Document 10325253

Family Violence:
Child Abuse, Spouse Abuse and Elder Abuse.
amily violence places
millions of women and
their families at risk each
year and is one of the
greatest social problems
that is impacting the
whole nation. There are
lots of categories that
can be identified as family violence. Among these
categories is child abuse.
It is one of the more serious problems in the
United States. According
to author William Kornblum and Joseph Julian,
at least 750,000 children
are physically abused
each year, and many die
as a result. Child abuse
is defined as a parent or
other person deliberately
attacking a child. Sexual
abuse is also part of child
abuse. There are many
children who have a
sexually abusive parent
or family member. Research has identified
many common characteristics of child abuse.
Among these characteristics are parents who
are highly authoritarian,
only one parent in the
family, and low level of
parental education and
amily violence occurs
across all age groups, including children, adults,
and the elderly people.
Besides child abuse,
there are other serious
problems that are a part
of family violence. These
include spouse abuse and
elder abuse. In many cultures, husbands regularly
abuse their wives and
have their rights violated
within society. Family violence is the number one
health risk to women in
the United States today.
According to a family violence survey, each year
more than one million
women seek medical attention for injuries caused
by husband battering or
beatings. This survey also
indicates that their husbands beat many women
while they were pregnant.
type of violence that
has recently come to public attention is abuse of
elderly people by members of their own family.
Federal definitions of
elder abuse, neglect, and
exploitation appeared for
the first time in the 1987
Amendments to the Older
Americans Act. There is a
day to celebrate World
Elder Abuse Awareness
Day, which is in June
every year. This day is a
wonderful opportunity to
share information about
abuse, neglect, and exploitation in later life.
Each year, hundreds of
thousands of older people
are abused, neglected,
and exploited by family
members and others who
are supposed to take care
of them. There are many
educational materials out
there for all these kinds of
family violence. By the
way, each of abovementioned violations is
against the law. Everybody has the responsibility to report or stop family
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What Do We
Know About Sexual Harassment?
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exual harassment is unwelcome attention of a
sexual nature. It includes a
variety of behaviors both
verbal or physical conduct
of a sexual nature which
culture and society but not
normal in American society.
It is really very important to
know more about the culture
of the host society and others in order to participate the
mainstream society.
Stop Sexual Harassment. Say “NO”
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can even involve forced
sexual activity. Sexual harassment is considered a
form of illegal discrimination, and is a form of
abuse. It is a legal term,
which was created for the
purpose of terminating harassment and discrimination
against women in the education and workplaces.
Many new arrivals are confused what action is sexual
harassment and what is
not. Many of them are figuring out things, which they
think it is normal to their
In America, many workplaces offer sexual harassment training orientation to
everyone they employed.
Many refugees attended this
kind of trainings before they
started working in the United
States. In addition to that,
many of them still fall the
edge of sexual harassment
while they are at the work or
education place. Mostly they
didn’t mean to harass someone but that is the way system interprets. It is always
safe to respect the system
otherwise the system will be
against you. It is always
safe to avoid any thing
seems a sexual harassment act. Sexual harassment has a quite history in
United States. There are
many sexual harassment
suitcases filed every year
in US.
According to many American scholars, the term
"sexual harassment" was
coined in 1974 at Cornell
University. According to
reliable sources almost
15,000 sexual harassment cases are brought to
the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) every
year. There are many
things which are prohibited in US and other countries. Sexual Harassment
is one of them. Among
other things which are
prohibited are racial or
ethnic harassment which
is defined as any nonconsenting conduct based
upon race, ethnicity, or
national origin that creates a hostile work environment. The victim of
sexual harassment can be
both woman and a man. It
is really very important to
education yourself in order to avoid any thing that
can bring a trouble to