Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol.44, No. 4, 540-545, 1996. R E F I N E M E N T OF THE S T R U C T U R E OF NATURAL FERRIPHLOGOPITE MARIA FRANCA BRIGATFI, LUCA MEDICI, AND LUCIANO POPPI Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Modena-Largo S. Eufemia, 19-41100 Modena, Italy A b s t r a c t - - T w o ferriphlogopite-lM crystals with a composition (K0.99Na0.01)l~_l.0o(Mg2.73Fe2+0.17Fe3+0.08Ti0.01)~_2.99[(Fe3+0.95Si3.05)~=4.o0Olo.17](OH)l.79F0.04 (sample S1) and (K1.02)~_l.o2(Mg2.68Fe2+0.2oFe3+0.11Mno.ol)~_3.00[(Fe3+o.gsSi3.05)~ 4.00Olo.18](OH)l.75Fo.07(sample $2) occur within an alkali-carbonatic complex near Tapira, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Each crystal was studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The least-squares refinements of space group C 2 / m resulted in R values of 0.031 for S1 and 0.025 for $2. Results showed that Fe 3§ substitutes for Si within the tetrahedral sites and that the Fe distribution is fully disordered. The octahedral sites are preferentially occupied by Mg. The presence of Fe 3+ within the tetrahedral sheet produces increased cell edge lengths. For sample S1, a = 5.362 A, b = 9.288 ,~, c = 10.321 ,~ and the monoclinic [3 angle was: [3 = 99.99 ~ For sample $2, a = 5.3649 A, b = 9.2924 it, c = 10.3255 ,~ and the monoclinic [3 angle was: 13 = 99.988 ~ The tetrahedral rotation angle of et = 11.5 ~ is necessary for tetrahedral and octahedral sheet congruency. The enlarged tetrahedral sites are regular, with cations close to their geometric center. Ferriphlogopites have identical mean bond lengths for M1 and M2 sites within standard deviation. The M1-O3 and M2-O3 bond lengths are longer than the mean so that 0 3 may articulate with the tetrahedra. Key Words----Crystal structure refinement, Ferriphlogopite. INTRODUCTION This p a p e r reports the detailed c r y s t a l c h e m i s t r y o f a n e a r e n d - m e m b e r f e r r i p h l o g o p i t e - l M . T h e crystals were o b t a i n e d f r o m a n a l k a l i - c a r b o n a t i c c o m p l e x outc r o p p i n g n e a r Tapira ( B e l o Horizonte, M i n a s Gerals, Brazil). A l t h o u g h e v i d e n c e o f Fe 3+ tetrahedral substitution has b e e n r e p o r t e d b y several authors for trioct a h e d r a l true m i c a s u s i n g c h e m i c a l ( J a k o b 1925; F a r m er a n d B o e t t c h e r 1981; N e a l a n d Taylor 1989; G u i d o t t i a n d D y a r 1991) a n d spectroscopic t e c h n i q u e s ( D y a r 1990; R a n c o u r t et al. 1992, 1994), t h e r e are f e w structure r e f i n e m e n t s o f crystals w i t h Fe 3§ substituting for Si 4+ (Steinfink 1962; D o n n a y et al. 1964; S e m e n o v a et al. 1977, 1983; H a z e n et al. 1981; C r u c i a n i a n d Z a n a z z i 1994; Brigatti et al. 1995). F u r t h e r m o r e , there are n o r e c e n t reports o f natural trioctahedral m i c a s w i t h o u t A13+ a n d w i t h o c t a h e d r a l a n d interlayer content close to e n d - m e m b e r phlogopite. Steinfink (1962) d e t e r m i n e d the crystal structure o f a trioctahedral m i c a u s i n g p r e c e s s i o n a n d W e i s s e n b e r g p h o t o g r a p h s . Its c o m p o s i t i o n was: (Ko.9Mno.l)Mg3Si 3 ( F e , M n ) l O l o ( O H ) 2. F r o m t h e s t r u c t u r e r e f i n e m e n t , Steinfink located M n into the interlayer site a n d s h o w e d that iron p r o d u c e d tetrahedral ring distortion f r o m h e x a g o n a l s y m m e t r y to o n e that i n v o l v e s tetrah e d r a l rotations o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y 12 ~ D o n n a y et al. (1964) d e r i v e d f e r r i p h l o g o p i t e structural p a r a m e t e r s theoretically u s i n g unit-cell data a n d the crystal c h e m ical c o m p o s i t i o n r e p o r t e d b y Steinfink (1962). T h e calculated values for s o m e octahedral p a r a m e t e r s disagree w i t h those d e t e r m i n e d e x p e r i m e n t a l l y , b e c a u s e M 1 - O 4 a n d M 2 - O 3 d i s t a n c e s are m u c h greater t h a n t h o s e f o u n d experimentally. F u r t h e r m o r e , D o n n a y et Copyright 9 1996, The Clay Minerals Society al. (1964), u s i n g the W e i s s e n b e r g film technique, were the first to refine a synthetic f e r r i a n n i t e crystal. C o m plete r e f i n e m e n t was not p o s s i b l e (final R = 9 . 3 % ) b e c a u s e o f t w i n n i n g . T h e ferriannite structure differed m a r k e d l y f r o m that o f a crystal studied b y Steinfink (1962). T h e ferriannite structure o f D o n n a y h a d different c o o r d i n a t e s for several a t o m s a n d it h a d a tetr a h e d r a l r o t a t i o n a n g l e o f 6.3 ~ w h e r e a s that o f Steinrink was 12 ~. S e m e n o v a et al. ( 1 9 7 7 ) , s t u d i e d a f e r r i p h l o g o p i t e o f c o m p o s i t i o n : (Kl.03Na0.09Ca0.04)z~=x.16(Mg2.89Fe02~6"4+ 9 M n 0.01)~=3.06 [ ( A1 0.08F e 3+ 0.85T1 0.03S1 2.98) E=3.94O 10] ( O H ) 2 Site o c c u p a n c i e s are c o m p l e x a n d are o f n o n - i n t e g e r values. T h e y n o t e d that, unlike other m i c a structures, tetrahedral Fe is located at the g e o m e t r i c c e n t e r o f the t e t r a h e d r o n a n d that, as o b s e r v e d b y Steinfink (1962), the tetrahedral rings deviate f r o m h e x a g o n a l . T h e discovery of well-crystallized ferriphlogopite with a c h e m i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n close to that o f e n d - m e m b e r p h l o g o p i t e p r o v i d e d a n e x c e l l e n t o p p o r t u n i t y to study the c r y s t a l c h e m i s t r y o f ferriphlogopite in detail. T h i s Table 1. Selected crystal data and unit cell parameters. a (•) b (A) c (]k) [3 (o) V (A 3) Nob~ Rsym X 100 Robs • 100 540 Sl $2 5.362(1) 9.288(1) 10.321(2) 99.99(1) 506.2(1) 991 1.97 3.13 5.3649(4) 9.2924(6) 10.3255(9) 99.988(8) 506.95(7) 894 2.28 2.47 Note: R~ym = (~hk, E~_,llh~ -- Ihd)/(:~, ~ - , IhkO. Vol. 44, No. 4, 1996 Refinement of the structure of natural ferriphlogopite 541 Table 2. Chemical data (a = weight %; b = unit cell content#) and mean atomic number ( e ) of octahedral (M) and interlayer (K) sites (c) for the refined ferriphlogopite crystals. a SiO2 TiO2 Fe203 FeO MgO MnO BaO Na20 K20 H20 F Sum b S1 $2 S1 40.40 0.18 18.06 2.74 24.31 0.07 0.09 0.10 10.32 3.55 0.18 100.00 40.13 0.09 18.55 3.15 23.71 0.09 0.04 0.00 10.48 3.45 0.31 100.00 Si Fe 3+ [4]Sum Ti Fe 3§ Fe 2+ Mg Mn [~ Na K [~2]Sum OH F O Sum c $2 3.05 0.95 4.00 0.01 0.08 0.17 2.73 3.05 0.95 4.00 0.11 0.20 2.68 0.01 3.00 2.99 0.01 0.99 1.00 1.79 0.04 10.17 12.00 M1 Xref M2 Xref M I + M 2 Xreft M1 + M 2 EPMA~: K Xref K EPMA SI $2 13.48(2) 13.12(3) 39.7 39.5 19.0(1) 18.8 13.78(5) 13.53(3) 40.8 40.5 19.46(4) 19.4 1.02 1.02 1.75 0.07 10.18 12.00 Key: # calculated on the basis of O]2_x_y(OH)xFy. Xref = X-ray refinement; EPMA = electron microprobe; t (2M2+M1); = sum of octahedral cation electrons. Standard deviations are given in parentheses. study a n d the r e f i n e m e n t o f the c r y s t a l s y m m e t r y is significant b e c a u s e p r e v i o u s l y refined crystal structures are o f p o o r quality a n d i n v o l v e crystals w i t h c o m p l e x c h e m i c a l substitutions. EXPERIMENTAL Data Collection and Refinement The two Al-free phlogopite crystals e x a m i n e d (sample T a s 2 2 - 1 : S 1 and T p q l 6 - 6 B : $2) occur within ultramafics from near Tapira, 300 k m West o f Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Locality description, petrogenesis and data for host rock crystallization are given by Beurlen and Cassadanne (1981) and Brigatti et al. (1995). Crys- tals for the X-ray study were c h o s e n from crushed rock. Only Al-free crystals w h o s e precession photographs displayed sharp reflections and minimal spot streaking for k ~ 3n reflections were selected. The absence o f h + k 2n reflections confirmed the C-centered space group. T h e intensity distribution along rows (13/) and (021) indicated the 1M polytype (Bailey 1988). Two crystals were selected; their dimensions were: sample S1 = 0.20 • 0.16 • 0.08 m m and sample $ 2 = 0.25 • 0.19 x 0.09 m m . E a c h crystal was m o u n t e d onto a Siemens P4 rotating-anode single-crystal diffractometer. T h e operating conditions were: M o - K a graphite-monochromatized radiation, operated at 40kV, 2 0 3 m A and equipped with Table 3. Final atomic fractional coordinates and equivalent isotropic (~) and anisotropic (_~2 • 104) thermal factors. Atom x/a y/b z/c B~q 13,,t [32zt ~333t" [312t Ol 02 03 04 T M1 M2 K S1 -0.0024(5) 0.3360(3) 0.1305(2) 0.1335(3) 0.07557(7) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2206(2) 0.1669(1) 0.5 0.16667(4) 0.0 0.33281(8) 0.5 0.1705(2) 0.1704(2) 0.3918(1) 0.3990(2) 0.22663(4) 0.5 0.5 0.0 2.12(5) 2.14(4) 0.61(2) 0.60(3) 0.64(1) 0.54(2) 0.48(1) 2.16(2) 212(8) 210(6) 40(3) 41(4) 45(1) 30(3) 23(2) 206(3) 69(3) 78(2) 14(1) 18(2) 17(1) 12(1) 11(1) 73(1) 36(2) 35(1) 23(1) 19(1) 20(1) 22(1) 20(1) 40(1) 0 -9(3) -1(1) 0 0(1) 0 0 0 -1(3) 25(2) 10(1) 8(2) 9(1) 9(1) 9(1) 16(1) 0 -10(1) 0(1) 0 0(1) 0 0 0 O1 02 03 04 T M1 M2 K $2 -0.0020(4) 0.3357(3) 0.1304(2) 0.1331(3) 0.07552(7) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2203(2) 0.1671(1) 0.5 0.16664(4) 0.0 0.33280(8) 0.5 0.1705(2) 0.1706(1) 0.3914(1) 0.3988(2) 0.22666(3) 0.5 0.5 0.0 2.04(5) 2.02(4) 0.62(2) 0.61(3) 0.70(1) 0.61(2) 0.60(1) 2.11(2) 194(8) 215(6) 53(3) 54(4) 62(1) 48(3) 47(2) 216(3) 70(3) 69(2) 14(1) 16(2) 19(1) 14(1) 14(1) 72(1) 33(2) 32(1) 19(1) 17(1) 19(1) 20(1) 20(1) 34(1) 0 -6(3) 2(1) 0 0(1) 0 0 0 -11(3) 19(2) 3(1) 6(2) 6(1) 6(1) 7(1) 10(1) 0 -10(1) 0(1) 0 0(1) 0 0 0 t exp[-(hZ[3~ + . . . + 2hk[312 + . . .)]. Standard deviations are given in parentheses. ~,3t [323t Clays and Clay Minerals Brigatti, Medici, and Poppi 542 Table 4. Bond lengths (/~) and other important structural parameters. T-O1 T-O2 T-O2' T-O3 (T-O) M1-O3 (• M1-O4 (• $1 $2 Tetrahedron 1.680(1) 1.679(2) 1.681(2) 1.678(1) 1.680 1.6804(9) 1.677(2) 1.684(2) 1.675(1) 1.679 K-O1 (• K-OI' (• K-O2 (• K-O2' (• (K-O)~.... (K-O) ..... A(K-O) 2.105(1) 2.062(2) 2.091 M2-O3 (• M2-O3' (• M2-O4 (• (M2-O) Octahedron M1 2.100(1) 2.058(2) (M1-O) 2.086 S1 $2 Interlayer Parameter Tetrahedral rotation ct (~ Basal oxygen Az (,~) Tetrahedral quadratic elongation TQE 1 Tetrabedral angle variance TAV 1 Tetrahedral bond length distorsion BLDT2 (%) Tetrahedral angular distorsion ADT2 (%) Tetrahedral edge length distorsion ELDr 2 (%) Tetrahedral basal edges mean bond length (O-O)basal ('~) Tetrahedral volume (/~3) Octahedral bond length distorsion BLDM2 (%) 3.464(3) 2.930(2) 3.461(2) 2.932(2) 2.931 3.462 0.531 3.464(2) 2.933(2) 3.464(2) 2.934(2) 2.934 3.464 0.530 Octahedron M2 2.094(1) 2.099(1) 2.066(1) 2.086 2.096(1) 2.102(1) 2.068(1) 2.089 11.5 0.001 1.0000 0.20 0.06 0.37 0.23 2.736 2.431 0.89 0.66 11.907 11.904 3.0967 2.7967 3.0967 2.7967 1.1073 1.1073 11.5 0.001 1.0000 0.19 0.18 0.35 0.15 2.738 2.429 0.91 0.65 11.983 11.950 3.1013 2.8047 3.0960 2.8030 1.1058 1.1045 Sheet thickness (/~) Tetrahedral Octahedral 2.277 2.151 2.272 2.159 Interlayer separation (,~,) Dimensional misfit Aa,M3 (A) 3.459 0.629 3.466 0.618 Octahedral volume (,~) Octahedral unshared edges mean bond length eu3 (lk) Octahedral shared edges mean bond length e~3 (A) eu/e~3 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 MI M2 M1 M2 Note: 1 Robinson et al. 1971; 2 Renner and Lehmann 1986; 3 Toraya 1981. Standard deviations are given in parentheses. X S C A N S software (Siemens 1993). Cell parameters were d e t e r m i n e d using least-squares refinement o f 120 m e d i u m - h i g h angle reflections. T h e s e values are g i v e n in Table 1 together with other i n f o r m a t i o n relative to data collection and refinement. T h e limiting spheres were s a m p l e d for the r a n g e 3 -< 2 0 --< 70 ~ ( - 1 --< h -< 8; - 1 4 --< k - < 14; - 1 6 --< 1 -< 16) using the co scan w i n d o w width o f 2.6 ~ for S 1 a n d 1.5 ~ for $ 2 and variable s c a n n i n g speeds f r o m 1 to 30~ T h r e e standard reflections were c h e c k e d e v e r y 100 reflections to m o n itor crystal a n d electronic stability. N o instability was found. Lorentz-polarization corrections were m a d e and absorption effects corrected using a c o m p l e t e t~ scan f r o m 0 - 3 6 0 ~ at 10 ~ ~J intervals. T h e r e were ten selected reflections for S 1 a n d fourteen for $ 2 (• > 83~ Intensity data of symmetrically-equivalent reflections were averaged a n d the resulting discrepancy factor (RsynO calculated (Table 1). The structure refinements were m a d e b y a full-matrix least-squares procedure. Reflections were selected with I --> 5 ~ (I) and using O R F L S (Busing et al. 1962). A t o m i c parameters f r o m Brigatti a n d Davoli (1990) for space group C2/m were used as initial values for e a c h refinement. Fully ionized scattering factors were used for octahedral M1 and M 2 a n d ditrigonal K + sites. M i x e d scattering factors ( 0 / 0 2 - ) were a s s u m e d for anion sites, A composite 7 5 % Si and 2 5 % Fe versus 7 5 % Si 4+ and 2 5 % Fe 3+ was used for tetrahedral sites. For the final steps o f anisotropic refinement, scattering c u r v e s appropriate to c o m p o s i t i o n were applied. A f t e r r e f i n e m e n t , the scattering c o n t r i b u t i o n s for H were e x a m i n e d for difference e l e c t r o n - d e n s i t y m a p s Vol. 44, No. 4, 1996 Refinement of the structure of natural ferriphlogopite I %7 v I 1 543 I I 9~,z 3.10 g3.4 A O I 1 v 04 3.08 %7 V3.2 %7 II) ~3.0 II1 (~0 O@ 0 ~7~ 04 C~ A O 302 i 0 I V 2.8 2.66 U' I 2.68 , I ~ t 2.70 2.72 <0--0>,,..., ~ ~ 3.06 O I 2.74. (i) Figure 1. Variation of longer K-O mean bond length (triangles= <K-O>oo,~) and shorter K-O mean bond length (circles= < K - O > ~ , ) vs. mean length of tetrahedral basal edges (<O-O>b~). Filled symbols= {4]Fe3+-rich phlogopites, sampies: 1 (S1) and 2 ($2) from this study, 3 from Semenova et al. (1977), and 4 from Brigatti et al. (1995). Open symbols= Al-rich phlogopites, phlogopites and biotites from literature (Alietti et al. 1995; Bigi and Brigatti 1994; Brigatti and Davoli 1990; Hazen and Burnham, 1973; Joswig 1972; Ohta et al. 1982; Takeda and Ross 1975). (DED). Small positive anomalies were found near the 0 4 atom (atomic coordinates = 0 . l l , 0.5, 0.33) suggesting that the O H vector is almost normal to plane (001). Nevertheless, O - H distances o f 0.69 ,& were shorter than expected one (0.95 ,~) and their D E D intensity was less than 4 (r above background. Thus, the H positions were not reliable and were not refined. A v e r a g e electron counts o f cation sites are reported in Table 2. A t o m i c coordinates and temperature parameters are listed in Table 3. Relevant bond distances, selected tetrahedral, octahedral and interlayer parameters are reported in Table 4. O b s e r v e d and calculated structure factors are available f r o m the authors upon request. C h e m i c a l Analyses Electron-probe microanalysis ( E P M A ) were performed with an A R L - S E M Q instrument using wavelength-dispersive techniques. Operating conditions were 15-kV accelerating voltage, 15-nA sample current and a defocused electron b e a m (spot size o f about 3 ixm). The same crystals were used for both the refinement and the chemical analyses. Each analyzed crystal was chemically homogeneous. Semiquantitative scanning for all elements with Z > 8 did not reveal additional elements within detection limits. Ti and Ba contents were corrected for overlap of Tik~ and BaL~ peaks. The F - was obtained following the m e t h o d 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.72 <0--0>bo,,, 2.74 (i) Figure 2. Length of unshared octahedral edges (e~M2) vs. mean length of tetralaedral basal edges (<O-O>bas~). Symbols and samples as in Figure 1. of F o l e y (1989). Chlorine was b e l o w the detection limit (X < 0.001 wt%). Crystals used for ( O H ) - and Fe 2+ determination were obtained from the same samples that yielded the crystals used for the structure refinement. The weight loss was determined by thermogravimetric analysis in A r gas to prevent Fe oxidation using a Seiko 5200 thermal analyzer. Heating rate was I0 ~ and the flow rate was 200 ml/min. The Fe 2+ was measured by the s e m i - m i c r o v o l u m e t r i c method ( M e y r o w i t z 1970). T h e oxide percentages and the structural formulae based on O12_x_y(On)xFy are reported in Table 2. DISCUSSION The phlogopites studied lack A1 and are deficient in Si, which accounts for Fe 3+ tetrahedral substitution. Moreover, the phlogopites have a large quantity of M g and a small quantity o f Ti and Mn. Therefore, their octahedral composition is near to e n d - m e m b e r phlogopite. For phlogopites and biotites, the tetrahedral basal bond lengths increase as t4]A1 substitutes for [4]Si and for Al-rich phlogopites, the increased substitution produces a m o r e regular tetrahedra (Alietti et al. 1995). Fe 3+, a cation with a radius greater than A13+, emphasizes those effects (Table 4). Crystals with tetrahedral substitutions up to 24% are characterized by m o r e regular ( T Q E = 1.0000; ELDT -< 0.24; BLDT --< 0.0074; TAV --< 0.20; ADT --< 0.37; symbols as in Table 4) and larger tetrahedra ( < T - O > -> 1.679/~) with increasing substitution. These features are also consonant with basal o x y g e n ' s low deviation f r o m coplanarity (Az --< 0.001 A). Moreover, the position o f the tetrahedral cat- 544 Brigatti, Medici, and Poppi I I I o f the central atom from the geometrical center o f the polyhedron is toward O4 and the bond length distortion parameter BLDM (Table 4) is slightly greater for the M1 site. The large cell v o l u m e s relative to phlogopite are due to the lengthening o f a, b and c cell parameters (Table 1). The [~ angles are a m o n g the lowest found for p h l o g o p i t e s - l M . Thus, we infer that the [3 angle is related to tetrahedral sheet composition. Figure 3 illustrates several relationships: 2 1 03 505 04 500 V 0 ~ W 495 0 0 0 0 V 9~ O 490 'V V 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Clays and Clay Minerals 1.5 4-t4]si (apfu) Figure 3. Unit-cell volume vs. the amount of tetrahedral substitution. Symbols and samples as in Figure 1. ions, as indicated by individual T-O bond lengths and by BLDT values, is near the middle o f the polyhedron. A n i n c r e a s e o f tetrahedral e d g e lengths ( < O O > b a s a l ) by Fe 3+ substitution produces an increase o f the tetrahedral sheet dimensions. This is also reflected within the g e o m e t r y o f the tetrahedral ring, with the reduction o f the shorter K - O m e a n bond lengths ( < K O>i,,r (Figure 1). The increase o f the longer K - O bond lengths (<K-O>o~t~) can be produced not only by the presence in 0 4 position of ( O H ) - groups, as o b s e r v e d for muscovite ( G u g g e n h e i m et al. 1987), but also occurs to match the lateral dimensions of the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets. The increase of A K (<K-O>outer-<K-O>inner) produces an increase in the distortion o f the tetrahedral ring, which has angle values (ct = 11.5 ~ a m o n g the highest o f those previously reported for trioctahedral 1M true micas. M1 and M 2 octahedral sites are approximately regular and their dimensions are similar, within experimental error. The M1 and, in particular, the M 2 sites o f the crystals studied are m u c h larger and less distorted than those of other phlogopites. The high values of the dimensional misfit (ARM; ArM > 0.61 /~) between tetrahedral and octahedral sheets (Table 4) is mostly compensated for, as in all other micas, by an increased tetrahedral ring distortion. Other than an individual tetrahedron increase, there is a concomitant increase in the size o f the octahedra. This is mostly reflected by the increased unshared edges of the M 2 polyhedron (Figure 2). As in phlogopite, the M - O 3 distances are considerably larger than the M - O 4 bond lengths for both M1 and M 2 sites. Similar results are expected w h e n m o n o valent F - anions and/or (OH) groups occupy the 0 4 position ( G u g g e n h e i m et al. 1987). The displacement - - f o r phlogopite-biotite crystals, the increase o f A1 is mostly related to exchange vectors balancing the octahedral charge increase. The most important exchange vector for Al-rich phlogopites is [41Ala+[6]A13+[4]Si4_~[6]Mg2_~ and the unit-cell v o l u m e remains nearly constant. Whereas for biotite, the cell v o l u m e varies considerably, perhaps due to a c o m p l e x set o f exchange vectors affecting m a n y cation sites. - - f o r ferriphlogopite crystals showing the main exchange vector ta]Fe3+t41A13Ji, we observed a large increase of the unit-cell dimensions e v e n for low tetrahedral substitution values. Cell volume, in accordance with other structural parameters, is mainly influenced by [4]Fe3§ content. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge L. Beccaluva, E Siena and C. Vaccaro for making rock specimens available for investigation, and E. Galli for their support and helpful discussions. The clarity of the manuscript was improved by critical readings by D. L. Bish, J. E. Mauk and an anonymous reviewer. This research was supported by MURST and CNR of Italy. The diffraction facilities were supported by Modena University (Centro Interdipartimentale Grandi Strumenti). The CNR is also acknowledged for financing the Electron Microprobe Laboratory at Modena University. REFERENCES Alietti E, Brigatti ME Poppi L. 1995. The crystal structure and chemistry of high-aluminum phlogopites. Mineral Mag 59:149-157. Bailey SW. 1988. X-ray diffraction identification of the polytypes of mica, serpentine, and chlorite. Clays & Clay Miner 36:195-213. Beurlen H, Cassadanne JR 1981. 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