A PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION AND PRODUCTION TRACEABILITY SYSTEM FOR WOMEN SILVER JEWELRY PRODUCTS By Achara Satayapaisal SIU THE: SOM-MSM-2007-06 A PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION AND PRODUCTION TRACEABILITY SYSTEM FOR WOMEN SILVER JEWELRY PRODUCTS A Thesis Presented By Achara Satayapaisal Master of Science in Management School of Management Shinawatra University October 2007 Copyright of Shinawatra University Acknowledgments The author is very grateful to Shinawatra University for the Master of Science in Management (MSM) degree scholarship and the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) for this thesis study funding. Throughout the period of performing this thesis, the author has been very grateful to many people. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chuvej Chansa-ngavej who advised and contributed me from the start till the completion of this thesis, always gave me valuable knowledge and guidance, and encouraged me to complete this thesis. I would like to express my gratitude to my committee members, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supachok Wiriyacosol, Dr. Amporn Soongswang and Asst. Prof. Dr. Manop Reodecha who gave me valuable suggestions and corrections for my thesis. I would like to express my gratitude to the gemology experts, Asst. Prof. Siwaporn Sahavat and Arjarn Suree Likittachai who gave me some basic knowledge of gemology. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Robert John Kirkpatrick and Ms. Elizabeth Jane Reynolds who gave me the valuable English language consulting. Most importantly, I would like to give special gratitude to my parents, my husband and his parents for their love, understanding, and providing support for me to complete this thesis. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all the other people, who helped me to carry out this thesis, although their names are not stated here. i Abstract Mass production of exported jewelry is a labor intensive industry that adds value to the Thai economy and increases employment. The Thai jewelry industry is characterized mainly by small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs). A common practice of jewelry SMEs is to have parts of the production process outsourced to nearby communities, therefore, making it crucial to have a quality control system in place. To be able to control the jewelry product quality of the company and outsourcers, a product classification and production traceability system was developed for tracing the process route of the jewelry product. The product classification and production traceability system in this thesis was developed in tandem with a case study company that manufactures fashionable sterling silver jewelry for girls and young women. The main products are earrings and nose jewelry. The product classification was developed by creating a coding system for the product and its parts (or materials), based on a mixed code (or hybrid structure) using the group technology classification and coding theory. The developed coding was alphanumeric and every digit(s) had a meaning that could explain the design attributes (such as shape, color, material and so on) and manufacturing attributes (such as major process, finishing surface) of a product and its parts (or materials). The production traceability system was developed according to the purposes of the case study company based on the company requirements and problems they were facing. The result of this thesis is a prototype product classification and production traceability system for mass producers of fashionable women’s sterling silver jewelry that is beneficial to trace back to product historical data which leads to reduced extra costs and extra processes from recycling suspected products and improve product quality. This prototype could be used as a guideline for other jewelry businesses for adapting their manufacturing process. Keywords: Product classification Production traceability Women silver jewelry Thai jewelry ii Table of Contents Title Page Acknowledgments i Abstract ii Table of Contents iii List of Figures v List of Tables vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 General 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1.3 The Objectives of the Study 2 1.4 The Expected Outcome 2 1.5 Scope of Study 2 1.6 Research Methodology 2 1.7 Definitions of Terms 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 4 2.1 Overview of Thai Jewelry Industry 4 2.2 Gems 8 2.3 Jewelry Production 9 2.4 The Case Study Company: Sterling Silver Jewelry 10 2.5 The Overview of Production Traceability 14 2.6 Product Classification 15 2.7 Product Classification of Jewelry 15 2.8 Method for Developing the Product Classification and Coding System 22 2.9 Method for Developing the Production Traceability System Chapter 3 Research Methodology 30 31 3.1 Introduction 31 3.2 Data Collection for Studying Products and Processes in the Case Study Company 31 iii 3.3 System Development 33 3.4 Field-Test 33 3.5 System Adjustment 33 Chapter 4 Development and Application of the System 34 4.1 The Collected Data 34 4.2 Development of Product Classification and Coding 42 4.3 Development of Production Traceability System 66 4.4 Result of System Application and User’s Satisfaction 76 4.5 Recommend Action for Further Software Development in the Case Study 78 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 79 5.1 Summary and Conclusions 79 5.2 Research Difficulties and Limitations 79 5.3 Recommendations for Further Development 80 References 81 Appendics 84 Appendix A Interview Guidance: Company Management and Employees 84 Appendix B Interview Guidance: Gemology Expert 85 Appendix C Example of Rhinestone Color Code 86 Appendix D The Standard Rhinestone Size 87 Biography 89 iv List of Figures Title Page Figure 2.1 The Top Five Ranking of Thai Jewelry Exports Value by Country 6 Figure 2.2 The Top Five Ranking of Thai Gold Jewelry Exports Value by Country 6 Figure 2.3 The Top Five Ranking of Thai Silver Jewelry Exports Value by Country 7 Figure 2.4 The Market Share of Silver Jewelry Import into the USA Market in 2002 - 2006 7 Figure 2.5 The Market Share of Jewelry Import into the USA Market in Year 2006 8 Figure 2.6 The Draft Organizational Chart of the Case Study Company 11 Figure 2.7 Silver Tubing Process in the Case Study Company 11 Figure 2.8 Silver Stamping Process in the Case Study Company 12 Figure 2.9 Silver Casting Process in the Case Study Company 13 Figure 2.10 Example of Monocode (Hierarchical Structure) 25 Figure 2.11 Model Structure of Mixed Code (Hybrid Structure) 26 Figure 2.12 The Basic Structure of Opitz Coding System 27 Figure 2.13 Form Code (Digits 1 to 5) for Rotational Parts in the Opitz Coding System 28 The Methodology used in this Thesis 31 Figure 4.1 Main Process Flow in the Case Study Company 39 Figure 4.2 Silver Tubing Process Flow in the Case Study Company 40 Figure 4.3 Silver Stamping Process Flow in the Case Study Company 40 Figure 4.4 Silver Casting Process Flow in the Case Study Company 41 Figure 4.5 Silver Pin Making Process Flow in the Case Study Company 42 Figure 4.6 The Structure of Product Families 43 Figure 4.7 The Developed General Coding Structure 43 Figure 4.8 Developed Finished Goods Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 45 Figure 4.9 Developed Jewelry Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 47 Figure 4.10 Developed Card Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 50 Figure 3 v Figure 4.11 Developed Semi-Jewelry Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 52 Figure 4.12 Developed Accessory Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 53 Figure 4.13 Developed Ornament Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 56 Figure 4.14 Developed Material Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 58 Figure 4.15 Developed Label and Sticker Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 59 Figure 4.16 Developed Packing Material Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 61 Figure 4.17 Products Coding Main Menu 62 Figure 4.18 Finished Goods (Family “A”) Menu 62 Figure 4.19 Jewelry (Family “B”) Menu 63 Figure 4.20 Card (Family “C”) Menu 63 Figure 4.21 Semi-Jewelry (Family “D”) Menu 64 Figure 4.22 Accessory (Family “E”) Menu 64 Figure 4.23 Ornament (Family “F”) Menu 65 Figure 4.24 Material (Family “G”) Menu 65 Figure 4.25 Label and Sticker (Family “L”) Menu 66 Figure 4.26 Packing Material (Family “P”) Menu 66 Figure 4.27 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Main Process) (Translated from Thai) 69 Figure 4.28 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Tubing Process) (Translated from Thai) 70 Figure 4.29 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Stamping Process) (Translated from Thai) 71 Figure 4.30 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Casting Process) (Translated from Thai) 72 Figure 4.31 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Packing Process) (Translated from Thai) 73 Figure 4.32 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Pin Making Process) (Translated from Thai) 74 Figure 4.33 Data Storage Control Form (or Record Control Form) 76 Figure 4.34 The Company Executive Rating Score 77 vi List of Tables Title Table 2.1 Page Export Value of Thai Industrial Goods, Year 2004 to 2007 (January - May) 5 Table 2.2 Examples of Design Classification for Jewelry Table 2.3 Examples of Design and Manufacturing Attributes included in a Classification and Coding System 16 23 Table 4.1 The Case Study’s Documentary Information 34 Table 4.2 Example of Finished Goods Code: “A-B001-00001” 44 Table 4.3 Example of Jewelry Code: “B-BA-Z001-BO-CA1COO” 46 Table 4.4 Example of Card: “C-BOOB01-010” 49 Table 4.5 Example of Semi-Jewelry: “D-AB-Z001” 51 Table 4.6 Example of Accessory: “E-BBA-020” 53 Table 4.7 Example of Ornament: “F-BA1P04-A01-002” 55 Table 4.8 Example of Material: “G-AAO-030” 57 Table 4.9 Example of Label and Sticker: “L-A073528-040” 59 Table 4.10 Example of Packing Material: “P-FB-010” vii 60 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 General Mass production of jewelry for export has become an important source of income for Thailand. The jewelry industry is one of the top ten ranking industries that produces added value to the Thai economy and increases employment. It is essential for the industry to be cost-competitive against competitors such as Hong Kong, China, and India. The jewelry industry is a labor intensive industry, and relies heavily on the craftsmanship and skills of workers that may not be substituted by machines. However, some competitors, such as China and India, have lower labor costs, thus it is difficult for Thai jewelry to be cost competitive by reducing labor costs. The highest value market that Thai jewelry exports to is the USA. Previously Thai jewelry costs could compete with low labor cost countries that export to the USA market because Thailand had eligibility under the GSP (Generalized System of Preferences) that allowed tariff exemptions. Nowadays Thai jewelry exporters face a huge problem as the USA GSP will be cut. Losing GSP benefits will produce a significant effect on Thai jewelry competitiveness. Having a competitive advantage in terms of time-tomarket and attractive design of the products is also a necessity. At present, such industry in Thailand is characterized mainly by small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) often operated by traders turned designers and manufacturers. To ensure shorter time-to-market, it would be desirable to have shorter design turnaround time, while having a larger variety of product designs for customers to choose from. To keep the costs down, a common practice is to have parts of the manufacturing process outsourced to nearby communities, thus making it crucial to have a quality control system in place. To be able to control product quality of the company and outsourcing, it is necessary to track the process route of the jewelry product, and hence a product classification and production traceability system should be developed. 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem This thesis aims to develop a product classification and production traceability system of a case study company. The company is a small sterling silver jewelry enterprise that many manufacturing processes’ parts are outsourced. 1.3 The Objectives of the Study 1) To develop a system of coding for product design classification. 2) To use the developed coding system in the manufacturing processes such that the product lots can be traced back by their historical data, so that the company can take appropriate control measures. The company will then benefit from reduced costs, shorter time-to-market, or higher product quality. 1.4 The Expected Outcome 1) A prototype of a product design classification and production traceability for mass producers of inexpensive jewelry, especially silver jewelry, for export will be established. 2) The developed product classification and production traceability system could be used as a guideline for others’ jewelry businesses. 1.5 Scope of Study This thesis will concentrate on a women’s silver jewelry manufacturer that produces silver jewelry products, which may be decorated with synthetic gems, paint, crystal and others. Traceability within the scope of this thesis is the production traceability. No material testing will be carried out. 1.6 Research Methodology The case study company’s products and production processes have been collected and analyzed by visiting the factory and interviewing the people concerned. The product classification system is developed in the form of a product coding system. The information needed for production traceability is identified and recorded for product historical data searches. The developed system is field tested for practical use. 2 1.7 Definitions of Terms Classification: the division of parts into classes based on their differences or the combining of parts into classes based on their similarities. Classes should be exhaustive (cover all parts) and exclusive (each part assigned to one and only one class) (Britton, 2000). Coding: the process to assign symbols to the parts or products. Form of symbols can be numeric, alphabetical or alphanumeric (Anlağan, 1996; Britton, 2000). Generalized System of Preferences (GSP): a program designed to promote economic growth in the developing world, provides preferential duty-free treatment for products from designated beneficiary countries and territories, including leastdeveloped beneficiary developing countries (Office of the United States Trade Representative [OUSTR], 2007). Part Family: a collection of similar parts that share specific design and/or manufacturing characteristics (Tatikonda & Wemmerlöv, 1992). Production Traceability: the ability to uniquely identify (such as product details, information on location) and find the route that a product was processed in the particular points or stages in production that consists of a chain of interrelated events (Juran & Gryna, 1988; Traceability, 2007). Rhinestone: rhinestones are colorless or colored artificial gemstones that simulate diamonds and other gems. They can be made of glass or paste, but the best rhinestones are cut from quartz crystal. Rhinestones have a fused, metallic backing that reflects the light and gives the stones fire (Wickell, 2007). Synthetic gems: synthetic gems are man-made gem products that can be exact copies of natural gems, or unique materials which are not found in nature. One type of synthetics is artificial gems which are manufactured to imitate the other gems (Gemstone, 2007; Smigel, 2007). The term “synthetic gems” used in the case study was the artificial gems. 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review This chapter includes a review of the case study’s production processes and products that are relevant to this research as well as a review of relevant literature, especially addressing the Thai jewelry industry, classification and coding, production traceability. 2.1 Overview of Thai Jewelry Industry In the past, Thailand was one of the world’s leading countries in gemstone resources, especially rubies and sapphires. The traditional knowledge and high skill about cutting and processing gemstones turned Thailand into a place for jewelry trade. The downstream jewelry industry that supports the gem industry has also grown and Thailand is the world’s leader in jewelry products. The Thai gems and jewelry industry has been ranked one of the top ten export products as shown in Table 2.1 (Information and Communication Technology Center [ICTC], 2007). 4 Table 2.1 Export Value of Thai Industrial Goods, Year 2004 to 2007 (January - May) Source: ICTC (2007) Note: Value in million baht 5 The main markets for Thai jewelry export products are shown in Figures 2.1 to Figure 2.3. The United States of America (USA) is the biggest market for both gold and silver jewelry; Thailand is dominant in silver jewelry and the value is increasing each year. 35,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 2002 20,000.00 2003 15,000.00 2004 10,000.00 2005 5,000.00 2006 0.00 USA UK Germany Japan France Figure 2.1 The Top Five Ranking of Thai Jewelry Exports Value by Country Source: The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (Public Organization) [GJIT] (2007) Note: Value in million baht 30,000.00 25,000.00 2002 20,000.00 2003 15,000.00 2004 10,000.00 2005 5,000.00 2006 0.00 USA UK Hong Kong Israel Germany Figure 2.2 The Top Five Ranking of Thai Gold Jewelry Exports Value by Country Source: GJIT (2007) Note: Value in million baht 6 10,000.00 8,000.00 2002 6,000.00 2003 4,000.00 2004 2005 2,000.00 2006 0.00 USA UK Germany Japan France Figure 2.3 The Top Five Ranking of Thai Silver Jewelry Exports Value by Country Source: GJIT (2007) Note: Value in million baht Before 2005, the Thai silver jewelry held the first place in the market share in the USA, but lost share to China in 2005, because Chinese silver jewelry is rapidly rising at a growth rate of around 20 percent every year, whereas Thai is 12 percent (Figure 2.4). (GJIT, 2007) 400 300 2002 2003 200 2004 100 2005 0 2006 China Thailand Italy India Mexico Figure 2.4 The Market Share of Silver Jewelry Import into the USA Market in 2002 2006 Source: GJIT (2007) Note: Value in million US dollars 7 Others, 17% China, 30% Mexico, 5% India, 8% Italy, 15% Thailand, 25% Figure 2.5 The Market Share of Jewelry Import into the USA Market in Year 2006 Source: GJIT (2007) Nowadays Thailand has about 25 percent of the market share in the USA, whereas the next ranking; Italy, India and Mexico, have 15, 8 and 5 percent respectively (Figure 2.5). Export of silver jewelry from China has been growing rapidly. Although this situation will not eliminate the existing jewelry industry in Thailand soon, it is likely to obstruct Thai jewelry future growth. At present, the jewelry industry is a highly competitive market, especially with the low labor cost countries that have excess labor, like China and India. Recently, Thai jewelry lost the GSP benefit from the USA, and needs to pay for tariff. This means it is obviously harder to compete in terms of price. However, although the jewelry market is very price competitive, jewelry is about fashion and there is still room for other strategies: such as shorter time-to-market, better quality and increasing the variety of products (GJIT, 2007). 2.2 Gems 2.2.1 The meaning and classification of gems. Gems or Gemstones mean substances that are beautiful or durable or rare. The level of gem beauty is dependant on its color, transparency, brilliancy, luster and fire (or dispersion) (Keankeo, 2004; Manikhajit, 1995; Sahavat, 2006). The durability of a gem depends on its hardness, toughness and stability (Sahavat, 2006). There are several ways to classify gems, such as by its value (precious or semiprecious), by origin (natural of synthetic), by treatment (enhanced or unenhanced) and so on (Smigel, 2007). Keankeo (2004) suggested that by trade business classification, the 8 gems were classified into three groups, including: natural gems, synthetic gems, and imitation or simulants). 2.2.2 Synthetic gems. Synthetics are man-made gem products. Synthetics can be exact copies of natural gems, or unique materials which are not found in nature. One type of synthetics is the “artificial gems” which are manufactured to imitate the other gems. For example, cubic zirconia (CZ) is a synthetic diamond simulant, the imitation copy the look and color of the real stone but do not have the same chemical, physical and optical properties (Gemstone, 2007; Smigel, 2007). Glass and plastic is a common type of artificial gem, Swarovski (from Switzerland) and Preciosa (Czech Republic) are examples of the main artificial gem brands that were commonly used by the case study company. 2.3 Jewelry Production Likittachai (2007) stated that jewelry can be produced by several methods, as follows: 1) Handmade: jewelry is produced piece by piece, one piece per one design. The advantages are precision, uniqueness, and durability. The disadvantages are slow production, high expense, and it is time consuming and depends on worker skill. 2) Casting: jewelry is produced in massive quantities, and there could be many pieces with one design. The advantages are fast production, less costs if produced in big quantities and slightly dependant on workers’ skills. The disadvantages are less precise than handmade, less beautiful than handmade and stamping, and might comprise an air bubble during casting which could cause a hole on the surface or inside and result in undurable jewelry. 3) Stamping: jewelry is produced in massive quantities, and there could be many pieces with one design. Normally used for producing earrings, coins, etc. The advantages are consistent quality, less cost and time, needs little trimming before polishing and can be thinner than casting (leading it to be competitive in term of price). 4) Die-struck: this method is very expensive. 9 2.4 The Case Study Company: Sterling Silver Jewelry The selected case study company is located in Bangkok and its factory is in Nonthaburi province. The company was found in 1999. The company developed from a retailer to a manufacturer. At present, the company has 63 employees and is managed by the owner’s family. The company does not have an official organizational structure; however the draft organizational chart is shown in Figure 2.6. The company manufactures fashionable sterling silver jewelry for girls and young women which may be decorated with synthetic gems, paint, crystal and others. The main products are earrings and nose jewelry that is for exporting only, with revenue earnings of about 70 million baht annually. The company has designers that create the new jewelry styles and propose them to the main customer. The company’s main customer is in the United Kingdom, and they have stores in many countries such as Austria, Belgium, Canada, the USA (United States of America), Switzerland, etc. Due to rapid expansion, the company needs to outsource using the surrounding communities. Some outsourcers are the company’s skilled workers that became owners of businesses; however the jobs are still performed by members in the outsourcers’ families. Therefore the defects can be found after the products are returned and checked by the company. Besides the defects found, the company also faces loss in the main material, sterling silver that is given to the outsourcers, and has extra costs incurred from mistakes in identifying the product items that are sent to the outsourcers due to an inability to track and trace the product type and production route. Contaminated metal, such as lead, in jewelry that the customer does not allow in jewelry is another problem that the company faces. Moreover, the company also wants to prevent other metal contaminations, such as with nickel occurrence, before it happens. The major production processes of the case study company are divided into three groups, i.e. silver tubing, silver stamping, and silver casting. The draft flow charts are shown in Figures 2.7 to 2.9, the processes that can be outsourced are in the bold boxes. 10 Managing Director Finance Accounting Marketing Product Design Production Sample Preparation Figure 2.6 The Draft Organizational Chart of the Case Study Company Silver and copper mixing and melting Pressing into sheet Rolling sheet to form tube Roll tube around the axis, like a spring. Cut a silver spring into hoops. Polishing and decorate the silver hoop. Attaching a wire to the silver hoop for holding Final polishing Anti-tarnish coating Packing Figure 2.7 Silver Tubing Process in the Case Study Company 11 Export Silver and copper mixing and melting Pressing into sheet Silver Stamping Checking and comparing to design. Attaching a pin to the stamped silver for holding Polishing Decorate the stamp silver such as coloring, stone setting and etc. Final polishing Anti-tarnish coating Packing Figure 2.8 Silver Stamping Process in the Case Study Company 12 Model making Rubber mold making Wax spueing Wax tree making Investment Silver casting Cut silver casting from silver tree to be in piece. Polishing Decorate the silver casting such as coloring, set stone, gold plating and etc. Polishing Anti-tarnish coating Packing Figure 2.9 Silver Casting Process in the Case Study Company 13 The other problems that the company faces are over stock due to the company does not have ability to determine the product statuses whether where they are, and in which processes, so the records for production traceability could be used for tracking the statuses of the products. 2.5 The Overview of Production Traceability The production traceability has been used by many industries for lot tracing, both in manufacturing and service such as food, electronics, automotive, medical, and logistics (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry [METI], 2003; Töyrylä, 1999). The majority product types that use traceability systems are human life effect products, high value products, products that comprise several and complicated components materials and so on. The benefits of production traceability that found in these industries are product recall application, product liability prevention, quality and process improvement, proof of product quality and product origin, tracing and tracking the route of products in logistics, security application, after sales service application, and accounting application (METI, 2003; Petroff, 1991; Töyrylä, 1999). A production lot traceability system has significant impact on both product costs and quality, and can have a major impact on business competitiveness. A company needs to have an efficient lot tracing system in order to survive (Petroff, 1991). The followings are examples of traceability systems applying in industries (METI, 2003): • In food industry: processed foods; like canned food, vegetable in packaging, is identified the manufactured or expired date. In Japan, the consumers are allowed to access production and manufacturing information from the internet • In electronics industry: to promote environmental protection, the recycling efforts needed through registration and management of information on component materials used in the manufacture of products. An identification and traceability system, to recover these materials to be recycled, is needed • In automotive industry: an automotive industry needs a production traceability system to trace for product safety by documentation, and 14 manage the records of machines used for manufactures, part lot numbers and parts that were repaired or replaced 2.6 Product Classification A priority task in developing a production traceability system is to develop a standard product coding and classification system for identifying products (METI, 2003). The product coding and classification system can be designed by several ways, the examples are as follows: • Hospital: a coding system is defined by classifying to be many groups such as disease coding groups, drug coding groups, hospital coding groups, personnel position coding groups and so on. Each classification groups have different design structures of coding systems that appropriate to the purpose use. For example, the diseases coding groups follow the International Classification of Diseases: ICD) that use three to five digits of alphanumeric, the personnel position coding groups use the two digits defined by each hospital (Department of Industrial Engineering [DIE], 2006.) • Publishing: the international standard likes ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) and ISBN (International Standard Book Number) are widely used 2.7 Product Classification of Jewelry Hendry (2004) has invented the system and method for appraising and describing jewelry and other valuable items such as antiques, gemstones, fine China antiques and other collectibles. The objectives of inventing this system and method are for making appraisals, detailed descriptions, insurance underwriting assessment, claims adjustment, and the like. The invention provided examples of the system by using data processing system that guiding a user through series of forms on the computer screen to fill in or drop down list menus to choose. The data sets of various classes of the valuable items were kept in database. The items are classified by descriptions that built of sets of elements that users will choose associate elements to build the description. For the jewelry classification, the examples of classes are ring, bracelet, necklace, or other jewelry items, and examples of elements are: 15 • type, size, weight, color, cut, and clarity of a gemstone • material, styling, and style of setting or mounting the gemstone on such jewelry The detailed examples of the above classification of jewelry are listed in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Examples of Design Classification for Jewelry Classification Level Primary Level Loose Goods Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Diamonds Assorted Cuts Round Assorted Sizes .01 - .12 cts .13 - .24 cts .25 - .49 cts .50 - .74 cts .75 - .994 cts .995 - 1.49 cts 1.50 - 1.99 cts 2.00 - 3.00 cts 3.01 cts up Marquise Cut Emerald Cut Pear Cut Oval Cut Tapered Baguette Baguette Cut Fancy Cut Precious Gems Emerald Ruby Sapphire Gems Stones Alexandrite Almandite Garnet Amber Amethyst Andalusite Aquamarine Beryl Bloodstone Chrysoberyl Citrine Coral Cubic Zirconium Demantoid Garnet Fire Agate Garnet Garnet-Almandite Garnet- Demantoid 16 Garnet- Grossularite Garnet- Pyrope Garnet-Rhodolite Garnet- Spessartile Garnet-Tsavorite Grossularite Garnet Hematite Iotite Jade - Jadeite Jade - Nephrite Jet Kunzite Lapis Lazuli Malachite Moonstone Morganite Mother of Pearl Onyx Opal Opal - Black Opal - Boulder Pearl Peridot Pyrope Garnet Quartz Rhodolite Garnet Rubellite Sardonyx Shell Spessartite Garnet Spinel Tanzanite Tiger - Eye Topaz Tourmaline Tsavorite Garnet Turquoise Zircon .01 - .49 cts .50 - .99 cts 1.00 - 1.49 cts 1.50 - 1.99 cts 2.00 - 2.99 cts 3.00 - 3.99 cts 4.00 - 4.99 cts 5.00 - 7.99 cts 8.00 - 11.99 cts 12.00 - 14.99 cts 15.00 - 19.99 cts 20.00 - 24.99 cts 25.00 cts up Other Other Stones Strung Pearls Mixed Millimeter Assorted Shapes Round Off Round 17 Oval Pear/ Tear Drop Rice Baroque Other Shapes 0 - 2 Millimeter 3 - 4 Millimeter 5 - 6 Millimeter 7 - 8 Millimeter 9 - 10 Millimeter 11 - 14 Millimeter 15 Millimeter up Mounted Diamond Platinum Diamond Jewelry Lady’s Ring Anniversary Ballerina Band Cameo Class Coin Engagement Fancy Fraternal Insert Intaglio Ring Jacket Signet Waterfall Wedding Wedding Set Wrap Other Men’s Ring Anniversary Band Cameo Class Coin Fancy Fraternal Intaglio Signet Wedding Other Lady’s Jewelry Barrette Bracelet Bracelet - Bangle Bracelet - Cameo Bracelet - Coin Bracelet - Cuff Bracelet - Intaglio Bracelet - Jacket Bracelet - Tennis Brooch Button Covers 18 Case Charm Clasp Clip Compact Earrings Earrings - Cameo Earrings - Coin Earrings - Cuff Earrings - Foldover Earrings - Intaglio Earrings - Jacket Earrings - Studs Enhancer Jabot Locket Necklace Pendant Pendant - Cameo Pendant - Coin Pendant - Intaglio Religious Studs Tie Chain Watch Attachment Watch Bracelet Watch Strap Other Men’s Jewelry Belt Buckle Bracelet Bracelet - Cameo Bracelet - Cuff Bracelet - Intaglio Button Covers Case Clip Cuff Links Earrings Earrings - Cameo Earrings - Coin Earrings - Cuff Earrings - Foldover Earrings - Intaglio Earrings - Jacket Earrings - Studs Necklace Pendant Pendant - Cameo Pendant - Coin Pendant - Intaglio Religious Stays Studs Tie Bar Tie Chain Tie Tack Watch Attachment 19 Watch Bracelet Watch Strap Other Karat Yellow Gold Diamond Jewelry Lady’s Ring Men’s Ring Lady’s Diamond & Colored Stone Ring Men’s Diamond & Colored Stone Ring Lady’s Jewelry Men’s Jewelry Karat White Gold Diamond Jewelry Lady’s Ring Men’s Ring Lady’s Diamond & Colored Stone Ring Men’s Diamond & Colored Stone Ring Lady’s Jewelry Men’s Jewelry Karat Gold Diamond Jewelry (Other than YG or WG) Mounted Precious Gems (Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire) Platinum Precious Gem Jewelry Lady’s Ring Men’s Ring Lady’s Jewelry Men’s Jewelry Karat Yellow Gold Precious Gem Jewelry Karat White Gold Precious Gem Jewelry Karat Gold Precious Gem Jewelry Mounted Gems (other than Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire) Platinum Gem Jewelry Lady’s Ring Men’s Ring Lady’s Jewelry Men’s Jewelry Karat Yellow Gold Gem Jewelry Karat White Gold Gem Jewelry Karat Gold Gem Jewelry Platinum and Karat 20 Gold Jewelry Platinum Jewelry Lady’s Ring Men’s Ring Lady’s Jewelry Men’s Jewelry Karat Gold Jewelry Lady’s Ring Men’s Ring Baby Ring Chain Lady’s Jewelry Men’s Jewelry Silver Jewelry Lady’s Ring Men’s Ring Chain Lady’s Jewelry Men’s Jewelry Gold Plated, Filled and Other Jewelry Lady’s Ring Men’s Ring Chain Lady’s Jewelry Men’s Jewelry Watches Watches with Stones and Karat Gold or Platinum Lady’s Platinum & Stone Watch Men’s Platinum & Stone Watch Lady’s Karat Gold & Stone Watch Men’s Karat Gold & Stone Watch Watches - Karat Gold or Platinum Lady’s Platinum Watch Men’s Platinum Watch Lady’s Karat Gold Watch Men’s Karat Gold Watch Dress Pocket Sport Other Lady’s Watch Dress Pocket Sport Other Men’s Watch 21 Dress Pocket Sport Other Source: Hendry (2004) This design classification that revealed by Hendry (2004) covered a wide range of types of jewelry. The classification system was invented for the purpose of assessing the value of such items such as making appraisals, detailed descriptions, insurance underwriting assessment, claims adjustment, and so on. In this thesis, however the focus will be on the fashionable sterling silver jewelry in the case study company, for the traceability purposes. Hendry’s classification is used only as a guideline and many adaptations may be needed. 2.8 Method for Developing the Product Classification and Coding System Group technology (GT) is an engineering and manufacturing methodology used for improving productivity by grouping parts and products based on their similar characteristics (geometry or manufacturing process) into families. GT begins by grouping part families based on their attributes. There are three methods to form part families: manual visual inspection, production flow analysis, and classification and coding (Anlağan, 1996). In this thesis, the classification and coding method has been focused on and used. A manufacturing system can be separated into smaller subsystems of part families based on similarities in design attributes and manufacturing attributes. Examples are as follows (Britton, 2000; Hyer & Wemmerlöv, 1984): • Design attributes: part configurations (such as round, square), dimension envelops (such as length to diameter ratio), surface integrities (such as surface roughness, dimensional tolerances), material types, raw material stages (such as casting, forging, bar stock) and so on • Manufacturing attributes: operations and operation sequences (turning, milling, etc.), batch sizes, machine tools, cutting tools, work holding devices, processing time, etc Examples of design and manufacturing attributes that are typically included in a group technology classification and coding system are shown in Table 2.3. 22 Table 2.3 Examples of Design and Manufacturing Attributes included in a Classification and Coding System Design Attributes Manufacturing Attributes Basic external shape Major processes Basic internal shape Minor operations Rotational or rectangular shape Operation sequence Length-to-diameter ratio (rotational parts) Surface finish Aspect ratio (rectangular parts) Machine tool Material type Production cycle time Part function Batch size Major dimensions Annual production Minor dimensions Fixtures required Tolerances Cutting tools Source: Britton (2000) and Hyer and Wemmerlöv (1984) The GT classification and coding method is achieved by classifying parts according their design and manufacturing attributes. The GT classification method usually classifies a structuring of part or product attributes into a set of families that have similar attributes. However the attributes may be in the wide variety of characteristics, such as geometrics, material ingredients, function and so on, a careful definition of attributes needs to be considered. For example, parts that are similar in one set of attributes (such as shape, sizes) may not similar in the other attributes (such as color, weight). This is a fact that there is no single way to classify parts or products. Each part and product classification system needs to be developed bases on the intended use. However, families should cover all parts or products and also each part or product should be able to assign only one family (Britton, 2000; Hokey & Shin, 1994). Examples of reasons to use a coding system are as follows: • Design information retrieval and variety reduction: during part developing task, a designer can determine if a similar part has already existed. A simple change in an existing part would take much less time than designing a whole new part. 23 • Improving manufacturing performance: a part code for a new part can be used to search for process plans for existing parts with similar codes. To assign symbols in the GT coding system is based on three different structures of codes as follows (Anlağan, 1996; Min & Shin, 1994): • Monocode or hierarchical structure • Polycode or attribute structure or chain code • Mixed code or hybrid structure 2.8.1 Monocode or hierarchical structure. This coding system was originally developed for biological classification in 18th century. The monocode structure is like a tree in which each digit(s) amplifies the information provided in the previous digit(s). The first digit represents an entire group and the next digit(s) represents sub-groups and so on. The meaning of each digit(s) is dependant on the previous digit(s) in the code. An example is shown in Figure 2.10. The advantages of monocode are as follows: • with a relatively small numbers of digits, a large amount of information can be stored • it is useful for storage and retrieval of the design-related information such as the part geometry, material, size, etc The disadvantages of monocode are as follows: • it is difficult to define the meaning for each digit • in the different sub-groups may have different levels of sub-sub-groups, therefore the codes in some positions may be blank 24 Figure 2.10 Example of Monocode (Hierarchical Structure) Source: Joneja (2003) 2.8.2 Polycode or attribute structure or chain code. The code symbols are independent of each other. They are fixed position codes. Each digit(s) in a specific location of the code describes a unique property of the feature, thus the value of any given digits within the code has no relation to the other digits. The advantages of polycode are as follows: • it is easy to formulate • it is easy to understand and is useful in manufacturing situations where manufacturing processes have to be described The disadvantages of polycode are as follows: • length of codes may become excessive and very long because less information can be stored per digit • to compare the coded parts, such as to check for similarity, requires more works because needs to compare every digit and each digit is not related to the others 2.8.3 Mixed code or hybrid structure. It is the mixture of both monocode (hierarchical structure) and polycode (attribute structure) systems by using the monocode when can and use the polycode for the other digits. The model structure of the mixed code is shown in Figure 2.11. The mixed code retains the advantages of both systems; it is the most commonly used 25 the structure of coding and classification. A code created by using mixed code structure would be relatively more compact than a pure attribute code (polycode) structure while retaining the ability to easily identify parts with specific characteristics. Figure 2.11 Model Structure of Mixed Code (Hybrid Structure) Source: Joneja (2003) One example of the mixed code structure that is widely used by industries and provides a basic framework for understanding the classification and coding process is the Opitz coding system. The Opitz coding system was developed by Dr. H. Opitz, Technical University of Aachen in 1970. It considers both design and manufacturing information. The basic structure of the Opitz coding system comprises of three groups of digits as shown in Figure 2.12. The example of form code (digits 1 to 5) for the rotational parts in the Opitz coding system is shown in Figure 2.13. 26 Form code Supplementary code Secondary code 12345 6789 ABCD Part geometry and features Information relevant to Production processes and relevant to part design manufacturing (polycode) production sequences Figure 2.12 The Basic Structure of Opitz Coding System Source: Anlağan (1996) and Özdemir (2005) 27 Figure 2.13 Form Code (Digits 1 to 5) for Rotational Parts in the Opitz Coding System Source: Özdemir (2005) 1 28 Although the Opitz coding system is a widely used system but Fatheldin and Kirkpatrick (1968) had mentioned as follows: Opitz system is suitable both for design retrieval as well as for the formation of parts families for cellular manufacture. This point is disputed by other researchers. Some criticisms of Opitz’s code are: 1) Washers which are identical from the design point of view can be produced by (i) sawing off from a tube, (ii) turning from a bar, and (iii) stamping from a strip. 2) The choice of the L/D ratio for the first code digit brings components of, say, L = 100, D = 20 together with those of L = 1,000, D = 200. The two types of components have different production requirements. 3) The code does not distinguish between the internal and external teeth for gears, the number of teeth, and so on. ... It indicates that, whilst universal codes may be useful as the first step in adopting a code, it is usually necessary to modifications to better accommodate the requirements of the particular firm. (as cited in Lee, 1984, p. 5) Anlağan (1996) suggested about an important to understand the attributes of classification and coding system for the purpose of selecting or developing coding system that met company needs. Some of the important classification and coding system attributes that should be considered were as follows: 1) Flexibility for various applications such as part family formation, process planning, costing, and purchasing 2) Accuracy, to provide correct information on parts 3) Expandability, to utilize information on more part attributes 4) Ease of learning 5) Ease of retrieval 6) Reliability and availability of software 7) Suitability for specific applications 29 Hyer and Wemmerlöv (1989) mentioned that the process to perform coding and classification could be completely manual or computer-assisted with interactive expert-system (as cited in Tatikonda & Wemmerlöv, 1992). 2.9 Method for Developing the Production Traceability System Considering that the information that is relevant to the production traceability are still vague and undefined, the historic information regarding the actual production records such as the production history and the transaction history should be treated carefully (METI, 2003). Steele (1995) defined the data contents required to collect for a production traceability system, the following information was considered necessary: 1) The processes or component materials used to make this product and the characteristics of these processes or component materials. 2) The process records, component material sources, letter of analysis, or certificates that show the level of compliance to the specification. 3) The other items that may be defective. If the processes or component materials are suspected to be defective, those items may need to be inspected or repaired. The needed information is dependant on the purposes of the production traceability, the company, and the industry, and can be considered in the following perspectives: the frequency of the referring information (real time or on demand information), the amount of the information used (complete product life cycle process from production, only production records or only information required by customer) and the details of the information required for traceability (each item, need serialization, each lot or only product code or type) (METI, 2003; Steele, 1995). Steele (1995) suggested that to design a production traceability system, required the unique identification for a physical lot, data recoding for lot movement, lot-process linking to the process data, and reporting that retrieves the lot-tracing data from the system to find source lots or component materials associated with a suspected lot. 30 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction The purpose of this study is to develop the product classification and production traceability system for the sterling silver jewelry company. The literatures were examined by focusing on the product classification and coding, and the production traceability. The related literature was reviewed to synthesize ideas to develop the product classification and production traceability system used in this research. This chapter describes the methodology that is used in the research, which included data collection, system development, field-test and system adjustment as shown in Figure 3.1. Data Collection System Development Literature Review System Adjustment Field-Test Figure 3 The Methodology used in this Thesis 3.2 Data Collection for Studying Products and Processes in the Case Study Company To ensure the reliability of the data findings for developing the system in this case study company, several data sources were collected. The data collection in this study used multiple sources of evidences, which adapted from Yin (2003), including documentation, interviews, direct observations and physical artifacts. Yin (2003) suggested that no single source has a complete advantage over all the others. In fact, the various sources are highly complementary, and a good case study will therefore want to use as many sources as possible. 31 3.2.1 Documentation. Yin (2003) suggested that documentary information was useful, but it could have bias and must carefully use. For a case study, the document should use as an additional evidence from the other sources. The case study company is a family business that has only a few documents in its system; the collected documentary information was described in Chapter 4. 3.2.2 Interviews. Rubin and Rubin suggested that the interview was one of the most important sources of a case study information and appeared to be a guide conversation rather than structured questions; it was likely to be fluid rather than rigid (as cited in Yin, 2003). It was able to provide shortcuts to the prior history of the situation and identify the other relevant sources of evidences (Yin, 2003). In this thesis, the several interviews were conducted to get the details and update data, checked the company requirements, and discussed the result of the field test. 3.2.3 Direct observations. Yin (2003) suggested that the direct observations could range from formal to causal data collection activities, and the field-workers might be asked during observation. The direct observation might be made throughout the field visits, including during which other evidences, such as from the interviews. The observational evidences were useful in providing additional information about the topic being studied. In this thesis, many direct observations were performed, almost every visiting during the development of the system. 3.2.4 Physical artifacts. Yin (2003) suggested that physical artifacts have less potential relevance in the most typical kind of case study. However, when relevant, the artifacts can be an important component in the overall case. The examples of the physical artifacts are a technological device, a tool, a work of art, and so on. Therefore, the case study company’s products, parts, material and tools were investigated. 32 3.3 System Development To develop the system of the jewelry design information retrieval and the production traceability based on interviews and workshops with the case study company’s executive, designers, and operators, as well as used the existing database and the information retrieval systems. The developed system had the unique identification for product lot, data collection for tracing the lot movement. 3.4 Field-Test The field-test of the developed prototype to ensure the operational acceptability and practically by implementing the product classification and the production traceability system in the company and interviewed the associated people such as the company executive, designers, and operators for practical use and gather information for revision the developed system. 3.5 System Adjustment The developed system was adjusted according to the information receiving until the system was considered satisfactory by the company executive through the questionnaire. 33 Chapter 4 Development and Application of the System This chapter presents the development, application and result of the product classification and production traceability system in the case study company which included: the data that are collected from each source, the development of the product classification and coding, and the development of the production traceability system. 4.1 The Collected Data According to the data collection to study products and processes in the case study company that described in Chapter 3. The data were collected by using four sources of evidences: documentation, interviews, direct observations and physical artifacts. The results were as follows: 4.1.1 Documentation. The case study company is a family business that had a few documents in its system. The main documentation and information related in this thesis were summarized in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 The Case Study’s Documentary Information Document Information Related to This Study Remark Title Customer − Customer product code Purchase − Product description Order (PO) − Product picture (hand-written form) − Product quantity − Ornament type and color (such as pink rhinestone, white cubic zirconia) − Type of finished card (for packing) − Process group (i.e. tubing, stamping and casting) − Delivery date Delivery Bill − Product description The company uses − Product picture (hand-written form) this document for − Product quantity, total weight making order to 34 − Ornament type and color (such as pink outsourcers. rhinestone, white cubic zirconia) − Material or part weights sent to and returned from outsourcers − Outsourcer’s name − Order date − Task ordering (such as stamping, attaching holding pins) Task − PO number The company uses Ordering − Product description this document after Form (use − Product picture (hand-written form) this thesis was started. both internal − Product quantity, total weight and − Ornament type and color (such as pink outsourcers) rhinestone, white cubic zirconia) − Material or parts weight sent to and return from outsourcers − Outsourcer’s name or operator name − Order date − Task ordering (such as packing, ornament setting) Company − Company’s products Draft version and Profile − Annual revenue unofficial − Number of employees − Location Polishing and − Polishing or anti-tarnish date Anti-tarnish − Product picture (hand-written form) Record (in − Part or product weight (before and after this book form) process) − Operator name 4.1.2 Interviews. In this thesis, the gemology experts, the company management and employees, and the outsourcers were interviewed. The interviews allowed them to express their thoughts in their own words, which were useful to find out information that could not be observed. The interview guidance was developed in semi-structured questions and open-end questions as shown in Appendices A and B. 35 Two gemology experts- an Assistant Professor and an instructor who teach in the faculty of science in a Thai university and who conduct jewelry and gemology courses for trainees in the gem and jewelry industry- were interviewed about the international or standard coding and classification for gems and jewelry. The coding and classification of jewelry that used by commercial is coded by each organization. At present, they did not see any international or standard coding system for jewelry. For gems, the system used by gemologists to classify gems includes: groups, species and varieties. The “groups” are two or more chemically related gem species that have similar properties and structures such as the garnet group, feldspar group, and so on. The “species” is defined by the chemical composition and crystalline structure such as pyrope, almandine, spessartine, etc. The “varieties” is subdivided from the “species”; the classifications can be based on color, color distribution, transparency, optical phenomena, other especial appearance or any combination such as ruby, sapphire, etc. However, this classification is used for the natural gems classification, while the case study company in the scope of this study uses the synthetic gems, which might not appropriate to use by the case study company, but could be used as a guideline. The company management and employees were interviewed about the product details (such as material, type, color, supplier codes, customer coding), the process details (such as the process routes and linking) and the systems (such as the available product classification and coding, and the production traceability system). 4.1.3 Direct observations. In this thesis, direct observations of the internal and some outsourcers’ production processes were made, both intentionally and during the collection of other evidences such as interviews, and document reviews. The observational data were collected during the field visiting and meeting. 4.1.4 Physical artifacts. The examined physical artifacts were the company’s products (including parts and materials). The products were examined for their attribute details of classification and coding. The collected data were examined, analyzed and organized according to the case study company’s processes. The details are as follows: the production process of 36 the company is divided into three groups, which are the silver tubing, the silver stamping, and the silver casting. The main production process flows that commons for these three process groups is shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2, and the details of three process groups are in Figures 4.3 to 4.5, the process steps that can be outsourced are shown in each process flows in dash and double line style boxes. The support process, pin making, is shown in Figure 4.6. 37 Product design Internal Outsource PO receiving Internal or Outsource Job assignment Tubing Tubing, Stamping, or Casting? Casting Stamping Tubing process Stamping process Weighing Polishing No Antique-treatment process? Yes Antique-treatment process Cleaning exceeding antiquetreatment by polishing Weighing Job Assignment A 38 Casting process A No Coloring process? Yes Coloring process No Stone setting process? Yes Job Assignment Stone setting process Quantity counting and recording Final polishing Anti-tarnish coating Product weighing Jewelry stock keeping, and waiting for packing Purchasing order preparing Pack to Card Counting and preparing for export Figure 4.1 Main Process Flow in the Case Study Company 39 Silver and copper mixing Internal Outsource Silver and copper melting Internal or Outsource Forming into string Pressing into sheet Rolling sheet to form tube Rolling tube around the axis, like a spring Cut a silver spring into hoops Pin Making Process Attaching a holding pin Figure 4.2 Silver Tubing Process Flow in the Case Study Company Silver and copper mixing Internal Outsource Silver and copper melting Internal or Outsource Pressing into sheet Silver stamping Checking compare to design Pin Making Process Attaching a holding pin Figure 4.3 Silver Stamping Process Flow in the Case Study Company 40 New mold-design Already have mold New model making Rubber mold making Rubber mold Requesting Wax spueing Wax tree making Making lime mold from wax tree (Investing) Internal Outsource Internal or Outsource Mixing and melting silver and copper into lime mold Silver tree casting Cleaning silver tree by dipping into acid Weigh the total silver tree Cut silver branches from silver core Calculate the total silver weigh; branches and core Cleaning silver branches by polishing Cut silver pieces from branches Polishing Pin Making Process Attaching a holding pin Figure 4.4 Silver Casting Process Flow in the Case Study Company 41 Silver and copper mixing Internal Outsource Silver and copper melting Internal or Outsource Silver bar casting Forming into wire Keep into stock Request silver wire from stock Feed into pin making machine Weighting and packing Keep into stock Making pin for nose jewelry Figure 4.5 Silver Pin Making Process Flow in the Case Study Company 4.2 Development of Product Classification and Coding 4.2.1 Development of product families. From the product details gathering from the data collection, the products and their parts (or materials) were grouped and classified into families. The higher levels of the families are composed of the lower levels. For example, the highest level of the families is the “finished goods” which means the jewelry being attached (packed) to the finished card. The “jewelry” family means the semi-jewelry (jewelry body) that has already been attached the accessories (such as holding pin for earrings) and decorated with the ornaments. The structure of the product families is shown in Figure 4.7. 42 Material (G) Label and Sticker (L) Silver Solder Silver granule 925 sterling silver Copper granule Semi-jewelry (D) Accessories (E) Accessory Material Jewelry (B) (Silver pin, Fish wire, wire, silver ball, etc.) Ornaments (F) Finished goods (A) (Gems, Rhinestone, Acrylic, Paint, Pearl, etc.) Card (C) Packing Material (P) Foam (black, white) Plain card Finished card Packaging (Carton, Plastic bag, etc.) Figure 4.6 The Structure of Product Families 4.2.2 General coding structure. All coding structures are applied from the mixed code (or hybrid structure) in the group technology classification and coding system theory that explained in the Chapter 2. The developed coding structures are composed of the alphanumeric which has the maximum fifteen digits, the first digit is represented the product family, the meaning of the other digits and the number of digits are dependant on each family. Because one purpose of this development is tried to be easy to use, the number of digits are minimize as short as possible. Therefore, each family has the different number of digits and the different position of hyphen (“-”) signs to be used. The developed general coding structure is shown in Figure 4.8. (Digit) 1 - 2 (Family) - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The meaning and number of digits depend on family. Figure 4.7 The Developed General Coding Structure 43 14 15 4.2.3 Finished goods coding structure: family “A”. The finished goods coding structure is composed of ten digits as shown in Figure 4.9. The meaning of each digit of family “A” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “A” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the number of jewelry on one finished card. This digit uses the alphabet A to Z. For example, the A means one finished card is attached with one piece of jewelry, B means two pieces and so on • Digits 3 to 5: these digits represent the customer codes • Digits 6 to 10: these digits are for the unique identification for each finished goods that the digits 2 to 5 are the same number (means the same pieces of jewelry and the same customer) Table 4.2 Example of Finished Goods Code: “A-B001-00001” Meaning Code in Description for Code Remark Example Family A Finished Goods Number of Jewelry on B two pieces one Finished Card Customer Code 001 “001” code is represented the customer named “Silver Jewelry co., ltd.” Unique Identification One of finished goods that The finished goods for each Finished has two pieces of jewelry on that sold to Silver Goods one card and sold to Silver Jewelry co., ltd. can Jewelry co., ltd. have many styles 00001 that have two pieces of jewelry packed in one card. Note: In the reason of company confidential, the customer and supplier names of the case study company in this thesis are not provided the real names 44 - A (Digit) - 1 2 A Number of Jewelry on one Finished Card 3 4 5 6 A:1 piece B:2 pieces C:3 pieces D:4 pieces E:5 pieces F:6 pieces G:7 pieces 001: 002: 003: 004: 005: 006: 8 9 10 Unique Identification for Customer - 7 Each Finished Goods 00001,00002,...,99999. Use for identify while the first 5 digits have the same codes. H:8 pieces I: Figure 4.8 Developed Finished Goods Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 4.2.4 Jewelry coding structure: family “B”. The jewelry coding structure is composed of fifteen digits as shown in Figure 4.10. The meaning of each digit of family “B” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “B” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the jewelry types such as earrings, nose jewelry, necklace, and so on. This digit uses the alphabet A to Z. For example, the B means earrings and C means nose jewelry • Digit 3: this digit represents the jewelry subtypes, this is monocode (or hierarchical structure which each digit amplifies the information provided in the previous digit), the digit 3 amplifies the information provided in the digit 2. For example, if digit 2 is earrings which subtypes are included stud, dangle, hoop and so on, the alphabet in digit 3 is means these subtypes of earrings • Digits 4 to 7: these digits represent the design style of the semi-jewelry used to make this jewelry, the coding structure of these digits was explain in the semi-jewelry coding structure (digits 4 to 7 of family “D”) • Digit 8: this digit represents the main material uses for making the semijewelry (jewelry body) and this digit meaning is the same as main material digit of semi-jewelry coding structure (digit 3 of family “D”) • Digit 9: this digit represents the surface decoration of the jewelry, such as the “A” means gold plated, “B” means copper plated, and so on 45 • Digits 10 to 15: these digits represent the main ornament to be decorated in the jewelry, the coding structure of these digits was explained in the ornament coding structure (digits 2 to7 of family “F”) Table 4.3 Example of Jewelry Code: “B-BA-Z001-BO-CA1COO” Meaning Code in Description for Code Remark Example Family B Jewelry Jewelry Type B Earrings Jewelry Subtype A Stud Others (which cannot Design Style Z001 classify in the other design One of the design style groups):- such as Geometric, that defined in the “Z” Chandelier, Mesh style, design group. Cake, Crown, Dice Main Material of Semi-Jewelry B 925 Sterling silver Surface Decoration O No decoration Main Ornament to be Used. See the code structure of C:CZ, CA1COO A1:White, COO: round, diameter 3 mm. 46 family F: "Ornaments" B (Digit) - 2 3 Jewelry Type Jewelry Subtype 1 B - A: B:Earrings 4 - 5 6 Design Style Design group Unique Number O: A:Stud B:UV Stud C:Dangle D:Hoop-Endless E:Hoop-Snaptop F:Hoop-Snaptop and Endless - 7 See the code structure of family D: semi-jewelry - 8 9 Main Material of SemiJewelry A:Silver(Ag) B:925 Sterling silver C:Gold(Au) D: E: Surface Decoration A:Gold plated B:Copper plated C:Sand brush-Gold plated D:Sand brush-Copper plated E: F: G: F: G: H: H: - C:Nose jewelry A:Nose stud I: I: B:Nose spin J: J: C:Bend to fit D:Necklace A:15" B:16" C:18" D:20" E:Bracelet A:6" F:Pendant O:ไมระบุ G:Ring A:Size 4 B:Size 5 C:Size 6 D:Size 7 E:Size 8 F:Size 9 H:Toe ring A:Size 4.5+Split end I: Anklet A:9" B:9"+2" K: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: L: M: N: O:No decoration P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: Figure 4.9 Developed Jewelry Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 47 10 Material 11 12 13 14 Main Ornament to be Used. Color Size See the code structure of family F: "Ornaments" 15 4.2.5 Card coding structure: family “C”. The card coding structure is composed of ten digits as shown in Figure 4.11. The meaning of each digit of family “C” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “C” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the card types that being used by the case study company. The available card types are the general blue, general violet, blue for nose jewelry, and black for nose jewelry which represented by the code A to D respectively. In the future, the case study company can specify more codes if there are more card types • Digit 3: this digit represents the adding materials stick to a card. This digit used the alphabet A to Z, and O was reserved for without the adding materials • Digit 4: this digit represents the silk screening on a card. This digit uses the alphabet A to Z, and O was reserved for without silk screening • Digit 5: this digit represents the holes and wings design on the card, wings design is used for earrings. The digit 5 is represented the number of holes or wings on the card • Digits 6 to 7: the digits 6 to 7 are the unique identification numbers for each card that the digits 2 to 5 are the same numbers • Digits 8 to 10: these digits represent the supplier codes 48 Table 4.4 Example of Card: “C-BOOB01-010” Meaning Code in Description for Code Remark Example Family C Card Card Type B Violet card (for general) Adding Material O Without adding any materials to this card Silk Screening O Without silk screening Number of Holes or B Has 2 wings 01 This unique number is for The violet card with 2 wings identify while the first 5 digits can have the different style, have the same codes. e.g. different position of Wings Unique Number wings. Supplier 010 The “010” code is represented supplier named “Jewelry Pack co., ltd.”. 49 C (Digit) - - 1 C - 2 3 4 5 Card Type Adding Material Silk Screening Number of Holes or Wings A: Blue (for general) B: Violet (for general) C: Blue for nose jewelry D: Black for nose jewelry E: F: A: Black Foam B: White Foam C: Acrylic or PVC D: E: F: 6 7 8 9 10 Supplier A:"cubic zirconia" B:"gold plate" C:Specify price D:"nose studs" E:"bend to fit" F:"nose spin" A: 1 wing B: 2 wings C: 3 wings D: 4 wings E: 2 holes (high space between holes) F: 2 holes (adjacent) G: G: G:"cubic zirconia"+specify price G: 4 holes H: H: H:"spin fit" H: 6 holes I: I: I:"pendant necklace" I: 2 holes (normal space) J: J: J:"UV" J: 1 hole K: K: K:"piercing pour nez" K: 3 hole L: L: L: L: 5 holes M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: M: N: O: Without adding P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: M: N: O: Without screen P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: M: N: O: Without holes and wings P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: Figure 4.10 Developed Card Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 50 Unique Number 01,02,03,...,99. Use for identify while the first 5 digits have the same codes. 001: 002: 003: 004: 005: 006: 4.2.6 Semi-jewelry coding structure: family “D”. The semi-jewelry coding structure is composed of seven digits as shown in Figure 4.12. The meaning of each digit of family “D” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “D” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the major process for making semi-jewelry (jewelry body.) There are included: stamping, casting, and tubing which represent by A, B, and C respectively • Digit 3: this digit represents the main material uses for making semijewelry (jewelry body.) There are included: silver (Ag), 925 sterling silver, and gold (Au), which represent by A, B, and C respectively • Digits 4 to 7: these digits represent the design style of the semi-jewelry, the digit 4 is represented the design group such as animal, plant, star, heart and so on. The digits 5 to 7 are unique identification numbers for each design group, due to one design group can have many design styles Table 4.5 Example of Semi-Jewelry: “D-AB-Z001” Meaning Code in Description for Code Remark Example Family D Semi-Jewelry Process A This semi-jewelry is produced by stamping process. Main Material Design Style B Z001 925 Sterling silver Others (which cannot One of the design style classify in the other design that defined in the “Z” groups):- e.g. Geometric, design group. Chandelier, Mesh style, Cake, Crown, Dice 51 D (Digit) 2 1 D - - 3 Process Main Material A:Stamping A:Silver(Ag) B:Casting B:925 Sterling C:Tubing silver C:Gold(Au) 4 - Design Style Design group A: Animal (except human):- e.g. Dog, Horse, Bird, Fish, Frog, Butterfly B: Plant:- e.g. Tree, Leaf, Flower, Fruit, Rose, Christmas tree, 5 6 7 Unique Number 001,002,003,...,999. Use for classify different design style. C: Star D: Heart E: Apparel:-e.g. Shoes, Shirt, Socks, Trouser F: Sports:- e.g. Golf, Football, Basketball, Badminton G: Musical:- e.g. Saxophone, Guitar, Violin, Drum H: Human and Manlike :- e.g. Man, Woman, Boy, Santa Claus, Angel, Sprite, Alien, Ghost I: Letters or Numeral:- e.g. A, B, C, a, b, c, 1, 2, 3 Z: Others (which cannot classify in above design groups):- e.g. Geometric, Chandelier, Mesh style, Figure 4.11 Developed Semi-Jewelry Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 4.2.7 Accessory coding structure: family “E”. The accessory coding structure is composed of seven digits as shown in Figure 4.13. The meaning of each digit of family “E” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “E” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the material uses for making an accessory. The currently material available in the case study company included: silver, 925 sterling silver, gold, copper, brass, and zinc which represent by A, B, C, D, E, and F respectively • Digit 3: this digit represents the accessory shape such as ball, fish wire, pin, and so on. This digit uses the alphabet A to Z, for example, the A means ball shape, and B means fish wire shape • Digit 4: this digit represents the accessory size or detail, this is monocode (or hierarchical structure which each digit amplifies the information provided in the previous digit), the digit 4 amplifies the information provided in the digit 3. For example, if the digit 3 is ball shape, the size of the ball shape within the case study company are specify to be big size, 52 small size and no need to specify the exact size, and represented by A, B and O respectively • Digits 5 to 7: these digits represent the supplier codes Table 4.6 Example of Accessory: “E-BBA-020” Meaning Code in Description for Code Remark Example Family E Accessory Accessory Material B 925 Sterling silver Accessory Shape B “Fish wire” shape Accessory Size or A The size of this fish wire is Detail “SFF 07”. (Length, Weight, etc.) Supplier The “020” code is 020 represented supplier named “Why Wire co., ltd.” E (Digit) - - 1 2 3 4 5 - Accessory Material A:Silver(Ag) B:925 Sterling silver C:Gold(Au) D:Copper E:Brass F:Zinc G: H: Accessory Shape A:Ball A:Big size B:Small size O: N/A B:Fish wire A:SFF 07 B: C: C:Pin (Length, Weight, etc) 001: 002: 003: 004: 005: 006: A:8 mm. (normally use on bend to fit) I: B:5 mm. (normally use on nose stud) J: C:11 mm. with 2 notches (normally use on earrings) K: D:22 mm. (normally use on nose spin) L: M: D:Earring back O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: (for holding earrings) B:identify "925" C:identify "925 CLE" D:identify "925 AD" E: E:Pin with ball A: 5 mm. with balls on both ends F: G: A:No identify Figure 4.12 Developed Accessory Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 53 7 Supplier Accessory Size or Detail E 6 4.2.8 Ornament coding structure: family “F”. The ornament coding structure is composed of thirteen digits as shown in Figure 4.14. The meaning of each digit of family “F” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “F” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the ornament material type such as acrylic, rhinestone, cubic zirconia (CZ), plastic bead and so on. This digit uses the alphabet A to Z, for example, A means the ornament material type is acrylic, B means the ornament material type is rhinestone • Digits 3 to 4: these digits represent the ornament color. Due to each ornament material type has different coloration, so the monocode (or hierarchical structure) is used. The two digits (digits 3 and 4) amplify the information provided in the digit 2. For example, if digit 2 is rhinestone, the alphabet in the digits 3 and 4 mean color codes for rhinestone as shown in Appendix C • Digits 5 to 7: these digits represent the ornament size. Due to each ornament material type has different size, style and different measuring system, so the monocode (or hierarchical structure) is used. The three digits (digits 5 to 7) amplify the information provided in the digit 2. For example, if the digit 2 is rhinestone, the alphabet in the digits 5 to 7 mean size codes for rhinestone that used the standard “pp” and “ss” system. The lists of “pp” and “ss” sizes are shown in Appendix D. (Remark: As revealed in Rhinestone Guy, Inc, the “ss” stands for “stone size”, and the “pp” stands for “pearl plate") • Digits 8 to 10: these digits represent the ornament shape. Due to each ornament material type has different shapes, so the monocode (or hierarchical structure) is used. The three digits (digits 8 to 10) amplify the information provided in the digit 2. For example, if digit 2 is rhinestone, the alphabet in the digits 8 to 10 mean the shape of rhinestone, the developed codes for shaping system are applied by choosing the shapes being in the case study company from the shaping list in the supplier catalog • Digits 11 to 13: these digits represent the supplier codes 54 Table 4.7 Example of Ornament: “F-BA1P04-A01-002” Meaning Code in Description for Code Example Family F Ornament Ornament Material B Rhinestone (Synthetic gem) Ornament Color A1 Crystal color Ornament Size P04 The rhinestone size is “pp4” Ornament A01 MC CHATON shape 002 The “002” code is Shape Supplier represented the supplier named “Swarovski”. 55 Remark F (Digit) - 2 1 F - Ornament Material A:Acrylic B:Rhinestone (Synthetic gem) 3 4 Ornament Color O0:without color See the "Rhinestone Color Codes" 5 6 - 7 Ornament Size OOO:without exact shape Pn: size in "pp" For example: 8 9 10 Ornament Shape O00:no need to specify the same as Rhinestone P03:pp3 Sn: size in "ss" For example: S01:ss1 C:CZ A1:White A2:Pink D:Plastic bead E:Pearl A3:Dark Pink A4:Lt. Pink A5:Cream A6:Black A7:Golden brown A8:Green A9:Violet B1:Lt. Blue B2:Yellow B3:Red B4:Blue B5:Orange B6:Grey B7:Brown B8: B9: C1: Rectangular Shape (for CZ only) Format: "[_]X[_]", for example: 2 AXA: size 1 x 1 mm. 2 BXD: size 2 x 4 mm. Round Shape Format: "[_]O[_]", for example: AOO: round, diameter 1 mm. BOZ : round diameter 2.5 mm. the same as CZ the same as Rhinestone O0: no need to specify N: O:N/A P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:0.5 mm. the same as CZ the same as CZ the same as CZ I:Crystal bead J:Silicone K:Resin L:Silver bead the same as Rhinestone the same as CZ the same as CZ the same as Rhinestone the same as CZ OOO:no need to specify OOO:no need to specify the same as CZ M:Firado the same as Rhinestone O0:no color (or no need to specify color) Z9: F:Cat eye G:Glass H:Hematite A:1 mm. B:2 mm. C:3 mm. D:4 mm. E:5 mm. F:6 mm. G:7 mm. H:8 mm. I:9 mm. J:10 mm. K:11 mm. L:12 mm. M: the same as Rhinestone Figure 4.13 Developed Ornament Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 56 CZ shape is used the same as Rhinestones Ornament Shape for Plastic bead and Pearl A00:Round-without hole A01:Round-1 hole (block) A02:Round-2 holes (go through) B00:Square C00:Triangle D00:Cabochon E00:Heart F00:Star G00:Marquise H00:Oval I00:Pear J00:Half round K00:Flower L00: M00: O00:N/A P00: the same as CZ the same as CZ A02:Round-2 holes (go through) (use shape codes of Plastic bead) the same as Rhinestone O00:no need to specify The company will specify codes when to be used.) A02:Round-2 holes (go through) (use shape codes of Plastic bead) O00:no need to specify 11 12 Supplier 001: 002: 003: 004: 005: 13 4.2.9 Material coding structure: family “G”. The material coding structure is composed of seven digits as shown in Figure 4.15. The meaning of each digit of family “G” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “G” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the material type uses by the case study company. The currently available in the case study company included: silver, 925 sterling silver, gold, copper, brass, zinc and plastic) which represent by A, B, C, D, E, F, and G respectively • Digit 3: this digit represents the material shape such as granule, bar, wire, sheet, and so on. This digit uses the alphabet A to Z, for example, the A means granule shape, B means bar shape • Digit 4: this digit represents the material size, this is monocode (or hierarchical structure which each digit amplifies the information provided in the previous digit), the digit 4 amplifies the information provided in the digit 3. For example, if digit 3 is granule shape, the size of granule shape within the case study company is no need to identify and is coded as alphabet “O”, and if digit 3 is wire size (which digit 3 is “C”), the digit 4 is represented size of wire which are called by numbering such as number 21, 22, 23, and so on • Digits 5 to 7: these digits represent the supplier codes Table 4.8 Example of Material: “G-AAO-030” Meaning Code in Description for Code Example Family G Material Material Type A Silver(Ag) Material Shape AO Material O Size Supplier Granule N/A. Do not have the exact size for granule shape 030 The “030” code is represented supplier named “Silver Expert co., ltd.” 57 Remark G (Digit) - - 1 G 2 - 3 4 Material Material Type Shape A:Granule A:Silver(Ag) B:925 Sterling silver B:Bar C:Wire C:Gold(Au) D:Copper E:Brass F:Zinc G:Plastic Material Size O: N/A H:Silver Solder F:No. 26 5 6 7 Supplier - A:No. 21 B:No. 22 C:No. 23 D:No. 24 E:No. 25 001: 002: 003: 004: 005: 006: I: D:Sheet O: N/A E:Powder O:N/A Figure 4.14 Developed Material Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 4.2.10 Label and sticker coding structure: family “L” The label and sticker coding structure is composed of eleven digits as shown in Figure 4.16. The labels and stickers of the case study company are used based on the customer product code. The meaning of each digit of family “L” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “L” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the label and sticker types such as barcode, and others that will be expanded in the future use. This digit uses the alphabet A to Z, the A means barcode • Digits 3 to 8: these digits represent the customer product codes. If customer product codes are less than 6 digits, “0” will be placed preceding digits to form 6 digits. For example, customer product codes are “4674”, “00” will be placed, the digits 3 to 8 will be “004674” • Digits 9 to 11: these digits represent the supplier codes 58 Table 4.9 Example of Label and Sticker: “L-A073528-040” Meaning Code in Description for Code Remark Example Family L Label and Sticker Label and Sticker A Bar code Type Customer Product 073528 Code The customer product code is “73528” Supplier 040 The “040” code is represented the supplier named “Joho co., ltd.” L (Digit) - - 1 L 2 - Label and Sticker Type A:Bar code B C: D: E: F: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Supplier Customer Product Code 000000: For label or sticker that without customer product code Note: In case of customer product code is less than 6 digits, "0" will be placed preceding digits to form 6 digits. 001: 002: 003: 004: 005: 006: G: H: I: For example: o Customer Product Code is "4674". These digits (3 to 8) will be "004674" Figure 4.15 Developed Label and Sticker Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 4.2.11 Packing material coding structure: family “P”. The packing material coding structure is composed of six digits as shown in Figure 4.17. The meaning of each digit of family “P” can be explained as follows: • Digit 1: this digit must be “P” only • Digit 2: this digit represents the packing material types such as adhesive tape, bubble sheet, carton, plastic strapping band, and so on. This digit uses the alphabet A to Z, for example, the A means adhesive tape, B means bubble sheet 59 • Digit 3: this digit represents the packing material size, this is the monocode (or hierarchical structure which each digit amplifies the information provided in the previous digit), the digit 3 amplifies the information provided in the digit 2. For example, if the digit 2 is “C” (carton) which size is equal to 29x40x15 cm3 then the digit 3 is “A”, and so on • Digits 4 to 6: these digits represent the supplier codes Table 4.10 Example of Packing Material: “P-FB-010” Meaning Code in Description for Code Example Family P Packing Material Packing Material F Zip lock bag B The zip lock bag size is Type Packing Material Size 4"x6" Supplier 010 The “010” code is represented supplier named “Jewelry Pack co., ltd.” 60 Remark P (Digit) - - 1 P 2 - Packing Material Type A:Adhesive Tape B:Bubble sheet C:Carton 3 4 Packing Material Size A: width 2" A: 2"x5" 5 6 Supplier 001: 002: 3 A: 29x40x15 cm 3 B: 40x35x61 cm 3 C: 51x51x50 cm 3 D: 65x65x65 cm 3 E: 50x30x30 cm (UK) 003: 004: 005: 006: 3 F: 60x50x45 cm (UK) D:Plastic Strapping Band A: width 20 mm. E:Plastic bag A:3"x4" F:Zip lock bag B:4"x6" C:6"x8" D:7"x10" E:7"x11" F:8"x12" G:9"x12" H:9"x13" I:10"x5" J:10"x6" K:13"x20" L:16"x24" M: N: O:N/A Q: G:White foam A:thickness 5 mm. H:Black foam Figure 4.16 Developed Packing Material Coding Structure (Translated from Thai) 4.2.12 Software use for product classification and coding in the case study company. To assign the codes to products and ensure that the product codes were not duplicated, the database software for assigning, keeping and retrieving the product codes, was needed. The database for the product classification and coding in the case study company was developed by using the Microsoft Access 2003, as shown in Figures 4.18 to 4.26. 61 Figure 4.17 Products Coding Main Menu Figure 4.18 Finished Goods (Family “A”) Menu 62 Figure 4.19 Jewelry (Family “B”) Menu Figure 4.20 Card (Family “C”) Menu 63 Figure 4.21 Semi-Jewelry (Family “D”) Menu Figure 4.22 Accessory (Family “E”) Menu 64 Figure 4.23 Ornament (Family “F”) Menu Figure 4.24 Material (Family “G”) Menu 65 Figure 4.25 Label and Sticker (Family “L”) Menu Figure 4.26 Packing Material (Family “P”) Menu 4.3 Development of Production Traceability System As revealed in the Chapter 2, the needed information is dependant on the purposes of the production traceability, (METI, 2003; Steele, 1995). The reviewed literatures were adapted to identify the purposes of the production traceability in this development. The case study company main purposes of the production traceability were identified according to the company requirements and problems. The main purposes are included: traceable to the outsourcers who make the defects, ability to 66 tracing the product type and the production route to prevent loss in the sterling silver that given to the outsourcers, and prevent the contaminated metal (like lead or nickel) in the jewelry by tracing back to the metal material sources that were used. Steele (1995) suggested that to design a production traceability system, required the unique identification for the physical lot, the data recoding for the lot movement, lot-process linking to the process data, and reporting that retrieves the lottracing data from the system to find the source lots or component materials associated with the suspected lot. Steele’s (1995) methodology to design a production traceability system was used, the details are as follows: 4.3.1 Unique identification for physical lot. Steele (1995) suggested that: A lot is a physical grouping of material that control as a unit. ... Tracking the lots, the component material used in them, their transformation to or inclusion in other lots, and, finally, their use as a shipped item is the primary function of traceability. How lots are defined and controlled is an essential design question. (p. 53) The main physical lots in the case study company are identified as follows: 1) Finished goods and its work-in-process lots are identified by the lot numbers (lot no.), which divided from the customers’ purchase order numbers into subgroups. The lot numbers are structured by the customers’ purchase order numbers follow by the subgroup numbers. 2) The purchased parts (or materials), such as silver, copper, silver wires and so on, the lots are identified by the received date as the main physical lot identification. 3) The lots of manufactured parts are identified by their manufactured date. 4.3.2 Data recording for lot movement. Two types of data were collected; the lot tracing data and the process data. The lot tracing data recorded the movement of lots from materials or parts that might be merged or transformed from one lot into another lot. The process data recorded the important production process information, which usually depends on their original 67 purposes. Regardless of how the data are collected, manual or electronics, or local or network, the lot records and the process data must be linked (Steele, 1995). In the case study company, the data recording for lots movement were developed according to the company purposes for production traceability that included: traceable to the outsourcers who make the defects, ability to track and trace the product types and the production routes to prevent loss in the sterling silver that given to the outsourcers, and prevent the contaminated metal (like lead and nickel) in the jewelry by tracing back to the metal material sources that were used. The mostly important purpose at the time system being developed is the contaminated metal. From the collected data, especially the interviews, the contaminated metal could cause from the purchased material such as silver, copper, or caused from the outsourced processes. The process besides the main three processes; tubing, stamping, and casting, is considered and could caused contaminated metal was the pin making process which one lot of pins was used in many lots of products. The data recording forms for tracking the lot movement of finished goods and work-in-process in these process routes were developed as shown in Figures 4.28 to 4.33. 68 Lot Movement Tracking in Main process Lot no.: __________________ [__] adding quantity, referred to new order running no. _____________ Finished Goods Code: A-__ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ Quantity: _______ pairs, Total:______ pieces Process Step [__] new order Running No.:__________ Delivery Date: ___________________ Start - Finish Date Operator/ Outsourcer Record for Traceability O Weighing O Weigh per piece _____ g. Quantity ______ pieces Weigh _____ g. O Polishing O Antique-treatment process O Cleaning antique-treatment O Weighing O Coloring process O Start time: _______ Finished time: _______ O Total weigh __________ g. O Color Detail:_____________________________________________ O Quantity __________________ pieces Total weigh ___________ g. O F- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _________ O Stone setting process O F- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _________ O F- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _________ O F- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _________ Return Ornaments to Stock O F- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _________ O Quantity counting and recording O F- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _________ O F- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _________ O F- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _________ O Final polishing and Anti-tarnish coating O Start time: _______ Finished time:_______ O Product weighing O Total weigh __________ g. O Sampling Check O Sampling quantity:_______ piece, Damage quantity: _____ pieces, Symptom: ________________ O Jewelry stock keeping Figure 4.27 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Main Process) (Translated from Thai) 69 Lot Movement Tracking in Tubing Process Lot no.: __________ Style no.: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Semi-jewelry Code: D-__ __ - __ __ __ __ Process Step O Silver and copper mixing Start - Finish Date [__] new order [__] adding quantity, referred to new order running no. _____________ DM#: _______________ Running no.:__________ Order Quantity: _______ pairs, Total: _________pieces Operator/ Outsourcer Delivery Date: ___________________ Record for Traceability O Silver granule (G-AAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Silver granule (G-AAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Total ________g. O Copper granule (G-DAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Copper granule (G-DAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Total ________g. O Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Total ________g. Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Grand Total ________ g. O Silver and copper melting O Forming into string O Pressing into sheet O Rolling sheet to form tube O Rolling tube around the axis like a spring O Attaching a holding pin O Return the leftovers silver and copper mixed O Wire no.:__ Code: E- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _____ O Silver solder date on package: _______ O Leftovers weigh __________ g. (Identify "Running no." of this document on the leftovers package) Figure 4.28 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Tubing Process) (Translated from Thai) 70 Lot Movement Tracking in Stamping Process Lot no.: __________ Style no.: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Semi-jewelry Code: D-__ __ - __ __ __ __ Process Step O Silver and copper mixing Start - Finish Date [__] new order [__] adding quantity, referred to new order running no. _____________ DM#: _______________ Running no.:__________ Order Quantity: _______ pairs, Total: _________pieces Operator/ Outsourcer Delivery Date: ___________________ Record for Traceability O Silver granule (G-AAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Silver granule (G-AAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Total ________g. O Copper granule (G-DAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Copper granule (G-DAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Total ________g. O Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Total ________g. Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Grand Total ________ O Silver and copper melting O Pressign into sheet O Silver stamping O 925 Silver (G-BDO-__ __ __ ) weigh (give to oursourcer) : __________ g. O Checking compare to design O Attaching a holding pin O Return the leftovers silver and copper mixed O Pin code E- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _____ O Silver solder date on package: _______ O Leftovers weigh __________ g. (Identify "Running no." of this document on the leftovers package) Figure 4.29 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Stamping Process) (Translated from Thai) 71 g. Lot Movement Tracking in Casting Process Lot no.: __________ Style no.: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Semi-jewelry Code: D-__ __ - __ __ __ __ Process Step [__] new order [__] adding quantity, referred to new order running no. _____________ DM#: _______________ Running no.:__________ Order Quantity: _______ pairs, Total: _________pieces Start - Finish Date Operator/ Outsourcer Delivery Date: ___________________ Record for Traceability O New model making O Rubber mold making O Wax spueing O Quantity (wax models) _______pieces O Wax tree making O Quantity (wax tree) _____trees, total (wax models) _________ pieces O Investing O Mixing and melting silver and copper into lime mold O Silver granule (G-AAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Silver granule (G-AAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Total ________g. O Copper granule (G-DAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Copper granule (G-DAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Total ________g. O Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Total ________g. Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Grand Total ________ g. O Silver tree casting O Cleaning silver tree by dipping into acid O Weigh the total silver tree O Cut silver branches from silver core O Weigh the total silver tree O Cleaning silver branches O Quantity _____trees Total weight __________ g. O Quantity _____trees Total weight __________ g. O Total quantity ________ pieces O Total quantity ________ pieces O Branch weight _________ g. Core weight __________ g. Base weight __________ g.Total weight __________ g. O Total weight___________ g. O Cut silver pieces from branches O Sent weight _________ g. Return weight __________ g. Total pieces __________ pieces O Polishing O Total weight (after polishing) ______________ g. O Attaching a holding pin O Pin code E- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: _____ O Return the leftovers silver and copper mixed O Leftovers weigh __________ g. (Identify "Running no." of this document on the leftovers package) O Defect quantity __________ pieces, symptom: _____________________________________________________ O Silver solder date on package: _______ Figure 4.30 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Casting Process) (Translated from Thai) 72 Lot Movement Tracking in Packing process Lot no.: __________ Finished Goods Code: A-__ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ Delivery Date: __________ Running no.:__________ Attached the sample "Label": Process Step Start - Finish Date Operator/ Outsourcer Record for Traceability O B- __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __Date on package: ________ Qty. ______pcs. O Requesting jewelry from stock O B- __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __Date on package: ________ Qty. ______pcs. O B- __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __Date on package: ________ Qty. ______pcs. O B- __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __Date on package: ________ Qty. ______pcs. Return Jewelry to stock (Leftovers) O B- __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __Date on package: ________ Qty. ______pcs. O B- __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __Date on package: ________ Qty. ______pcs. O B- __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __Date on package: ________ Qty. ______pcs. O B- __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __Date on package: ________ Qty. ______pcs. O Requesting finished card from stock O Packing jewelry on finished card O C- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: ______ Qty. ______pcs. O C- __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date on package: ______ Qty. ______pcs. O Finished goods quantity ____________ pieces O Finished goods quantity ____________ pieces O Finished goods quantity ____________ pieces O Finished goods quantity ____________ pieces O Finished goods quantity ____________ pieces O Count and prepare to export O Pack in plastic bags ________ pieces, Total of bags _____________ bags Figure 4.31 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Packing Process) (Translated from Thai) 73 Total_____pieces Lot Movement Tracking in [__] Wire Making Process or [__] Pin Making Process (Choose one by marking "/") Order request no.: __________________ Running no.:__________ Quantity: _______ pairs Process Step Start - Finish Date Operator/ Outsourcer Record for Traceability Wire Making Process O Silver and copper mixing O Silver granule (G-AAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Silver granule (G-AAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. O Copper granule (G-DAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Copper granule (G-DAO-__ __ __ ) Lot date: ________, Weigh + g. Total ________g. Total ________g. O Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Total ________g. Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Leftovers "95 Silver" ____________ g. From Running no.: __________ Grand Total ________ O Silver bar casting O Forming into wire O Wire no.___Code G- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Wire no.___Code G- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Wire no.___Code G- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Wire no.___Code G- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Wire no.___Code G- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Wire no.___Code G- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Total _____g. O Keep into stock O Return the leftovers silver and copper mixed O Leftovers weigh __________ g. (Identify "Running no." of this document on the leftovers package) Pin Making Process O Request silver wire from stock O Wire no.___Code G- __ __ __ - __ __ __ Date of package: ____________ O Pin making by machine O Machine no: MC#____ Total _____g. O Quantity of packs _____ packs, Weight per pack _____g. Quantity per pack _____pairs O Weighting and packing Total______g. Quantity of packs _____ packs, Weight per pack _____g. Quantity per pack _____pairs O Recorded damage wires O Quantity _________ g. Symptom: _________________________________________ Figure 4.32 Developed Traceability Recording Form (Pin Making Process) (Translated from Thai) 74 g. 4.3.3 Lot-process linking to the process data. These are the processes or parts (or materials) data linked to the physical lots. On the other hand, it is the method that process data are identified with a corresponding production lots. The direct way to link the data are the lot identification numbers, by recording the same lot identification number on both the physical lot tracing and the process data. For example, raw materials can be performed by (1) recorded by lot number, (2) marked directly on parts, or (3) link by time and date. The major advantage of linking by time and date is that it is not complicated, and does not require existing system to be tied together. The major disadvantage of linking by time and date is that it is required time-consuming to retrieve the lot-tracing data. (Steel, 1995) The developed system in the case study is used both the time-date linking and the lot number linking. 4.3.4 Reporting that retrieves the lot-tracing data from the system. Steele (1995) suggested that the design of the reporting function was considered by how data were stored, the access frequency, the permitted retrieval time, and storage space limitations. If all data were kept in a computerized system, data might be fully accessible under almost any conditions. If the data were not accessed frequently and long access time is permitted, automated retrieval may not be necessary. Simple manual filing of key data with well organizing might be sufficient. Cross linking by time and date was suggested for manual retrieval. However, in any cases, there must be planned for storage spaces for several years of data, electronics or physical. As the case study company, at the period of the system start up, the key data were stored by manual filing. This is because the company had few types of documents, the data are not needed to be in real time for accessing, and the employees lack experience in using computerize systems. (The maintenance and update information in the software for traceability is more complicated than the product classification and coding system.) The manual stored data of the case study are organized by using the data storage control forms (or record control form) for retrieval of the data, the forms’ information included: where the data were kept, how the data were filed, who responsible person is, and retention period for data storage. The record control form is shown in Figure 4.34. 75 Data Storage Control Prepared by: ..................................... Approved by: ....................................... Date: ......./........./...... Item Description Storage Place Indexing Responsible By page: ...../..... Retention Period Figure 4.33 Data Storage Control Form (or Record Control Form) 4.4 Result of System Application and User’s Satisfaction The developed prototype of the system was field-tested by sampling the company’s customer purchase orders that were producing to investigate the operational and the practical use. The company executive; managing director, was asked for satisfaction by through the questionnaire, the results are shown in Figure 4.35. 76 For Product Classification and Coding Items 1. Comparing to your previous system, the product classification and coding system is better than previously. 2. After used this system, please rates the following items: - ease of use - easy to understand - usefulness - enough information of the product attributes on code. - flexibility for various applications such as warehousing, designing, production planning and so on. - accuracy, to provide correct information on products, parts and materials. 3. The product classification and coding system is suitable for implementing in your company. Score 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 For Production Traceability Item 1. Comparing to your previous system, the production traceability system is better than previously. 2. After used this system, please rate the following items: - ease of use - easy to understand - usefulness - quick to access the traceability information - flexibility for various applications such as production planning, purchasing, quality control and so on. - accuracy of the system to provide correct information 3. The production traceability suitable for implementing in your company. Score 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 In Summary Item 1. The system contributes to reduce extra costs from the loss main material to outsourcers. 2. The traceability system helps to reduce the quantity of suspected products. 3. The system helps to improve the product quality. 4. In overall, you satisfy with the product classification and production traceability system. Figure 4.34 The Company Executive Rating Score Note: Rating range from 1 to 5, Strongly disagree = 1 Disagree = 2 Neither agree nor disagree = 3 Agree = 4 Strongly agree = 5 77 Score 3 5 4 4 The item scored less than “3” is considered “not pass” in this case. For the product classification and coding system, the company executive scored this system as quite satisfactory, except the “easy to understand” item which was scored “neither agree nor not agree” with the added comment that it is easy for executive to understand but the employees needed to have more knowledge. Therefore, this should be considered for formal training of the company staff members. For the production traceability system, the company executive also scored this system quite satisfactory, especially compare to the previous system, and the system is quick to access the traceability information. For overall system, the company executive scored this system as quite satisfactory, except the “system contributes to reduce extra costs from the loss main material to outsourcers” item was rated “neither agree nor not agree”. However, in overall, the company executive satisfied with the product classification and the production traceability system which was scored as “agree”. From this result, the conclusion that the system was effective and the company could get the advantages from this system. 4.5 Recommend Action for Further Software Development in the Case Study Because of the rapid growth of the case study company, in the next coming year, the company’s data and documents will be increasing and may need to be accessed faster and frequently and company planned to train the currently employees to be able to use the computerize system and, if necessary, the company may recruit new employees. In the future, the data for production traceability should be stored in computerized system; therefore, the requirements for future software development to use for the production traceability should be based on the currently manual traceability system with the further development on its weak point. 78 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations In this chapter, the conclusions and recommendations for further study are discussed. 5.1 Summary and Conclusions The product classification and production traceability system was developed by following steps: study the case study company process and products by reviewing document, interviewing, direct observing at the research site, and investigate the company’s products, parts and materials. The product classification system was developed by using the group technology classification and coding theory, the mixed code or hybrid structure was chosen to be applied. The coding structure of products, parts, and materials are composed of six to fifteen digits depend on the product family, the first digit informed about the product family that can be group according to its similar attributes. The product codes of each family were recorded in the database that writing from the Microsoft Access 2003 application. The production traceability system was developed by identifying the company requirements according to the problem face and foresee for the future prevention. Steel (1995) methodology was used which included: unique identification for physical lot, data recording for lot movement, lot-process linking to process data, and reporting which retrieved the lot-tracing data system to find source lot and suspected lots. The unique identification of lot was identified by the lot number and date. The production traceability had ability to trace to the history of products about the outsourcers who produced it, the parts and materials that were used and the main material quantities that used in the major processes. The process data for traceability were kept manually. The prototype of developed product classification and production traceability system was field-tested and the company executive was satisfied with some comments that had the advantages for further development. 5.2 Research Difficulties and Limitations The top management of the case study company has strong intention to develop the system. The product classification and production traceability is one of 79 the systems that the management prefers to have. The thesis did not find much difficulties or limitation in terms of support. However, there are some difficulties and limitations that are listed as follows: There is inadequate documentation in the case study company, while the developed system required more documentation. But the production tasks are still operated by the workers’ skills and memories. To fully develop the documentation in the case study company needs more time, however, the research period was limited. Some technical terms that are used by the production of the case study company is specific and different from other jewelry companies. The researcher needs to learn and understand these specific technical terms in order to use these technical terms to develop the system. It is a difficult to implement the developed coding system because the workers have limited education and are familiar with the existing system. Hence they have difficulty in adjusting their habits to perform their tasks according to the new system. 5.3 Recommendations for Further Development This study concentrates on the fashionable sterling silver jewelry that is decorated with non-precious ornaments such as synthetic gems, acrylic, imitated pearl, plastic and so on. The product classification structure and production traceability systems for other jewelry businesses needs to be adapted or may be completely different. The recommendations for further development are proposed as follows: 1) The development of product classification and production traceability in other jewelry businesses such as gold jewelry. 2) The development of product classification and production traceability for the precious gems which have more complicated attributes and need to trace back to the country of origins (which are the regulation in some countries). 80 References Anlağan, Ö. (1996). Group technology. 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Please explain in details. 3. What are the problems that usually occurred? How do you handle them? 4. What are the main parts or materials? 5. Which parts or materials are important and the most effect to the product quality? 6. Please explain the details of parts (or materials) attributes? 7. How do you plan the production? 8. How does the production process start and end? Please explain. 9. Which process steps are outsourced? 10. What are the documents that used in the production process? 11. What are the records that used in the production process? 12. What attributes of products do you think are important and needed to be traceable? 13. What kinds of information would you like to include in the product (or part, or material) codes? 14. Do you have any suggestion about the production information that needs to be traceable? 15. Does the company use any supplier or customer codes? If have, please explain. 16. Does the company use any coding systems? If have, please explain. 17. What are the computer facilities and software that currently be used by company? 18. What are the expected purposes of the production traceability? 84 Appendix B Interview Guidance: Gemology Expert 1. Are there any international or standard classification systems for gem and synthetic gem, especially the rhinestone like Swarovski? 2. Are there any international or standard classification systems for jewelry and silver jewelry? 3. Does the Swarovski coding system standardize? 4. What are the problems that usually occur to the silver jewelry? How do these problems occur? 5. Is there any identification on gems or jewelry? 6. What attributes of silver jewelry do you think are important and needed to be traceable? 7. Do you have any suggestions about the production information that needs to be traceable? 85 Appendix C Example of Rhinestone Color Code Code Color Code Color Code A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 Crystal Shadow Crystal Black Diamond Morion Light Azore Aquamarine Light Sapphire Idian Sapphire Sapphire Capri Blue Montana Chrysolite Peridot Erinite Indicolite Blue Zircon Emerald Tumaline Jonquil Light Topaz Khaki Lime Olivine Fireopal Padparadscha Hyacinth Indian Red Light Siam Siam Ruby Garnet Burgundy Light Peach Light Colorado Topaz Topaz Light Smoked Topaz E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 Smoked Topaz Smoky Quartz Light Rose Rose Fuchsia Light Amethyst Violet Tanzanite Amethyst White Opal Pacific Opal White Alabaster Jet Turquoise Rose Alabaster Crystal Aurore Boreale (AB) Crystal Satin Crystal Comet Argent Light Crystal Mat-Finish Crystal Vitrail Light White Opal Sky Blue White Opal Star Shine Crystal Bermuda Blue Crystal Heliotrope Crystal Metallic Blue Crystal Dorado Jet Hematite Jet Metallic Silver Jet Nut Crystal Vitrail Medium Green Flare Sahara Volcano Blue Flare Blue Hematite Bermuda Blue I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 86 Color Silver Flare Blown Flare Sun Heliotrope Aqua Bohemica Citrine Hematite Lablador Aurum Vitrail Light Marea Vitrail Green Sapphire AB Light Siam AB Aquamarine AB Code M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 Color Appendix D The Standard Rhinestone Size 87 Source: Adapted from Preciosa (2006) 88 Biography Name: Achara Satayapaisal Year of Birth: March 5, 1967 Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand Institutions Attended: Year 1986 - 1990 Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Bangkok, Thailand Year 2003 - 2005 Bachelor of Public Health in Occupational, Health and Safety Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Nonthaburi, Thailand Year 2006 - 2007 Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Nonthaburi, Thailand Year 2006 - 2007 Master of Science in Management Shinawatra University Bangkok, Thailand Home Address: 218 Bondstreet Road, Pakkred, Nonthaburi, Thailand Telephone: (66)8 1792 0715 89