IL NUOVO CIMENTO VOL. 113 B, N. 1 Gennaio 1998 Gravitomagnetic field, spontaneous symmetry breaking and a periodical property of space M. AGOP (1)(*), B. CIOBANU (1), C. GH. BUZEA (2), N. REZLESCU (2) T. HORGOŞ (3) and C. STAN (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) Department of Physics, Technical “Gh. Asachi” University - Iaşi 6600, România Superconductivity Research Laboratory, Institute of Technical Physics - Iaşi 6600, România Electrical Institute Research - Bistriţa, Nǎsǎud, România Faculty of Physics, “Al. I. Cuza” University - Iaşi 6600, România (ricevuto il 14 Novembre 1996; approvato il 3 Giugno 1997) Summary. — The connection between the absence of the Meissner gravitational effect and spontaneous symmetry breaking, the gravitational fluxon, the motion of a particle in a homogeneous gravitomagnetic field and the quantum gravitational Hall effect are studied. PACS 04.20.Cv – Fundamental problems and general formalism. PACS 04.90 – Other topics in general relativity and gravitation. 1. – Introduction Recent studies have evidenced that, in the approximation of the weak fields and slow speeds (v b c) Einstein’s equations are reduced to the Maxwell-type equations [1-3]: (1) ¯Eg ˜ 3 Bg 4 24 pjm 1 (2) ˜ 3 Eg 4 2 ¯Bg , ¯t (3) ˜ Q Eg 4 24 pr , (4) ˜ Q Bg 4 0 , (5) Bg 4 ˜ 3 Ag , , ¯t Eg 4 2 ¯Ag ¯t 2 ˜Vg , (*) E-mail: G Società Italiana di Fisica 17 18 M. AGOP, B. CIOBANU, C. GH. BUZEA, N. REZLESCU, T. HORGOŞ and C. STAN where Eg is the gravitoelectric field, Bg is the gravitomagnetic field, Ag is the gravitomagnetic potential, Vg is the scalar potential, j i 4 rn the density of the mass current, r 4 n0 m is the proper mass density and n0 is the number density of particles of mass m. Since, in this approximation, the mass is the unique source of the gravitational field, we have (6) . T ab 4 ru a u b , T 00 4 rc 2 , T 0 i 4 rn i 4 j i , T ij 4 0 , / a a0 i a, b41, 4, i, j41, 3 , ´ T 4 T 4 (r , j ), the equation of continuity ¯r (7) ¯t 1¯Qj40 , and the equation of motion are geodesics, (8) u b ˜b u a 4 d2 x a dl 2 . a ˆ dx b dx g 40 . 1/ ¨ ´bg˜ dl dl Equation (8) is analogous to the equation for the Lorentz force acting on an electrically charged particle, that is, (8) is of the form [1-3] dn (9) dt 4 Eg 1 n 3 Bg . Generally, the connection of the electromagnetic-linear gravitational field operates almost perfectly [2, 3]. The only exception is—for the time being—the absence of the Meissner effect in the case of the linear gravitational field. The absence of such effect has been interpreted, in [4], as a “space crystallization”. The present paper is devoted to the following aspects: the connection between the absence of the Meissner effect and the spontaneous symmetry breaking; the gravitational fluxon, the motion of a microparticle in a homogeneous gravitomagnetic field, and the gravitational Hall quantum effect. 2. – The connection between the absence of the gravitational Meissner effect and the spontaneous symmetry breaking For a particle with mass m, which is moving in a gravitational field (Ag , Vg ), the Lagrangian takes the form (10) LB 1 2 mn 2 1 4 mnAg 2 mVg from which the canonical momentum P is defined via the Lagrangian (10) as (11) P4 ¯L ¯n 4 mv 1 4 mAg . GRAVITOMAGNETIC FIELD, SPONTANEOUS SYMMETRY BREAKING ETC. 19 Since [5] (12) P 4 ˜S , where S is called action, by multiplying (11) by n0 , one may obtain (13) n0 ˜S 4 j 1 4 rAg . By applying the curl operator to (12) and assuming that n0 4 const , we get (14) ˜ 3 j 4 2 4 rBg . We make the observation that (12) coincides with Nelson’s relation [6], P 4 ˇ˜u, if we admit the identity S 4 ˇu, with u a phase and ˇ the reduced Planck constant. From (1), using the restriction ¯Eg O¯t 4 0, there results (15) ˜ 3 ˜ 3 Bg 4 ˜(˜ Q Bg ) 2 DBg 4 24 p˜ 3 j and using (4) and (14), one may finally obtain (16) DBg 1 16 prBg 4 0 . Such a result evidences the space’s periodicity property, which agrees with [4]. Further on, let us investigate to which extent this property of “crystallizing” the space may be correlated with the spontaneous symmetry breaking. One should therefore consider the Schrödinger-type Lagrangian (17) L4 1 2 (˜C)* ˜C 2 b 4 g NCN2 1 a b h 2 2 1 2 B2g , where ˜l 4 ¯l 2 i( 4 m/ˇ) Agl , l 4 1 , 3 represents the covariant derivative [3, 7], C is the wave function coupled minimally to the gravitomagnetic field, 4 mOˇ is the coupling constant, a is a “massic” term and b D 0 is the self-interaction constant. Using the EL equations for the Lagrange function (17), the field equations are 2 im (18) 2˜ 3 Bg 4 (19) ˜l ˜l C 4 2 bC NCN2 1 ˇ (C* ˜C 2 C ˜C* ) 1 g a b h 16 m 2 ˇ2 Ag C* C , . In the case of spontaneous symmetry breaking, a E 0 and C 4 k2aOb [8], so that (18) becomes (20) ˜ 3 Bg 4 24 pj 4 2 16 m 2 a ˇ2 b Ag . By utilization of the curl operator and considering (4), one may obtain from (20) (21) DBg 2 16 m 2 a ˇ2 b Bg 4 0 . M. AGOP, B. CIOBANU, C. GH. BUZEA, N. REZLESCU, T. HORGOŞ 20 and C. STAN Such a result indicates that spontaneous symmetry breaking implies a gravitational Meissner effect with a penetration depth (22) l4 g h b ˇ 4m 1 O2 . a Comparing (19) with the ordinary Schrödinger equation, we find for a the expression (23) 2m a4 E. ˇ2 One may distinguish the following cases: a) E E 0 (closed trajectories) corresponds to spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this case, the gravitational Meissner effect for a test particle corresponds to its bounded states; b) E D 0 (open trajectories) corresponds to the absence of spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this case, the “space crystallization” for a test particle corresponds to its free state. If a 4 kx2 , with kx the wave number, and E 4 p 2 O2 m , then from (23) p 4 ˇkx results. Therefore, the wave-particle duality is a property of space-time. Every system of particles which are moving on geodesic lines can be named, in this way, gravitational superconducting, since there are no gravitational forces or gravitational external forces acting on the system. Such a system is the dust field universe. In the case in which the particles are moving on open trajectories, there is no gravitational Meissner effect; it exists only for closed particles trajectories. The transition from one case to another can be realized only through spontaneous symmetry breaking. Both cases correspond to the gravitational superconductor. 3. – The gravitational fluxon Let us suppose for the system (18)-(19) the solution as C 4 R(r) e in u Ag 4 A(r) u , (24) where r 24x 21y 2 (25) and u is the rotation angle (phase), u is the unit vector normal to the radius vector and n is an integer. In these conditions eqs. (18) and (19) become (26) (27) 2 2 1 d r dr d dr k 1 d r dr g h kg r dR dr l g (rA) 1 1 n r 2 16 m 2 ˇ 4m ˇ 1 2 4 mn rˇ h g 2 h R 240 , A 1b R 22 a b hl R40 . GRAVITOMAGNETIC FIELD, SPONTANEOUS SYMMETRY BREAKING ETC. 21 The most general solutions for the system (26)-(27) are soliton solutions (vortices). A particular solution for this system is (28) A4 nˇ , 4 mr C4 o 2a e in u . b From this, there follows: (29) Fg 4 B Q dS 4 A Q dl 4 S 1 4 ¯R 2 R2 nˇ 4m 2p du 4 n 2pˇm , 0 where R 2 is a region bounded by S 1, l the circumference of the circle of radius R. (29) defines the quantum gravitomagnetic flux (30) Fg 4 nFg0 , where (31) Fg 4 pˇ 2m 4 B Q dS S0 is the gravitational fluxoid, S0 4 4 pR02 is the elementary fluxoid surface and n is an integer identified with the number of flux quanta. Some of the implications of the fluxoid were studied in [9]. 4. – Motion of a microparticle in a homogeneous gravitomagnetic field Let us consider a homogeneous gravitomagnetic field oriented along the Ox axes, expressed as Ag 4 Bg x . Then the Schrödinger equation for a mass microparticle m, situated in this field, takes the form (32) ¯ C ¯ ¯ C 4 im z 4 eC , y 1g 1 B xh C 1 2 m ¯x ¯y ˇ ¯z 2 ˇ 2 2 2 g 2 2 where e are the eigenvalues of energy. The solution of this equation will take the form C(x , y , z) 4 W(x) e i(ky y 1 kz z) . (33) By substituting (30) in (29), there results (34) 2 ˇ2 d2 W 2 m dx 2 1 1 2 mv 2g (x 2 x0 )2 W 4 e l W , where (35) v g 4 4 Bg , x0 4 2 ˇ 4 mBg ky , e l4e2 ˇ2 kz2 2m . 22 M. AGOP, B. CIOBANU, C. GH. BUZEA, N. REZLESCU, T. HORGOŞ and C. STAN Equation (31) coincides with Schrödinger’s equation for the linear mass oscillator m and pulsation v g . In this case, the eigenvalues of energy will be g (36) 1 e 14 n1 2 h ˇv g while the eigenvalue corresponding function will be expressed as (37) W(x) 4 e 2( 1 O2 ) ((x 2 x0 ) Ol) 2 kl Hn g x 2 x0 l h , where l 4 kˇOmv g , and Hn are Hermite polynomials of order n. From (36), it results that: – the energy of a microparticle found in a gravitomagnetic field is quantified according to the relation (38) g e4 n1 1 2 h ˇv g 1 ˇkz2 2m ; – for n 4 0 and kz 4 0 , relation (35) evidences a certain shifting of the energetic spectrum (39) e4 1 2 ˇv g . For the Earth gravitomagnetic field, since Bg ` 10214 [10] this shifting has an experimental undetectable value which is of magnitude e ` 10248 J. 5. – The quantum gravitational Hall effect The results presented in sect. 4 indicate the fact that, in a superfluid found in a homogeneous gravitomagnetic field, a gravitational, Landau-type dispersion may possibly appear. In a certain case, analogously with the electromagnetic field [11], a “Hall resistance” of a gravitational type may be defined with the relation (40) Fig. 1. RHg 4 Fg Nm , GRAVITOMAGNETIC FIELD, SPONTANEOUS SYMMETRY BREAKING ETC. 23 where N 4 np represents the number of particles, n is the number of states corresponding to a Landau level, and p is the number of particles associated to a flow line. Then on considering (29), (40) becomes (41) RHg 4 n ˇ 1 4 m nmp ˇ 4 4m 2 p , where p is an integer. Such an experiment may be developed through shifting a superfluid within a homogeneous gravitomagnetic field (fig. 1). Theoretically, to detect such a phenomenon the condition kTc E ( 1 O2 ) hv g must be satisfied, where k is Boltzmann’s constant. For the Earth field, this implies Tc E 10225 K, impossible to achieve in terrestrial laboratories. However, if considering [12], such a phenomenon may be observable at cosmic level. 6. – Conclusion The linear approximation of the gravitational field permitted the study of the following aspects: – the connection between the spontaneous symmetry breaking and the absence of the gravitational Meissner effect; – the gravitational fluxon; – the motion of a microparticle within a homogeneous gravitational field; – the quantum gravitational Hall effect. REFERENCES [1] PENG H., Gen. Relativ. Gravit., 15 (1983) 725; 22 (1990) 609. [2] CIUBOTARIU C., Phys. Lett. A, 158 (1991) 27. [3] CIUBOTARIU C., GOTTLIEB I., GRIGA V., CIUBOTARIU C. I. and CROITORU S., Tensor, NS, 52 (1993) 138. [4] CIUBOTARIU C. and AGOP M., Gen. Relativ. Gravit., 28 (1996) 1. [5] LANDAU L. 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