Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Electromagnetic Waves Sections 22.4 - 22.7 Electromagnetic Waves Final Questions Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Reading Assignment Read sections 23.1 - 23.4 Homework Assignment 7 Homework for Chapter 22 (due at the beginning of class on Friday, October 15) Q: 4, 7, 10 P: 2, 16, 20, 40 PP: 32.1, 32.3 Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Maxwell’s equations X E⊥ ∆A = Qenc closed surface 0 (Gauss’s law) Electric fields lines emerge from positive charge and terminate at negative charge X B⊥ ∆A = 0 (Gauss’s law for magnetism) closed surface Magnetic field lines form closed loops X Ek ∆` = ε = − ∆ΦB ∆t (Faraday’s law) An electric field can be created by a changing magnetic flux The electric field lines due to this electric field form closed loops X Bk ∆` = µ0 Ienc + µ0 0 ∆ΦE ∆t (Ampére-Maxwell law) A magnetic field can be created by a current or a changing electric flux Electromagnetic Waves Final Questions Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Electromagnetic waves James Clerk Maxwell’s crowning achievement was to show that a beam of light is a traveling wave of electric and magnetic fields (an electromagnetic wave) and thus that optics is a branch of electromagnetism Properties of electromagnetic waves The fundamental mechanism behind electromagnetic radiation is the acceleration of a charged particle → − → − The electric and magnetic fields E and B are perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave (the wave is a transverse wave) The electric field is perpendicular to the magnetic field The fields vary sinusoidally, just like the transverse waves you studied in PHY 120; moreover, the fields vary with the same frequency and are in phase with each other Remarkably, Maxwell predicted that, in vacuum, both electromagnetic waves and light traveled at the same speed, namely 1 8 8 = 2.997 × 10 m/s ≈ 3.00 × 10 m/s c = √ µ0 0 Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Electromagnetic Waves Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Announcements Review Electromagnetic Waves Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question VHF (very high frequency) television antennas in England are oriented vertically, but those in North America are horizontal. Why? Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question VHF (very high frequency) television antennas in England are oriented vertically, but those in North America are horizontal. Why? Polarization Polarization is a property of waves that describes the orientation of their oscillations Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question VHF (very high frequency) television antennas in England are oriented vertically, but those in North America are horizontal. Why? Polarization Polarization is a property of waves that describes the orientation of their oscillations Polarization and electromagnetic waves The polarization of electromagnetic waves is described by the oscillating electric field (not the oscillating magnetic field) If the electric field is oscillating vertically, the wave is said to be vertically polarized (these waves are produced by vertical transmitting antenna) If the electric field is oscillating horizontally, the wave is said to be horizontally polarized (these waves are produced by horizontal transmitting antenna) Questions If a vertically oriented antenna intercepted vertically polarized electromagnetic waves, what would happen? If a horizontally oriented antenna intercepted vertically polarized electromagnetic waves, what would happen? Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Energy in electromagnetic waves Electromagnetic waves transport energy → − The rate of flow of energy in an electromagnetic wave is described by the Poynting vector S whose magnitude is given by 1 EB sin θ S = µ0 → − → − where θ is the angle between E and B To find the direction of the Poynting vector, use the following right hand rule: → − Point your hand in the direction of the electric field E → − Curl your fingers in the direction of the magnetic field B Your thumb will naturally point in the direction of the Poynting vector (this is also gives the direction of travel of the wave) The magnitude of the Poynting vector represents the rate at which energy flows through a unit surface area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (power per area) The SI units of the Poynting vector are J/s·m2 = W/m2 → − → − → − Because E and B are perpendicular to one another in an electromagnetic wave, the magnitude of S is S = in which S, E , and B are instantaneous values Electromagnetic Waves 1 µ0 EB = 1 cµ0 E 2 Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Energy transport For an electromagnetic wave, the energy density associated with the electric field is uE = 1 2 2 0 E = 1 2 2 2 0 B c = B2 2µ0 = uB Therefore, the instantaneous energy density associated with the electric field of an electromagnetic wave equals the instantaneous energy density associated with the magnetic field The average total energy density u is u = uE + uB = 1 2 2 0 Emax = 2 Bmax 2µ0 Though we have an equation for the energy transport rate as a function of time, it is more useful to find the average energy transported over time The time-averaged value of S (written S) is also called the intensity I I =S = 1 cµ0 E2 = 1 cµ0 2 Emax cos2 (kx − ωt) = 1 2cµ0 2 Emax = 2 cBmax 2µ0 Therefore, the intensity of an electromagnetic wave is equal to the average energy density multiplied by the speed of light I = S = cu Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Variation of intensity with distance How intensity varies with distance from a real source of electromagnetic radiation is often complex However, in some situations we can assume that the source is a point source that emits light isotropically (equal intensity in all directions) Assuming that the energy of the waves is conserved as they spread out from the source, we conclude that at a distance r from the source, the intensity I is I = Ps 4πr 2 where Ps is the power of the source Therefore, the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by an isotropic point source decreases with the square of the distance r from the source Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. What is the intensity of the laser? (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. What is the intensity of the laser? (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) Answer While a laser pointer may be approximated as a point source, it does not radiate light isotropically Assuming that the laser pointer transmits all of its energy in the spot on the screen, then I = Electromagnetic Waves P A = P πr 2 = 3.0 × 10−3 W π(1.0 × 10−3 m)2 = 955 W/m 2 Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. What is the intensity of the laser? (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) Answer While a laser pointer may be approximated as a point source, it does not radiate light isotropically Assuming that the laser pointer transmits all of its energy in the spot on the screen, then I = P A = P πr 2 = 3.0 × 10−3 W π(1.0 × 10−3 m)2 = 955 W/m 2 Question #2 The Sun has a luminosity (power) of 3.8 × 1026 W and a mean distance of 1.5 × 108 km from the Earth. What is the mean intensity of the Sun at the Earth? Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. What is the intensity of the laser? (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) Answer While a laser pointer may be approximated as a point source, it does not radiate light isotropically Assuming that the laser pointer transmits all of its energy in the spot on the screen, then I = P A = P πr 2 = 3.0 × 10−3 W π(1.0 × 10−3 m)2 = 955 W/m 2 Question #2 The Sun has a luminosity (power) of 3.8 × 1026 W and a mean distance of 1.5 × 108 km from the Earth. What is the mean intensity of the Sun at the Earth? Answer The Sun may be approximated as an isotropic point source Therefore, its intensity at the Earth is I = Electromagnetic Waves P 4πr 2 = 3.8 × 1026 W 4π(1.5 × 1011 m)2 3 2 = 1.3 × 10 W/m Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Radiation pressure Electromagnetic waves have linear momentum as well as energy This means that we can exert a pressure (a radiation pressure Pr = F /A) on an object by shining light on it! If radiation is entirely absorbed (taken in) by an object, that object gained an energy ∆U and a linear momentum ∆p over the time interval ∆t The change in linear momentum is ∆p = ∆U c 2∆U c (total absorption) (total reflection back along path) If a flat surface of area A, perpendicular to the path of radiation, intercepts the radiation, then the magnitude of the force exerted on that area is F = IA c 2IA c (total absorption) (total reflection back along path) In general, if the radiation is partly absorbed and partly reflected, the radiation pressure is somewhere between these two extremes Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) What is the radiation pressure on the screen if it reflects all of the light that strikes it? Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) What is the radiation pressure on the screen if it reflects all of the light that strikes it? Answer Recall that in an earlier problem, we found that the intensity of this laser was 955 W/m2 Using that result, the radiation pressure on the screen (for total reflection) is P = Electromagnetic Waves 2I c = 2(955 W/m2 ) 3.0 × 108 m/s2 −6 = 6.4 × 10 N/m 2 Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) What is the radiation pressure on the screen if it reflects all of the light that strikes it? Answer Recall that in an earlier problem, we found that the intensity of this laser was 955 W/m2 Using that result, the radiation pressure on the screen (for total reflection) is P = 2I c = 2(955 W/m2 ) 3.0 × 108 m/s2 −6 = 6.4 × 10 N/m 2 Question #2 Light of uniform intensity shines perpendicularly on a totally absorbing surface. If the area of the surface is decreased, what happens to the radiation pressure on the surface? Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) What is the radiation pressure on the screen if it reflects all of the light that strikes it? Answer Recall that in an earlier problem, we found that the intensity of this laser was 955 W/m2 Using that result, the radiation pressure on the screen (for total reflection) is P = 2I c = 2(955 W/m2 ) 3.0 × 108 m/s2 −6 = 6.4 × 10 N/m 2 Question #2 Light of uniform intensity shines perpendicularly on a totally absorbing surface. If the area of the surface is decreased, what happens to the radiation pressure on the surface? Answer It stays the same Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) What is the radiation pressure on the screen if it reflects all of the light that strikes it? Answer Recall that in an earlier problem, we found that the intensity of this laser was 955 W/m2 Using that result, the radiation pressure on the screen (for total reflection) is P = 2I c = 2(955 W/m2 ) 3.0 × 108 m/s2 −6 = 6.4 × 10 N/m 2 Question #2 Light of uniform intensity shines perpendicularly on a totally absorbing surface. If the area of the surface is decreased, what happens to the radiation pressure on the surface? Answer It stays the same Question #3 Light of uniform intensity shines perpendicularly on a totally absorbing surface. If the area of the surface is decreased, what happens to the radiation force on the surface? Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions Question #1 A 3.0-mW laser pointer creates a spot on the screen that is 2.0 mm in diameter. (The 3.0-mW value is a time-averaged value.) What is the radiation pressure on the screen if it reflects all of the light that strikes it? Answer Recall that in an earlier problem, we found that the intensity of this laser was 955 W/m2 Using that result, the radiation pressure on the screen (for total reflection) is P = 2I c = 2(955 W/m2 ) 3.0 × 108 m/s2 −6 = 6.4 × 10 N/m 2 Question #2 Light of uniform intensity shines perpendicularly on a totally absorbing surface. If the area of the surface is decreased, what happens to the radiation pressure on the surface? Answer It stays the same Question #3 Light of uniform intensity shines perpendicularly on a totally absorbing surface. If the area of the surface is decreased, what happens to the radiation force on the surface? Answer It decreases Electromagnetic Waves Announcements Review Polarization Energy in Electromagnetic Waves Reading Assignment Read sections 23.1 - 23.4 Homework Assignment 7 Homework for Chapter 22 (due at the beginning of class on Friday, October 15) Q: 4, 7, 10 P: 2, 16, 20, 40 PP: 32.1, 32.3 Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Pressure Final Questions