Professional Resume of
Department of Operation Management
IE Business School
María de Molina, 12, 5 Planta
Telephone: ++ 34-915689740
E-Mail: elena.revilla@ie.edu
PhD in Business Administration, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
MA in Science and Technology Management, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Degree in Business Administration, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Post-Doctoral Fellow, North Carolina University, Chapel-Hill, USA
CPCL, Harvard Business School, USA
DBA Director, Instituto de Empresa (2006-actualidad)
Professor of Operations, Instituto de Empresa (1999 – present)
Associated part-time Professor, University of Valladolid, (1996-present)
2009 Finalist for the award of Best Decision Sciences Article published in 2009
2008 Research Excelence Award. Instituto de Empresa.
2003 Finalist for the Carolyn Dexter Paper Award, Annual Meeting of the Academy of
2000 Best Paper Proceedings. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
1996 Best doctoral Thesis. Club Gestion de Calidad.
Member of Beta Gamma Sigma
Collaborative innovation in supply chain
Knowledge integration in supply chain
Dynamic capabilities and absorptive capabilities in product development
Knowledge management and learning
Public and private R&D partnership
Research Joint Venture
Innovation and Technology Management
Latest Papers in Refereed Journals
Revilla, E., Prieto, I. and Rodriguez, B. 2010. Knowledge Strategy: Its Relationship to
Environmental Dynamism and Complexity in Product Development. Knowledge and
Process Management. (Accepted for Publication)
Prieto, I., Revilla, E. and Rodriguez, B. 2009. Building Dynamic Capabilities in Product
Development: How do Contextual Antecedents Matter?” Scandinavian Journal of
Management, 25: pp:313-326
Villena, V., Gomez-Mejía, L and Revilla, E. 2009. The Decision of the Supply Chain
Executive to Support or Impede Supply Chain Integration: A multidisciplinary
Behavioral Agency Perspective” To appear in Decision Science Journal, 40 (4): pp:
Revilla, E., Rodriguez, B. and Prieto, I. 2009. Information Technology as a Knowledge
Management Enabler in Product Development: Empirical Evidence“, European Journal
of Innovation Management, 12 (3): pp. 346-363
Prieto, I., Revilla, E. and Rodriguez, B. 2009. Managing the Knowledge Paradox in
Product Development. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13 (3): pp: 157-170.
Revilla, E., Sarkis, J. and Modrego, A. 2007. “Exploring Public and Private R&D
Partnership Performance: A Knowledge-Based View of Inter-organisational Alliances,”
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 3 (4): pp.371-393.
Prieto, I. and Revilla, E. 2006. Learning Capability and Business Performance: A nonfinancial and Financial Assesment. The Learning Organization journal, 13(2). Págs
Prieto, I. and Revilla, E. 2006. Assessing the Impact of Learning Capability in Learning
Performance. Management Learning, 37 (4). pp 499-522.
Revilla, E., Acosta, J. and Sarkis, J. 2006. “An Empirical Assessment of a Learning and
Knowledge Management Typology for Research Joint Ventures,” International Journal of
Technology Management, 35 (1-4), pp. 329-348
Prieto I. y Revilla, E. (2005): Information Technologies and Human Behaviours as
Interacting Knowledge Management Enablers. International Journal of Management
Concepts and Philosophy, 1(3), pp. 175–197.
Revilla, E., Acosta, J. and Sarkis, J. 2005 .“Value Perceptions and Performance of
Research Joint Ventures: An Organizational Learning Perspective,” International Journal
of High Technology Management Research, 16 (2), pp. 157-172,.
Revilla, E., Sarkis, J., and Acosta, J., 2005. “Towards a Knowledge Management and
Learning Taxonomy for Research Joint Ventures,” Technovation, 25 (11), pp. 1307-1316,
Revilla, E. y Sánchez-Alarcos (2004): Aprendizaje Organizativo en Entornos
Complejos: Lecciones Aprendidas de la Seguridad Aérea. Harvard Deusto Business
Review. Septiembre
Prieto, I. and Revilla, E. (2004): Impacto Organizativo de los Distintos Estilos de
Gestión del Conocimiento. Una Evidencia Empírica del Caso Español. Revista de
Empresa, 10. pp 42-54
Prieto, I. and Revilla, E. 2004. An Empirical Investigation of Knowledge Management
Styles and their Effects on Learning Capacity. Management Research, 2. pp. 135-148.
Prieto, I. and Revilla, E. 2004. La Naturaleza Dual de la Gestión del Conocimiento.
Implicaciones para la Capacidad de Aprendizaje y los Resultados Organizativos.
Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 32, pp.47-75
Revilla, E.; Sarkis, J. and Modrego, A. 2003. Evaluating Performance of Public-Private
Research Collaborations. A DEA Analysis. Journal of Operations Research Society, 54
(2), pp.165-174.
Papers under Review
Revilla, E. and Rodriguez, B. Team Vision in Product Development: How Knowledge
Strategy Matters. Under review after 2rd revision.
Paiva, E., Revilla, E, y Roth, A. Manufacturing Strategy Process and Organizational
Knowledge. Under review after 2rd revision.
Revilla, E.y Cury, T. Contextual Antecedents and Performance of Team Vision in
Product Development. Under review after 1rd revision.
Prieto, I. Revilla, E., Rodríguez, B. Information Technologies And The Ambidexterity
Hypothesis : An Analysis In Product Development. Under review
Revilla, E.y Cury, T.; Knowledge Integration in Product Development. A Relational
Perspective. Under review
Book Chapters
Revilla, E. and Villena, V. 2010. Knowledge Integration and Innovation within
Collaborative Buyer-Seller Relationships. In Managing Global Supply Chain
Relationships: Operations, Strategies and Practices. Edt. Barbara B. Flynn. Editorial:
Igi –Global. (Accepted for Publication)
Prieto, I. and Revilla, E. 2009. The Link between Learning Capability and Business
Performance in MNEs:The Role of Intellectual Capital. In Strategic Intellectual Capital
Management in Multinational Organizations: Sustainability and Successful Implications,
K. O’sullivan, Ed. Editorial: Igi -Global
Revilla E. y Sanchez-Alarcos, J., 2008. Communities of Practice. In Enciclopedia of
HRIS. Challenges in e-HRM. T. Torres and M. Arias Edts. Editorial: Igi-Global
Sanchez-Alarcos, J. y Revilla, E. 2008. Organizational Semiotic. In Enciclopedia of
HRIS. Challenges in e-HRM, T. Torres and M. Arias Edts. Editorial: Igi-Global
Edts.: Teresa Torres y Mario Arias. Editorial: Igi-global
Revilla E. 2007. Knowledge Management in Reserch Joint Venture. In Strategic
Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations. Edt.: Kevin O’sullivan Editorial:
Idea Group, USA
Revilla, E. y Sánchez-Alarcos, 2004: Organizational Learning in Complex
Environments. Aviations Safety as the Case Study. In Virtual, Distributed and Flexible
Organisations. Studies in Organizational Semiotics, K. Liu, Ed. Editorial Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
Latest refereed Presentations
Villena, V., Gomez-Mejía, L and Revilla, E. "The Role of the Supply Chain
Executive in Supply Chain Integration: A Behavioral Approach," Academy of
Management Annual Meeting, August, 2009, Chicago, Illinois.
Diaz, A. and Revilla E. Collaborative Mechanisms and Integration Capabilities: The
Strategic Role of the Purchasing Function", POMS 2009 Annual Meeting, May, 2009,
Orlando, Florida.
Revilla, E., and Rodríguez, B. Linking Exploration and Exploitation and Performance.
The Moderating Role of Complexity in Product Development. 16th International Annual
EurOMA Conference, June, 2009, ,Gotemburg, Sweden.
Villena, V., Gomez-Mejía, L and Revilla, E. "The Role of the Supply Chain
Executive in Supply Chain Integration: A Behavioral Approach," POMS 2008 Annual
Meeting, May, La Joya, CA, USA
Revilla, E., and Rodríguez, B. Team Vision: Its Components and Impact on Product
Development. An Empirical Evidency. The 3rd World Conference on Production and
Operations Management August , 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Revilla, E., and Villena, V. Collaborative Innovation in Supply Chain. An Empirical
Evidency. The 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management,
August , 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Revilla, E. and Cury, T. Antecedents and Consequences of Team Vision in Product
Development. An Empirical Evidence. 15TH International Product Development
Management Conference, July, 2008, Hamburg, Germany
Prieto, I. Revilla, E., and Rodríguez, B. Building Dynamic Capabilities In Product
Development : An Empirical Exploration to Explain Product Development
Competences. Congreso: 23rd EGOS COLLOQUIUM. July, 2007, Vienna, Austria
Prieto, I., Revilla, E., and Rodríguez, B. Information Technologies And The
Ambidexterity Hypothesis : An Analysis In Product Development. : 67th Annual Meeting
Of The Academy Of Management, August, 2007, PHILADELPHIA, PA, EE.UU.
Prieto, I. and Revilla, E. Managing Learning Climate as a Social Moderator of Technostructural Knowledge Management. Academy of management annual meeting Academy,
August, 2005, Hawai, USA.
Revilla, E. y Escobar, D. Understanding Lean Service through a Multimedia Teaching
Case. POMs 2005 conference. May, 2005, Chicago, USA
Revilla, E. y Prieto, I. Linking Learning capability and Learning Performance”.
Iberoamerican Academy of Management, December, 2005, Lisbon , Portugal
Paiva, E., Revilla, E, y Roth, A. Strategic Process in Operations and Dynamism: Scale
Validation and Cross Country Comparison. Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
August 2004, New Orleans, USA.
Sarkis, J. , E. Revilla, and J. Acosta, “An Empirical Assessment of a Learning and
Knowledge Management Typology for Research Joint Ventures,” 35th Annual Decision
Sciences Institute National Meeting, November, 2004, Boston, MA, USA.
Autores: Revilla, E. y Escobar, D. The Customer Service process. The lean Thinking
Perspective” 11th International Annual EurOMA , June, 2004.Fontineblau, France
Revilla, E. y Prieto, I. “Learning Capacity and Business Performance: Measurement
and Research” Fourth International Conference on Performance Measurement and
Management, July, 2004, Edimburgh, UK
Revilla, E. y Prieto, I. How Learning Capacity Influences on Performance: An Empirical
Evidence. Organizational Learning and Knowledge 5th International Conference, June,
2003, Lancaster. UK.
Prieto, I and Revilla, E. The Social Approach of Knowledge Management. The Effect
on Organizational Learning Capacity”, IV Organizational Knowledge, Learning and
Capabilities Conference, April, 2003 Barcelona, Spain.
Prieto, I and Revilla, E “Assesing Knowledge Management Tools for the Development
of a Learning Capacity in Organizations: An Integrative Framework”, Academy of
Management Annual Meeting, August 2003.Seattle, Washington.
Revilla E. and Sanchez-Alarcos, J. “Limitations to the Organizational Learning
Capacity on Complex Environments: The Case of the Aerial Safety” EUROMA/POMS
2003 Conference, June, 2003, Commo, Italy.
Revilla E. and Sanchez-Alarcos, J. “Organizational Evolution and Semiotics in
Complex Environments: The Case of the Aerial Safety”, 6TH Organizational Semiotic
Worshop, July 2003, Reading, UK.
Papers in Refereed Proceedings
Diaz, A. and Revilla E. Collaborative Mechanisms and Integration Capabilities: The
Strategic Role of the Purchasing Function", POMS 2009 Annual Meeting, May, 2009,
Orlando, Florida.
Revilla, E., and Rodríguez, B. Linking Exploration and Exploitation and Performance.
The Moderating Role of Complexity on Product Development. 16th International Annual
EurOMA Conference Implementation - realizing Operations Management knowledge.
June, 2009, ,Gotemburg, Sweden.
Revilla, E., and Rodríguez, B. Team Vision: Its Components and Impact on Product
Development. An Empirical Evidency. The 3rd World Conference on Production and
Operations Management August , 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Revilla, E., and Villena, V. Collaborative Innovation in Supply Chain. An Empirical
Evidency. The 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management,
August , 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Revilla, E. and Cury, T. Antecedents and Consequences of Team Vision in Product
Development. An Empirical Evidence. 15TH International Product Development
Management Conference, July, 2008, Hamburg, Germany
Revilla, E., Prieto, I., and Rodríguez, B. (2007) Dynamism And Complexity As
Antecedents Of The Knowledge Strategy In Product Developments.: British Academy
of Management Conference, September, 2007. Warwick, Conventry
Revilla, E. and Cury, T.; Antecedents and Consequences of Knowledge Sharing in
Product Development. An Empirical Evidency. Organizational Learning, Knowledge and
Capabilities, June, 2007 London Ontario, Canada.
Revilla, E. Rodriguez, B. and Prieto, I. “Information Technology as Knowledge
Management Enabler in Product Development”. An Empirical Evidency. 13th
International Annual EurOMA Conference. Junio, 2006. Glasgow Revilla, E. Prieto, I y Rodriguez, B. “Social Knowledge Management Enablers in
Product Developments. Empirical Evidence” British Academy of Management
Conferece, September 2006. Belfast. Irlanda.
Revilla, E. Prieto, I y Rodriguez, B. “Linking Knowledge Exploration and Exploitation
and Performance. A Product Development Evidence”. Performance Measurement
Conference., July, 2006, London, UK
Hong, P., Doll, W., Revilla, E. y Nahm, A.“Strategic Management of Product
Developments Projects. A Resource-Based View”. 37th Annual Decision Sciences
Institute National Meeting, Noviembre, 2006. San Antonio, USA
Sarkis, J. , E. Revilla, and J. Acosta, “An Empirical Assessment of a Learning and
Knowledge Management Typology for Research Joint Ventures,” 35th Annual Decision
Sciences Institute National Meeting, November, 2004, Boston, MA, USA.
Autores: Revilla, E. y Escobar, D. The Customer Service Process. The Lean Thinking
Perspective” 11th International Annual EurOMA , June, 2004.Fontineblau, France
Revilla, E. y Prieto, I. “Learning Capacity and Business Performance: Measurement
and Research” Fourth International Conference on Performance Measurement and
Management, July, 2004, Edimburgh, UK
Revilla, E. y Prieto, I. How Learning Capacity Influences on Performance: An Empirical
Evidence. Organizational Learning and Knowledge 5th International Conference, June,
2003, Lancaster. UK.
Prieto, I and Revilla, E. The Social Approach of Knowledge Management. The Effect
on Organizational Learning Capacity”, IV Organizational Knowledge, Learning and
Capabilities Conference, April, 2003 Barcelona, Spain.
Revilla E. and Sanchez-Alarcos, J. “Limitations to the Organizational Learning
Capacity on Complex Environments: The Case of the Aerial Safety” EUROMA/POMS
2003 Conference, June, 2003, Commo, Italy.
Revilla E. and Sanchez-Alarcos, J. “Organizational Evolution and Semiotics in
Complex Environments: The Case of the Aerial Safety”, 6TH Organizational Semiotic
Worshop, July 2003, Reading, UK.