Course Assignments and Assessments Your grade in CURR 5020 will be derived from four major areas, as follows: 1. DISPOSITIONS: All Semester Dispositions are summarized in a holistic score which reflects ratings by the School Administrator and University Supervisor. Responsibility Collaboration Diversity Professional Behavior Personal Well-Being POINTS 20 20 20 20 20 SUBTOTAL 100 SUBTOTAL 300 This performance-based assessment demonstrates your ability to plan and execute a comprehensive unit (of about 10 class periods) and summarize it in sections as listed below. Directions and rubrics for each section may be found in the TWS Handbook in Blackboard and TaskStream. Section I: Contextual Factors Section II: Unit Learning Goals Section III: Assessment Plan Section IVa: Instructional Design Section IVb: Discipline-Specific Factors Section V: Instructional Decision-Making Section VI: Analysis of Learning Section VII: Reflection and Self Evaluation Section VIII: Quality of Writing 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 SUBTOTAL 180 2. FORMAL OBSERVATIONS (TaskStream and Classroom): Finish by May 3 As indicated in the table on the next page, clinical supervision consists of three observations by your University Supervisor. 3. TEACHER WORK SAMPLE (TaskStream): Due April 27 4. PORTFOLIO (TaskStream): Due May 4 For each of the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards I-V*, upload artifacts demonstrating your proficiency and write a 1-2 page reflection. Check TaskStream for further details. *Your Teacher Work Sample demonstrates your proficiency in CTQS VI. Standard 1: Reflection Standard 1: Evidence Standard 2: Reflection Standard 2: Evidence Standard 3: Reflection Standard 3: Evidence Standard 4: Reflection Standard 4: Evidence Standard 5: Reflection Standard 5: Evidence SUBTOTAL TOTAL 5 20 18 20 18 20 24 20 9 20 12 181 DISPOSITIONS BA & US Indicator Not Met (1) Responsibility Collaboration Respect for Diversity Professional Behavior Personal Well-Being • • • • • Many scores lower than 3 Many scores lower than 3 Many scores lower than 3 Many scores lower than 3 Many scores lower than 3 Indicator Partially Met (2) • • • • • Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Indicator Met (3) • • • • • Mostly all 4’s Mostly all 4’s Mostly all 4’s Mostly all 4’s Mostly all 4’s Indicator Fully Met and More (4) • • • • • All 4’s All 4’s All 4’s All 4’s All 4’s TOTAL for Dispositions PTS /20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /100 POSTCONFEREN CES (Reflections TaskStream) OBSERVATIONS (University Supervisor) PRECONFERENCE (Lesson Plans in TaskStream) FORMAL OBSERVATIONS: FINISH BY MAY 3 Indicator Not Met (1) • Few template fields complete • Objectives field is blank OR few if any objectives are observable and/or measurable. • Lesson has no clearly defined structure. • Lesson not in TaskStream 24 hours prior AND hard copy not provided to University Supervisor • Teacher seems to be “winging it” • Environment characterized by chaos and confusion • Very few students engaged • Communication is unclear • Negative interactions are frequent, tolerated • No assessment of whether a lesson was effective OR profound misjudgment of its success • Reflections in TaskStream 72 hours later or not at all Indicator Partially Met (2) • Most template fields complete • Most objectives are observable and measurable. • Instructional sequence may be missing significant elements (modeling, checks for comprehension, etc.) • Lesson not in TaskStream 24 hours prior OR hard copy not provided to University Supervisor Indicator Met (3) • All template fields complete • Objectives are reasonable, observable, measurable, and aligned to standards. • Instructional strategies include teacher input, modeling, checks for comprehension, and guided and independent practice as appropriate • Lesson in TaskStream 24 hours prior and hard copy provided to University Supervisor • Some planning is evident • Classroom environment functions somewhat effectively • Some students engaged in learning • Communication is adequate • Environment characterized by civility and order • Generally accurate impression of lesson’s effectiveness and extent to which objectives were met • Reflections entered in TaskStream 24-72 hours later • Planning is evident • Classroom environment functions effectively • Most students engaged in learning • Communication is clear • Environment characterized by courtesy and efficiency Indicator Fully Met and More (4) • All template fields complete with high quality content • All objectives are reasonable, observable, measurable, aligned to standards, likely to enhance student learning. • Instructional strategies are clearly planned and sequenced; time allocations are reasonable. • Lesson in TaskStream at least 24 hours prior and hard copy provided to University Supervisor along with other relevant documents (e.g. handouts, seating charts) • Thorough planning is evident • Classroom environment functions smoothly • Most/all students engaged in learning • Communication is clear • Environment characterized by respect, rapport, and productivity PTS /20 /60 • Accurate assessment of lesson’s effectiveness and extent to which objectives were met • Reflections entered in TaskStream within 24 hours • Accurate, detailed, thoughtful assessment of lesson’s effectiveness and extent to which objectives were met, with examples • Reflections entered in TaskStream within 24 hours SUBTOTAL for Formal Observation 1 SUBTOTAL for Formal Observation 2 SUBTOTAL for Formal Observation 3 TOTAL for 3 Observations 6 /20 /100 /100 /100 /300 TEACHER WORK SAMPLE: FINISH BY APRIL 27 Although each section of the TWS is evaluated separately, ultimately they all will become a part of one integrated document about a single unit of instruction. This comprehensive TWS should be word processed (12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced with 1" margins) and include a table of contents as well as an appendixes for charts, graphs, assessment instruments, and samples of student work. As you can see, this is a significant assignment. To ensure that you stay on track to finish and turn it in by the due date of April 28, we recommend that you complete at least one section every two weeks. Since you will be writing about a unit of instruction that you actually teach, our advice is to start sooner rather than later. That way, if you are satisfied with your unit and its outcomes, you can write up your TWS and be done with it -- but if for any reason you are not satisfied and want to start over with a new unit, you will still have time. At a minimum, please follow the schedule below: SCHEDULE FOR TWS COMPLETION SECTION Section I: Contextual Factors Section II: Learning Goals Section III: Assessment Plan Section IV: Design for Instruction Section V: Instructional Decision-Making Section VI: Analysis of Student Learning Section VII: Reflection and Self-Evaluation FULL TWS with appendices DUE DATE January 26 February 9 February 23 March 9 March 23 April 6 April 20 April 27 STANDARDS PORTFOLIO: FINISH BY May 4 Potentially even more time consuming is the Standards Portfolio. For each of the first five Colorado Teacher Quality Standards, you will upload artifacts into TaskStream that demonstrate your proficiency, and then you will write a 1-2 page reflection. Again, this assignment will take a lot of work, and it is due on May 4. Some of the standards may be easier than others to address, since you have probably already produced evidence in other courses that you can use. We want you to stay on a similar every-three-week schedule, but you may tackle the standards in any order you wish. As long as you complete at least one standard by each due date below, you will be on track. SCHEDULE FOR STANDARDS PORTFOLIO COMPLETION EVIDENCE & REFLECTION Standard I: Standard II: Standard III: Standard IV: Standard V: # of ELEMENTS/ Minimum # of ARTIFACTS 6 6 8 3 4 Content Environment Instruction Reflection Leadership DUE DATE February 9 March 2 March 23 April 13 May 4 A grade lower than B- is unacceptable and the course must be repeated or work must be improved. A rating of lower than Proficient on any of the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards by the end of the semester is unacceptable and must be improved before recommendation for licensure. 7 Alignment of Course Objectives, Standards, and Conceptual Framework Course Objective 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Assignment, Activity, or Required Reading(s) Provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards; their District's organized plan of instruction; and the individual needs of their students [I.a]. Demonstrate knowledge of student literacy development in reading, writing, speaking and listening [I.b]. Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Teacher Work Sample Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Demonstrate knowledge of mathematics and understand how to promote student development in numbers and operations, algebra, geometry and measurement, and data analysis and probability [I.c]. Demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, tools of inquiry, appropriate evidence-based instructional practices and specialized character of the disciplines being taught [I.d]. Develop lessons that reflect the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines [I.e]. Make instruction and content relevant to students and take actions to connect students’ background and contextual knowledge with new information being taught [I.f]. Foster a predictable learning environment in the classroom in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers [II.a]. Demonstrate a commitment to and respect for diversity, while working toward common goals as a community and as a country [II.b]. Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Engage students as individuals with unique interests and strengths [II.c]. 10) Adapt their teaching for the benefit of all students, including those with special needs across a range of ability levels [II.d]. 11) Provide proactive, clear and constructive feedback to families about student progress and work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students [II.e]. 12) Create a learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior, efficient use of time, and appropriate intervention strategies [II.f]. 13) Demonstrate knowledge of current developmental science, the ways in which learning takes place, and the appropriate levels of intellectual, social, and emotional development of their students [III.a]. 14) Plan and consistently deliver instruction that draws on results of student assessments, is aligned to academic standards, and advances students’ level of content knowledge and skills [III.b]. Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Teacher Work Sample Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Colorado PBSCT Colorado Generalist INTASC 5.04(2) 9.06(3)(h) 7(f) 5.01(2); 5.01(2)(a); 5.01(2)(b); 5.01(2)(c); 5.01(2)(d); 5.01(2)(e); 5.01(3); 5.01(3)(a); 5.01(3)(b); 5.01(3)(c); 5.01(3)(d); 5.01(4); 5.01(4)(a); 5.01(4)(b); 5.01(4)(c); 5.01(4)(d); 5.01(4)(e); 5.01(5); 5.04(4); 5.05(6) 5.02(1); 5.02(1)(a); 5.02(1)(b); 5.02(1)(c); 5.02(1)(d); 5.02(1)(e); 5.02(2) 5.04; 5.04(1); 5.04(4) 5.04(2); 5.04(3); 5.04(4) 9.06(1); 9.06(1)(a); 9.06(1)(d); 9.06(1)(e); 9.06(1)(e)(ii); 9.06(1)(f) 5(h); 8(h) 5.05; 5.05(1); 5.05(2); 5.05(3) Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio TWS Section I Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio TWS Section I Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio 5.08(1); 5.08(1)(a); 5.08(1)(b); 5.08(2) 9.06(4) 4(c) 2.A 9.06(4) 1(b); 2(c); 4(d) 3(a) 2(d); 3(b) 5(b); 5(d); 5(g) 2(a); 3(b) 7(b) 2(f) Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio 5.06; 5.06(2); 5.06(3); 5.06(4); 5.06(5); 5.06(7); 5.08(3); 5.08(3)(a); 5.08(3)(b) 5.05(8); 5.05(9) Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio 5.05; 5.05(1); 5.05(2); 5.05(3) 9.06(5)(a) 3(d) Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio 5.05(4); 5.05(5); 5.06(1) 9.06(5)(e); 9.06(6)(a) 1(b); 8(i) Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio 5.03(5); 5.05(4) 9.06(1)(a) 1(b); 6(a); 6(g) 7(d) 8 COE Conceptual Framework 9.06(2) Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio NETS 9.06(5)(h); 9.06(5)(i) 1.A Course Objective Assignment, Activity, or Required Reading(s) 15) Demonstrate a rich knowledge of current research on effective instructional practices to meet the developmental and academic needs of their students [III.c]. 16) Thoughtfully integrate and utilize appropriate available technology in their instruction to maximize student learning [III.d]. Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio 17) Establish and communicate high expectations for all students and plan instruction that helps students develop critical-thinking and problem solving skills [III.e]. 18) Provide students with opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership qualities [III.f]. 19) Communicate effectively, making learning objectives clear and providing appropriate models of language [III.g]. 20) Use appropriate methods to assess what each student has learned, including formal and informal assessments, and use results to plan further instruction [III.h]. Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio 21) Demonstrate that they analyze student learning, development and growth and apply what they learn to improve their practice [IV.a]. 22) Link professional growth to their professional goals [IV.b]. 23) Advocate for schools and students, partnering with students, families and communities as appropriate [V.c]. 24) Demonstrate high ethical standards [V.d]. 25) Demonstrate high levels of student learning, growth and academic achievement [VI.a]. 26) Demonstrate high levels of Student Academic Growth in the skills necessary for postsecondary and workforce readiness, including democratic and civic participation. Demonstrate their ability to utilize multiple data sources and evidence to evaluate their practice, and make adjustments where needed to continually improvement attainment of Student Academic Growth [VI.b]. Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Colorado PBSCT 5.07; 5.07(1); 5.07(2); 5.07(5); 5.05(6) Colorado Generalist INTASC 9.06(5)(f) 3(g) 9.06(5)(e) 5(d); 5(g); 8(f) NETS 2(a) Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Formal observations Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Artifacts for Electronic Portfolio Teacher Work Sample Teacher Work Sample 9 5.05(7); 5.07(3) 5.01(1) 5.03; 5.03(1); 5.03(2); 5.03(3); 5.03(5); 5.03(6); 5.03(7); 5.03(8); 5.06(6); 5.07(4) 5.03(4); 5.03(5) 3(f) 5.01(1) 9.06(3)(a); 9.06(3)(b) 9.06(3)(c) 9.06(3)(g) 9.06(3)(h) 1(a); 6(a); 6(c); 6(g) 7(d) 7(f) 9.06(6)(d)(v) 9(f) 2(d) COE Conceptual Framework