Topology & Interaction: QCPs in Helical Fermi Liquids Cenke Xu Harvard University Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Outline: 1, Introduction, helical fermi liquids, Hertz-Millis theory 2, QPT with time-reversal symmetry breaking 3, QPT with continuous symmetry breaking 4, other systems, general formalism Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids 1 QCP of helical fermi liquids 1, Example 1: edge state of 3d topological band insulator Topologically protected edge states, bulk gapped, all the low energy gy pphysics y at edge. g Hsieh Hi h l 0904.1260 Chen 0904.1829 Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids E Example l 2: 2 Rashba R hb model d l Electric El i field fi ld induced i d d spini orbit coupling in 2dEG, Electric field becomes magnetic field under Lorentz transformation: moving electrons see Zeeman splitting. Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Example 3, Iron-pnictides: Fee As As Orbital helical liquid. dyz dxz dxz Raghu, 2008 dyz Orbital order important to lattice structure distortion observed p y Orbital order experimentally. transition, similar to our analysis. Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Symmetry: B k Broken Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Hertz-Millis theory of QCP in fermi liquid Example: FM transition in fermi liquid Wilson-Fisher FM order parameter can decay into particle-hole pairs Couples most strongly to the intersection, where the particle-hole excitation is softest. softest Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Hertz-Millis theory of QCP in fermi liquid Example: FM transition in fermi liquid Wilson-Fisher FM order parameter can decay into particle-hole pairs, i the i.e. th imaginary i i partt off the th self-energy. lf Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Conclusion: l i FM transition i i in i ordinary di f fermi i liquid li id has h z = 3. Perturbations of g does not lead to divergence, i.e. it is a mean field transition. transition The self-energy dominates the fermi liquid behavior, behavior at the quantum critical point there is no well-defined QP. Same analysis l i for f all ll other h orders d at zero momentum. Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids H li l fermi Helical f i liquid: li id spin i orbit bi coupling, li topological l i l band. b d Phase transition: interaction The goal of this talk: two effects together TBI w with 5d transition s o metal? e ? Pesin, es , Balents, e s, 20099 Strategy: Assume the existence of the phase transition, transition discuss the nature of the universality class. Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids 1a, quantum critical point with time-reversal and 1a reflection symmetry breaking. Using i edge d states as example l off helical h li l FL The Dirac mass Breaks T, Px, Py and opens a gap in the spectrum, but keeps the fermi surface gapless. gapless Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Take chemical potential to zero first. first 3d Ising relevant Higgs-Yukawa model, can use 1/N expansion to study its universality class. N = 1? expansion hard to converge. 4-d expansion may lead to useful results Dirac mass gap drives the system into a quantum Hall states with integer Hall conductance N/2. N/2 Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Take chemical potential to nonzero. nonzero Uniform and static renormalization Tune chemical potential can drive d i the h transition ii Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Following the standard procedure, the most singular correction to self-energy lf off order d parameter t is i the imaginary part Matrix element suppression: Real part of self-energy is nonsingular, so the Lagrangian still has z = 1 (in contrast to z = 3 in usual case): Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Self-energy behaves (almost) the same as the fermi liquid, q , the qquasiparticle p is well-defined at the quantum critical point. (in contrast to non fermi liquid behavior in usual case) Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids To show the suppression explicitly explicitly, take isolated patches on the fermi surface: suppression Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids d + z = 3, 3 is this transition a Wilson-Fisher 3d Ising transition? 3d Isingg universalityy class,, ggives order pparameter a positive anomalous dimension: Ag g2 iss irrelevant, e ev , [Ag [ g2] = - ηη<00 Still have to check higher order loop diagrams: Cenke Xu, arXiv:0908.2147 Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Bottom line: Order parameter and fermions interact very weakly in the infrared limit (very different from HM). Other systems: graphene with finite chemical potential gamma matrices operate on two sublattices. potential, sublattices Quantum Hall 3d Ising universality Quanutm Spin Q S i Hall H ll 3d O(3) universality Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids In real system, system when chemical potential is large, large we need to consider higher order terms, which may align spin p alongg z direction. Chen Chen et al 0904.1829 Fu 0908.1418 Will lead to over-damp of the order parameter, i.e. z = 3. Zhang 0901.2762 Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids 1b, quantum critical point with rotation symmetry 1b breaking 3d XY Order O d parameter t couples l to t the th Dirac Di current, t breaks b k lattice rotation, reflection symmetries. Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids 1b, quantum critical point with rotation symmetry 1b breaking, finite chemical potential A static and uniform XY order moves the entire fermi surface, without developing any extra spin polarization. i.e. the h static i andd uniform if susceptibility ibili vanishes. ih Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids The system y does not have XY spin p rotation symmetry, y y, only has spin-space combined rotation symmetry, therefore transverse mode and longitudinal mode can b h behave diff differently. l Longitudinal L it di l mode d interacts strongly with the fermi surface. surface Transverse mode T d interacts weakly with the fermi surface. surface Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Explicit calculation: A critical point with both z = 3 and z = 2 quantum critical modes. modes At low temperature, temperature z = 3 modes dominate the thermal dynamics. Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Both z = 3 and z = 2 quantum critical points are above or equal to the critical dimension d + z = 4, the transition is expected to be mean field like. like Fermion self-energy also dominated by longitudinal mode non-fermi liquid at the quantum critical regime. Another difference betweeen T and L modes: T-mode mixes with charge g fluctuation,, Bernevig g 2004,, Raghu g 2009,, Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids In the XY ordered phase, phase Goldstone mode: Directional i i l dependent d d dynamical d i l exponent. Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids For general points on the fermi surface: For special point: Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids M t generall form: Most f pp-wave: Rashba model,, edge g states of TBI d-wave: orbitals in Iron-pnictides Decompose XY order into Btransverse and B-longitudinal: 3d,, two transverse modes and one longitudinal g mode. Cenke Xu, arXiv: 0909.2647 Quantum Critical Points in Helical Fermi Liquids Summary: Ordinary FM transition: z = 3, mean field, non fermi liquid, T breaking Ising transition in HFL: T-breaking z = 1, 3d Ising, fermi liquid Rotation-breaking XY transition in HFL: z = 2 and z = 3, 3 mean field field, non fermi liquid Direction dependent Goldstone mode. Cenke Xu, arXiv:0908.2147, arXiv: 0909.2647 Deconfinement in SC SC-FM-SC FM SC Josephson Lattice 2 Fractionalization 2, F ti li ti off SC-FM-SC SC FM SC Josephson J h lattice l tti SC FM Domain wall of the 1d Dirac mass gap localizes a Majorana fermion zero mode, Liang Fu and C. L. Kane, PRL, 2009 j 1 j+x 2 The h Majorana j zero modes d enable single charge tunneling. Liangg Fu,, 2009 Deconfinement in SC SC-FM-SC FM SC Josephson Lattice 2a, 1d as warm up Constraint Constraint } } Deconfinement in SC SC-FM-SC FM SC Josephson Lattice Mapped to an ordinary 1d charge charge-11 rotor model, model by tuning t2/U there is a KT transition between SF and MI at integer filling, all the scaling dimensions are known. Deconfinement in SC SC-FM-SC FM SC Josephson Lattice 2b 2d and 2b, d deconfined d fi d phase h off Z2 gauge field fi ld 2d Z2 gauge field has nontrivial gauge dynamics! Deconfinement in SC SC-FM-SC FM SC Josephson Lattice Consider a phase with large U, MI phase: Deconfinement in SC SC-FM-SC FM SC Josephson Lattice Ordinary O d y Z2 ggauge uge field: e d: By tuning h/K, there is a transition between confined / deconfined phase transition. In this SC-FM-SC lattice, h term is very nonlocal product of Majorana fermions, fermions therefore forbidden, forbidden the Z2 gauge field is always deconfining. Whatt doest Wh d t deconfine d fi mean?? 1, An electron will fractionalize into a charge-1 boson and topological defect. 2, 3d XY* SF-MI phase transition. Deconfinement in SC SC-FM-SC FM SC Josephson Lattice 2 extensions 2c, t i 11, More general intra-SC intra SC tunneling, toric code model with three magnetic field: 2 phase transitions inside SF phase, 2, phase with small U. U Cenke Xu, Liang Fu, arXiv: 0911.1782