Climate change impact on groundwater resources in Australia OV Barron, RS Crosbie, SP Charles, WR Dawes, R Ali, WR Evans,R Cresswell, D Pollock, G Hodgson, D Currie, F Mpelasoka, T Pickett, S Aryal, M Donn and B Wurcker Waterlines Report Series No 67, December 2011 (Photo) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES i Waterlines This paper is part of a series of works commissioned by the National Water Commission on key water issues. This work has been undertaken by CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship on behalf of the National Water Commission. © Commonwealth of Australia 2011 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Communications Director, National Water Commission, 95 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600 or email Online/print: 978-1-921853-51-7 Climate change impact on groundwater resources in Australia December 2011 Authors: OV Barron, RS Crosbie, SP Charles, WR Dawes, R Ali, WR Evans, R Cresswell, D Pollock, G Hodgson, D Currie, F Mpelasoka, T Pickett, S Aryal, M Donn and B Wurcker Published by the National Water Commission 95 Northbourne Avenue Canberra ACT 2600 Tel: 02 6102 6000 Email: Date of publication: December 2011 Cover design by: Angelink Front cover image of Murray River, Swan Reach SA (right): Arthur Mostead An appropriate citation for this report is: Barron OV et al, 2011 Climate change impact on groundwater resources in Australia Waterlines report, National Water Commission, Canberra. Disclaimer This paper is presented by the National Water Commission for the purpose of informing discussion and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Commission. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES iii Contents Executive summary 1. Introduction 2. 3. 4. 5. xi 1 Scope of this report Sensitivity of groundwater resources to climate change Renewable groundwater resources Non-renewable groundwater resources Investigation of climate change impact on groundwater resources 2 3 4 7 7 Climate in Australia and projected change 9 Observed distribution of climate types and changes over the last 80 years Projections of future climate change and the effect on extent of Köppen- Geiger climate types occurrence Variability and uncertainty in climate projections from different downscaling approaches Conclusions 9 21 23 Aquifer characterisation and prioritisation 24 Characterising aquifer sensitivity to climate change Aquifer prioritisation Prioritisation factors Aquifer definition and data sources Prioritisation results Notable exclusions Comparision with other prioritisation studies Priority aquifers Limitations and recommendations for further aquifer prioritisation 24 24 24 28 30 36 37 37 39 Effect of climate types and climate change on potential groundwater recharge 41 Diffuse groundwater recharge under the historical climate Specifics of diffuse groundwater recharge under various climate types Upscaling the point scaling modelling to a national coverage Diffuse groundwater recharge under a future climate Projected changes in recharge under selected GCMs Relationship between change in rainfall and change in recharge Effect of climate change and climate variability on recharge Effect of climate change on localised recharge Approach to the evaluation of localised recharge change under changing climate Projected changes in the river flow Projected changes in localised recharge Conclusions 41 42 50 51 51 55 57 58 Climate change impacts on groundwater resources in different aquifer types 74 Hydrogeological setting of modelled aquifers Relationship to national aquifers characterisation Recharge and discharge processes 76 77 77 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 14 61 63 65 71 iv Review of model results Modelling historical conditions Modelling future scenarios Effect of climate change on groundwater resource Discussion Modelling climate change with groundwater models Conclusions 78 78 80 84 86 87 89 6. Climate change impacts on groundwater resources, environment, agriculture and water supply in key aquifers of Australia 91 High-priority aquifers—brief description Lachlan Newer Volcanics Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium Atherton Tablelands Coastal River Alluvium 1 Toowoomba Basalts Gunnedah Pilbara Port Campbell Limestone Coastal River Alluvium 4 Coastal Sands 4 Otway Basin Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Daly Basin Climate change impacts on rainfall and diffuse recharge Climate change impacts on agriculture, water supply and environment Lachlan Newer Volcanics Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium Atherton Tablelands Coastal River Alluvium 1 Toowoomba Basalts Gunnedah Pilbara Port Campbell Limestone Coastal River Alluvium 4 Coastal Sands 4 Otway Basin Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Daly Basin Summary Conclusions 91 92 94 97 98 99 100 100 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 114 115 119 119 120 121 121 122 122 123 124 124 125 125 125 126 131 7. Recommendations for groundwater management and planning processes to cope with climate change133 Recharge-rainfall relationship and sensitivity of recharge to changes in rainfall Future climate impacts on rainfall Future climate impacts on diffuse recharge Future climate impacts on interaction with surface water Priority aquifers Groundwater use and effect on dependent industries NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 135 135 136 137 138 141 v Knowledge advancement required to better project future climate changes on groundwater resources Appendix 1 to Chapter 2: Projections of future climate change Appendix 2 to Chapter 3: Priority Aquifers Appendix 3 to Chapter 4: Diffuse groundwater recharge under various climate types Appendix 4 to Chapter 4: Effect of climate change on localised recharge Method Results Localised recharge associated with floods (Chowilla floodplain) 142 147 150 156 163 165 169 193 References 198 Figures Figure 1: Current climate parameters: a) Köppen-Geiger climate zones; b) mean annual temperature; c) mean annual precipitation; d) proportion of summer precipitation........................11 Figure 2: Observed historical 1930–2010 trends: a) gridded precipitation (mm/yr) and b) o temperature ( C/yr) .........................................................................................................................12 Figure 3: Historical series of Australian Köppen-Geiger climate type maps derived for 1930– 1960, 1940–1970, 1950–1980, 1960–1990, 1970–2000 and 1980–2010 .....................................13 Figure 4: Changes in the areas (as percentage of Australia land) with observed climate types for time periods shown in Figure 3 plotted against the end year of the considered periods ..........14 Figure 5: Percentage change in annual average rainfall projected from each GCM for a future climate (~2030) relative to the historical climate under a medium global warming scenario (+1.0°C) ..........................................................................................................................................16 Figure 6: As in Figure 5, but for a ~2050 medium global warming scenario (+1.7°C) ........................17 Figure 7: Precipitation scaling factors (PSF): change in annual average rainfall projected for wet, median and dry future climate scenarios for 2030 (top row) and 2050 (bottom row) relative to baseline..........................................................................................................................18 Figure 8: 2050 medium global warming projections: a) mode climate type; b) frequency of the mode climate type; 0—no difference, 1—different; c) mode climate type compared to baseline climate type; d) number of different projected climate types ...........................................19 Figure 9: Areal percentage of projected climate types over Australia against degrees of global warming ..........................................................................................................................................20 Figure 10: Current land cover overlain with mode projected climate type transition zones for the a) 2030 and b) 2050 medium global warming projections .......................................................20 Figure 11: Boxplots of the change in rainfall projected at three sites for the IPCC A2 scenario comparing differences in GCMs and downscaling methods (note: there are only three points in the box for the top row of plots and five points in the bottom row) ..................................22 Figure 12: Major aquifer systems of Australia—assessment units for the prioritisation scheme ........29 Figure 13: Aquifer prioritisation results for individual metrics: a) E/Emax; b) SY/SYmax; c) f(baseflow GDEs); d) f(other GDE types); e) E/SY; f) aquifer responsiveness for f(R:S) ..............31 Figure 14: Plot of aquifer sensitivity rank versus importance rank. Orange shading indicates selection of priority aquifers, green shading indicates selection of sensitive aquifers (of low importance rating), blue shading indicates selection of important aquifers (of low sensitivity rating)..............................................................................................................................................32 Figure 15: Map showing location of priority aquifers ...........................................................................35 Figure 16: Plot of prioritisation ranks shown by aquifer type and zone. Climate zone classification based on grouping of Köppen-Geiger codes as follows: 1) Tropical = Af, Am, Aw; 2) Arid/Semi-arid = BWh, BWk, BSh, BSk; 3) Mediterranean = Csa, Csb; (4) Humid subtropical = Cwa, Cfa; (5) Temperate = Cfb, Cfc, Dfb, Dfc ..........................................................35 Figure 17: Left: Köppen-Geiger climate types of Australia as defined by Peel et al. (2007) using the climate from 1930–2009 (Barron et al. 2010). Right: Simplified climate zones used in the modelling and the control points used for the point scale modelling ...........................42 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES vi Figure 18: Relative importance of climate characteristics within considered climate types under various soil and vegetation ........................................................................................................ 45 Figure 19: Relationship between relative importance of rainfall and mean annual rainfall within considered climate types for perennial vegetation and soil with K~1 m/day ....................................... 46 Figure 20: Relationship between relative importance of temperature, VPD and solar radiation (cumulatively) and mean annual rainfall within considered climate types for perennial vegetation and soil with K~1 m/day ..................................................................................................... 46 Figure 21: Relationship between a) modelled recharge and mean annual rainfall, and b) between per cent recharge in rainfall and mean annual rainfall for perennial vegetation and soil with K~1 m/day .............................................................................................................................. 47 Figure 22: Modelled historical annual average recharge across Australia for the period 1930– 2009 expressed in mm/yr (left) and as a percentage of rainfall (right) ................................................ 50 Figure 23: Variability in recharge throughout the 80-year baseline scenario. The wet, median and dry 15-year periods within the historical climate scenario compared to the 80-year annual average recharge plotted as a recharge scaling factor (RSF). ................................................ 51 Figure 24: RSF rasters for the medium global warming scenario using an 80-yr baseline ...................... 52 Figure 25: Number of RSF rasters that project a decrease in recharge from the 16 GCMs for each global warming scenario ............................................................................................................. 53 Figure 26: The 10%, 50% and 90% exceedences from fitting the RSF rasters to a weighted Pearson Type III distribution for each global warming scenario. The blacked-out areas are where the change in recharge is not statistically significant. ............................................................... 54 Figure 27: A comparison of the RSF for a 2030 climate from the sustainable yields projects and the RSF for a 2050 climate from the current project .................................................................... 55 Figure 28: Examples of the relationship between the change in rainfall and the change in recharge at Tomago (NSW) and Gnangara (WA) for each global warming scenario using all 16 GCMs (point-scale modelling). No line is plotted at Gnangara for the high global warming scenario as the relationship is not statistically significant. .................................................... 56 Figure 29: Change in rainfall–change in recharge relationships under a 2050 climate. The areas shaded black are where the relationship is not statistically significant...................................... 57 Figure 30: A matrix of 12 RSF rasters comprised of four different climates (dry, median and wet future climate and historical climate) and 15-year variabilities (dry, median and wet) for the 80-year baseline ............................................................................................................................ 58 Figure 31: Wet, median and dry (from left to right) estimates of change in future mean annual o runoff for a 1 C global warming (~2030 relative to 1990) (Chiew 2010) ............................................. 59 Figure 32: Flood change map for the Murray-Darling Basin under historical, current (Scenario A) and future (median future climate scenario) MDBSY modelled scenarios (adopted from Overton et al. 2010); note that current scenario (Scenario A) is not used in this project .................... 60 Figure 33: Location of stations along the losing streams analysed for effects of climate change on river discharge ................................................................................................................... 62 Figure 34: Presentation of the modelled flow data for a) historical and future climate scenarios and b) flow changes under future climate scenarios relative to historical river flow ........................... 63 Figure 35: Average change in streamflow across all flow frequencies relative to streamflow under the historical climate for the selected rivers .............................................................................. 64 Figure 36: Average change in rainfall for all future climate change scenarios from the historical climate at regions representing the 15 chosen stations ....................................................... 64 Figure 37: Changes in streamflow with 10 per cent exceedence probability for three future climate scenarios (future dry, median and wet climate) relative to historical climate .......................... 64 Figure 38: Per cent of time with no flow at the station; streams with zero values are the perennial stream .................................................................................................................................. 65 Figure 39: Changes in the Murrumbidgee River flow and the range of changes in localised recharge for dry, median and wet future climate scenarios ................................................................. 66 Figure 40: Average changes in the localised recharge across all flow frequencies relative to localised recharge under the historical climate for the selected rivers (for Hgw = 1 m) ........................ 67 Figure 41: Relationship between sensitivity of localised recharge, e, to changes in river flow, and daily river discharge under historical climate conditions (for Murrumbidgee River) ..................... 67 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES vii Figure 42: Sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow for various initial depths to groundwater, which remain unchanged under the future scenarios (for Murrumbidgee River) .............................................................................................................................................. 67 Figure 43: Sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow for various changes in depth to groundwater (for Murrumbidgee River): 1m watertable depth was assumed for the historical scenario ........................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 44: Sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow for various river slopes (for Murrumbidgee River) ...................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 45: Changes in localised recharge under future climate scenarios defined for a composite trapezoidal channel (the river channel remains unchanged and hence a single line is associated with the period of river flow contained within the channel; the only changes are associated with floodplain width, and changes in recharge during flooding are shown in green and pink colour for narrow and wide floodplains): a) for dry future climate; b) for medium future climate; and c) for wet future climate ............................................................ 69 Figure 46: The location of the Chowilla floodplain, a) the recharge estimates used to determine climate change impacts on localised recharge derived from flood inundation events and b) the extent of inundation for given flow rates (Overton et al. 2006).......................... 70 Figure 47: Duration curves for a) Chowilla daily river flow (426510) for historical, future dry and future medianclimate scenarios and b) estimated recharge volumes from floodplain inundation under those climate scenarios ...................................................................................... 71 Figure 48: Projected changes in recharge volumes (dR) and river flow (dQ) from floodplain inundation for future median and future dry climate scenarios relative to historical climate .......... 71 Figure 49: Location of the reviewed groundwater models................................................................... 75 Figure 50: Proportion of point localised and diffuse input components to groundwater models, under fitted historical conditions ..................................................................................................... 79 Figure 51: Proportion of discharge components from groundwater models under fitted historical conditions. Negative values are a net discharge flux, positive values are a net gain to the system. ......................................................................................................................... 80 Figure 52: Percentage change in a) recharge and b) discharge water-balance components for alluvial aquifers of the MDB under a median future climate. All changes are relative to the absolute fitted values from the historical simulation. ...................................................................... 81 Figure 53: Percentage change in a) recharge and b) discharge water-balance components for sedimentary aquifers of NT, WA and Tasmania under a median future climate. All changes are relative to the absolute fitted values from the historical simulation. ......................................... 82 Figure 54: Percentage change in a) recharge and b) discharge in the water balance for alluvial aquifers of the MDB under a dry future climate. All changes are relative to the absolute fitted values from the historical simulation. ...................................................................... 83 Figure 55: Percentage change in a) recharge and b) discharge input water balance components for sedimentary aquifers of NT, WA and Tasmania under a dry future climate. All changes are relative to the absolute fitted values from the historical simulation. ..................... 84 Figure 56: Map showing the location of high-priority aquifers ............................................................. 92 Figure 57: Rainfall-scaling factors under the wet, median and dry future climates in the high- priority aquifers ............................................................................................................................. 113 Figure 58: Recharge-scaling factors under the wet, median and dry future climates in the high-priority aquifers ..................................................................................................................... 113 Figure 60: Groundwater use as per cent of total water extraction in high-priority aquifers ............... 127 Figure 59: Groundwater use by agriculture and others, total use and sustainable yield of high- priority aquifers ............................................................................................................................. 127 Figure 61: Map showing location of extreme recharge scaling factors expected under the future median climate scenario. ................................................................................................... 140 Figure 62: Map showing location of priority, sensitive and important aquifers .................................. 141 Figure 63: Change (°C) in annual average temperature projected from each GCM for a future climate (~2050) relative to the historical climate under a medium global warming scenario (+1.7°C) ........................................................................................................................................ 147 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES viii Figure 64: Change (%) in annual average relative humidity projected from each GCM for a future climate (~2050) relative to the historical climate under a medium global warming scenario (+1.7°C) ............................................................................................................................... 148 Figure 65: Change (%) in annual average solar radiation projected from each GCM for a future climate (~2050) relative to the historical climate under a medium global warming scenario (+1.7°C) ............................................................................................................................... 149 Figure 66: Recharge as a mean value within the major climate types for various soil and vegetation types; in legend AP–annual vegetation, PP–perennial vegetation and TR–trees ........... 156 Figure 67: Per cent recharge in annual rainfall as a mean value within the major climate types for various soil and vegetation types; in legend AP–annual vegetation, PP–perennial vegetation and TR–trees ................................................................................................................... 157 Figure 68: Relationship between relative importance of rainfall and mean annual rainfall .................... 158 Figure 69: Relationship between relative importance of temperature, VPD and solar radiation (cumulatively) and mean annual rainfall for soil with K~1 m/day ...................................................... 158 2 Figure 70: Changes in the correlation coefficient ( R ) of recharge/rainfall relationship and mean annual rainfall within the major climate types .......................................................................... 159 Figure 71: Relationship between per cent recharge in annual rainfall and mean annual rainfall within the major climate types ........................................................................................................... 160 Figure 72: Recharge elasticity and mean annual rainfall within considered climate types for perennial vegetation and soil with K~1 m/day ................................................................................... 161 Figure 73: Changes to per cent of high intensity rainfall in total annul rainfall from north to south of the continent: a) daily rainfall greater than 20 mm; b) moving average over 14 days with daily 5 mm threshold; and c) moving average over 21 days with daily 5 mm threshold ............................................................................................................................................ 162 Figure 74: Example of daily recharge event and recharge volume distributions indicating episodic recharge .............................................................................................................................. 163 Figure 75: Example of connected and disconnected groundwater system (Source: Brunner et al. 2009) ............................................................................................................................................. 164 Figure 76: Method flow chart .................................................................................................................. 166 Figure 77: Relationship between river flow and river stage under for a range of river widths................ 167 Figure 78: Relationship between recharge and river flow for a range of river widths ............................ 167 Figure 79: Per cent changes in recharge for various river widths under changes in river flow (green lines are related to an individual river widths shown on Figure 77 and Figure 78, with the lowest line associated with the smallest width; the red line indicates the same river flow) ................................................................................................................................................... 168 Figure 80: Changes in the river flow (red line) and the range of changes in localised recharge (shown as a green area) for dry, median and wet future climate scenarios for all considered stations (as listed in Table 16) ........................................................................................ 184 Figure 81: Relationship between localised recharge sensitivity e = dR/dQ and river flow (upper) and e = dR/dQ and flow exceedence probability (lower) under historical climate conditions (for selected stations, as listed in Table 16). The results are given for various depths to groundwater, which are assumed to be constant between historical and future climate scenarios ............................................................................................................................... 192 Figure 82: Flow duration curve for Chowilla daily river flow (426510) for historical, future median andwetclimate scenarios ...................................................................................................... 194 Figure 83: Changes in the inundation area and associated average recharge under various river flows ........................................................................................................................................... 195 Figure 84: Projected changes in recharge volumes (dR) and river flow (dQ) from floodplain inundation for future median and future dry climate scenarios relative to historical climate: a) based on floodplain data; b) based on the method described in Figure 76. ................................. 196 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES ix Tables Table 1: Characteristics of selected climate zones ............................................................................. 10 Table 2: Global climate models used in this study .............................................................................. 15 Table 3: Aquifer types and their general sensitivity to changes in climate .......................................... 26 Table 4: Prioritisation results—sensitive, important and priority aquifers* (showing in the collours as in ................................................................................................................................... 34 Table 5: Trends noted in Figure 16 ..................................................................................................... 36 Table 6: Priority aquifers by aquifer type and climate zone................................................................. 39 Table 7: Climate types and recharge ................................................................................................... 48 Table 8: Different climate types in the high-priority aquifers shown as per cent of the total aquifer area. ................................................................................................................................... 95 Table 9: Main soil types in the high-priority aquifers shown as per cent of the total aquifer area (Johnston, et al., 2003) ................................................................................................................... 96 Table 10: Main land uses in the high-priority aquifers shown as per cent of total aquifer area .......... 96 Table 11: Statistics of 80-year baseline period rainfall and wet, median and dry future climates for the priority aquifers .................................................................................................................. 110 Table 12: Mean annual recharge rates under the baseline historical period and RSF under the historical, wet, median and dry future climates ............................................................................ 111 Table 13: Groundwater use categories, allocation and utilisation levels and expected changes in diffuse recharge under future climates in high-priority aquifers ............................................... 116 Table 14: Recharge, discharge mechanisms and storage dynamics in high-priority aquifers .......... 129 Table 15: Recommendations for the required management response, monitoring and assessment in each of the priority aquifers .................................................................................. 144 Table 16: List of gauging stations along the losing streams underlain by the priority aquifers. Some of the stations are outside of the priority aquifers. ............................................................. 165 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES x Abbreviations and acronyms AR4 Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change BOM Bureau of Meteorology, Australia CCAM Cubic Conformal Atmospheric Model CO2 carbon dioxide CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation EC electrical conductivity FDC flow duration curve GAB Great Artesian Basin GCM global climate model GDE groundwater-dependent ecosystem GMU groundwater management unit IOCI Indian Ocean Climate Initiative IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change MDB Murray–Darling Basin MDBA Murray–Darling Basin Authority MDBSY Murray–Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project NASY Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project NGAP National Groundwater Action Plan NWI National Water Initiative PHRAMS Peel–Harvey Regional Aquifer Modelling System PRAMS Perth Regional Aquifer Modelling System PSF precipitation (rainfall) scaling factor RSF recharge scaling factor SEACI South Eastern Australian Climate Initiative NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES xi SRP Southern Riverine Plains SVAT soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer model SWAMS South-West Aquifer Modelling System SWWA south-west Western Australia SWWASY South-West Western Australia Sustainable Yields Project TasSY Tasmania Sustainable Yields Project TCSA Tertiary Confined Sands Aquifer TDS total dissolved solids TLA Tertiary Limestone Aquifer VFM vertical flux model VPD vapour pressure deficit NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES xii Executive summary Over the past few decades, much of Australia has experienced increasing pressure on groundwater resources due to a drier climate and increased scarcity of surface water. In 2004 the Council of Australian Governments agreed to form a National Water Initiative (NWI) to ensure the implementation of a transparent planning framework that would avoid overallocation of water resources, including groundwater. Under the NWI it is necessary to incorporate risks associated with climate change and variability in water management plans. In response to these issues, the National Water Commission commissioned a project, ‘Investigating the impact of climate change on groundwater resources’, within the National Groundwater Action Plan. The primary objective of the project was to determine how projected climate change will impact on groundwater recharge and groundwater resources across different aquifer types in different climatic types across Australia. Nationwide, historical (observed) and future (projected) climate data was used to assess diffuse groundwater recharge (recharge associated with rainfall across the landscape) under the different climate types. Some discussion of the climate change impact on localised groundwater recharge associated with water losses from rivers and floodplains was also provided. In agreement with previous studies, annual rainfall is the most important climate parameter to estimate recharge. However, the effect of temperature, solar radiation and vapour-pressure deficit on recharge is particularly important in the regions with low annual recharge (including arid climate zones), and also noticeable under climate types with summer-dominated rainfall (i.e. northern Australia). A common estimation of renewable groundwater resources is to assume a proportion of rainfall each year generates recharge. Observations and modelling, however, have shown that this method has a number of shortcomings. In particular, this analysis has revealed a non-linearity in the recharge to rainfall ratio for any given location due to variability in rainfall intensity or the number of consecutive rain days. Such interannual variability is more apparent in areas of low recharge. Thus, compared to the long-term average, the variability of recharge in different wet and dry 15-year periods is greater in areas of low recharge and comparatively smaller in areas of high recharge. This means that interannual rainfall variability is magnified two to four times in recharge variability. This so-called ‘recharge elasticity’ measure is higher in the low recharge regions, i.e. arid zones. Over the past 80 years Australian climatic trends have indicated warming over most of Australia (except in the inland north-west), increasing rainfall over northern, central and north­ west Australia, and decreasing rainfall in eastern, south-east and south-west Australia. This has led to a southerly expansion of the tropical climate types in the far north together with a contraction in the northern extent of the arid types. The arid types have expanded to the south and south-east, with a corresponding contraction of temperate types to the coast. The projected future climates were inferred from 16 global climate models (GCMs) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th Assessment Report (AR4). The full range of IPCC AR4 future climate projections was accounted for by scaling these 16 GCM results according to three global warming scenarios (low, medium and high) for both 2030 and 2050. The modelling uncertainties in trend and magnitude of regional rainfall changes limit our ability to provide confident assessments of likely impacts for many regions of Australia. Projections are most consistent, however, for south-west Western Australia and the southern Murray–Darling Basin, where all GCMs project a decrease in rainfall. As climate xiii data is an input to all further modelling, subsequent analysis will further propagate these uncertainties. Projected future changes in the spatial distribution of climate types indicate a further increase in aridity at the expense of temperate coverage. For southern Australia the projections are more consistent with observed trends in climate types over the past 80 years than are those for northern Australia. As the projected warming and southern Australian rainfall decline accelerates between 2030 and 2050, there is a possibility this will promote land-cover change between now and 2050. The median future climate at 2030 and 2050 projects a decrease in diffuse recharge across most of the west, centre and south-east of Australia, while increases in recharge are projected across northern Australia and a small area of eastern Australia. The relationship between change in rainfall and change in recharge shows that the sensitivity of recharge to change in rainfall is relatively constant under all global warming scenarios, but changes in factors other than the total rainfall can result in a general overall increase in recharge with increased global warming. These factors include temperature, rainfall intensity and carbon dioxide-concentration effects on vegetation. As a result there was a trend of reduction in a number of GCMs projecting a decrease in recharge with increased global warming over most of the country. The south-west and some areas of the south-east are an exception, with all GCMs projecting lower recharge under all future climate scenarios. Historical variability of diffuse recharge over 15-year periods (within the 80-year baseline) is greater than the magnitude of modelled recharge change under the future climate scenarios over an equivalent 80-year average. This highlights the need for flexibility in water-sharing plans to account for the compounding effect of current climate variability and future climate change. Changes in localised recharge due to climate change are dependent on the level of connectivity of rivers to the shallow aquifers. Projected changes in localised recharge from disconnected losing streams were estimated to be similar to projected changes in river flow, but lower than the projected changes in river flow from connected losing streams. Sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow reduces in areas with deeper groundwater (i.e. disconnected systems). An increase in groundwater depth under future climate scenarios may cause an increase in localised recharge from connected losing streams even under conditions where river flow is projected to decrease. However, when overbank floods are the sources of localised recharge, changes in localised recharge are likely to be much greater than projected changes in river flow. The effect of climate change on groundwater resources is influenced by the hydrogeological setting of an aquifer. The project assessed all Australian aquifers in terms of their sensitivity to climate change and their level of national importance, providing metrics that were used to compare and contrast different aquifers and their climatic response across the country. Fourteen priority aquifers were identified as both sensitive to climate and regionally important and described in detail, including their geological setting, flow-system types, recharge and discharge mechanisms, and current water use. These 14 aquifers occur across all climate types and include most aquifer types. Groundwater use as a percentage of total water use is above 80 per cent in six of these highpriority aquifers and ranges between 60 and 80 per cent in a further five high-priority aquifers, highlighting the importance of these groundwater resources. Agriculture is the largest groundwater user, followed by domestic and town water supplies, then commercial and mining industries. In the Pilbara, however, the mining industry is the largest user. A future wet scenario would see little or no impact either on groundwater users or the environment. Seven priority aquifers might expect to be affected under the median scenario and most of the priority aquifers might expect water shortages under a dry scenario. xiv In addition to the 14 priority aquifers, six aquifers in south-west Western Australia were also included in our high-priority list. Although these aquifers were not identified as highly sensitive to climate change, this region is projected to experience the greatest reduction in diffuse recharge under a median or dry future climate. Groundwater models are commonly used to investigate changes in the groundwater balance due to projected climate change. Reviewing the results from a number of nationwide programs (including state water authority programs, CSIRO sustainable yields projects and Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) programs), where groundwater models were used to apply projections of future climate change impacts on groundwater systems. Most were found to be inadequate in assessing the future impacts of climate change. Modelling approaches, model designs and the criteria used for groundwater resources sensitivity vary substantially between the reviewed models. These made comparing the models’ outcomes and identifying groundwater resources changes under future climate scenarios difficult. A key recommendation of this work is that all groundwater models used in groundwater resource management in Australia should undergo a climate change audit to ensure that they are fit­ for-purpose when proposing climate change-adaptation strategies. This study has highlighted that some models are unsuitable for this purpose. The outcomes of this project will contribute to an understanding of the impact of climate change on groundwater management by considering the possible consequences of climate change on groundwater resources across the country. This study was carried out at the regional scale and considered only gross consequences at the aquifer level, and hence can make only broad recommendations. Further and more detailed analysis at a scale commensurate with resource utilisation on the ground should be undertaken. The report summarises the project results, which are published in a series of companion reports, including Barron et al. (2010), Crosbie et al. (2011a) and Currie et al. (2010). The needs for further investigation and associated indicative costs for the 14 high-priority aquifers are discussed in a separate report Summary of the costs of carrying out further quantitative investigations in 20 priority aquifers. xv Introduction In 2004, the Council of Australian Governments signed on to the National Water Initiative (NWI). One of the aims of this initiative was to bring overallocated (that is, effectively overentitled) groundwater systems back to sustainable levels while developing a transparent planning framework that would avoid future overallocation. Climate change adds a further level of complexity to the management of over-entitled systems as the degree of overentitlement may change in the future. Where entitlements are reduced as a management response, it is necessary, under a cost-sharing model, to assign the risk associated with those changes. This risk assignment requires a good understanding of the climate change processes impacting on water resources. Australia has a highly varied and variable climate, with large regions having arid and semi­ arid climates. This has resulted in increasing pressures on groundwater resources as the population has grown and development has taken place. The reduction in rainfall in many Australian regions over recent years has seen both a reduction in recharge and an increase in groundwater use as surface water resources have become scarce. Limited water resource availability already constrains regional development in many parts of Australia, for both industrial and agricultural activities. The future effects of climate change may add to these constraints; quantifying the potential impacts of climate change on water availability, however, is one of the most challenging components of long-term sustainable water management. Climate change is of most concern where aquifers are either heavily allocated or particularly vulnerable to changes in recharge. In these systems the reduction in water availability due to climate change may impact on groundwater use and entitlements. The impacts of climate change are also likely to be more profound for unconfined aquifer systems, which may respond rapidly to changes in the recharge regime. The relationship between climate and confined aquifer systems is often muted. In addition to consumptive use in many regions, a rich biodiversity of both national and international significance is associated with groundwaterdependent ecosystems, which may also be impacted by changes to groundwater resources because of a changing climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th Assessment Report (AR4) (2007) provided a global context for climate change, and included the outputs from a number of global climate models (GCMs) under different greenhouse gas emission scenarios. CSIRO has been further analysing climate change within the regional context, based on these IPCC GCM outputs. The outcomes of some key CSIRO studies (the Indian Ocean Climate Initiative ), the South Eastern Australian Climate Initiative and the sustainable yields projects— covering the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB), Tasmania and south-west Western Australia (SWWA)) have shown a projected general reduction of rainfall across southern Australia, but with an overall large variation in the magnitude of GCM rainfall projections across the entire country. Most national and international studies focus on climate change impacts to surface water resources. Climate change effects on groundwater resources have not been systematically assessed, despite many regions being greatly dependent on groundwater for irrigation, industrial use (including mining) and urban water supply. Key challenges in providing a national contextual statement on groundwater resources and climate change include: sparse information on aquifers; poor understanding and quantification of recharge and discharge mechanisms; lack of spatial appreciation of the connectivity to streams; and unknown interactions with groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Most groundwater management is based on long-term average recharge to the system. The effect NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 1 of short- and long-term climate variability on groundwater resources is even less clear, both in terms of groundwater recharge and discharge, which includes the groundwater uptake by vegetation. This variability is compounded by potential climate change, which is currently not considered in regional development plans. In response to these pressing issues the National Water Commission (NWC) has commissioned this project, ‘Investigating the impact of climate change on groundwater resources’, within the National Groundwater Action Plan. Overall, the aim of this project is to provide an Australia-wide snapshot quantifying the impacts of spatial and temporal change in climate due to anthropogenic-induced global warming on groundwater resources for representative aquifer systems. Scope of this report This project builds upon the work of CSIRO’s sustainable yield projects in the MDB and other areas. The terms of references for the current project include: a) Under different climate change scenarios, investigate and model the temporal variance of rainfall, both intensity and frequency, temperature and associated changes in evaporation and evapotranspiration, and the impacts these factors have on groundwater recharge and resources across different aquifer types in different climatic zones in Australia. This will need to include investigation and modelling of the impacts of temporal variance due to climate change on recharge thresholds. Additionally, the project will investigate the impacts of changes in surface water due to climate change on groundwater. b) Investigate the impacts on the environment, agriculture and water supply in different aquifers and climatic zones from any changes in groundwater recharge due to climate change. c) Under the investigation of climate change across different aquifer types in different climatic zones, determine if climate change or other actions, such as land-use change, have a greater impact on groundwater recharge. The project activities were predominantly focused on investigating the effect of climate change on groundwater recharge (Barron et al. 2010; Crosbie et al. 2011a; also Chapter 4 of this report) and characterising Australian aquifers in terms of their sensitivity to climate change and their level of national importance (Currie et al. 2010; also Chapter 3 of this report). Chapter 2 summarises our understanding of Australian climatic conditions and climate types as well as their projected changes under the full range of IPCC AR4 future climate scenarios for 2030 and 2050. The ranges and uncertainties in future climate projection from 16 GCMs are discussed as are the resulting projected changes in climate-type distributions. In addition to this Australia-wide assessment across the full range of projections, a more targeted comparison of downscaling methods is undertaken for three locations using available daily data for the IPCC’s Special Reports on Emmissions Scenarios (SRESR) A2 emissions scenario. Chapter 3 assesses Australian aquifers in terms of their sensitivity to climate and their level of national importance, providing indices that might be used to compare and contrast aquifers and their climatic response across the country. A list of priority aquifers that require more detailed assessment has been generated. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 2 Chapter 4 investigates the climate sensitivity of diffuse recharge, both historically and into the future. Historical (observed) and future (projected by GCMs) climate data was used to assess scenarios of changes in current groundwater recharge rates nationwide. Chapter 4 also provides a discussion on groundwater recharge within various climate types in Australia. Some considerations of the climate change impact on localised groundwater recharge are also provided. Chapter 5 summarises and discusses the outcomes of a number of nationwide programs (including state water-authority programs, CSIRO sustainable yields projects and Murray– Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) programs) where groundwater models were developed and applied to project the future climate impact on groundwater systems. This chapter also summarises uncertainties and limitations related to these results and lists recommendations for a groundwater-modelling approach suitable for climate change impacts assessment. Chapter 6 presents the results of analyses for 14 priority aquifers, including a description of their geological setting, flow-system types, recharge and discharge mechanisms, and current water use. Based on a method developed within the project (Chapter 3), these aquifers were defined as both sensitive to changes in climatic conditions being of high national importance. Further discussion and suggestions for future work on these 14 aquifers are provided in a separate report Summary of the costs of carrying out further quantitative investigations in 20 priority aquifers. That report also considers the current gaps in knowledge or data, and the needs for and costs of further investigations. Finally, Chapter 7 draws conclusions and recommendations for water managers on how best to prepare for the impacts of climate change on Australia’s groundwater resources. The effect of climate change on the quality of groundwater resources was considered to be outside the scope of this project. Also excluded from consideration in this report was the impact of climate change on recharge due to irrigation. Sensitivity of groundwater resources to climate change The IPCC’s assessment reports are considered to be the authoritative reviews of climate change research globally across all disciplines. The second assessment report made the following comment about groundwater research (Watson et al. 1996): Despite the critical importance of groundwater resources in many parts of the world, there have been very few direct studies of the effect(s) of global warming on groundwater recharge. Little had changed by the time the third assessment report was released five years later (McCarthy et al. 2001): Groundwater is the major source of water across much of the world, particularly in rural areas in arid and semiarid regions, but there has been very little research on the potential effects of climate change. The fourth assessment came to a similar conclusion (Parry et al. 2007): Despite its significance, groundwater has received little attention from climate change impact assessments, compared to surface water resources. Groundwater-resource sensitivities to climate change have been investigated in a number of countries and continents (e.g. US: Rosenberg et al. 1999; Vaccaro 1992; Canada: Jyrkama NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 3 and Sykes 2007; Toews and Allen 2009; UK: Herrera-Pantoja and Hiscock 2008; Africa: Mileham et al. 2009). Also, some studies have attempted to generate a global estimation of renewable groundwater resources (Doll 2009). These latter studies have demonstrated that groundwater resources are exploited to a greater extent when surface water resources decline under the pressure of a drying climate. The most comprehensive studies of the impact of climate change on the water resources of Australia have been carried out by the sustainable yields projects. These have reported on the water resources of the MDB, northen Australia, south-west Western Australia and Tasmania. In this project, the term ‘resource’ covers the groundwater available to all users and uses (including the environment). Two different types of resources are defined by the NWC: Natural renewable groundwater resource: groundwater extracted from an aquifer that receives recharge from rivers, rainfall or from other aquifers. It also refers to the total amount of groundwater replenishment through the annual hydrological cycle, and therefore has significant dependency on the climate and its variability, and is usually summarised on a yearly basis. Non-renewable groundwater resource (fossil): groundwater extracted from an aquifer that receives limited or no recharge and therefore the extraction of such groundwater is referred to as resource ‘mining’ or the use of long-term aquifer storage. These resources are associated with usually deep aquifers that have a negligible rate of recharge on a human timescale. Non-renewable resources are usually expressed either in terms of volumes or extractable flow. Extractable, or exploitable, groundwater resources may be further described as a component of natural groundwater that is accessible for use. This definition is closely linked with the concept of sustainable yield and is limited by the physical capacity to abstract groundwater, together with consideration of environmental, social and economic values that may limit groundwater use. The sensitivity of groundwater resources to a changing climate may be defined by sets of criteria, which differ for various types of resources. These are discussed below. Renewable groundwater resources Long-term average groundwater recharge is an accepted measure to help define a ‘renewable’ groundwater resource (Scanlon et al. 2002). Recharge can be broadly defined as water that reaches an aquifer from above, below or laterally (Lerner et al. 1990). Most often, however, it refers to downward water movement across a watertable. This can be either diffuse (direct) recharge derived from precipitation or irrigation that occurs fairly uniformly over large areas, or localised (indirect) recharge as concentrated input from inundation of depressions in the surface topography such as streams, lakes and playas. Rushton (1997) distinguishes actual recharge (water that reaches the watertable) from potential recharge (water that has percolated below the root zone that may or may not reach the watertable). Potential recharge is sometimes called deep drainage and is usually estimated from surface water and unsaturated-zone studies. The factors influencing diffuse groundwater recharge may be either dynamic, and controlled by external forces such as climate, land use or vegetation, or static, and controlled by the physical attributes of a particular aquifer system such as soil properties, geomorphology, topography and geological setting. The static factors will determine the potential sensitivity of a particular aquifer system to climate change for a given range of dynamic factors. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 4 Localised recharge occurs where there is an active surface water feature, particularly river channels and floodplains, and where the groundwater level is lower than the water level in those features. Localised recharge rates are controlled by the difference in water-pressure head between the aquifer and the surface water, hydraulic properties of the land surface or streambed and the effective width of the river. The processes of groundwater discharge to surface water, and of surface water leakage to aquifers, are spatially and temporally complex, particularly when the full extent of the system is taken into consideration. The rates, seasonality and type of such interaction can vary under various landscapes and geological settings (Reid et al. 2009). The sensitivity of recharge to climate change is related to changes in rainfall amount and intensity, the effect on vegetation from changes in temperature and carbon dioxide (CO 2), and changes in localised recharge where climate change alters groundwater–surface water interactions. Diffuse recharge It has been shown that rainfall is the most important climate parameter influencing recharge, followed by rainfall intensity and temperature (McCallum et al. 2010). Furthermore, changes in recharge induced by changes in CO2 concentration, solar radiation and vapour pressure deficit are relatively minor. Increases or decreases in recharge generally reflect increases or decreases in rainfall (Allen et al. 2004; Serrat-Capdevila et al. 2007), but there are enough exceptions (Crosbie et al. 2010c; Doll 2009; Rosenberg et al. 1999) to preclude relying solely on change in rainfall as an adequate predictor of change in recharge. Change in the frequency and seasonality of rainfall may also influence changes in recharge. Vivoni et al. (2009) demonstrated for a catchment in New Mexico that either an increase in the intensity of summer rainfall or an increase in the frequency of winter rainfall can lead to an increase in recharge. In semi-arid areas, higher intensity rainfall can lead to higher episodic recharge even under projections of decreased total rainfall (Crosbie et al. 2010b; Ng et al. 2010). The next most sensitive factor to influencing recharge is temperature. Most studies have been for cold climates and are associated with variation in snowfall, snowmelt and frozen ground under different temperature conditions (Eckhardt and Ulbrich 2003; Jyrkama and Sykes 2007; Okkonen et al. 2010; Vivoni et al. 2009). For warmer climates, Rosenberg et al. (1999), for example, found that recharge could decrease with an increase in rainfall due to higher temperatures and higher evapotranspiration rates, such as in the Ogallala Aquifer. In the Upper Nile Basin it was found that recharge increased as rainfall increased up to a 3°C temperature increase. For larger temperature rises, however, evapotranspiration increases lead to reductions in recharge (Kingston and Taylor 2010). Increased recharge was simulated in the MDB despite a decrease in rainfall, which was attributed to a reduction in transpiration, i.e. the transpiration reduced due to the effect of temperature on vegetation when the optimum temperature for vegetation growth was exceeded (Crosbie et al. 2010c). Recharge is generally much greater in non-vegetated than in vegetated regions (Gee et al. 1994), and greater in areas of annual crops and grasses than in areas of trees and shrubs (Crosbie et al. 2010a). The impact of vegetation on recharge is evident in Australia, where replacement of deep-rooted native eucalyptus trees with shallow-rooted crops resulted in recharge increases of about two orders of magnitude, e.g. <0.1 mm/year for native mallee vegetation to 5–30 mm/year for crop/pasture rotations (Allison et al. 1990). An increase in CO2 affects plant growth and subsequently may also affect groundwater recharge. Elevated CO2 allows plants to increase their water-use efficiency, thereby NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 5 assimilating more carbon per unit of water transpired. This can lead to an increase in leaf area, a reduction in transpiration, or both (Eckhardt and Ulbrich 2003; McCallum et al. 2010). As the effect of vegetation on recharge can be significant, it is likely that if land use or land cover were to change significantly because of climate change, the indirect effect of climate change on recharge may be greater than that due to changes in rainfall or temperature alone. Crosbie et al. (2010c) highlighted that the difference in recharge between vegetation systems dominated by annuals, perennials and trees is greater than the projected changes in recharge due to climate change alone in the MDB. Austin et al. (2010) assessed a land-use change scenario where the entire MDB was reafforested. This unrealistic scenario, unsurprisingly, produced much greater reductions in groundwater resources than climate change alone. van Roosmalen et al. (2009) used a more plausible land-use change scenario, where areas of grassland were converted to forest, and this had a very minor impact on recharge in an environment where rainfall is much greater than potential evapotranspiration. The actual sensitivity of the groundwater resources of individual aquifers to climate change is further dependent on a variety of intrinsic factors, including the spatial distribution of soil hydraulic properties in the aquifer’s recharge zone (including preferential pathways), aquifer storage capacity and the distribution of aquifer hydraulic conductivity. Localised recharge Changes to localised recharge caused by climate change may have a significant impact on groundwater resources where localised recharge comprises a large proportion of the total aquifer recharge. This is most common in semi-arid to arid climates with a propensity for episodic stream flow and major overbank flows, along with low diffuse recharge. Allen et al. (2004) showed that the sensitivity of the Grand Forks Aquifer in south-central British Columbia to climate-driven changes is particularly sensitive to changes in river stage. For a scenario that simulated flood conditions of 50 per cent higher than average, the watertable averaged 3.5 m higher than historical levels and there was an increase in volumes of surface water leakage to surrounding aquifers. The effect of a change in the rainfall distribution throughout the year may also influence annual volumes of localised recharge. In southern British Columbia, Scibek and Allen (2006a) showed that the effect on recharge of the projected shift in the hydrograph peak to an earlier date—but with no change in the magnitude of the peak—is significant for an unconfined, heterogeneous and highly permeable aquifer. For the aquifer. in which diffuse recharge was the most significant recharge mechanism compared to localised recharge, only minor changes to groundwater level were predicted. Overbank floods are an important facet of localised recharge (Scibek and Allen 2006b), where recharge volumes are driven by the frequency and intensity of flooding events and inundation periods. These are likely to be sensitive to the frequencies and intensities of extreme rainfall events-generated floods. Recharge volumes are commonly greater for the first flooding event of the wet season when a greater proportion of flood water is infiltrating. Crerar et al. (1998) showed, for ephemeral rivers in Namibia, that flood water during the first event comprised 6.9 per cent of localised reacharge but only 0.6 per cent for a later event of the same year. Additional aquifer attributes that may influence localised recharge sensitivity to climate include the level of river–aquifer connectivity, the proportion of localised recharge relative to diffuse recharge to an aquifer, geomorphic setting (such as narrow or wide alluvial aquifers) and mechanisms that promote rapid recharge, such as coarse-textured streambeds or karstic features. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 6 There have been no studies to date of the impacts of climate change on localised recharge in Australia. Non-renewable groundwater resources Strictly speaking, groundwater resources are never non-renewable. The timeframe for replenishment, however, may be of the order of hundreds to thousands of years, and hence is beyond the usable timeframe for reasonable water-resource planning. For this reason utilisation of non-renewable groundwater can be considered as ‘mining of aquifer reserves or storage’. The volumes of such groundwater stored in some aquifers can be very large. For instance, the estimated groundwater storage in the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) is 64 900 3 3 km , compared to the renewable groundwater resource component of 0.35 km (AWR 2005). Commonly, non-renewable resources are within confined aquifers, with limited recharge areas, where groundwater development intercepts or induces little active recharge and the piezometric surface falls continuously with abstraction (Foster and Loucks 2006). Such groundwater systems occur particularly in semi-arid and arid regions. Non-renewable groundwater can also include unconfined aquifers, in areas where contemporary recharge is very infrequent or of small volume, and the resource is essentially limited to aquifer storage. The distinction into renewable and non-renewable resources, however, is subjective and there are some hydrogeological systems that can be hard to ascribe to one or the other. One of them is a hydrogeological system with episodic recharge in which the recharge can occur every decade or so, and they may be classified as renewable. However, it is often difficult to predict the return period of recharge events. For example, aquifers in central Australia that rely on major cyclone activity for recharge may not experience those events over decades, and then have two or more cyclones active in their area over very short time periods. The average annual recharge volume is thus highly dependent on the timescale of the observation of recharge. In contrast with renewable groundwater resources, non-renewable groundwater resources are not generally dependent on the annual hydrological cycle or recent climate. The climate effect on these resources may be indirect and associated with potentially increasing pressure on groundwater abstraction as other water resources decline or as demand for water increases. The measurement of the sensitivity of non-renewable groundwater resources to climate change may therefore be estimated based on a parameter defining the relationship between total groundwater resources to annual abstraction under future climate and changing water demand (sensitive being defined as mean annual groundwater abstraction from non­ renewable sources being greater than 0.1 per cent of aquifer storage). Investigation of climate change impact on groundwater resources Climate change impact on groundwater resources is commonly based on modelling of both climate change projections and groundwater response to those changes. The projections of climate variables under the future climate are derived from the outputs of GCMs. Currently a range of GCM models (up to 25) are available (Meehl et al. 2007). Their accuracy in reproducing historical climate in Australia varies (Smith and Chiew 2009) and they also produce a wide range of projected changes in climate parameters under the future climate. To better assess the range of possible future changes in climate, inclusion of a larger GCM model suite is beneficial compared to a smaller suite of models. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 7 Because of their spatial coarseness GCM outputs are not directly suitable for further hydrological analysis. To overcome this, downscaling methods were developed to transfer GCM projections to the finer scale required by hydrological models. Techniques to transfer GCM-scale information to the scale required for impacts-modelling can be broadly classified into two categories: statistical downscaling and dynamical downscaling, which are described in some detail in Maraun et al. (2010). In the case of analysis related to climate change on groundwater resources, the projected and downscaled climate time-series is used as input for groundwater recharge modelling to create a time-series of projected future recharge. Recharge models used for the impact of projections of climate change on recharge include HELP (Allen et al. 2004; Jyrkama and Sykes 2007; Scibek and Allen 2006a; Scibek and Allen 2006b; Toews and Allen 2009), SWAT (Eckhardt and Ulbrich 2003; Kingston and Taylor 2010; Rosenberg et al. 1999), EPIC (Brouyère et al. 2004), SWAP (Ng et al. 2010) and WAVES (Crosbie et al. 2010c; Green et al. 2007; McCallum et al. 2010). The diffuse recharge data is further applied as inputs to a groundwater model as a series of possible scenarios. MODFLOW is by far the most commonly used groundwater model (Allen et al. 2004; Candela et al. 2009; Croley and Luukkonen 2003; Hanson and Dettinger 2005; Scibek and Allen 2006a; Scibek and Allen 2006b; Scibek et al. 2007; Serrat-Capdevila et al. 2007; Toews and Allen 2009; Woldeamlak et al. 2007). However, integrated models that solve the water balance in the unsaturated zone, saturated zone and river channel all within the one model are likely to be superior. Examples of models that have been used for studies of climate change impacts on groundwater include MIKE-SHE (van Roosmalen et al. 2009); HydroGeoSphere (Goderniaux et al. 2009) or MODHMS (Barr and Barron 2009). Limitations on model use are commonly associated with the limitations of the significant sets of parameters; their spatial variability and, commonly, the substantial computational time required for model runs. However, these models allow a process-based simulation of surface and groundwater interaction and are likely to better account for alteration in localised recharge under changing climate conditions. In summary, the primary indicator of groundwater resource potential is the amount and rate of recharge to individual aquifers. This recharge is dependent on specific factors that are variably influenced by climate change. The sensitivity of recharge to climate change is related to changes in rainfall amount and intensity, the effect on vegetation from changes in temperature and CO2, and changes in localised recharge where climate change alters groundwater–surface water interactions. Further, a distinction can be made between renewable and non-renewable resources and their individual sensitivity to climate change. The key renewable resources of Australia, within a climate change context, are identified in the following chapters and analysed in terms of their importance and sensitivity. Non-renewable groundwater resources are discussed sparingly in the following chapters and have not undergone further analysis once they have been identified. This project provides a regional perspective on climate change impacts on groundwater resources. It is also clear that much work still needs to be done on characterising the climate change impacts on Australia’s groundwater resources at the local level. There are few studies at the local scale across Australia. Without these building blocks, more definitive conclusions at the management level will be lacking. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 8 1. Climate in Australia and projected change As discussed above, groundwater resource sensitivity to climate change is dependent on both the hydrogeological setting of the aquifer and variations in climate conditions. This chapter focuses on Australian climate and climate change projections used to estimate changes to renewable groundwater resources under projected future climate. It includes a description of the historical climate using a Köppen-Geiger classification of climate types, the projection of future climate and the resulting transitions in climate type, a comparison of downscaling methods, and an associated assessment of the range in rainfall projection uncertainties. Observed distribution of climate types and changes over the last 80 years The Australia-wide distribution of Köppen-Geiger climate types is shown in Figure 1, along with the key climate charateristics that were used for climate-type identification. The climatetype map was generated based on the Köppen-Geiger climate classification method, as described in Peel et al. (2007) for historical climate conditions during the period 1930 to 2010. Summary statistics of those charateristics are also given in Table 1. Climate types are closely linked to rainfall distribution, intensity and seasonality across the continent. The northern regions (under climate type Aw; see Table 1) are greatly influenced by monsoons and tropical cyclones, both of which bring heavy rains during summer months. Rainfall in the south-west (Csa/Csb climate types) is dominated by heavy-rain events occurring during winter. In the south and south-east, frontal weather systems and east coast lows during winter, in combination with localised troughs, bring occasional heavy rains with prolonged periods of lower-intensity rainfall, mainly during winter. The subtropical ridge brings dry and stable conditions to large parts of middle Australia. To some extent, the approximate position of the ridge separates the summer-dominated rainfall in the north from the winter-dominated rainfall in the south. The southern regions also experience an overall cooler climate. o Over the last 80 years there has been an overall increase in temperature of up to 0.6 C and regional changes in rainfall have varied across the country (Nicholls 2006). Changes in climate-types distributions are a result of climate trends presented in maps of mean trends in precipitation and temperature over Australia in Figure 2(a) and Figure 2(b) for the 1930–2010 period. These precipitation and temperature trends are similar to those published by the Bureau of Meteorology on its website As a result of such changes in temperature and rainfall, the extent of the areas under various climate types has undergone certain changes. Overall, for a 1930–2010 baseline, 76.6 per cent of Australia is classified as arid, 13.9 per cent as temperate and 9.5 per cent as tropical (Barron et al. 2010). The maps of climate types for the periods 1930–1960, 1940–1970, 1950–1980, 1960–1990, 1970–2000, and 1980–2010 (shown in Figure 3) quantify historical changes in the distribution of climate types; these changes are also expressed as time-series of the percentage of areal coverage over Australia for each climate type (Figure 4). The largest 1930–2010 observed transition in climate types has been from hot desert (BWh climate type) to hot steppe (BSh climate type) conditions. The transition from desert conditions to steppe conditions in central and northern Australia was due to increased mean annual precipitation, causing a southward shift in the BSh climate type in central-northern Australia and in the Aw climate type in the north (Figure 3). Drier summers in south-western Victoria resulted in the transition from Cfb to the Csb climate type. A decline in the occurrence NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 9 of the Csa climate type is noticeable in the drying south-western part of Western Australia (Figure 3). Table 1: Characteristics of selected climate zones Climate types Rainfall Rainfall seasonality: summer rainfall as proportion of annual Mean temperature Annual (mm) Range (mm) Annual Range Annual (ºC) Range (ºC) Combined climate types Tropical savannah Aw 1125 758–2038 0.92 0.67–0.96 26.7 22.3–29.5 Tropic (1) Arid desert hot BWh 254 138–417 0.67 0.26–0.88 22.5 18.0–28.2 Arid (2) Arid steppe hot BSh 483 225–870 0.75 0.15–0.96 23.4 18.0–29.7 Arid steppe cold BSk 342 235–498 0.44 0.26–0.69 16.9 14.2–18.0 Temperate without dry season with hot summer Cfa 762 439–3493 0.63 0.37–0.79 18.6 14.1–23.4 Winter rainfall (5) Temperate without dry season with warm summer Cfb 953 433–3219 0.49 0.33–0.72 12.8 6.7–18.5 Equi­ seasonal– warm (4) Temperate with dry hot summer Csa 557 341–1517 0.22 0.15–0.77 17.5 14.8–21.5 Temperate with dry warm summer Csb 665 347–1200 0.30 0.15–0.40 15.0 9.3–17.3 Equi­ seasonal– hot (3) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 10 Figure 1: Current climate parameters: a) Köppen-Geiger climate zones; b) mean annual temperature; c) mean annual precipitation; d) proportion of summer precipitation NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 11 Figure 2: Observed historical 1930–2010 trends: a) gridded precipitation (mm/yr) and b) o temperature ( C/yr) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 12 Figure 3: Historical series of Australian Köppen-Geiger climate type maps derived for 1930– 1960, 1940–1970, 1950–1980, 1960–1990, 1970–2000 and 1980–2010 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 13 Figure 4: Changes in the areas (as percentage of Australia land) with observed climate types for time periods shown in Figure 3 plotted against the end year of the considered periods Projections of future climate change and the effect on extent of Köppen-Geiger climate types occurrence There is broad scientific consensus that increases in greenhouse gas emissions are causing increases in global mean temperature. This global warming can lead to a change in climate that affects regional weather in various ways, including increased climate variability (IPCC 2007). This project scales observed series of gridded climate data according to three global warming scenarios for two future periods. The global warming scenarios (relative to ~1990) used were: for 2030: high (1.3°C), medium (1.0°C) and low (0.7°C) for 2050: high (2.4°C), medium (1.7°C) and low (1.0°C) These scenarios account for the full range of projected global warming as inferred from the IPCC AR4 (IPCC 2007) and the latest climate change projection analysis for Australia (CSIRO and BOM 2007)Since there are significant differences in future climate projections between GCMs,16 GCMs were used for each global warming scenario to produce a range of potential future climate change (Crosbie et al. 2011a). The 16 GCMs (Table 2) encompass those from the IPCC AR4 (IPCC 2007) that provided the daily rainfall data required to construct future projections of changes in rainfall by the daily scaling method, explained below. A technique based on ‘pattern scaling’ was then applied to perturb the observed historical daily sequences on a 5 km grid to generate plausible future climate sequences, used as inputs in modelling future recharge projections. The technique is termed ‘daily scaling’ (outlined in Chiew et al. 2008; and Chiew et al. 2009) and takes into account different relative changes of different percentiles of rainfall, i.e. if intense rainfalls change more in the GCM projections this is reflected in the scaling factors for the higher percentile rainfalls (Mpelasoka and Chiew 2009). Other sequences of daily climate variables are scaled according to projected seasonal changes. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 14 Plausible rainfall changes for 2030 and 2050 comprised 48 future climate variants (three global warming scenarios x 16 GCMs) on a 0.05° x 0.05° grid across Australia. These are presented for the medium global warming scenario in Figure 5 and Figure 6, for 2030 and 2050 respectively. Table 2: Global climate models used in this study Organisation Country CMIP3 I.D. Abbreviation Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research Norway BCCR–BCM2.0 BCCR Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling & Analysis Canada CGCM3.1(T63) CCCMA Météo-France/Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques France CNRM–CM3 CNRM CSIRO Atmospheric Research Australia CSIRO–Mk3.0 CSIRO MK3.0 CSIRO Atmospheric Research Australia CSIRO–Mk3.5 CSIRO MK3.5 Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Germany ECHAM5/ MPI–OM MPI Meteorological Institute of the University of Bonn, Meteorological Research Institute of KMA, and Model and Data group. Germany/Korea ECHO–G MIUB US Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory US GFDL–CM2.0 GFDL CM2.0 US Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory US GFDL–CM2.1 GFDL CM2.1 NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies US GISS-ER GISS Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Italy INGV–SXG INGV Institute for Numerical Mathematics Russia INM–CM3.0 INMCM Institut Pierre Simon Laplace* France IPSL–CM4 IPSL Center for Climate System Research (The University of Tokyo), National Institute for Environmental Studies, and Frontier Research Center for Global Change (JAMSTEC) Japan MIROC3.2(medres) MIROC Japan MRI–CGCM2.3.2 MRI US PCM NCAR US CCSM-3.0 CCSM Meteorological Research Institute * National Center for Atmospheric Research National Center for Atmospheric Research # UK Meteorological Office / Hadley Centre # UK UKMO–HadCM3 HadCM3 UK Meteorological Office / Hadley Centre # UK UKMO–HadGEM1 HadGEM1 * Not used in climate-types analysis. # Not used in pattern scaling analysis (due to unavailability of daily data). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 15 Figure 5: Percentage change in annual average rainfall projected from each GCM for a future climate (~2030) relative to the historical climate under a medium global warming scenario (+1.0°C) Figure 5 and Figure 6 highlight that for most regions of Australia there is a large range in projected rainfall changes across the 16 GCMs and thus little agreement among GCMs. Notable exceptions are south-west Western Australia and the southern MDB, where all GCMs project a decrease in rainfall for these areas. For each future period, from the 48 projections, a wet, a median and a dry future climate have been selected using a GCM-weighting method (using the same approach as one for diffuse recharge-scaling factor (RSF) assessment as discussed in Chapter 4) and expressed as a precipitation (rainfall) scaling factor (PSF). These three summaries emphasise the central tendency (median) and range (dry and wet representing 10th and 90th percentiles) across the 16 GCMs (Figure 7). The other climate variables used as inputs to recharge modelling were also scaled using the ‘pattern scaling’ approach (i.e. temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation (see Appendix 1, Figure 63 to Figure 65). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 16 Figure 6: As in Figure 5, but for a ~2050 medium global warming scenario (+1.7°C) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 17 Figure 7: Precipitation scaling factors (PSF): change in annual average rainfall projected for wet, median and dry future climate scenarios for 2030 (top row) and 2050 (bottom row) relative to baseline The GCM-projected changes in temperature and rainfall under future climate scenarios are likely to produce changes in the distribution of climate types across Australia. In turn these may cause changes in vegetation cover or limitations to viable land use, which produce an additional impact on water resources. Projected Australian Köppen-Geiger climate-type maps were derived for these 2030 and 2050 low, medium and high global warming projections (given the Köppen-Geiger classification requirement for monthly data, as opposed to daily data as discussed above, a slightly different set of GCMs were used as outlined in Table 2). The projected climate-type maps were summarised to produce: a mode climate-type map; a comparison between the baseline climate type and the projected mode climate type; a frequency map of the mode climate type; a comparison between the baseline climate type and the projected mode climate type; and a count of the number of climate types projected. Results for the 2050 medium global warming projection are shown in Figure 8 (the results for 2030 can be found in Barron et al. 2010). The mode climate type map classifies each pixel according to the most frequent climate type produced across the 17 GCMs used. The baseline comparison map shows where this projected type has changed from that of the historical baseline. The frequency map of this mode climate type shows how many of the 17 GCMs project the mode climate type, i.e. how consistent the projections are. The count of the number of climate types map, as another measure of consistency, shows how many different climate types where projected across the 17 GCMs. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 18 Figure 8: 2050 medium global warming projections: a) mode climate type; b) frequency of the mode climate type; 0—no difference, 1—different; c) mode climate type compared to baseline climate type; d) number of different projected climate types Focusing on the 2050 medium global warming projection results, the largest transitions in climate type are: BSh to BWh, BSk to BSh, and Cfa to BSh. These transitions can be attributed to a general projected increase in temperature, a projected increase in rainfall in most parts of far northern Australia, and a projected decline in rainfall in most southern and coastal areas. Inconsistencies in the projected climate types arise from the GCM projection range, particularly in rainfall. The temperature projections tend to be less consistent in north­ west Western Australia, southern Queensland, northern New South Wales, and southern South Australia. The rainfall projections tend to be less consistent in coastal areas, particularly Tasmania, and the north, east, and south-west coasts of mainland Australia. Figure 9 shows that, as a function of global warming, the area of BWh (and to a lesser extent BSh and Aw) will increase, while the area of BSk, Cfb, Cfa, Csb, Cwa, and BWk are projected to decrease. The geographical shifts in climate type (Figure 8) could potentially influence land-cover change. When the current BRS (2008) land cover is overlain with shading to indicate projected climate type transition zones (Figure 10(a) and Figure 10(b), for 2030 and 2050 medium global warming projections, respectively), it is evident that the projected NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 19 encroachment of the hot, arid desert-climate type (BWh) further south into the northern parts of the south-eastern cropping zones could lead to changes from annual crops to native shrublands which could subsequently cause a reduction in recharge. Figure 9: Areal percentage of projected climate types over Australia against degrees of global warming Figure 10: Current land cover overlain with mode projected climate type transition zones for the a) 2030 and b) 2050 medium global warming projections NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 20 Variability and uncertainty in climate projections from different downscaling approaches The daily scaling technique described above was the only method readily applicable at the national scale because of data requirements and computational limitations, with the resulting projections used for nationwide recharge estimation in Chapter 4. To compare daily scaling projections with other downscaling methods, a limited comparison of three downscaling methods was undertaken. The methods were: 1) daily scaling, as used above (daily); 2) stochastic downscaling (ST); and 3) daily scaling using dynamical downscaling model Cubic Conformal Atmospheric Model (CCAM) results (CCAM-scaled). Details of the downscaling methods are presented in Barron et al. (2010). Five GCMs (CSIRO Mk3.5, GFDL 2.0, GFDL 2.1, MIROC 3.2 midres, and MPI-ECHAM5) were used to drive these three downscaling methods. The methods were applied using a common baseline period (observed data) of 1981–2000 and a projection period of 2046–2065 (IPCC A2 scenario) for three study sites chosen for their contrasting hydrological regimes. The Wanneroo site is on the Swan Coastal Plain in Western Australia and has high rainfall and high recharge (Sharma et al. 1991). The Moorook site is in the Riverland in South Australia and has low rainfall and low recharge (Cook et al. 2004). The Livingston Creek site is in the Murrumbidgee catchment in New South Wales and has medium rainfall and low recharge; it is the only one of the three sites to have any runoff (Summerell 2004). Results are summarised as boxplots that show the range in uncertainty of projected rainfall changes due to GCMs and downscaling techniques. A full set of results and discussion are presented in Barron et al. (2010) and Crosbie et al. (2011b). The downscaled results at each location produced a wide range of projected rainfall changes, predominantly due to the large range in daily scaled results (Figure 11). Across the five GCMs and three downscaling techniques at Gnangara, the 2046–2065 future rainfall projection changes (relative to 1981– 2000) ranged from a minimum of –32 per cent to a maximum of +7 per cent with a median of –18 per cent. At Moorook the future rainfall projections ranged from –35 per cent to +18 per cent with a median of –11 per cent. At Livingstone Creek the future rainfall projections ranged from –32 per cent to +8 per cent with a median of –13 per cent. The GFDL 2.0 GCM projected the lowest median future rainfall at each site. The highest median future rainfall was projected by a different GCM at each site. The stochastic downscaling gave the lowest median rainfall change at each site and CCAM-scaled gave the highest median rainfall change at two sites. The daily scaling gave the greatest range between maximum and minimum rainfall projections at all three sites. From these results it is clear that relying on a single GCM and downscaling method could severely misrepresent the range of uncertainties in rainfall and recharge projections (see Crosbie et al. 2011b for recharge comparison). However, the results for daily downscaling produce a wider range of projected rainfall changes and, as such, cover the projected rainfall changes derived from the other downscaling methods. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 21 20 20 Moorook Gnangara -10 -20 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -40 -40 CS IR EC O HA M G FD L2 0 G FD L2 M 1 IR O C -30 CS IR EC O HA M G FD L2 0 G FD L2 M 1 IR O C -30 20 20 Gnangara Livingston Ck Moorook -20 -10 -20 0 -10 -20 ST Y IL DA IL DA CC AM -40 ST -30 -40 Y -30 -40 CC AM -30 Y -10 0 IL 0 10 Rainfall (%) 10 Rainfall (%) 10 DA -20 0 CC AM -10 10 Rainfall (%) Rainfall (%) 0 20 Rainfall (%) Livingston Ck 10 CS IR EC O HA M G FD L2 0 G FD L2 M 1 IR O C Rainfall (%) 10 ST 20 Figure 11: Boxplots of the change in rainfall projected at three sites for the IPCC A2 scenario comparing differences in GCMs and downscaling methods (note: there are only three points in the box for the top row of plots and five points in the bottom row) In addition to the changes in rainfall totals, a change in the temporal sequencing of rainfall events also potentially influences recharge. Barron et al. (2010) determined that, after rainfall intensity, prolonged periods of rain had the most impact on recharge. Analysis of changes in event-based statistics has not been undertaken as two of the approaches used (daily and CCAM-scaled) only modify the magnitudes but not the sequencing of events. However, the stochastic downscaling method can produce changes in sequencing. For example, Fu and Charles (Fu and Charles 2011 accepted) analysed stochastically downscaled projections for south-eastern Australia using the same method. They determined that, as well as changes to mean rainfall and intensity, there were also projected increases in the number of dry days and length of runs of consecutive dry days and, correspondingly, decreases in the number of wet days and length of runs of consecutive wet days. They concluded that the combined effect of these changes would be to further reduce runoff in addition to that which could be expected due to the mean changes alone. Such changes could also be expected to influence recharge. Episodic recharge would also be influenced by changes to the frequencies and extent of longer-term events such as droughts. Up to 20 per cent more droughts (defined as the one-in­ 10 year soil moisture deficit from 1974 to 2003) have been projected over most of Australia by 2030, and up to 80 per cent more by 2070 in south-western Australia (Mpelasoka et al. 2008). Increases in the Palmer Drought Severity Index for the IPCC SRES A2 scenario are projected over much of eastern Australia (Burke et al. 2006). Overall, the comparison of rainfall projection uncertainty from multiple GCMs and downscaling methods (Figure 11) highlights the need to assess projection uncertainty when applying recharge modelling to the whole of Australia (Crosbie et al. 2011a; and Chapter 4). Given it was not possible to extend the stochastic downscaling or dynamical downscaling to continental scales within the project timelines, a pragmatic decision was taken to apply the daily scaling approach to as many GCMs as possible (the 16 GCMs in) for the low, medium and high scenarios (as discussed above) in order to encompass as much projection uncertainty as possible. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 22 Conclusions Observed time series of temperature and rainfall over Australia indicate a warming trend over most of the country (except for the inland north-west), increasing rainfall over northern, central and north-west Australia, and decreasing rainfall in eastern, south-east and south-west Australia (Figure 2). The trends in temperature and rainfall have resulted in substantial decadal changes in spatial distribution of the main Köppen-Geiger climate types found across Australia (Figure 3 and Figure 4). There has been a southerly extension of the tropical types in the far north together with a contraction in the northern extent of arid types. The arid types have expanded to the south and south-east, with corresponding contraction of temperate types. These changes indicate a possible contraction to the northern extent of the southern cropping zones. Projected changes in the spatial distribution of climate types indicate an increase in aridity at the expense of temperate coverage (Figure 8 and Figure 9). The southern Australia projections are more consistent with observed trends than are those for northern Australia. As the projected warming and southern Australian rainfall decline accelerates between 2030 and 2050, there is increased likelihood of land-cover change from annnual cropping to native shrublands and grasslands in southern Australia (Figure 10). The uncertainties in direction and magnitude of regional rainfall changes are pervasive and limit our ability to provide confident assessments of likely impacts for many regions of Australia (Figure 5). Projections are more consistent for south-west Western Australia and the southern MDB where all GCMs project a decrease in rainfall. The large uncertainties in the projected changes in Köppen-Geiger climate types over Australia mainly emanate from the large range of rainfall changes projected by GCMs. In addition, a site- specific comparison showed that there can also be large uncertainties associated with different downscaling methods (Figure 11). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 23 2. Aquifer characterisation and prioritisation The effect of climate change on groundwater resources can be influenced by the hydrogeological setting of the aquifer, and one of the project objectives was to characterise the sensitivity of Australian aquifers to possible changes in climate, irrespective of the predictive climate modelling. This chapter summarises the approach for aquifer prioritisation at a national scale developed within the current project and the results of the characterisation of aquifers in terms of their sensitivity to climate change and national importance. Overall, 14 groundwater systems were identified as high-priority aquifers, which are further described in Chapter 6 along with the other project results specific for those aquifers. Characterising aquifer sensitivity to climate change Aquifers are highly variable and respond differently to perturbations in climate. Yet their sensitivity to change can be characterised on a generic level (based on aquifer type) and by examining the nature of their recharge and discharge processes. Broad aquifer types typical for Australia have been defined for the purposes of this project and are listed in Table 3. Several types of alluvial aquifer are distinguished according to their position in the landscape. Each aquifer has generic sensitivities in relation to changes in climate. It is apparent that some aquifer types will be more sensitive to changes in climate than others; particularly those with limited storage relative to recharge. Climate change is likely to have the most immediate effect on recharge and discharge processes. Understanding these processes and their sensitivity to climate change highlights the potential pressure points and vulnerabilities of an aquifer. Additionally, climate change may also lead to greater groundwater extraction rates. Aquifers with a high proportion of groundwater usage and those which coincide with highly developed surface water resources (such that there is little additional capacity) are likely to be most sensitive. This project has undertaken the characterisation of aquifers in two phases. First, generic aquifer sensitivity to climate change and aquifer importance has been analysed for all Australian aquifers as part of the aquifer prioritisation activities (discussed in this chapter). Second, the recharge and discharge processes of priority aquifers have been examined to highlight the potential pressure points and vulnerabilities of these aquifers to climate change (discussed in Chapter 6). Aquifer prioritisation Prioritisation factors The prioritisation scheme ranks aquifers by sensitivity and importance separately, and then combines these indices. Its objective is to define priority aquifers—those which are sensitive and important. A score for sensitivity has been devised to represent the generic sensitivity of an aquifer. It is calculated by multiplying two metrics: the level of development within an aquifer; and a metric for aquifer responsiveness that is defined by likely recharge to storage ratios. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 24 The level of development within an aquifer is calculated as follows: [1] where E is the current level of extraction (ML/year) and SY is the reported sustainable yield of the aquifer (ML/year). Inclusion of the metric is based on the assumption that a high level of development may correspond to a greater degree of sensitivity—there is likely to be reduced capacity to buffer against changes in the water balance. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 25 Table 3: Aquifer types and their general sensitivity to changes in climate Aquifer type Definition Examples Likely sensitivities to climate change Basalts Aquifers hosted in basalt Toowoomba Basalts (Qld), Tertiary Basalts (Tas.) Often have highly permeable soils, limited storage relative to recharge and short flow paths from recharge to discharge zones. Basalts differ from other fractured-rock aquifers in that groundwater may be contained in porous zones (associated with gas bubbles that formed when lava cooled) as well as in fractures. Carbonate/karstic Aquifers hosted in karstic geologies. Daly Basin (NT) Karstic features can act as preferential flow paths leading to rapid recharge and discharge. Coastal sands Shallow coastal sedimentary aquifers with ocean discharge. Albany (WA) Limited storage and potential for salt water intrusion. Fractured rock Aquifers hosted in fractures and fissures in geology of otherwise low permeability. Adelaide Geosyncline (SA) Limited storage relative to recharge and short flow paths. Sedimentary basins Aquifers hosted in thick, Perth Basin Not especially sensitive given sedimentary sequences that (WA), GAB (Qld, high level of groundwater storage are often confined. NT, NSW, SA) relative to recharge. Alluvial aquifers Upper valley alluvium Shallow and narrow alluvial aquifers in incised, upland valley systems. Receive a high proportion of localised recharge, from streams. Belubula (NSW), High degree of surface water– Upper Ovens groundwater connectivity (Vic.) sensitive to climatic changes. Limited storage, short flow paths from recharge to discharge zones. Alluvium Alluvial aquifers of Midmoderate thickness and Murrumbidgee extent, in undulating terrain. (NSW) Receive a high proportion of localised recharge, from streams. High degree of surface water– groundwater connectivity and overbank (flood) recharge can be significant recharge mechanism and these processes sensitive to climate change. Riverine plains Broad, thick alluvial aquifers Calivil (NSW, with widespread floodplains. Vic.) Aquifers associated with prehistoric alluvial sequences and often semiconfined. Receive a high proportion of localised recharge, from streams. Not especially sensitive given high level of groundwater storage relative to recharge. Alluvial aquifers with connection to coast and/or estuaries. Surface water–groundwater connectivity sensitive to climate changes. Coastal alluvium Gascoyne River (WA) Typically low diffuse recharge due to low soil permeability and location in drier climate zones. Potential for salt water intrusion. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 26 Aquifer responsiveness to change in the water balance is linked to the likely recharge (R) to storage (S) ratios. A high level of recharge relative to storage is suggestive of a greater sensitivity as there will be minimal buffering capacity (i.e. storage) if recharge rates are perturbed by climate change. Because there is significant uncertainty in deriving both recharge and storage for all aquifers across Australia, a rating function is introduced whereby: [2] Aquifers are assigned ratings of high, moderate and low responsiveness according to their generic aquifer type (Table 3) and the climate zone where they are located. The development of the rating system was informed by an analysis of recharge and storage terms in the MDB as reported in Currie et al. (2010). Note that since Currie et al. (2010), the value assigned to a low responsiveness rating has been revised down to 0.01 (from 0.1) as the previous value overestimated the sensitivity of these aquifer types, particularly for large sedimentary basins like the GAB. The level of development [1] and aquifer responsiveness [2] metrics are multiplied to calculate the overall sensitivity of an aquifer as follows: [3] In addition to aquifer sensitivity, an index has been devised to measure aquifer importance— i.e. the importance of the aquifer for consumptive users and the environment. It is represented as a function of the current level of extraction, the volume of the resource and the presence of groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs). The index for aquifer importance is shown as follows: [4] where I is aquifer importance, E is the current level of extraction (ML/year), Emax is the highest level of extraction in the dataset, SY is the sustainable yield (ML/year). and SY max is the highest sustainable yield in the dataset. E/Emax is termed the ‘extraction metric’ and SY/SYmax is termed the ‘size of resource’ metric. The presence of GDEs in the aquifer is represented as separate functions for river baseflow GDEs and other GDE types (wetland or terrestrial vegetation GDEs), which are listed separately in the AWR 2005 dataset (AWR 2005). The rationale for treating river baseflow GDEs separately to other GDEs was to allow for environmental baseflow as a particular factor of aquifer importance. The GDE functions are both defined numerically as follows: [5] where 0.85 and 0.15 are weighting factors arbitrarily selected to define the presence or absence of GDEs. The sensitivity of the results to the choice of these weighting factors is analysed in Currie et al. (2010). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 27 Aquifer definition and data sources Groundwater management units (GMUs) are areas where a groundwater resource (or parts thereof) is designated for management by a jurisdictional water agency. While the extent of a given GMU is sometimes based on social rather than physical boundaries, GMUs are often associated with geological units or aquifers. The approach for this project was to undertake the analysis at the aquifer level and, as GMUs are defined for parts of larger aquifers, they have been used to represent the major aquifers of Australia—either individually (where a GMU accurately represented an entire aquifer) or by aggregating several GMUs to represent a larger regional aquifer (where the aquifer was represented by more than one GMU). See Currie et al. (2010) for a listing of which GMUs were selected to represent an aquifer. The broad regional aquifers form the assessment unit for the prioritisation scheme. Where multiple-layered aquifers occur at one location—e.g. a large sedimentary basin such as the Perth Basin—the GMUs have been combined to represent one aquifer system as opposed to multiple aquifers. Where a number of smaller yet similar aquifers occur at separate locations within the same region (e.g. coastal sands along the east coast), these have been grouped into the one assessment unit. Aquifer systems have also been further subdivided by climate 1 zone . The resulting map of broad regional aquifers is shown in Figure 12. In places, the aquifer boundaries may not align with the actual physical setting of aquifers—they are a coarse representation of aquifers as defined by management boundaries. The management boundaries are the basis upon which groundwater data and statistics are collated for prioritisation purposes. The coverage is yet to be reviewed by jurisdictional representatives and might require adjustment for future use. 1 Climate zone classification is based on grouping Koppen-Geiger codes as follows: 1) Tropical = Af, Am, Aw; 2) Arid/SemiArid = BWh, BWk, BSh, BSk; 3) Mediterranean = Csa, Csb; 4) Humid subtropical = Cwa, Cfa; 5) Temperate = Cfb, Cfc, Dfb, Dfc. The Koppen-Geiger zones were delineated according to an historical climate: BAWAP data from 1970–2009. See also Chapter 2. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 28 Figure 12: Major aquifer systems of Australia—assessment units for the prioritisation scheme The base data required to populate the prioritisation index for each aquifer are: current groundwater extraction (use), sustainable yield and the presence (or absence) of GDEs. Much of this data is listed in Australian water resources 2005 (AWR, 2005). The AWR 2005 data was updated by the most recent estimates of extraction and sustainable yield volumes, which were either obtained from sustainable-yield studies in relevant areas or sought from each jurisdiction. Where sustainable-yield volumes were not available, groundwater allocations were used as a sustainable-yield surrogate. This assumption is consistent with NWI objectives that allocations should reflect sustainable yields. In addition to extraction and sustainable-yield data, the AWR 2005 dataset lists whether GDEs have been identified for each GMU. GDEs are listed according to type, which allowed for the breakdown of GDEs into river baseflow, wetland and terrestrial GDEs. While up-to-date information has been obtained, there are various limitations associated with the data used to populate the prioritisation scheme. Extraction rates can vary significantly from year to year. The sustainable yield estimates vary in quality as they are subject to different definitions and interpretations across different jurisdictions and regions. GDE data is limited to existing data (AWR 2005), which is poorly documented in terms of how GDEs were identified, their level of groundwater dependence (relative to the regional aquifer), how significant they are in a national context, and their susceptibility to perturbations in the water balance. It is also possible that the dataset may not include several important GDEs. The outputs from the NWC GDE Atlas project may be useful for further improvement in this prioritisation framework. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 29 Prioritisation results The results obtained for the six individual metrics that comprise the prioritisation scheme are shown in Figure 13. The first four maps (a to d) relate to the measure of aquifer importance. The last two maps (e and f) relate to the measure of aquifer sensitivity. The results of the analysis are provided in Currie et al. (2010) in some detail. Aquifers have been ranked according to their prioritisation scores for sensitivity and importance. The top 20 aquifers from each category define the aquifers that are most sensitive and those that are most important. An overall priority grouping was defined as the aquifers that are both sensitive and important. An ordination procedure was used to define the priority grouping. Aquifers are ordered in terms of their sensitivity score and assigned a rank number accordingly—where 1 denotes the highest score, 2 the next highest score, and so on. An identical approach has been taken to define an importance rank. The sensitivity rank is plotted against the importance rank (Figure 14). There is a relatively even scattering of points and there is no relationship between the two ranks. Aquifers that fall close to the origin (i.e. are high ranking in terms of sensitivity and importance) are considered to be priority aquifers (both important and sensitive). The group of aquifers that rank in the top 20 has been identified for sensitivity and for importance. These aquifers are termed either sensitive aquifers (of low importance rating) or important aquifers (of low sensitivity rating). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 30 Figure 13: Aquifer prioritisation results for individual metrics: a) E/Emax; b) SY/SYmax; c) f(baseflow GDEs); d) f(other GDE types); e) E/SY; f) aquifer responsiveness for f(R:S) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 31 120 Sensitivity rank 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Importance rank Figure 14: Plot of aquifer sensitivity rank versus importance rank. Orange shading indicates selection of priority aquifers, green shading indicates selection of sensitive aquifers (of low importance rating), blue shading indicates selection of important aquifers (of low sensitivity rating). The results of the prioritisation process are summarised in Table 4, which lists the three priority groupings (for the names of an individual aquifers fall in each regional aquifer, see Appendix 2). The location of these aquifers is shown in Figure 15. Of the 20 most sensitive aquifers (column 1 in NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 32 Table 4), there are seven alluvial aquifers (three alluvium, two coastal alluvium and two upper-valley alluvium), five fractured-rock aquifers, three basalt aquifers, three coastal sand aquifers and two carbonate/karstic aquifers. Probably owing to the definition of the aquifer responsiveness index, there are no sedimentary-basin aquifers or riverine plains aquifers present. Similarly, no aquifers from the arid/semi-arid climate zone are deemed sensitive. The 20 most important aquifers (column 2 in Table 14) comprised aquifers of different types, with the exception of basalts and upper-valley alluvium. There are no aquifers from the tropical climate zone. The 14 priority aquifers comprise all aquifer types with the exception of sedimentary basins, riverine plains and upper-valley alluvial aquifers. All climate zones are represented. The plot similar to Figure 14 but showing the aquifer type and climate zone of aquifer occurrence is reproduced in Figure 16. A close examination of this figure indicates that fractured rock, alluvium and coastal aquifers show on average higher sensitivity to climate change. Sedimentary basins tend to be rated as important—most probably due to the large size of these resources in terms of current extraction rates and sustainable yields. The noted trends from Figure 16 are summarised in Table 5. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 33 Newer Volcanics 19, 17 24, 16 Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium 33, 18 Atherton Tablelands 35, 8 Coastal River Alluvium 1 36, 15 Toowoomba Basalts 45, 3 TLA 3 20 most important aquifers listed in order of decreasing sensitivity Importance, sensitivity rank Lachlan 19, 17 Gunnedah 7, 25 Pilbara 10, 29 Port Campbell Limestone 17, 36 Coastal River Alluvium 4 4, 38 Coastal Sands 4 6, 39 62, 20 Otway Basin 2, 49 Unincorporated Area GMW 63, 19 Lachlan Fold Belt 5 15, 52 Eyre Peninsula Limestone Lenses 68, 13 New England Fold Belt 4 18, 56 Fractured Rock Aquifer 4 75, 9 GAB 2 3, 60 Upper Valley Alluvium 4 83, 1 Lachlan Fold Belt 2 14, 63 Fractured Rock Aquifer 1 85, 9 GAB 4 8, 64 Humevale Siltstone 86, 12 Fractured and weathered rock 2 11, 70 Fractured rock 87, 5 Calivil 1, 72 Quaternary sand dune deposits 89, 2 Murray Group 12, 77 Quaternary Alluvium associated with the Goulburn River 90, 14 South Perth Basin 9, 79 Coastal River Alluvium 5 93, 6 Central Perth Basin 5, 82 Albany 97, 4 Goldfields 13, 94 Upper-Valley Alluvium 5 107, 7 North Perth Basin 16, 96 Ord–Victoria 1 113, 11 Canning 20, 99 Important aquifers (of low sensitivity rating) Sensitive aquifers (of low importance rating) Priority aquifers: sensitive and important Lachlan Importance, sensitivity rank Priority aquifers: sensitive and important 20 most sensitive aquifers listed in order of decreasing importance Priority aquifers: sensitive and important Table 4: Prioritisation results—sensitive, important and priority aquifers* (showing in the colours as in Figure 15) Aquifers with both moderately high sensitivity and importance Importance, sensitivity ranks Adelaide Geosyncline 3 27, 30 Daly Basin 30, 35 *Individual aquifer names are given in Appendix 2 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 34 Figure 15: Map showing location of priority aquifers 120 2 Sensitivity Rank 4 1 5 2 2 5 5 1 3 45 3 2 4 5 4 upper valley alluvium 5 5 3 5 1 alluvium 5 4 5 5 1 4 5 3 4 3 4 riverine plains 3 3 5 3 4 sedimentary basin 2 5 2 4 2 4 5 1 coastal sands fractured rock 5 2 3 carbonate 5 1 2 5 5 basalts 2 2 2 5 1 5 3 3 2 44 5 2 3 5 5 45 5 41 3 52 1 2 2 2 60 20 2 2 2 40 5 55 5 2 2 2 2 32 2 2 3 4 5 3 80 2 23 100 42 42 4 coastal alluvium 5 1 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Importance Rank Figure 16: Plot of prioritisation ranks shown by aquifer type and zone. Climate zone classification based on grouping of Köppen-Geiger codes as follows: 1) Tropical = Af, Am, Aw; 2) Arid/Semi-arid = BWh, BWk, BSh, BSk; 3) Mediterranean = Csa, Csb; (4) Humid subtropical = Cwa, Cfa; (5) Temperate = Cfb, Cfc, Dfb, Dfc NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 35 Table 5: Trends noted in Figure 16 Aquifer type Trends Basalts Tend to more sensitive with even importance distribution. Carbonate/karstic Even distribution. Coastal sands Tend to be sensitive and of low importance rating, with the exception of one priority aquifer (Coastal Sands 4) that is listed in the top 20 for importance. Fractured rock Tend to more sensitive with even importance distribution. Sedimentary basins Tend to be important but not sensitive. Alluvial aquifers Upper valley alluvium Only two examples, yet shown to be very sensitive but not important. Alluvium Shown to be either sensitive or less sensitive, with no intermediate sensitivity scores. Riverine plains Tend to be not especially sensitive. Coastal alluvium Tend to be sensitive with an even importance spread. Notable exclusions The prioritisation scheme has identified 14 priority aquifers, yet some significant groundwater resources fall outside this group; instead they are listed within the sensitive aquifers (of low importance) and important aquifers (of low sensitivity) groupings. A number of small yet sensitive systems are listed as sensitive aquifers (of low importance). While these are not rated as important on a national scale, they may have significant local importance. The upper valley alluvial aquifers of New South Wales fall within this group and include the Belubula and Cudgegong GMUs, which are both highly developed aquifers and rated by the Murray–Darling Basin Sustainable Yields (MDBSY) project as priority GMUs (Richardson et al. 2008). Similarly, some of the coastal sand aquifers listed are prescribed groundwater resources and support groundwater-dependent ecosystems (e.g. Eyre Peninsula limestone lenses and Albany). The aquifers listed as important (of low-sensitivity rating) may also be sensitive to climate change at a local level. These aquifers include large sedimentary basins (e.g. Perth Basin, GAB), and riverine plains (e.g. Calivil). While the large storage volumes present in these systems are not suggestive of high levels of sensitivity to climate change, local aspects of these aquifers may be sensitive. For example, the superficial aquifer of the Perth Basin supports a number of groundwater-dependent ecosystems, and the thin nature of this aquifer suggests it will be sensitive to changes in climate. Additionally, the climate change projections in this region are most consistent, suggesting that drying conditions are most likely. Many of the other aquifers listed in the important (of low sensitivity) category are large unincorporated/non-prescribed areas (e.g. Lachlan Fold Belt, New England Fold Belt, NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 36 Goldfields). It is probable that the prioritisation scheme has overestimated their importance due to their substantial spatial extents. Comparision with other prioritisation studies A concurrent prioritisation study of direct relevance has been conducted by the South Australian Department for Water (Wood and Green 2011), where water resources (both surface water and groundwater) were prioritised according to the potential risks posed by climate change. The work was conducted independently of this project, yet the two share a similar methodology in that resources were prioritised according to resource ‘significance’ and ‘sensitivity’. The major difference in the SA study was the inclusion of a climate change risk rating based on previous climate change modelling. The results from the SA study support the findings of this project in that the highest priority groundwater resources for South Australia are in the Mount Lofty Ranges (Adelaide Geosyncline) and the limestone aquifers of south­ east South Australia (Otway Basin). Priority aquifers Table 6 lists the priority aquifers by type and climate zone, while the names of individual aquifers included are given in Appendix 2. A broad range of aquifer type/climate zone combinations are represented. The priority listing includes three highly utilsed alluvial aquifer systems of the MDB associated with mid- to upper-catchment zones. These aquifers are recharged predominantly by rivers (both in-stream and overbank) and support intensive irrigation activities in GMUs such as the Upper Condamine, Border Rivers, Lower Gwydir, Upper and Lower Namoi, Upper and Lower Macquarie, Upper Lachlan, the Mid-Murrumbidgee and Upper Murray. The aquifers can be both unconfined and semiconfined. They are most sensitive to climate change through changes in stream flow (impacting connectivity) or indirectly via changes in extraction behaviours. The three priority basalt aquifers occur along the Great Dividing Range in northern and south­ eastern Queensland and in south-west Victoria. The Queensland basalt aquifers (Atherton Tablelands and Toowoomba) are highly dynamic, characterised by high horizontal flow rates and short groundwater-residence times. Diffuse rainfall infiltration is the primary recharge mechanism. In the Atherton Tablelands, the groundwater system is highly connected to the surface water drainage system and most recharge that is not extracted discharges to streams. In the Toowoomba Basalts, discharge occurs via outflow to the Condamine Alluvium (to which it is hydraulically connected). The groundwater resources associated with the Newer Volcanics in Victoria are variable. Recharge occurs preferentially in areas of less-weathered basalt, stony rises and eruption points. Groundwater flow typically radiates outward from the elevated recharge sources into the plains. Outside of preferential recharge areas, there is a lower flux of water reaching the watertable due to lower infiltration rates and increased evapotranspiration, leading to higher groundwater salinities. Of the carbonate aquifers listed, the Daly Basin is located in a monsoonal tropical climate and will thus have quite different climate change sensitivities compared to the temperate zone of the Otway Basin (south-eastern South Australia) and the Port Campbell Limestone 2 (southwest Victoria) . The carbonate aquifers of the Daly Basin are highly connected to the 2 In this project the Otway Basin describes only the South Australian portion of the basin, which in reality extends across the border and includes the Port Campbell Limestone. The distinction was made to isolate the carbonate/karstic aquifers of the broader Otway Group. In south-east South Australia, the major productive Tertiary limestone aquifer is unconfined; whereas in Victoria, the productive Port Campbell Limestone is partly confined by NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 37 local surface water systems, providing the primary water source for baseflows. Recharge to the aquifers occurs via rainfall infiltration, either diffusely or directly through sink holes and dissolution hollows (Harrington et al. 2009). The Otway Basin describes the unconfined Tertiary limestone aquifer of south-east South Australia. The productive aquifers are quite thin (i.e. limited available storage) and recharged predominantly by diffuse rainfall. There is minimal natural surface drainage, with most discharge occurring via evapotranspiration, lateral outflows, and into man-made drains. The Port Campell Limestone is an analogous Tertiary limestone aquifer occuring on the Victoria side of the border. It differs in that it is partially overlain by Quaternary basalts and will be confined in places. Prioirty coastal river alluvium and coastal sand aquifers occur along the east coast between Cooktown and Sydney in tropical and humid subtropical climate zones. The coastal river alluvium aquifers extend inland, with groundwater hosted in coarse Quaternary foodplain sediments. There is a high degree of surface water–groundwater connectivity. The costal sand aquifers are relatively thin and shallow with limited storage. Recharge is via rainfall and discharge occurs to the ocean or to estuaries. There is potential for saltwater intrusion in these coastal aquifer systems. The two fractured-rock aquifers listed are the Adelaide Geosyncline in South Australia (Mediterranean climate) and the Pilbara in Western Australia (arid/semi-arid climate). The Pilbara is nominally listed as a fractured-rock aquifer, yet also includes alluvial aquifers near the coast. The climate is arid/semi-arid, with recharge (both rainfall and stream recharge) occurring during sporadic, yet intense, rainfall events. The aquifers associated with the Adelaide Geosyncline rely on more regular rainfall, which is winter dominant. Discharge occurs to streams or as lateral outflow to connected sedimentary aquifers. overlying basalt. The two aquifers are thus likely to exhibit a different response to climate change so they are separated in this project. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 38 Table 6: Priority aquifers by aquifer type and climate zone Aquifer type (1) Tropical* (2) Arid/ semi­ arid (3) Mediterranean (4) Subtropical Alluvium Gunnedah (NSW), Lachlan (NSW), Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium (Qld) Basalts Atherton Tablelands (Qld), Toowoomba Basalts (Qld) Carbonate/ karstic Daly Basin (NT) Coastal alluvium Coastal River Alluvium (Qld) Newer Volcanics (Vic.) Otway Basin (SA), Port Campbell Limestone (Vic) Coastal River Alluvium (NSW & Qld) Coastal sands Fractured rock (5) Temperate Coastal Sands (NSW & Qld) Pilbara (WA) Adelaide Geosyncline (SA) Riverine plains Sedimentary basin Upper valley alluvium * Climate zone classification based on grouping of Köppen-Geiger codes as follows: 1) tropical = Af, Am, Aw; 2) Arid/Semi-Arid = BWh, BWk, BSh, BSk; 3) Mediterranean = Csa, Csb; 4) humid subtropical = Cwa, Cfa; (5) temperate = Cfb, Cfc, Dfb, Dfc. Riverine plains and sedimentary basin aquifers are not listed as priority because of their low sensitivity. And Upper Valley Alluvium aquifers are not represented as priority because of their relatively small scale, which translates into a low importance rating on a national scale. Limitations and recommendations for further aquifer prioritisation The aim of the prioritisation scheme was to provide an objective basis for selecting priority aquifers across Australia to assess for climate change impacts. While this aim has been achieved, some underlying assumptions and limitations need highlighting, as they affect the results obtained. In some cases the classification of regional aquifers was based on one large GMU that in reality encompasses several aquifer systems. This limitation may overstate the importance of several inland aquifers, which are primarily defined as being large resources because of their size. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 39 The prioritisation scheme does not incorporate a metric for groundwater dependence—i.e. the importance of groundwater relative to total water-use on an aquifer scale. It is reasonable to assume that regions more dependent on groundwater would be more sensitive to climate change than regions with similar attributes in the other prioritisation categories. The methodology developed has been used to prioritise aquifers for the purposes of this project. Further work would be required to implement the methodology to prioritise aquifers for other purposes. While this work may be the first attempt to nationally prioritise aquifers by importance, the results should not be considered as a universal ranking by importance outside the context of this project. Any further prioritisation needs to be tightly defined according to relevant objectives. For instance, in this project there is no value assigned to the use of groundwater—i.e. dollar value of agricultural production or ecological value of the GDEs present. The introduction of such metrics would significantly alter the results obtained. Based on the analysis undertaken it is clear that the approach to further improving aquifer prioritisation should be based on advancing knowledge in groundwater use and sustainable yields, as well as other data that was qualitatively used within the current approach. The following recommendations are provided to assist with such advancement: The relative weighting of the individual metric terms used in the prioritisation scheme is critical to the results obtained and further prioritisation activities may wish to apply a more rigorous selection of weightings using a formalised procedure and expert guidance (e.g. Raj and Kumar 1999). The inclusion of surface water vulnerability to climate change could be added as a compounding factor if supported by data. It is likely that higher-quality datasets will become available in future (e.g. GDE Atlas), which will enhance the accuracy of further prioritisation activities. Adjustment of boundarys or data associated with large GMUs could be used to offset apparent bias. The introduction of a metric focused on the intensity of extraction (e.g. extraction per unit surface area) may offset this bias. The inclusion of a metric for groundwater dependence (i.e. the reliance on groundwater by consumptive users) would further improve the approach. A separate prioritisation could be developed for coastal aquifers where the threat of seawater ingress is included. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 40 3. Effect of climate types and climate change on potential groundwater recharge The effect of climate on renewable groundwater resources was undertaken considering potential diffuse recharge and localised recharge associated with water losses from rivers and floodplains to groundwater. Discussion on diffuse recharge covers historical and future changes in recharge. It is first focused on modelled recharge results for historical climate data for selected locations. The analysis aims to define the effect of individual and combined climate characteristics on potential diffuse recharge under various climate types of Australia. The chapter also provides information on spatial variability of potential recharge under the historical climate and its changes under projected future climate scenarios at a national scale. Localised discharge and its changes under projected future climate scenarios are discussed in relation to rivers and floodplains. Within the constraint of data availability, many conclusions of this analysis are indicative and can be further improved as additional data become available. Diffuse groundwater recharge under the historical climate This section is largely based on the outcomes of an investigation of climate parameters and climate on the potential recharge estimated using the WAVES model (Crosbie 2011a). WAVES (Zhang and Dawes 1998) is a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer (SVAT) model that can be used to estimate the components of an unsaturated-zone water balance at a point scale. The WAVES model requires three datasets: climate, soil and vegetation. A soil profile of 4 m depth was modelled with a free-draining lower boundary condition. It was assumed that the drainage through the bottom of the model (deep drainage) was potential groundwater recharge and did not become lateral flow. The assumption was made that diffuse recharge in dryland areas is independent of the depth of groundwater below ground surface.This assumption results in errors where the watertable is close to the surface or where the tree roots are deeper than 4 m. Soil data was derived from the ASRIS v1 database (Johnston et al. 2003). The modelling was undertaken for three vegetation classes: annuals, perennials and trees. The vegetation parameters required by WAVES were taken from the user manual (Dawes et al. 2004). The annuals (including crops) were modelled as annual pasture, the perennials as perennial pasture and the trees (including forestry) as an overstorey of eucalypts with an understorey of perennial grasses. Each climate zone used different parameters for each of the three vegetation types modelled. The recharge modelling was undertaken at 100 control points across Australia to reflect the rainfall gradient. Apart from the climate data used for the modelling, the control points did not have a physical meaning in the real world; their only role was to ensure that there were NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 41 enough points to represent the rainfall gradient across each type and to create regression equations between mean annual recharge and mean annual rainfall for upscaling. Their position was also biased toward areas where groundwater is used from unconfined aquifers. The country was split into five climate zones in which it was anticipated that the relationship between rainfall and recharge would be similar for each combination of soil and vegetation type. The climate types were simplified from Köppen-Geiger climate types (Barron et al. 2010) (Figure 17): Tropics (Af, Am, Aw, Cwa) Arid (BWh, BWk, BSh, BSk) Winter rainfall (Csa, Csb) Equiseasonal–warm (Cfb, Cfb, Cfc, Dfc) Equiseasonal–hot (Cfa). Figure 17: Left: Köppen-Geiger climate types of Australia as defined by Peel et al. (2007) using the climate from 1930–2009 (Barron et al. 2010). Right: Simplified climate zones used in the modelling and the control points used for the point scale modelling Twenty control points were used within each climate zone (Figure 17). The output of the WAVES modelling was used to analyse the recharge relationship with historical climate parameters (as discussed below, also in Barron et al. 2010) and to derive a national-scale analysis of potential recharge and its changes under future climate scenarios (below, also in Crosbie et al. 2011a). Specifics of diffuse groundwater recharge under various climate types Individual climate characteristics and their combinations have profound effects on diffuse groundwater recharge. According to the analyses undertaken here such effects have general trends across the country but also show certain specific characteristics under individual climate types. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 42 Climate types are commonly defined by a combination of rainfall and temperature and their seasonal patterns (Chapter 2)—parameters that are also known to be dominant climate factors influencing recharge (Chapter 1). It is useful to note that under the same climatic conditions, recharge values may vary in orders of magnitude dependent on specific combinations of soil type and land cover. The difference in recharge can be more than 25-fold due to changes in land cover, i.e. vegetation, and more than 400-fold under various soils (see Figure 66 in Appendix 3). At the same time, annual recharge percentage in rainfall can vary from less than 1 per cent under trees and low permeability soils, to more than 50 per cent under annuals and highly permeable soils (see Figure 67 in Appendix 3). To allow adequate analysis of the effect of climate type on recharge, nine combinations of soil and vegetation were selected. These included three vegetation types (annual, perennial and trees) and three soil types with similar hydraulic properties. The soil selection was based on a 3 weighted hydraulic conductivity of approximately 0.01 m/day, 0.1 m/day and 1 m/day. As was shown previously, the estimated recharge shows low variability for K >1 m/day (Barron et al. 2010) and the recharge values for selected soils represent the range of recharge estimates. A set of analyses was undertaken to define the effect of historical climate characteristics between 1930 and the present, and climate type on recharge, and to clarify: what is the relative importance of annual rainfall, temperature, solar radiation and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in recharge estimation? how rainfall intensity influences recharge? what is the sensitivity of recharge to change in rainfall (recharge elasticity)? where episodic recharge is most likely? A summary of the analysis results are provided below and also given in Appendix 3. In agreement with other published data (see Chapter 1), for all climate types total annual rainfall and rainfall intensity were identified as the main factors influencing diffuse recharge. However, a reduction in annual rainfall leads to a greater effect of other climate characteristics on recharge, which in turn increases recharge sensitivity to changes in annual rainfall. In addition, rainfall seasonality, which varies between climate types, was identified as an important factor in annnual recharge estimation. Relative importance of climate characteristics was defined using multiple regression models between annual recharge (estimated using WAVES model) and climate variables (Goderniaux 2006), which allowed assessment of the contribution of climate characteristics to explaining variance in annual recharge (Barron et al. 2010). For all analysed data, annual rainfall had higher relative importance than other considered climate characteristics, including mean annual temperature, VPD and solar radiation, cumulatively (Figure 18). However, the rainfall importance reduces under lower annual rainfall (see Figure 68 in Appendix 3) to its minimum in the regions with annual rainfall of 400–450 mm. These regions largely coincide with arid climate types with particularly low recharge under climate type Bsk. When annual rainfall is lower than 400 mm, such as under desert climate type Bwh, it appears that the relative rainfall importance tends to increases. It is important to note that the relative importance of rainfall in recharge estimation reduces under soils with lower permeability, particularly under trees and perennial vegetation, where overall recharge is low and likely to be episodic in nature. 3 Weighted hydraulic conductivity (Kw) is estimated based on the hydraulic conductivity for two modelled soil layers (k1 and k2) and the thickness of those layers (m1 and m2): K w (k1m1 k2 m2 ) /( m1 m2 ) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 43 A reduction in annual rainfall also leads to an increase in relative importance of climate characteristics other than rainfall in recharge estimation (Figure 20). Compared to VPD and solar radiation, mean annual temperature has the lowest relative importance for all climate types. This is likely to be due to a relative consistency of mean annual temperature within individual climate type over the historical period (see Figure 2 in Chapter 2). Overall, climate characteristics other than rainfall cumulatively explain on average 15 per cent of the variability of recharge, with a maximum of 30 per cent. The higher effect of VPD, solar radiation and mean annual temperature on recharge is related to the climate types with summer-dominated rainfall (climate types Aw and Cfa), when the rainfall period coincides with the period of a higher rate of potential evaporation and vegetation growth. In such conditions VPD, solar radiation and temperature have a greater influence on evapotranspiration, particularly evident for tree land cover, than under winter-dominated rainfall, leading to the higher relative importance of these parameters on annual recharge estimation in Aw and Cfa climate types (Figure 18 to Figure 20). As opposed to regular recharge, which occurs every year, episodic recharge may take place under the majority of investigated climatic conditions under a specific combination of soil and vegetation (mainly under clay soil and trees). The exceptions are related to particularly highrainfall areas in the tropics (climate type Aw) and in the south-west under a temperate climate with dry, warm summers (climate type Csb), and in the south-east in a temperate climate without a dry season with a warm summer, where rainfall is greater than 700 mm. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 44 1.0 Aw BWh 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 Csb Csa 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Cfa Cfb Ann Per Tree Ann Per 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.0 0.01 0.0 1.00 0.2 0.10 0.4 0.2 0.01 0.6 0.4 1.00 0.6 0.10 0.8 0.01 0.8 1.00 Relative importance 1.0 Relative importance 1.0 BSk BSh 0.8 0.10 Relative importance 1.0 0.01 Relative importance 1.0 Tree Soil hydraulic conductivity and vegetation type mean annual rainfall mean vapour pressure deficit mean solar radiation mean annual temperature Figure 18: Relative importance of climate characteristics within considered climate types under various soil and vegetation NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 45 1.0 0.4 0.9 Aw BSh BSk BWh Cfa Cfb Csa Csb 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Aw BSh BSk BWh Cfa Cfb Csa Csb 0.3 Ri (other) Ri (rainfall) 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.0 0.2 Mean annual rainfall (m) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Ri (rainfall) Figure 19: Relationship between relative importance of rainfall and mean annual rainfall within considered climate types for perennial vegetation and soil with K~1 m/day Figure 20: Relationship between relative importance of temperature, VPD and solar radiation (cumulatively) and mean annual rainfall within considered climate types for perennial vegetation and soil with K~1 m/day Relationship between modelled recharge and rainfall As described earlier, sustainable groundwater yields in many regions are defined by a percentage of rainfall that is expected to become groundwater recharge. Though it is acknowledged that more sophisticated analyses are required for an accurate sustainableyield estimation, including groundwater modelling, the results reported in this section may also support a better understanding of changes in the percentage of rainfall that becomes recharge under various climate conditions. A proportion of recharge in annual precipitation (rainfall) (R/P) varies between climate types from less than 1 per cent under heavy soils, tree/perennial vegetation and arid climate (see Figure 71 in Appendix 3) to nearly 70 per cent under annual vegeation and climate types with high rainfall intensity (climate type Aw) and winter-dominated rainfall (climate types Csa and Csb). There is a non-linear relationship between recharge and rainfall, which is likely effect of rainfall intensity or duration of consecutive days with rainfall. Increase in rainfall intensity, and longer periods of rainfall, lead to an increase in annual recharge (as discussed in Barron et al. 2010), and both of these parameters are commonly greater under high annual rainfall (also see Appendix 3). As a result, R/P is smaller under lower annual rainfall, which is true for both individual modelling location or climate types and at the scale of the continent (Figure 21(a); and Appendix 3). Therefore, the proportion of recharge in annual rainfall (R/P), even under the same land cover and soil type, is not likely to be a constant; rather there is a functional relationship between R/P = f(P) as shown in Figure 21(b). In the given examples this relationship is shown to be linear. This leads to another observation related to sensitivity of diffuse recharge to changes in annual rainfall. Similar to the concept of the elasticity of streamflow (Chiew 2006), changes in recharge are proportional to changes in rainfall but are not equal. It appears that changes in annual rainfall lead to two- to four-fold greater change in recharge, meaning that under a 10 per cent reduction in rainfall recharge is likely to reduce by 20 per cent to 40 per cent (see NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 46 Figure 72 in Appendix 3). The higher values in average recharge sensitivity to rainfall were estimated for desert and arid climate types. Sensitivity of recharge to changes in annual rainfall also increases when land cover includes perennial vegetation and trees. A summary of recharge characteristics under considered climate types is given in Table 7. 1.0 (b) Aw Cs Aw 0.6 Cs 0.4 0.2 Aw Cs Aw 0.8 R2 = 0.87 Recharge/Rainfall 0.8 Recharge (m) 1.0 R2 = 0.87 (a) R/P = 0.52*P - 0.11 Cs 0.6 0.4 0.2 R/P = 0.29*P - 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Annual rainfall (m) 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Annual rainfall (m) Figure 21: Relationship between a) modelled recharge and mean annual rainfall, and b) between per cent recharge in rainfall and mean annual rainfall for perennial vegetation and soil with K~1 m/day NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 47 Table 7: Climate types and recharge Climate types savannah Annual rainfall Aw Recharge Effect of climate types on recharge 8* High-intensity rainfall under this climate type defines the strongest correlation between recharge and rainfall. The % rainfall which becomes recharge is highest among all climate types for annuals, but under perennial and trees the % is similar or less than those under the temperate climate (Csa, Csb and Cfb). Tropical This is likely to be due to the rainfall seasonality: under this climate type more than 70% of rainfall falls in summer. As this coincides with the vegetation growth period and high rate of potential evaporation, water use by vegetation is greater and the resulting recharge is lower under equal annual rainfall as in Csa, Csb or Cfb. This also leads to the high relative importance of climate parameters other than rainfall in recharge estimations. After rainfall, solar radiation is the most important factor in recharge estimation. Sensitivity of recharge to change in annual rainfall is lowest among other climates under annuals (1.5), but it is similar to recharge sensitivity to rainfall change under a temperate climate under other land cover types. Cfb without dry season with hot summer Cfa 7 Common patterns for temperate climate: 4 Total annual rainfall and rainfall intensity is lower than for tropical climate type. The importance of climate parameters other than rainfall reduces for the climate types where winter rainfall dominates (Csa and Csb). The higher level of importance of climate parameters other than rainfall is under a climate with mainly summer rainfall (Cfa, which is similar to Aw). Temperate without dry season with warm summer Reduction in rainfall The possibility for episodic recharge is associated with inland regions under heavy soils and tree land cover. Correlation between rainfall and recharge reduces with reduction in rainfall, particularly for rainfall less than 700 mm. with dry warm summer with dry hot Csb Csa 6 5 Recharge sensitivity to change in rainfall is 2 to 4 for most combinations of soil and vegetation. Generally, the sensitivity increases for lower rainfall and under less permeable soils and trees. The possibility for episodic recharge is associated with inland regions under a combination of heavy soils and tree land cover for Cfa and Cfb climate types. The correlation between annual recharge and rainfall reduces significantly (R 2 <0.6) when annual rainfall is below 600 mm (inland areas). The possibility for episodic recharge is associated with inland regions and for the combination of heavy soils and tree land cover. Among the temperate climate types, the rainfall intensity is higher in Cfa. The rainfall intensity significantly reduces inland. The correlation between recharge and rainfall reduces significantly (R2 <0.6) when annual rainfall falls below 800 mm (inland areas). It is also characterised by the lowest relative importance of rainfall in recharge estimations and the highest relative importance of other climate parameters among the temperate climate types. After rainfall, VPD is the most important factor in recharge estimation. The possibility for episodic recharge is associated with inland regions and for the combination of heavy soils and tree land cover. The correlation between recharge and rainfall becomes weaker (R2 <0.6) when annual rainfall is below 700 mm (inland areas). After rainfall, VPD dominates in recharge estimation. Because of higher permeability of soils, episodic recharge under this climate in South-west Western Australia is not likely. The correlation between recharge and rainfall becomes weaker (R2 <0.6) when annual rainfall is below 500 mm (inland areas). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 48 summer It is also characterised by the highest relative importance of rainfall in recharge estimation and the lowest relative importance of other climate parameters among the temperate climate types. Because of higher permeability of soils, episodic recharge under this climate in SWWA is not likely. steppe hot BSh 3 Common patterns for arid climate: The recharge/climate parameters relationship in arid climate types largely reflects those in the neighbouring temperate (in the east) or tropical (in the north) climate zone. Arid Recharge elasticity is on average higher than in other climate types, but in contrast with other climate types it is low under heavy soils and perennial/trees vegetation, as recharge in such conditions is extremely low. steppe cold BSk 1 Relatively higher intensity of rainfall and high recharge rates are in the northern regions (next to Aw climate type), where the correlation between recharge and rainfall is the strongest. Lower rainfall intensity and much lower recharge are in the eastern region (next to Cf climate type), where the correlation between recharge and rainfall is much weaker than in the northern regions. Similarly, the proportion of rainfall that becomes recharge is relatively lower in the eastern regions compared to the northern regions. The importance of temperature in recharge estimations is the highest among all climate types, while rainfall remains the main factor influencing recharge. The possibility for episodic recharge is associated with inland regions and for the combination of heavy soils and perennials/tree land cover. The lowest recharge/rainfall proportion out of all climate types. Overall the lowest recharge rates in the country. This is mainly due to a particularly low intensity of rainfall and the lowest rainfall importance. The correlation between recharge and annual rainfall is weakest and recharge elasticity is among the highest. The possibility for episodic recharge is associated with inland regions and for the combination of heavy soils and perennials/tree land cover. desert hot BW h 2 The largest area of the country is under a desert climate type with the overall lowest rainfall. However, recharge is on average greater than under the Bsk climate type. With particularly low rainfall, the importance of rainfall in recharge estimation is greater than in some other arid climate types. Sensitivity to changes in rainfall is not particularly different to that in other climate types. Episodic recharge is possible under more permeable soils and all vegetation types. * Recharge ranked from 1 (minimum) to 8 (maximum). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 49 Upscaling the point-scaling modelling to a national coverage The point-scale modelling using WAVES provided an estimate of the long-term average annual recharge across the country as a baseline to compare the recharge estimated under a future climate. This was achieved by developing regression equations between the average annual rainfall and the modelled average annual recharge for every combination of soil, vegetation and climate type. These regression equations were then used along with rasters of average annual rainfall and soil, vegetation and climate types to produce a raster of the average annual recharge (Figure 22). Higher recharge is associated with tropical and temperate climates (blue and green colour on the map). The lowest recharge (red colour) is related to the areas of heavy clays. Figure 22: Modelled historical annual average recharge across Australia for the period 1930– 2009 expressed in mm/yr (left) and as a percentage of rainfall (right) The variability in the historical recharge was evaluated spatially on the basis of 15-year periods within the 80-year baseline to compare the magnitude of the change in recharge due to climate change to natural variability in the climate time series. The wet 15 years were evaluated as the 10 per cent exceedence of 15-year periods within the 80-year baseline, the median 15 years as the 50 per cent exceedence and the dry 15 years as the 90 per cent exceedence. The results are presented as a recharge scaling factor (RSF). This is the scenario recharge divided by the historical annual average recharge (Figure 23). In this way an RSF of 0.5 indicates a 50 per cent reduction in recharge when compared to the baseline scenario, and an RSF of 1.5 indicates a 50 per cent increase in recharge when compared to the baseline scenario. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 50 Figure 23: Variability in recharge throughout the 80-year baseline scenario. The wet, median and dry 15-year periods within the historical climate scenario compared to the 80-year annual average recharge plotted as a recharge scaling factor (RSF). Diffuse groundwater recharge under a future climate Projected changes in recharge under selected GCMs The estimation of recharge under projections of future climate was modelled during this project using three global warming scenarios for a 2050 climate, as described in Chapter 2. The modelling was conducted using WAVES (Zhang and Dawes 1998) at a point scale for 100 points around the country and then upscaled on the basis of climate types, soil types, vegetation cover and rainfall in the same way as done for the historical climate. The full details of the modelling are described in an accompanying report (Crosbie et al. 2011a). The results of this modelling are presented as an RSF. This is the scenario recharge divided by the historical baseline recharge. The RSF calculated for each GCM is quite different; in most regions around Australia there are GCMs that project an increase in recharge, while others project a decrease (Figure 24). The differences between the recharge projected by the 16 different GCMs are more variable than the rainfall projected by them (Figure 5). This is discussed further below. The number of GCMs that project either an increase or decrease in recharge is informative (Figure 25). For the low global warming scenario, the majority of GCMs project a decrease in recharge for the centre, west and most of the south of the continent. Across the north there are large areas where the number of GCMs predicting a decrease in recharge is similar to the number projecting an increase in recharge and other areas of the north where more than half the GCMs project an increase in recharge. The trend with increasing global warming is for more GCMs projecting an increase in recharge. This is most evident in the east of the country where, for the high global warming scenario, there are few areas where most GCMs project a reduction in recharge. A notable exception to this trend is in the south-west of Western Australia (SWWA) where all GCMs for all scenarios project a decreaseIn contrast to the rainfall analysis (Chapter 2), the projections for the southern MDB are not all for a decrease for all scenarios for all GCMs. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 51 Figure 24: RSF rasters for the medium global warming scenario using an 80-yr baseline NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 52 Figure 25: Number of RSF rasters that project a decrease in recharge from the 16 GCMs for each global warming scenario For each global warming scenario the 16 rasters of RSF were fitted to a weighted Pearson Type III probability distribution to simplify the results down to three cases: a wet future, a median future and a dry future. The weights are used to bias the results in favour of the GCMs that better reproduce the historical climate, assuming that they are more likely to project a future climate adequately. The weights were as determined by Smith and Chiew (2009) and the full details of the method is documented in Crosbie et al. (2011a). In general, the results of fitting the RSF rasters to a probability distribution show that the 10 per cent exceedence is an increase in recharge, the 90 per cent exceedence is a decrease, and the 50 per cent exceedence is somewhere in between (Figure 26). For the 10 per cent exceedence case there is a trend for increasing recharge with increasing global warming. This can be seen as the blue colour is getting more intense and the area that is statistically significant is increasing. A notable exception is in SWWA where, even at the wet end of the probability distribution, a reduction in recharge is projected. This is expected because all GCMs project a decrease in recharge in this region. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 53 Figure 26: The 10%, 50% and 90% exceedences from fitting the RSF rasters to a weighted Pearson Type III distribution for each global warming scenario. The blacked-out areas are where the change in recharge is not statistically significant. For the 90 per cent exceedence case, the entire country shows a reduction in recharge. With increasing global warming there is a trend for more areas across northern Australia to not show a statistically significant change. This is again indicative of increasing recharge with increasing global warming. The simplified result from the Pearson Type III distribution has been calculated, as the wet future scenario is the maximum of the 10 per cent exceedence from the three global warming scenarios. Similarly, the dry future scenario has been calculated as the minimum of the 90 per cent exceedence of the three global warming scenarios and the median future scenario has been calculated as the median of the three 50 per cent exceedence rasters. A comparison between the projected future recharge under a 2030 and 2050 climate can only be attempted in areas where the previous sustainable yields projects used a similar NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 54 methodology to that used here; these areas are the MDB (Crosbie et al. 2008), northern Australia (Crosbie et al. 2009a) and Tasmania (Crosbie et al. 2009b) (Figure 27). The RSF rasters are not directly comparable because of different assumptions made during these two projects. For example, the wet, median and dry GCMs were selected based on reporting regions for the sustainable yields projects. This can be seen as edge effects along reporting region boundaries (particularly the MDB). As a gross generality, the trends between 2030 and 2050 are similar. Figure 27: A comparison of the RSF for a 2030 climate from the sustainable yields projects and the RSF for a 2050 climate from the current project Relationship between change in rainfall and change in recharge If there is a relationship between the projected change in rainfall and the projected change in recharge then the modelling results presented here can be substantially simplified. This is similar to the concept of the elasticity of streamflow (Chiew 2006), whereby the change in streamflow can be predicted from the change in rainfall. This is illustrated in Figure 28 for two contrasting cases: Tomago (New South Wales) and Gnangara (WA). At Tomago, it can be seen that the slope of the change in rainfall and change in recharge relationship for each global warming scenario is almost the same. However, the intercept widens with the increasing global warming scenario. This suggests that the sensitivity of the change in mean annual recharge to the total change in mean annual rainfall is constant for the different global warming scenarios. but the sensitivity of the change in recharge to climate parameters. other than total annual rainfall, rises with increasing global warming. The intercept term in this relationship is likely to incorporate changes in rainfall intensity, rainfall seasonality, NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 55 temperature and CO2 concentration. The slope of the relationship is 2.7 for all three global warming scenarios, with the intercept increasing from –2 for the low global warming scenario 2 to +20 for the high global warming scenario. The r for all three scenarios is 0.81. At 2 Gnangara, the relationship is not as consistent as Tomago. The r decreases with increasing global warming from 0.84 for the low scenario down to 0.45 for the high scenario. The relationship for the high global warming scenario is not statistically significant (p <0.05). This relationship between the change in rainfall and the change in recharge can be calculated for each pixel in the national scale rasters (Figure 29). Nationally, the results are similar to those at Tomago; the slope is very consistent at a point between global warming scenarios, but the intercept increases with increasing global warming. This represents an increase in recharge with increasing global warming, independent of changes in the total rainfall. 80 80 Tomago 60 40 Gnangara High global warming Medium global warming Low global warming 60 40 20 R (%) 20 R (%) High global warming Medium global warming Low global warming 0 0 -20 -20 -40 -40 -60 -60 -80 -80 -40 -20 P (%) 0 20 -40 -20 0 20 P (%) Figure 28: Examples of the relationship between the change in rainfall and the change in recharge at Tomago (NSW) and Gnangara (WA) for each global warming scenario using all 16 GCMs (point-scale modelling). No line is plotted at Gnangara for the high global warming scenario as the relationship is not statistically significant. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 56 Figure 29: Change in rainfall–change in recharge relationships under a 2050 climate. The areas shaded black are where the relationship is not statistically significant. Effect of climate change and climate variability on recharge It was found that the historical variability in recharge (Figure 23) is greater than the difference in recharge under the wet and dry future climate scenarios (Figure 27). To investigate the combined effects of climate change and climate variability on recharge, we have evaluated RSFs for the combinations of four different climates (historical, wet future, median future and dry future) and three different variabilities (wet 15 years, median 15 years and dry 15 years) (Figure 30). The RSFs for each of these 12 scenarios for every GMU is tablulated in Crosbie et al. (2011a). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 57 Figure 30: A matrix of 12 RSF rasters comprised of four different climates (dry, median and wet future climate and historical climate) and 15-year variabilities (dry, median and wet) for the 80-year baseline Effect of climate change on localised recharge Localised recharge from river systems can be a major source of renewable groundwater resources, particularly in alluvial aquifers. Recharge associated with the losing streams and overbank flooding is the dominant recharge mechanism for many priority aquifers identified in this report (Chapters 3 and 6). The changes in localised recharge under a future climate are likely to be linked to changes in river flow, including frequency and duration of floods. A recent study of climate change has indicated projected changes in the runoff across Australia (Chiew et al. 2009). Figure 31 shows the effect of rainfall change on mean annual runoff for future dry, median and wet scenarios. In many areas the larger projected changes in annual runoff may result in small changes in runoff due to overall small absolute runoff values. The changes in runoff are expected to have corresponding impacts on stream discharge and a follow-up effect on surface water and groundwater interaction. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 58 Figure 31: Wet, median and dry (from left to right) estimates of change in future mean annual o runoff for a 1 C global warming (~2030 relative to 1990) (Chiew 2010) The effect of climate change on localised recharge is largely attributed to changes in riverflow duration, river stages and the extent of inundated areas, which are particularly significant during flooding. Depending on river-channel morphology, changes in river flow lead to an increase or a decrease in the river stage and/or the river’s effective width. During most frequent-flow events, river flow is contained within a river channel, but under extreme flow conditions (floods) the increase in river flow leads to greater changes in width of the inundated area compared to the associated changes in a river stage. The duration of no-flow periods in intermittent rivers is another important characteristic that may significantly influence both recharge rates and their changes under future climate scenarios. Though there have been a few local investigations related to groundwater recharge from rivers and floods (e.g. Middlemis 2010), at a national scale such studies are limited. There is also limited data related to projection of climate change impacts on river flooding and the extent of associated inundation areas. One study is reported for the MDB, where the extent of historical floods was mapped together with projected changes in flood areas under future climate scenarios (Figure 32) (Overton et al. 2010). The effects of different climate scenarios of the flooding extent, as studied in the MBDSY project, were analysed by Doody et al. (2009) and Overton et al. (2010) and found to differ from location to location. At the same time, the floods of given return periods have also changed over the past few decades and are projected to change in the future. This has led to changes in inundation areas, thus affecting the flood-recharge volume. For example, in Chowilla floodplain, areas that were indundated by a one-in-10 year return-period flood no longer get inundated under a flood of same return period. These inundated areas are projected to contract futher under future climate change; the innundation area under median future climate scenario is projected to decrease by 31 per cent compared with historical area (Doody et al. 2009). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 59 Figure 32: Flood change map for the Murray-Darling Basin under historical, current (Scenario A) and future (median future climate scenario) MDBSY modelled scenarios (adopted from Overton et al. 2010); note that current scenario (Scenario A) is not used in this project Because of the specifics of localised recharge (discussed in Chapter 1 and Appendix 4) and difficulties in its estimation or measurement, the assessment of changes in localised recharge under changing climate conditions at a national scale within the current project has been attempted on a conceptual basis. There are other NWC projects designed to improve current knowledge of the surface and groundwater interaction. On the completion of those projects, the assessment of changes in localised recharge under changing climate conditions could be further advanced. In this project the main goal was to define how changes in river flow under future climate scenarios may influence changes in localised recharge, but recharge estimation was not included in the scope of analysis. As shown in Appendix 4, losing streams may be either hydraulically connected to groundwater systems or disconnected. The fluxes between connected river and groundwater can be described by Darcy’s Law: QR kb( H riv H gw ) / L , here given for recharge (QR) estimation from a unit length of the river. The fluxes from the disconnected rivers to groundwater are defined by the unsaturated flow conditions. For these two types of losing streams, the effect of river flow on localised recharge may vary: For connected rivers, the changes in localised recharge as a result of the variations in river flow and within an individual river reach are given by the changes in both river stage (Hriv) and the effective river width (b). The former influences the hydraulic gradient and therefore fluxes between a river and groundwater, while the latter defines the area from which localised recharge occurs. The sensitivity to changes in localised recharge to the river-flow variation is also influenced by changes in the depth to groundwater (Hgw), which, along with river stage, influences the hydraulic gradient and therefore fluxes between a river and groundwater. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 60 For disconnected rivers, changes in localised recharge are largely defined by changes in the effective river width, which defines the area where localised recharge occurs. In such streams the recharge rates are largely controlled by the hydraulic properties of streambed materials defining the suction potential and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, and it was shown (Osman and Bruen 2002) that river stage has negligible effect on recharge rates. In both cases hydraulic properties of riverbeds and their distribution along or across the channel are the key factors defining a localised recharge rate. However, when the changes in recharge are considered within an individual river reach but under various flow conditions, the effect of hydraulic properties of a riverbed is likely to be less important. The exceptions may be related to circumstances when there is a significant variation in hydraulic properties of riverbed materials, and under changing flow conditions there may be a variation in recharge rates within various extents of inundated areas within a river channel or on floodplains. It is likely that the changes in river flow may have different levels of impact on localised recharge. In wide and flat river channels, the changes in the river flow are predominantly associated with changes in the effective width of the river. For narrow river channels with steep banks the changes in the river flow are predominantly associated with changes in river stage but have a limited effect on the effective river’s width. Approach to the evaluation of localised recharge change under changing climate The adopted methodology was based on simultaneous calculation of Manning’s and Darcy’s equations (Appendix 4). The former links river flow with river stage (Hriv) and river width (b) for a specified river channel morphology. Darcy’s equation was used to define the rate of water losses from a unit length of a river (1 m) under steady-state conditions for the identified river stage (Hriv) and river width (b). The thickness of riverbed deposits and their hydraulic properties, though important for recharge estimation, were neglected when the relative differences in recharge were considered. Both historical and projected future river-flow data is required for analysis as well as knowledge of where rivers are ‘losing’, which leads to limitations of the data sources. As a result, the river-flow data modelled within the MDBSY area at a series of river reaches, which are also underlain by high-priority aquifers (Chapter 3), were analysed. The selected reaches of losing streams and gauging stations along those reaches are shown in Figure 33. The flow data from four climate scenarios (historical, future dry, medium and wet climate) were analysed to investigate the effects of changes in river flow under a future climate with possible implications for in-stream recharge. For all identified locations, the data on river-channel morphology and/or the flow rates associated with flooding was not available. Hence the analysis was undertaken to identify the relative changes in recharge under conditions where changes in river flow result in changes in river stage under a range of selected river effective widths, with the assumption that the riverbed is characterised by trapezoidal cross-sectional shape with steep banks (10-to-1). In this analysis the effect of changes in river flow under future climate scenarios was estimated for connected rivers and some outcomes of this analysis were further inferred to disconnected rivers. This approach was used to evaluate relative changes in recharge dR = 100(Rf-Rh)/Rh caused by changes in river flow under future climate scenrios dQ = 100(Qf-Qh)/Qh, where Rh and Rf are estimated recharge under historical and future climate conditions, while Qh and Qf are modelled river flow under historical and future climate conditions. The modelled river-flow data for historical and futute wet, medium and dry climate scenarios sourced from the MDBSY NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 61 database is presented as flow-duration curves (Figure 34). These were further used for dR calculation. The results of the analysis are reported as the ratio of change in relative change in recharge and changes in river flow under future climate scenarios (e = dR/dQ), describing a sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river-flow conditions. Assumptions and limitations of this approach are discussed in Appendix 4. Though conceptually simplified, the described approach allowed for examining and illustrating the general relationships between changing localised recharge and river flow and the effects of various parameters that influence this relationship. Figure 33: Location of stations along the losing streams analysed for effects of climate change on river discharge NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 62 1000000 40 (a) (b) Historical 30 Dry Change in river flow (%) Daily river flow (ML) Median Wet 100000 10000 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 1000 -40 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent time daily river flow is exceeded 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent time daily river flow is exceeded (historical) Figure 34: Presentation of the modelled flow data for a) historical and future climate scenarios and b) flow changes under future climate scenarios relative to historical river flow Projected changes in the river flow Though surface water availability across the MDB is projected to decline overall because of climate change (CSIRO 2008d), there are some ranges in this projection. For example, under the dry future climate scenario surface water availability could reduce by as much as 34 per cent by 2030 or increase by up to 11 per cent under the wet future climate scenario. The decline is expected to be greatest in the south-east where most of the runoff is generated and where the impacts of climate change are projected to be greatest. For the selected rivers, the average change in streamflow across all flow frequencies ranges from minus 38 percent (dry future) to plus 44.3 per cent (wet future), relative to the streamflow under the historical climate (Figure 35). The reduction in river flow is projected for both future median and dry climate scenarios. These reductions in river flow follow a pattern of relative change in rainfall in the region (Figure 36). The larger differences are projected for extreme streamflow events with low frequencies. As the flow rate associated with flooding was not known, a flow of 10 per cent exceedence probability was used as its substitute from 15 stations (Figure 37). For all stations, flow volume for this probability was projected to increase under the wet-future climate scenario and to reduce under dry future and median future climate scenarios, relative to historical. There are also projected changes in the duration of flows in the streams. Figure 38 shows the probability of no-flow periods at 15 stations for the historical, future dry, median and wet climate scenarios. The duration of streamflow changes under the future climate scenarios at only five rivers. For these streams, probability of zero flows under a future wet climate is lower than that under the historical climate, implying a decrease in the duration of a period with no flow. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 63 100 410001 416026 418032 419012 419027 419039 419049 420004 420005 421023 421039 422015 422025 422358 422394 Mean change in river flow (%) 75 50 25 0 -25 -50 -75 -100 Dry Median Wet Figure 35: Average change in streamflow across all flow frequencies relative to streamflow under the historical climate for the selected rivers 15 410001 416026 418032 419012 419027 419039 419049 420004 420005 421023 421039 422015 422025 422358 422394 Mean change in rainfall (%) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Dry Median Wet Figure 36: Average change in rainfall for all future climate change scenarios from the historical climate at regions representing the 15 chosen stations 100 410001 416026 418032 419012 419027 419039 419049 420004 420005 421023 421039 422015 422025 422358 422394 Mean change in river flow (%) 75 50 25 0 -25 -50 -75 -100 Dry Median Wet Figure 37: Changes in streamflow with 10 per cent exceedence probability for three future climate scenarios (future dry, median and wet climate) relative to historical climate NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 64 Duration of no-flow period (%) 100 Historic 80 Dry Median Wet 60 40 20 94 23 58 42 23 25 42 20 15 42 20 39 42 10 23 42 10 05 42 00 04 42 00 49 42 90 39 41 90 27 41 90 12 41 90 32 41 80 26 41 60 41 41 00 01 0 Figure 38: Per cent of time with no flow at the station; streams with zero values are the perennial stream Projected changes in localised recharge Localised recharge from the river channels An example of the results for the Murrumbidgee River (Node 410001) is given in Figure 39, while the results for other locations are given in Appendix 4. The range of dR shown (by green band) in Figure 39 is due to a range in the assumed river width. The greater changes (dRmax) are likely to occur if the changes in the river flow are predominantly associated with changes in the effective width of the river (wide and flat river channels). The lower changes (dRmin) are related to the river reaches where the changes in the river flow are predominantly associated with changes in the river stage (narrow river channels with steep banks). Overall, the increase in river flow under a future wet climate scenario leads to an increase in localised recharge from losing connected streams, while the projected reduction in river flow under future median and dry climate scenarios causes a reduction in localised recharge. The results indicate that changes in localised recharge are lower than those in river flow when the depth to groundwater remains constant, as shown in Figure 40 when compared to Figure 36. For a flat river reach, recharge sensitivity to changes in river flow (e = dR/dQ) is, overall, high (Figure 41). When changes in river flow mainly result in changes in the river stage, the sensitivity of localised recharge is much lower. In both cases sensitivity increases under higher river-flow rates. The sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow reduces when the depth to groundwater is increased (but remains constant between historical and future climate scenarios). Figure 42 shows that for rivers where changes in flow resulted mainly in changes in the effective width: dR/dQ = 0.40 for Hgw = 1 m, but reduces to 0.15 for Hgw = 6 m. An even a greater reduction in sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in flow is likely to occur in the rivers where flow changes mainly lead to changes in the river stage: dR/dQ = 0.08 for Hgw = 1 m, but reduces to 0.015 for Hgw = 6 m. Such reduction in localised recharge sensitivity is due to a smaller effect of the river stage on the hydraulic gradient between river and groundwater table, and hence greater recharge rates with a greater depth to groundwater . However, there is an opposite result when the depth to groundwater changes under the future climate scenarios. If groundwater depth increases under the future climate scenarios, there is a projected increase in localised recharge (Figure 43) and vice versa: if groundwater depth rises under the future climate scenarios, there is a projected reduction in localised recharge. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 65 The effect of changes in river flow on localised recharge may also vary depending on the river slope, which largely controls river-flow velocity: the higher the slope, the higher the velocity. Accordingly, under an equal-flow and riverbed morphology, the river stage is less for steeper slopes. This is expected to have a follow-up effect on localised recharge, as illustrated in Figure 44. It shows that the sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow increases for the rivers flowing within flat terrains (S = 0.0001–0.0005) such as the lower Murray– Darling regions. When disconnected rivers are considered, the changes in localised recharge under future climates will be defined by the effect of the river-flow alteration on the effective river width. As a result, it is expected that the relative changes in localised recharge are likely to be proportional to changes in river flow in wide and flat river channels, where the flow changes are predominantly associated with those in the effective width of the river. For narrow river channels with steep banks, changes in the river flow are predominantly associated with changes in the river stage. As such, they may have limited effect on the river’s effective width. For such conditions the relative changes in localised recharge from disconnected streams are likely to be minimal or none. (a) 0 -10 -20 -30 dQ_Dry dR_Range Changes relative to historical climate (%) -40 (b) 0 -5 -10 -15 dQ_Median dR_Range -20 (c) 40 dQ_Wet dR_Range 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent time daily river flow is exceeded (historical) Figure 39: Changes in the Murrumbidgee River flow and the range of changes in localised recharge for dry, median and wet future climate scenarios NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 66 Maximum dR (%) 20 (a) 10 410001 416026 418032 419012 419027 419039 419049 420004 420005 421023 421039 422015 422025 422358 422394 0 -10 -20 Minimum dR (%) 20 (b) 10 0 -10 -20 Median Dry Wet Figure 40: Average changes in the localised recharge across all flow frequencies relative to localised recharge under the historical climate for the selected rivers (for Hgw = 1 m) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 Maximum dR/dQ dR/dQ Minimum Maximum 0.4 Minimum 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 30000 60000 90000 120000 150000 0 Daily river flow (ML) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Depth to watertable (m) Figure 41: Relationship between sensitivity of localised recharge, e, to changes in river flow, and daily river discharge under historical climate conditions (for Murrumbidgee River) Figure 42: Sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow for various initial depths to groundwater, which remain unchanged under the future scenarios (for Murrumbidgee River) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 67 7 0.5 6 Minimum Maximum 5 dR/dQ 4 dR/dQ Minimum Maximum 0.4 3 2 0.3 0.2 1 0.1 0 -1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.000 Depth to watertable (m) 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 River slope Figure 43: Sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow for various changes in depth to groundwater (for Murrumbidgee River): 1m watertable depth was assumed for the historical scenario Figure 44: Sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow for various river slopes (for Murrumbidgee River) Localised recharge associated with floods There are large differences in localised recharge sensitivity to changes in river flow depending on river morphology, suggesting that substantial changes in localised recharge rates are likely during overbank flow. Overbank flow leads to a relatively large increase in the effective river width for a lesser change in the river stage. To examine some aspects of the effects of river morphology on dR, a composite trapezoidal river section was used for analysis. In this case the river channel remained unchanged and only changes in a floodplain width were anticipated. For the conditions when overbank flooding occurs, the relationship between dR and dQ is shown to be different (Figure 45). dR may become much greater than dQ, when the floods are likely to be more frequent under the future climate scenarios (wet) and much lower than for dQ, when the floods are likely to be less frequent under the future climate scenarios (median and dry). However, the relevant contribution of localised recharge from losing streams compared to the contribution associated with floods may require further analysis. Such analysis, even on a conceptual level, requires a prior knowledge of river morphology. Unfortunately, information on river morphology and flow rates associated with flooding was not available for modelled river stations. Some anlaysis was further undertaken for Chowilla floodplain to confirm this observation. Though groundwater use is limited because of high salinity, the Chowilla floodplain was considered because a sufficient set of data existed at this location to allow for the estimation of potential localised recharge under various flooding events. Data relating to the changes in frequencies of those events under the future climate scenarios was also available. The extent of the Chowilla floodplain inundation was estimated using the River Murray Floodplain Inundation Model (RiM-FIM), which links recorded river flows at regulation points (locks) to the spatial extent of flooding derived from satellite imagery (Figure 46; Overton et al. 2010). This allowed an examination of the extent of inundation under given flow rates and an estimation of the volume of recharge that would occur under historical and future climate 2 scenarios. The extent of the area considered for this analysis was approximately 200 km . NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 68 150 (a) dQ_Dry dR_Min 100 dR_Max 50 0 Changes relative to historical climate (%) -50 150 (b) dQ_Median dR_Min 100 dR_Max 50 0 -50 150 (c) dQ_Wet dR_Min 100 dR_Max 50 0 -50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent time daily river flow is exceeded (historical) Figure 45: Changes in localised recharge under future climate scenarios defined for a composite trapezoidal channel (the river channel remains unchanged and hence a single line is associated with the period of river flow contained within the channel; the only changes are associated with floodplain width, and changes in recharge during flooding are shown in green and pink colour for narrow and wide floodplains): a) for dry future climate; b) for medium future climate; and c) for wet future climate NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 69 Figure 46: The location of the Chowilla floodplain, a) the recharge estimates used to determine climate change impacts on localised recharge derived from flood inundation events and b) the extent of inundation for given flow rates (Overton et al. 2006) Combined consideration of the extent of the floodplain inundation for various daily flow rates (from 30 000 ML/day to a maximum of >190 000 ML/day, with 10 000 ML/day increments) and the range of daily recharge rates within the inundated area allowed the estimation of daily recharge volumes under various flow conditions. Based on the inundation duration, the total recharge volumes were further calculated for the range of flow rates. Based on river-flow duration curves (FDCs) for historical data and future median and dryclimate scenarios, the frequencies of flow rates used in the recharge anlaysis were estimated. Using the projected frequencies of flow events, the associated recharge volumes were plotted similarly to FDCs, but showing ‘recharge’ duration for future median and dry climate scenarios (Figure 47). Finally, the changes in recharge volumes under the future climate were estimated (Figure 48). It appears that changes in localised recharge associated with flooding are much greater than projected changes in river flow. As discussed earlier, this is likely to be associated with a significant increase in river width during flood events. There is also an additional effect of variation in land cover and soil type within the innundated areas under various flood extents. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 70 1000000 100000 (a) (b) Historical Dry Recharge volume (ML) Daily river flow (ML) Median 100000 10000 1000 100 10000 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 Percent time daily river flow is exceeded (historical) 5 10 15 20 25 Percent time daily river flow is exceeded (historical) Figure 47: Duration curves for a) Chowilla daily river flow (426510) for historical, future dry and future medianclimate scenarios and b) estimated recharge volumes from floodplain inundation under those climate scenarios Changes relative to historical climate (%) 150 dR_Dry 100 dR_Median dQ_Dry dQ_Median 50 0 -50 -100 -150 0 5 10 15 20 25 Percent time daily river flow is exceeded Figure 48: Projected changes in recharge volumes (dR) and river flow (dQ) from floodplain inundation for future median and future dry climate scenarios relative to historical climate Conclusions The analysis of climate and its change on renewable groundwater resources allowed drawing the following conclusions related to recharge estimation under historical and future climate conditions. Historical climate and groundwater recharge Consistent with previous work, the magnitude of recharge is greater under high rainfall compared to low rainfall, annual vegetation compared to native vegetation and lighter textured soils compared to finer textured soils. Annual rainfall is, overall, the most important parameter in recharge estimation. However, its relative importance reduces under lower rainfall conditions, and along with that there is an increase in the relative importance of other climate parameters in recharge estimation NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 71 (temperature, solar radiation and vapour pressure deficit). The effect of climate parameters other than rainfall on recharge is greater under climate types with summer-dominated rainfall. An increase in rainfall intensity leads to an increase in recharge, a higher proportion of rainfall that becomes recharge, an increase in the relevant importance of rainfall, and a reduction in the relevant importance of other climate parameters in recharge estimation. There is a non-linear relationship between recharge and rainfall, which is likely due to the effect of rainfall intensity or duration of consecutive days with rainfall. Therefore, a proportion of recharge in annual rainfall (R/P) is not likely to be a constant—even under the same land cover and soil type. Changes in recharge are largely proportional to changes in rainfall but not equal. It appears that changes in annual rainfall lead to two to four-fold greater changes in recharge. Episodic recharge may take place under the majority of investigated climatic conditions under specific combinations of soil and vegetation (mainly under clay soil and trees). The variability of recharge in 15-year periods compared to the long-term average is greater in areas of low recharge, whereas the range between wet and dry 15-year periods is comparatively smaller in high-recharge areas. Projected changes in diffuse groundwater recharge The 16 GCMs used in the analysis are not consistent in their projections of recharge, except in south-west Western Australia where all GCMs project a decrease in rainfall and the recharge derived from it. The number of GCMs that predict a decrease in recharge decreases with increased global warming for most of the country. An exception to this is for parts of the south of the country, where all GCMs project a decrease in recharge. The median future climate projects a decrease in recharge across most of the west, centre and south-east of Australia; however, increases in recharge are projected across northern Australia and a small area of eastern Australia. The dry future climate projects a decrease in recharge everywhere in Australia. The wet future climate projects an increase in recharge everywhere except for south-west Western Australia and a few other localised areas of southern Australia. The projections made for 2030 during the sustainable yields projects are generally consistent with those made for 2050 in the current project. The relationship between change in rainfall and change in recharge has a consistent slope between global warming scenarios but a different intercept. This indicates that the sensitivity of the change in recharge to the change is rainfall is relatively constant, but changes in factors other than total rainfall result in an increase in recharge (e.g. CO 2 concentration, temperature and/or rainfall intensity). The most extreme scenarios considered here are a wet 15-year period within a wet future climate and a dry 15-year period within a dry future climate. At a GMU scale, the wet extreme can project increases in recharge of more than 300 per cent of the historical average and the dry extreme less than 10 per cent of the historical average. Projected changes in localised groundwater recharge Changes in localised recharge due to climate change are likely to be similar to projected changes in river flow from disconnected losing streams, but lower than projected changes in NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 72 river flow from connected losing streams. For connected rivers the changes in localised recharge under future climate scenarios are likely to be similar or less than the changes in rainfall. For both cases the impact on localised recharge is likely to be more significant in the rivers with wide, flat channels and in the lower valleys, where the river slopes are small. Localised recharge sensitivity to changes in river flow reduces in areas with deeper groundwater. An increase in groundwater depth under future climate scenarios is likely to cause an increase in localised recharge from connected losing streams even under conditions when river-flow reduction is projected. For the conditions when overbank flood occurs, changes in localised recharge may become much greater than projected variation in river flow. For example, in the Chowilla floodplain the change in recharge volumes may reach up to 100 per cent, while the change in river flow is projected to be about 20 per cent. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 73 4. Climate change impacts on groundwater resources in different aquifer types Groundwater systems are dynamic in nature, with spatial and temporal variations in their inputs and outputs. Climate change can affect both the condition (such as water quality) and amount of resource in a groundwater system. The impacts of climate change on groundwater resources are influenced by changes in diffuse and localised recharge, and diffuse and localised discharge, as well as changes in water demand, and therefore groundwater abstractions rates. Some of these factors have been discussed in previous chapters, but it is the analysis of the combination of all the factors in a groundwater model that provides an assessment of the impact on the resource. This chapter provides a brief review of the groundwater modelling done as part of the sustainable yields projects in the MDB, northern Australia, south-west Western Australia and Tasmania, and subsequent work done through the MDBA for subcatchments of the MDB (Figure 49). This modelling examined the impact of future climate projections and expansion of human activities in terms of changes to water balance fluxes and water levels. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 74 Figure 49: Location of the reviewed groundwater models NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 75 Hydrogeological setting of modelled aquifers Aquifers with detailed numerical models can be grouped into two broad categories: alluvial and sedimentary. This does not mean that the entire groundwater system is alluvial or sedimentary but that the most exploited parts of it are. As a result, groundwater models were developed for those areas only. This general partitioning impacts on the processes that are modelled in each aquifer type, the scale of flux to and from aquifers, and therefore the sensitivity of water resources to changes in water balance caused by climate change. In addition some aquifers hosted by limestones are karstic (e.g. some parts of the Daly Basin in northern Australia), and it is difficult to parameterise and model large voids as flow in these conditions may not comply with the Darcy’s flow conditions. This has implications for recharge and discharge estimation as a result of the assumption that large voids are treated as an equivalent porous medium. In reality though, both recharge and discharge processes could happen through preferential flow paths. The alluvial systems discussed here are within the inland subcatchments of the MDB. They are typically described as systems with a relatively low hydraulic conductivity upper layer composed of sand, silt and clay. In the models this upper layer also contains a river. This layer also confines a lower layer that is composed of sand and gravel, has relatively higher conductivity and is therefore the source of most of the extracted water. In the northern parts of New South Wales, the formations are named Narrabri over Gunnedah, in central New South Wales they are Cowra over Lachlan, and in southern New South Wales and northern Victoria they are Shepparton over Calivil. Most of the models do not include the surrounding geological material, and therefore the type of the bedrock is often not recorded in the modelling summaries. The representation of these layers in the models is generally very simple; each of them is usually modelled as a single computational layer. There are some exceptions where the upper layer is particularly thick. For example, the confining layer may have downward grading of material leading to sublayers of higher and lower productivity, such as in the Southern Riverine Plains (SRP) and Upper Lachlan models, so separating this sequence in an individual layer is reasonable. A third deeper layer, also highly productive, is present in some catchments, i.e. Cubbaroo in Lower Namoi, and Renmark in Lower Lachlan, Lower Murrumbidgee and SRP. Connection to the GAB, either as an input or output, is included in the models for Lower Namoi and Lower Macquarie. The Upper Condamine and Lower Macquarie do not follow this general pattern. In these two areas the aquifer is a series of well-connected layers that form, conceptually, a single unit. Here there is no distinct overlying lower hydraulic conductivity layer. However, conditions locally may be unconfined to semiconfined depending on differences in vertical hydraulic conductivity and whether a groundwater head is above or below the base of the confining layer. The sedimentary systems are coastal catchments in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Tasmania. They typically have a vertical sequence of distinct layers, sometimes alternating aquifers and aquitards, with a trend of decreasing hydraulic conductivity of productive aquifer with increasing depth. They are commonly modelled as a series of horizontal layers with hydraulic conductivity that may or may not be related to an individual stratigraphic unit. In coastal Western Australia there are three major aquifers: sandy, unconfined, superficial; sandstone and siltstone; and Leederville and Yarragadee. In the Perth region they are essentially layered horizontally and the complexity of layering and the thickness of layers are NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 76 represented in 13 model layers (in the Perth Regional Aquifer Modelling System or PRAMS model). In the south-west these formations form the upper wing of a syncline and, as such, the layers are not horizontal. As a result, part of the formations are weathered with extensive outcropping of a clay-rich aquitard commonly found between the Leederville and Yarragadee Formations, and local outcropping of the deep Yarragadee Formation. The groundwater model here contains eight model layers (the South-West Aquifer Modelling System or SWAMS). The area between the extent of PRAMS and SWAMS domains was covered by a simpler model of the Peel-Harvey region (the Peel–Harvey Regional Aquifer Modelling System or PHRAMS). It represents only the unconfined superficial and Leederville aquifers with six model layers. In northern Australia, the groundwater system in the Daly Basin contains three layers: an upper sandy surface; the productive carbonate aquifers and an aquitard in the middle; and a fractured-rock basement of siltstone, granite and volcanic rocks. Similarly, the Howard East groundwater system contains an upper layer of laterite aquifer with the highest permeability near the surface, grading down to a second layer comprising poorly weathered laterite and sandy quartzy-weathered dolomite, with a third layer of fractured dolomite. The groundwater models of these systems were therefore is constructed in three horizontal layers. Three existing groundwater-flow models were available in Tasmania. In the Mella–Togari area the dolomite and siltstone are simplified to two layers, the first r consisting of loose sediments and basement outcrop areas, and the second combining dolomite, mudstone and siltstone. Wesley Vale is dominated by layers of basalt, providing a water resource where it is fractured, an aquitard where it is less fractured or heavily weathered and outcropping, and which is interbedded with layers of sediments. The numerical model uses three layers: surface basalt, a sand layer and deep basalt. The model design for the Scottsdale area is similar to the models developed for the MDB aquifers: a distinct surface layer of highly weathered and clayrich basalt overlying thick sand, gravel and silt sequences forming the main productive aquifer. The numerical model consists of these two layers. Relationship to national aquifers characterisation The aquifers studied as part of the various modelling tasks in previous work and reported in this chapter do not directly correlate with those identified nationally as part of this climate change impacts study. Generally, the modelled areas of the MDB relate to two main priority aquifers—the Calivil and the Gunnedah and, in a few cases, the Lachlan . The aquifers modelled in the northern Australia study correlate directly to the Daly Basin aquifer and the Darwin region aquifer for the Daly Basin model and the Howard East model, respectively. In Tasmania, the Mella– Togari model is part of the Smithton Dolomite aquifer, the Wesley Vale model is part of the Tasmanian Tertiary Basalts aquifer, and the Scottsdale model is part of the Tasmanian Tertiary Sediments aquifer. The three Western Australian models cover the North, Central and South Perth Basin aquifers. Recharge and discharge processes When the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources are considered, the processes of recharge and discharge are likely to be most affected. Changes in groundwater recharge under future climate scenarios were considered in Chapter 4, but the combined effects of those changes on groundwater resources may only be assessed using groundwater modelling. However, the conceptual modelling and model design may have a significant effect on how groundwater models simulate the climate change impact on groundwater resources. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 77 The processes considered in the reviewed models included diffuse rainfall recharge, diffuse irrigation recharge, leakage from rivers and water courses, flood recharge, and head and flux boundary conditions. In general, diffuse rainfall recharge was applied as a temporal sequence of a fraction of measured rainfall. In the reviewed models this fraction varied from more than 70 per cent in the case of a very permeable surface layer in sedimentary systems of Central Perth to less than 1 per cent for areas with a thick surface-clay layer in alluvial systems such as the Lower Namoi. Only two out of the reviewed models—PRAMS and SWAMS—used a vertical flux model (VFM), which dynamically links estimation of diffuse recharge and diffuse discharge and accounts for the depth to the groundwater table. Irrigation and flood recharge were based on the known spatial extent of these seasonal fluxes. The volumes and rates of any of these diffuse sources used in the models were commonly selected, based on a combination of measurement, surrogate estimation, expert knowledge and model fitting. River leakage is commonly modelled in a simplistic manner using head difference between river stage and groundwater level. The magnitude of leakage fluxes is most often arrived at in the process of model calibration. Head and flux boundary conditions of a model domain may provide either a source or sink that can vary as the local water level changes throughout the model simulation run. Head boundaries do not commonly incorporate any considerations related to climate change impacts on boundary conditions. The processes modelled that lead to a removal of water from the aquifer are groundwater pumping, evaporation, river discharge and head and flux boundary conditions. Pumping is often the major discharge mechanism for water from the exploited aquifers, but accurate volumetric estimates of this flux in space and time are limited. The abstracted water can be partly returned to the model if water is used for irrigation or to maintain stream stages, and therefore can contribute to groundwater recharge. Evaporation from groundwater occurs when levels become very shallow or close to the surface, where it can be intercepted by the root system of surface vegetation or lost directly to evaporation. This is usually very simplistically handled in models, or ignored when water levels are considered deep enough not to interact with the surface. However, depths to groundwater are not commonly specified. In the models with VFMs, plant-rooting depth is an available parameter, but in the models reviewed here the roots are cut off 1.5m above the watertable. Discharge to rivers can occur when the local groundwater level is higher than the river level. As with river leakage, the fluxes are not well known and are usually determined as part of the model calibration process. Dicharge to the ocean is commonly modelled as a flux at a model boundary such as in PRAMS, SWAMS and the Tasmanian models. As with recharge processes, head and flux boundary conditions may be either a source or sink of water, with the direction and magnitude of the flux potentially varying over the simulation. Review of model results Modelling historical conditions Groundwater modelling results for the MDB (CSIRO 2008a–f), northern Australia (CSIRO 2009b–d), south-west Western Australia (CSIRO 2009a) and Tasmania (Harrington et al. 2009) are available. The water-balance components for the model fits are shown in Figure 50 and Figure 51. The alluvial-type aquifers of the MDB are all shown on the left-hand side of these figures and, with the exception of Lower Macquarie, these systems all show more than half their total inputs are with localised (flood) recharge. The sedimentary type aquifers of northern and Western Australia and Tasmania, on the right-hand side, all show diffuse inputs as more than 60 per cent of their total water balance. This result is expected, as the alluvial systems are configured with the lowest conductivity material at the surface, while the NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 78 sedimentary systems have a high conductivity surface layer. PRAMS and SWAMS have limited localised recharge mechanisms, with all water courses modelled as drains. 100 Percent 80 60 Diffuse Localised 40 20 SWAMS PHRAMS PRAMS (super) Scottsdale Mella/Togari Wesley Vale Daly Basin Howard East SRP - Ovens SRP - VIC SRP - NSW Low Murrumbidgee Lower Lachlan Mid Murrumbidgee Upper Lachlan Lower Macquarie Upper Macquarie Lower Namoi Upper Namoi Gwydir Upper Condamine 0 Figure 50: Proportion of point localised and diffuse input components to groundwater models, under fitted historical conditions Inspecting Figure 51 with the model discharge components, the water balance in the MDB alluvial systems is dominated by groundwater abstraction. This suggests that human activity has a profound effect on the water levels and storage of these aquifers. The discharge fluxes in the sedimentary systems are more mixed and largly dependent on the depth to groundwater in the upper layers. For example, in the three Tasmanian models the groundwater is very shallow, pumping is very low and the areas are extensively irrigated. Primary discharge mechanisms in this system are to water courses, here noted as ‘river’, and through direct evaporation from watertable. In the PRAMS and SWAMS models water losses to evapotranspiration are not shown on the plot, but these fluxes are included in net recharge estimation. 20 0 Boundary Evaporation River -40 Pumping -60 -80 SWAMS PHRAMS PRAMS (super) Scottsdale Wesley Vale Mella/Togari Howard East Daly SRP - Ovens SRP - VIC SRP - NSW Mid Murrumbidgee Low Murrumbidgee Lower Lachlan Upper Lachlan Lower Macquarie Upper Macquarie Lower Namoi Upper Namoi Gwydir -100 Upper Condamine Percent -20 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 79 Figure 51: Proportion of discharge components from groundwater models under fitted historical conditions. Negative values are a net discharge flux, positive values are a net gain to the system. In the PRAMS and SWAMS models, losses to the ocean occur in more than half of the total model boundary, so this condition dominates their water balance. Note that in some cases the flux from all boundary conditions provides a net influx of water, and thus will appear as a positive value in the graph. Modelling future scenarios All groundwater models were run with a variety of future climate scenarios. Of these, the water-balance components will be presented only for those common to all reported results: a median future scenario and a dry future climate scenario. The values for alluvial and sedimentary systems are shown separately. Figure 52 shows the changes in water-balance components, both recharge and discharge, for the alluvial aquifers of the MDB under a median future climate. In this scenario rainfall recharge is projected to reduce or remain similar to historical levels (Crosbie et al. 2010c) across the MDB. In the case of each of the modelled systems there is a projected systematic reduction in diffuse recharge as a result of rainfall and flooding, such as up to 25 per cent in the Lower Lachlan. The smallest reduction is likely to be in the Lower Macquarie, which is projected to have the highest proportion of diffuse recharge in Figure 50. The direction of change in localised recharge from river leakage is mixed across the models, but is relatively small in magnitude (from +5 per cent to –8 per cent). Since the changes in river stage under the future climate scenarios were not incorporated in the models, projected changes in river leakage are due to changes in the depth to watertable. Projected changes in discharge are shown in Figure 52(b). The relative changes are likely to be of the same order as the recharge changes already shown, and are quite varied in their direction from model to model. The apparently large relative changes to boundary fluxes in the Upper Namoi do not lead to large changes in modelled volumes because of very small boundery fluxes under the historical climate. Evaporation and river discharge are generally projected to fall, which reflects a general lowering of water levels due to reduced recharge. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 80 50 (a) Diffuse Localised Percent 25 0 -25 -50 50 (b) Boundary Evaporation 25 River Percent Pumping 0 -25 SRP - Ovens SRP - VIC SRP - NSW Low Murrumbidgee Mid Murrumbidgee Lower Lachlan Upper Lachlan Lower Macquarie Upper Macquarie Lower Namoi Upper Namoi Gwydir Upper Condamine -50 Figure 52: Percentage change in a) recharge and b) discharge water-balance components for alluvial aquifers of the MDB under a median future climate. All changes are relative to the absolute fitted values from the historical simulation. Figure 53 shows the recharge and discharge components for the sedimentary systems. Future climate conditions from GCMs project rainfall to be similar or greater than historical across northern Australia, resulting in a modest increase in diffuse recharge in Daly Basin and Howard East. Similarly, all GCMs simulate a decrease in annual rainfall across the south-west of Western Australia, which results in a strong modelled decline in diffuse recharge. The discharge components in Figure 53(b) again reflect the ambient groundwater levels of each area. For the Northen Territory and Tasmanian aquifers there is very little change in discharge projected. This is likely to be due to a projected increase in rainfall, shallow watertables, and ocean discharge as a boundary condition that provides overall stability in water balance. In the case of Tasmania there is also relatively little groundwater extraction. The Western Australian cases show a consistent reduction in discharge components of the model water balance as a result of generally lower groundwater levels due to consistent reduction in rainfall projected for this region. In PRAMS and SWAMS only net groundwater recharge is calculated, so there is no separately reported change in ‘evaporation’ even if it does occur. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 81 50 (a) Diffuse Localised Percent 25 0 -25 -50 50 (b) Boundary Evaporation 25 River Percent Pumping 0 SWAMS PHRAMS PRAMS (super) Scottsdale Wesley Vale Mella/Togari Howard East -50 Daly -25 Figure 53: Percentage change in a) recharge and b) discharge water-balance components for sedimentary aquifers of NT, WA and Tasmania under a median future climate. All changes are relative to the absolute fitted values from the historical simulation. Figure 54(a) and Figure 54(b) present the projected relative change in the recharge and discharge components, respectively, for the various modelled alluvial aquifers under a future dry climate. Figure 54(a) shows that with a dry future there is a likely reduction in diffuse recharge across the MDB. Some aquifers show an increase in localised recharge due to a reduction in watertable with no modelled changes in river stages. These increases are a result of using fixed riverhead conditions that allow water to freely enter and leave the model domain. As modelled groundwater heads become lower due to less recharge, the head difference with the boundary increases and thus more water is estimated as entering the model domain. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 82 50 (a) Diffuse Localised Percent 25 0 -25 -50 50 (b) Boundary Evap 25 River Percent Pumping 0 -25 SRP - Ovens SRP - VIC SRP - NSW Low Murrumbidgee Mid Murrumbidgee Lower Lachlan Upper Lachlan Lower Macquarie Upper Macquarie Lower Namoi Upper Namoi Gwydir Upper Condamine -50 Figure 54: Percentage change in a) recharge and b) discharge in the water balance for alluvial aquifers of the MDB under a dry future climate. All changes are relative to the absolute fitted values from the historical simulation. The discharge components in Figure 54(b) tell a similar story. River discharge and direct evaporation are projected to uniformly decrease as local groundwater levels fall. In one case (SRP–Vic) pumping has decreased as a result of localised drying out of an aquifer from overextraction. The direction of fluxes associated with boundary conditions continue to be mixed. Extreme values of boundary-flux changes for the Upper Namoi are again a result of very small historical fluxes, and the changes indicated are insignificant in terms of the overall water balance. Projected changes in inputs to the sedimentary aquifers under a dry future climate are shown in Figure 55(a). Most of the input fluxes are lower than under the median future climate, with SWAMS experiencing the largest drop in diffuse net recharge of –56 per cent. The modelled discharge components in Figure 55(b) show that projected changes in the Northen Territory and Tasmanian aquifers are of the order 10 per cent. These changes are projected to be of a similar scale to changes in inputs as in Figure 55(a). For the Western Australian models, however, the changes are projected to be much larger, which may reflect the lowering watertable due to the consistent and strongly downward future projection of annual rainfall, which caused a substantial reduction in discharge to rivers and the ocean. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 83 50 (a) Diffuse Localised Percent 25 0 -25 -50 50 (b) Boundary Evaporation 25 River Percent Pumping 0 SWAMS PHRAMS PRAMS (super) Scottsdale Wesley Vale Mella/Togari Howard East -50 Daly -25 Figure 55: Percentage change in a) recharge and b) discharge input water balance components for sedimentary aquifers of NT, WA and Tasmania under a dry future climate. All changes are relative to the absolute fitted values from the historical simulation. Effect of climate change on groundwater resource The Australian Natural Resources Atlas (DEWHA 2009) uses a working definition of ‘sustainable water provision’, namely the limit on potentially divertible water that will be allowed to be diverted from a resource after taking account of environmental values and making provision for environmental water needs. Further, a working definition of ‘sustainable yield’ was developed and is the groundwater extraction regime, measured over a specified planning timeframe, that allows acceptable levels of stress and protects the higher value uses that have a dependency on the water. The NWC (AWR 2005) used the Intergovernmental Agreement on a National Water Initiative for a definition of ‘environmentally sustainable level of extraction’ as the level of water extraction from a particular system that would compromise key environmental assets, or ecosystem functions and the productive base of the resource, if it were exceeded. The following quote from the Australian Natural Resources Atlas (DEWHA 2009) summarises the main method of estimating sustainable yield, and the major problem with using a broad definition: Considerable ongoing effort will be required to operationalise the concept [of sustainable yield] and review its implementation. Nonetheless the States have used a broad range of approaches to calculate sustainable yield: the principal method being a percentage of the assessed rainfall (commonly between 1 per cent and 5 per cent) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 84 as being the recharge and all or the majority of the recharge being the sustainable yield. However, in many cases other hydrogeological criteria and approaches have been adopted to suit specific circumstances. The agreed national definition acknowledges that 'storage depletion' may occur. The approach provides a requirement for intervention when extraction levels cause unacceptable impacts such as storage depletion. The extent to which this has been applied is not clear. Nonetheless considerable scope exists for widely differing approaches between the States, with the result that it is not easy to compare across Australia. It is the broad definition of sustainable yield and variation in estimation and time frame across Australia that makes consistent comparison of work impossible. Inherent in the time frame and measurement of groundwater levels is the local definition of the ‘groundwater resource’. In the MBDA work, for example, bore extraction was modified under current and future climate regimes so that four criteria were met: stabilisation of groundwater levels: levels must be stable (annually) or rising at key sites after 50 years stabilisation of extraction: pumping rates must be maintained at the full rate, i.e. not cause any model cells to dry out, for 50 years prevention of dewatering confined aquifers: levels must remain above the upper level of confined aquifers at key sites for 50 years maintenance of current environmental river flows: the sustainable limit must be less than the current actual level of extraction, averaged over the previous five years. In these model results, storage depletion was a small part of the water balance, thus the implicit definition of groundwater resource is tied to the amount of recharge (mostly climate controlled) and discharge (mostly human controlled). All reductions in recharge must be matched with reductions in extraction of river flow. In the MDBA results, nine of the 13 models required a reduction in pumping to meet the criteria for a median and dry future climate. The average reduction was –24 per cent of current pumping, and five models required a further average drop of –41 per cent to meet all criteria. These reductions can be compared with the average recharge reduction of –14 per cent for median and –29 per cent for dry future climate. Under the current pumping regime and historical climate, two of the models violated one or more of the sustainability criteria. In the MDBA work, the groundwater resource is implicitly defined by the amount of recharge, where the dryland component is almost exclusively a simple percentage of rainfall. All projected changes in annual rainfall as a result of climate change translates proportionally into recharge, and therefore the groundwater resource. This is a flawed and over-optimistic implementation, as rainfall-recharge elasticity shows that there is a greater percentage reduction in recharge for a given percentage reduction in rainfall. This modelling estimates the reduction in bore extraction required to maintain the resource as defined. The models reviewed in the Northern Territory, Tasmania and Western Australia were run under future climate and (generally increasing) pumping scenarios, with storage and discharge changes described as a result. Here the groundwater resource is defined by the amount of storage and the changes modelled as a result of climate and direct human changes, e.g. pumping and land cover. In these cases all changes in recharge and increases in pumping are met by changes in storage or discharge water balance components, e.g. evaporation or drain discharge. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 85 The Northern Territory and Tasmania are simple cases where median future rainfall is similar to current amounts or greater, and current levels of pumping are sustainable in terms of stable water levels and storage volume. While there is little planned expansion of bore extraction in Tasmania, increasing it to a level of 25 per cent of estimated recharge as a modelling experiment showed that these levels caused local drying out without substantially affecting the rest of the model domain. Increased pumping was therefore not sustainable. The model results in Western Australia are more interesting. In the PRAMS area there is a general decline in total rainfall, but recent and planned land-cover changes have a significant effect on recharge and storage. On the Dandaragan Plateau north-east of Perth, where clearing of native vegetation for cropping and grazing has occurred for over 50 years or more, long-term water levels have been steadily rising. This pattern is expected to continue into the future with an average modelled rise of 5.4 m to 2030 under a median future climate, and a 3.3 m rise to 2030 under a dry future climate. In the coastal zones north and south of Perth, average groundwater levels change by 1 m to 2030 under the median and dry futures, and it is beyond the accuracy of a regional model to say more than that the levels are probably stable. This result comes as rainfall reduces by –7 to –17 per cent; land-cover change to the north, however, replaces pine forest with native regrowth and, as some water levels drop, the areas stop discharging through evaporation or to drains. The PRAMS area increases its storage under both median and dry future climates, but while historical conditions have allowed 23 per cent of recharge to increase storage, under a median climate 17 per cent of recharge increases storage, and under a dry climate only 4 per cent does. In the models described above, the groundwater resource is described by changes to storage or water levels as a result of climate changes on a system where extraction is constant or increasing. The resource condition can be assessed in similar terms to the previous section, i.e. water-level behaviour at key indicator sites, status of confined aquifers, or volume of discharge to rivers and drains. While water levels remain above some critical trigger levels, this type of resource definition allows a timescale to be modelled that indicates how long the system can be sustained with the current regime of extraction under any future climate. Discussion Groundwater flow within aquifers is linked to climate and anthropogenic changes through the latter’s effect on the recharge and discharge processes. Modelling undertaken in the reviewed studies indicates that for sedimentary aquifers with a relatively permeable layer at the surface, the direct effects of changes in rainfall and evaporation play a significant role. In these cases the diffuse fluxes are directly affected by the magnitude of change in rainfall in a future climate. For example, an area where annual rainfall is projected to decrease can expect, a priori, a decrease in recharge. For these areas a sensitivity to climate change could be derived from estimates of likelihood of future rainfall and evaporation changes. For the modelled alluvial systems, the surface layer is relatively less conductive than the deeper strata, and will confine the main water-bearing aquifer. In these models the main components of the water balance are fluxes to and from a river, and the boundary conditions. The water transfers between a river and local groundwater are controlled by the river stage, which in turn is affected by rainfall-runoff behaviour in a future climate. For regulated rivers, maintaining stage and supply to customers in a future with less rainfall may become more difficult. Groundwater pumping is the major discharge for many of these systems and, like river regulation, is entirely anthropogenic in nature. Sensitivity to climate in these aquifers, as modelled, is a result of flow-on effects of climate changes. That is, a reduction in rainfall may lead to less water-filling storages, which in turn leads to reduced river stage or water security, NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 86 which leads to less river leakage and more groundwater pumping. Climate sensitivity becomes a function of commercial and economic factors. Modelling climate change with groundwater models The outcome of models is limited primarily by our own understanding of the hydrogeological conditions and, secondarily, by specific model implementation and operation. Computer models are necessarily conceptual simplifications of reality based on limited observation and groundwater- system understanding. This is the case both in conceptualising the model domain and in estimating and distributing the various hydrogeological properties, recharge and discharge fluxes, and fluxes associated with boundary conditions. In groundwater modelling this is most true as an extensive three-dimensional underground structure is sampled by, and interpreted with, a series of pinprick holes and point estimates. This is an inherent but seldom explored limitation. The secondary limitation is the models themselves. If only a subset of the processes is considered, then some questions cannot be answered. The most common groundwater models are well suited to incorporate the direct effects of climate change such as changes to inputs like rainfall recharge, or anthropogenic alterations such as reducing pumping volumes. The weakest link is indirect changes, such as those associated with river stage and combined groundwater and surface water-supply management. It is rare in groundwater modelling to incorporate river stage within a groundwater model based on its relationship with rainfall runoff and flow routing. It is computationally intensive and creates very large input datasets to dynamically alter flow regimes, with the additional consideration of flooding. Where an area is large and there is enough detailed information, transient data on diffuse sources such as rainfall recharge can also be very large and cumbersome, often requiring additional external computation to assemble the necessary data. As a corollary to the limitations of the models themselves, the operation of the models is also important. A groundwater model can reproduce the modelled process as it is defined within the model, based on the conceptual understanding of their magnitude and spatial and temporal occurrence. However, the conceptualisation of the hydrogeological systems may vary largely, depending on judgment of the model developers. For example, a groundwater model based on the assumption that diffuse recharge is to be ‘net’ recharge (after all vertical losses are removed) will appear to perform poorly when given ‘gross’ recharge (for instance, recharge that does not account for some evaporation that would otherwise have been removed) instead. Similarly, a priori knowledge is required when generating model inputs, which is particularly relevant to recharge estimation under future climate scenarios. From the simplistic model input describing net recharge as a fixed percentage of total rainfall, a 10 per cent decrease in future rainfall would be translated to a matching 10 per cent decrease in net recharge. However, if we know a priori that the elasticity in the process means that a 10 per cent decrease in annual rainfall leads to a 20 per cent decrease in net recharge, then the simplistic translation of a 10 per cent decrease would underestimate the impact on recharge. That simulation by the model would be a poor estimate of the future groundwater levels and groundwater resource as the groundwater model did exactly as it was asked but with the wrong assumptions related to net recharge estimation. Some care must be taken with pumping when an aquifer layer is thick, since models will generally assume that extraction takes place from the middle of the layer. Where wells are extracting from very different parts of a layer, sublayers may need to be considered for the most accurate representation. This is done, for example, for the Leederville and Yarragadee aquifers in the PRAMS model where each of these single aquifers has three model layers. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 87 Failure to do so can lead to a model drying out an aquifer layer and falsely implying that pumping is not sustainable, or drawdown is very large. Flood and irrigation recharge is usually handled via the diffuse recharge mechanism (used for rainfall or net recharge), but is completely dependent on the model operator in terms of their spatial and temporal patterns. Processes that are less well handled, or more subjective and therefore dependent on the operator, are evaporation losses and boundary conditions. Evaporation losses are often linked with net recharge modelling, where an operator generates a spatial map that convolutes surface soil type or geology with vegetation cover, for example. The logic behind this is clear when net recharge below trees is very different to that below grasses or bare ground. The mechanism for extracting groundwater by evaporation, when modelled in addition to net or gross recharge, generally specifies a maximum rate at the surface with a linear decrease to an extinction depth. Knowing this is the process description, an operator can accommodate variations according to any scheme that generates a spatial map, for example a soil or land-use map. Boundary conditions define the fluxes at the boundaries of the modelling domain and can be a source or sink for water. Where possible, no-flow boundary conditions are likely to provide the least effect on the model fluxes as these are least likely to change and do not contribute a flux to the model. Processes that are not handled well are associated with fluxes from and to rivers and include both the river stage and river exchanges with groundwater. River stage can be highly dynamic and not on the same timescale as groundwater movement, yet a long stress period in a groundwater model implies that river stage in a computational cell is constant for the entire stress period—one month for example. If a river is not regulated this is unlikely, which leads to errors in estimating stream and groundwater-exchange fluxes. It also implies that the river is an infinite source of, or sink for, water. Estimating the flux between the river and groundwater is commonly further simplified. The fluxes generally follow a linear function of the head difference between the river and local groundwater, moderated by a conductance value. The streambed conductance is often derived from model fitting, and thus is used as an input parameter to compensate for the errors in process representation. Other research (Brunner et al. 2009, 2010) indicates that the response to head change is linear within a range of head difference but thereafter becomes non-linear. If the head difference becomes large enough, hydraulic disconnection between river and groundwater can occur and recharge from the river is no longer defined by Darcy flow, as the flow is unsaturated. The flux in such conditions becomes constant. This clearly has implications for modelling the effect of changing stream stage due to decreased runoff or changing management rules in a regulated stream. An additional limitation is related to the misrepresentation of the effective river width, which in many low-valley rivers is the dominating factor in localised recharge changes under changing flow conditions. Models such as MODFLOW were designed more than 20 years ago and have undergone long and meaningful changes over time. While there is considerable effort in improving computational efficiency and numerical convergence, much more effort has gone into user interfaces designed simply to assemble the necessary input files. Being a very old system, too, the input files are few, and are designed to be open for an entire simulation and read sequentially. It is this structure that leads to massive input files that are unique for each run. It is possible to modify and recompile the open-source models to include any number of new processes, input and output variations, etc. This is a non-trivial exercise requiring a detailed understanding of computer programming and numerical modelling to implement. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 88 A modern groundwater simulator should have an integration of surface water processes leading to changes in river stage and flux. Where flooding is an important process, it must be handled within the same framework. The input structure must provide more flexibility for dynamic and transient data inputs, specifically not requiring a single file to describe one flux for each stress period for an entire simulation, for example. Process-based coupled surface water–groundwater models appear to be most suitable for simulating such conditions. Recently, a number of models have become available to simulate fully coupled surface water–groundwater systems: the European MIKE SHE (DHI Water & Environment 2007), and from North America InHM (VanderKwaak 1999), MODHMS (Hydrogeologic Inc. 2006), MODFLOW WHaT (Thoms 2003), HydroGeoSphere (Therrien et al. 2005), and more recently GSFLOW (Markstrom et al. 2008). Being process-based, such models are also suitable for modelling of land-cover changes (Barron and Barr 2009). However, the reported application of these models has been restricted to small catchments (Maneta et al. 2008) or topographically diverse catchments (Jones et al. 2008). Werner and Gallagher (2006) used a multilayer MODHMS model with density dependence to investigate the seawater intrusion into the Pioneer Creek catchment in Queensland, which includes an ephemeral channel network and a number of wetlands. The challenge in using these physically based distributed coupled surface water–groundwater model is the large data requirement. Each individual process (e.g. channel flow, overland flow, unsaturated zone and saturated flows), requires a specific set of parameters that have to be distributed over the model domain. The coupling of surface water and subsurface water processes is also computationally expensive as the spatial and temporal scales for the individual components are different, requiring either simulation of all processes at the smallest relevant scale (fully coupled) or of each component individually, and subsequently integrating them (iterative). Conclusions Groundwater resources in the reviewed modelling were defined differently. In the MDBA studies, the groundwater resource was an amount of groundwater that could be abstracted without changes in groundwater storage. In other models the change in storage was a measure of climate impact on resources. The results of this review can be summarised as follows: ‘Groundwater resource’ can be defined as the volume of water that can be removed from the system for no change in total storage, or with some defined level of storage depletion. Prior knowledge of the relationship and elasticity between rainfall and recharge is required to implement climate change in a groundwater model where it is represented as a fixed fraction of total rainfall. Prior knowledge of the effects of climate change on runoff in regulated and unregulated rivers is required to appropriately describe the river stage in groundwater models. In the MDBA models, pumping rates were left the same as historical levels or reduced as required to maintain groundwater levels at keys sites. All reductions in recharge were compensated for by reducing pumping, yet none of the models was considered sensitive to climate change. In the Northern Territory and Tasmanian groundwater models, local groundwater levels were stable under current pumping regimes and, with little future expansion of pumping planned, also considered sustainable. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 89 In groundwater models in Western Australia, current pumping levels were maintained, and a consistent downward trend in future rainfall leads to a decreasing amount of water being stored. In the south-west there was a change from net storage to net loss of groundwater from the current climate to a future dry climate. The use of an appropriate model is critical for being able to answer questions about the impact of change to groundwater systems. The biggest impediment is linking surface and groundwater processes appropriately, and then populating the model with all the necessary data. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 90 5. Climate change impacts on groundwater resources, environment, agriculture and water supply in key aquifers of Australia This chapter aims to summarise the results of the project work for the 14 high-priority aquifers indentified in Chapter 3 and Currie et al. (2011). The names of individual aquifers grouped within each priority aquifer are given in Appendix 2. A brief description of the priority aquifers is provided, including the climate type in which each aquifer is located, an overview of the hydrogeology, recharge mechanisms, main soil types and land use. Historical and projected future rainfall under three future climates considering three global warming scenarios and 16 GCMs is outlined next. This is then followed by the description of changes in projected diffuse recharge estimated by modelling (as in Chapter 4 and Crosbie et al. 2011a). The impacts on agriculture, water supply, commercial and mining industries and the environment due to projected changes in diffuse and localised recharge are given in the last section of this chapter. This section also describes the likely impacts on surface water–groundwater interactions and GDEs from projected changes in diffuse and localised recharge. High-priority aquifers—brief description Fourteen aquifers were identified as high-priority based on their importance and sensitivity, as described in Chapter 3 and shown in Figure 56. A brief description of each is given below. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 91 Figure 56: Map showing the location of high-priority aquifers Lachlan The Lachlan aquifer occurs within two climate types. About 45 per cent of its area lies within the arid climate type (BSk) and 55 per cent in the equiseasonal–hot climate (Cfa) (Table 8). It includes the Billabong Creek, Mid-Murrumbidgee, Upper Lachlan and Upper Murray Alluvial GMUs on the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range in southern New South Wales. Each of these areas is characterised by relatively deep valleys containing alluvial deposits associated with the current and ancient drainage systems. The main productive aquifer is the confined Lachlan Formation, a Late Tertiary alluvium up to 80 m thick and comprising well-sorted, clean quartz sand and gravel (CSIRO/SKM 2010; BRS 2008). Groundwater is predominantly fresh (150–950 µS/cm EC) but decreases in quality away from the current surface water drainage systems (CSIRO/SKM 2010). Overlying the Lachlan Formation is the Quaternary Cowra Formation (contemporaneous with the Shepparton Formation), which comprises unconsolidated gravels, silts and clays with shoestring sand lends. The Cowra Formation ranges in thickness from 35 to 80 m (CSIRO/SKM 2010). Groundwater in the Cowra Formation, at >1000 µS/cm EC, is typically of poorer quality than in the Lachlan, but extraction, predominantly from the underlying Lachlan Formation, has resulted in significant drawdown NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 92 and dewatering of this unit (BRS, 2008). Localised recharge is the main recharge process. Diffuse recharge also occurs through seasonal rainfall. The main soil types in the aquifer area include relatively less permeable (hydraulic 4 conductivity less than 0.5 m/day) Sodosols (duplex soils characterised by red-brown earths and desert loams) in about 68 per cent of the area and more conductive (hydraulic conductivity >1 m/day) Kandosols (red, yellow and grey earths and calcareous earths) in about 14 per cent ( 4 All soil conductivity values are given as a weighted hydraulic conductivity over 4 m soil profile as defined in Chapter 4. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 93 Table 9). Predominant land use is dryland agriculture. Irrigated agriculture and plantations occupy about 2.2 and 1.2 per cent of the area, respectively (Table 10). Extraction from Lachlan Formation aquifers is high, with groundwater used extensively for town water supply and irrigation purposes. As a result, substantial drawdown (up to 20 m) is observed at many locations (CSIRO/SKM 2010). Newer Volcanics Most of the Newer Volcanics aquifer area lies within the equiseasonal–warm climate type (Cfb). Only about 13 per cent lies within the winter rainfall climate (Csb) (Table 8). These are basalt aquifers that form in broad, low volcanic plateaus throughout western Victoria. Fractures in the basalt form the primary pathways for groundwater flow. The aquifers are recharged directly through numerous volcanic cones and via infiltration through fractures. Recharge occurs preferentially in areas of less-weathered basalt, stony rises and eruption points. Outside of preferential recharge areas, a lower flux of water reaches the watertable because of lower infiltration rates and increased evapotranspiration (Tweed et al. 2007). Groundwater flow typically radiates outward from the elevated recharge sources into the plains. Groundwater quality of the Newer Volcanic aquifers is highly variable depending on proximity to the recharge area. Groundwater is of good quality (<560 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS)) around volcanic vents and increases to over 3360 mg/L TDS in low-recharge areas. Groundwater quality of the basalt in the Daylesford area is good, averaging around 200 mg/L TDS (Heislers 1993). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 94 Table 8: Different climate types in the high-priority aquifers shown as per cent of the total aquifer area Aquifer Lachlan Total area 2 (km ) Per cent (%) of aquifer area (1) Tropics* (2) Arid (3) Winter rainfall (4) Equi­ seasonal– hot (5) Equi­ seasonal– warm 15 523 0 45 0 55 0 3 369 0 0 13 0 87 12 085 0 0 0 100 0 677 67 0 5 29 0 Coastal River Alluvium 1 3 677 99 0 0 1 0 Toowoomba Basalts 4 459 0 0 0 86 14 19 213 0 28 0 72 0 213 159 0 100 0 0 0 Port Campbell Limestone 5 126 0 0 58 0 42 Coastal River Alluvium 4 7 315 29 0 0 69 2 Coastal Sands 4 2 901 0 0 0 98 2 Otway Basin 15 811 0 0 100 0 0 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 16 350 0 35 57 3 5 127 020 65 35 0 0 0 Newer Volcanics Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium Atherton Tablelands Gunnedah Pilbara Daly Basin * Climate types included in climate zones are: 1) Tropics = Aw; 2) Arid = Bwh/BWk, BSh/BSk; 3) Winter rainfall = Csa/Csb; (4) Equiseasonal–hot = Cfa; 5) Equiseasonal–warm = Cfb, Cfc, Dfb, Dfc. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 95 Table 9: Main soil types in the high-priority aquifers shown as per cent of the total aquifer area (Johnston, et al. 2003) Hydrosol Kurosol Sodosol Chromosol Calcarosol Ferrosol Dermosol Kandosol Rudosol Tenosol Lake Lachlan 0 0 7 0 0 68 7 0 0 2 14 1 0 1 Newer Volcanics 0 1 3 0 0 61 11 0 0 13 1 1 6 3 Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium 0 0 59 0 1 29 3 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 Atherton Tablelands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 20 0 0 13 4 Coastal River Alluvium 1 2 0 5 4 1 44 7 0 0 24 11 0 3 0 Toowoomba Basalts 0 0 65 0 0 4 4 0 5 0 0 0 22 0 Gunnedah 0 0 69 0 0 22 2 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 Pilbara 0 0 4 0 0 26 3 4 0 0 18 1 45 0 Port Campbell Limestone 0 36 0 0 0 24 19 0 0 4 0 6 11 0 Coastal River Alluvium 4 0 1 7 9 13 24 7 0 3 25 6 0 3 0 Coastal Sands 4 0 28 0 37 11 4 1 0 1 9 1 2 6 1 Otway Basin 0 8 18 0 0 51 1 0 0 2 0 1 17 2 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 0 1 1 2 11 10 59 11 0 0 0 0 5 0 Daly Basin 0 0 5 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 42 15 31 0 Organosol Vertosol Per cent of aquifer area (%) Podosol Aquifer Table 10: Main land uses in the high-priority aquifers shown as per cent of total aquifer area Aquifer Per cent of total area (%) Dryland agriculture Irrigated agriculture Nature conser­ vation Plantation Residential/ infra-structure Mining Lachlan 94.3 2.2 0.6 1.2 0.3 0.0 1.4 Newer Volcanics 84.2 1.5 3.5 5.7 2.3 0.0 2.7 Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium 89.2 6.0 0.9 3.1 0.6 0.0 0.2 Atherton Tablelands 49.2 7.3 9.5 25.2 3.8 0.0 5.0 Coastal River Alluvium 1 48.9 19.3 20.0 2.6 2.6 0.0 6.6 Toowoomba 81.7 4.1 8.3 2.8 3.1 0.0 0.0 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES Estuary and coastal waters 96 Basalts Gunnedah 86.4 10.5 2.0 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.1 Pilbara 68.4 0.0 29.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.7 Port Campbell Limestone 60.8 1.0 12.5 24.7 0.5 0.0 0.4 Coastal River Alluvium 4 63.9 9.4 15.8 4.8 3.0 0.0 3.2 Coastal Sands 4 34.0 2.4 45.5 4.4 6.9 0.0 6.8 Otway Basin 80.2 3.5 3.6 9.9 0.5 0.0 2.2 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 85.2 2.3 2.7 2.1 7.0 0.0 0.7 Daly Basin 65.7 0.1 33.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.5 About 61 per cent of the aquifer area has relatively low permeability duplex-type red-brown earths (Sodosols) (Table 9). Prairie soils, chocolate soils, some red and yellow podzolic soils (Dermosols) occur in about 13 per cent and non-calcic brown soils, some red-brown earths and a range of podzolic soils (Chromosols) occur in about 11 per cent of the area. These are medium to high permeability soils with hydraulic conductivities ranging from 0.6 to 1.2 m/day. About 84 per cent of the area has dryland agriculture. Irrigated agriculture, native vegetation and plantations use 1.5, 3.5 and 5.7 per cent of the area, respectively (Table 10). Groundwater from these basalts is used for stock and domestic purposes, irrigation, and town water supply. Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium The entire Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium aquifer area lies within the equiseasonal–hot climate type (Cfa). The Border Rivers Alluvium (Queensland and New South Wales) and Upper Condamine Rivers Alluvium (Queensland) are located on the border of New South Wales and Queensland, and to the north of the border on the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The alluvial units are associated with the current drainage system and aquifers range from 10 m thick in headwater regions to greater than 120 m in the central areas of the river valleys (DERM 2009; Barret 2009; CSIRO 2007). In both GMUs, groundwater is predominantly fresh to brackish (<3000 mg/L TDS) and watertables are intersected two to 20 m below surface (DEWHA 2009). Localised areas of more saline groundwater (3000 to 14 000 mg/L TDS) are found in the northern and western portions of the Upper Condamine Alluvium GMU, while the river is a source of localised discharge in lower reaches (CSIRO/SKM 2010). Recharge to these alluvial aquifers occurs via diffuse rainfall recharge, inundation (flood) recharge and river leakage. In the Upper Condamine Alluvium GMU groundwater discharge to the Condamine River also occurs (CSIRO/SKM 2010). The main soil types include relatively low-permeability black earths and grey, brown and red clays (Vertosols) in 59 per cent of the area, and low conductivity red-brown earths and desert loams (Sodosols) in about 29 per cent ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 97 Table 9). Dryland agriculture is the dominant land use (89 per cent), followed by irrigated agriculture (6 per cent). Just over 3 per cent of the area has pine plantations (Table 10). Atherton Tablelands Two climate types occur in this aquifer area; 67 per cent lies within the tropics climate (Cwa) and 29 per cent in the equiseasonal–hot climate (Cfa) (Table 8). The Atherton Tablelands are located on the eastern slopes and tablelands of the Great Dividing Range in Far North Queensland and comprise the Pleistocene Basalt aquifers of the Atherton A and B GMUs. This aquifer comprises numerous, multilayered basalt flows separated by palaeo-weathering surfaces and minor alluvial gravels of palaeo-drainage channels (Locsey 2004). Basalt-flow thicknesses range from 50 to 120 m. However, groundwater is extracted primarily from the fractured and thinner weathered zones of basalt. Pumping rates range from 2 to 20 L/sec up to 40 L/sec (DEWHA 2009; CSIRO 2001). The Quaternary Basalts are a highly dynamic system, characterised by horizontal flow rates approaching 10 m/year and short groundwater residence times—mostly less than 30 years (CSIRO 2001). Recharge is relatively high at 150 to 660 mm/year (or 16 to 33 per cent of incident precipitation) but highly seasonal, coinciding with the summer monsoon season (CSIRO 2001). Diffuse rainfall infiltration is the primary recharge mechanism, but only occurs after the soil profile is fully wetted, usually by December of each year (AGE 2007). Minor recharge also occurs via stream leakage (AGE 2007). The groundwater system is highly connected to the surface water drainage system and most recharge that is not extracted discharges to streams (CSIRO 2001). As such, the aquifers are considered a seasonally finite resource (Balston and Turton 2006). The basalts are considered to be highly developed and extracted groundwater is primarily used for irrigation, town and industrial supply, and stock and domestic applications. Extraction has increased by over an order of magnitude from approximately 3 GL/year in the mid-1980s to 14 GL/year (approaching the then sustainable yield of 15 GL/year) in 2001 (CSIRO 2001). The sustainable yield has since been increased. However, the system remains currently overallocated and approaching extraction limits (DEWHA 2009). Despite this, groundwater levels are stable and entitlements were 100 per cent of allocations in 2009–10 (DERM 2009). About 63 per cent of the aquifer area is covered with chocolate soils (Ferrosols), about 20 per cent with prairie soils, chocolate soils, some red and yellow podzolic soils (Dermosols) and about 13 per cent ,with siliceous and earthy sands, alpine humus soils and some alluvial loams (Tenosols) ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 98 Table 9). All are highly conductive soils with hydraulic conductivities ranging from 1 to 3.2 m/day. Two main land uses in the area include dryland agriculture (49 per cent) and pine plantations (25 per cent). Irrigated agriculture and native vegetation occupy about 7 and 10 per cent of the area, respectively (Table 10). Coastal River Alluvium 1 Almost all of the Coastal River Alluvium 1 aquifer area lies within the tropics climate type (Af, Am, Aw) (Table 8). The Coastal River Alluvium 1 grouping incorporates the alluvial (fluvial) aquifers on the tropical north-east coast of Queensland. The respective GMUs are moderately 2 sized (113 to 1340 km ).Three of the larger GMUs in this grouping (the Burdekin River Delta, Bluewater and Bowen) are characterised by moderate to high levels of development, with groundwater extractions approaching or exceeding sustainable yields (AWR 2005). Being of potable quality and easily accessible (i.e. shallow), extracted groundwater is used extensively for irrigation, town and domestic water supplies. Despite high levels of extraction, groundwater levels are reported to be stable in each of these highly developed GMUs, although the Burdekin GMU will not sustain further development (DEWHA 2009). Groundwater development is considered to be low in the remaining GMUs. The main soil types include relatively low-permeability (<0.3 m/day) duplex-type red-brown earths and desert loams (Sodosol) in about 44 per cent of the area, high-permeability (1 m/day) prairie, chocolate, red and yellow podzolic soils (Dermosols) in about 24 per cent of the area and high-permeability (1.3 m/day) red, yellow and grey earths and calcareous red earths (Kandosol) in about 11 per cent ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 99 Table 9). Three main land uses include dryland agriculture (49 per cent of the area), irrigated agriculture (19 per cent) and native vegetation (20 per cent) (Table 10). Toowoomba Basalts The Toowoomba Basalts aquifer is located in south-east Queensland and lies within two climate types. About 86 per cent of its area lies within the equiseasonal hot (Cfa) and about 14 per cent within the equiseasonal–warm climate type (Cfb) (Table 8). It includes the Toowoomba North, Toowoomba South, Toowoomba City, Warwick and Nobby Basalt GMUs. The basalts form part of the Tertiary Main Range Volcanics, and groundwater is hosted in fractures, vesicle and weathered zones of these basalts. Aquifers are intersected between 2 m and 155 m below surface, are typically 10 to 30 m thick and may be confined, semiconfined or unconfined. Groundwater salinity ranges from fresh to brackish (DEWHA 2009). Groundwater levels in the basalts are responsive to rainfall events and recharge occurs via direct infiltration where units outcrop or through overlying well-drained soils. Sustainable yields from the Basalt GMUs have been established empirically (from historical data) or from recharge estimates derived from runoff and soil moisture models (DEWHA 2009). Natural discharge from the Toowoomba Basalts occurs via outflow to the Condamine Alluvium (to which it is hydraulically connected). Additionally, there is a high density of irrigation, stock and domestic, and municipal supply bores across the area, with over 80 per cent of groundwater extracted used for irrigation purposes (CSIRO/SKM 2010). In this aquifer, low-permeability (0.03 to 0.09 m/day) black earths, grey, brown and red clay soils (Vertosol) occur in about 65 per cent of the area and high permeability (0.8 to 1.8 m/day) siliceous and earthy sands, alpine humus soils and some alluvial soils (Tenosol) occur in about 22 per cent (Table 9). Dryland agriculture is the main land use in this area (82 per cent). Native vegetation and irrigated agriculture use about 8 and 4 per cent of the aquifer area, respectively (Table 10). Gunnedah The Gunnedah aquifer is located in northeast New South Wales and comprises a group of GMUs associated with the sedimentary Gunnedah and Narrabri Formation aquifers, and contemporaneous equivalents. The Gunnedah aquifer has an equiseasonal–hot climate type (Cfa) in about 72 per cent of the area and an arid climate (BSh) in 28 per cent (Table 8). The Narrabri and basal Gunnedah Formations are spatially associated with the current surface water drainage systems and comprise primarily unconsolidated, interbedded sands, gravels and clays (CSIRO/SKM 2010). The 15 to 50 m-thick Narrabri Formation comprises recent alluvial fan sediments and is found either at the surface or up to 10 m below ground level (CSIRO 2007). Groundwater in the Narrabri Formation is mostly fresh to brackish, but can be saline, particularly away from surface water features (CSIRO/SKM 2010). The underlying Gunnedah Formation ranges between 20 m and 45 m thick and groundwater is typically fresher to brackish (CSIRO/SKM 2010). Underlying the Gunnedah Formation, but spatially restricted to paleochannels—the deepest aquifers within parts of some of the GMUs in the Gunnedah grouping—is the coarse-grained Cubbarroo Formation (CSIRO, 2007), though these aquifers are included with the Gunnedah Formation for this study. Groundwater is hosted in both the Narrabri and Gunnedah Formations, which are hydraulically connected across most areas and act as one aquifer unit. The aquifers are mostly unconfined and the watertable is typically intersected at 10 m below ground level. In certain locations, the Gunnedah Formation is semi-confined to confined by clay layers (Barret 2009). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 100 Recharge to the Narrabri Formation occurs primarily through leakage from rivers and watercourses and is supplemented by infiltration of floodwaters, diffuse rainfall recharge and root-zone drainage associated with irrigation activities (CSIRO/SKM 2010). Recharge to the Gunnedah Formation occurs primarily by downwards infiltration from the Narrabri Formation (CSIRO 2007). About 69 per cent of the aquifer area has black earthsand grey, brown and red clay soils (Vertosol), and about 22 per cent has red-brown earths and desert loams (Sodosol) ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 101 Table 9). The hydraulic conductivity of the Vertosols ranges between 0.01 and 0.09 m/day, whereas the hydraulic conductivity of the Sodosols varies between 0.1 and 0.5 m/day. Two main land uses in the Gunnedah aquifer area include dryland agriculture in 86 per cent of the area and irrigated agriculture in about 11 per cent (Table 10). The groundwater resources of the Gunnedah grouping are among the most intensively developed in New South Wales, with extracted water used for stock and domestic, irrigation and town water-supply purposes (CSIRO 2007). The Gunnedah Formation aquifers form the primary groundwater source and most of the high-yielding extraction bores are constructed here. This has led to large drawdowns near regional centres (up to 20 m) and has induced leakage from the overlying (and typically more saline) aquifer. In certain locations this has resulted in dewatering of the Narrabri Formation (CSIRO/SKM 2010; CSIRO 2007; Barret 2009). Pilbara The Pilbara aquifer area lies within the arid climate type (mainly desert, Bwh, BSh) (Table 8). The hydrogeology of the Pilbara region is described by Johnson and Wright (2001), Haig (2009) and MWH (2009). The Pilbara grouping comprises three main aquifer groups: the unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers associated with valleys (alluvium and colluviums); chemically deposited aquifers (calcrete and pisolitic limonite); and fractured-rock aquifers. The valleyfill deposits are up to 200 m thick, comprise various sedimentary sequences of clay, sand and gravel, and form unconfined aquifers in connection with underlying basement rocks. The chemically deposited aquifers form in palaeochannels with groundwater flow predominately occurring through karstic features. Fractured-rock aquifers form in dolomitic formations and within the fractured and mineralised ore bodies. Recharge mainly occurs via streambed leakage during periods of high river flow. Direct rainfall recharge also occurs, but to a lesser extent as rainfall in the area of this aquifer is the lowest of all the 14 priority aquifers. The groundwater discharge occurs by outflow to river springs and pools, evapotranspiration and evaporation from the soil surface in areas of shallow watertables. The groundwater quality is mostly fresh to marginal (200 to 1000 mg/L TDS). Hypersaline groundwater of up to 60 000 mg/L TDS also exists in the vicinity of Fortescue Marshes (AGC Woodward Clyde 1994). The main soils include siliceous and earthy sands and alluvial soils (Tenosols) in about 45 per cent of the area, red-brown earths and desert loams (Sodosols) in about 26 per cent and red, yellow, and grey earths, calcareous red earths (Kandosols) in 18 per cent ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 102 Table 9). The Tenosols are highly permeable (3.75 m/day). The Sodosols have low hydraulic conductivity (0.1 m/day) and Kandosols have high conductivity (1.37 m/day). The main land uses include dryland agriculture (68 per cent) and native vegetation (30 per cent). About 0.03 per cent of the area is used for mining (Table 10). The iron-ore industry is the major groundwater user in the area, for mine dewatering, dust suppression, and mineral processing (Johnson and Wright 2001). Port Campbell Limestone This aquifer is located within two climate types on the south-west coast of Victoria. About 58 per cent of the aquifer area occurs within the winter rainfall climate type (Csb) and 42 per cent within the equiseasonal–warm climate (Cfb) (Table 8). The Port Campbell Limestone grouping incorporates the Glenelg and Hawkesdale GMUs and the Nullawarre and Yangery Groundwater Supply Protection Area. The mid-to late- Miocene Port Campbell Limestone is the primary productive aquifer in this region and comprises primarily marine calcerenite. Clayrich marl increasingly interfingers the calcarenite with depth, such that only the top 50 to 200 m of the Port Campbell Limestone is considered a productive aquifer. The Port Campbell Limestone is either found in outcrops or is overlain by hydraulically connected younger dune sands and volcanics, and therefore it can be considered the watertable aquifer (DEWHA 2009). Groundwater is of good quality (≤1000 mg/L TDS approximately) and used extensively for irrigation purposes. The aquifer area has high to very high permeability (1.9 to 3 m/day) podzols, humus podzols and peaty podzols (Podosols) in 36 per cent of the area, low to high permeability (0.25 to 1 m/day) red-brown earths and desert loams (Sodosols) in 24 per cent, medium to high permeability (0.6 to 1.2 m/day) non-calcic brown soils and some red-brown earths (Chromosols) in 19 per cent and medium to very high permeability (0.8 to 3 m/day) sandy and alluvial soils (Tenosols) in about 11 per cent ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 103 Table 99). The aquifer area has dryland agriculture in 61 per cent of the area, native vegetation in 13 per cent and pine plantations in 25 per cent. About 1 per cent has irrigated agriculture (Table 10). Coastal River Alluvium 4 The Coastal River Alluvium 4 grouping incorporates the alluvial (fluvial) aquifers on the subtropical northern New South Wales and southern Queensland coasts. Of the area of the aquifer, 29 per cent occurs within the tropics climate (Cwa) and 69 per cent in the equiseasonal–hot climate (Cfa) (Table 8). The aquifers within this grouping comprise coarse Quaternary floodplain sediments associated with the current drainage system. Hence, there is a high degree of surface water–groundwater connectivity. Depths to watertable are typically 3 to 10 m below ground level and groundwater is mostly fresh to brackish (≤1000 mg/L TDS). The GMUs within the Coastal River Alluvium 4 grouping are small to moderately sized (85 to 2 1942 km ). Prairie soils, chocolate soils, some red and yellow podzolic soils (Dermosols) occur in 25 per cent of the area with hydraulic conductivities from 1 to 1.5 m/day ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 104 Table 9). Red-brown earths and desert loams (Sodosols) occupy about 24 per cent of the area. The hydraulic conductivity of these soils varies between 0.3 and 0.5 m/day. About 13 per cent of the area has podzolic soils, which are strongly acidic duplex type (Korosols) and have medium conductivity (0.9 m/day). The main land uses in this aquifer include dryland agriculture (64 per cent), irrigated agriculture (9 per cent), native vegetation (16 per cent) and pine plantations (5 per cent). The GMUs are characterised by high levels of groundwater development for irrigation, town supply and some industrial purposes. Over-extraction has led to watertable declines and seawater intrusion in some areas (AWR 2005; NRMMC 2002). Coastal Sands 4 The Coastal Sands 4 grouping incorporates the numerous Quaternary sand aquifers on the subtropical east coast of Australia (approximately central Queensland to central New South Wales). It has an equiseasonal–hot climate (Cfa) in about 98 per cent of the area; the remaining 2 per cent has an equiseasonal–warm climate (Cfb) (Table 8). The GMUs within 2 this grouping, listed in Currie et al. (2010), are small to moderately sized, ranging from 22 km 2 to 1970 km and comprise primarily aeolian and marine sand-dune deposits (AWR 2005). Aquifers can be up to 100 m thick and watertables are intersected three to 11 m below ground level (AWR 2005). The aquifers are characterised by high infiltration rates and the main recharge mechanism is diffuse rainfall recharge (AWR 2005). Recharge in the Botany Sandbeds is estimated as 30 per cent of the rainfall (Timms et al. 2006). Groundwater is generally of good quality (i.e. low salinity) in the sand aquifers, although in most of the Coastal Sands 4 GMUs the level of development is broadly characterised as ‘low level’ relative to sustainable yields. Localised areas of high-level development do exist where groundwater is extracted for municipal, commercial, stock watering and crop irrigation purposes (AWR 2005). In many of these GMUs there is no potential for future development because of the possibility of seawater intrusion. Additionally, many of the aquifers within this grouping, namely the Tomago Sandbeds, Macleay Coastal Sands, Richmond Coastal Sands, Botany Sandbeds and Bellinger Coastal Sands, have been classified as being at ‘high risk’ with respect to overextraction and land-use threats (i.e. contamination) (DLWC 1998). There are risks to groundwater quality in the Stuart Point Sandbeds from higher arsenic concentrations, in the Tweed River Coastal Sands from previous and current sand mining and the potential to release naturally occurring heavy minerals, and in the Coffs Harbour Coastal Sands because of the use of agricultural chemicals and fertilisers (NSW 2010). The main soils include humic gleys, gleyed podzolic and some alluvial soils (Hydrosols) in about 37 per cent of the area, humus podzolic and peaty podsols (Podosols) in 28 per cent, and acidic duplexes (Korosols) in about 11 per cent ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 105 Table 9). About 9 per cent of the area has prairie soils, chocolatesoils and some red and yellow podzolic soils (Dermosols). The hydraulic conductivity of these soils varies between 0.7 and 1.5 m/day. Native vegetation is the main land use (46 per cent) followed by dryland agriculture (34 per cent). Irrigated agriculture and plantations use about 2 and 4 per cent, respectively. About 0.04 per cent is devoted to mining (Table 10). Otway Basin The Otway Basin includes the Lower Limestone and Padthaway Coast Prescribed Wells Areas in south-east South Australia. It lies within the winter rainfall climate type (Csb) (Table 8). The Otway Basin grouping contains two distinct, regionally extensive groundwater systems: the Tertiary Confined Sands Aquifer (TCSA) and the overlying, unconfined Tertiary Limestone Aquifer (TLA). The TLA forms the primary productive aquifer. Groundwater in the TLA is typically fresh to brackish. Recharge to the TLA (and the TCSA) occurs via inflow from the adjoining Dundas Plateau in Victoria and the dominant flow direction is subsequently east to west (DWLBC 2006). Recharge to the TLA in this area also occurs via diffuse rainfall infiltration and groundwater levels are responsive to changes in the precipitation regime. In general, rainfall has declined over time across the TLA and this has led to significant watertable declines in over half of the management areas. This is due to both the direct and indirect mechanism of decreased precipitation rates leading to an increased demand for groundwater resources (DWLBC 2006). Compounding the effects of reduced precipitation are groundwater extractions that exceed the sustainable yield of the TLA, resulting in widespread resource degradation, both in terms of availability (declining groundwater levels) and water quality (increased salinity from salt mobilisation) (DWLBC 2007). The sustainable yield of these areas is being recalculated because previous estimates of the sustainable yield are less reliable. About 51 per cent of the basin area has relatively high-permeability (1 m/day) duplex-type red-brown earths and desert loams (Sodosols) ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 106 Table 9). Low-permeability (0.3 m/day) black earths, grey brown and red clays (Vertosols) occur in about 18 per cent of the area and about 17 per cent has very high conductivity (3 m/day) earthy sands and alluvial soils (Tenosols). About 80 per cent of the Otway Basin has dryland agriculture, plantations occupy about 10 per cent, and irrigated agriculture and native vegetation each cover about 4 per cent (Table 10). The groundwater is used extensively for town, stock and domestic supplies, by commercial forestry and for the irrigation of crops and pasture (the latter, irrigation, is responsible for up to 99 per cent of groundwater use) (AWR 2005). Commercial forestry plantations are also considered to use groundwater through infiltration interception and direct extraction where plantations overlie and access shallow groundwater. This type of water use by pine plantations accounts for approximately 7 per cent of total available recharge (DWLBC 2007). Adelaide Geosyncline 3 The Adelaide Geosyncline is a major geological feature of South Australia, extending from the Fleurieu and Yorke peninsulas, through the Mount Lofty Ranges to the northen Flinders Ranges. It has a winter rainfall climate (Csa, Csb) in about 57 per cent of the area and an arid climate (BSk) in 35 per cent, as the rainfall in this area is particularly low (Table 8). Small areas also lie within the equiseasonal hot and warm climate type. The region includes several GMUs, which are listed in Currie et al. (2010). The region is characterised by steep and undulating terrain with predominately fractured-rock aquifers that form in Proterozoic metasediments. Sedimentary aquifers, such as the Permian sands of the Fleurieu Peninsula, can also provide significant local supplies of groundwater. The fractured-rock aquifers present throughout the Mount Lofty Ranges are recharged predominantly via rainfall but may also receive some recharge from streams during periods of high flow. Discharge from this aquifer occurs through springs and seeps at the break of slope and as baseflow to streams. Discharge also occurs at depth (as groundwater through flow) to the adjoining sedimentary aquifers of the Adelaide Plains, particularly in faulted zones. Four main soil types are present in the area and include duplex-type, non-calcic brown soils and red-brown earths (Chromosols) in about 59 per cent of the area, acidic duplex podzolic soils (Korosols) in about 11 per cent, duplex type red-brown earths, grey-brown and red calcareous soils (Calcarosols) in 11 per cent, and desert loams (Sodosols) in 10 per cent ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 107 Table 9). The hydraulic conductivity of the Chromosols varies between 0.4 m/day and 1.2 m/day. Kurosols have medium permeability (0.5 to 0.7 m/day). The hydraulic conductivity of the Calcarosols and Sodosols varies between 0.1 m/day and 2 m/day. The main land-use is dryland agriculture (85 per cent). Irrigated agriculture and plantations each use about 2 per cent of the area, native vegetation about 3 per cent and mining about 0.01. per cent (Table 10). Daly Basin The Daly Basin aquifers refer to the thick (approaching 200 m) mid-Cambrian to early Ordovician Tindall Limestone and Oooloo Dolostone aquifers (and equivalents) in the Northern Territory. About 65 per cent of the basin occurs within the tropics climate (Aw) zone and 35 per cent within the arid climate (BSh) with low rainfall (Table 8). Tindall Limestone is the oldest formation. It is overlain by Jinduckin Formation, which in turn is overlain by Oolloo Limestone (Begg et al. 2001). The aquifers are highly connected to the local surface water systems, providing the primary water source for baseflows and, although there is the potential to reliably supply large volumes of water for extractive purposes, modelling suggests that current rates of extraction are close to or at the limits of recoverable groundwater extractions, particularly in irrigation areas (CSIRO 2009d). The groundwater in the basal unit of the Jinduckin Formation is unsuitable for domestic, stock or irrigation use due to dissolution of gypsum in the water (Chin 1995). Recharge to the aquifers occurs via rainfall infiltration, either diffusely or directly through sinkholes and dissolution hollows (Harrington et al. 2009). The groundwater yield is lowest in areas underlain by the Jinduckin Formation (Jolly 1984). The watertable varies throughout the year in the basin. Its depth ranges between 3 to 25 m below ground level at sites underlain by Tindall Limestone, between 8 to 25 m at sites underlain by the Jinduckin Formation and between 2 to 62 m at sites underlain by Oolloo Limestone (Chin 1995). There is a large network of groundwater-dependent wetlands and streams in the basin (Begg et al. 2001). About 42 per cent of the basin has high hydraulic conductivity (1.3 to 1.4 m/day) red, yellow and grey earths and calcareous red earths (Kandosols). Very high hydraulic conductivity (2 to 3.75 m/day) siliceous and earth sands and alluvial soils (Tenosols and Rudosols) occur in about 46 per cent of the area ( NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 108 Table 9). Dryland agriculture and native vegetation are the main land uses in this area, using about 66 per cent and 34 of the total area, respectively (Table 10). The land is also used for irrigated agriculture (0.1 per cent) and mining (0.01 per cent). The water extraction is mainly for agricultural and domestic uses. There were 290 groundwater licences during 2009–10 to withdraw 126 GL of groundwate and. 70 surface water licences to withdraw about 171 GL (NWC 2010). Climate change impacts on rainfall and diffuse recharge This section describes the impacts of climate change on rainfall and diffuse recharge in the high-priority aquifers. Table 11 lists the 80-year baseline historical period spatial variation in minimum, maximum, range, mean and standard error of rainfall across each aquifer. The same statistics for the median precipitation-scaling factors (PSF) under wet, median and dry future climates are also listed in this table. Although the PSF were calculated in the same way as the recharge scaling factor (RSF), an aquifer’s PSF does not correspond with its RSF, as the wet, median and dry future recharge are not caused by the corresponding wet, median and dry future rainfall. Also, RSFs were calculated through aggregation and reported as median values in each aquifer area calculated from the medians of all cells in the area. Thus, PSFs are suitable only for general comparisons with RSFs and any interpretation needs to take these incompatibilities into account. The RSFs are reported for four climate scenarios (historical, wet future, median future and dry future) and three variabilities (wet 15 years, median 15 years and dry 15 years) (Table 12). Further details of their calculation procedure are given in Chapter 4. For brevity, only the RSFs for the median 15 years under each of the historical, wet, median and dry future climate scenarios are discussed here. When comparing the PSF with the RSF it is assumed that the 90th percentile of high global o warming (2.4 C) PSFs correspond to the median RSFs for the wet future climate, the 50th o percentile of medium global warming (1.7 C) PSFs corresponds to the median RSFs for the o median 15-years future climate, and the 10th percentile of high global warming (2.4 C) PSFs corresponds to the median 15-years RSFs for the dry future climate. The projected changes in rainfall and recharge under the wet, median and dry future climate are reported below for each priority aquifer. The small range under the median and dry future climates suggests smaller projected changes in spatial variation of future rainfall. The PSF statistics for any future climate when multiplied by the baseline rainfall statistics give estimates of the rainfall statistics of that future climate. To assess how rainfall and recharge trends vary across various aquifer areas, per cent change from baseline 80-years historical-period rainfall and diffuse recharge was plotted for each aquifer for the wet, median and dry future climates as shown in Figure 57 and Figure 58. The rainfall is projected to decrease between 6 to 8 per cent under the wet future climate in only three aquifer areas, namely, Newer Volcanics with an equiseasonal–warm climate type, Port Campbell Limestone with a majority of the area in winter-rainfall climate type and Otway Basin in the winter-rainfall climate type (see Table 8 for climate types in each high-priority aquifer). In the Gunnedah and Daly Basin aquifer areas it is projected to increase by 14 to 16 per cent under the wet future climate. It is projected to remain unchanged in the Adelaide NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 109 Geosyncline Aquifer area. For the remaining eight aquifer areas, the rainfall is projected to increase by 8 to 11 per cent under the wet future climate. Table 11: Statistics of 80-year baseline period rainfall and wet, median and dry future climates for the priority aquifers Aquifer Minimum Maximum Range Mean Standard error 80-year baseline rainfall (mm) Lachlan 392 693 301 492 62 Newer Volcanics 528 913 385 703 79 Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium 552 780 228 627 27 Atherton Tablelands 956 1946 990 1488 246 Coastal River Alluvium 1 810 4221 3411 1566 977 Toowoomba Basalts 609 1233 624 735 132 Gunnedah 463 731 268 554 54 Pilbara 242 416 174 325 39 Port Campbell Limestone 600 871 271 735 52 Coastal River Alluvium 4 600 1989 1389 1245 296 1070 1861 791 1391 178 Otway Basin 487 820 333 632 78 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 277 964 687 519 143 Daly Basin 596 1642 1046 932 215 Coastal Sands 4 PSF for wet future climate Lachlan 1.07 1.19 0.12 1.11 0.05 Newer Volcanics 0.92 0.94 0.02 0.93 0.00 Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium 1.06 1.12 0.06 1.11 0.01 Atherton Tablelands 1.10 1.10 0.00 1.10 0.00 Coastal River Alluvium 1 1.10 1.13 0.03 1.11 0.01 Toowoomba Basalts 1.06 1.11 0.04 1.09 0.02 Gunnedah 1.12 1.19 0.08 1.16 0.02 Pilbara 1.02 1.13 0.11 1.08 0.02 Port Campbell Limestone 0.92 0.94 0.02 0.92 0.00 Coastal River Alluvium 4 1.04 1.16 0.12 1.10 0.03 Coastal Sands 4 1.05 1.15 0.10 1.10 0.03 Otway Basin 0.92 1.00 0.08 0.94 0.03 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 0.96 1.14 0.18 1.01 0.07 Daly Basin 1.09 1.19 0.10 1.14 0.03 PSF for median future climate Lachlan 0.96 0.99 0.03 0.98 0.01 Newer Volcanics 0.89 0.90 0.01 0.89 0.00 Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium 0.94 0.98 0.04 0.96 0.01 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 110 Atherton Tablelands 0.98 0.98 0.00 0.98 0.00 Coastal River Alluvium 1 0.97 1.00 0.03 0.98 0.01 Toowoomba Basalts 0.94 0.96 0.02 0.95 0.01 Gunnedah 0.97 1.00 0.03 0.99 0.01 Pilbara 0.91 0.99 0.08 0.96 0.01 Port Campbell Limestone 0.88 0.90 0.02 0.88 0.00 Coastal River Alluvium 4 0.93 1.00 0.07 0.97 0.02 Coastal Sands 4 0.95 0.99 0.05 0.97 0.02 Otway Basin 0.88 0.90 0.02 0.89 0.01 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 0.89 0.95 0.06 0.91 0.02 Daly Basin 0.99 1.03 0.04 1.01 0.01 PSF for dry future climate Lachlan 0.81 0.85 0.04 0.83 0.01 Newer Volcanics 0.77 0.78 0.02 0.77 0.01 Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium 0.77 0.81 0.04 0.78 0.01 Atherton Tablelands 0.86 0.86 0.00 0.86 0.00 Coastal River Alluvium 1 0.77 0.89 0.13 0.84 0.02 Toowoomba Basalts 0.78 0.80 0.02 0.78 0.01 Gunnedah 0.79 0.85 0.06 0.80 0.01 Pilbara 0.69 0.77 0.09 0.73 0.02 Port Campbell Limestone 0.76 0.78 0.03 0.77 0.01 Coastal River Alluvium 4 0.74 0.86 0.12 0.81 0.04 Coastal Sands 4 0.75 0.87 0.12 0.82 0.03 Otway Basin 0.75 0.78 0.03 0.76 0.01 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 0.74 0.77 0.03 0.75 0.01 Daly Basin 0.90 0.93 0.04 0.91 0.01 Table 12: Mean annual recharge rates under the baseline historical period and RSF under the historical, wet, median and dry future climates Aquifer Lachlan Baseline 80-year mean annual recharge (mm) Recharge scaling factor (RSF) under Historical climate Wet future climate Median future climate Dry future climate 58.9 1.05 1.47 1.08 0.82 121.8 1.05 1.17 0.93 0.69 28.6 1.06 1.52 1.02 0.62 Atherton Tablelands 540.9 0.99 1.15 0.94 0.72 Coastal River Alluvium 1 537.4 1.00 1.14 0.95 0.57 Newer Volcanics Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 111 Toowoomba Basalts 60.8 1.05 1.49 0.99 0.61 Gunnedah 24.5 1.06 1.71 1.13 0.76 Pilbara 13.6 1.00 1.21 0.83 0.45 Port Campbell Limestone 185.8 1.02 1.00 0.85 0.60 Coastal River Alluvium 4 362.5 1.00 1.23 0.98 0.73 Coastal Sands 4 302.8 1.02 1.44 1.03 0.72 Otway Basin 145.0 1.01 1.01 0.85 0.59 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 120.7 1.01 1.17 0.93 0.64 Daly Basin 147.7 0.95 1.51 1.03 0.86 60 Wet Median 40 Dry 20 0 -20 -40 C N ew L a an er V ch d o la C Ath B lca n oa er R n st ton Al ics al lu R T v To ive abl ium ow r A ela oo llu nd m viu s ba m B 1 Po rt G asa un lts C C am ne oa p da st be al l l Pi l b h R Li iv m ara e e C r Al sto oa lu ne st viu Ad al m el ai O San 4 de tw d G ay s 4 eo B sy as nc in D line al y 3 Ba si n -60 U Percent change in rainfall 80 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 112 Figure 57: Rainfall-scaling factors under the wet, median and dry future climates in the highpriority aquifers Percent change in recharge Wet 80 Median 60 Dry 40 20 0 -20 -40 U C N ew L a an er V ch d o la C Ath B lca n oa er R n st ton Al ics al l u R T v To ive abl ium ow r A ela oo llu nd m viu s ba m B 1 Po rt G asa un lts C C am ne oa p da st be al ll Pilb h R Li iv m ara e e C r Al sto oa lu ne st viu Ad al m el ai O San 4 de tw d G ay s 4 eo B sy as nc in D line al y 3 Ba si n -60 Figure 58: Recharge-scaling factors under the wet, median and dry future climates in the high-priority aquifers The rainfall is projected to reduce in all aquifer areas except the Daly Basin under the median future climate. In the Daly Basin a rainfall increase of 1 per cent is projected. The rainfall is projected to reduce by 9 to 12 per cent in four aquifer areas, namely, Newer Volcanics, Port Campbell Limestone, Otway Basin and Adelaide Geosyncline 3. In the remaining nine aquifer areas it is projected to reduce by 1 to 5 per cent under the median future climate. This suggests a similar per cent reduction in rainfall across the majority of the aquifer areas under the median future climate. The rainfall is projected to reduce in all aquifer areas under the dry future climate. In half of the aquifers the projected reduction in rainfall varies from 22 to 27 per cent. Six aquifer areas are projected to have rainfall reductions of 16 to 20 per cent. One aquifer (Daly Basin) is projected to have 9 per cent reduction in rainfall under the dry future climate. Therefore, whichever future climate eventuates it is likely to impact rainfall accordingly. In the case of a wet future climate the rainfall is projected to increase modestly except in a few aquifer areas. Under a median future climate the rainfall is less likely to change significantly from the baseline period, and under a dry future climate the impacts on rainfall are likely to be significant as all except one aquifer area have projected rainfall reductions of 16 to 27 per cent. The diffuse recharge is expected to remain unchanged in two aquifer areas (Port Campbell Limestone and Otway Basin) under the wet future climate (Figure 58). It is projected to increase between 14 and 23 per cent in six aquifer areas: Newer Volcanics, Atherton Tablelands, Coastal River Alluvium 1, Pilbara, Coastal River Alluvium 4, and Adelaide Geosyncline 3. Diffuse recharge is projected to increase most in the Gunnedah aquifer area (71 per cent) under the wet future climate. In the remaining five aquifers it is projected to increase by 44 to 52 per cent under the wet future climate. The increase in diffuse recharge is NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 113 in response to a projected increase in rainfall in 10 of the 14 aquifers under the wet future climate. The recharge is projected to increase by 8 to 13 per cent in the Lachlan and Gunnedah aquifer areas under the median future climate, although rainfall is projected to remain unchanged in these areas. It is projected to slightly increase (up to 3 per cent) in the Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium, Coastal Sands 4 and the Daly Basin and slightly decrease (up to 2 per cent) in the Toowoomba Basalts and Coastal Rivers Alluvium 4 aquifer areas under the median future climate. In four aquifer areas (Atherton Tablelands, Coastal River Alluvium 1, Adelaide Geosyncline and Newer Volcanics) the diffuse recharge is predicted to decrease by 5 to 7 in response to a projected reduction in rainfall of between 2 and 11 per cent. Substantial recharge decreases of 15 to 17 per cent are expected in the Pilbara, Port Campbell Limestone and Otway Basin aquifer areas under the median future climate, where the rainfall is projected to decrease by 4 to 12 per cent. Recharge is projected to reduce in all aquifer areas under the dry future climate. It is expected to reduce by 14 to 18 per cent in the Lachlan and Daly Basin aquifer areas in response to reductions in projected rainfall of between 9 and 17 per cent (compare Figure 58 and Figure 57). Large recharge reductions of 40 to 55 per cent are expected in the Coastal Rivers Alluvium 1, Toowoomba Basalts, Pilbara and Otway Basin aquifer areas in response to projected reductions in rainfall of between 16 and 24. In the remaining eight aquifer areas recharge reductions of 23 to 39 per cent are expected under the dry future climate in response to rainfall reductions of 14 to 25 per cent. In summary, in most aquifer areas the diffuse recharge is likely to increase under the wet future climate. Under the median future climate it is projected to either remain unchanged or increase in seven of the 14 aquifer areas and decrease in the remaining seven. Under the dry future climate, large reductions in diffuse recharge are likely in eight aquifer areas and very large reductions are expected in four aquifer areas. The baseline 80-year historical period mean annual diffuse recharge for each high-priority aquifer is listed in Table 12. The largest climate change impacts on diffuse recharge are likely in the Pilbara Aquifer area where the historical mean annual diffuse recharge is lowest due to its location within the arid climate. Relatively large impacts on diffuse recharge are expected in the Gunnedah and Upper Condamine Border River Alluvium aquifer areas, both of which are mainly located in the equiseasonal–hot climate type and have low historical mean annual diffuse recharge. The Lachlan Aquifer area, almost half of which is located in the arid climate type, also receives lower diffuse recharge. This aquifer area is likely to be impacted by climate change only if a dry climate occurs in the future. The historical mean annual diffuse recharge is relatively large in the Coastal River Alluvium 4 and Coastal Sands 4, and very large in the Atherton Tablelands and Coastal River Alluvium 1. Climate change impacts on diffuse recharge in these aquifers are likely to be modest under the median future climate and substantial to large under a dry future climate. Climate change impacts on agriculture, water supply and environment Current groundwater use within the priority aquifers areas is summarised in Table 13 and descibed below for individual aquifers. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 114 Lachlan The main uses of groundwater include irrigation (80) and domestic and town water supplies (20 per cent). Groundwater is very important to support agriculture and domestic supplies in this aquifer. Total groundwater use is about 59 per cent of its sustainable yield (111 GL/year). It is an overallocated system with total allocation of 165 GL/year. The surface water use is 53 per cent of its sustainable yield. About 41 per cent of the total water extracted is from groundwater. The groundwater resource is expected to increase as a result of projected increase in diffuse recharge under the wet and median future climates. Therefore no impacts on agriculture, water supply and environment are expected if either the wet or median climate eventuates in the future. However, an impact is expected under the dry future climate since it is already an overallocated system. The groundwater resource is also expected to reduce due to a reduction in the localised recharge, since rainfall is projected to reduce impacts on surface runoff, flow volumes and duration. However, localised recharge can also increase because of lower watertables that increase the hydraulic gradient from the river to groundwater (in connected streams), making more storage space available for infiltration of water. Without proper analysis and quantification of the fluxes into and out of groundwater systems it is not possible to make any valid conclusions about the impact of climate change on localised recharge. Given the resource utilisation level in this overallocated system, the likely resource reduction under the dry future climate warrants a high level of management response that includes detailed knowledge of aquifers, monitoring throughout the area, understanding of water balance, determination of GDEs, and regional groundwater models to predict the impacts of climate change and abstractions on the resource. This level of management response is necessary to help allocate the resource to various use categories based on detailed analysis and thorough assessment of the system. . NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 115 20 20 Agriculture 132 52.3 80 80 Total 165 65.3 100 100 Domestic and town water supplies 5.4 23.5 Commercial and industrial 0.6 2.6 16.9 73.9 0 0 22.9 100 Total Domestic and town water supplies Commercial and industrial Agriculture Mining Total Domestic and town water supplies Agriculture 6.4 5.2 3.8 3.8 3 2.4 1.8 1.8 159.4 127.7 94.4 94.4 0 0 0 0 168.8 135.3 100 100 1.7 1.4 7.5 7.5 21.6 17.3 92.5 92.5 Dry future climate Median future climate Expected recharge change (%) under Wet future climate Surface water extraction as % of surface water sustainable yield GW extraction as % of total extraction Surface water use (GL/yr) GW use as per cent of sustainable yield GW sustainable yield (GL/yr) (%) 13.1 Mining Atherton Tablelands Per cent of 33 Agriculture UC and Border River Alluvium total use (GL/yr) Newer Volcanics Per cent of total Domestic and town water supplies entitlement (%) Lachlan Estimated use Use category Entitlement Aquifer (GL/yr) Table 13: Groundwater use categories, allocation and utilisation levels and expected changes in diffuse recharge under future climates in high-priority aquifers 111 59 92 53 41 47 8 –18 43 53 18 72 55 17 –7 –31 97 140 60 141 69 52 2 –38 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 116 Total Coastal River Alluvium 1 Toowoomba Basalts 23.3 18.6 100 100 Domestic and town water supplies 2.9 2.4 3.2 3.2 Commercial and industrial 9.4 7.5 10.2 10.2 Agriculture 79.7 63.8 86.6 86.6 Total 92.1 73.7 100 100 Domestic and town water supplies 5.1 4.1 11.1 11.1 Commercial and industrial 1.1 0.9 2.4 2.4 39.8 31.8 86.5 86.4 46 36.8 100 100 Agriculture Total Gunnedah Pilbara Domestic and town water supplies 44.4 11.5 Agriculture 342.9 88.5 Total 387.3 100 18 102 13 100 59 15 –6 –28 139 53 3 100 96 14 –5 -43 61 60 8 100 82 49 –1 -39 357 109 157 35 71 71 13 -24 335 71 20 11 92 21 –17 -55 88 47 28 41 60 0 –15 -40 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 117 Domestic and town water supplies Commercial and industrial Agriculture Mining Port Campbell Limestone Total 237 Domestic and town water supplies 8.7 21 Commercial and industrial 0.8 2 31.6 76.7 Mining 0.1 0.2 Total 41.2 100 Domestic and town water supplies 35.1 9.8 6.6 1.8 Agriculture Coastal River Alluvium 4 Commercial and industrial Coastal Sands 4 Otway Basin Agriculture 315.4 88.3 Total 357.1 100 14.2 23.8 Commercial and industrial 0.3 0.5 Agriculture 2.7 4.6 Mining 10 16.8 Unknown 32.3 54.4 Total 59.5 100 2 0.7 0.1 0 290.4 99.3 0 0 292.5 100 Domestic and town water supplies Domestic and town water supplies Commercial and industrial Agriculture Mining Total Adelaide Geosyncline 3 424 84 47 49 88 23 –2 -27 410 15 0 0 100 44 3 -28 1326 22 5 10 98 1 –15 –41 117 23 61 66 30 17 –7 –36 329 19 24 1 73 51 3 –14 Domestic and town water supplies Commercial and industrial Agriculture Mining Total Daly Basin 26.7 Domestic and town water supplies 7.6 21.1 28.6 33.2 Commercial and industrial 0.1 1.3 0.4 2 Agriculture 18.9 41.3 71 64.8 Total 26.5 63.7 100 100 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 118 Newer Volcanics The Newer Volcanics is a relatively small groundwater resource system with a sustainable yield of 43 GL/year. The total groundwater use (23 GL/year) is about 53 per cent of the sustainable yield. Out of total groundwater extracted, 74 per cent is used for agriculture, 24 per cent for domestic and town water supplies and 3 per cent for commercial and mining purposes. The surface water use (18 GL/year) from surface water systems is at 72 per cent of the surface water sustainable yield. Out of total water extraction, about 56 per cent is extracted from groundwater. The groundwater-use data indicates that agriculture, domestic and town water supplies and mining are groundwater-dependent and could be impacted if climate change causes reductions in groundwater recharge. Diffuse rainfall recharge is the dominant recharge mechanism in this aquifer area. Because of shallow watertables in many parts of this aquifer, groundwater discharge occurs to surface water systems. The groundwater recharge is expected to increase (by 17 per cent) under the wet future climate, which is likely to increase the groundwater resource. However, groundwater recharge is likely to decrease under the median and dry future climates and may impact on water supplies, agriculture, industry and the environment. Because of reductions in diffuse recharge, groundwater levels are expected to decline, which in turn is likely to impact groundwater discharge to surface water systems. Impacts on GDEs and the environment are likely because of a reduction in groundwater discharge to surface water systems. This may also lead to a reduction in localised recharge from the lower reaches. Managing such impacts requires detailed knowledge of aquifers in areas of major abstraction, supported by monitoring and modelling close to major abstraction centres. An appropriate management response can help mitigate these impacts as the resource use is at 53 per cent of the sustainable yield. Detailed assessment of the sustainable yield under the median and dry future climates, allocation of the resource and quantification of the fluxes from groundwater to surface water systems through groundwater modelling can help manage the impacts of climate change on agriculture, water supplies, industries and the environment. Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium The Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium is a substantial groundwater resource system with a sustainable yield of 97 GL/year. The groundwater allocation, at 140 per cent of the sustainable yield, indicates its importance and significance as a resource. The groundwater utilisation level is 97 per cent, which is almost approaching its sustainable yield. Agriculture is the largest groundwater user (94 per cent), followed by domestic and town water supplies (4 per cent). The remaining 2 per cent of the total groundwater use is for commercial and mining industry purposes. The surface water use is also at 141 per cent of its sustainable yield, which again indicates the importance of and pressure on water resources for agriculture, water supplies and other industries. Since both surface water and groundwater systems are already overallocated, any recharge reductions due to climate change will require a careful management response. Groundwater recharge mainly occurs via localised recharge, although diffuse recharge also occurs from seasonal rainfall. Groundwater discharge also occurs to surface water systems because of the connectivity of surface and groundwater systems,. The groundwater resource is likely to increase due to a projected increase in diffuse recharge under a wet future climate by more than 50 per cent relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. The groundwater resource may also increase due to an expected increase in localised recharge as rainfall is projected to increase under the wet future climate. The groundwater discharge to surface water systems is expected to increase under the wet future climate. A median future climate is projected to slightly increase the groundwater recharge rates (2 per cent), and therefore no NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 119 impacts on agriculture, domestic and town water supplies, industry and environment are likely, provided the resource use is sustainable under current conditions and groundwater abstraction regimes remain unchanged. The localised recharge is likely to remain unchanged or slightly decrease under the median future climate. No major changes in the groundwater discharge to surface water systems are expected under the median future climate. Large reductions (38 per cent) in diffuse recharge are expected under the dry future climate. Localised recharge may also reduce significantly because of substantial reductions in rainfall and its impacts on surface runoff, flow volumes and flow duration. Projected reductions in both diffuse and localised recharge mean the watertables are likely to decline and thus impact on groundwater discharge to surface water systems. If this climate eventuates, large impacts on agriculture, water supplies, industry and environment are likely. Managing such impacts, given the resource utilisation is approaching its sustainable yield and the system is already overallocated, requires the highest level of management response, including a detailed understanding of hydrogeology, calibrated groundwater models that can predict the effects of climate change in abstraction regimes, and intensive water-level monitoring, especially in environmentally sensitive areas. A detailed and very thorough assessment of the groundwater system, including all of the above mentioned components, together with adjustment of the sustainable yield and allocation, may help manage the impacts of the dry future climate. The highest level of management response is required, even if resource utilisation is considered in isolation. Atherton Tablelands The Atherton Tablelands aquifer has a relatively small groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 18 GL/year. It is an overallocated (23 GL/year) system. Groundwater use is also above its sustainable yield (102 per cent). Both allocation and utilisation levels highlight the groundwater stress level and its high importance as a resource. Agriculture uses about 93 per cent of the total groundwater and domestic and town water supplies use about 7 per cent. Surface water use is also at 100 per cent of the surface water sustainable yield. About 59 of total water extraction comes from groundwater, highlighting the high dependence on groundwater supplies. Groundwater recharge mainly occurs via diffuse recharge. Groundwater discharge also occurs to surface water systems because of shallow watertables in many areas. Climate change is likely to have a wide range of impacts on groundwater recharge, ranging from a 15 per cent increase under the wet future climate to a 28 per cent reduction under the dry future climate relative to the historical 80-year baseline period. Diffuse recharge is also expected to reduce moderately (by 6 per cent) under the median future climate. Expected recharge reductions under median and dry future climates are likely to cause significant groundwater resource reductions and impacts on both agriculture and domestic and town water supplies, which already use groundwater above its sustainable yield. Overallocation, overutilisation and likely recharge reductions under the median and dry future climates require the highest level of management response. This should include a detailed understanding of hydrogeology, calibrated groundwater models to predict the impacts of climate change and abstraction regimes on the groundwater resource and its sustainable allocation and use, intensive groundwater monitoring and monitoring of environmentally sensitive areas. Because the groundwater system is highly connected to the surface water drainage system, discharge from the groundwater system to the surface water system is also expected to reduce under the median and dry future climates as a result of lower watertables. This will impact GDEs and groundwater abstractions, if any, from streams. This necessitates intensive monitoring of streams and an evaluation of the impacts on GDEs and their management. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 120 Coastal River Alluvium 1 The Coastal River Alluvium aquifer is a significant groundwater resource system. Its sustainable yield is 139 GL/year. Total allocations amount to about 92 GL/year. Total groundwater use is 74 GL/year, which is about 53 per cent of the sustainable yield. Main groundwater uses include agriculture (86 per cent of the total use), commercial and industrial (10 per cent) and domestic and town water supplies (3 per cent).The surface water use (3 GL/year) is 100 per cent of the surface water sustainable yield. Localised recharge is the dominant recharge process. Diffuse recharge also occurs. Because of shallow watertables, a high degree of surface and groundwater connectivity and groundwater discharge occurs to surface water systems. The sensitivity of diffuse and localised recharge to climate change could be high due to large mean annual rainfall and shallow groundwater systems. The projected diffuse recharge estimates show a wide range of recharge variability under various future climates. The projected diffuse recharge ranges from a substantial increase (14 per cent) under the wet future climate to a moderate reduction (5 per cent) under the median future climate and a large (43 per cent) reduction under the dry future climate relative to the historical 80-year baseline period. Moderate to large expected reductions in diffuse recharge under the median and dry future climates are likely to lower the shallow watertables, which may affect surface and groundwater connectivity and fluxes. Change in fluxes to and from groundwater systems is also likely from climate change impacts on surface water such as reduced runoff, frequency and river flow periods. Expected reductions in diffuse and localised recharge are likely to impact agriculture, commercial and mining industries, domestic and town water supplies and the environment, especially when the surface water use is already at 100 per cent of the sustainable yield. An increase in localised recharge is also likely because the decline in shallow watertables makes it possible to accommodate more localised recharge as a result of increased storage availability. Proper quantification of the fluxes to and from groundwater due to changes in rainfall, surface runoff, flow duration and flow volumes is required to make any valid conclusions about the impact of climate change on localised recharge and discharge to surface water systems. Management interventions, including a detailed knowledge of aquifers in major borefields, supported by monitoring and modelling, and groundwater monitoring can help optimise the allocation of the groundwater resource to various use categories and to manage the climate change impacts. Toowoomba Basalts The Toowoomba Basalts is a relatively small groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 61 GL/year. The groundwater allocation and use are 46 and 37 GL/year, respectively. The surface water use is 100 per cent of the surface water sustainable yield. Groundwater is important for agriculture, commercial and industrial supplies and domestic and town water supplies. About 86 per cent of the groundwater use is for agriculture. Industry and town water supplies consume about 2 and 11 per cent of the total groundwater use, respectively. Groundwater supply is critical for all three main use categories. Groundwater recharge mainly occurs via diffuse rainfall recharge and is relatively low. There is a large variability in projected diffuse recharge ranging from a 49 per cent increase under the wet future climate to a 39 reduction under the dry future climate relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. No recharge changes are expected under the median future climate. The recharge changes are proportionately large relative to a low absolute recharge rate. The groundwater resource is likely to increase under the wet future climate and remain unchanged under the median future climate. However, large groundwater resource reductions are expected under the dry future climate, which will have large impacts on groundwater-dependent industries and uses, including agriculture, industry and domestic water supplies. Managing such impacts requires an appropriate level of response to ensure NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 121 quantification of the groundwater fluxes under climate change through modelling, prediction of the impacts of various abstraction regimes on the resource, and allocation of the resource to various uses to ensure sustainability. Gunnedah The Gunnedah aquifer is a very large groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 357 GL/year. The groundwater use (387 GL/year) is above its sustainable yield. The surface water use, however, is only 35 per cent of the surface water sustainable yield. Of the total water extracted, about 71 per cent is from groundwater, which indicates its importance as a resource. The main groundwater-use categories include agriculture (using about 89 per cent of the total groundwater extraction) and domestic and town water supplies (11 per cent). Localised recharge is the dominant recharge mechanism because of high surface and groundwater connectivity. A small amount of diffuse recharge also occurs. Groundwater recharge is likely to be impacted if climate change impacts surface runoff. Relatively large increases in diffuse recharge are projected under the wet future climate. A substantial increase (13 per cent relative to the baseline 80-year historical period) in recharge is also expected under the median future climate. A dry future climate is likely to cause a substantial reduction (24 per cent) in diffuse recharge relative to the baseline period. These expected changes are projected to be very small in terms of absolute diffuse recharge. The changes are expected to occur in the localised recharge under both the wet and dry future climate. The wet future climate may increase and dry future climate may decrease the localised recharge due to changes in surface runoff as a result of projected changes in rainfall. The localised recharge can also increase under the dry future climate because of the extra storage space available to accommodate more localised recharge as a result of lower watertables. Without proper assessment of the surface water and groundwater connectivity and quantification of the fluxes to and from groundwater that change due to climate change, it is not possible to make any valid judgments about the impact of climate change on localised recharge. Given the resource use is above the sustainable yield and likely substantial impacts of climate change on diffuse and localised recharge, the highest level of management response is warranted for this aquifer area. The management response should include a detailed understanding of hydrogeology, calibrated groundwater models, quantification of surface water–groundwater interactions and monitoring of surface and groundwater systems, and prediction of the impacts of climate change and abstraction regimes on fluxes between surface water and groundwater to ensure allocation of the groundwater resource on a sustainable basis. Pilbara The Pilbara aquifer is a large groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 335 GL/year. The groundwater use is 237 GL/year, which is about 71 per cent of the groundwater sustainable yield. A small volume (20 GL/year) of surface water is also extracted, which is only 11 of the surface water sustainable yield. The major groundwater users include the mining industry and domestic and town water supplies. A small volume of water is also extracted for pastoral requirements. The largest groundwater user is the mining industry, which abstracts groundwater for mine dewatering, dust suppression, mineral processing and ore beneficiation. The groundwater abstracted for dewatering is often used in mineral processing or released at controlled points into surface water drainage systems. Groundwater recharge occurs both via diffuse and localised recharge, with localised recharge being the dominant recharge process. Historically, a very small proportion of mean annual rainfall occurs as diffuse recharge, which is projected to change due to climate change. The diffuse recharge is projected to increase NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 122 substantially (21 per cent) under the wet future climate relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. Substantial to very large reductions in diffuse recharge are expected under the median and dry future climates, respectively. The low rainfall projected under these scenarios will affect surface water flows, volumes and duration in the surface water systems that may in turn impact the localised recharge as there is high surface water–groundwater connectivity in this aquifer area. The localised recharge to alluvial systems, such as Millstream, is already sporadic. This may become even more variable in the future because of variations in the intensity and frequency of cyclones in the area. It is predicted that there may be fewer cyclones in future, despite sea temperatures rising, but those that do form may be more intense, bringing more rainfall. As most alluvial systems ‘fill and spill’, the time between events becomes crucial. The PSF and RSF do not take this into account, which is a deficiency in the method used to estimate these scaling factors. Lower watertables expected under the median and dry future climates due to lower diffuse recharge may not only impact the groundwater resource but also the surface water– groundwater connectivity and fluxes to and from groundwater systems and groundwaterdependent ecosystems. Lower watertables mean less groundwater abstraction for use in dewatering for mining. The impacts on the mining industry, being the main groundwater user in the area, can be substantial if the amount currently used for dewatering becomes less than required for processing and dust suppression due to climate change. This requires a detailed assessment of the impact of climate change on fluxes to and from groundwater systems and its impacts on the groundwater resource. High water-utilisation levels, projected reductions in diffuse recharge and likely changes in localised recharge under the median and dry future climates, and the dependence of mining industry on the groundwater resource, all require the highest level of management response to ensure the use and management of the resource is sustainable. Detailed assessments of the groundwater resource through well-calibrated groundwater models, including the prediction of climate change impacts and groundwater abstractions on groundwater, will help ensure its allocation at sustainable levels. The importance of localised recharge in this area makes it also imperative to quantify these interactions and fluxes to and from groundwater under projected future climates, along with intensive monitoring of environmentally sensitive areas. Knowledge of the impact of projected future changes in cyclone frequency and intensity and the consequent effects on localised recharge is also required. Port Campbell Limestone The Port Campbell Limestone is a significant groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 88 GL/year. The uses of groundwater and surface water are 47 and 41 per cent of sustainable yields, respectively. Of total groundwater use, about 77 per cent is used by agriculture and 21 by domestic and town water supplies. Groundwater use by the commercial and mining sectors is very small. About 60 per cent of total water extraction is from groundwater, indicating the high importance of the resource. Diffuse recharge is the main recharge process and significant recharge occurs annually through this process. The diffuse groundwater recharge is projected to remain unchanged under the wet future climate and, therefore, no impacts are likely on agriculture and town water supplies. Substantial to large recharge reductions, however, are expected under the median and dry future climates, respectively, which can impact agriculture and town water supplies. Since groundwater use is modest, the impacts of the median and dry future climates can be managed through an appropriate level of management response involving detailed knowledge of the aquifers in major borefields, supported by monitoring and modelling, prediction of the impacts of future climates and abstraction regimes on groundwater resource, and allocation of the resource accordingly. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 123 Coastal River Alluvium 4 The Coastal River Alluvium 4 is a large groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 424 GL/year. The groundwater use of 357 GL/year is 84 per cent of the groundwater sustainable yield; whereas surface water use is about 49 per cent of the surface water sustainable yield. Of total water extraction, 88 per cent is from groundwater, highlighting its importance as a resource. Of total groundwater use, 88 per cent is utilised by agriculture, 10 per cent by domestic and town water supplies and less than 2 per cent for commercial and industrial purposes.. Replenishment of the groundwater resource is mainly through localised recharge. Diffuse recharge also occurs and is also a significant source of groundwater replenishment. Watertables are shallow in many areas and surface and groundwater systems are highly connected. The projected groundwater recharge variability due to climate change is large, ranging from a diffuse recharge increase (23 per cent) under the wet future climate to a reduction (27 per cent) under the dry future climate, relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. Only a slight reduction in diffuse recharge is expected under the median future climate. The changes in surface runoff volumes and flow duration due to the dry future climate are likely to impact the watertables and surface and groundwater connectivity, and change localised recharge to groundwater systems. Changes in localised recharge need quantifying as this is the main recharge mechanism in this aquifer area. Besides reduced diffuse recharge, if the localised recharge also reduces under the dry future climate, impacts on agriculture, domestic and town water supplies and environment are likely. As these are coastal aquifers, the watertables are not expected to fall that much because of sea level acting as the base. High utilisation levels of these highly significant, important and stressed resources need a higher level of management response to effectively manage the impacts of the dry future climate. Such a management response may include a detailed knowledge of aquifers, groundwater monitoring throughout the area, and measurement and modelling to quantify interactions between surface and groundwater systems and to predict the impacts of climate change on localised groundwater recharge. It may also include the development of regional groundwater models to predict the impacts of abstraction regimes and climate change on groundwater fluxes and resources and allocation to various uses, and determination and monitoring of important groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Coastal Sands 4 This is a large groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 410 GL/year. The total groundwater use is only 15 per cent of the sustainable yield. The surface water use is less than 1 per cent of the surface water sustainable yield of 18 GL/year. Therefore, almost 100 per cent of total water extraction is from groundwater. Groundwater is mainly used for agriculture (59 per cent of total groundwater use), domestic and town water supplies (24 per cent) and mining (17 per cent). Groundwater is mainly replenished through diffuse recharge from rainfall; recharge is high due relatively high mean annual rainfall. There are no significant surface water–groundwater interactions in the area, although the watertables are shallow in many areas. For this reason localised recharge is not significant. Variation in projected diffuse recharge is large under the three future climates. A large increase in diffuse recharge is expected under the wet future climate and a large reduction is expected under the dry future climate relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. A slight reduction in recharge is also expected under the median future climate. Although large reductions in recharge are expected under the dry future climate, their impact on agriculture, water supplies and the mining industry may not be significant due to the low water-utilisation level. A management response to quantify the impacts of climate change and abstraction on allocation and sustainable yield will help better manage the resource under changing climate. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 124 It should be noted that current estimates of sustainable yield may not reflect sustainability for coastal aquifers due to potential sea water intrusion. Thus, the utilisation levels may not be that low when compared with reliable sustainable yield estimates. Otway Basin The Otway Basin is a very large groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 1326 GL/year. Groundwater use is about 22 per cent of the sustainable yield and surface water use is low at 10 per cent of the surface water sustainable yield. About 98 per cent of total water extraction is from groundwater, which is very important for the agriculture industry. Over 99 per cent of total groundwater use is by agriculture, with less than 1 per cent used by domestic and town water supplies. Groundwater gets its replenishment from diffuse rainfall recharge, which is a significant proportion (23 per cent) of mean annual historical rainfall. Many areas have shallow watertables but there are not significant surface water–groundwater interactions and, therefore, localised recharge is not an important mechanism in this aquifer area. The projected changes in diffuse recharge are minimal under the wet future climate. However, substantial to large reductions in diffuse recharge are expected under the median and dry future climates relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. The impacts on agriculture are expected to be minimal even if a dry climate eventuates in the future, mainly because of the low water-utilisation level (provided it remains at current levels). A detailed assessment of the groundwater resource under the median and dry future climates and review of allocation limits and sustainable yield are required for effective management of the groundwater resource under changing climatic conditions. Adelaide Geosyncline 3 The Adelaide Geosyncline 3 is a significant groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 117 GL/year, with about 23 per cent of this currently utilised. Surface water use is 61 GL/year, which is about 66 of the surface water sustainable yield. About 30 per cent of total water extraction is from groundwater. Groundwater-use data was not available for this aquifer but should be similar to other aquifer areas, and includes irrigation, domestic and town water supplies and industry industry. Groundwater replenishment is mainly through diffuse recharge from rainfall, which is about 23 of the baseline 80-year mean annual rainfall. There is large variability in diffuse recharge under future climates, ranging from an expected increase of 17 per cent under the wet future climate to a decrease of 36 per cent under the dry future climate, relative to the baseline historical period. Diffuse recharge is also expected to reduce by about 7 per cent under the median future climate. Because of expected reductions in diffuse recharge, the groundwater resource is likely to reduce under the median and dry future climate. Since the groundwater utilisation level is relatively low, the impacts on agriculture, domestic and town water supplies, commercial and mining industries and the environment are likely to be less significant at current allocation levels. Impacts are likely if allocation increases in the future due to increased demand for groundwater. An appropriate management response can help better manage the impacts of climate change on agriculture, water supplies, industry and the environment. Daly Basin The Daly Basin is a large groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 329 GL/year, with groundwater use at only 19 per cent of the groundwater sustainable yield. Surface water use as a percentage of surface water sustainable yield is also very low (1 per cent). About 73 per cent of total water extraction is from groundwater, highlighting its importance for supporting NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 125 various water-consuming industries. The two main groundwater users are agriculture (65 per cent of total groundwater extractions) and domestic and town water supplies (35 per cent). The watertables are shallow in many areas and there are significant surface water– groundwater interactions in the area. Both diffuse and localised recharge are important mechanisms that replenish the groundwater resource. The diffuse recharge replenishment has been a small proportion (16 per cent) of mean annual historical rainfall. The projected changes in diffuse recharge due to future climate change are large. They range from a 51 per cent increase in diffuse recharge under the wet future climate to a 14 per cent reduction under the dry future climate, relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. Diffuse recharge is also expected to increase slightly under the median future climate. Because of the increase in recharge expected under the wet and median future climates, the groundwater resource is expected to increase. Therefore, no impacts on agriculture, water supplies and the environment are likely if either the median or wet climate eventuates. Localised recharge is also likely to increase under these future climates. However, it is projected to decrease under the dry future climate due to changes in surface runoff volumes and duration. Reductions in diffuse and localised recharge, where predicted under the dry future climate, are less likely to significantly impact agriculture and town water supplies because of low groundwater-utilisation levels. It may, however, impact the environment because of reduced groundwater discharge to surface water bodies resulting from lower watertables. A management response that evaluates the groundwater resource, its allocation and sustainable yield under projected future climates and abstraction regimes, and monitors the surface and groundwater systems (especially environmentally sensitive areas), will help better manage the resource and alleviate the impacts of climate change on agriculture, domestic and town supplies and the environment. It is difficult to make any valid judgements about expected changes in the localised recharge in aquifers where it is a dominant process because localised recharge can either increase or decrease in response to reductions in rainfall. An increase in rainfall may not affect localised recharge because of shallow watertables and minimal storage space available to accommodate any additional recharge. A decrease in rainfall can increase localised recharge due to decline in watertables, thus accommodating otherwise rejected recharge. Summary In summary, out of the 14 priority aquifers the Otway Basin is the largest groundwater resource with a sustainable yield of 1326 GL/year (Figure 59). The Coastal River Alluvium 4 and Coastal Sands 4 are also large groundwater resource systems, having sustainable yields of 424 and 410 GL/year, respectively. The sustainable yield of three high-priority aquifers (Daly Basin, Gunnedah and Pilbara) range between 329 and 357 GL/year. The Lachlan and Coastal River Alluvium 1 are also significant groundwater resources, having sustainable yields of 139 and 111 GL/year, respectively. The sustainable yield of the remaining six priority aquifers is less than 100 GL/year per aquifer (Figure 59). Groundwater use is above the sustainable yield in three priority aquifers (Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium, Atherton Tablelands and Gunnedah). The groundwater utilisation level is 71 and 84 per cent of the sustainable yield in the Coastal River Alluvium 4 and Pilbara Aquifers, respectively (Figure 59). In five of the 14 high-priority aquifers the groundwater utilisation level ranges between 42 and 60 per cent of the sustainable yield. The remaining four priority aquifers have relatively low groundwater utilisation levels (15 to 23 per cent). Surface water use is also above surface water sustainable yield in four high-priority aquifers listed in Table 13. It ranges between 40 and 70 per cent in five priority aquifers. The level of NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 126 1400 1200 1000 1400 1200 1000 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 N La ch ew la n er Vo U C lc an an d ic BR s At Al he lu vi rto um C n oa Ta st bl al el R an iv ds er A To llu vi ow um oo m 1 ba Ba sa lts G un ne da Po h rt C am Pi lb pb ar C el a oa lL st i m al e st R on iv er e Al lu v iu C m oa 4 st al Sa nd s O Ad 4 tw el ay ai de Ba G si n eo sy nc lin e 3 D al y Ba si n 0 Agriculture Domestic and town water supplies Commercial and industrial Mining GW sustainable yield Percent groundwater use Figure 59: Groundwater use by agriculture and others, total use and sustainable yield of highpriority aquifers 100 80 60 40 20 U C N ew L e ac an r V hla ol n A d C the BR can oa ic r A t st on llu s al R Ta viu To ive ble m ow r A lan oo llu ds m viu ba m Ba 1 Po G sa rt u C nn lts C am ed oa p ah st be al ll Pilb L R iv ime ara er s C All ton oa u e v st al ium Ad S 4 el ai O an de tw ds 4 G ay eo B sy as nc in D line al 3 y Ba si n 0 Figure 60: Groundwater use as per cent of total water extraction in high-priority aquifers NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 127 Groundwater sustainable yield (GL) Groundwater use (GL) surface water use is relatively low in the remaining five high-priority aquifers. Groundwater extraction as a percentage of total water extraction is above 80 per cent in six aquifers and ranges between 60 and 80 per cent in four aquifers (Figure 60), showing the importance of the resource and the dependence of agriculture and other users on groundwater supplies. Agriculture is the largest groundwater user in priority aquifer areas, followed by domestic and town water supplies and commercial and mining industries—except in the Pilbara where the mining industry is the main groundwater user (Figure 59). In nine high-priority aquifer areas, above 80 per cent of total groundwater use is for agriculture. Agriculture, domestic and town water supplies and commercial and mining industries in these aquifer areas are all heavily groundwater-dependent enterprises. Groundwater dependency is particularly high in the Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium and Toowoomba Basalts aquifers. Groundwater is a finite resource that can diminish if it is not replenished through groundwater recharge. Groundwater recharge can occur via diffuse or localised recharge processes and depends on rainfall. Climate change impacts on rainfall that in turn can impact on both of these recharge processes. Diffuse recharge is the dominant process in seven of the 14 priority aquifers and localised recharge is the dominant process in six priority aquifer areas. Both recharge processes are important in the Daly Basin aquifer (Table 14). Groundwater storage change is highly sensitive to recharge in half of the priority aquifers. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 128 Table 14: Recharge, discharge mechanisms and storage dynamics in high-priority aquifers Aquifer Recharge Diffuse recharge Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Discharge Surface water recharge Surface water discharge Evapo­ transpiration Coastal discharge (seawater intrusion) Storage dynamics Ground-water supply dependency (extraction) Depth to watertable * Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium Coastal River Alluvium 1 Coastal River Alluvium 4 Coastal Sands 4 Daly Basin Gunnedah Lachlan Newer Volcanics Otway Basin Pilbara Port Campbell Limestone Atherton Tablelands Toowoomba Basalts * Sensitive processes are shown with shaded cells. There is high connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems with respect to both fluxes to and from groundwater systems in all high-priority aquifers except four (Coastal Sands 4, Otway Basin, Port Campbell Limestone and Toowoomba Basalts). In these aquifer systems, groundwater discharge provides the baseflow to surface water systems necessary to maintain groundwater-dependent ecosystems and, in some cases, water extraction from river and creek systems downstream of the groundwater discharge areas (Table 14). Groundwater discharge to the ocean is important in five priority aquifer areas (Coastal River Alluvium 1, Coastal Sands 4 and Coastal River Alluvium 4, Plibara, and Port Campbell lImestone). Climate change can impact surface and groundwater connectivity, and recharge and discharge processes to and from groundwater systems, due to changes in shallow watertables that exist in relatively large areas in 11 of the 14 high-priority aquifers (Table 14). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 129 S:R Ratio The projected diffuse recharge has large variation under the three future climates. Relative to the baseline 80-year historical period, diffuse recharge is projected to increase under the wet future climate in most aquifer areas—except Otway Basin and Port Campbell Limestone, where it is likely to remain relatively unchanged. In seven high-priority aquifers where localised recharge is a dominant recharge process and surface water groundwater connectivity is high, rainfall under the wet future climate is projected to increase between 8 and 16 relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. The impact of this projected increase in rainfall on localised recharge has not been evaluated but may not cause large reductions in localised recharge. Localised recharge may remain either unchanged or even slightly increase relative to the baseline 80-year historical period in these aquifer areas. No significant changes in shallow watertables, connectivity of surface water and groundwater systems and groundwater discharge to surface water systems are expected either. However, the impact of climate change on localised recharge is difficult to quantify since both increases and decreases in rainfall can cause an increase or decrease in localised recharge. Assuming the wet future climate will not impact the localised recharge, adverse impacts on the groundwater resource are unlikely. Therefore, no significant impacts on agriculture, water supply, commercial and mining industries and the environment are anticipated if a climate similar to the wet climate eventuates in the high-priority aquifer areas. Relative to the baseline historical period, diffuse recharge under the median future climate is likely to increase by 8 to 13 per cent in two aquifer areas, remain relatively unchanged in five aquifer areas, reduce by 5 to 7 per cent in four aquifer areas and by 15 to 17 per cent in three aquifer areas (Pilbara, Port Campbell Limestone and Otway Basin). Since diffuse recharge is the dominant recharge process in the Port Campbell Limestone and Otway Basin aquifers, reduction in recharge is expected to impact agriculture and domestic and town water supplies. Since reduction in diffuse recharge is due to reduction in rainfall it is also likely to affect surface runoff, flow volumes and duration in the surface water systems, and in particular may impact localised recharge in the Pilbara aquifer area where it is the dominant recharge process (Table 14). Some impacts on agriculture, domestic and town water supplies, commercial and mining industries and the environment are likely in three (Newer Volcanics, Atherton Tabelands and Adelaide Geosyncline 3) of the four aquifer areas where diffuse recharge is the dominant recharge process, and a reduction in diffuse recharge of 5 to 7 per cent is expected under the median future climate. Reduction of 5 per cent in diffuse recharge is expected in the fourth aquifer area (Coastal River Alluvium 1). Localised recharge—the dominant recharge process in Coastal River Alluvium 1—may also be impacted, but it is difficult to quantify the effect of reduced rainfall on fluxes to and from groundwater systems. Based on projected reductions in diffuse recharge and assuming localised recharge will have similar trends, impacts on agriculture, domestic and town water supplies, commercial and mining industries and the environment are likely in half of the high-priority aquifers if the future climate is similar to that of the median future used in the analysis. No significant impacts on groundwater-dependent industries and the environment are expected in seven high-priority aquifer areas where the groundwater resource is likely to either remain unchanged or increase under the median future climate. Diffuse recharge is expected to reduce in all high-priority aquifer areas under the dry future climate. It is likely to reduce by 14 to 18 in two aquifers (Lachlan and Daly Basin), by 40 to 55 per cent in four aquifers (Coastal River Alluvium 1, Port Campbell Limestone, Pilbara, and Otway Basin) and by 23 to 39 per cent in the remaining eight aquifer areas, relative to the baseline 80-year historical period. It should be noted that diffuse recharge is the dominant recharge process in seven of the 14 aquifer areas where reduction in diffuse recharge is due to a projected reduction in rainfall. The reduction in projected rainfall is likely to impact surface runoff, flow volumes and flow duration in seven high-priority aquifer systems where localised recharge is the dominant recharge process. Whether this will decrease or increase localised recharge in these seven aquifers is difficult to ascertain due to a lack of surface water– groundwater interaction data. The lower diffuse recharge means it is likely the decline in NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 130 watertables can be compensated for by increased localised recharge because of the availability of additional storage space. The lower watertables, if they occur, mean less or no discharge to surface water systems, which will impact on GDEs and the environment. Therefore, relatively large impacts on agriculture, domestic and town water supplies, commercial and mining industries and the environment are likely if a dry climate similar to the one used in this analysis eventuates. This will require an appropriate level of management response to quantify the fluxes to and from groundwater systems under climate change, and determination of abstraction regimes to better manage the impacts of climate change on groundwater-dependent enterprises. Conclusions In this study 14 aquifers were identified as high-priority based on their importance as a groundwater resource and their sensitivity to climate change. Following are the main conclusions about the rainfall and recharge trends and their likely impacts on groundwaterdependent enterprises due to climate change: Diffuse recharge is a dominant process in seven high-priority aquifers and localised recharge is the main process in the remaining seven. Diffuse and localised recharge are both expected to change in response to changes in future rainfall. The change in diffuse recharge is highly variable, ranging from an increase in recharge under the wet future climate in most high-priority aquifers to substantial and large reductions under a dry future climate in all high-priority aquifers. There will be changes in localised recharge, but these can’t be quantified at this time because of a lack of available information related to fluxes to and from groundwater. The impacts of an increase or a decrease in rainfall can be either an increase or a decrease in the localised recharge depending on the watertable depth, surface runoff, flow duration, flow volumes and presence, and significance and degree of surface water–groundwater connectivity. Groundwater discharge to surface water systems is important in 10 of the 14 high-priority aquifers where watertables are shallow in many areas. The groundwater discharge to surface water systems is expected to reduce due to lower watertables expected under the drier climates. The impacts of changes in the diffuse and localised recharge on groundwater resources and groundwater-dependent enterprises vary depending on resource utilisation and allocation levels and per cent changes in groundwater recharge. Some groundwater resources will increase under wetter climates whereas all decrease under drier climates. The groundwater-utlisation level is variable across high-priority aquifers, being above the sustainable yield in some and relatively low in others. Agriculture is the largest groundwater user, followed by domestic and town water supplies and commercial and mining industries—except in the Pilbara aquifer where the mining industry is the largest user. Groundwater use as per cent of total water extraction is above 80 per cent in six high-priority aquifers and ranges between 60 and 80 per cent in five, highlighting the importance of the groundwater resource for various industries. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 131 Impacts on agriculture, domestic and town water supplies, commercial and mining industries and the environment are not likely under a wet future climate due to an increase in the groundwater resource as a result of the expected increase in diffuse and localised recharge. Under a median future climate the impacts on groundwater-dependent enterprises and ecosystems are likely in seven high-priority aquifers due to projected reductions in diffuse recharge and possible reductions in localised recharge. Impacts on agriculture, domestic and town water supplies, commercial and mining industries and the environment are expected under a dry climate due to the relatively large reductions in diffuse recharge in a majority of the high-priority aquifers. The relationship between aquifer characteristics, such as the degree of usage compared to sustainable yield or the balance between surface water and groundwater usage, and the impact due to climate change is complex and will require localised investigation and assessment. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 132 6. Recommendations for groundwater management and planning processes to cope with climate change Despite our water shortages, Australia’s groundwater reserves are seriously underinvestigated —Åsa Wahlquist This chapter discusses the project outcomes within the context of water management practices in Australia. To fully appreciate the issues associated with climate change and its impacts on groundwater resource management, it is important to gain a sense of how groundwater extraction limits for GMUs are estimated and administered across Australia. The following is a summary of those approaches. Groundwater management in Australia is largely characterised by a focus on the establishment of groundwater extraction limits for GMUs based on sustainable-yield estimates for various groundwater systems. Jurisdictions adopt a variety of approaches that are largely based on an assessment of the proportion of renewable groundwater resources that can be abstracted for consumptive use. Groundwater models of varying complexity have been developed for a number of aquifers, some of which are discussed in Chapter 5. Commonly, the models have been developed for stressed systems or aquifers with a high level of development. The models are used to assess the impacts of various water management options on groundwater resource availability, with the estimation of sustainable yield being the main outcome. A range of sustainability criteria are used to derive sustainable levels of extraction, but it is not a widely accepted practice to include environmental, social or economic criteria within the model framework to define resource sustainability for the various water management scenarios. There are exceptions to this approach, and these are becoming more numerous over time. One is the Gnangara Sustainability Strategy, where environmental constraints were included in the analysis. Water plans in the Northern Territory are also developed with an emphasis on environmental and social constraints. The recent emphasis on environmental and social impacts, particularly within the context of the development of the Basin Plan for the MDB, leads to a growing awareness that existing, development-focused, water plans need to be adjusted accordingly. Where groundwater models are not available, and that is in the vast majority of cases, sustainable yield assessment is commonly based on expert estimation of renewable groundwater resources. As recharge is commonly not measured directly, this is mostly defined as a proportion of rainfall or, in some cases, a proportion of baseflow. A constant proportion is commonly set for an aquifer regardless of interannual variation in rainfall. Where the proportion of baseflow is adopted as a substitute for sustainable yield definition, the approach is based on an assumption that in balanced and closed systems, groundwater discharge is equal to total annual baseflow in the rivers receiving groundwater and that this discharge from the system equals recharge to the system under steady-state conditions. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 133 It is not a common practice to account for historical variability of climatic condition and its effect on renewable groundwater resources and changes in groundwater demands. Further, most extraction limits are defined for GMUs rather than at the aquifer scale. Non-renewable groundwater resources are also allocated for use in some aquifers. In most instances, the non-renewable nature of the resource is acknowledged and an explicit management approach is communicated to stakeholders. Generally, the approach is to allocate a percentage of aquifer storage over a specified time. For instance, 10 per cent of storage might be allocated over a 200-year period. The impact of climate change on groundwater resources provides an additional challenge for groundwater management. As described above, current approaches to groundwater management generally lack the sophistication to incorporate natural variability into the estimation of groundwater extraction limits. However, climate change science is concluding that there will be a potential for increased levels of climate variability, as well as the more commonly acknowledged shifts in rainfall and temperature. How management will deal with this increased level of variability presents a major challenge. Though falling outside the project scope, it appears that there is a need to develop risk-based or adaptive approaches to groundwater management that can account for both year-to-year variability in renewable groundwater resources and longer-term impacts from climate change. In addition, the data requirements to enable such an approach are numerous, and this data is currently not being collected. Critical to this approach are fundamental datasets related, for example, to waterlevel fluctuations and the metering of groundwater extraction. The outcomes of this report will contribute to an understanding of climate change impacts on groundwater management, as this project fills some of the knowledge gaps related to the possible consequences of climate change to the groundwater resource across the country. This study has been carried out at a regional scale, considering the gross consequences at the aquifer level and hence, can make only broad recommendations that would require further, more detailed, analysis at a scale commensurate with the resource utilisation on the ground. The effect of climate change on groundwater resources is dependent on a number of factors relating to both aquifer characteristics and projected changes in climate parameters. These include: the sensitivity of aquifers to climate changes the magnitude of the climate changes, which may affect groundwater replenishment and natural losses the changes in groundwater demands the changes in land use under changing climate conditions. In addition, the relationship between renewable resources and climate across the country may influence the magnitude of climate change impact at various locations. Thus, the spatial and temporal variability in the response to climate change of individual aquifers may change under differing scenarios and between similar aquifer types across different climate types. The impact on a particular aquifer cannot be assumed to be similar to a similar aquifer in a different location elsewhere in the country. For example, coastal alluvial aquifers in South Australia will have a different response compared to coastal alluvial aquifers in the Northern Territory, and these aquifers may be subject to change in behavior under climate change in different ways. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 134 The following discussion relates to the process by which climate change might be incorporated into the development of water-allocation plans. Recharge-rainfall relationship and sensitivity of recharge to changes in rainfall Some water-allocation plans in Australia use a simple relationship between rainfall and recharge to estimate the renewable groundwater resources that can be allocated for consumptive use. An exploration of this relationship and its behaviour under a future climate is warranted within this context. As well, the change in recharge as a function of the change in rainfall can provide a useful indicator of future stress on the groundwater resource. As it discussed in Chapter 4, at an individual location the relationship between recharge and rainfall is not linear, and the proportion of the rainfall that becomes recharge decreases with a reduction in rainfall. One of the factors influencing this relationship is rainfall intensity. Reduction in rainfall commonly coincides with a reduction in rainfall intensity, and under lower annual rainfall and lower intensity the proportion of rainfall that becomes recharge reduces. This was found to be true at individual locations, at aquifer level or at the continental scale. This is why, for example, recharge rates and their proportion in annual rainfall are the lowest in the Bsk climate type where, in addition to low rainfall, rainfall intensity is also particularly low. In addition to the regions with lower annual rainfall, the proportion of rainfall that becomes recharge is low in the areas with heavier soils and with trees as a land cover (Appendix 3). Setting a constant percentage of rainfall as a substitute for recharge estimation is likely to lead to underestimation of recharge during wet years and overestimation during drier years. Another limitation of some current practice is the assumption that under a fixed percentage of total rainfall, a per cent decrease in rainfall is translated into a corresponding per cent decrease in recharge. However, as discussed in Chapter 4, the relationship between a change in rainfall and a change in recharge is not as simple as a one-to-one correlation. For the majority of soil/vegetation/climate type combinations, changes in recharge are two to four times greater than changes in rainfall (see Figure 72 in Appendix 3). These changes may be described as recharge elasticity, which increases in regions with low rainfall, heavy soils and tree land cover, and are likely to be greater under conditions when a low proportion of rainfall becomes recharge. Future climate impacts on rainfall It is important to understand that climate change projections have an inherent variability due to both the different model platforms used and the future climates possible. Various climate models can produce different results from similar initial scenarios. As a result, the analysis of the impact of climate change on groundwater resources deals with a wide range of projected changes in climatic characteristics, particularly rainfall. There are also limitations related to projections of rainfall intensity changes. The uncertainties in direction and magnitude of regional rainfall changes are pervasive and limit our ability to provide confident assessments of likely impacts for many regions of Australia (see Figure 5 and Figure 6 in Chapter 2). Projections are more consistent for south­ west Western Australia and the southern MDB where all GCMs project a decrease in rainfall. Outside those regions, under wetter climate conditions the future changes in rainfall may reach +11 per cent and +22 per cent in 2030 and 2050, respectively (see Figure 7 in Chapter 2). If a dry climate eventuates, the reduction in rainfall may be from 22 to 41per cent in 2030 and 2050, respectively. Considering recharge elasticity, such ranges in projected rainfall changes lead to significant uncertainties in recharge estimation. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 135 Further advancement in climate projection and GCM downscaling techniques may allow a reduction in the projected range of results. For instance, it was shown (see Chapter 2) that dynamic or stochastic downscaling methods produce a smaller range of rainfall projections than daily scaling. However, currently only the latter is readily available at a national scale and, as such, was used in this project. In addition to projected changes from the GCMs for rainfall and temperature across the country, the climate-type analysis led to the identification of areas where a combined variation in rainfall and temperature led to a change of climate-type classification. Such circumstances may cause changes in vegetation cover or land use, which in turn may have an additional impact on water resources. Future climate impacts on diffuse recharge The inherent spatial and temporal variability in groundwater recharge is likely to increase due to projected climate change and the range in the climate change projections. The impact of climate change on diffuse recharge is not uniform throughout the country and the projections are highly variable. However, it was shown that the historical recharge variability (as simulated over 15-year periods) is greater than the projected changes under the future climate scenarios. As discussed earlier, the current groundwater management practice does not clearly incorporate natural variability into the estimation of groundwater extraction limits. The inability to adequately measure, and hence manage variability, historically and currently, will be exacerbated by climate change unless improved (targeted) monitoring and evaluation (including modelling) is undertaken. Historical variability in annual recharge may be over several orders of magnitude, and near-future climate effects are likely to be within the range of this variability, though long-term trends may impact low and high extremes. As discussed, rainfall intensity has a profound effect on recharge. However, climate projections within current GCM data downscaling at a continental scale is insufficient to accurately predict the effect of climate change on rainfall intensity, despite overall observations that extreme events are likely to become more frequent. The change in recharge as a function of the change in rainfall can provide a useful indicator of future stress. It was shown (Chapter 4) that the sensitivity of changes in diffuse recharge relative to changes in rainfall does not seem to change significantly under different warming scenarios. The relative importance of non-rainfall parameters, however, does seem to increase (Figure 29) and this needs further investigation to determine what the determinant parameters are. A shift in the climate-type occurrence, as indicated in Chapter 2, may affect vegetation communities and hence is likely to cause additional changes in the recharge/rainfall relationship. There is expected to be a corresponding decrease in diffuse recharge across these major zones. The groundwater resources that are likely to experience this additional pressure due to climate changing from historical to a median future include: Atherton Tablelands, Coastal River Alluvium 1, Adelaide Geosyncline, Newer Volcanics, Pilbara, Port Campbell Limestone and Otway Basin. This is in addition to the identified substantial to very large reductions in recharge under a dry future climate across these aquifers. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 136 Future climate impacts on interaction with surface water Changes in surface and groundwater interaction may have a profound impact on availability of both surface water and groundwater resources in many regions across Australia. Changes in groundwater levels under future climate may affect the head difference between surface waters and the watertable, which in turn may increase or reduce localised groundwater recharge. In gaining rivers, groundwater systems also regularly (either perennially or intermittently) provide baseflow to surface waters, and provide a water source to terrestrial vegetation and to consumptive users such as surface water extractors. Climate effects on surface and groundwater interaction may reduce the capacity to provide such discharge under a future dry climate, hence impacting on groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Conversely, if the future climate is wetter, relative localised recharge may reduce, but groundwater discharge may increase due to increased diffuse recharge rates, also impacting on GDEs and resource availability. Rising watertables can also lead to increased problems associated with dryland salinity and potential acid sulfate soils. Owing to the significance of local hydrological and hydrogeological conditions in surface and groundwater interaction, the analysis of climate impacts on this interaction at a national scale is limited. However, some outcomes of this project’s activities can provide insights to possible impacts. Discharge to surface water In gaining surface water systems, groundwater discharge provides a positive feedback loop whereby the climate change impacts on surface water features can be further amplified by the changes in groundwater systems due to a reduction in groundwater discharge. For instance, in Chapter 5, it was noted that most groundwater models reviewed showed a decrease in diffuse recharge under future median and dry climate scenarios, which in turn leads to a decrease in groundwater discharge to rivers for those modelled areas. However, the review of the models also showed that the relationship between the reductions in the recharge component of the various models was not linearly correlated with the reductions in the river discharge component. That is, depending on conceptualisation of the simulated processes in the model, the proportion of the change in diffuse recharge that was manifest as changed river discharge ranged between none and a very high value. This observation may be heavily influenced by the way the model recharge and discharge processes are conceptualised. However, the relationship holds for the different climate scenarios. As stated in Chapter 5, the simulation of surface and groundwater interaction was one of the least-advanced features of the reviewed models, which often adopt a simplified approach in conceptualisation of a complex relationship between the various components of recharge and discharge. There is a clear need for better understanding of this relationship, which may also vary from system to system, with a view to predicting future impacts due to climate change. But this is difficult without the aid of a complex numerical simulation of the system. Localised recharge from rivers In the arid and semi-arid climate zones with low rainfall, and hence low diffuse recharge, localised recharge associated with losing rivers and flooding is known to be an important source of renewable groundwater resources. This is also the case associated with lowland river systems. Localised recharge is also generally more important where perennial streams are in contact with shallow groundwater in alluvial and karstic systems. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 137 The analysis undertaken in Chapter 4 indicated that there are a number of river features that may influence the level of climate change impacts on localised recharge. In addition to the projected changes in river flow under future climate scenarios, these features include river channel morphology, river slope, the type of losing stream (connected or disconnected) as well as the depth to the watertable. As discussed in Chapter 4, the changes in localised recharge due to climate change are likely to be similar to the projected changes in river flow from disconnected losing streams, but lower than the projected changes in river flow from connected losing streams. For both cases the impact on localised recharge is likely to be more significant in rivers with wide and flat channels and in the lower valleys, where river slope is small. The sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow reduces in areas with deeper groundwater. An increase in the groundwater depth under future climate scenarios is likely to cause an increase in localised recharge from connected losing streams even under scenarios where reductions in river flow are projected. However, when overbank flooding occurs, changes in localised recharge may become much greater than that projected from variations in river flow. Some available data, such as for the Chowilla floodplain, indicated that the changes in recharge volumes may reach up to 100 per cent while the changes in river flow are projected to be about 20 per cent. However, the relevant contribution of localised recharge from losing streams compared to the contribution of localised recharge associated with overbank flooding is an area that requires further research. Such analysis, even on a conceptual level, should be based on a prior knowledge of river morphology. Unfourtunately, information on river morphology and flow rates associated with flooding was not available for the gauging stations discussed in Chapter 4. In the groundwater models reviewed, the localised recharge processes are significantly simplified. The river is commonly modelled with changing river stage and a constant width of the channel; changes in the effective river width under various flow conditions are not commonly simulated. However, within the constraints of the groundwater-modelling environment, changes in the width of computational cells for various stress periods are not practical. In such circumstances, changes in river stage as a substitute for the changes in the river width may be adopted, but it would require careful consideration of the magnitude of the river stage change to accurately reflect changes in surface water and groundwater interaction. The method described in Appendix 4 and Chapter 4 could be further used to support such an approach. None of the models reviewed simulated recharge due to overbank flooding as a dynamic process. Priority aquifers Not all groundwater systems are equally sensitive to variations in climatic conditions. It will be the small (low-storage volume), rapidly responding, high transmissivity groundwater systems that will feel the greatest impact of climate change. The shallow alluvial sands and karstic aquifers that fill and spill each year will provide the earliest response to changed conditions. These are the sensitive aquifers, but generalisations cannot be made (see Chapter 3). Thus, we have defined aquifers that are sensitive to climate change and those that are important as a groundwater resource. A critical subset is those that are both important and sensitive: the high-priority aquifers (see Figure 15 in Chapter 3). Superimposed on the distribution of priority aquifers is an assessment of the current climate conditions determining recharge to the aquifers. From this, the priority aquifers may be described by type and climate zone (Chapter 3). This static picture can be expanded to include the expected response of recharge to climate change by comparing the future recharge scaling factors (RSF) to determine where the most critical recharge zones coincide with the critical aquifers. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 138 Figure 61 shows the regions where there is predicted to be the maximum change in recharge under the future median climate scenario as measured by the RSF: the largest increase (lower 5th percentile of RSF) and largest decrease (upper 5th percentile of RSF). The data illustrates an aspect of climate change that is rarely considered, namely that while large parts of the country are projected to experience drying conditions over the next 50 to 100 years, some regions may experience wetter conditions (northern rivers of New South Wales and possibly northern Australia). The changed climatic conditions, particularly the changed rainfall regime, with events that have potentially increased rainfall intensity, may result in areas of increased recharge even under a long-term reduction in rainfall amount. This observation must be tempered, however, with knowledge of the absolute recharge amount. Thus, while the increased RSF expected in northern New South Wales may lead to a significant increase in actual recharge volumes, for most of the region in northern Australia displaying an increased RSF, the historical recharge amounts are extremely low, so even a large RSF will do little to augment existing resources. While the predominant response to future climate will be management of reduced groundwater resources, there may, therefore, be areas where the future may provide increased groundwater resources, or possibly excess groundwater resources, which may lead to rising watertables and consequent risk of dryland salinity. Considering the areas of the maximum change in RSF, an area worthy of further consideration is identified in south-west Western Australia. These aquifers have been incorporated into the list of priority aquifers requiring further detailed investigation, increasing the primary list of 14 aquifers to 20 (Figure 62). These Western Australia aquifers comprise those of the Perth Basin (North, Central and South), Collie Basin, Peel-Harvey and the Carnarvon Basin. These additional six aquifers have been included as they have been identified as experiencing the largest proportionate reduction in recharge under a future climate. The aquifers comprise the sedimentary basin aquifers of the south-west Western Australian coast. They are generally layered aquifer systems with a broad unconfined groundwater system at the surface. Nearly all are heavily developed for urban and drinking water supply. The effect of climate change on groundwater resources of four of these aquifers was investigated and reported within the SWWASY project (CSIRO 2009a). It was shown that a future climate may result in a 50 per cent reduction in recharge, which, for these responsive, sandy aquifers, can locally cause significant watertable decline (>10 m), impacting on groundwater-dependent ecosystems and the ability to pump the resource. Overall impacts on total water resources, however, were estimated to be negligible due to limited impacts of climate change on groundwater response in the areas outside the water-supply mounds (CSIRO, 2009a). If a continued drying takes place under an extreme dry future climate, however, a deficit of 250 GL/yr may be realised, in large part due to increased groundwater demand as surface water resources dry up. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 139 Figure 61: Map showing location of extreme recharge scaling factors expected under the future median climate scenario. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 140 Figure 62: Map showing location of priority, sensitive and important aquifers Groundwater use and effect on dependent industries Groundwater use may become an important factor that influences sensitivity of groundwater resources to climate change. It was shown that water use in many regions largely depends on groundwater, and the aquifers in those regions are likely to experience further stress under a drying climate. In the 20 aquifers indentified as high priority, based on the importance of the groundwater resource and its sensitivity to climate change, some are heavily stressed where groundwater use is above the sustainable yield and some have low abstraction levels. The dependency on groundwater supply is high across most high-priority aquifers as groundwater accounts for at least 60 per cent of total water extraction in 11 of the 14 high-priority aquifers. Agriculture is the main groundwater user, followed by domestic and town water supplies. It is also important to mention that groundwater abstraction for these use types is very localised. As discussed in Chapter 6, irrigated agriculture and urban areas often cover less than 2 to 3 per cent of the aquifer’s area. As a result, the implication of climate change impact on groundwater resources may be more severe in some GMUs than in others. Commercial, mining and other industries also depend on groundwater resources. The Pilbara aquifer is projected to be most impacted by climate change where historical diffuse recharge is already lowest. However, this may be beneficial for mining dewatering activities in the region. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 141 Climate change impacts on the groundwater resource will depend on the type of future climate. The groundwater resource and groundwater-dependent industries are unlikely to be affected if a wet climate occurs. Under a median future climate, impacts on groundwaterdependent industries and ecosystems are likely in seven high-priority aquifers due to projected reductions in diffuse recharge and possible reductions in localised recharge. Substantial to very large reductions in groundwater resources are expected in all high-priority aquifers under a dry future climate. This is expected to significantly impact agriculture, water supplies, industries and the environments. Knowledge advancement required to better project future climate changes on groundwater resources One of the project conclusions was related to the need to further advance the current knowledge of groundwater systems, and better quantify groundwater fluxes that are particularly sensitive to climate variability, including diffuse recharge, interaction between surface and groundwater, as well as groundwater abstraction. This will require efforts in three related areas: 1) understanding the processes that influence recharge in more depth; 2) quantifying the key recharge parameters on an aquifer-by-aquifer basis; and 3) undertaking a range of scenario analyses using suitable models. A major deficiency at the current time is a rigorous understanding of the actual recharge volumes entering key groundwater resources across Australia, especially the ability to rigorously simulate surface water–groundwater interactions. In most cases, current recharge estimates are either educated guesses or are the result of model calibration where the nonuniqueness of the model process could mean a range of possible recharge estimates. More detailed studies of recharge for the key aquifer systems are needed to reduce the level of uncertainty. A modelling approach to understanding future climate impacts can also be implemented in concert with the above approach. The projection of future climate change is highly variable at this stage, so an approach that can provide boundaries to the variability of scenarios is required. Rather than one possible future, water-resource managers will require knowledge of a range of possible futures—scenario modelling will deliver the envelope of possible scenarios within which climate change adaptation can be formulated. The only reliable method to forecast groundwater resource responses to climate change is to undertake numerical simulation of the system, providing these systems are adequately charaterised. However, there is a paucity of reliable groundwater models in Australia, and the review of some models led to the conclusion that there is a need for analysis of how applicable current groundwater models are to simulate the impacts of climate change. The manner in which a model conceptualises key processes determines the nature of the output from the model. In an audit of the models used in the series of CSIRO sustainableyield studies and in the MDBA work, very few models simulated sophisticated surface water– groundwater interactions, and those that did were assessed as requiring further development. In some models where key processes have been simulated, the groundwater response to a future wet climate has been slightly counterintuitive in that a wetter climate led to a lower level of interaction between streamflow and groundwater due to higher groundwater levels resulting from higher diffuse recharge rates. It is the objectivity of a well-posed simulation that allows these issues to be brought to the fore and considered. Therefore, there is a major impediment to progressing an analysis of groundwater response to climate change, which in addition to the uncertainty associated with climate models, was NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 142 attributed to limitations in groundwater-simulation models. A key recommendation of this work is that all groundwater models used in groundwater resource management in Australia should undergo a climate change audit to ensure that they are fit-for-purpose when proposing climate change adaptation strategies. Within the context of the above discussion, Table 15 describes recommendations for adequate management response to monitoring and assessment, tailored to high-priority aquifers. The needs for further investigation and associated indicative costs for the highpriority aquifers are further discussed in a separate report, Summary of the costs of carrying out further quantitative investigations in 20 priority aquifers. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 143 Table 15: Recommendations for the required management response, monitoring and assessment in each of the priority aquifers Aquifer Resource utilisation level (per cent of sustainable yield) Projected diffuse recharge reduction under dry future climate Required management response and assessment* 1. R2 management response 2. Quantify localised recharge Lachlan 59 18 3. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 4. Monitor environmentally sensitive areas 1. R2 management response Newer Volcanics 53 31 2. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 3. Monitor environmentally sensitive areas 1. R4 management response Upper Condamine and Border River Alluvium 140 Atherton Tablelands 103 38 2. Quantify localised recharge 3. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 1. R4 management response 28 2. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 1. R2 management response Coastal River Alluvium 1 2. Quantify localised recharge 53 43 3. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 4. Monitor environmentally sensitive areas Toowoomba Basalts 60 39 1. R2 management response 1. R4 management response Gunnedah 109 24 2. Quantify localised recharge 3. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 1. R3 management response 2. Quantify localised recharge Pilbara 71 55 3. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 4. Monitor environmentally sensitive areas Port Campbell Limestone 47 40 1. R2 management response 1. R3 management response Coastal River Alluvium 4 2. Quantify localised recharge 84 27 3. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 4. Monitor environmentally sensitive areas Coastal Sands 4 15 28 1. R1 management response Otway Basin 22 41 1. R1 management response NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 144 Adelaide Geosyncline 3 1. R1 management response 23 36 2. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 1. R1 management response 2. Quantify localised recharge Daly Basin 19 14 3. Quantify fluxes from groundwater to surface drainages 4. Monitor environmentally sensitive areas * Following is the description of management response levels R1 to R4: R1: A basic knowledge of aquifers, including their approximate extent, thickness and salinity distribution Monitoring for baseline water level response. R2: Detailed knowledge of aquifers in major borefields, supported by monitoring and modelling Broad understanding elsewhere Monitoring close to major abstraction centres. R3: Detailed knowledge of aquifers Monitoring throughout the area Understanding of water balance supported by recharge measurement, age dating, etc. Determination of groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs). Regional groundwater model, supported by pumping tests, to predict the effects of increased abstraction. R4: Detailed understanding of hydrogeology Calibrated groundwater model that is able to predict the effects of abstraction Intensive water level monitoring, especially in environmentally sensitive areas. The impact on renewable groundwater resources is more likely to cause direct impacts on diffuse recharge, river flow (and hence, localised recharge), diffuse discharge (and hence, GDEs) and water demand. Climate change impacts on non-renewable resources are more likely to be indirect through effects on water demand and localised discharge such as springs. Impacts on non-renewable resources have not been evaluated as these impacts will be driven by increased groundwater dependence under drier climatic conditions and hence reduced surface water resources in most parts of the country. Use, or mining, of this fossil groundwater needs to be explicitly acknowledged under current management schemes and incorporated into future strategies. Climate change is predicted to have significant impacts on the ecology of GDEs. However, GDEs are currently poorly considered (notwithstanding the approach of the Northern Territory and increasingly in Queensland) and, as a result, the environmental water requirement is often difficult to define. Adaptation to climate change is predicted to incur significant costs from increased reliance on groundwater over surface water in some localities; increased costs of groundwater extraction NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 145 as resources are preferentially extracted; and increased costs due to extraction of currently non-exploitable resources that become more economic as needs increase. However, adequate values of groundwater need to be defined. At the detailed level, aspects of this study identified that there are deficiencies in our understanding of groundwater systems at a national level specifically relating to: accurate data on groundwater abstraction and to what uses that water is put knowledge of where key recharge zones are, and representation of the depth to the watertable in those zones location and interaction of GDEs and other dependent ecosystems, and their sensitivity to climate change influence of climate change on groundwater quality, particularly overall groundwater salinity and its effect on potential land-use category changes. In conclusion, it is likely that climate change is an added complexity to the management of groundwater, which is likely to increase in importance in the future. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 146 Appendix 1 to Chapter 2: Projections of future climate change Changes in average annual temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation projected for 2050 using 16 GCMs (on a 0.05° x 0.05° grid across Australia) are presented for a medium global warming scenario (see Chapter 2 for explanation of scenarios) in Figure 63 to Figure 65. There is a large range, and thus little agreement among GCMs, in projected changes in these climate charateristics across the 16 GCMs. . Figure 63: Change (°C) in annual average temperature projected from each GCM for a future climate (~2050) relative to the historical climate under a medium global warming scenario (+1.7°C) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 147 Figure 64: Change (%) in annual average relative humidity projected from each GCM for a future climate (~2050) relative to the historical climate under a medium global warming scenario (+1.7°C) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 148 Figure 65: Change (%) in annual average solar radiation projected from each GCM for a future climate (~2050) relative to the historical climate under a medium global warming scenario (+1.7°C) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 149 Appendix 2 to Chapter 3: Priority aquifers The high-priority aquifers were identified in Chapter 3 and described further in Chapter 6. In those chapters the aquifers are described in a broad regional scale and often include a series of smaller aquifers that may be known locally under different names. Additionally in places, the priority-aquifer boundaries may not align with the actual physical setting of aquifers—they are a coarse representation of aquifers as defined by management boundaries. The list of aquifers which were lumped for the aquifers prioritisation are given below. Aquifer Groundwater Management Unit State or Territory Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Barossa Prescribed Water Resources Area SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Broughton River SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Burra Creek SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Clare Valley Prescribed Water Resources Area SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges Prescribed Water Resources Area SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Gawler SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Light SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Marne River and Saunders Creek Prescribed Water Resources Area SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Southern Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges SA Adelaide Geosyncline 3 Western Mount Lofty Ranges Prescribed Water Resources Area SA Albany Albany WA Atherton Tablelands Atherton Area A Qld Atherton Tablelands Atherton Area B Qld Calivil Lower Lachlan Alluvium (downstream of Lake Cargelligo) NSW Calivil Lower Murray Alluvium (downstream of Corowa) NSW Calivil Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium (downstream of Narrandera) NSW Calivil Campaspe Deep Lead Vic. Calivil Katunga Vic. Calivil Mid-Goulburn Vic. Calivil Mid-Loddon Vic. Calivil Mullindolingong Vic. Calivil Southern Campaspe Plains Vic. Calivil Upper Ovens Vic. Canning Broome WA Canning Canning WA NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 150 Canning Canning–Kimberley WA Canning Derby WA Central Perth Basin Cockburn WA Central Perth Basin Gingin WA Central Perth Basin Gnangara WA Central Perth Basin Gwelup WA Central Perth Basin Jandakot WA Central Perth Basin Mirrabooka WA Central Perth Basin Perth WA Central Perth Basin Rockingham WA Central Perth Basin Serpentine WA Central Perth Basin Stakehill WA Central Perth Basin Swan WA Central Perth Basin Wanneroo WA Central Perth Basin Yanchep WA Coastal River Alluvium 1 Bluewater Qld Coastal River Alluvium 1 Bowen Qld Coastal River Alluvium 1 Burdekin Qld Coastal River Alluvium 1 Cairns Coast Qld Coastal River Alluvium 1 Cairns Northern Beaches Qld Coastal River Alluvium 1 Duck Farm Qld Coastal River Alluvium 1 Mossman Qld Coastal River Alluvium 4 Bellinger Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Brunswick Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Clarence and Coffs Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Goulburn River Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Hastings River Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Hawkesbury Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Hunter River Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Karuah Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Macleay River Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Manning Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Nambucca Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Richmond River Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Tweed River Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 4 Bundaberg Qld Coastal River Alluvium 4 Clarendon Qld Coastal River Alluvium 4 Cressbrook Creek Qld NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 151 Coastal River Alluvium 4 Pioneer Qld Coastal River Alluvium 4 Proserpine Qld Coastal River Alluvium 5 Bega River Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 5 Towamba Alluvium NSW Coastal River Alluvium 5 Tuross Alluvium NSW Coastal Sands 4 Bellinger Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Botany Sandbeds NSW Coastal Sands 4 Brunswick Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Clarence Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Coffs Harbour Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Great Lakes Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Hastings Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Hawkesbury to Hunter Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Macleay Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Manning Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Nambucca Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Richmond Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Stuarts Point Sandbeds NSW Coastal Sands 4 Tomago–Tomaree-Stockton Sandbeds NSW Coastal Sands 4 Tweed Coastal Sands NSW Coastal Sands 4 Farnborough Qld Coastal Sands 4 Fraser Island Qld Coastal Sands 4 Moreton Island Qld Coastal Sands 4 North Stradbroke Island Qld Daly Basin Daly Roper NT Daly Basin Darwin Rural NT Eyre Peninsula Limestone Lenses County Musgrave Prescribed Wells Area SA Eyre Peninsula Limestone Lenses Southern Basins Prescribed Wells Area SA Fractured and weathered rock 2 Alice Springs NT Fractured and weathered rock 2 Unincorporated Area_30000450_NT NT Fractured and weathered rock 2 Unincorporated Area_30000451_NT NT Fractured and weathered rock 2 Unincorporated Area_30000452_NT NT Fractured and weathered rock 2 Unincorporated Area_30000453_NT NT Fractured and weathered Unincorporated Area_30000456_NT NT NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 152 rock 2 Fractured and weathered rock 2 Unincorporated Area_30000457_NT NT Fractured rock Border Rivers Fractured Rock Qld Fractured rock Condamine Fractured Rock Qld Fractured Rock Aquifer 1 Cook Qld Fractured Rock Aquifer 4 Unincorporated Area_30000316_QLD Qld GAB 2 GAB Cap Rock GAB 2 Unincorporated Area_30000467_NT NT GAB 2 Barcaldine East Mgmt Area 13 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Barcaldine North Mgmt Area 12 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Barcaldine South Mgmt Area 14 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Barcaldine West Mgmt Area 11 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Carpentaria East Mgmt Area 6 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Carpentaria Mgmt Area 5 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Central Mgmt Area 16 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Flinders East Mgmt Area 8 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Flinders Mgmt Area 7 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Mimosa Mgmt Area 22 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 North West Mgmt Area 10 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Surat Mgmt Area 19 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Warrego East Mgmt Area 18 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Warrego West Mgmt Area 17 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Western Carlo Mgmt Area 9 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Western Mgmt Area 15 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 2 Far North Prescribed Wells Area SA GAB 2 Unincorporated Area—Eromanga SA GAB 4 Great Artesian Basin GAB 4 Clarence Moreton Mgmt Area 25 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 4 Eastern Downs Mgmt Area 24 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 4 Mulgildie Mgmt Area 23 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 4 Surat East Mgmt Area 21 of the GABWRP Qld GAB 4 Surat North Mgmt Area 20 of the GABWRP Qld Goldfields Goldfields WA Gunnedah Border Rivers Alluvium NSW Gunnedah Lower Gwydir Alluvium NSW Gunnedah Lower Macquarie Alluvium (downstream of Narromine) NSW Gunnedah Lower Namoi Alluvium NSW Gunnedah Miscellaneous Alluvium of Barwon Region NSW NSW NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES NSW 153 Gunnedah Peel Valley Alluvium NSW Gunnedah Upper Macquarie Alluvium (upstream of Narromine) NSW Gunnedah Upper Namoi Alluvium NSW Humevale Siltstone Kinglake Lachlan Billabong Creek Alluvium (upstream of Mahonga) NSW Lachlan Mid-Murrumbidgee Alluvium (upstream of Narrandera) NSW Lachlan Upper Lachlan Alluvium (upstream of Lake Cargelligo) NSW Lachlan Upper Murray Alluvium (upstream of Corowa) NSW Lachlan Fold Belt 5 ACT ACT Lachlan Fold Belt 5 Coxs River Fractured Rock NSW Lachlan Fold Belt 5 Goulburn Fractured Rock NSW Lachlan Fold Belt 5 Yass Catchment NSW Murray Group Angas-Bremer Prescribed Wells Area SA Murray Group Coorong SA Murray Group Ferries–McDonald SA Murray Group Kakoonie SA Murray Group Mallee Prescribed Wells Area SA Murray Group Peake, Roby and Sherlock Prescribed Wells Area SA Murray Group Tatiara Prescribed Wells Area SA Murray Group Tintinara-Coonalpyn Prescribed Wells Area SA Murray Group Kaniva Vic. Murray Group Murrayville Vic. New England Fold Belt 4 Bulahdelah Sandstone NSW New England Fold Belt 4 Gloucester Basin NSW New England Fold Belt 4 Lorne Basin (GMU split into several aquifers across climate zones) NSW New England Fold Belt 4 North Coast Fractured Rock NSW Newer Volcanics Bungaree Vic. Newer Volcanics Cardigan Vic. Newer Volcanics Colongulac Vic Newer Volcanics Glenormiston Vic. Newer Volcanics Heywood Vic. Newer Volcanics Lancefield Vic. Newer Volcanics Spring Hill Vic. Newer Volcanics Upper Loddon Vic. Newer Volcanics Warrion Vic. North Perth Basin Arrowsmith WA North Perth Basin Jurien WA Otway Basin Lower Limestone Coast Prescribed Wells Area SA Vic. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 154 Otway Basin Padthaway Prescribed Wells Area SA Otway Basin Neuarpur VIC Pilbara Pilbara WA Port Campbell Limestone Glenelg Vic. Port Campbell Limestone Hawkesdale Vic. Port Campbell Limestone Nullawarre Vic. Port Campbell Limestone Yangery Vic. Quaternary Alluv associated with the Goulburn River Alexandra Vic. Quaternary Sand Dune Deposits Tarwin Vic. South Perth Basin Blackwood WA South Perth Basin Blackwood–Karri WA South Perth Basin Bunbury WA South Perth Basin Bunbury–Karri WA South Perth Basin Busselton–Capel WA TLA 3 Apsely Vic. Toowoomba Basalts Upper Condamine Basalts Qld Unincorporated Area GMW Unincorporated Area_30000586_VIC Vic. Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium Border Rivers Alluvium (Qld) Qld. Upper Condamine and Border Rivers Alluvium Upper Condamine Alluvium Qld Upper Valley Alluvium 4 Bell Valley Alluvium NSW Upper Valley Alluvium 4 Belubula Valley Alluvium NSW Upper Valley Alluvium 4 Castlereagh Alluvium NSW Upper Valley Alluvium 4 Collaburragundry-Talbragar Valley NSW Upper Valley Alluvium 4 Cudgegong Valley Alluvium NSW Upper Valley Alluvium 5 Araluen Alluvium NSW Upper Valley Alluvium 5 Bungendore Alluvium NSW NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 155 Appendix 3 to Chapter 4: Diffuse groundwater recharge under various climate types Under the same climatic conditions the difference in recharge values may vary by orders of magnitude, depending on specific combinations of soil type and land cover. Figure 66 and Figure 67 illustrate such effects, showing the mean recharge values for the major climate types as well as the percentage of rainfall that becomes recharge on an annual basis. The difference in recharge can be more than 25-fold due to changes in land cover, i.e. vegetation, and more than 400-fold under various soils. Figure 67 also shows that annual recharge percentage in rainfall can vary from less than 1 per cent under trees and low permeability soils, to more than 50 per cent under annuals and highly permeable soils. To allow adequate analysis of climate type on recharge, only nine combinations of soil and vegetation were chosen. These included three vegetation type (annual, perennial and trees) and three soil types with similar hydraulic properties. The soils were selected based on a weighted hydraulic conductivity of approximately 0.01 m/day, 0.1 m/day and 1 m/day. 300 800 Recharge (mm) Aw 200 200 100 100 400 200 0 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 300 Cfa Recharge (mm) Cfb 600 300 0.01 200 200 100 100 100 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 0.10 1.00 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 300 0.01 hydraulic conductivity (m/d) BSk BWh 1.00 Csa 200 0 0.10 300 Csb 300 Recharge (mm) 300 BSh AP 200 200 100 100 PP TR 0 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 hydraulic conductivity (m/d) 0.01 0.10 1.00 hydraulic conductivity (m/d) Figure 66: Recharge as a mean value within the major climate types for various soil and vegetation types; in legend AP–annual vegetation, PP–perennial vegetation and TR–trees NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 156 Recharge/Rainfall (%) 100 100 Aw 75 75 50 50 50 25 25 25 0 0 0.01 Recharge/Rainfall (%) Cfb 75 0.10 1.00 100 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 100 Cfa 0.01 Csb 75 50 50 50 25 25 25 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 0.10 1.00 75 50 50 25 25 0.01 1.00 hydraulic conductivity (m/d) BSk BWh 0.10 0 0.01 100 75 1.00 Csa 75 0 0.10 100 75 100 Recharge/Rainfall (%) 100 BSh AP PP 0 TR 0 0.01 0.10 1.00 hydraulic conductivity (m/d) 0.01 0.10 1.00 hydraulic conductivity (m/d) Figure 67: Per cent recharge in annual rainfall as a mean value within the major climate types for various soil and vegetation types; in legend AP–annual vegetation, PP–perennial vegetation and TR–trees For all analysed data, rainfall had higher relative importance than other climate characteristics. The rainfall importance in recharge estimation reduces under lower annual rainfall conditions and was found to be lowest for areas with annual rainfall of 400 to 450 mm (Figure 68). As a result, the relative importance of rainfall is the lowest for arid climates and particularly for climate type Bsk. When annual rainfall is lower than 400 mm, it appears that the relative rainfall importance increases, e.g. for desert-climate types. At the same time, the reduction in annual rainfall and its relative importance leads to an increase in recharge sensitivity to other climate parameters considered in this study (Figure 69). NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 157 Annuals Perenials Trees Aw BSh BSk BWh Cfa Cfb Csa Csb 1.0 Ri (rainfall) k = 0.01 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 Ri (rainfall) k = 0.10 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 Ri (rainfall) k = 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 0.0 0.3 Mean annual rainfall (m) 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 0.0 Mean annual rainfall (m) 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Mean annual rainfall (m) Figure 68: Relationship between relative importance of rainfall and mean annual rainfall 0.4 Annuals Ri (other) 0.3 Trees Perenials Aw BSh BSk BWh Cfa Cfb Csa Csb 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Ri (rainfall) 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Ri (rainfall) 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Ri (rainfall) Figure 69: Relationship between relative importance of temperature, VPD and solar radiation (cumulatively) and mean annual rainfall for soil with K~1 m/day NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 158 Reflecting the high importance of rainfall in recharge estimation, the correlation is strong 2 between rainfall and recharge for the majority of cases; R >0.7 for 82 per cent of cases of soil/vegetation/climate type combinations. The strongest correlation between recharge and annual rainfall is in the areas with high annual rainfall typical for tropical savannah (climate type Aw), and temporal climate types without a dry season (climate type Cf) (Figure 70). Correlation between rainfall and recharge becomes weaker under climate types with overall lower annual rainfall (approximately less than approximately 700 mm). Arid climate types, particularly Bsk, are characterised by the overall weakest relationship. Correlation between rainfall and recharge is generally weakened under perennial vegetation and trees and under soil with lower permeability. Annuals Perenials Trees 1.0 0.6 R2 k = 0.01 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.6 R2 k = 0.10 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0 Aw BSh BSk BWh Cfa Cfb Csa Csb 0.6 R2 k = 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Mean annual rainfall (m) 1.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Mean annual rainfall (m) 1.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Mean annual rainfall (m) 2 Figure 70: Changes in the correlation coefficient ( R ) of recharge/rainfall relationship and mean annual rainfall within the major climate types NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 159 As expected, a stronger correlation between rainfall and recharge was found when the per cent recharge in annual rainfall is high, suggesting lower uncertainties in recharge estimation based solely on rainfall data. High uncertainties should be expected in areas with a lower percentage of recharge in rainfall, such as climate types Bsk, Bwh and Cfa (Figure 71). Annuals Perenials Trees 100 Aw BSh BSk BWh Cfa Cfb Csa Csb R/P (%) k = 0.01 80 60 40 20 0 100 R/P (%) k = 0.10 80 60 40 20 0 100 R/P (%) k = 1.0 80 60 40 20 0 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Mean annual rainfall (m) 1.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Mean annual rainfall (m) 1.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 Mean annual rainfall (m) Figure 71: Relationship between per cent recharge in annual rainfall and mean annual rainfall within the major climate types NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 160 For 75 per cent of the soil/vegetation/climate type combinations, the sensitivity of recharge to changes in rainfall varies between 2 and 4, indicating a 20 per cent to 40 change in recharge for a 10 per cent change in annual rainfall (Figure 72). The relatively higher values in average recharge elasticity were estimated for desert and arid-climate types. Annuals Perenials Trees 10 Recharge Elasticity k = 0.01 8 6 4 2 0 10 Recharge Elasticity k = 0.10 8 6 4 2 0 10 Aw BSh BSk BWh Cfa Cfb Csa Csb Recharge Elasticity k = 1.0 8 6 4 2 0 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Mean annual rainfall (m) 1.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Mean annual rainfall (m) 1.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 Mean annual rainfall (m) Figure 72: Recharge elasticity and mean annual rainfall within considered climate types for perennial vegetation and soil with K~1 m/day Despite an overall high correlation between recharge and annual rainfall, it is commonly weaker than the correlation between recharge and the sum of high-intensity rainfall on an annual basis. A number of parameters that can potentially be used to assess high-intensity rainfall on an annual basis were considered (Barron et al. 2010). The highest overall correlation was found to be between recharge and moving average daily rainfall over 14-day or 21-day intervals, with daily thresholds of 5 mm aggregated on an annual basis. These values account simultaneously for high-intensity rainfall and prolonged periods of relatively smaller rainfall events. In addition, it was found that aggregated 95th percentile daily rainfalls on an annual basis show better correlation with recharge than 99th percentile daily rainfalls. When rainfallintensity thresholds were considered, daily rainfall greater than 20 mm aggregated on an annual basis also provided a better correlation with recharge than total annual rainfall. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 161 1.5 In general, rainfall intensity gradually reduces from north to south of the country along with the proportion of recharge in annual rainfall (Figure 73). This is particularly evident under annual vegetation. 0 (a) (b) (c) Latitude (degrees South) 10 20 30 40 50 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Phigh/P (%) 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Phigh/P (%) 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Phigh/P (%) Figure 73: Changes to per cent of high intensity rainfall in total annul rainfall from north to south of the continent: a) daily rainfall greater than 20 mm; b) moving average over 14 days with daily 5 mm threshold; and c) moving average over 21 days with daily 5 mm threshold Episodic recharge is defined as infrequent significant recharge events (Zhang et al. 1999). The word ‘significant' refers to the relative magnitude of the recharge. It is, therefore, the distribution of these events that determines the patterns of recharge (Figure 74). Episodic recharge was estimated using statistical analysis of the modelled daily recharge data, and the distribution of recharge events was compared with distribution of the recharge volumes associated with those events. The relationship between the frequency of various recharge events and associated volumes is indicative of the episodic recharge when most of the recharge (in volume terms) is associated with the least frequent of the recharge events. Under such assumption it appears that, with a specific combination of soil and vegetation, the episodic recharge may take place under the majority of investigated climatic conditions. The exceptions are related to particularly high rainfall areas in the tropics (climate type Aw) and in the south-west under a temperate climate with dry, warm summer (climate type Csb) and the south-east in a temperate climate without dry season and with warm summer, where rainfall is greater than 700 mm. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 162 1.0 40 40 BWh Aw 30 Frequency Frequency 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Recharge (m/d) Recharge (m/d) Recharge events Recharge events Recharge volumes Recharge volumes Figure3574: Example of daily recharge event and recharge volume distributions indicating Aw episodic recharge Recharge volume 30 Aw BWh 25 20 Appendix 4 to Chapter 4: Effect of climate change on localised recharge 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 Recharge events Because of the specifics of localised recharge (discussed in Chapter 1) and the difficulties in its estimation, the assessment of changes in localised recharge under changing climate conditions on a national scale has been attempted on a conceptual basis. Other NWC projects are designed to improve current knowledge of the interaction between surface and groundwater. On completion of these projects, the assessment of changes in localised recharge under changing climate conditions can be further advanced. Here, the main goal was to define how changes in river flow under future climate scenarios may influence changes in localised recharge. Estimation of recharge values was not included in the scope of the analysis. A number of observations have been made for describing how recharge is affected by stream geometry and soil type. For example, Bouwer (1969) suggests that the infiltration flux stabilises if the depth to groundwater is greater than twice of width of the stream. Osman and Bruen (2002) have assessed the main factors influencing stream–aquifer seepage for a losing stream and suggest that aquifer material properties strongly affect seepage-flow rates in all stages of steam–aquifer relationships (especially when stream disconnects from aquifer). They conclude that seepage from a disconnected stream cannot be determined correctly unless the saturated hydraulic properties of the aquifer and clogging layer and the stream water level are known. Brunner et al. (2009) state that if the groundwater table below a stream is deep enough, changes in the groundwater table position effectively do not change the infiltration rate. This is termed losing disconnection (Figure 75). They have shown that for a given aquifer thickness and river width, the depth to groundwater where the system disconnects is approximately proportional to the stream depth and the hydraulic conductivity of the streambed sediments, and is inversely proportional to the thickness of these sediments and the hydraulic NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 163 conductivity of the aquifer. In the absence of other information about factors affecting recharge, this study takes river flow as the main indicator of seepage from a streambed. The recharge associated with a losing connected river is largely defined by the difference in hydraulic heads between river stage and the groundwater table, hydraulic properties of the riverbed and river morphology (river stage and the effective river width). In a losing disconnected stream the main factors that define the localised recharge are the riverbed properties, which control the suction potential and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of streambed. Overall, it was suggested that the rates of localised recharge from a disconnected river are mostly independent of river stage, and recharge volumes are controlled by the effective river width. In addition, the rate of water loss from a river remains constant after a certain depth to groundwater is reached. The change in recharge within an individual river reach for connected rivers is given by the changes in river stage and effective river width occurring as a result of the river-flow variation. It is also influnced by changes in the depth to groundwater. For a losing disconnected river, alteration in localised recharge is defined by changes in the effective river width and, to some extent, by changes in groundwater depth. Figure 75: Example of connected and disconnected groundwater system (Source: Brunner et al. 2009) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 164 In this analysis the effect of changes in river flow under future climate scenarios was estimated for connected rivers, and some outcomes of the analysis were further inferred for disconnected rivers. Historical and projected future river-flow data for ‘losing’ rivers within the MDB were selected as listed in Table 16. The data was derived within the CSIRO MDBSY project (CSIRO 2008d) using the Integrated Quantity-Quality Model (IQQM), a hydrologic modelling tool developed by the NSW Government for planning and evaluating water resource management policies. Method The adopted methodology is summarised in Figure 76, showing that the analysis was based on simultaneous calculation of Manning’s and Darcy’s equations. The former allowed estimation of the river stage (Hr) for a range of daily river flows and river widths (b) (Figure 77), assuming that the riverbed is characterised by a trapezoidal shape with steep banks (10­ to-1). Two other parameters, the riverbed slope, and Manning’s coefficient can be obtained from published data (DECC undated) and remain unchanged for individual river reachs. A range of river slopes were used for calculations, but it was considered that river slopes of 0.0001 and 0.0005 are typical for lower and upper valleys in the River Murray region (DECC undated). As information on river morphology was largely unavailable, it was decided to provide results for a range of river widths. This range varied between rivers, dependent on the ranges in river flows, but the smallest river width was 2 m and the greatest 1000 m. Table 16: List of gauging stations along the losing streams underlain by the priority aquifers. Some of the stations are outside of the priority aquifers. Station no. Region Location Underlying aquifer 410001 Murrumbidgee Murrumbidgee River at Wagga Wagga Lachlan 416026 Border Rivers Reedy Creek at Dumaresq Gunnedah 418032 Gwydir Tycannah Creek Gunnedah 419012 Namoi Namoi River at Boggabri Gunnedah 419027 Namoi Mooki River at Breeza Gunnedah 419039 Namoi Namoi River at Mollee Gunnedah 419049 Namoi Pian Creek at Waminda Gunnedah 420004 Macquarie–Castlereagh Castlereagh River at Mendooran 420005 Macquarie–Castlereagh Castlereagh River at Coonamble 421023 Macquarie–Castlereagh Bogan River at Gongolgon 421039 Macquarie–Castlereagh Bogan River at Neurie Plains 422015 Condamine–Balonne Brenda Gauge 422025 Barwon–Darling Barwon River at Tara u/s Namoi Junction Gunnedah 422358 Condamine–Balonne Chinchilla Weir Upper Condamine 422394 Condamine–Balonne Condamine River at Elbow Valley Toowoomba Basalt Gunnedah Darcy’s equation was used to define the rate of water losses from a unit length of a river (1 m). Calculations were undertaken for a range of river widths (at the water level at Hr) and river NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 165 stages, identified during the first step of analysis for each river-flow rate (Figure 78). The thickness of riverbed deposits and their hydraulic properties, though important for recharge estimation, were assumed to be unimportant when the differences in recharge are considered. Constant values were assigned for sediment thickness (L = 1 m) and hydraulic conductivity (K = 0.001 m/day). The depth to groundwater (Hgw) here is a depth below the riverbed. In the calculations, the hydraulic gradient was defined as I = (Hr + Hgw)/L. In the first instance it was assumed to be constant between the scenarios. This was followed by an analysis of changes in depth to groundwater under future climate scenarios. River flow (Q) Manning's equation Q Defining the range of river stage (Hr) and effective width (b) for the identified flow rates (see Figure 77) 1 23 12 R S n S =0.001-0.0001 (river slope) n = 0.04 (Manning's coefficient) R is the hydraulic radius (trapezoidal channel with 1:10 bank slope) Localised recharge from unit length of a losing connected river Darcy's Low R Defining the range of recharge (R) for identified flow (Q) (see Figure 78) k b( Hr Hgw) L L =1 m (thickness of bed sediments) k = 0.01 m/day (hydraulic conductivity) Defining the changes in recharge (dR) for changes in river flow (dQ) for each combination of Hr and b (see Figure 79) Hgw= 0.5 - 6 m (depth to watertable below river bed) Flow data as FDC for various climate scenarios (see Figure 34a) Changes in river flow under the projected future climate scenarios (see Figure 34b) Defining the changes in river flow and recharge under future climate scenarios (see Figure 80) Figure 76: Method flow chart NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 166 Figure 77: Relationship between river flow and river stage under for a range of river widths Figure 78: Relationship between recharge and river flow for a range of river widths NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 167 The change in recharge (dR) due to the changes in river flow (dQ) was further estimated for various combinations of river widths and river stages (Figure 79). The results indicate that under the same changes in river flow, dR is smaller for narrower rivers (lower lines in Figure 79) and greater for a rivers with a greater effective width (upper lines in Figure 79). This indicates that dR is sensitive to river morphology. The results of the anlaysis are reported as e=dR/dQ, describing a sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river-flow conditions. The method is based on a number of assumptions. Steady-state conditions are assumed for each of the flow rates, which is not likely to be the case during events with a fast change in river flow and hence river width and river stage. It is also assumed that the hydraulic properties of river sediments (or floodplain soil) are constant within the entire river width, which is unlikely to be the case, particularly during flooding. As will be shown further, river morphology plays an important role in e = dR/dQ, but information on river cross-sections was not available for analysis. Some consideration of the effect of river morphology was given in a selected case, where a composite trapezoidal river section (channel and floodplain) was adopted. Though simplified, the approach allowed for the examination and illustration of the general relationships between changing localised recharge and river flow, and the effect of various parameters that influence this relationship. Figure 79: Per cent changes in recharge for various river widths under changes in river flow (green lines are related to an individual river widths shown on Figure 77 and Figure 78, with the lowest line associated with the smallest width; the red line indicates the same river flow) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 168 Results The results of analysis are shown in Figure 80. The range of dR, identified as an area coloured in green, is due to variations in the river width. The greater changes (dRmax) are likely to occur if the changes in the river flow are predominantely associated with changes in the effective width of the river. Overall, the change in localised recharge from losing streams is less than the projected change in river flow (within the set of parameters used for these calculations). The results of this analysis, presented as a relationship between localised recharge sensitivity e = dR/dQ and historical river flow, are shown in Figure 81, which also shows the relationship between e = dR/dQ and historical exceedence probability. For flat river reachs, the sensitivity of the recharge to change in river flow is overall higher. It also increases for extreme flow events and reduces for low flow rates. A series of lines in the plots of Figure 81 are related to the various depths to the groundwater table Hgw (1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m and 6 m), assuming that Hgw does not change under future climate scenarios. The results indicated that the sensitivity of localised recharge to changes in river flow reduces when the groundwater table is lower. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 169 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 170 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 171 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 172 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 173 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 174 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 175 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 176 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 177 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 178 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 179 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 180 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 181 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 182 NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 183 Figure 80: Changes in the river flow (red line) and the range of changes in localised recharge (shown as a green area) for dry, median and wet future climate scenarios for all considered stations (as listed in Table 16) NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 184 410001 0.6 0.5 dR/dQ 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 River flow, ML/day 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min 0.6 0.5 dR/dQ 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Exceedance, % 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 185 422025 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 River flow, ML/day 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 River flow, ML/day 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 186 422015 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 River flow, ML/day 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Exceedance, % 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 187 421023 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 River flow, ML/day 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Exceedance, % 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 188 422358 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 River flow, ML/day 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Exceedance, % 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 189 419039 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 River flow , ML/day 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 dR/dQ 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Exceedance, % 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 190 422394 0.8 0.7 0.6 dR/dQ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 River flow, ML/day 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min 0.8 0.7 0.6 dR/dQ 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Exceedance, % 1 m Max 1 m Min 2m Max 2m Min 3 m Max 3 m Min 4 m Max 4 m Min 5 m Max 5 m Min 6 m Max 6 m Min NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 191 Figure 81: Relationship between localised recharge sensitivity e = dR/dQ and river flow (upper) and e = dR/dQ and flow exceedence probability (lower) under historical climate conditions (for selected stations, as listed in Table 16). The results are given for various depths to groundwater, which are assumed to be constant between historical and future climate scenarios NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 192 Localised recharge associated with floods (Chowilla floodplain) Flood-related recharge was identified as the major recharge mechanism for a number of aquifers. However, the data required for recharge estimation in the areas of the major groundwater resources is limited. Chowilla floodplain was considered because of the availability of a sufficient dataset. This allowed estimating potential localised recharge under various flooding events, along with the change in frequency of these events under future climate scenarios. However, it is acknowledged that groundwater use in this region is limited because of high groundwater salinity. Therefore, this analysis is only illustrative. The Chowilla anabranch region, located approximately 50 km east of Renmark at the borders of New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria (Chapter 4), is a floodplain of the River Murray. The climate is semi-arid with an annual rainfall around 260 mm and potential evaporation of approximately 2000 mm/year. The topsoil found on the floodplain is typically grey, cracking alluvial clay up to 5 m deep (Coonabidgal Clay) overlying the alluvial sand of the Monoman Formation, an unconfined aquifer of up to 30 m depth (Jolly et al. 1993). Underlying this are the Pliocene sands, a layer that is also unconfined and thought to be in hydraulic contact with the Monoman Formation. Hence, regional groundwater systems can both discharge into and receive recharge from the network of streams that cut through these layers across the floodplain. The distribution of vegetation types on the floodplain is largely determined by the availability of fresh water and the landform elements that have been shaped by periodic flooding and deposition/erosion processes (Hodgson 1993). Open black-box woodlands are the dominant vegetation type, but red-gum woodlands are found in the riparian zones close to permanent stream channels. Generally, the groundwater is too saline to support black box and red gum trees but some areas receive enough flushing from flood events to support them. Therefore, the combination of flooding, groundwater depth and groundwater salinity largely control the composition and health of vegetation at Chowilla. Much of the vegetation is degraded because of high soil salinity and changes in flood frequency caused by river regulation. The extent of the Chowilla floodplain inundation was estimated using the River Murray Floodplain Inundation Model (RiM-FIM), which links recorded river flows at regulation points (locks) to the spatial extent of flooding derived from satellite imagery (Chapter 4, Overton et al. 2006). This allowed examination of the extent of inundation under given flow rates and estimation of the volume of recharge that would occur under historical and future climate scenarios. The extent of the area considered for this analysis was approximately 200 km2. Recharge rate zones (Chapter 4) derived from soil, vegetation, elevation and satellite data for the Chowilla floodplain were used as the basis for recharge volume estimation (Howe et al. 2007). Comparing the flow-duration curves shown in Figure 82 with the inundation map in Chapter 4 (Figure 46), it can be seen that the inundation area given by floods greater than 100 000 ML/day (green, yellow and red colours) has a probability of less than 1 per cent under historical climate, and 0.5 per cent and 1.4 per cent under dry and median future climate scenarios, respectively. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 193 The observed flow data suggests that the area of inundation for Chowilla floodplain increases from 7 per cent for a yearly flood (one-year return period) of 30 000 ML/day to 25 per cent for a flood of one-in-five-year return period (75 000 ML/day). These areas of inundation have changed over time at this station, such that the one­ in-10 year flow calculated in 2009 was 30 per cent less than those calculated using historical data in the baseline scenario of ~138 000 ML/day for a one-in-10-year flow (Doody et al. 2009), resulting in a smaller inundation area. 1000000 historical Flow (ML/d) 100000 median wet 10000 1000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Probability of flow greater than (%) 90 100 Figure 82: Flow duration curve for Chowilla daily river flow (426510) for historical, future median andwetclimate scenarios Combined consideration of the extent of the floodplain inundation for various daily flow rates (from 30 000 ML/day, with 10 000 ML/day increments) and the range of daily recharge rates within the inundated area allowed estimation of daily recharge volumes under various flow conditions. Based on the inundation duration, the total recharge volumes were further calculated for the range of flow rates (Figure 83). Based on river FDC for historical data and future median and dry climate scenarios (Chapter 4), the frequencies of flow rates used in the recharge anlaysis were estimated. Using the projected frequencies of flow events, the associated recharge volumes were plotted similarly to FDC, but showing ‘recharge’ duration for future median and dry climate scenarios (Chapter 4). Finally, the change in recharge volume under future climates was estimated (Figure 48). It appears that the changes in localised recharge associated with flooding are much greater than the projected changes in river flow. NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 194 60000 Recharge, ML 50000 150 40000 30000 100 20000 50 10000 0 30000 Inuntation area, km2 200 0 80000 130000 180000 Fiver flow, ML/day Recharge, ML Area, km2 Figure 83: Changes in the inundation area and associated average recharge under various river flows NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 195 Changes relative to historical climate, % 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 -50 -100 -150 Exceedance probability, % dR_median dR_dry dQ_median dQ_dry (a) Changes relative to historical climate, % 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 -50 -100 Exceedance probability, % dR_median dR_dry dQ_median dQ_dry (b) Figure 84: Projected changes in recharge volumes (dR) and river flow (dQ) from floodplain inundation for future median and future dry climate scenarios relative to historical climate: a) based on floodplain data; b) based on the method described in Figure 76. As discussed earlier, this difference is likely to be associated with a significant increase in river width during flood events, with smaller changes in river stage. The application of the method for estimating localised recharge changes is also shown in Figure 84(b). This was estimated using the composite trapezoidal river cross-section. However, the method described in Figure 76, in its current state, does not account for changes in the hydraulic NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES 196 conductivity across a floodplain. Though the changes in localised recharge shown on both plots of Figure 84 are not identical, they do show similar trends: changes in localised recharge associated with overbank flooding are likely to be significantly greater than changes in river flow under future climate scenarios. 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