SLAC-PUB-513 October 1968 VW SPIN-ONE PARTICLE IN AN EXTERNAL ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD* D. Shays’ and R. H. Good, Jr.tT Institute for Atomic Research and Department of Physics Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa ABSTRACT In this paper the electrodynamics antiparticle is developed using a (1, 0) 0 (0, 1) six-component wave function. Anomalous magnetic dipole and electric rupole effects are included. covariant integral of a spin-one particle- and has no auxiliary quad- The wave equation is manifestly conditions. The invariant for the system is derived and the nonrelativistic limit is discussed. (submitted to Phys. Rev.) * This research was done in the Ames Laboratory Energy Commission. Contribution No. 2237. t Present address: Physics Department, Norman, Oklahoma, 73069 o of the U.S. Atomic University tt On leave 1968-9 at Stanford Linear Accelerator University, Stanford, California, 94305. of Oklahoma, Center, Stanford I, INTRODUCTION Recently Joos , new descriptions scriptions Weinberg, 2 and Weaver, of a free particle Hammer and Good’ have developed with spin s = 0, l/2, 1, . . . . These de- are of interest because they are closely analogous to the Dirac theory for a spin-l/2 the spin-l/2 spin. 1 particle and they permit many of the well-known theory to be extended to apply uniformly Joos’ and Weinberg’ Covariantly gave their description defined matrices appear as the generalization to particles of arbitrary in a manifestly as developed by Barut, of the Dirac discussions for Muzinich, yP matrices. covariant form. and Williams4 Weaver, Hammer, and n Good’ gave their description generalizing in Hamiltonian the Dirac Hamiltonian 2 l form and found an algorithm p + pm to any spin. N in these two approaches are identical for odd-half-integral for The wave functions spin and are equivalent, in the sense of being related by an operator that has an inverse, for integral spin. In any case the wave function forms the basis for the (s, o) 9 (0, s) representation of the Lorentz group. Also the wave function corresponds wave function used by Pursey’ in his treatment In later works most of the properties worked out. Sankaranarayanan to the momentum-space of free particles with spin. of the free-particle theory have been and Good’ studied the spin-l case in detail and Shay, Song, and Good7 the spin-3/2 case. eral discussions of the polarization operators6 density matrices for describing Sankaranarayanan and Good gave gen- and the position operators. 8 The orientational properties were set up by 7 Sankaranarayanang and by Shay, Song, and Good. Mathews lo and Williams, 11 Draayer, and Weber obtained definite formulas for the Hamiltonian for any spin. The descriptions have been applied so far only to free particles is how to include effects of an external electromagnetic -2- field. and a question In view of the success in treating all these properties of the free particle spins, one might hope that electromagnetic for any spin. increases, multipole interactions uniformly could also be introduced The problem becomes more and more complicated since a particle of spin s can have anomalous electric moments up to the 2 2s by a (1, 0) 0 (0, 1) wave function, and having arbitrary This new formulation treatment as the spin and magnetic order. The purpose of this paper is to give the theory of a spin-l field, for all interacting particle, described with an external electromagnetic magnetic dipole and electric turns out to be worthwhile quadrupole moments. because it permits a complete of the system (some aspects involving the anomalous quadrupole mo- ment were not covered before). The results have not so far suggested a generalization The spin-l particle apply exclusively to higher spins. in an external field was originally and Kemmer l3 using a lo-component to spin one and wave function. studied by Proca Corben and Schwinger 12 14 showed how to include an anomalous magnetic dipole term in Proca’s theory and Young and Bludman cializing 15 took account of an anomalous electric to time-independent electric fields and space-time fields in the anomalous quadrupole terms, Sakata-Taketani This Hamiltonian complicated 16 Spe- independent magnetic they obtained a Hamiltonian of the type which included the effects of the anomalous moments,, formulation involves a 6-component wave function which has Lorentz transformation properties. The wave equation given here is manifestly iary conditions on the wave function. respect to space reflection, the definition quadrupole. from the anomalous quadrupole term. and requires no auxil- The equation has the usual symmetries time reflection, of a Lorentz-invariant covariant and charge conjugation. It leads to inner product that includes a contribution It was found that there are two possible -3- with choices for the anomalous quadrupole term in this wave equation, correct transformation nonrelativistic properties each having the and giving the same type of contribution in the limit to order m -2 . For any spin of particle, the values of the normal electric and magnetic moments depend on the wave equation used to describe the particle. normal magnetic moment g-factor is l/2 and the normal electric Here the quadrupole moment is -li2/2m 22 c . The values of the moments were found by making a Foldy-Wouthuysen type of transformation, leading to a nonrelativistic Hamil- tonian correct to order m -2 , II. THE WAVE EQUATION The equation is yap + raTa! + 2m2+(eh/12) + tedm2) where na! is -i( a/ax,) y6 , ap , TV m&/axJ - eAQ! and F F @P F.. 1J = wpa) =E ijk ys,ap aP Fc@ 1 “,,I e = 0 , is the field tensor, - wpp s, Fi4 = - Fqi = -iEi, F44 = 0 o The Latin indices run from 1 to 3, Greek from 1 to 4 with x4 = it. c andh are omitted. intrinsic moments, are six-by-six 0 ij Factors of The constants A and q are real and adjust the sizes of the defined in terms of Y.. = 1J (1) -s.s -s.s. ij ~1 -4- matrices I The other matrices are defined in terms of the yap by Ys,o!p = i [%* ) 7jiJ Y~,(Y/?,~Y = paps rpv], (3) ’ + 2 %P %v (4) The operators wave function. (aF,/&J, satisfy satisfy no are understood to act on everything The gradient operators to their right, inside brackets, including the such as in the factor The y d Yap = Ypa, and yola! - 0 so there are 9 of them independent; the Y 5,oP Y5,ap = - Y5,pa and there are 6 of them independent; the symmetry properties act on the fields FaP only and not on the wave function. of Y6 crP ~1/ are 9 , y6,~/3,~~ = - y6,@! ,/JV ‘f-5, N~,Pv = yQ-wd Y~,oL&w and there are therefore + y6,~~,v~ (5a) ’ (5b) , + y6,~v,pv. 10 of them independent. = ’ ’ (SC) One defines Y5 by Y5 = and then there are 36 independent Hermitian ‘6, G,PV 1, Y5, y @’ iY5 L!p ’ Y5,@’ Some other properties are which form a complete set of 6 x 6 matrices. given in Ref. 6. -5- matrices III. LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS The Lorentz transformation AND CHARGE CONJUGATION properties be the same as that of the free particle of the wave function are assigned to wave function. However this assignment does not settle the question because in the free-particle wave function is used in the Hamiltonian variant formulation. formulation discussion a different than in the manifestly co- The relation between the two functions was given in Eq. (62) of Ref. 6. For the transformations continuous with the identity the two functions behave the same and the notation of Refs. 3 and 6 is used. For the reflections and charge conjugation there is a difference. As shown later, Eq. (1) specializes and so his assignments for the dis- to Weinberg’s formulation continuous transformation properties For Lorentz transformations the wave function transformation are the appropriate ones to use. continuous with the identity rule is +I’Go=W(x) where x1 denotes z’, t’ and the matrix A+ Y44 = 344 11-l CA =A”C = y5 (6) A satisfies A-1%pA= aacl“pvYpv 11-ly5" for zero fields ) o -6- , , (79 (w UC) (8) Here C is the charge-conjugation matrix defined by (9) where C, is a unitary matrix such that csg= The C matrix -E*c S . (10) has the property = y?: , ’ Y4i ’ -1 = -YXi, 1J CYij c-l ‘Y44’ In consequence of Eqs. (6) and (7a) every Greek subscript same sense as in Dirac’s -1 =Y$4 (11) l is a vector index in the theory and Eq. (1) is evidently covariant. For the space reflection Xf = -xi, t’ = t Equations (6) and (7) apply again with A chosen to be r,40 Since ro and FaP are regular under space reflection formation, the covariance is again evident. instead of Eq. (8)) the equation blr,A = -y5 applies D By including factors of y, the parity noninvariant formed. For this trans- For example (eh*/12) y5 y5 op FaP is an electric , (12) interactions can be dipole interaction term. For the time reflection xi = xi, t’ = -t the wave function transformation V(x’, rule is = A[C~@>] * -7- (13) where again A is y44 and satisfies andF Eqs. (7). By explicit calculation, using Aa to be pseudo, one verifies that Eq. (1) is covariant. QP The charge conjugate wave function is defined by fjF = (cl))* It satisfies (14) an equation the same as Eq. (1) but with all terms proportional changed in sign. matrices 0 to e It follows from the fact that Eq. (7~) applies to all transformation A that $I’ has the same Lorentz transformation properties as tip. The charge conjugation has period two, as follows from the fact that CECs is unity. IV. INVARIANT 18 INTEGRAL Let the adjoint wave function be defined by F = 4+ Y44 The equation it satisfies l (15) is (16) where ??o! is -i (3/axa) I- eA,! D It follows from Eq. (7b) that the adjoint function transforms according to p (x’) = 7 (x) A-l for isochronous Lorentz transformations (17) and according to it’(x’) =[F(x) c-y*A-l for time reflections. -8- (18) If @) is a solution of Eq. (16) and fi(@ of Eq. (1)) then the current @(n) _ #Q) y tn) cd% - (eq/6m2) gQ) (aF PV @ ($4 /ax ) y P ~,Pv,PQ (19) is conserved, aJr’“‘/axcy =0 . -71-tQ) @ indicate that the ? acts only on the ( P > P J($ n, is a Lorentz four-vector so the integral of J4(Q,4 over Here the brackets in a factor like $‘I’ . Evidently space is a time-independent Lorentz scalar. The invariant integral is therefore defined by (Q$~), &“) = i(4m)-lJ d3x [(F@?“) - (eq/6m2) qcQ) (aF An alternative PV Y4P4”) /ax ) y P 6,~,/34 lp 1 (20) 1 (21) . form is (@(Q),@(“) = i(4m)-‘/d3x [-2 #Q)’ - (eq/6m2) q(‘) (aF -9- PV Y44 yqini $(n) /ax ) y P 6,w,P4 $@) . The factor is chosen to give the right nonrelativistic As in the Dirac theory, the invariant limit, as discussed below. the anomalous magnetic moment term does not influence integral formula. The integral For the time-rate-of-change of matrix is not positive definite. elements of any operator T, one finds that d(,(“, T @(n))/dt = i (4m)-l/d3x $(Q) [W, T]-$(m (22) where W is the operator inside the square brackets on the left in Eq. (1). applies in general, even when the fields and T are time dependent. This Equation (22) can be easily derived by operating on the equation W (T @@)) = [W, T] _ @) from the left with $(‘), on Eq. (16) from the right with (-Tfi) on the left can be rearranged q(Q) and T ,@). and adding; the terms into i times the divergence of a current From Eq. (22) it is seen that matrix operation of the system are time independent. Jo built from elements of a symmetry The point is that if T is a symmetry operation and $(n) satisfies the equations of motion then T @(n) also is a solution. Then W fi@) and WT $(n) are both zero and the right-hand-side V. NONRELATIVISTIC of Eq. (22) is zero. LIMIT As was first emphasized by Foldy and Wouthuysen in the spin one-half case, the nonrelativistic Dirac particle Hamiltonian approximation corresponds to an expansion on m-l, For a they developed the series by making unitary transformations which removed odd parts of the Hamiltonian of the to higher and higher . orders of m -I. Their process cannot be applied directly isn’t a Hamiltonian to begin with, here because there In the Dirac case it is appropriate unitary transformations because the invariant unitary transformations preserve this form into the nonrelativistic - 10 - integral to consider is J d3x @(‘)? @(@ and the limit. With the different invariant integral that applies here, Eq. (21), it is not appropriate to keep wave function transformations the limit here is to take out the rest-energy non-unitary The basic idea used in finding unitary. part of the wave function, transformation that removes odd parts of the wave equation in a -1 and then expand in powers of m e certain order, The first step is to convert the wave equation, type of notation. The appropriate @= y44= a.=iy 1 matrices 0 1 1 0 () ’ 44 yi4 = - y5si In terms of them the y5,0p matrices ‘5,ij ‘5, i4 y6, aP,w = -6r ijk ‘k = -6~~ type of matrix Eq. (1)) into a nonrelativistic are = s.1 0 0 - s.1 ) ( The make a e are ’ . is easily converted into terms of 2 and 2 by using the result k ~P,Yv = -P/12) y5,/JvI + +4(8 a/J % -6 o!v $3/L) - 4%!ppv y5 ’ (23) It is assumed that the external fields F Q!p satisfy the- homogeneous Maxwell equations c0rpp.JaFcYp’axp= O so the third term in Eq. (23) doesn’t contribute term in Eq. (23) leads to terms proportional - 11 - in the wave equation. to (aFav /ax,) The second in the wave equation; this type of term is retained so that all the results below apply even in the case when the wave function overlaps the sources of the external fields. With this -2 notation change and after multiplication by m the wave equation reads - (e/m2) (P-I-h) 2. (EJ+iy,EJ + 2 (24) The second step is to make the substitution , + = exp[(2 0$n> - imtJ til multiply through by exp [- (g 0z/m) + imt] and expand for small m -1 . The effect of the time-factors im -k 7r4e The expansion needs to be carried contribution. The calculation (1-p)+2i(7r4/m) (l-t@-2i(g*z/rn) L +(n2/m2)(W) , - (e/m2)(ptA)~- is just that 7r4 becomes out to order m -3 to get the quadrupole leads to (7r4/m) + 2i(7r4/m) (g*drn) (E+iY5E,) + i(‘y-+)2(~4/m)(l-p) (1-p) + (r4/m)2( l+@ - 2i(a*~/m)(~4/m)(~.~m) lz/m)3 P - ((u-&n)(a2/m2)tl+P) +(~2/m2)(g-~hn)(l-P) +(e/m2)(g-~hn)(P+A) E*(@iy,g) + i( r4/m) (g -2/mj2( l+p) - (g *z/m) (n4hQ2( 11-P)+ (r4/m)2(g -z/m) (1-p) + (4/3) (2 - (e/m2)(p+A) g*(EJ+’iy513)(g*~/m)+i(eq/m3)(s The odd terms only begin in the m -2 order O - 12 - s +s s -4/3spk) y5 atBp+i y5E#a%] pk kp (25) b$ = o o As a third step one makes a similarity transformation so that the same equation holds but with /3, y5, g, I/I,- replaced by p’, v;, g’, @i where p’ zz ( ) -1 0 0 1’ ’=01 y5 (10’ ) The point of this is that, if $i is considered as two three-component functions, then the upper part of Eq. (25) is 2Gs -I- O(mm2) es + O(mm2) *L =0 , where O(m-2) denotes terms of order m -2 . The small components are thus of -2 order m in the compared to the large. There is considerable simplification lower half of Eq, (25), leading to the result 1 4i(n4/m) + 2(n4/m)2+ 2(n2/m2) - (e/m’)(l+Qg* - 2i(Ez/m) ( r4/m) (52/m) + i(e/m2)(&*7r/m)( B, + 2i(r4/m) (ga/m? 1-h) k Et- i(e/m2J(l+h) - (eq/m3) ( spsk+sksp- 4/36pk)taEp/aXk) - 13 - 20 g(kE/m) 1 eL = ’ o (26) This can be rearranged into the form (-ir4 - (2m)-’ $ fi, = (H-e@ tiL (27) 3 where H is given by H = e$ + ( r2/2m) - (e/4m) ( l+A) 20 B, + (e/8m2)(l-k2q)(sisj+s - (e/8m2)(1-A)s-*(x j s i - 4/3 sij)(aEj/aXi) x~-~x~) + (1/6)(e/m2)(1-A)(V*lZ) 9 (28) and where $Jis -iA4 . As a fourth and final step in finding the nonrelativistic reorganized into Hamiltonian form. $f= then, to order m -2 [ the equation is If the function W is defined by l+ (2m)-’ (H-e+) 1 eL , the $ term cancels out, Eq. (27) becomes i&&/at = H* and &is identified limit, as the nonrelativistic , (30) wave function. It is clear that, from what has been said so far, this identification unique. For example, fiL might be taken as the nonrelativistic the ?T: term manipulated However the identification integral.. into a contribution to the Hamiltonian above is supported by the limiting Starting from Eq. (21) and disregarding ($‘tQ)d’tn’) = i(4m)-l/h3x [2i@(Q)t,.,$n) is not wave function and in the m -2 order. value of the invariant terms of order m -3 , one finds + k4!$QJ)t (l+p)@(n) - @(“)? (1+-P,?r4@(ril = = d3xwfQ)t,tn) / o (31) - 14 - Therefore, except perhaps for further nonrelativistic VI unitary transformations, ti is the correct wave function. DISCUSSION The magnetic dipole term in H can be written g-factor is l/2, electric is (l+E\)/2. Thus for a particle described by Eq. (1) the normal g-factor the same as for a Dirac particle. quadrupole interaction H eq zz- as -g(e/2m) & B, where the The conventional form for a spin s term is Q 4s(2ZZ - 1) (sisj+sjsi where Q is the quadrupole moment. dE. - 2/3Sij s2) & j By comparison the quadrupole moment of this particle , with Eq. (28) one sees that is Q = (-1+ A+ 2q)/(2m2) , the normal moment being then - 1/(2m2). An alternative way to include the anomalous quadrupole contribution the term (qe/m2)(aF,dax,) variant integral rp $1/ in place of the ys term in Eq. (1). is to use The in- can still be defined all right and the same nonrelativistic except for a different factor in the VoE NN term. term used in Eq. (1) has a universal limit applies However the type of quadrupole application because the y 6, aP,w matrices, Lorentz type (2,0) 8 (0,2), exist for all spins greater than one-half whereas matrices like y,, , Lorentz type (1, l), exist only for spin one. The connection between this formulation formulations is found by specializing and other spin-one free-particle Eq. (1) to the case e = 0 and rewriting it as (32) - 15 - where PQ! is -is/ax@. Here one can operate with -P P y and use the matrix a! P@P property This leads to (P,P,j$b = (Papa+ 2mT2+ and so gives the Klein-Gordon equation PoPa+ Furthermore = -m2@. (34) this combines with Eq. (32) to yield Weinberg’s equation2 (35) Thus Eqs. (34) and (35) together are equivalent to Eq. (32). In Ref. 6, Section 6, the relations between Eqs. (34) and (35) and the other free-particle formulations were given. Just as in the spin-l/2 principle case, the polarization be followed throughout the interaction. polarization = t-i/6@ This is a gauge-independent can in One defines the four-vector operators. 6 E pvpcr y5, vp TIT y5 r5 , luc+nc . (36) notion and it fits in with the scheme of free-particle The fourth component is T4=(i/m)g*a for a particle particle operator by TP = (i/12m) polarization of the spin-l spin-one in an electrostatic ; field, this is (ip/m) times the helicity (s-0 x/p) which is central to the discussion in the next section. - 16- operator VII. APPLICATION: SEMICLASSICAL SOLUTION OF THE GENERAL ELECTRO- STATIC PROBLEM As an example of the usefulness of this theory the semiclassical tion for the solutions of Eq. (1) will be set up in the case of a spin-l an electrostatic field. fields. WKB method to the relativistic those developed by Pauli 21 The approximation spin-l case. in in the relativistic definite helicities the expansion coefficients. is the generalization of the Some of the ideas are the same as spin-l/2 solutions are expressed as linear combinations contribute particle This applies for example to a deuteron moving relativis- tically through laboratory approximation, approxima- problem. The approximate of functions that have, in first and a set of differential equations is given for The anomalous quadrupole moment term does not to the wave function in first approximation. The equation to be solved is + +2m2c2+eAia!*E Nhr C eii3 + m2c3 ’ ‘5 ‘jke (37) 2 axiaxj -ix q (BiSj + SjSi - $ Cij AL m2c3 This is just Eq. (1) specialized to the case A, = 0, A4 = i$ time-independent. factors of h and c have been reinserted and it has been written The in terms of the s- and /3- rather than the y-matrices. The results are conveniently particle problem. expressed in terms of the solutions of the free- In this case one considers solutions of the form $ = w exp 1%-l(p* E-Et)] - 17 - e (33) The equation determining w is then p2tI+P) - 2 (g-g)2 /3 - 2 (E/c) go&p - (E/c)~ (l+p) + 2m2c2 3 w=o C By looking at the problem in the rest frame, 0 (39) & = 0, one sees clearly that there are six solutions for each fixed N0 p It is easy to find them by supposing they are eigenstates of the six-by-six helicity operator, (ZE/P) w=uw say , (40) Then Eq. (39) reduces to a two-by-two where u=O,*l. problem. There are solutions only if E = eW where E= f 1 and W is an abbreviation particle/antiparticle the solutions w&j 2 2 112 , for c(p2 + m c ) the positive root. ,o as E = f 1. The final formulas solutions are identified w C,(T(~) of the free-particle = -$ (41) uO we, *&I = uO Ll 22mc2 (E- E/P) u=uu \ (42) (W=P)u*l c where u,(g) are the solutions of the three-by-three normalized helicity ’ ) eigenvalue problem , so that In the representation for problem are (W=P)u*I ’ The (s.). = i E.. explicit formulas 1 Jk Ilk - 18 - for these functions are The factors in Eqs. (42) are chosen so as to give a normalization Eq. (21). If the q-term can be disregarded -1 Et) then exp (-ih appropriate to and if v has time-dependence where (4% The normalization is such that I = E/mc2 for the free-particle The semiclassical approximation solutions. is obtained by substituting (is/LPI) 1exp $ = a0 -t- (B/i) a1 + . . . [ into Eq. (37) and formally cability obtaining a solution to first order for small A. Appli- of this approximation is discussed below. g= 7s , (this is a different In terms of the abbreviations E = -%/at use of the symbol g than before) the terms in h give C P2( It-P) -, z(~.p)~p - 2cW1(E-e$)g*p@ - c-2(E-e$)2(1+P)+2m2c2 Solutions of this equation are known by comparison Eq. (39). 1 a9 = 0. (45) with the free-particle problem, According to Eq. (41) it is necessary that E - e@ = EC (p2 + m2c 3 l/2 In the following only the particle equation for the classical solutions, Hamilton-Jacobi . E = + 1, are considered; (46) then this is the function S. Also only the solutions with definite energy E are found so that s=s-Et where 3 is time-independent. Suppose the classical , (47) This means that p is Es and is also time-independent. problem is solved so that s as a function of 5 and three constants, - 19 - values of integrals of the motion, is known. The only problem then is to deter- Equation (45) implies that mine a0’ c ao=u=O,*l (48) *ow*lo- , (9 where A, are three functions of position still to be determined. on A, is that the approximation The limitation should be solvable to next order to get a1. Thus Eq. (37) for the terms in I? gives - 2(zz)2p-2c 1 -’ (E-e+) g*EP - cm2 (E-e$)2 (11-p)+ 2m2c2 a1 (4% (Even in this order, the q term does not contribute.) The matrix of a1 is the sarne as in Eq. (45) and has zero determinant. of coefficients Equations (49) have a solution for a1 only if the vector on the right is orthogonal to the solutions of the homogeneous equations formed with the Hermitian on the left. -(E-e+) Taking that Hermitian conjugate is the same as replacing so those solutions are just Wtl,T [(p.v+ Nm conjugate of the matrix w-1, $) and the condition for solvability v~~)(~+P) -2p(s+ sep+s*p s-v) - 2c-‘W#WV -N-m NM--h. - ec -1 E*o!P-ec NN - 20 - (E-e+) by -‘Ag-g 1 ~A,w+~ ‘VW , u =O P . is Here 1 acts on everything to the right, as differential co- including the 5 dependence in p. Expressed equations for A, this reads -1 WT -1 T L2p(l+P) -2PP(7-+@)+2c we2 , 1 , W+l (T l 5% 2 21/2 Here W still denotes c(p2+ m c ) . By using the explicit formulas Eqs. (42)) one can verify that the left-hand side simplifies Eq. (50) be written for w6 u, , to 4p. V A . Let 5T as (51) where the coefficients principal C 7u can be found given the potential $(xJ and choice of function S. Since at every point p is normal to the surface 3 = constant, Eqs. (51) determine Ar everywhere In this respect the semiclassical if the A7 are given on one particular approximation is like the classical which one can have various numbers of particles ~trajectories. For any particular is a set of total differential streaming surface. problem in on the various allowed orbit s(t), since N p is c -2 (E - e$) dxJdt, Eq. (51) equations (E -e+) dAr/dt = c2 cC,,A, U (52) which determine the amplitudes A ~ if they are known at the start. In the one-dimensional problem, when $ and s depend on a single coordinate, say z, one can solve for the A7. explicitly. The principal S =$pdz - Et function is (53) where -’ (E -e$J2 p=C? C - m2 c4 - 21- l/2 1 (54) for particles moving in the positive z-direction. spin matrices occur in Eq. (50) so it is appropriate which sz is diagonal. to use the representation to P(d.Ar/dz) = - ;*Ttdp/W dropping out. The amplitudes , are then just p -l/2 and the semi- solutions are Go = (z)l” (11) exp ix-’ (jpdz - Et) , exp iliB1(jpdz These are eigenstates of the helicity static one-dimensional (559 -Et) for discussing the normalization, order in Fi they amount to the same thing and I is E/cp. The semiclassical (55b) sz, as are the exact solutions of the electro- p denotes -i A 1 whereas in Eqs. (55) p is given by Eq. (54). since it is inversely . problem. Equation (44) is still appropriate there, in are zero. Equation (51) uncouple and simplify classical of the In place of Eqs. (43) one has and their derivatives the A-term Only the z-components proportional to the classical approximation although . To first This is a sensible result velocity. is expected to apply when terms marked by higher powers of iEiare smaller than those marked by lower powers. Typically the AI& Eqs. (45) and terms are considered one higher order than p2 in deriving - 22 - (49). Using Eq. (46) and considering relative tric field. E - e$ of order mc2, one finds that the size II~z/P~ is of order (II eEf /m2c3), This parameter also measures the size of the g to P2, as long as h is of order unity. terms are considered. Another parameter Their size relative (RqYEf /mc Ef 1. The approximation two parameters where Ef is the size of the elec- are small. to the 2 l l g terms relative enters in when the q g terms is about is expected to apply, then, when the above For example, a deuteron has A= .7, q = 25 and if Ef 2 lo4 esu, EEf /Ef z 1 cm -1 , the first param-17 eter is about 10 and the .second about 10-13 . The approximation would surely it moves in laboratory fields, apply in that case. - 23 - REFERENCES 1. II. Joos , Fortschr. 2. S. Weinberg, 3. D. L. Weaver, d. Phys. 2, 65 (1962). Phys. Rev. 133, B1318 (1964). C. L. Hammer, and R. H. Good, Jr. , Phys. Rev. 135, B241 (1964). 4. A. 0. Barut, I. Muzinich, and D. N. Williams, Phys. Rev, 130, 442 (1963). 5. D. L. Pursey, Ann. 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