nal building is nice. That's abo ut it.
Stro ng English department, generally appro priate class sizes.
Activities and building o f the co mmunity.
1) Fo r higher level co urses yo ur pro fesso rs kno w their stuff inside, o ut, and backwards. 2) There is always fo o d to be fo und so mewhere. Which is go o d because I
practically live o n campus even tho ugh I do n't live in scho o l ho using. 3) I have been very impressed with the career fairs the scho o l has put to gether. Especially the STEM
fair that was held recently. 4) I had a number o f ro o mmates I didn't get o n with terribly well when I lived o n campus but the apartments themselves are a go o d place to live.
(Maybe paring engineering majo rs and nursing majo rs is a bad plan tho ugh...)
UCCS is great at giving o ut parking tickets. If this scho o l put half as much effo rt into planning (anything) as they did into ticketing fo r meaningless parking vio latio ns, we'd
have significantly fewer gro wing pains.
Pro vide a so lid educatio n
UCCS do es have a wo nderful safe and beautiful campus. I kno w that the University is a gro wing scho o l and it sho ws! I lo ve the majo rity o f the pro fesso rs o n campus,
so me o f which are way o ver qualified to teach here but do it because they enjo y it. I think if it weren't fo r the pro fesso rs I wo uldn't have stayed. They are wo nderful and want
yo u to succeed. UCCS also has a great career center. If they didn't have it, I ho nestly wo uldn't kno w what to do o r who to go to fo r help. UCCS is also very welco ming to all
types o f students. The internatio nal o ffice has been so beneficial to me even tho ugh I am an American student. Mr. Co rdo va and the rest o f the Mo saic staff are also very
helpful. My pro blem with UCCS is ho using and the degree requirements. Otherwise the reso urces are there and I do feel co mfo rtable go ing to the majo rity o f these peo ple
fo r help because I kno w that they can. :)
Oppo rtunities fo r students to start clubs/o rganizatio ns and MANY o ppo rtunities to participate in clubs! Enco uraging sustainability. Buses/transpo rtatio n is very helpful.
Offer a wide variety o f majo rs/mino rs and sustainability
co nnect with students, faculty availability, ACEs, VPN
UCCS do es a tremendo us jo b in assuring I will receive a quality, and respected, educatio n. In the Business scho o l,
Have great places to go if yo u need help with scho o l wo rk, vario us places to hango ut o r meet with gro ups.
UCCS do es a sufficient jo b o f pro viding info rmatio n and techno lo gy reso urces in the library, co mputer labs, and centers fo r learning.
Go o d educatio n at a go o d price.
They have the right teachers fo r the jo b: mo st have wo rked in the field and understand what the student needs to succeed
The WEST pro gram and so cio lo gy pro gram are aweso me! I am co mpletely o kay with the fact that this university is no t always research-driven. I lo ve that my pro fesso rs all
wo rk and/o r vo lunteer in the co mmunity. No ne o f them sit o n their tenure and remain safe in the ivo ry to wer o f academia. Mo st WEST and so cio lo gy pro fesso rs are no t just
teaching; they are actually engaging in the wo rk they teach abo ut in the co mmunity.
great o fficers, genero us financial aid, family develo pment center is great
class size number
Small class sizes are amazing.
Invo lves everyo ne
I truly enjo yed the WEST department but I think it isn't advertised well unless yo u are in Co lumbine. Dr. Bell is excellent as are all pro fesso rs o f the chem and bio lo gy faculty.
The SLC is mo stly very go o d. I have always enjo yed the special to pics in... co ursewo rk in bo th bio lo gy and po litical science.
actual instructio n, the faculty actually care
adding o n - new buildings, rec center, instructo rs are generally excellent ( with a few exceptio ns), many o rganizatio ns to participate in, tuto ring centers, co st o f tuitio n
Great classes and pro fesso rs. A lo t o f research o ppo rtunities o n campus.
Small co urse sizes (at least fo r engineering) are great. Great enviro nment and go o d pro fesso rs.
Listens to co ncerns o f students.
high quality educatio n fo r reaso nable tuitio n
Attracting new students
great teamwo rk fo cus in many o f the classes
Lo o k go o d
Small class sizes, go o d pro fesso rs, go o d degree pro grams.
Maintains campus
It's green and inno vative.
Start ridiculo us co nstructio n pro jects
Instructo rs are very caring and strive to help students succeed
When I was a freshman, Freshman Seminar acted very well as to o l to help students beco me familiar to the new co llege enviro nment. Staff in the Co llege o f Business is
very reso urceful and helpful. The language center was also very beneficial and fun when I so ught tuto ring.
Overall academics, variety o f academics, quality o f educatio nal pro grams
I wo uld pick this scho o l fo r its nursing pro gram all o ver again. I canno t find a better scho o l to learn ho w to save lives.
Offer a go o d starting po int fo r students to base their educatio n o n.
-The anthro po lo gy department is great. -The campus is well maintained.
Level o f educatio n was beyo nd satisfacto ry. Felt challenged by many o f my pro fesso rs.
Very inclusive, suppo rtive envio rnment. No t to o demanding in terms o f co ursewo rk. Great wo rk-study po sitio n. Affo rdable. Mo stly great pro fesso rs. As a single parent, I
was able to raise my daughter, go to scho o l full-time, wo rk o n campus, and balance all o f this. I am so glad I cho o se UCCS and am amazed by the o ppo rtunities it has
given me (as I get jo b o ffers, etc...). While no t everything abo ut UCCS was perfect, I co uldn't imagine a better place fo r me to have o btained my degree and have sincerely
enjo yed the past few years I have spent here.
Educatio n, student suppo rt, co mmunity, career preparatio n
Student learning centers
The majo rity o f my teachers have actually wanted their students to succeed and try to be helpful. Many realize that a large amo unt o f students are also wo rking, have
families, are co ming back to scho o l after lo ng breaks, and have o ther classes to fo cus o n. I appreciate the way they value educatio n and also understand that students
have to prio ritize in their lives and so me classes o r ho mewo rk assignments may be higher o n a prio rity list than o thers o n certain days
Offices o f financial aid, co unselo rs and such do a great jo b.
The health center is GREAT
Lo ve the small class sizes and the EXCEL centers.
Adapts to change and is willing to listen to students. Strives to stay cutting edge in many departments
The rec center is really nice (co uld use so me racquetball co urts tho ugh). The library is also great and there are always peo ple to help if I can't find what I need there. The
learning/tuto r centers are very helpful (especially the language learning center, which I visited frequently). I also like the o nline writing lab that allo ws me to have my papers
edited witho ut having to take a trip to the actual center lab o n campus. So me o f my pro fesso rs in the scho o l o f business made classes interesting and helped me to learn
mo re than I wo uld o therwise (Pro f. Sylvester and Dr. C fo r example). I also really enjo yed playing intramurals at UCCS and participating in different clubs o n campus. It is
nice to have a variety in bo th o f these things.
Keeps the campus clean and well presented
Offering a variety o f co urses.
I believe UCCS o ffers many o ppo rtunities and reso urces to develo p leadership skills and help students be successful if the student wants. They have pheno menal tuto ring
centers, staff and faculty who care, o ffer success co aches to freshman and the career center and OSA have so many o ppo rtunities!
Co mpetitive prices, excellent campus (minus parking), intramurals
UCCS do es a go o d jo b o f taking my mo ney.
1. The Facilities department is amazing, and I truly believe that all o f the emplo yees there want to make the campus and university itself a better place fo r current and future
students. 2. The o ppo rtunities fo r o n-campus emplo yment. 3. The campus is relatively small, so it is easier to beco me invo lved in club(s)/o rganizatio n(s) and even o btain
a leadership ro le witho ut excessive co mpetitio n. Plus there is funding available to clubs. Lo ts o f vo lunteer o ppo rtunities, to o - lo ved that! 4. Clyde's is fun. 5. Lo ve the
references available in the library, as well as the many co mputers available. 6 . Lo ve the Rec Center (hate the fees, but it's a nice gym) 7. No w there is a STEM career fair.
Teachers, pro grams o ffered
Mo st tenured faculty members are excellent additio ns to the university
faculty is amazing, and it is a beautiful campus
I feel very suppo rted and enco uraged right where I am in my educatio nal jo urney, I do n't feel pressured to co nfo rm to a mo ld. My pro fesso rs have been AMAZING and so
suppo rtive o f me thro ugh vario us challenges I faced inside and o utside the classro o m. I co uld never have do ne this witho ut them.
Making sure that I was fully prepared fo r graduatio n. My academic adviso r was always there to answer questio ns that I had.
Pro mo tio n o f a great pro duct
Planning activities o n campus to keep students invo lved is aweso me and I lo ve ho w excited students get during games as well as ho w much fun they have at dances and
parties OSA thro ws.
T his table has more than 100 rows. Click here to view all responses
St at ist ic
To tal Respo nses
20 7
Last, but no t least: We o ften pro vide prizes to rando mly selected survey
respo ndents in o rder to incentivize peo ple to take a lo ng survey like this o ne. Of
these prizes, which wo uld yo u mo st prefer?
Answe r
Re spo nse
UCCS apparel
28 %
Lapto p
16 7
Graduatio n regalia
Gift certificates (to Co lo rado Springs bo o ksto res, restaurants, etc)
Do yo u have o ther co o l ideas? Please suggest:
Accesso ries (co mputer hardware, audio devices)
18 %
So ftware
Do yo u have o t he r co o l ide as? Ple ase sugge st :
The Drago n Dictatio n Machine
certificates to help Graduates aquire graduate necessities (e.g. Cap & Go wn, Rings, Year Bo o ks, etc.
Fo o d o r o ther o n campus vo uchers/co upo ns/gift cards
I'll just take the diplo ma thanks.
REI gift cart
Visa giftcard / mo ney
Credit o n tuitio n bill
Student Lo an Fo rgiveness!
Hub parking pass
Free parking permits
visa cards
Gro ceries. A bike. Weekend in Breckenridge. Ski pass. Disco unt o n tuitio n. Grade fo rgiveness.
Dazbo g o r Cafe 6 5 gift cards, free paw prints.
Disco unts at UCCS Bo o ksto re- fo r bo o ks & class material o nly
Free co urse at UCCS!
Playstatio n 4
Tandem skydive certificate