Review Sheet—Spring 09 Unit 1—Psychology 100 C. Melrose, Professor

Review Sheet—Spring 09
Unit 1—Psychology 100
C. Melrose, Professor
Chapter 1
Hurricane Katrina, resident responses
psychology’s definition
goals of psychology
setting, most psychologists work in
skills psychology majors develop
1st psychology lab, Wundt, structuralism, &
psychology’s founding date
functionalism vs. gestalt psychology
perspectives: neuroscience, psychodynamic,
behavioral, cognitive, vs. humanistic
nature vs. nurture issue
observable behavior vs. internal mental
bystander effect & diffusion of responsibility
operational definitions
archival research
naturalistic observation
survey research
case study
correlation research & interpreting values
(positive & negative), weaknesses
experiment: independent vs. dependent
variables, experimental vs. control
group, purpose of random assignment
significant outcome
institutional review, debriefing, informed
consent, confederate
participant vs. experimenter expectations,
double blind procedures
Chapter 5
Pavlov & his dogs & classical conditioning
Little Albert, learned fear (UCS, UCR, CS, CR)
extinction, spontaneous recovery
stimulus generalization vs. discrimination
operant conditioning
Thorndike’s law of effect
primary vs. secondary reinforcer
positive vs. negative reinforcer (class)
positive vs. negative punisher (class)
schedules of reinforcement (fixed vs. variable
ratio; fixed vs. variable interval)
shaping/method of successive approximations
Gambian pouched rats, trained for what
behavior modification
cognitive learning theory
latent learning
social cognitive approach, observation
learning, model
effects of violent media
learning styles: relational vs. analytic
Chapter 6
sensory memory (echoic vs. iconic)
short term memory (duration, # of elements
held, chunk)
long term memory, declarative (semantic vs.
episodic), procedural memory
storage, encoding vs. retrieval
rehearsal, elaborative rehearsal, mnemonics
effects of these processes
long term potentiation
role of CREB inhibitors vs. cholinesterase
tip of the tongue phenomenon
recall vs. recognition & which easier
explicit vs. implicit memory
priming’s role
levels of processing & recall
flashbulb memories
schemas & recall effects
eyewitness testimony for details & errors,
suggestibility, presence of weapons
autobiographical memories, over time
forgetting & when it’s most rapid
proactive vs. retroactive interference
retrograde vs. anterograde amnesia
Alzheimer’s disease
Korsakoff’s syndrome