Electromagnetic Waves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU8PId_6xec •Production of EM waves •Maxwell’s Equations •Antennae •The EM Spectrum •Speed of EM Waves •Energy Transport •Polarization •Doppler Effect 1 Electromagnetic Waves …are waves composed of undulating electrical fields and magnetic fields. The different kinds of electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves, form the electromagnetic spectrum. All electromagnetic waves have the same speed in a vacuum, a speed expressed by the letter c (the speed of light) and equal to about 186,000 miles (or 300,000 kilometers) per second. …transport energy, due to oscillating electric and magnetic fields, … are called electromagnetic radiation, light, or photons. 2 Fundamental Question: For two charges q and Q the strength of attraction depends on distance between both charges (Coulombs Law). Now we grap charge Q and jiggle it around. The jiggling causes the distance attraction to vary. How does charge q know that I am jiggling charge Q? We create a disturbance which launches an electromagnetic wave into the universe. The wave tells the Universe we generated an electric disturbance which propagates away from the point of the disturbance Electromagnetic radiation (Predicted by Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) in 1864) The faster we jiggle the charge the shorter the wavelength 3 Maxwell’s theory is a mathematical formulation that relates electric and magnetic phenomena. His theory, among other things, predicted that electric and magnetic fields can travel through space as waves. The uniting of electricity and magnetism resulted in the Theory of Electromagnetism. Maxwell predicted (in 1864): A changing electric field produces a magnetic field. Accelerating charges will radiate electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light c: c 3 × 108 m/s The electric and magnetic fields in the wave are fluctuating. 4 Maxwell’s Equations Integral form in the absence of magnetic or polarizable media: I. Gauss'law for electricity closed surface κel II. Gauss'law for magnetism III. Faraday' s law of induction closed path IV. Ampere -Maxwell’slaw closed path κM open surface 5 In 1887, Heinrich Hertz generated and detected electromagnetic waves in his lab. The waves radiated from a transmitter circuit and were detected in a receiver circuit. Hertz used the fact that electrical circuits have resonant frequencies just like mechanical systems do. Conceptual Schematic of Hertz' s Experiment http://people.deas.harvard .edu/~jones/cscie129/nu_l ectures/lecture6/hertz/Her tz_exp.html 6 In 1675 the Danish atronomer Ole Römer (1644-1710) presented a calculation of the speed of light. He used the time between eclipses (the times between eclipses -particularly Io' s- got shorter as Earth approached Jupiter, and longer as Earth moved farther away of Jupiter’s Gallilean Satellites to show that the speed of light was finite and that its value was 2.25×108 m/s. This second inequality appears to be due to light taking some time to reach us from the satellite; light seems to take about ten to eleven minutes to cross a distance equal to the halfdiameter of the terrestrial orbit. 7 The frech physicist Armand Hippolyte Louis Fizeau (September 23, 1819-1896 discovered in 1948 the Doppler effect for electromagnetic waves and in 1849 he published the first results obtained by his method for determining the speed of light (Fizeau-Foucault apparatus), Fizeau’s experiment of 1849 measured the value to be about 3×108 m/s. (Fizeau' s value for light' s speed was about 5% too high ) 8 Production of EM Waves A stationary charge produces an electric field. A charge moving at constant speed produces electric and magnetic fields. A charge that is accelerated will produce variable electric and magnetic fields. These are electromagnetic waves. If the charge oscillates with a frequency f, then the resulting EM wave will have a frequency f. If the charge ceases to oscillate, then the EM wave is a pulse (a finitesized wave). 9 When Maxwell’s equations are combined, the solutions are electric and magnetic fields that vary with position and time. These are EM waves. An electric field only wave cannot exist, nor can a magnetic field only wave. Waveapplet E = E0 yˆ cos(kx − ωt ) B = B0 zˆ cos(kx − ωt ) v= ω =c k 2π λ= k EM waves are transverse. The fields oscillate in a direction that is perpendicular to the wave’s direction of travel. The fields are also10 perpendicular to each other. …but only when fields are related by the relationship E ( x, y, z , t ) = cB( x, y, z , t ) A EM wave carries one-half of its energy in its electric field and onehalf in its magnetic field. 11 The direction of propagation is given by: E× B. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ-8yFgWt-c 12 13 E B 14 E× B. 15 Antenna An electric field parallel to an antenna (electric dipole) will “shake” electrons and produce an AC current. 16 An EM wave also has a magnetic component. A magnetic dipole antenna can be oriented so that the B-field passes into and out of the plane of a loop, inducing a current in the loop. The B-field of an EM wave is perpendicular to its E-field and also the direction of travel. 17 The EM Spectrum: http://www.lon-capa.org/~mmp/applist/Spectrum/s.htm Energy increases with increasing frequency. 22 electronic sound Microphone receives sound wave and converts to oscillating electrical current (20 Hz – 20 kHz) modulator An electrical “carrier” signal is produced (90.9 MHz for WILL FM) indepedently AM FM 23 24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ-8yFgWt-c 25 26 Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) 27 28 Energy Transport by EM Waves The intensity of a wave is I =( P A ) avg . This is a measure of how much energy strikes a surface of area A every second for normal incidence. Surface The rays make a 90° angle with the surface. 32 Also, ∆E uavV uav A∆x = = = uav c I= A∆t A∆t A∆t where uav is the average energy density (energy per unit volume) contained in the wave. For EM waves: uav = ε 0 E 2 rms = 1 µ0 2 Brms 33 What if the EM waves strike at non-normal incidence? Replace A with Acosθ. θ Pav = IA cos θ 36 Radiation pressure …. is the pressure exerted upon any surface exposed to electromagnetic radiation. If absorbed, the pressure is the energy flux density divided by the speed of light. If the radiation is totally reflected, the radiation pressure is doubled. For example, the radiation of the Sun at the Earth has an energy flux density of 1370 W/m2, so the radiation pressure is 4.6 µPa (absorbed) If you know the total amount of energy U in a pulse of radiation, as you might for a laser pulse, then it is most convenient to use formulas for the amount of momentum p imparted to an object that either absorbs or reflects the pulse: p p The radiation pressure formulas are Pr Pr Because of the factor of c in the denominators of these pressure and momentum formulas, these effects are usually quite small. 37 Polarization A wave on a string is linearly polarized. The vibrations occur in the same plane. The orientation of this plane determines the polarization state of a wave. For an EM wave, the direction of polarization is given by the direction of the E-field. The EM waves emitted by an antenna are polarized; the E-field is always in the same direction. When light is polarized, the electric field always points in the same direction. A source of EM waves is unpolarized if the E-fields are in random directions. 38 A polarizer will transmit linear polarized waves in the same direction independent of the incoming wave. It is only the component of the wave’s amplitude parallel to the transmission axis that is transmitted. 39 If unpolarized light is incident on 1 polarizer, the intensity of the light passing through is I= ½ I0. If the incident wave is already polarized, then the transmitted intensity is I=I0cos2θ where θ is the angle between the incident wave’s direction of polarization and the transmission axis of the polarizer. (Law of Malus) I1= ½ I0. I2=I1cos260 I3=I2cos230 40 Reflection and Refraction When a light ray travels from one medium to another, part of the incident light is reflected and part of the light is transmitted at the boundary between the two media. The transmitted part is said to be refracted in the second medium. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/6645/propagation/propagation.html *In 1678 the great Dutch physicist Christian Huygens (1629-1695) wrote a treatise called Traite de la Lumiere on the wave theory of light, and in this work he stated that the wavefront of a propagating wave of light at any instant conforms to the envelope of spherical wavelets emanating from every point on the wavefront at the prior instant. From this simple principle Huygens was able to derive the laws of reflection and refraction incident ray reflected ray refracted ray The Law of Reflection For specular reflection the incident angle θi equals the reflected angle θr: θi = θr The angles are measured relative to the normal, shown here as a dotted line. The Refraction of Light The speed of light is different in different materials. We define the index of refraction, n, of a material to be the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the material: n = c/v When light travels from one medium to another, its velocity and wavelength change, but its frequency remains constant. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/6645/propagation/propagation.html Total Internal Reflection When light travels from a medium with n1 > n2, there is an angle, called the critical angle θc, at which all the light is reflected and none is transmitted. This process is known as total internal reflection. The critical angle occurs when θ2= 90 degrees: n sin θ c = 2 n1 The incident ray is both reflected and refracted. Total Internal Reflection Chromatic Dispersion The index of refraction n encountered by light in any medium except vacuum depends on the wavelength of the light. The dependence of n on wavelength implies that when a light beam consists of rays of different wavelengths, the rays will be refracted at different angles by a surface; that is, the light will be spread out by the refraction. This spreading of light is called chromatic dispersion, i 51 Rainbows 52 Polarization by Scattering 54 Polarization by Reflection Brewster's Law when the light is incident at a particular incident angle, called the Brewster angle θB, the reflected light has only perpendicular components 55 56 The Doppler Effect For EM waves, the Doppler shift formula is fo = f s v 1+ c v 1− c where fs is the frequency emitted by the source, fo is the frequency received by the observer, v is the relative velocity of the source and the observer, and c is the speed of light. 57 If the source and observer are approaching each other, then v is positive, and v is negative if they are receding. When v/c<<1, the previous expression can be approximated as: v fo ≈ f s 1 + c 58 Summary •Maxwell’s Equations •EM Spectrum •Properties of EM Waves •Energy Transport by EM Waves •Polarization •Doppler Effect 60