1701354 Introduction to Topology – Nguyen 1-24-06 Class Handout CONTINUITY, OPEN INTERVALS AND CONVERGENCE I. Continuity and Open Intervals Definition A. We say that a function f : \ → \ is continuous at a if for every ε > 0 there exists a value δ > 0 such that f ( x) − f (a) < ε for all x satisfying x − a < δ . Example: Definition A given above defines continuity using the notion of distance since it employs absolute value inequalities to measure closeness. However, this is not necessary, especially if we want to extend continuity to functions defined on arbitrary sets where these notions do not exist. See if you can come up with more set-theoretic definitions, called B through E below, that are equivalent to Definition A. In each case, write out your new definition and discuss your reasons for adopting it, including examples and counterexamples where appropriate): Definition B: Try to modify Definition A so that absolute value inequalities are replaced by open intervals centered at the point of continuity. Write your new definition below: Definition C: Try to modify Definition B so that the notion of point elements (‘ ∈ ’ notation) is replaced by the notion of subsets (‘ ⊆ ’ notation). Write your new definition below: Definition D: Try to modify Definition C so that it allows for open intervals not necessarily centered at the point of continuity. Write your new definition below: Definition E: Try to modify Definition D so that it describes continuity in terms of open intervals and inverse images (see note below). Write your new definition below: Note: Let f : \ → \ be a function and V ⊆ \ a subset. Then the inverse image of V is defined to be the subset f −1 (V ) , e.g. if f ( x ) = 3 x , then the inverse image of [0,1] is f −1 ([0,1]) = [0,1/ 3] . II. Continuity and Convergence To intuitively describe continuity, we normally use phrases like ‘f should get arbitrarily close to f ( a ) as x gets arbitrary close to a’. This suggests treating ‘x’ as a sequence {xn } converging to a, and { f ( xn )} as a sequence converging to f ( a ) . 1 1701354 Introduction to Topology – Nguyen 1-24-06 Example: Let’s construct a definition for continuity in terms of sequences. Definition F: Try to modify Definition A so that continuity is defined in terms of sequences. Write your new definition below: Example: Prove that f ( x) = x 2 is continuous at x = 2 based on Definition F. Exercise 1: Prove rigorously that Definitions A and F are equivalent, i.e. each definition implies the other. III. Continuity on Subsets of \ Let D be a subset of \ and f : D → \ be a function on D. How can we define f to be continuous on D instead of all of \ ? An example is f : ` → \ defined by f ( x ) = 1/ x and whose domain is restricted to the positive integers. Example: Let’s construct a definition for continuity restricted to subsets: Definition A’: Modify Definition A to describe continuity at a point for a function defined on a subset D ⊆ \ . Write your new definition below: Example: Discuss the continuity of f : _ → \ defined by ⎧⎪1 if x ∈ _ and x < 2 f ( x) = ⎨ ⎪⎩2 if x ∈ _ and x > 2 Exercise 2: Discuss the continuity of f : ` → \ defined by f ( x ) = x . Be sure to use Definition A’ to rigorous argue where f is continuous. Hint: Choose any δ < 1 . IV. Topologically (Continuously) Equivalent Subsets of \ : How should we mathematically answer the question, “When are two sets equivalent to each other?” The answer depends on the property that you want to compare or preserve. For example, let’s consider the notion of size: 1. Cardinality (size): Definition: We say that A and B have the same cardinality if there exists a bijection φ : A → B , i.e. a mapping f that is one-to-one and onto. This establishes a one-to-one correspondence a ↔ b = φ ( a ) between the elements of A and those of B. Example: Prove that the open unit interval (0, 1) and the open interval (0, 3) have the same cardinality. Prove or disprove: (0, 1) has the same cardinality as the real line \ . 2 1701354 Introduction to Topology – Nguyen 1-24-06 Let’s next consider boundary. For example, the open unit interval (0, 1) and the closed unit interval [0,1] have the same cardinality, but not the same boundary. This is distinguished by the fact that any bijection between them can never be continuous (a proof will be given later in this course). This leads to us define the notion of topological equivalence between sets by requiring both the bijection and its inverse to be continuous. 2. Topology (‘boundary’ structure) Definition: We say that A and B are homeomorphic (or have the same topology or topologically equivalent) if there exists a homeomorphism φ : A → B , i.e. a bijection φ such that both φ and φ −1 are continuous maps (based on Definition E say). Example: Prove that the open unit interval (0, 1) is homeomorphic to the open interval (0, 3). Exercise 3: Prove that the closed intervals [0, 3] and [0, 9] have the same topology by finding two different homeomorphisms φ and showing that each is indeed a homeomorphism. Exercise 4: Consider a map φ that sends the interval (0, 2π ] ⊂ \ to the unit circle S 1 ⊂ ^ (complex plane): φ : (0, 2π ] → S 1 t 6 eit = cos t + i sin t Here, S 1 = {z = x + iy ∈ ^ : z = x 2 + y 2 = 1} . Show that φ is a bijection, but not a homeomorphism. Note: By replacing ^ with \ 2 , we can view φ as a mapping from (0, 2π ] ⊂ \ to S 1 ⊂ \ 2 and defined by φ (t ) = (cos t , sin t ) . V. Supplementary Questions Question 1: Is it really necessary to restrict the definition of continuity to open intervals? Exercise 5: Discuss whether or not continuity can be described in terms of more general sets. If yes, then describe the more general kinds of open sets that can be used instead of intervals by defining an open set. Then revise Definition E appropriately. Hint: An open set is one that contains arbitrarily small open intervals. Question 2: Is it really necessary to consider open intervals instead of closed intervals in defining continuity? Example: Discuss whether or not continuity can be defined using closed intervals instead of open intervals. This means relaxing the absolute value inequalities so that they do not have to be strict and replacing f ( x) − f (a) < ε and x − a < δ by f ( x) − f (a) ≤ ε and x − a ≤ δ , respectively. If yes, then give a counterexample. If not, then give an equivalent definition in terms of closed intervals. Illustrate with examples and counterexamples where appropriate. 3