Lauren Younis Physics for Poets Term Paper The Big Bang Theory: Why it Works and What it Means The Beginning: the origin of matter “It is the artist who is closest to God, for it is he who shares the burden of creation.” The question of the creation of space and time can be delegated to scholars of metaphysics, theology, and cosmology. The answers to such an abstract question lie beyond the reaches of experimental physics, but is there some more concrete element other than space or time that can define the meaning of “the beginning?” Twentieth century findings in popular science have yielded a definitive yes in response to this question. To address the creation issue, cosmologists investigate the origin of matter, the physically definable, experimentally testable stuff that composes the earth, the stars, and human beings. In the world of physics, time began when space began. But since neither can be quantifiably measured, the origin of the universe question derives its answer primarily from the point at which matter first appeared. The Big Bang Theory is the most popularly accepted theory of how the matter of the universe got here in the first place, why it is currently behaving as does, and where it is going next. To understand the universe, both scientifically and theoretically, is an enormously daunting task. The Big Bang Theory aims to explain what happened at the very beginning of the universe. Before the big bang, there was nothing; during and after it, there was the universe. But the process of creation was complex and precise. It is important to understand that, contrary to the name’s suggestion, the big bang that created the universe was neither “big” nor a “bang.” Rather, the universe began as an extremely small, hot, and dense singularity. Singularities are zones of infinite density that exist in areas of extreme gravitational pressure. And the process was not as much a “bang” as it was an inevitable fluctuation of the foam of Planck­mass black holes that were continuously being created and annihilated (Silk 75). This known, one can consider the cosmic clock to have begun ticking at that first instance of fluctuation. Before that, when the universe was a mere singularity, time was 0 and density was infinite. This “infinitely dense” state, however, is a rather troubling physical description for today’s physicists, as the concept of “infinity” eludes any reasonable numeric definition. Nonetheless, the fact remains that from time 0 to 10^­43 second, there are no current theories which allow certain and absolute access to and explanation for this period. Einstein’s theory of general relativity supports the idea of a gravitational singularity, but under the existing conditions at that time, the theory is expected to break down (Safko). Luckily for physicists, knowledge of the early universe becomes increasingly complete as time advances. After the first 10^­43 seconds, the universe enters a state where modern physics is indeed applicable. This period, from 10^­43, is known as the Planck epoch. There are many definitive characteristics specific to this time, one of which is the almost equal amounts of matter and antimatter in existence. Both, however, were dominated by the background energy of the universe (Linder). Had this not been the case, existence today would be impossible. Also definitive of the Planck epoch is the unification of the four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force. At this time, these forces were equal in strength and were essentially one fundamental force. But it was also the Planck epoch that saw the separation of two of the fundamental forces, the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force (Guth 105). This separation produced the necessary energy for the occurrence of the universe’s most rapid period of inflation. From approximately 10^­35 seconds to 10^­32 seconds, the universe went from being smaller than the nucleus of an atom to being over 1 billion light years across (Lidsey 56). This rapid expansion is the event that categorizes the universe as homogonous and isotropic. This means that as the universe underwent the process of rapid expansion, it did not do so in a specific direction or towards a preferred place. This is known as the Cosmological Principle, and simply means that the universe, when viewed on a large scale, would look the same in all directions to observers at any different points (Glendenning 26). This takes the universe to an age of just 10^­6 second, whereby it entered into its next stage of development. So far, it has been in existence only for approximately the same amount of time that it takes light to travel the lengths of three football fields (Mihos). At 10^­6 second, another major development occurred: the creation of the fundamental particles; protons, electrons, and neutrons. The separation of the weak and electromagnetic forces created the change of the universe’s composition from that of an electron­quark soup (Silk 87). This electron­quark soup was the hot substance of electrons and quarks, the subatomic particles that make up protons. At this point, the universe had cooled enough to allow the development of protons and neutrons. The combination of quarks formed protons, and protons and electrons combined to form neutrons (Glendenning 106). Conditions were still too hot, however, for atoms to be formed. This happened later, during nucleosythesis. Protons and neutrons collectively are called baryons, or ordinary matter. This period, called baryogenesis, is responsible for the abundance of ordinary matter in the current universe in contrast to the amount of antimatter. The Planck epoch almost certainly saw a symmetry between matter and antimatter, right after the big bang when there were equal quantities of particles and their antiparticles (Silk 89). During baryogenesis, however, almost all of the particles had decayed by about 10^­4 second, but a slight imbalance of protons over antiprotons remained. The pairs of particles and antiparticles annihilated each other, leaving behind only the excess protons. From that point until now, the universe has been dominated by matter (Silk 70). The period lasting from the time the universe reached one second old to the time where it reached three minutes old is known as primordial nucleosynthesis. The most characteristic development of this period was the appearance of the nuclei of the light atomic elements, hydrogen and helium. Neutrons interacted with protons to form the nuclei of deuterium, or heavy hydrogen. The deuterium then gained another neutron and became tritium, bringing the element to a makeup of two neutrons and one proton. Finally, the tritium absorbed a final proton, equalizing the proton­to­neutron ratio and resulting in a helium nucleus. Since there are no stable elements of mass five or eight, additional nucleosysnthesis by a helium nucleus combining with another helium nucleus or proton was generally not possible (Silk 94). Hydrogen and helium account for 74% and 25% of the mass of the known universe respectively . The other 1% of the universe’s mass is composed of heavier elements, too complex to be formed until about 300 million years later. These heavier elements are the result of stellar nucleosynthesis, the nuclear reaction in stars which yield the heavier elements’ nuclei. After these initial events, the elements of the universe as it is known today are ready for formation. 300,000 years after the formation of this early universe, the energy in matter and the energy in radiation were no longer equal, as the universe’s continued expansion stretched light waves to successively lower energy, while matter remained unaffected (Silk 96). Cosmic microwave background radiation, the discovery of which would later become strong evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory, was formed. The photons of this electromagnetic radiation now pervade the entire universe, accounting for most of its radiation energy. The birth of stars and galaxies occurred nearly 15 billion years ago. These stars began the process of turning the light elements, formed during primordial nucleosysnthesis, into heavier elements. Galaxies formed shortly after by the collapse of large volumes of matter. It is also at this time that the Milky Way saw the birth of the solar system and the sun, a late­generation star incorporating the debris of earlier stars. This is not until about 8 billion years after the big bang, about 5 billion years ago (Mihos). The Middle: the quest for proof “A doubt if it be us, assists the staggering mind; in an extremer anguish, until it footing find..” This explains the process of the Big Bang Theory, but what are the multiple and complex reasons supporting and upholding it as the most probable explanation for the universe’s creation? One of the most general observational explanations for the theory comes from Hubble’s Law. Formulated in 1929 by Edwin Hubble, the law defines the linear relationship between the speeds and distances of galaxies accelerating away from the Milky Way. The light emitted from these distant galaxies is redshifted, meaning that it has been shifted to longer wavelengths. The farther a galaxy is from earth, the greater its redshift (Glendenning 22). This proposition supports the uniform expansion of the universe, which was earlier proposed mathematically by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Hubble’s Law provides fundamental evidence that the universe was once compacted and is now expanding, just as the theory suggests. The Big Bang Theory’s assertion that the universe was initially extremely hot prompted exploration for some remnant of this intense heat. It was found in 1964 by physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in the form of universal permeating radiation (Glendenning 63). It is due largely to this discovery that the Big Bang Theory is the most generally accepted within the scientific community today. Known as cosmic microwave background radiation, their discovery proved to be the photons that were first emitted during baryogenesis. Cosmic microwave background radiation is the most perfect blackbody emission in the universe, meaning that it absorbs all electromagnetic radiation, letting none pass through or reflect off of it. Penzias and Wilson found cosmic microwave background radiation to be 2.725 K, close to and consistent with a blackbody spectrum of about 3 K (Glendenning 64). Their discovery also found the radiation isotropic, or independent of direction. This too is consistent with space’s form in the universe. In 1989, NASA’s Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite recorded the temperature of CMB radiation as 2.726 K, and investigations held as recently as 2003 uphold similarly accurate data (Glendenning 65). The nucleosynthesis stage, which accounts for the universe’s abundance of light elements, is crucial to examine when proposing evidence for the Big Bang Theory. The scarcity of the heavier elements, in addition to the 3:1 ratio of hydrogen to helium, suggests that the light elements must have been synthesized before the heavier elements, prior to the first stars. The heaviest element to form after the big bang was beryllium, which, because it has eight nucleons, is unstable and falls apart almost instantly after it forms (Silk 95). Only trace amounts of this element and lithium, considered heavy, were formed in the ten seconds following the big bang, to comprise the 1% worth of heavy elements that existed at the time. Further proof is suggested with the observation that there appears to be the same helium abundance in stars that are metal­rich and metal­poor (Guth 117). Because the metals are the heavier elements, this confirms that helium was created not along with, but prior to, the heavier elements. The End: the possibility of a hot or cold death “From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire..” Even with no absolute proof that the Big Bang Theory is correct, the question of “where does the universe go from here?” needs to be at least addressed, if not answered. It used to be that the proposition of the big crunch seemed a good starting point, but the its possibility has now been determined unlikely (Mihos). The big crunch suggests a universe of finite time and lifespan, and claims that the average density of the universe is enough to stop its expansion and begin contraction. This would essentially move the universe back to a point of singularity. If this were the case, then the big bang that created the current universe would have been immediately preceded by the big crunch of a preceding universe. This would mean that the universe exists of an infinite sequence of finite universes, and that each would end with a big crunch that would be the big bang of the universe following it. Since evidence has shown, however, that gravity is not in fact slowing the universe’s expansion, but rather accelerating it, the big crunch hypothesis has been ruled out by most cosmologists. The fact that the universe’s expansion is accelerating has been used to make a case for the idea of the big freeze. The big freeze suggests that the universe’s expansion will eventually render it too cold to sustain life. To consider the realistic possibility of this or any theory of the universe’s end, it is helpful to examine the potential shapes of the universe. These include spherical, a ball­shaped universe; hyperbolic, a “saddle­ shaped” universe; and flat, a two­dimensional universe. For something like the big freeze to occur, the universe would have to be hyperbolic or flat (Mihos). A hyperbolic universe would mean that the density must be lower than the critical density so the universe wouldn’t be heavy enough to collapse under gravity. A flat universe implies that density would be at exactly critical point, which would also prevent its collapse. The big freeze is based on the universe’s continuous expansion, and the fact that it will really never “end” because it will either reach a fixed expansion rate (in the hyperbolic case) or reach an expansion rate of zero (in the flat case). This means that if the universe were spherical, it would be heavier than critical point and it would collapse, and therefore shrink, providing a case for the big crunch (Mihos). It is hard to measure the universe’s current density, however, because cosmologists cannot see most of the matter in it. The results of a big freeze would be quite similar to those of another theory of the universe’s end, heat death. Heat death is based on the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy increases or stays the same in an isolated system. This means that the universe will approach a state where all energy is distributed evenly and the temperature, despite the name, will be close to absolute zero. If the second law of thermodynamics proves to be an appropriate model, the universe’s end by heat death is highly probable (Glendenning 80). The Big Rip Theory is also contested as a means of the universe’s end. It states that all of the universe’s elements, from the largest galaxies to the smallest atoms, will be eventually torn apart by the universe’s expansion. It is arguable that this is happening now, as galaxies are moving outside the observable universe at about 13.7 billion light years away. The process would occur about 20 billion years from now, beginning with the separation of the galaxies, then consequently the elements within them, such as the stars and planets. A final main theory of the universe’s end relies on the probability of whether or not the earth exists in a false vacuum. A false vacuum is a classically stable excited state which is quantum mechanically unstable (Odenwald 88). The idea was first investigated in 1987 by physicists Sidney Coleman and Frank DeLuccia, who claim that vacuum decay is “the ultimate ecological catastrophe; in the new vacuum, there are new constants of nature; after vacuum decay, not only is life as we know it impossible, so is chemistry as we know it (Odenwald 91).” If the earth does in fact exist in a false vacuum, and a bubble of lower energy vacuum were to nucleate, it would approach at close to the speed of light and destroy the earth in an instant and without warning (Odenwald 94). It was once argued that a particle accelerator could possibly create sufficiently high energy density to the extent that it would be capable of stimulating the decay of the false vacuum to the lower energy one. Because cosmic ray collisions have been observed at much higher energies than any produced in a particle accelerator, some argue that such experiments will not pose a threat to our vacuum. The universes end by these means, called the vacuum metastability event, is dependent upon current existence being in a false vacuum, an issue that has not yet been resolved. There are infinite doors to be opened and ideas to be explored when determining the states of the beginning, middle, and end of the known universe. It is indeed true, as Einstein said, that the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. Modern physics has proven capable of comprehending many of the possibilities for the past, present, and future that have helped us gain great understanding of the universe. The discovery of how and why the universe exists would be the greatest problem ever solved by modern science, yet it may be that the true answer lies only within the minds of those brilliant enough to understand the essence of creation. Bibliography Glendenning, Norman K. (2004). After the Beginning: A Cosmic Journey Through Space and Time. 22, 26, 63­65, 80, 106 Guth, Alan (1997). The Inflationary Universe. Addison­Wesley, New York. 105, 117. Lidsey, James E. (1998). The Structure of the Universe. Oxford University Press, Cambridge. 56. Linder, Eric (1998­2006). On the Trail of Dark Energy. Retrieved [December 1, 2006], from Mihos, Chris (2006). A Brief History of the Universe. Retrieved [December 1, 2006], from Odenwald, Sten (1983). The Decay of the False Vacuum. Kalmbach Publishing, Waukesha. 88, 91­94. Safko, John L. (1994­2004). The General Theory of Relativity. Retrieved [December 1, 2006], from Silk, Joseph (1994). A Short History of the Universe. Scientific American Library, New York. 70, 75, 87­89, 94­96