Stakeholders To obtain a comprehensive understanding of your community’s stakeholders, it is recommended that the Project Team complete the Stakeholder Profile provided below: Community: Internal Stakeholders (list individual and position title) 1.) Name: Position Title: 2.) Name: Position Title: 3.) Name: Position Title: 4.) Name: Position Title: 5.) Name: Position Title: 6.) Name: Position Title: 7.) Name: Position Title: 8.) Name: Position Title: 9.) Name: Position Title: 10.) Name: Position Title: External Stakeholders (list individual/agency and position title) 11.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 12.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 13.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 14.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 15.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 16.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 17.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 18.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 19.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 20.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 21.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 22.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 23.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 24.) Name/Agency: Position Title: 25.) Name/Agency: Position Title: Analyzing Community Stakeholders Using the numbered list on the previous page, plot each stakeholder according to their perceived level of importance and influence on the chart below: Level of Importance High Low Low Level of Influence High Stakeholder Planning Questions • What are the demographic characteristics that describe our stakeholders? • Does the business community recognize fully the economic impact of the park and recreation agency? • Are there programs that could be mutually sponsored by the business community, other governmental agencies, non-profit, or private leisure service providers that could enhance the opportunities for a leisure experience? • Have we received full cooperation and support from educational institutions in areas of programming and facility use? • Have we fully explored areas of cooperative programming with health and religious organizations? • How do the views of your agency's elected officials currently impact your organization? Stakeholder Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats Analysis Based upon the data collected, complete a list of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats (SWOT) related to stakeholder characteristics associated with the community. • Strengths: • Weaknesses: • Opportunities: • Threats: