1 COURSE SYLLABUS Corporate and Community Development with Critical Thinking LEAD 2200 Number 1 - 2 - 2 Lecture - Lab - Credit NONE Prerequisite This syllabus has been reviewed and is current on the date indicated. Prepared By Carolee Patterson Date 12/10/2010____ Reviewed By ___________________________ Division Director/Designee G:\LEADSYLLABUSSP2011.DOC _______________ Date LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus I. Page 2 Instructor Information Name: Carolee Patterson Phone: 325-235-7426 Campus Office: Graphics #120 Sweetwater, Texas email: carolee.patterson@sweetwater.tstc.edu Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday 1100 am – 300pm Tuesday/Thursday11:00am – 5:00pm Department Chair: Troy Williamson Chair email: troy.williamson@abilene.tstc.edu II. Class Times, Location LEAD 2200 4007 Monday/Wednesday 3:00pm – 4:25pm LEAD 2200 4008 Monday/Wednesday 5:30pm – 6:55pm LEAD 2200 40W7 MTWTF III. Program Outcomes – N/A Interdisciplinary course, required course for all programs IV. Course Description & Introduction Development of corporate and community leadership skills that incorporate critical thinking and lifelong learning strategies, communication, and self management skills. Includes data and informative decision making, group and team processes, strategic and action planning, and processes for monitoring progress. V. Learning Outcomes A. Explain leadership characteristics for encouraging and supporting business and community development The student will: • Identify, define, and categorize leadership skills • Discuss the importance of these skills in business and community development • Complete a Pre/Post Leadership Skills Knowledge Test • Identify the characteristics of a desired work ethic by defining each of the following: reliability, dependability, adaptability, pride of craftsmanship, and willingness to learn • Define integrity • Identify the components of personal time management skills G:\LEADSYLLABUSSP2011.DOC LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus • • • • Page 3 Employ methods of time management to determine and focus on important tasks Discuss values as they relate to goal setting Determine actions that demonstrate initiative in the business world and the community Compare self-efficacy, self-confidence and self-esteem and identify how each may be affected positively and negatively and how they may influence choices and behaviors B. Identify ethical and effective business community leaders who value and utilize critical thinking, lifelong learning strategies, and self management skills The student will: • Identify and discuss one business leader and one community leader. • Give examples of their use of leadership skills. • List three self management techniques they use. • Discuss lifelong learning strategies and describe their use in leadership • Demonstrate use of information sources including libraries, databases, search engines, and the internet to facilitate lifelong learning C. Apply effective communication skills and tools The student will: • Identify and demonstrate skills for presenting and speaking for the purpose of disseminating information and persuasion • Write an effective business email • Practice listening techniques which distinguish important information, subtle details, and correct relationships • Identify the concepts of a “customer service” mindset • Discuss the impact that cultural sensitivity has had on the workplace and communities and the need for recognizing and understanding cultural differences to guard against miscommunication, misperceptions and stereotypes • Discuss how to apply positive and negative motivators to impact the actions of others • Identify sources of conflict in the workplace and within the community • Demonstrate conflict resolution tactics D. Utilize data for making effective decisions The student will: • Demonstrate the use of basic skills to collect and discern information and data relating to the rapidly changing use of technology E. Identify roles and processes used in groups and team building The student will: • Identify positive and negative dynamics in the teamwork process G:\LEADSYLLABUSSP2011.DOC LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus • Page 4 Compare and contrast business and volunteer teams from the perspective of a leader or manager F. Use effective processes for strategic planning and progress monitoring The student will: • Discuss the decision making and problem solving processes. • Discuss analyses and evaluation as they apply to these processes • Discuss how the rapid change in technology affects these processes • Discuss the impact of rapid changing technology in the business and community G. Examine the concepts of critical thinking and problem solving The student will: • Complete the Test of Everyday Reasoning • List major components in the problem solving process • Employ various methods to identify and analyze problems that result in a workable, evaluative, and improvable solution • Discuss the decision making process as it relates to the technician in the workforce and as a leader in the community • Examine various methods used to clearly identify, define, and determine courses of action – the planning process • Demonstrate the process of review and reflection for the purpose of making improvements on previous decisions, planning, and organization Students may vary in their competency levels on these abilities. You can expect to acquire these abilities only if you honor all course policies, attend classes regularly, complete all assigned work in good faith and on time, and meet all other course expectations of you as a student. VI. Assessment Methods & Grading Policy The assessment process is an integral part of learning used to judge individual student performance and the effectiveness of the learning opportunities, to certify student achievement, and to provide the student and instructor with feedback for improvement of learning and teaching. Assignment Participation & Professionalism Percentage 60%__ (Attendance, Daily Participation, Punctuality, etc.) Tests – pop quizzes, section tests, final Goals and Values Student Evaluation Teacher Evaluation G:\LEADSYLLABUSSP2011.DOC 20%__ 10% __ __ 5%___ ___5%______ LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus Page 5 VII. Textbook/Reference Materials Keys to Success-Custom Edition 6 or Editions 4 & 5 can be used Carol Carter/Joyce Bishop/Sarah Lyman Kravits Pearson Custom Publishing ISBN#0-555-04891-8 VIII. Additional Resources & Supplies Pen/Pencil and paper for taking notes 3-Ring Binder 1 inch Jump Drive/USB Drive (if you purchase a 2 G, it will work for all of your classes at TSTC) IX. Class Participation Policy & Student Conduct Attendance & Punctuality This course is based on group activities and projects; therefore Attendance/Participation is very important to learning the content of this class. Prospective employers list punctuality & being there every day as two of the most important qualities in an employee, and so do I, therefore: You receive a grade between 90 – 100 each day you are in class based on your active participation and the quality of your contribution. If you are not in class you receive a zero. You may notify me if you know you are going to miss a class and you will be allowed to make up work for a grade of 70. Please contact me in person or through email. Proper business email includes a subject line, salutation (Hello Ms. Patterson), message, and closing. Do not leave voice mail nor ask me to return calls. All communication with me will be face to face or through my business email. Business etiquette and business behavior is expected in the classroom. If your attire is less than desirable for a learning environment you will be asked to leave the class. Gentlemen, please do not wear caps in the classroom. During your time as a student and throughout your career you are expected to address problems in a professional manner. If you have a problem with a teacher you should first approach the teacher. If resolution is not achieved to your satisfaction, you then go to the next level of supervision. My direct supervisor is TroyWilliamson@abilene.tstc.edu Cheating / Plagiarism Policy: TSTC expects all students to engage in scholastic pursuits in a manner that is beyond reproach. Students are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity. Any student found guilty of scholastic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on academic work (such as copying, G:\LEADSYLLABUSSP2011.DOC LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus Page 6 bribing, or buying/selling tests), plagiarism (claiming another’s work as one’s own without acknowledgement, INCLUDING Internet data), and collusion (unauthorized collaboration). See College Catalogue at: http://www.westtexas.tstc.edu/index.cfm?Action=Student_Handbook for additional information. X. Safety • Campus building occupants are required to evacuate buildings when a fire alarm activates. Alarm activation or announcement requires exiting and assembling outside. XI. • Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of each classroom and building you may occupy while receiving instructions. The nearest exit door may not be the door you used when entering the building. • Students requiring evacuation assistance should inform the instructor during the first week of class. • In the event of evacuation, follow the faculty’s or class instructor’s instructions. • Do Not re-enter a building unless given instructions by the Fire Department, Campus/Local Police, or Fire Prevention Services. Special Needs If you have a condition, such as a physical or mental disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as outlined, or which will require extra time on examinations, please notify the Counseling and Testing Office during the first week of the course so that appropriate arrangements can be made. XII. Course Schedule - LEAD 2200 Corporate and Community Development with Critical LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus Page 7 Thinking Throughout this course and in your various readings and searches you will see the terms “Soft Skills”, “Employability Skills”, “Leadership Skills” and “Essential Skills” used interchangeably. For the purpose of this course we will use the definition of these skills, from the article by Randy Brancino and Claire Zevalkink, in which they say, “Soft skills are the cluster of personality traits, social graces, facility with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark people to varying degrees.” In your syllabus these clusters are: Essential Skills Life Long Learning/Critical Thinking • Writing • Reading • Problem solving • Decision making • Planning/Organizing • Reflecting and making improvements • Recognizing change Interactions and Relationships: • Listening • Presenting/Speaking • Teaching/Coaching others • Attitude • Teamwork • Customer service • Etiquette • Cross-cultural sensitivity • Motivating followers • Managing conflict Self-management and Ethics: • Work ethic • Dependability • Integrity • Self-motivation/adaptability • Time-management • Displaying initiative • Self-efficacy/Self-confidence Week 1 Introduction A. Syllabus LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus B. C. D. E. Page 8 Course Guide Complete Pre Leadership Skills Knowledge Test – Participation Grade Group Work - Identify, categorize, and discuss leadership skills Participation Grade Define leadership skills. Handout LIFELONG LEARNING AND CRITICAL THINKING Week 2 Lifelong Learning and Critical Thinking A. Identify and discuss methods of processing information. Reference-text B. Identify tendencies of personality. Reference-text C. Discuss the importance of these skills in business/community development D. Assignment for Weeks 3 and 4, B 1 and 2. Weeks 3 and 4 Life-long Learning and Critical Thinking A. Identify concepts and processes of critical thinking and problem solving 1. Complete the Test of Everyday Reasoning Handout, Computer Test Participation Grade 2. Identify the process of problem solving and decision making. Reference-text 3. Demonstrate use of basic skills to collect and discern information and data including libraries, databases, search engines, and the internet to facilitate lifelong learning and critical thinking 4. Discuss the impact of rapidly changing technologies to information collection B. Group Work 1. Group Presentation – Apply the problem solving process to a community or societal problem determined by the class. 2. Group Presentation - Apply the decision making process to a community or societal decision determined by class Week 5 Lifelong Learning and Critical Thinking A. Discuss how these processes apply to corporate and community development B. Review for Lifelong Learning and Critical Thinking Test C. Lifelong Learning and Critical Thinking Test – Pencil/paper objective test Test Grade SELF MANAGEMENT SKILLS AND ETHICS LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus Page 9 Week 6 Self Management Skills A. Identify personal values and apply these values to five year, one year, and six month goals. Reference text and handouts and notes Test Grade B. Identify the characteristics of a desired work ethic by defining: reliability, dependability, adaptability, pride in work, willingness to learn, and initiative C. Group Work 1. Choose a company and identify the goals that drive the business. 2. Choose a community and identify the goals that drive the community. D. Journal Assignment – Review and reflect for the purpose of making positive change Week 7 Self Management Skills A. Identify the components of personal time management skills Reference Text B. Compare and contrast personal time management skills with another student’s process C. Announcement of Grade for Midterm Week 8 Self Management Skills A. Discuss money management from personal, community, and corporate perspectives B. Define and discuss the process of budgeting from the personal land non profit perspective.. C. Tour of WASP museum. Discuss volunterism and fund raising from a community development perspective. D. Oral presentation assignment for Week 11 Identify and demonstrate skills for presenting and speaking fo the purpose of disseminating information and persuasion Reference Text and Handouts and notes for Week 11 Week 9 Self Management Skills A. Identify physiological components of stress B. Discuss stress management and coping skills C. Identify stress management skills from the perspective of management Week 10 Self Management Skills A. Review for Self Management Skills Test B. Self Management Skills Test Reference Text and handouts and notes Pencil/paper objective test INTERACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus Page 10 Week 10 Interactions and Relationships A. Oral Presentations Test grade B. Critique five student’s presentation Reference Handouts and notes C. Journal Due Week 11 Interactions and Relationships A. Discuss the impact that cultural sensitivity has in the workplace and the community B. Identify work and community influences from Civil Rights Act of 1964 C. Define and discuss stereotyping, prejudice, harassment D. Group Work –Role play proper and improper examples of cultural competence either in the workplace or community development Week 12 Interactions and Relationships A. Discuss the listening process B. Listening Group Work Activity C. List five habits that increase active listening D. Practice listening techniques which distinguish important information, subtle details, and irrelevant facts Week 13 Interactions and Relationships A. Identify positive and negative dynamics in the teamwork process B. Compare and contrast business and volunteer teams from the perspective of a leader or manager C. Discuss self-efficacy, self-confidence and self-esteem as they relate to influencing and motivating the group teamwork process. Week 14 Interactions and Relationships A. Review Interactions and Relationships B. Test Interactions and Relationships Reference Text and Handouts and notes Week 15 A. Complete Post Leadership Skills Knowledge Test B. Review for comprehensive final C. Comprehensive Final Reference Text, Handouts and notes, and notes XIII. Instructor Curriculum Vitae Carolee Patterson MEd 300 Homer Taylor Drive LEAD 2200 Corporate & Community Development with Critical Thinking Course Syllabus Page 11 Sweetwater, Texas 79556 (325) 235-7426 Carolee.patterson@sweetwater.tstc.edu EDUCATION Master of Education Hardin Simmons University Area of Concentration Counselor, LPC Bachelor of Science Hardin Simmons University Major Political Science, Spanish, History EMPLOYMENT Texas State Technical College West Texas Coordinator of Support Services Design team for Professional Development classes SACS Committee, QEP Committee Teach Lead 2200, Poft1120 Faculty Support May 1993 September 1993-October 2001 May 1971 May 2004 – Present 1st Rochdale Electric Cooperative New York, New York Executive Administrative Assistant Director of Customer Service September 1999 – May 2003 Texas State Technical College Counselor, Coordinator Equity Tech and Single Parent Grant, Co authored Perkins Grant, Faculty Development Coordinator Co authored Grievance Campus Operating Procedures Chair Grievance Committee SACS committee, Co Chair Institutional Effectiveness NISOD presenter SACS presenter August 1993 – May 1998 Sweetwater High School Sweetwater, Texas Faculty History, Spanish, Psychology, Sociology Texas Education Association Representative September 1971 – May 1980