MOS Capacitor, φms, band bending, oxide voltage Semiconductor Devices - Hour 33 Last time we introduced basic principle of field effect transistors (FETs): Use electric field to PULL carriers INTO place they would not otherwise be ("enhancement") OR: Use electric field to PUSH carriers OUT OF place they would normally be ("depletion") We are going to spend most of our time on the former "enhancement" type of FET Which basically uses an applied voltage to charge a CAPACITOR => Bottom charged "plate" connects FET switch: + + => -- -- -- THE BASIC CHALLENGE: To save power, we always want to minimize voltages Here we want to apply minimum necessary voltage to top plate ("gate") to get lower connecting charge layer But: 1) For a given amount of voltage on a capacitor, we only get a fixed induced charge: Q = C x V 2) And on the bottom plate, we need MOBILE charge - so will flow between ends 1 6/25/2009 However, there CAN be a lot of IMMOBILE charge on that bottom plate: - Charge due to impurities in oxide spacer layer (which is not shown in the sketches above) - Charge due to charging of incompletely bonded Si atoms at the Si top surface ("surface states") - AND charge of donor or acceptor impurity ions in the Si layer They had to labor for ~ 20 years to reduce first two types of immobile charge to point device would even work!! But we still have to deal with some of those types of immobile charge Further, cannot escape third type of immobile charge: donor and acceptor ions in the silicon Basic MOSFET design challenge is thus to figure out HOW MUCH applied voltage is required to turn on switch "Threshold Voltage" = Voltage required to pull enough mobile charge into semiconductor surface With the additional presence of immobile impurity + surface-state + donor or acceptor ion charges Requires very complete calculation of the TOTAL CHARGE on bottom plate of this CAPACITOR Built upon full band diagrams of the Metal / Oxide / Semiconductor (MOS) capacitor Start with band diagrams of separate materials => Combine them => Account for any applied voltages: 2 6/25/2009 Diagrams of separate materials: Slamming them together (and looking VERY quickly): Vacuum E q ⋅ χoxide q ⋅ ϕ'semi q ⋅ ϕ'm EF EF EF EF M Metal Oxide O S Semiconductor Confusing redefinition prevalent in this field: Work Functions (φ) are normally defined as Vacuum Energy - EF PRIME NOTATION: Instead use Lower edge of oxide conduction band - EF: 3 φ ' = φ - χoxide 6/25/2009 But merged diagram above right is not at equilibrium (as revealed by mismatch of Fermi filling levels So, inevitably, mobile charges will shift around until Fermi levels are evened out = equilibrium: Wdepl Holes in semiconductor move AWAY from surface Ec leaving negative acceptor ions exposed in a "depletion layer" charge bending bands Ei EF_Metal EF_Semiconductor Ev Na- Metal | Oxide | Holes + Na- Semiconductor Equilibrium indicated by alignment of (purple) Fermi levels (electron filling energies) To turn ON this transistor switch, now APPLY positive voltage to top metal "gate" layer (at left): 4 6/25/2009 Electrons LIKE positive, hence positive voltage = pulling DOWN electron energy diagram at left Wdepl q φ(x): New MOS term Offset of EF from Ei at x q φ(x) qφFp Ei EF Na- ~ Offset of EF from Mid-band gap at x Way of tracking band bending Holes + NaValue of q (x) deep in semiconductor (x > Wdepl) is determined only by doping: ( Ei−EF) P-semi: q φ(Wdepl) = qφFp = (Ei - EF)at > W = kT ln (Na / ni) Comes from: p = Na = ni ⋅ e k⋅T ( EF−Ei) N-semi: qφ(Wdepl) = qφFn = (EF - Ei)at > W = kT ln (Nd / ni) Comes from: n = Nd = ni ⋅ e k⋅T NOTE: Convention throughout course for physical constants = Positive Both qφFp, qφFn defined as positive numbers (Warning: about 1/2 of books define former as negative) 5 6/25/2009 Additional symbol: qφs= | qφ(x=semi.surface) - qφ(x=deep) | (here s denotes semiconductor surface) q ⋅ ϕ ( Wdepl) q ⋅ ϕs q ⋅ ϕ ( 0) q φs = Net (total) band bending in semiconductor It is not the semiconductor work function (φsemi) ! q φs = Parameter that will determine if surface is: "Accumulated" = more majority carriers attracted "Depleted" of the majority carrier "Inverted" by ξ field such that minority carriers pool at surface 6 6/25/2009 AN IMPORTANT POINT in understanding MOS structures vs. P-N Diodes: P-N Diode can also act as a Capacitor Can move charge across junction Charge shift => EF not constant in position But MOS Capacitor is only a capacitor (never a diode) ! No DC current flow perpendicular to Si surface => EF constant throughout semiconductor OK, lets develop a feel for what goes on inside an MOS capacitor by changing the voltage across it! What follows are illustrations of the SAME Metal / Oxide / P-semi capacitor with 6 different voltages (from metal more negative to much more positive than semiconductor) 7 6/25/2009 "Accumulation" of carriers at semiconductor surface "Flat Band" qφFp Band bend φs Carriers e- holes Carriers e- NaIons NaIons M+ Net ρ holes M+ Net ρ 8 6/25/2009 "Equilibrium" (Vapplied = 0) "Depletion" of semiconductor's carriers φs Band bend φs holes Carriers e- Carriers Na- Ions holes Na- Ions M+ Net ρ e- M+ Net ρ 9 6/25/2009 "Inversion" of carrier type at semi surface "Strong Inversion" φs φs holes Carriers holes Carriers e- e- NaIons NaIons M+ Net ρ M+ Net ρ 10 6/25/2009 OK, we want to use such a capacitor (and its semiconductor inversion layer) to make a transistor Most Common MOS Transistor is an "N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET: Positive Gate bias: No gate bias: VG KEY QUESTION: How does the external bias VG relate to the internal surface band bending that controls inversion? Answer has 3 parts: 1) Figure out nature's mismatch between metal & semiconductor work functions 2) Figure out voltage drop across semiconductor's depletion layer when it is inverted 3) Figure out voltage drop across oxide capacitor when semiconductor is inverted 11 6/25/2009 ANSWER TO PART #1: Figure out nature's mismatch between metal & semiconductor work functions Remembering that φ's (work functions) and χ's (electron affinities) are in volts = energy / charge So must multiply by the charge (q) to plot on energy diagrams Case 1) Metal / Oxide / P-semiconductor Case 2) Metal / Oxide / N-semiconductor q ⋅ χ'semi q ⋅ ϕ'm q ⋅ ϕ'semi q ⋅ χ'semi q ⋅ ϕ'm Eg/2 Eg/2 q ⋅ ϕ'Fn q ⋅ ϕ'Fp ϕ'semi_p_type = χ'semi + ⎛ ⎝ ϕms = ϕ'm − ϕ'semi = ϕ'm − ⎜ χ'semi + Eg 2⋅ q Eg 2⋅ q + ϕ'Fp ⎛ ⎝ ⎞ ⎠ ϕms = ϕ'm − ⎜ χ'semi + + ϕ'Fp 12 Eg ϕ'semi_n_type = χ'semi + Eg 2⋅ q 2⋅ q − ϕ'Fn ⎞ ⎠ − ϕ'Fn 6/25/2009 Can also make the top (gate layer out of very heavily doped polycrystalline silicon (called "poly") Heavily doped "poly" behaves ~ metal It is polycrystalline because it is deposited on the disordered oxide and thus grows in a confused manner It only changes the φ'm values in the cases above Case P+ poly (top poly doped very heavily P): q ⋅ χ'semi qϕ'm qϕ'm ~Eg P+ poly gate ϕ'm = χ'semi + Case N+ poly (top poly doped very heavily N): q ⋅ χ'semi P or N Semi P or N Semi substrate substrate (as above) (as above) Oxide N+ poly gate Eg Oxide ϕ'm = χ'semi q From these, subtract the work function for p or n type semiconductor (as on previous page) 13 6/25/2009 End up with: [ THREE choices of "metal" ] x [ TWO choices of semiconductor ]: ϕ'metal : ϕ'm (gate = real metal), ϕ'semi : χ'semi + Eg 2⋅ q χ'semi + Eg q (gate = P+ polysilicon), + ϕ'Fp (substrate = P-silicon), Eg ϕ'semi + 2⋅ q χ'semi (gate= N+ polysilicon) − ϕ'Fn (substrate = N-silicon) Table of Possible φ'ms Values Crystalline Silicon Substrate Type Gate Material Normal Metal P+ "poly" P-type Semiconductor ⎛ ⎝ ϕ'm − ⎜ χ'semi + Eg 2⋅ q −Eg N+ "poly" 2⋅ q Eg 2⋅ q ⎞ ⎠ + ϕFp N-type Semiconductor ⎛ ⎝ ϕ'm − ⎜ χ' + Eg − ϕFp 2⋅ q − ϕFp −Eg 2⋅ q 14 Eg 2⋅ q ⎞ ⎠ − ϕFn + ϕFn + ϕFn 6/25/2009 ANSWER TO PART #2: Figure out voltage drop across semiconductor's depletion layer when it is inverted Vapplied From above, very beginning of inversion: If knew ? would have answer ! q ⋅ ϕFp What if: Insist that magnitude of N-inversion qVappl ? Band bend in Semi charge at the very surface of the semiconductor (tip of red spike) q ⋅ ϕFp = e- p = ni ⋅ e Density of holes deep in semiconductor k⋅T inversion charge (blue box at right) M+ But, magnitude of N-charge at surface is: Nan ( x = 0) = ni ⋅ e "?" k⋅T ρ 15 6/25/2009 Set this equal to the concentration of holes deep in the semiconductor: n ( x = 0) = ni ⋅ e "?" k⋅T q ⋅ ϕFp = p ( deep) = ni ⋅ e k⋅T Only works if "?" = φFp q ⋅ Vox q ⋅ ϕFp q ⋅ Vapplied = q ⋅ Vthreshold q ⋅ ϕFp 2 ⋅ ϕFp With this arbitrary (but commonly used) definition of the "threshold" of surface inversion: - Net band bending in the semiconductor (answer part 2) = 2 φFp (for P-type Semi substrate) 16 6/25/2009 Inverted P-type semiconductor: Inverted N-type semiconductor: q ⋅ ϕFp q ⋅ ϕFn q ⋅ ϕFp q ⋅ ϕFn Semi band bending = 2 φFp Semi band bending = - 2 φFn All that is left is: ANSWER TO PART #3:) Figure out voltage drop across oxide capacitor when semiconductor is inverted The oxide is the center of a capacitor (with the metal and semiconductor as the side plates): 17 6/25/2009 Capacitance: where: εox Cox = εox A / tox = dielectric constant of oxide = relative dielectric constant * permittivity of free space = kox * εo = (3.9) * (8.85 * 10-14 farads/cm) for SiO2 oxide A = Area of capacitor plates tox = separation of capacitor plates = thickness of the oxide OK, but threshold voltage will not change with area of capacitor, so is easier to work with capacitance/area Capacitance / Area = C'ox = εox / tox NOTE: Here I use prime to denote "per area" (common MOS convention) I will be careful to use when mean "per area" - books are sometimes sloppy (so read carefully) ! FOR A CAPACITOR: Vacross = Vleft - Vright = Qleft / C = -Qright / C 18 = -Qsemiconductor at depletion / C 6/25/2009 So, if can figure out the charge in semiconductor at depletion, can get the voltage across the oxide Net charge in semiconductor = Qright qφFp = spike (inversion charge) + depletion layer charge qφFp 2qφFp At threshold (beginning) of inversion spike is small, so Qright ~ Depletion layer charge = - q * Na * Xdt * A Xdt Xdt = X depletion with at threshold KNOW the voltage across semiconductor = 2φFp, so: Na Xdt = W ( V = 2ϕFp) = Xdt = 19 2 ⋅ εsemi ( 2 ⋅ ϕFp) q ⋅ 1 Na 4 ⋅ kSi⋅ εo ⋅ ϕFp 1 ⋅ q Na 6/25/2009 So putting this together (for P-semiconductor substrate): Vacross oxide Where: = Vacross capacitor Xdt = = - ( - q Na Xdt A) / Cox ) = q Na Xdt (Cox / A) C'ox = 4 ⋅ kSi⋅ εo ⋅ ϕFp 1 ⋅ q Na kox ⋅ ε0 tox = q Na Xdt / C' ox OK, we have all the parts to get total Vapplied necessary for beginning of inversion: 1) Voltage necessary to compensate for work function mismatch which will flatten out bands φ'ms (possible values in table) 2) Voltage drop in semiconductor 2φ'Fp (P-type Semiconductor) -2φ'Fn (N-type semiconductor) 3) Voltage drop in oxide q Na Xdt / C' ox (P-type Semiconductor) WE"VE NOW GOT ALL THE PIECES - PUT IT ALL TOGETHER IN NEXT HOUR ! 20 6/25/2009 21 6/25/2009