Essays of an Information Scientist: Science Literacy, Policy, Evaluation, and other Essays, Vol:11, p.441,1988 A major discussion of a topic in an essay is indicated by a boldface page number. Mention of an individual in an essay often includes reference to one or more of that person’s published works. Therefore, readers doing name searches should also consult the Cited Author Index. author A Abrikosov, A.A. pain relief 24 22 analysis Automatic Subject Citation Alert (See ASCA) Avery, O.T. 186 134 acupuncture warts name of, as oeuvre co-citation 329 awards and prizes 71 adult scienca education NAS Award for Excellence Reviewing 317 253, 263 AIDS landmark papers research 97 in Scientific Nobel Prize 1987 103, 111, 123, 129 sponsorad 317 by ISI 402 Airborne Antarctii Ozone Experiment (AAOE) 39 Alvey programme 280 American College of Nurse-MidwWes (ACNM) 151 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition amino-acid chromatography angioplasty bacteria BCS theory 103 Bednorz, Johannes Georg bee venom 319 Arrow, Kenneth J. 125 Current Contents ASCAmatic of Aschoff, Jtirgen 269 bibliographic coupling vs co-citation big science 379,422 Biological Aspects of Cancer 267 service ASCATOPICS 97 bibliographic coupling 20,22, 161,370 (See also co-citation analysis) 270 description 129 33 Bernal, J.D. 378 ASCA cost 188, 195 146 bear hibernation 31 Apollo 11 and science policy 14 132 Beadle, George W. 39 antibody diversity research antivenin 132 Barnes, Albert C. 180,317 ozone layer 180, 195 Bardeen, John 243 Annual Reviews Inc. Aplysia 234 304 346 animals in research Antarctica, B 162 324 biological rhythms (See chronobiology) 270 biostatistics 269 and epidemiology 3 Blumberg, 291 157 Birth Gazette Baruch S. Atias of Science (See 1S1Atlas of Science) Bradford’s Law atmospheric dynamics in ozone-layer depletion 44 Branscumb, 210,283 367 Lewis McAdory 208 Brazilian science and the World Bank 441 121 British Journal of Nutrition brown adipose tissue 234 1,7 chronobiology 145 current research Brown, George E. 253 development Brown, Michael S. 87,403 environmental Buchta, J. William 208 folklore Buchwald, Art 56 384 242 citation indexing Burnet, Frank Macfarlane, Silas M. Sir 104,220 determining 369 salaries 354,356 impact of citation counts 15 Burroughs Wellcome Co. Burroughs Wellcome Fund 8 2, 7 citation analysis 2 Bush, Vannevar 2, 10 10 circadian rhythms Building a Healthy America Burroughs, 1 influences seasonal affective disorder (SAD) buckminsterfullerene Bunning, Erwin 7 of field multiple authorship 15 18 286 360 temporal characteristics 377 25 Citation Classics developmental nutrition biology 82 231 Reviews of Modern Physics 211 Science Citation Index, 1945-1954 cumulation 221 c science Citation Index, 1955-1986 most-cited articles 87, 96 epidemiological investigations malignant transformation nutrition Citation Index 287 of warts citation inertia 230 ozone-layer smoking depletion articles by French authors carbon-hydrogen activation Carnegie Corporation Cell in Development of New York 383 Nobel Prize Chemistry clipping services childbirth and midwifery China, midwifety chiral-compound 299,383 Jean-Pierre 267 370 cluster data 176 ISI Atlas of Science 150 cobra venom 155 chemistry 47 Clinical Hypnosis Principles and Applications 70 cluster analysis Citation Index 227 Clean Air Act of 1977 111, 303 Chevbnement, 383 nutrition journals 211 chemistry 288 29$ most-cited chemistry articles, 1985 401 most-cikrd Science Citation /ndex articles, 1955-1986 85,95 246 Subrahmanyan most-cited articles, 1985 75 most-cited chemistry articles, 1984 most-cited life sciences articles, 1986 150 most-cited articles, 1984 171 biology journals most-cited Reviews of Modern Physics articles 207 319 (CNM) Alok K., reprint Chandrasekhar, 261 402 Cellular Basis of Behavior certified nurse-midwife 264 183 and Heredity receptors developmental 304, 384 Case Studies in Science Education Chakrabarti, 160, 389 25 citation studies 46 293 cell-surface 168,297 citation indexing 65 co-citation 304 analysis 20, 22, 161, 370 authors vs papers chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS) in ozone-layer depletion 42 /S/ At/as of Science 442 51 35 20,22 51 FARR Cohen, Stanley 34 Drosophila cold war and science policy College 377 262 compact disc, searching by 161, 314, 397 computed 337 tomography (CT) Conable, Barber Disc economic growth theory and technology 123 161 economics, 132 Corporate Index 166 Cram, Donald J. 111,173 adult 116 embryology 41 in wart treatment epidemiologist’s ozone-layer 311 281 definition history 261,291 282 methods and techniques 7 research Escherichia verruciformis coli ESPRIT programme De Contagion Europe, midwifery dentistry and needle phobia dermatology and lasers Development 326 Developmental Biolcgy developmental biology journals 79 Dixon, Bernard extra-corporeal (ESWL) 75 shock-wave 344 367 Diamond, Arthur M. Jr., reprint Diels-Atder reactions 155 (EEC) European science, causes of neglect by US media 280 79 deviant behavior in science 56 280 European Economic Community 273,277 349 64 280 in science EUREKA programme 283 (EV) 195,293 ethics, professional 210 290 285 eptiermodysplasia D 2 46 281,290 biostatistics 394 Daedalus effect 287 depletion epidemiology 311,394 312,395 Czeisler, Charles A. role influences on biological rhythms 269 Apple Macintosh version 329 environment Current Contents (CC) Current Contents on Diskette for pain relief 75 Enders, John F. 224 69 1945-1954219 Science Citation index, USS 254 electrostimulation ASCA, in relation to 123 263 scierwe 111 IBM version Nobel Prize education cumulation how to 223 E 208 Cooper, Leon N. cryotherapy Theory of Crystal Lattices 122 Condon, Edward Uhier Crutzen, P.J. to 311,384 Science Citation Index Coqxwt Edition 160 Crowning 21 Dynamical Current Contents on Diskette crown ethers 2 drug delivery systems, alternatives needles 327 computer software Cook, James circadian rhythms genetics literature 356 302 275 DNA, recombinant 181, 198,403 Double Helix, The 202 I F Fantastic Voyage Farr, Wlliam 443 263 333 Iithotripsy FEYNMAN Feynman, fish oil Richard P. 212 Growth Theory: An Exposition 228 gynecology Framingham Study Fraser, David W. and lasers 292 285,294 fraud insolence 56,367 French science 171 author publication H fields Haberman, 173 E. 33 3 citation patterns of articles 174 Halberg, Franz language usad by authors 175 half-life of journals publication output Fuller, R. Buckminster 45,80, 210, 237 Halperin, Michael R., reprint 176 Harrois-Monin, Fulbright Programme of Educational Exchanges 366 383 effects of ozone-layer depletion epidemiologist’s 264 midwifery warts 141 role 293 59, 66 The Public 1966 369 THE SCIENTIST, 1 June 1987 THE SCIENTIST 11 January 1968 241 black bear THE SCIENTIST 8 February 1966 121 seasonal affective disorder (SAD) THE SC/ENT/S~ 22 February 1988 119 THE SCIENTIST 7 March 1988 hibernation 366 limes Higher Education Supplement, 1988 296 Garfields Law gas-phase 367 gene transcription 304 293 293 recombination in bacteria Cyril, sir hippocampal 181, 196 Genetics and the Orgin of Species 320 108 31 111 311 and transdermal for pain relief 223 189 research treatment 329 in wart treatment 71 3 Genuine Article germ theory 270,313,396 263 Glashow, Sheldon L. Golden, William T. I 96 264 Joseph L. 153 Samuel Abraham Graunt, John 283 IEA standard science examination 254 87 Good Birth, a Safe Birth Goudsmit, 262 hypertension 328 hypnosis epidemiology Goldstein, High School Hinshelwood, Hypercard 21 148 146 host-guest chemistry genetics Genomics trigger 146 hornet venom 402 Genetic Epidemiology Drosophila 242 8, 143 Hood, Leroy molecules 46 heart disease and transdermal treatment 328 Hemy Wellcwrre: The Man, His Collection and His Legacy 15 Gariield, Eugene, reprints Technology: 277 150 smoking Garcia, Emanuel E., reprint 246 Francoise, reprint health (See also medicine) G Information Issues, 126 348 208 immunology and allergy immunogenetics immunotherapy 251, 32 103 and venom research 31 KESSLER impact factors 45 developmental ISI Atlas of Science: Pharmacology biology journals nutrition journals ASCA 50 303 210 160, 369 industrial scientists, publication 246 information isolobal chemistry 237 Reviews of Modern Physics indexing services 79 influences J retrieval Jane Coffin Childs Fund 267 technology’s contribution Japan midwifery 369 In Labor: Women and Power in the Birthplace 157 Institute for Scientific Information also ISI) awards sponsored by science (See science in the schools 317 Pendlebury, John Scott Award Josephson, 368 David A. Small, Henry Josephson 368 15-4 International 158 Confederation International Nursing Index (INI) biology journals Journa/ of Biological journal proliferation Society for Chronobiology Society cm Toxicology inverted indexes Medicine Chemical Society 366 journals 4 published between 1945 and 1954 31 published most-cited articles 366,408 Chemistry 322 ISI Atlas of Science 50 co-citation analysis cumulation 53 research fronts 51 K 51 subject areas of sections 1S1Atlas of Science: Animal& Sciences 53 406 157 394 invisible college 22o 234 Journal of the American 299 Ethics 223 Chemistry Journal of Nurse-Midwife~ 157 75 227 Journal of Experimental Journal of Nutrition to Physiological 135 135 journal literature, growth of of Midwives International School of Professional (fictional institution) 56 Introduction 183 effect nutrition journals International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) 251,254 International 285, 294 Brian D. developmental 161 insurance for nurse-midwives International Prize journal citation studies 161 Vladufz, George 280 John and Alice Tyler Ecology-Energy 44 275 Kimberley, Robert 254 86 JET programme 161 Dixon, Bernard 155 109 Jerne, Niels K. Institute for Scientific Information employees Cook, James 191, 197 K-12 52 195 KAIKO project Plant 279 Kamerlingh-Onnes, ISI Atlas of Science: Biochemistry 52 Kandel, Eric R. ISI Atlas of Science: Immunology 53 Kastler, Alfred 176 Kessler, Michael M. 445 Heike 317 161 131 223 86,95,299, KILLERS Killers and Cripplers 242 Kimberley, Robert reprint 369 Knowledge Koch, M 368 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Social Imagefy 259 284 Rotrarl Kohler, Georges J.F. Mairan, Jean Jacques d’ortous de malpractice, nurse-midwives vs obstetricians 155 maps, citation analysis in creating 86 371 Massachusetts 127 Institute of Technology Mayo, William 15 McCain, Katherine W., reprint L 338 2 Madawar, Peter, Sir 21 220 media and science 272, 277 medicine (See also health) Langmuir 388 corona~ language barrier laser surgery 108,318 Lasker, Mary 242 Leder, Philip D. 108 Lederberg, Joshua biography 180,224, 264 181 reprints disease 285 Lehn, Jean-Marie 111, 173 Leontief, Wassily 126 Levi-Montalcini, Rita Lewy, Alfred J. Lind, James 284 little science 103 325, 335, 344 328 photodynamic therapy (PDT) renal stones 344 224 in physician training Memex 160 Merton, Robert K. Midwifery 157 midwifery 150 127,297,354 183 accredited programs 152 insuranca and malpractice 379,422 Little Science, Big Science 322 status in foreign countries Lost at the Frontier 255 Milstein, Cc%r Lovelock, James E. 43 Mitchell, Peter 317 lung cancer and tobacm 154 155 86 87 Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure (Volumes I & 11) 221 220 Luck, James Murray 350 59,86 Microbe Hunters 344 Lowry, Oliver H. for drug melatonin secretion and circadian rhythms 8 242 Lipmann, Fritz A. Iithotripsy Nobel Prize noninvasive warts 34, 96 life sciences, most-cited articles. 1986 401 9 153 sleep deprivation 138, 141 8 Lierman, Terry L. light therapy 348 pain management 181, 196 Legionnaires’ 281,290 laser surgery needle phobia and alternatives delivery 326 30 346 327 epidemiology midwifery 150 Leake, Chauncey disease and angioplasty drug delivery 348 Lasker Award lay midwife 272 293 Molecular 77raory of Gases and Liquids 223 moon and chronobiology 10 OZONE-LAYER most-cited articles Nobel Prize chemistry, 1984 299 award distribution chemistry, 1985 383 chemistry, 1987 developmental biology lifesciences,1986 nutrition 81 economics, 401 medicine, 232 207 noninvasive Scienca Citation /rrdex 1955-1986 85,95 nutrition biology 123 103 129 medicine 325, 335, 344 alternatives for treating dkease controlling pain 325 most-cited journals developmental 1987 1987 physics, 1987 Reviews of Modern Physics 277 111 definition 75 325,335 diagnostic techniques 227 Muller, Karl Alex newer therapeutic 126 multidimensional-scaling multiple authorship maps in physics 336 laser surgery and therapy motion sickness and transdermal treatment 328 371 213 and 348 procedures 344 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 338 (NMR) nurse-midwife 386 150 Nurse-Midwifery in America 158 nurse-midwifery programs accredited by ACNM 152 N Nurses Association of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (NAACOG) 158 Nation at Risk nutrition journals (NOZE) 39 National Science Foundation (NSF) 220 0 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) 252 needle phobia and alternatives delivery 326 neurobiology 317 Neurospora genetics O&jactive Knowledge 258 obliteration-by-incorporation for drug 124, 213 Office of Science and Technology 378 On Airs, Waters, and Places 185 New Agenda for Science oncology and lasers 262 282 349 Current Contents on Diskette nitrogen emissions in ozone-layer depletion 41 Nixon, Richard M. and science policy Policy online searching 142 314,397 Science Citation Index Compact Disc Edition 162 378 Organic Chemistry: Nobel laureates organometallic authors of most-cited articles in Reviews of Modern Physics 212 ozone-layer major part of work, 1945-1954 447 7he Name Game chemistry depletion atmospheric authors of most-cited articles in SC/, 1955-1986 86,85 performed 224 227 262 National Ozone Expeditions nightfloat 157 Nursing Citation Index (NCI) NAS Award for Excellence in Scientific Reviewing 180,317 303 39 dynamics 44 chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS) nitrogen emissions 41 pathological 46 effects 42 384 PAINLESS Public Understanding P of Science Purcell, Edward M. painless medicine (See noninvasive medicine) pain management papillomas 256 224 Q 328 59, 68 (See also warts) Pasteur, Louis quantum mechanics 31,283 Patent Citation Index 385 224 pathological effects of ozone-layer depletion 48 patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) Patron for Pure Science Petersen, Charles J. peerreview 330 220 radio astronomy 111,173 319 Pendlebury, reprint David A. 368 recombinant nephrostolithotomy percutaneous transluminal angioplasty(PTCA) (PCNL) renal stones and Iithotripsy 207 multiple authorship Pines, David Pittendrigh, Annual Review of Genetics 213 3 Garcia, Emanuel E. Uh<Die 3 Garfield, Eugene 296,366,369 208 3 (television program) 264 poisonous organisms andtheir venom polymers 219 positron emission tomography pregnancy (PET) Harrois-Monin, 29 339 Journal of Information Price, Derek Solla Kimberley, Roberi 85 89,406 Proxmire, William 364 psychoneuroimmunology inwart 356 277 181, 196 Library Quarler/y, 1986 McCain, Katherine W. 21 21 New York State Journal of Medicine, 1987 141 Pendlebury, 74 treatment 1986 Science, 1986 369 Lederberg, Joshua Program for Suppori in the Development of Science and Technology (PADCT) 121 protein kinase C 277 The Public Journal of Human Resources, 150 242, 246 Francoise Information Technology: Issues, 1988 369 284 and midwifery psychotherapy 141 119, 121,241, Halperin, Michael R. “Plagues” Pott, Percival 181, 196 Chakrabarti, Alok K. 246 Diamond, Arthur M. Jr. 356 129 Colin S. 344 reprints physics physio\ogische 30 319 Science Citation Index Compact Disc Edition 161,168 14 Nobel Prize 178 403 related records (See also bibliographic coupling) Pfeffer, Wilhelm F.P. 2 Physiologica/C/ock 378, Regulating Birih: Midwives, Medicine, & the Law 158 168 Science Citation hrdex Compact Disc Edition 163 Physics/Review DNA Redi, Francisco refereeing mronary 346 Perrnuterrn Subject /rrdex(PSl) philanthropy policy Recherche Ma/ Menr4e, La 369 percutaneous 344 221 Reagan, Ronald andscience 416 David A. R & D Management, 70 THE SCIENTIST 448 369 1967 1987 246 119 SCIENCE reprints (con’d) THE SCIENTIST 366 121,241,242, 1988 Supplement, 313,396 Europe 8 61 Rouxk Archives of Developmental 76 Ryan, Francis J. 277 Ryle, John A. funding Bio/ogy 294 181,199 264 378,415 measurir?g through scientometrics US 220,251,377 Norman E. Rubin, Benjamin A. research and development government Franklin D. Rous, Peyton Times Higher Educational 1988 296 Request-A-Print Roosevelt, Rosenthal, 244 277 US VS USSR research fronts angioplasty chemistry 416 20, 125 s and Iithotripey 346 Salam, Abdus 302,384 7 developmental biology economics Samuelson, 60 Schoenbein, epidemiology science 285 145 106 ISI Atlas of science laser therapy 51 350 noninvasive techniques 42 pain management papillomaviruses 331 241, 242 241, 251,254, European 277 258 156 role of science in society Science Citation Index, cumulation .222 sleep deprivation 136 superconductivity 131 258 1945-1954 31 318 ISI Atlas of Science 50 Reviews of Modem Physics, 100 most-cited articles from 207 Robbins, Frederick C. improving literacy literacy lobby 243 policy 375,415 of US science press 224 272 241 255 technology policy Third World 119 two cultures 252 us 262 251 teachers 211 242 171 public image 61 risk in pregnancy review articles 133 education provincialism Reviews of Modern Physics venom 339 - ozone depletion Schrieffer, Robert J. French diagnostic 228 39 fortress science mentality 404 molecules that mimic biological processes 114 nutrition 355 125, 127 87,95 C.F. advocacy immunogenetics life sciences Paul A. Sanger, Frederick 125 electrophysiology of central neurons and cellular mechanisms of behavior 321 hibernation 96, 121 salaries, citation analysis of chronobiobgy 375,415 277 US perceptions of European science US perceptions of foreign research 277 279 Science Citation index (SCI) 1945-1954 cumulation 219 Compact Disc Edition 160 how to use 166 most-cited articles 1955-1986 85, 95 Science Citation Index (SCI), 1945-1954 cumulation 219 SCIENCE Science Citation Index (SCI) Compact Disc Edition 160 comparad to print version cost Semmelweis, Shepards 165 needed howto use 164 sleep Subject Index related records 183 chronobiology 161, 166 deprivation Science Education: A Campaign on Three Fronts (speech) 264 Science & Engineering 254 Science Indicators: 1965 definition 251,258 in US schools research Science of Life definition 253 163 SPOT 375 377 38fl 419 US history 279 Sputnik era and science 251,378 Stigler’s law of eponymy 384 378,416 Structure of scientific 258 supra-molecular 416 Sykes, Bryan Science: The Endless Frontier 377 scientific communication barrier 272 129,302, 386 111 242 220, 251, and the language T Tate, John Torrence scientific reviewing Tatum, Edward L. 316 305 Taube, Henry scientists 207 161, 195, 196 122 technology as activists publication 246 241, 242 contributions influences in US companies role in improving science education role in science policy scientometrics sea snail Revolution chemistry scientific literature and journal proliferation 364,366 THE SCIENTIST 15 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) superconductivity 377,416 USSR 123 168 Story of Met/akaht/a 422 Third World VS Solow, Robert M. 375, 415 influence on academic research US 262 Source Index role 369 software (See computer software) for improvement federal government’s retrieval Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) 268 science policy 283 Society for the Study of Biological Rhythm 4 254, 261 recommendations 293 30, 34 social sciences and information 369 252 in adult population issues snake venom 277 138,141 20, 161 smoking and health Snow, John 254 7 in physician training Small, Henry Indicators--1987 Science indicators science literacy 61 single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) 341 162 Permuterm 151 369 Shope papillomas 184 equipment Ignaz Citations policy TELETEL programma 380 retrieval 123 279 theory of economic growth 123 Theory of X-Ray Diffraction in Crystals 222 319 8, 148 thermodynamics 450 369 (See also science policy) theory of economic growth 264 20 seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to information 375,415 365 ZUCKERMAN Third World Venomous Animals and Their Venoms midwifery 156 science 119 Tonegawa, 419 Susumu Vladutz, George transdermal delivery systems transdermal patches warts 327 etiology 365 reagents delivery 59, 66 biological and clinical manifestations 328 molecules transition-metal transmucosal w electrical nerve stimulation 329 transition-metal 378 161 103 31 transcutaneous (TENS) folk remedies 364 genital 328 401,406 research 44 spontaneous 61 treatment u 66 64 Tyler Ecology-Energy Prize regression 71 69 Wellcome 17 Bureau of Sdentific Wellcome Foundation Ltd. 16 Henry Solomon, Sir Research UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifety, and Health Visiting 156 Weilcome, ultrasound Wellmme Museum of the History of Medicine 17 science education in US Wellcome Tropical Institute Museum UNESCO coupon program 119 Wellcome Trust Weller, Thomas H. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 419 Wigner, Eugene University Grants Committee US Patent Office US perceptions 224 of European science 87 World Bank 120, 121, 419 World Brain 160, 165,423 Worid War II and science policy 277 USSR 156 science policy Y 416 Yalow, Rosalyn S. 96 v z Varro, Marcus Terentius venom research bee venom 282 29 Zuckerman, 33 immunotherapy 31 snake venom 30, 34 451 16 224 What Researc+r Says to the Teacher 296 15 14 United Nations Center for Science and Technology (UNCSTD) 421 midwifery 14 Wellcome: In Pursuit of Excellence 338 63 59 tumor necrosis factor (TNF) undergraduate 255 30 64 Vietnam and science policy science policy Toxicon verruca vulgaris Harriet 109,356 377 261