Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Margin-Based Asset Pricing and Deviations from the Law of One Price Nicolae Gârleanu Berkeley, CEPR, and NBER Lasse H. Pedersen NYU, CEPR, and NBER N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Motivation: Financial Frictions in the Macro Economy Key friction: margin constraints These constraints can become binding; e.g., 2007-2009 One remarkable consequence: Failure of Law of One Price Corporate-bond basis: price gap between bond and CDS Covered interest-rate parity Research question: How do margin requirements affect asset prices? N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion What We Do Standard Lucas economy, extended in minimal way: with 2 two agents facing margin constraints Derive equilibrium: Margin CAPM Quantify effects of margin Help explain: CDS-bond basis Failure of covered interest-rate parity (CIP) The effects of the Fed’s lending facilities The incentive for regulatory arbitrage N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Results: Theory Margin (C)CAPM Et (r i ) − rtc = λt βti + ψt xt mti Shadow cost of capital ψt can be captured by interest-rate spreads (LIBOR minus GC repo). Binding constraints, ψt > 0 (e.g., since August 2007): occur following bad fundamental shocks ¯ ¯ + f (xt ) SR increase Sharpe market ratio: SR = SR σ̄ − 1 m + Basis: can arise due to difference in margins b b Et (r i ) − Et (r ik ) = βtC ,i − βtC ,ik + ψt (mti − mtik ) High-margin assets have high sensitivity to funding risk N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Results: Applications Calibrate model using standard parameters: consumption growth, discount rate, risk aversion, observed margins Large pricing effect of binding constraints – Collateralized interest rates drop – Interest-rate spreads blow out – Margin premium rises High margin assets have high sensitivity to funding risk – higher beta – higher comovement with each other Consistent with model, CDS-bond basis related to: credit tightness (time series) relative margin requirements (cross section) Relate interest-rate spread to failure of covered interest parity Transmission of unconventional monetary policy: Compute effect of Fed’s lending facilities on asset values Quantify banks’ incentives to loosen capital requirements N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Related Literature Heterogeneous risk-aversion economies: Dumas (1989); Basak and Cuoco (1998), Chan and Kogan (2002) Collateral value: Bernanke and Gertler (1989), Detemple and Murthy (1997), Geanakoplos (1997), Kiyotaki and Moore (1997), Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2001), Lustig and Van Nieuwerburgh (2005), Shleifer and Vishny (1992, 2009) Equilibrium restrictions with portfolio constraints: Hindy (1995), Hindy and Huang (1995), Cuoco (1997), Aiyagari and Gertler (1999) Limits of arbitrage: Shleifer and Vishny (1997), and possible ‘arbitrage’ in equilibrium: Basak and Croitoru (2000, 2006), Geanakoplos (2003) Margin spiral, theory: Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009); Evidence: Gorton and Metrick (2009) Direct evidence from Fed that prices depend significantly on haircuts: Ashcraft, Garleanu, and Pedersen (2010) Evidence on stocks, bonds, and credit markets: Frazzini and Pedersen (2010) N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Model: Assets Continuous-time endowment economy Multiple assets in positive supply, characterized by – dividend stream: δti – margin requirement: mti ⊤ – endogenous price: dPti = µit Pti − δti dt + Pti σti dBt Multiple “derivatives”: – derivative ik has the same payoffs δti as asset i – smaller margin: mtik ≤ mti Two types of risk-free lending/borrowing: – collateralized (rate rtc ) – uncollateralized (rate rtu ) N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Model: Agents Two types of agents g = a, b: Risk averse: γa > 1 Risk tolerant (brave): γ b = 1 (i.e., log) Utility: constant relative risk aversion Z ∞ g 1−γ g −ρs Cs max E0 e ds 1 − γg C g ,θ i ,ηu 0 Constraints: Solvency: Wt ≥ 0 P i i u Funding constraint: i mt |θt | + ηt ≤ 1 Agent a – Does not lend uncollateralized – Faces derivative-trading restrictions N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Shadow Cost of Capital Agent b solves X 1X i j i j ⊤ c u u c i i c max rt + ηt (rt − rt ) + θt (µt − rt ) − θt θt σt (σt ) 2 θti ,ηtu i subject to P i i ,j mti |θti | + ηtu ≤ 1. Proposition: The shadow cost of the margin constraint is ψt = rtu − rtc Proposition: If agent b is long asset i , its excess return is b b b dC dP i µit − rtc = βtC ,i + ψt mti where βtC ,i = covt , C b Pi N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration CCAPM with Margins Suppose that agent a is unconstrained w.r.t. asset i and let 1 γt xt βtC ,i = = 1 Cta 1 Ctb + γ a Ct γ b Ct Ctb γb Cta γa Cb + γtb dC dP i = covt , C Pi Proposition: µit − rtc = γt βtC ,i + xt ψt mti N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration CAPM with Margins Let q be the portfolio with highest correlation with aggregate consumption and i dP q covt dP , Pq Pi βti = dP q vart P q Proposition: µit − rtc = λt βti + xt ψt mti N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Basis Trades Proposition: If agent b is long asset i and derivative ik b b µit − µitk = ψt mti − mtik + βtC ,i − βtC ,ik If he is long i and short ik , then b b µit − µitk = ψt mti + mtik + βtC ,i − βtC ,ik The derivative price P ik decreases with mik . N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Explicit Equilibrium Specializing the setup for tractability to consider explicit equilibrium and calibration: Aggregate consumption C is geometric Brownian motion Continuum of underlying assets with dividend δi = Cs i , where s i independent martingales All underlying assets have the same margin mi = m Derivatives with mik ≤ m traded only by b N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Solving Explicitly It suffices to calculate equilibrium as if there were one underlying paying C and derivatives on it State variables: C and c b = C b /C Pricing kernel for underlying assets: Agent a is marginal: a ξt = e −ρt (C a )−γ dξt = ξt µξt dt + σtξ dwt Collateralized interest rate: a D e −ρt (Cta )−γ rtc = −µξt = − a e −ρt (Cta )−γ Market price of aggregate wealth Pt = Ct ζ(ctb ): Z ∞ Pt ξt = Et Cs ξs ds t N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Solution Proposition: Agent b’s margin constraint binds iff 1 µ − rc SR ≥ = 2 σ σ m The price-to-dividend ratio Pt /Ct = ζ(ctb ) is given as the solution to an ODE and all other endogenous variables are explicit functions of ζ. Binding margin constraint increases the Sharpe Ratio: + ¯ σ̄ SR 1 ¯ + x SR = SR − ′ b 1−x σ̄ m ζ c 1− mζ ¯ = γσ C and σ̄ are the Sharpe and return volatility where SR without constraints. N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Limit Basis Proposition: As c b → 0, the basis between asset i and derivative ik becomes µi − µik = ψ(mi − mik ) where 2 σC 1 + a ψ = γ − m m In the cross section of asset-derivative pairs, µi − µik µj − µjk = i i m −mk m j − m jk N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Calibration: Parameters We use the following parameter values µC 0.03 σC 0.08 γa 8 ρ 0.02 m 0.4 mmed 0.3 mlow 0.1 Constraint binds for c b ≤ 0.22 Since b is levered more than a, low c b is the result of bad shocks to fundamentals N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Calibration: Interest Rates 0.12 Complete market Collateralized rate Uncollateralized rate 0.11 0.1 0.09 Interest rate 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 c 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 b Figure: Interest rates: complete markets, collateralized with constraints (r c ), and uncollateralized with constraints (r u ). N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Calibration: Bases 0.035 Low margin spread High margin spread 0.03 Return spread (basis) 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 b c Figure: Return spreads of high-margin underlying versus low-margin derivative (i.e., large margin spread munderlying − mlow = 30%) and versus intermediate-margin derivative (i.e., small margin spread munderlying − mmedium = 10%). N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Calibration: Sharpe Ratios 0.8 Complete market Underlying, high margin (m=40%) Derivative, medium margin (m=30%) Derivative, low margin (m=10%) 0.7 Market price of risk (SR) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 c 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 b Figure: Sharpe ratios: complete markets, underlying with constraints, and two derivatives with constraints. N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Model Required Returns Explicit Equilibrium Calibration Calibration: Price Premium 0.8 Low constant margin, m=10% Time−varying margin, m∈[10%,30%] High constant margin, m=30% 0.7 0.6 Excess price 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 c 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 b Figure: Price Premium. The figure shows how the price premium, P derivative /P underlying − 1 for three derivatives with identical cash flows and different margins. N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion CDS-Bond Basis Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Regulatory Arbitrage CDS-Bond Basis: Time Series 200 4.5 4 3.5 150 3 2.5 percent percent 100 2 1.5 50 1 0.5 0 0 -0.5 IG CDS-bond basis LIBOR-GCrepo 1/3/2009 9/3/2008 11/3/2008 7/3/2008 5/3/2008 3/3/2008 1/3/2008 9/3/2007 11/3/2007 7/3/2007 5/3/2007 3/3/2007 1/3/2007 9/3/2006 11/3/2006 7/3/2006 5/3/2006 3/3/2006 1/3/2006 9/3/2005 11/3/2005 7/3/2005 5/3/2005 3/3/2005 -50 1/3/2005 -1 Tightening credit standards (right axis) Figure: The CDS-Bond basis, the LIBOR-GCrepo Spread, and Credit Standards. N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion CDS-Bond Basis Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Regulatory Arbitrage CDS-Bond Basis: Cross Section 16 14 12 10 percent 8 6 4 2 0 -2 IG basis, margin adjusted 1/3/2009 9/3/2008 11/3/2008 7/3/2008 5/3/2008 3/3/2008 1/3/2008 9/3/2007 11/3/2007 7/3/2007 5/3/2007 3/3/2007 1/3/2007 9/3/2006 11/3/2006 7/3/2006 5/3/2006 3/3/2006 1/3/2006 9/3/2005 11/3/2005 7/3/2005 5/3/2005 3/3/2005 1/3/2005 -4 HY basis, margin adjusted Figure: Investment Grade (IG) and High Yield (HY) CDS-Bond Bases, Adjusted for Their Margins. N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion CDS-Bond Basis Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Regulatory Arbitrage Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Term Auction Facility (TAF), Dec. 2007 Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF), March 2008 Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), Nov 2008 Goal: Improve funding conditions and “help market participants meet the credit needs of households and small businesses by supporting the issuance of asset-backed securities” The model suggests that when the Fed offers lower margins, liquidity risk and required returns go down: E (r i ,Fed ) − E (r i ,no Fed ) ≈ λ(β Fed,i − β no Fed,i ) + ψx(mFed,i − mi ) + ∆ψ xmi < 0 I.e., ABS yield down, access to credit eases, helping the real economy N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion CDS-Bond Basis Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Regulatory Arbitrage Two Monetary Tools: Interest Rates and Haircuts (Ashcraft, Garleanu, and Pedersen (2009)) Super Senior Bonds 16% 12% Yield 3-year 5-year 8% Matched 4% 0% Low TALF haircut High TALF haircut No TALF Haircut regime N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion CDS-Bond Basis Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Regulatory Arbitrage Two Monetary Tools: Interest Rates and Haircuts (Ashcraft, Garleanu, and Pedersen (2009)) Safest Super Senior Bonds 1.50 Price Relative to No-TALF Price 1.40 1.30 3-year 1.20 5-year Matched 1.10 1.00 0.90 Low TALF haircut High TALF haircut No TALF Haircut regime N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion CDS-Bond Basis Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Regulatory Arbitrage Evidence on Monetary Policy and Margins Affecting Prices (Ashcraft, Garleanu, and Pedersen (2009) Figure: Market reaction to TALF-related announcements. N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion CDS-Bond Basis Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Regulatory Arbitrage Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity 10 4/23/2008 10/23/2008 4/23/2007 10/23/2007 4/23/2006 10/23/2006 4/23/2005 10/23/2005 4/23/2004 10/23/2004 4/23/2003 10/23/2003 4/23/2002 CIP deviation 10/23/2002 0 4/23/2001 1 0 10/23/2001 2 0.2 4/23/2000 3 0.4 10/23/2000 4 0.6 4/23/1999 5 0.8 10/23/1999 6 1 4/23/1998 7 1.2 10/23/1998 8 1.4 10/23/1997 9 1.6 4/23/1997 percent 2 1.8 TED spread (right axis) Figure: Average Deviation from Covered-Interest Parity and the TED Spread. N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion CDS-Bond Basis Monetary Policy and Lending Facilities Failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity Regulatory Arbitrage Regulatory Arbitrage Pressure to free capital by moving assets off the balance sheet or titling portfolios towards low capital-requirement assets Basel requirement is similar to the margin constraint X mReg ,i |θ i | ≤ 1 i Required return increased by mReg ,i ψ N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Conclusion Margin-based general-equilibrium model Strong asset pricing predictions Predicts that a decline in fundamentals leads to Binding constraints Drop in Treasury and GC repo rates Spikes in interest-rate spreads, risk premium, margin premium Basis between securities with identical cash flows, related to margin differences Calibrated model predicts large margin premium in crisis Applications: CDS-bond basis Covered interest parity Monetary policy, fed lending facilities Banks’ incentives to use off-balance-sheet instruments N. Gârleanu and L. H. Pedersen Margin-Based Asset Pricing