POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAM All students that are admitted to the Civil Engineering Program must show evidence that they have acquired the academic abilities and skills necessary to progress through this major. Those not demonstrating the complete acquisition of these abilities and skills (as reflected by the results of their College Entrance Examination Board test, results in PUPR placement test, previous university experience, or other tests or criteria) will be required to take preparatory courses. These courses are designed to help them overcome deficiencies in languages, mathematics, and science. These preparatory courses are in addition to the 149 credits of the Civil Engineering Program. The preparatory courses are the following: PREPARATORY STUDIES COMPONENT COURSE MATH 0102 MATH 0106 MATH 0110 MATH 1330 MATH 1340 SCIE 0110 ATUL 0100 ENGL 0100 ENGL 0110 SPAN 0100 SPAN 0110 COURSE TITLE CREDITS Preparatory Mathematics Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra Precalculus I Precalculus II Introduction to Physics Adjustment to University Life Preparatory English English Grammar Preparatory Spanish Spanish Grammar 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CIVIL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM EFFECTIVE: FALL 2012 COURSE MATH 1350 MATH 1360 MATH 1370 MATH 2350 SCIE 1210 SCIE 1211 SCIE 1430 SCIE 1431 COURSE TITLE CREDITS None None None None SCIE 1211 SCIE 1210 SCIE 1431 SCIE 1430 3 3 3 ENGL 0110 or equivalent None 3 3 3 ENGL 1010 None SOHU 2010 None None None 3 (a) (b) 4 4 4 3 4 0 4 1 SCIE 1440 Physics II 4 SCIE 1441 Physics II Laboratory 1 SPAN 1010 SPAN 2020 Linguistic Analysis of Literary Genres Business Spanish The Study of the Essay as a Literary Genre Business English and Communication Socio-Humanistic Studies Ethics, Global, and Contemporary Issues Socio-Humanistic Studies or Language Elective Course ENGL 2020 SOHU 2010 SOHU 2040 CO-REQUISITES MATH 1340 or equivalent MATH 1350 MATH 1360 MATH 1370 and SCIE 1440 MATH 1340 or equivalent MATH 1340 or equivalent MATH 1350 MATH 1350 MATH 1360, SCIE 1430, and SCIE 1431 MATH 1360, SCIE 1430, and SCIE 1431 SPAN 0110 or equivalent SPAN 1010 Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III Differential Equations Principles of Chemistry Principles of Chemistry Laboratory Physics I Physics I Laboratory ENGL 1010 PRE-REQUISITES SCIE 1441 SCIE 1440 None None POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAM COURSE ENGI 2110 ENGI 2120 ENGI 2260 ENGI 2410 ENGI 2420 ENGI 2421 SURV 2095 CEE 1010 CEE 2110 COURSE TITLE CREDITS 3 3 3 3 3 1 MATH 1360 and SCIE 1430 ENGI 2110 MATH 1360 ENGI 2110 ENGI 2410 ENGI 2420 and CEE 2210 MATH 1370 None None None None None 1 CEE 2210 None 4 None None Engineering Geology 3 CE 1011 CE 2510 CE 2511 CE 3110 Structural Analysis I 3 CE 3120 CE 3121 CE 3130 Structural Analysis II Structural Engineering Laboratory Steel Structures Design 3 1 3 CE 3210 Geotechnical Engineering I 3 CE 3211 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 1 CE 3220 CE 3221 Geotechnical Engineering II Geomechanics Laboratory 3 1 CE 3310 Route Location and Geometric Design 3 CE 3320 Highway Engineering 3 CEE 2310 CEE 2311 CEE 3410 CE 3330 CE 3331 CO-REQUISITES Engineering Mechanics-Statics Mechanics of Materials Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Principles of Surveying for Engineers Laboratory Engineering Graphics for Civil and Environmental Engineers Probability and Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers Algorithms, Programming, and Numerical Analysis Algorithms, Programming, and Numerical Analysis Laboratory Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering Introduction to Civil Engineering Construction Materials Construction Materials Laboratory CEE 2210 PRE-REQUISITES Transportation Engineering and Urban Planning Highway and Transportation Engineering Laboratory 3 SCIE 1210 or SCIE 1214 MATH 1370 and CE 1011 or ENVE 1011 None None 3 MATH 2350 and CEE 2210 CEE 2311 1 MATH 2350 and CEE 2210 CEE 2310 3 1 3 1 ENGI 2420, ENGI 2421, CEE 2310, and CEE 2311 CEE 1010 ENGI 2120 and CEE 2210 ENGI 2120 and CEE 2210 ENGI 2120, CEE 2310, and CEE 2311 CE 3110 CE 3110 CE 3110 ENGI 2120, ENGI 2420, CEE 2110, CEE 2310, and CEE 2311 ENGI 2120, ENGI 2420, CEE 2110, CEE 2310, and CEE 2311 CE 3210 and CE 3211 CE 3210 and CE 3211 SURV 2095, CEE 2310, and CEE 2311 CE 2510, CE 3210, and CE 3310 None None CE 2511 CE 2510 None CE 3121 CE 3120 None CE 3211 CE 3210 CE 3221 CE 3220 None None 3 CE 3320 CE 3331 1 CE 3320 CE 3330 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAM COURSE COURSE TITLE CREDITS PRE-REQUISITES CO-REQUISITES CE 3420 Water Supply Engineering 3 CE 3520 Construction Project Management 3 CE 4140 Concrete Structures Design 3 CE 4150 Foundation Engineering 3 CE 4430 Wastewater Engineering Environmental Engineering for Civil Engineers Environmental Engineering Laboratory Construction Methods and Productivity Improvement 3 SCIE 1210, SCIE 1211, and CEE 3410 ENGI 2260, CE 2510, and CE 2511 CE 3120, CE 3121, and CE 3130 CE 3220, CE 3221, and CE 4140 CE 3420 3 CE 4430 None 1 CE 4430 CE 4440 3 CE 3520 None CE 4911 Civil Engineering Senior Design Project I 1 CE 4920 Civil Engineering Senior Design Project II 3 CE 4440 CE 4441 CE 4530 (c) (c) Technical Elective Course Technical Elective Course TOTAL 3 3 149 CE 3330, CE 4140, CE 4430, and CE 4530 CE 4150, CE 4440, and CE 4911 (a) (a) None None None None None None None (b) (b) Notes: (a) : Pre-requisites vary according to selected course. (b) : Co-requisites vary according to selected course. (c) : A Technical Elective Course can be: (1) a Civil Engineering (CE) elective course, or (2) a Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) elective course, or (3) an Environmental Engineering (ENVE) course approved by the Department Head, or (4) any of the following General Engineering courses: ENGI 2320-Principles of Electrical Engineering, ENGI 2430-Engineering Thermodynamics, or ENGI 3510-Engineering Materials, or (5) any technical course approved by the Department Head. Those students enrolled in the Combined Bachelor-Master Degree Program may take a graduate level course as a Technical Elective Course with the approval of the Department Head and the Coordinator of the Graduate Program. POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAM CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ELECTIVE COURSES COURSE COURSE TITLE CREDITS PRE-REQUISITES CO-REQUISITES CE 5116 CE 5208 Principles of Architecture for Civil Engineers Prestressed Concrete Structures Design Design of Wood Structures Soil Improvement CE 5220 Pavement Design 3 CE 5308 CE 5312 Urban Transportation Planning Public Transportation Planning, Scheduling, and Cost Estimates Construction Documents for Civil Engineering Advanced AutoCAD for Civil and Environmental Engineers Civil and Environmental Engineering Practice Environmental Laws and Regulations Advanced Hydraulics Civil and Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Research Civil and Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Research II Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering 3 3 CE 2510 and CE 3110 CE 3220 and CE 3221 CE 3220, CE 3221, CE 3320, CE 4140, and CEE 3410 CE 3330 CE 3330 3 CE 3520 None 3 CE 3520 None 3 CEE 1010 None CE 5010 CE 5108 CE 5510 CE 5522 CEE 1012 CEE 5002 CEE 5020 CEE 5030 CEE 5050 CEE 5052 CEE 5090 3 CEE 1010 and CE 1011 None 3 CE 4140 None 3 3 None None 3 3 3 3 Approval of the Department Head CE 4440 or ENVE 4610 CEE 3410 Approval of the Department Head None None None None None None None 3 CEE 5050 None 3 According to the special topics to be covered None POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAM CIVIL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM SEQUENCE YEAR FIRST FIRST QUARTER COURSE CREDITS SECOND QUARTER COURSE CREDITS MATH 1350 4 MATH 1360 4 MATH 1370 4 SCIE 1210 4 SCIE 1430 4 SCIE 1440 4 SCIE 1211 0 SCIE 1431 1 SCIE 1441 1 CEE 1010 4 SPAN 1010 3 ENGL 1010 3 CE 1011 1 12 SECOND 13 12 MATH 2350 3 ENGL 2020 3 ENGI 2260 3 SPAN 2020 3 ENGI 2120 3 ENGI 2420 3 ENGI 2110 3 ENGI 2410 3 SURV 2095 1 CEE 2210 3 CEE 2310 3 CE 2510 3 CEE 2311 1 CE 2511 1 CEE 2110 3 12 THIRD THIRD QUARTER COURSE CREDITS 13 14 ENGI 2421 1 CE 3120 3 CE 3130 3 CE 3110 3 CE 3121 1 CE 3330 3 CE 3210 3 CE 3220 3 CE 3331 1 CE 3211 1 CE 3221 1 CE 3420 3 CE 3310 3 CE 3320 3 CE 3520 3 SOHU 2010 3 CEE 3410 3 14 14 13 CE 4140 3 CE 4150 3 CE 4441 1 CE 4430 3 CE 4440 3 3 CE 4530 3 CE 4911 1 SOHU 2040 3 TECHNICAL ELECTIVE 3 CE 4920 TECHNICAL ELECTIVE SOHU OR LANGUAGE ELECTIVE FOURTH 12 10 3 3 10