Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 18-1 Topic 18 – More on the One Way Analysis of Variance Two issues still to be dealt with: a) checking the assumptions of the model, and b) inference on individual means or combinations of means, e.g. do two treatment means differ? 1. Estimation Predicted Values or LSMEANS (“Least Squares Means”) i. The best estimators of the “cell” means µi are the sample means y i • ii. The standard error of the mean estimator y i • is estimated using a. SE( y i • ) = b. Residuals i. The estimators MSE . ni of the error terms ε ij are the residuals eij = y ij − y i • . Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) ii. 18-2 The residuals always sum to 0 (i.e., ∑ ∑ eij = 0 ) and i j have standard deviation σ ε estimated by MSE (“Root Mean Squared Error”) iii. Under the assumptions, the residuals have a Normal distribution with mean 0 and constant variance σ ε2 . EXAMPLE: the comparisons of the effects of safelights on plant height Treatment D D D D AL AL AL AL AH AH AH AH BL BL BL BL BH BH BH BH Height 32.94 35.98 34.76 32.4 30.55 32.64 32.37 32.04 31.23 31.09 30.62 30.42 34.41 34.88 34.07 33.87 35.61 35 33.65 32.91 Predicted 34.02 34.02 34.02 34.02 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9 30.84 30.84 30.84 30.84 34.3075 34.3075 34.3075 34.3075 34.2925 34.2925 34.2925 34.2925 SE(Pred) 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 0.52243899 Residual -1.08 1.96 0.74 -1.62 -1.35 0.74 0.47 0.14 0.39 0.25 -0.22 -0.42 0.1025 0.5725 -0.2375 -0.4375 1.3175 0.7075 -0.6425 -1.3825 SE(Resid) 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 0.90489088 Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) Checking The Assumptions of the Model i. Constant Variance Graphically – do box plots of the residuals for each treatment and look for similar variabilities Plot of Residual Height By Treatment Residual Height a. 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 AH AL BH BL D Treatment Box Plots of Residual Height By Treatment Residual Height 2. 18-3 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 AH AL BH BL Treatment D Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) ii. 18-4 Hypothesis testing of equality of the treatment variances σ i2 , i = 1,2,...,t using Levene’s test or similar Homogeneity of Variance Tests (from the JMP help files) When the variances across groups are not equal, the usual analysis of variance assumptions are not satisfied and the ANOVA F-test is not valid. JMP gives four tests for equality of group variances. The concept behind the first three tests of equal variances is to perform an analysis of variance on a new response variable constructed to measure the spread in each group. The fourth test is Bartlett’s test, which is similar to the likelihood-ratio test under normal distributions. • O’Brien’s test constructs a dependent variable so that the group means of the new variable equal the group sample variances of the original response. An ANOVA on the O’Brien variable is actually an ANOVA on the group sample variances (O’Brien 1979, Olejnik and Algina 1987). • The Brown-Forsythe test shows the F-test from an ANOVA in which the response is the absolute value of the difference of each observation and the group median (Brown and Forsythe 1974a). • Bartlett’s test is a weighted geometric average of the group sample variances multiplied by a correction Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 18-5 factor to give it a c2-distribution. Dividing the Bartlett Chi-square test statistic by the degrees of freedom gives the F-value shown in the table. Bartlett’s test is valid only under normality (Bartlett and Kendall 1946). • Levene’s test shows the F-test from an ANOVA in which the response is the absolute value of the difference of each observation and the group mean (Levene 1960). Test of H0: σ = σ = ... = σ versus HA: not all σ are equal. This can be used when the sample sizes are unequal. 2 1 2 2 2 t 2 i Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 18-6 The Tests that the Variances are Equal table shows the differences between group means to the grand mean and to the median, and gives a summary of testing procedures. Tests that the Variances are Equal Level Count Std Dev AH AL BH BL D 4 4 4 4 4 Test O'Brien[.5] Brown-Forsythe Levene Bartlett 0.382710 0.932845 1.232947 0.441994 1.651262 F Ratio 2.3658 3.7971 5.1496 1.7934 MeanAbsDif to Mean 0.320000 0.675000 1.012500 0.337500 1.350000 DFNum 4 4 4 4 MeanAbsDif to Median 0.320000 0.605000 1.012500 0.337500 1.350000 DFDen 15 15 15 . Prob > F 0.0995 0.0252 0.0082 0.1270 Warning: Small sample sizes. Use Caution. Conclusion: Based on Levene’s test, reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the variance is heterogeneous, varying with the different treatments. b. i. Normality Graphically 1. do a stem and leaf plot, a histogram, or something similar using the residuals to check for the shape of the distribution and for outliers Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 2. 18-7 do a normal probability (quantile) plot of the residuals A Normal quantile plot is a graph of the observed values of the dataset (X-axis) against the expected values of a set of n random selection from a Normal distribution with the mean and variance of the sample data. To interpret: the points on the graph fall on a straight line when the data are normally distributed. They should definitely fall between the 95% confidence limits around the straight line (with a slope of 1). NOTE: usually, normality is NOT reviewed or tested until after any problems with variance are corrected. Obviously, if the variances are unequal it is highly likely that the distribution of the residuals will look platykurtotic (flatter than expected for a Normal Distribution). Example: A study was performed in order to determine if the mean weight of migrating warblers varied across different habitats of pine trees and hardwoods (dp, ep, hw, mw). A total of 174 birds were collected and weighed. Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 18-8 Results of the ANOVA: Analysis of Variance Source DF Model 3 Error 170 C. Total 173 Sum of Squares Mean Square 246.6366 82.2122 1424.9719 8.3822 1671.6085 F Ratio 9.8080 Prob > F <.0001 weight Residual Residual by Predicted Plot This plot is useful for checking constant variance and outliers 0 -10 30 40 weight Predicted Tests that the Variances are Equal Test F Ratio DFNum O'Brien[.5] 0.2729 3 Brown-Forsythe 0.6891 3 Levene 1.0748 3 Bartlett 0.4077 3 DFDen 170 170 170 . Prob > F 0.8449 0.5599 0.3613 0.7475 Conclusion: there is insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis that the variances are equal. So, now let’s check for normality: Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 18-9 3 .99 .95 .90 .75 .50 .25 .10 .05 .01 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -10 Normal Quantile Plot Distribution: Residual weight 0 Normal(-5e-15,2.86999) Fitted Normal Parameter Estimates Type Parameter Estimate Lower 95% Upper 95% Location Mu -0.00000 -0.42944 0.429440 Dispersion Sigma 2.86999 2.59681 3.207908 Based on the quantile plot and the overlay of a Normal distribution on the histogram, there is not much evidence that the assumption that the error terms are Normally Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 18-10 distributed is reasonable. We could also do a ShapiroWilk test here as well. c. Independence and Random selection/allocation This is something that is controlled and decided by the scientist when planning and executing the experiment. ii. Important points to consider: in addition to randomly selecting experimental units for inclusion in the study and randomly allocating those units to treatments, one should also randomly order the laboratory analyses of the units after the experiment is over. i. For example, in the study of height of plants as affected by light regime, the scientist should randomly measure the plants rather than take plants from the same treatment sequentially. Subtle changes in the way measurements are done could be occurring that might influence the results. Remedial Measures Many different methods: 1. change the model to account for the nonindependence Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 18-11 change the model to account for the unequal variance 3. do a transformation of the data for unequal variance and non-normality 4. use a non-parametric test for severely non-normal data a. Kruskal-Wallis test b. Bootstrapping 2. Example of changing the model to allow for unequal variance: Model: Yij = µ + α i + ε ij = µ i + ε ij where • µ is the overall (grand) mean, • µi is the ith treatment mean, • αi (= µ − µi) is the deviation of the ith treatment mean from the overall mean, and, • εij ( = Yij − µi • ) is called the error term, i.e. it is the deviation of the jth observation, Yij, from the ith treatment mean. Topic 18 - ANOVA (II) 18-12 The error terms are independently, Normally distributed with a mean of 0 but with treatment variances var(ε ij ) = σ i2 . To analyze this model in JMP: using the fit Y by X platform and the unequal variances option we get Oneway Analysis of Height By Treatment Welch Anova testing Means Equal, allowing Std Devs Not Equal F Ratio 30.3117 DFNum 4 DFDen 7.1118 Prob > F 0.0001 This test is for H0: µ1 = ... = µt vs. HA: at least one mean differs when the variances are unequal. The denominator degrees of freedom have to be modified (similar to the Satterthwaite method we used to 2 population t-tests) to allow for the unequal variances. That is why they are 7.1118 rather than the Dfden (= 15) that we saw for the equal variance test.