Animal Care Protocol Approval Date Chair, University Animal Care Committee (UACC) (email: Room 6671, TASC 2 A thesis is being prepared for submission to the Department in order to schedule a thesis defense. The research described in the thesis involves the direct use of vertebrate animals or tissues obtained from vertebrate animals used in research. Can you please confirm that this research was carried out under a valid animal care protocol from the SFU UACC. Name of student Student email address Title of thesis Name of Supervisor: Student signature Department Graduate secretary to whom the form will be returned Graduate secretary email address [ ] The research described in the thesis above was done under approved Animal Care Protocol # __________ valid from _____________________ to ________________________. [ ] The student listed above was included as research staff on the Animal Care Protocol, has taken the required CCAC online course, and was authorized to carry out the research. [ ] The research described in this thesis is exempt from Animal Care Protocol requirements. Dr. Carl Lowenberger Chair, UACC cc: Senior Supervisor Student may fill, sign, and deliver the form to the UACC or email from his/her SFU email account an unsigned form of the filled application.