Psych 209/Kerr/Autumn 2010 1 Descriptive Statistics/Excel Assignment 2 (15 pt) The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice making scatterplots, both by hand and using Excel, as well as calculating and interpreting the Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient. DUE DATE: At the beginning of lecture Monday, November 1st. Late assignments will be accepted with the loss of 3 points during sections on Tuesday, November 2nd. Late assignments will be accepted with the loss of 5 points at the beginning of lecture on Wednesday, November 3rd. Assignments will not be accepted after Wednesday, November 3rd. Background reading: (1) Goodwin Chapter 9 and (2) information provided during lab on Thursday October 21nd. See the webpage below for help understanding the way scatterplots “map” to the Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient, and the influence of number of participants. Use the New Sample button to see different examples. Data for the assignment: The data for Part 1 and Part 2 are in the table below. The data for Part 3 are in an Excel file on the class website. See Part 3 for information on how to download the file. ID SchHrs Money Education 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 25 27 45 30 26 20 20 35 32 20 20 15 25 14 30 6 4 4 5 6 3 7 5 5 6 6 6 2 5 4 7 7 7 6 7 6 7 7 6 7 4 7 7 7 7 Note: These data were sampled from the class survey you completed on your first lab day. -ID refers to each participant’s identification number (this has nothing to do with student ID numbers; it simply distinguishes one participant from another). -SchHrs is how many hours students typically spend on school work each week (including class time). -Money is the degree to which students agreed with the statement: “It is important for me to make a lot of money” where 1=strongly disagree, 4=neither agree nor disagree, 7=strongly agree. -Education is the degree to which students agreed with the statement: “My education is a top priority in my life” where 1=strongly disagree, 4=neither agree nor disagree, 7=strongly agree. Psych 209/Kerr/Autumn 2010 2 THERE ARE THREE PARTS TO THIS ASSIGNMENT PART 1. Draw a Scatterplot by Hand (2 points) Use the attached worksheet (page 5) to draw a scatterplot of the correlation between ‘SchHrs’ and ‘Money.’ Put SchHrs on the x-axis and Money on the y-axis. Scale and label the axes appropriately. You may use graph paper if you prefer. PART 2. Excel Analysis of a Small Dataset (7 points total) 1. Enter the data from the table on page 1 into Excel. Use Excel to calculate the means, medians, and standard deviations (=STDEVP) for the three variables. Round these statistics to two decimal places and label your values. This example shows the correct format, but the numerical values are fake: (1 point) Mean Median SD SchHrs 21.67 21.00 7.10 Money 3.50 2.00 0.88 Education 4.20 3.00 1.05 2. Use Excel to make a scatterplot like the one you drew by hand in Part 1. Put SchHrs on the x-axis and Money on the y-axis. Label the axes with the variable names and ENTER YOUR NAME AND STUDENT ID IN THE TITLE. Be sure your figure is scaled appropriately. (2 points) 3. Use Excel (=PEARSON) to calculate the Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficients between: a. SchHrs and Money b. SchHrs and Education c. Money and Education Round the correlation coefficients to two decimal places and label your values. This example shows the correct format, but the numerical values are fake: (2 points) Correlation coefficient 0.65 -0.17 0.24 SchHrs and Money SchHrs and Education Money and Education 4. Type two sentences into the spreadsheet that report the correlation results for ‘SchHrs’ and ‘Money’. Describe the association between the two variables (i.e., describe the Pearson value and scatterplot). Be sure to address the directionality and magnitude* of the correlation. (1 point) 5. Type two sentences into the spreadsheet that report the correlation results for ‘SchHrs’ and ‘Education’. As in item 4, describe the association between the two variables.* (1 point) *When interpreting the magnitude (or strength) of your correlations, use the values in the table below. For example, a value of r = -0.35 would be considered a medium (or moderate), negative correlation. Note: These values are general guidelines and do not apply in every situation, but we will use them for this assignment. Correlation magnitude Nonsignificant Small (weak) Medium (moderate) Large (strong) Negative values -.09 to 0.0 -0.29 to -0.10 -0.49 to -0.30 -1.00 to -0.50 Positive values 0.0 to .09 0.10 to 0.29 0.30 to 0.49 0.50 to 1.00 Psych 209/Kerr/Autumn 2010 3 The Final Product of Part 2. All of Part 2 must appear as a readable Excel printout. If you print in “landscape” mode, you may be able to fit all of Part 2 onto a single page, but this is not required. However, make sure no individual table or graph stretches across multiple sheets. Check your final printout and make sure it has the following: o The assigned descriptive statistics (item 1), labeled and rounded (see example). o The assigned scatterplot (item 2), correctly scaled and labeled. Make sure to include your name and student ID in the title for full credit. o The assigned correlation coefficients (item 3), labeled and rounded (see example). o The assigned sentences about the relationships between the variables (items 4 and 5). PART 3. Excel Analysis of a Large Dataset (6 points total) Go to the class website: and download the data file for this part of the assignment. The file is under the heading Class Survey Data, and is named Psych209_Autumn_2010_Survey.xls. This data file contains responses to the survey that students completed on the first lab day. The dataset in Psych209_Autumn_2010_Survey.xls is much larger than the dataset on page 1 of this assignment, but the process for analyzing the data is identical. 1. Use Excel (=PEARSON) to calculate the Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficients between: a. SchHrs and Power b. Power and Money Round the correlation coefficients to two decimal places and label your values. This example shows the correct format, but the values are fake: (1 point) SchHrs and Power Power and Money Correlation coefficient 0.05 0.46 Note: -SchHrs is how many hours students typically spend on school work each week (including class time). -Money is the degree to which students agreed with the statement: “It is important for me to make a lot of money” where 1=strongly disagree, 4=neither agree nor disagree, 7=strongly agree. -Power is the degree to which students agreed with the statement: “It is important for me to have a position of power and influence” where 1=strongly disagree, 4=neither agree nor disagree, 7=strongly agree. 2. Using Excel, create a scatterplot of the correlation between SchHrs and Power. Put SchHrs on the x-axis and Power on the y-axis. Label the axes with the variable names and ENTER YOUR NAME AND STUDENT ID IN THE TITLE. Be sure your figure is scaled appropriately. (2 points) 3. Type two sentences into the spreadsheet that report the correlation result for SchHrs and Power. Describe the association between the two variables (i.e., describe Pearson correlation and the scatterplot). Be sure to address the directionality and magnitude* (or strength) of the correlation. Refer back to the table on page 2 when writing your sentences. (1 point) Psych 209/Kerr/Autumn 2010 4 4. Using Excel, create a histogram for ‘Religion’. Note: Religion is the degree to which students agree with the statement “My religious/spiritual values are a top priority in my life.” where 1=strongly disagree, 4=neither agree nor disagree, 7=strongly agree. Label your axes appropriately and ENTER YOUR NAME AND STUDENT ID IN THE TITLE. (2 points) Final Product for Part 3. All of Part 3 must appear as an Excel printout. If you print in “landscape” mode, you may be able to fit all of Part 3 onto a single page, but this is not required. However, make sure no individual table or graph stretches across multiple sheets. Check your final printout and make sure it has the following: o The assigned correlation coefficients (item 1), labeled and rounded (see example). o The assigned scatterplot (item 2), correctly scaled and labeled. Make sure to include your name and student ID in the title. o The assigned sentences about the relationship between the variables (item 3). o The assigned histogram (item 4), correctly scaled and labeled. Make sure to include your name and student ID in the title. ________________________________________________________________________________ Formatting this assignmentFollowing the assigned format assures that your paper can be graded swiftly and fairly, without complications. You will lose points for not following the format. Attach a cover page with a) Your name and student ID, and b) Your TA’s first name and the time of day that your section meets (e.g., “Matt 10:30”). A cover sheet helps us keep track of assignments and grades. Put your work together in the following order: the cover page, Part 1 (the hand-drawn scatterplot – use page 5 of this handout), Part 2 (Excel printout for small dataset), Part 3 (Excel printout for large dataset). PLEASE HAND WRITE YOUR NAME ON EVERY PAGE at the top right (to help us if the pages separate). Staple everything together to help make sure this does not happen!! CAUTION – Handwriting your name is NOT a substitute for the REQUIRED name/student ID number entered into Excel for the scatterplot and histogram. Getting help: You are encouraged to talk about the assignment with others - including your classmates, TAs, peer tutors, Dr. Kerr, and the consultants in the computer labs. However, the hand-drawn scatterplot, Excel work, and written descriptions of the correlations must be your own. Sharing files and copying calculations is not acceptable. Once more: To receive credit for Parts 2 and 3, the title of the two scatterplots and the histogram MUST contain your NAME and STUDENT ID NUMBER. If you work on the assignment in a computer lab on campus and need help with the specifics of using Excel, we recommend working in the CSSCR computer labs for students on the first floor of Savery in room 110 where consultants are available to assist you. Psych 209/Kerr/Autumn 2010 5 NAME ______________________ Student Number_________________ TA's Name_____________ Section Time ______________ PART 1: HAND DRAW A SCATTERPLOT Draw a scatterplot of the correlation between ‘SchHrs’ and ‘Money.’ Put SchHrs on the x-axis and Money on the y-axis. Scale and label the axes appropriately. You may use graph paper if you prefer. Y 0 X