The California State University GAAP Reporting Manual Effective June 2011 CHAPTER 12 – STAND-ALONE CAMPUS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OVERVIEW Proforma stand-alone financial statements templates include the followings: • • One-year campus basic financial statements (Excel spreadsheet) One-year campus financial statements include MD&A and all required footnote disclosures under the provisions of GASB Nos. 34, 35, 37, 38 and 39. (Word document) The above templates will be emailed to each campus GAAP coordinator by November 2, 2011. Group A campuses are expected to complete and submit their draft stand-alone financial statements to KPMG by November 23, 2011. The stand-alone financial statements are expected to be finalized and released by KPMG on January 13, 2012. Please note that between November 2, 2011 and December 16, 2011 the Chancellor’s Office will finalize and release the systemwide financial statements. During this time the potential for revisions to the campus proforma stand-alone financial statements templates are possible due to subsequent proposals by KPMG or executives. Any changes to the systemwide financial statements that result in a revision to the campus proforma stand-alone financial statements templates will be communicated to each campus GAAP coordinator through email notification. Submission of Stand-Alone Financial Statements to the Chancellor’s Office (CO) Group A campuses are responsible for submitting an electronic copy (PDF version) of their issued stand-alone financial statements and management letter if any to the CO. Note Disclosure Information Provided by the CO The following sections include information provided centrally by the CO necessary for the group A campuses to prepare note disclosures in the stand-alone financial statements. SECTION 12-1 INVESTMENT RISKS (CREDIT AND CONCENTRATION RISKS) SECTION 12-2 OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT AND DENTAL) SECTION 12-3 SELF-INSURANCE LIABILITY SECTION 12-4 DERIVATIVES & FUTURE PURCHASE COMMITMENTS (NATURAL Last revised April 21, 2011 12- 1 BENEFITS OBLIGATION (HEALTH The California State University GAAP Reporting Manual Effective June 2011 GAS AND ELECTRICITY) Supporting schedules from the Chancellor’s Office for items such as investment risks, other postemployment benefits obligation, self insurance liability, and purchase commitments, will be emailed to campus GAAP coordinators and posted on the Chancellor’s Office website at: - under Stand Alone Templates, FY 2010-11, select schedule from the drop-down menu. Below is the timing of the availability of each supporting schedule: 1. GASB 40 template 8/31/2011 (For investment credit and concentration risks disclosure) 2. GASB 45 template 9/15/2011 (For other postemployment benefits obligation disclosure) 3. Self Insurance Liability Note 11/02/2011 4. Future Purchase Commitments 11/02/2011 (For natural gas and electricity purchase commitments disclosure) Please refer to the Audit and Reporting Timeline provided in the front section of the GAAP Manual for more details. Last revised April 21, 2011 12- 2 The California State University GAAP Reporting Manual Effective June 2011 SECTION 12-1 INVESTMENT RISKS NOTE DISCLOSURE (CREDIT AND CONCENTRATION RISKS) Objective of Note Disclosure GASB No. 40, Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosures, require certain disclosures of investments that have fair values that are highly sensitive to changes in interest rates, including a disclosure of deposit and investment policies related to the risks identified. This note disclosure is designed to inform financial statement users about common risks inherent in deposit and investment transactions. GASB 40 Template The CO provides templates (GASB 40 Templates) to campuses and auxiliary organizations that participate in the SWIFT investment pool to facilitate the credit and concentration risks note disclosure in their stand-alone financial statements. The GASB 40 templates include the following: • • SWIFT Investment Type Template (Excel spreadsheets) SWIFT Issuer Concentration Template. (Excel spreadsheets) The above templates will be emailed to all campus GAAP coordinator by August 31, 2011. Group A campuses and auxiliary organizations are expected to complete and incorporate the information in these templates into their stand-alone financial statements. For campuses that have other investments beside SWIFT, SMIF, and LAIF, they also need to complete these templates and email them back to the CO before November 2, 2011 for systemwide consolidation purpose. Detail instructions of how to complete the templates are available inside the templates. Please refer to the “Instruction” tab in the template for further information. Last revised April 21, 2011 12- 3 The California State University GAAP Reporting Manual Effective June 2011 SECTION 12-2 OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OBLIGATION NOTE DISCLOSURE (HEALTH AND DENTAL) Objective of Note Disclosure GASB No. 45, Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, Relating to Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB), require public employers such as CSU to recognize the cost of other postemployment benefits such as health and dental benefits provided to retirees on an accrual basis. This Statement establishes standards for the measurement, recognition, and display of OPEB expense/expenditures and related liabilities (assets), and note disclosures in the financial statements. For more information of how OPEB obligation is measured and recognized, please refer to chapter 5-6 of the GAAP Manual. GASB 45 Template The CO provides a template (GASB 45 Template) to campuses to facilitate the other postemployment benefits obligation note disclosure in their stand-alone financial statements. This template is updated based on the information provided by the State each year and is for the University only and does not intend for the auxiliary organization’s use. For more information about the implementation of GASB No. 45 for the auxiliary organizations, please refer to page 87 in Chapter 8 of the GAAP Manual. The GASB 45 template will be emailed to all campus GAAP coordinator by September 15, 2011. Group A campuses are expected to incorporate the information in the template into their standalone financial statements. Detail instructions of how to use the templates are available inside the templates. Please refer to the “Instruction” tab in the template for further information. Last revised April 21, 2011 12- 4 The California State University GAAP Reporting Manual Effective June 2011 SECTION 12-3 SELF INSURANCE LIABILITY NOTE Objective of Note Disclosure The System and certain auxiliary organizations have established a public entity risk pool, California State University Risk Management Authority (CSURMA), a blended component unit of the System, to manage centrally workers’ compensation, general liability, industrial and nonindustrial disability, unemployment insurance coverage, and other risk-related programs. The System’s self-insurance claims liability includes estimated amounts for both reported and unreported events, which includes estimates of both future payments of losses and related loss adjustment expenses. Self Insurance Liability Breakdown by Campus Summary The system’s self-insurance claims liability is pre-populated in the notes of stand alone financial statements template when it is delivered to the Group A campuses on November 2, 2011. Moreover, the CO also provides a summary (Self Insurance Liability Note) to Group A campuses through email and the CO website. This summary provides a breakdown of self insurance claims liability by campus (in amount and %) for Group A campuses to facilitate the self insurance liability note disclosure in the stand-alone financial statements. The summary is usually emailed to all campus GAAP coordinator by November 2, 2011. Group A campuses are expected to incorporate the information in this template into their stand-alone financial statements. Regarding the allocation schedule from the CO relates to the campuses’ share of the CSU Risk Management Authority’s (CSURMA) future funding commitment mentioned in Chapter 5-5 of the GAAP manual, it is mainly for campuses to record GAAP adjustments and will be provided to campuses by September 15, 2011. The schedule is different from the summary mentioned in this section and is only provided when needed (when there is an amount due to / from CSURMA). Please refer to Chapter 5-5 of the GAAP manual for more information. Last revised April 21, 2011 12- 5 The California State University GAAP Reporting Manual Effective June 2011 SECTION 12-4 DERIVATIVES & FUTURE PURCHASE COMMITMENTS (NATURAL GAS AND ELECTRICITY) Objective of Note Disclosure GASB No. 53, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Derivative Instruments, requires a comprehensive framework for the measurement, recognition, and disclosure of derivative instrument transactions. For details of training of this Statement, please refer to the following link: 51.ppt The CSU’s investment policy generally allows investment in fixed income securities only, and therefore does not involve in derivative instrument transactions. As a result, this Statement generally would not apply to the CSU. Forward Purchase Breakdown by Campus Summary In fact, certain campuses at the CSU have participated in forward purchase contracts of natural gas and electricity which are intended to be used in the normal course of operation. These forward purchase contracts are not considered as derivative instruments subject to GASB No. 53, but are considered as significant commitments and therefore are required to be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. The CO obtains a breakdown of natural gas and electricity purchase commitments by campus each year from the California Department of General Services (DGS) and the systemwide Capital Planning, Design & Construction (CPDC) department, and provides a summary (Forward Purchase Summary) to campuses that participate in the systemwide natural gas and / or electricity purchase contracts. The summary includes the following tabs: • • Natural Gas Purchase Commitment with the DGS Electricity Purchase Commitment with the Shell Energy (Shell) The above summary is usually emailed to all campus GAAP coordinator by November 2, 2011. Group A campuses are expected to incorporate the information in this template into their standalone financial statements. Last revised April 21, 2011 12- 6