I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I •• I BAYESIAN PARTITIONING ANALYSIS WITH TWO CCMPONENT MIXTURES By Michael J. Symons Department of Biostatistics University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series No. 691 July 1970 I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I II "Bayesian Partitioning .Analysis with Two Component Mixtures" By Michael J. Symons Department of Biostatistics University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Stmnnary The problem of partitioning a sample into disjoint and exhaustive sets is examined from a Bayesian point of view. It is assumed that the sample comes from a mixture of two distributions. A definition of the "best" partition is proposed and, on the basis of this definition, a detailed examination is given when the mixture is of two univariate homogeneous normals and when the mixture is of two univariate heterogeneous normals with specified variance ratio. Rela- tion of these results to the "outlier problem" and a multivariate extension with linplications in cluster analysis are considered. An analysis with Darwin's data illustrates the application of these ideas to outliers. I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I Ie I -2- 1. Introduction Consider a mixture of two distributions of a p component random vector x, Le. (1.1) = the parameter vector is ~ f l , correspondingly for ~2' (~l '~2 ,a), where ~l is the vector of parameters for and a is the mixing parameter. Denoting a random sample of size n from f (~I~ by X = (xl ,x Z ', •• ,~), the joint distribution of Xis (1.2) Box and Tiao (1968) have shown that expanding the product of sums in (1.2) results in a sum of 2n terms. Specifically, (1.3) f(xI8) where Pmk(N) = (Ilmk,I Zmk ) is a partition of the set of subscripts of!, i.e., of N = {l,2, ... ,n}, and hence equivalently a partition X. The set I lmk = Ulx i is assumed distributed as f l } and I Zmk = N\I lmk • The subscript m denotes the number of ~i allocated to f l by the partition Pmk(N), i.e. m is the number of elements in I lmk ; k indexes the (~) allocations of m Xi to fl' The range of the index k is 1,2, ..• ,(~), so strictly this index should be km or k(m) but for simplicity just k is used. We can write I I. I I I I I I I -3- f(XI~ (1.4) and hence by Bayes' Theorem (1.5) where f(Pmk(N) I!) = am(l_a)n-m and f(XIPmk(N),.Q) is given in the brackets of (1. 3) • -When the parameter -e is specified, the partition corresponding to the largest f(Pmk(N)lx,.Q) is the partition with largest likelihood (posterior probability). In reality ~ is seldom even partially specified. In this case, a Bayesian defini- Ie I I I I I I ,. (1.6) p (.Q) is the prior distribution on ~ with parameter space 8. The partition so defined has the largest marginal posterior probability; marginality is achieved by averaging the likelihood and prior over the parameter space. Such treatment of ~ qualifies it as a vector of "nuisance parameters" in the sense of Lindley (1965). The most probable partition is of interest~ inference concerning the parameters is desired. The optimal partition of the sample is denoted by Pm*k* (N) where this partition corresponds to I I n for m=O,1,2, ••• ,n and for each value of m,k=1,2, ••. ,~). The real problem of no I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I ,. I -4- finding the optimal partition is to locate efficiently the largest of these 2n tenus, (1.6). With a sample size of any consequence, a COWlt, much less a n calculation, of the 2 tenus (1.6) is prohibitive. Nevertheless, with same n models all 2 terms need not be examined to find Pm*k* (N). 2. Mixtures of Two Univariate Normals Consider a mixture of two univariate normals with variance ratio specified, i. e., (1.1) becomes (2.1) The means of the components are 111 and 112; the variances are 02 and h 202 , h'=:l, and a is the mixing parameter. The usual restrictions on these parameters are assumed. When h>l, the mixture is heterogeneous, but if h=l, (2.1) is a homogeneous mixture of two normals. The prior distribution assumed on the vector of unknown parameters, e = (l1 l ,112,02,a), is l I t 1 f(ai+az) p(Q) = [-27T-0-2-IY-'I"T""~ exp(- 202 (H.-m')N' (H.-m') )] [OT] [f(aiJf(ap a ai- l aZ-l (I-a) ]. (2.2) This is a bivariate normal prior distribution on the two means 11 = (11 1 ,11 2) given 02 with mean m' = (mi,m z) and covariance matrix 02y"', where ~' = cy,)-l. A lower case t denotes transpose. When the positive-definite symmetric matrix Y' is diagonal, 111 and 112 are independent with univariate nonua1 distributions conditional on 02. The marginal prior distribution of 02 is assumed "flat" on I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I I· I -5- the logarithm of dent of ~ and 0 2 0 2 • The mixing parameter is considered statistically indepen- Z in (2.2); a beta prior is assumed on a with ai and a both restricted to be positive. The choice of prior distributions has been amply discussed by Raiffa and Schlaifer (1961), chapter 3. It should be pointed out that in analyses concern- ing mixtures, it is not uncorrnnon to assume previous samples from the constituent components, see for example Anderson (1958), Dunsmore (1966), Geisser (1964), and Rao (1952). More than sample information is often assumed on the mixing parameter; a is typically assumed known, e.g., Anderson (1958) or Box and Tiao (1968). The computation of f(Pmk(N) ID is not difficult once f(~I~ in (1.3) is written out for (2.1) and combined with p(~ in (2.2). The required integrations for (1.6) are in Raiffa and Schlaifer (1961), chapter 12. f(P mk The result is (N) IX) = Kf(m+a')f(n-m+a')h-(n-m) Iv" I~(W" )-~(n-3), 1 2 =m mk (2.3) where K is composed of the constant factors from the prior distribution, constant factors from the likelihood and a normalization factor so that the f(Pmk(N) sum over m=O ,1,2, ... ,n and k=l, 2, ... ,(~) to unity. Ix) The term W'~k is given as (2.4) (xlmk 'x 2mk) and xlmk is the average of the viz., xlmk = ~ II.. xi' and similarly for x2mk . where ~ = observations allocated to f l , When m=O or n some caution is necessary; examining lmk f (~.I.~) for these two cases will indicate the appropriate forms. The matrix N* = N (N") ::m ::m::::m -1 N' N" = N +N' and ::m = :;:'::::m I -6- I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I I· I m N = :::ffi (2.5) o The matrix V" is the inverse of Nil. :::m :::ffi As a special case of the above, with h=l and a diagonal VI , we can deduce from the previous result a fonn for the homogeneous mixture with a prior distribution of n I (lJ -m ' ) 2 2 2 2 )] p(~) 2cr 2 (2.6) The fonn for this linportant special case is f(Pmk(N) IX) = J r (m+al' ) r (n-m+a 21 ) v'm+ni v'n-m+n Z 1 ( (U~kf'2 n- where J is composed of the constant factors and the tenn 3) (2.7) , U~ is given as (2.8) The prior covariance matrix is y"' 1 , with diagonal elements vi and the diagonal. 4 Since NI = (V I ) -1 we have n' = and n 1 = -;-. 2 v2 = = 1 vI V z and zeros off I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I ,. I -7- 3. Optimal Partition with Mixtures of Two Univariate Nonnals One can schematically rewrite (2.3) and (2.7) as follows: (3.1) where C is composed of those constant factors which do not depend upon m or k, the factor Nm depends only on m, and the factor Amk depends on m and k. The search for the optimal partition can now be viewed as a two stage operation. First, find the allocation of m of the xi to f l which maximizes Amk , i.e., find Pmk*(N) such that Amk* = max [Amk]' k (3.2) n for k=1,2, ••. ,~). Second, the optimal partition, Pm*k*(N), corresponds to Nm*Am*k*' where (3.3) for m=O,1,2, .•• ,n. values of It is a relatively easy task to examine all of the n+l ~Amk*. Hence, the problem lies in finding Amk*, the assignment of the m xi which maximizes Amk , for k=l, 2, ••• , ~) . The Amk factor for the heterogeneous mixture of two nonna1s (2.1) is (W'~) -~(n-3) where W'~ is given in (2.4). Minimizing W'~ is equivalent to maximizing (W'~) -~(n-3). By considering all the parameters in (2.1) as specified, it is not difficult to convince oneself that the optimal partition of the order statistics, x(1),x(2), •.• ,x(n)' where x(n) denotes the largest x., should be of the following form, 1 Pmk* (N) = ({i+1, ... ,i+m}, {I, ... ,i}U{i+m+l, ••. ,n}) (3.4) I. I. I I I I I I I -8- or Pmk* (N) = {{l, ... ,HUH+n-m+1, ... ,n}, {i+1, ... ,i+n-m}), (3.5) where i assumes values to allow in (3.4) any allocation of m consecutive xCi) to f 1 and in (3.5) any allocation n-m consecutive xCi) to fZ' When the parameters are unspecified one also expects a form like (3.4) or (3.5) to minimize The Appendix establishes that it is sufficient to examine the corresponding to the n partitions for each value of m=Z,3, ... ,n-Z. W~ W'~k value In addition the values for the two partitions corresponding to m=O and n and the Zn for the Zn partitions with m=l and n-1 also need to be inspected. W~. W'~k values Hence the optimal partition, Pm*k*(N), can be determined by computing a specific n 2 -n+Z Wnil< values corresponding to the like mnnber of "candidate" partitions. Granted this is a large number of partitions, but far fewer than Zn. When the mixture of two normals is homogeneous, Le., h=l, the search for the Ie optimal partition is considerably reduced. As would be expected the optimal parti- I I I I I I I I· I or largest m xCi) to the first component of the mixture of normals. tion for fixed values of m=1,Z, ..• ,n-1 corresponds to an assignment of the smallest It is therefore sufficient to examine Zn of the Zn partitions and their corresponding ~Amk values to determine Pm*k*(N). This result corresponding to the homogeneous mixture can be established by using the general tact taken in the Appendix. Using the ideas introduced there, one can show that for any partition composed of three or more "runs" an "exchange of allocation" exists which increases the value of Amk (h=l). One of two exchanges results in an increase in Amk , an exchange either at the third and second "interface" or at the second and first interface. The details of the proof are not included put they are less involved than those in the Appendix. It can also be shown without added complication that these same results for the homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture of normals hold if a 2 has a prior distribution I I. I I I "I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I· I -9- of the inverted gamma form, Raiffa and Schlaifer (1961). When the prior distribution on (~1'~2) tends toward a flat prior or "prior of ignorance", the limiting form of the W'nil< function for the heterogeneous mixture is interesting. The limiting form of Wrill<' as ni and n tend toward zero, has the limit Z (3.6) This is a "weighted" within-partition SlUIl of squares; the between-partition and prior sum of squares portion of W'nil< becomes insignificant in the limit (ni and nZ+O). In the homogeneous mixture (h=l), the corresponding limiting fonn is more familiar, viz., (3.7) This is the within partition sum of squares; the between partition and prior sum of squares is zero in the limit as ni and n Z tend to zero. Two connnents on these "limiting" forms are appropriate. The first is to note that in this limit the NmAmk terms are zero when m=O or n. to the fact that the limiting prior on (~1'~2) This is due is everywhere zero. As a con- sequence, the search for the optimal partition should be restricted so that l<m<n-l. In effect then the optimal partition is restricted to be a partition with at least one observation assigned to each of the constituent components of the mixture. I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I· I -10- The second comment is to point out that Fisher (1958) established that the optimal partition corresponding to (3.7) consists of at most two "runs". This same result has also been established by W. A. Ericson by other methods in an Appendix to Sonquist and Morgan (1964). 4. Application to Outliers with an Analysis of Darwin's Data Ferguson (1961) credited Dixon with providing model substance to the outlier problem. Dixon (1950) assumed. that the "good" observations are distributed normally with mean Jl and variance 0'2, Le., they are distributed N(Jl,cr 2 ) , and that the "outliers" are N(Jl+AO',O' 2 ) or N(Jl,A 2 O' 2 ) observations. That is, the maverick observation "slipped" by an amountAO' or were more variable by a factor A2 (;\>1); respectively. Stated another way, sampling is desired from a N(Jll,criJ population, but an occasional "outlier" might be observed from a N(Jl ,O' 2 population. The proportion of outliers is usually thought to be small. Z) Regardless of the amount of the mix of "outliers" with "good observations", a mixture of two normals is the appropriate model for data so generated. De Finetti (1961) wrote a general paper on the rejection of outliers. He was concerned with the effect of outliers on the posterior distribution of the parameter(s) of interest. Presented in the paper are some very specific points of a Bayesian position on the rejection of outliers: (1) There exist no observa- tions to be rejected; (2) The posterior distribution of the parameter(s) of interest is to be determined on the basis of all the observations taken; (3) The Bayesian method leads to an exact result where the influence of the outliers on the posterior distribution is weak or practically negligible. conclusion, Quoting from his I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I Ie I -11- " •.. This paper provides no conclusions in the form of formulae or direct and general application. Rather it purports to show that no conclusions of this nature are possible. The whole problem in fact depends on the particular form of the distribution of errors .•. " Box and Tiao (1968) wrote another Bayesian paper concerned with outliers and a mixture of two normals as the model. Each of the normal components had the same mean but the contaminating normal component had a larger variance. This is an example of a "particular form of the distribution of errors" as described by de Finetti. The emphasis of Box and Tiao was consistent with the attitude of de Finetti, i.e., they considered the effect of outliers on the posterior distribution of the cammon mean of their constituent normals. In this section the identification of the observation(s) which are "most likely" outliers is considered. That is, assuming a mixture of two distributions as the model, those observations in the optimal partition which are allocated to the contaminating component are dubbed as "outliers". With the mixture of two normals in (2.1), the optimal partition of a sample from such a mixture could be determined by the methods discussed in the third section. In the partition with largest posterior probability, those observations allocated to the contaminating component would be "most likely" the outliers. Implicit in this statement is a definition of the phrase, the ''most likely" outliers. A modified analysis of the example in the Box and Tiao paper is used as an illustration. Darwin conducted a very careful experiment to assess the dif- ference in height associated with cross-fertilizing and self-fertilizing plants. The resulting data were the differences in height of fifteen paired, cross-with self-fertilized plants. I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I· I -12- Table 1: Darwin's Data x(l) -67 x(6) 16 x(l1) 41 x(2) -48 x(7) 23 x(12) 49 x(3) 6 x(8) 24 x(13) 56 x(4) 8 x(9) 28 x(14) 60 xeS) 14 x(lO) 29 x(ls) 75 The units were in eighths of an inch; more details of this particular data set and the experimental design are given by Fisher (1960). As noted by Box and Tiao the two negative observations appear rather discrepant as compared with those remaining. Box and Tiao modeled these data as a mixture of normals with common mean, the contiminating normal having a five-fold larger standard deviation than that of the "good" component. .An alternative "slippage" model is proposed. In view of the fact that Darwin's data were the product of experiments carried out over eleven years, it seems quite possible that there could have been a simple mistaken interchange or erroneous recording of labels on two of the pairs. That is, a cross-fertilized seed or plant may have been paired with a self-fertilized one, but the labels were confused or interchanged. In effect then we are suggesting that the signs of x(l) and x(2) in Table 1 should be positive. Such an underlying error process would generate observations distri- buted as (4.1) I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I· I -13- where we are considering ~2 = -~1; 02 is the common variance and a is the probability that a paired difference is an outlier. The prior distribution assumed is given (2.6). negative of ~1 The idea that is reflected in the prior by taking m = -mi. Z ~2 may be the Table 2 exhibits some results for various prior parameter values. Table 2: Three ''Most Likely" Partitions with Various Prior Parameters Prior No. m'1 m'2 n'=n' 1 2 a'/(a'+a') 112 1 2 3 4 5 16.0 48.0 48.0 8.0 48.0 -16.0 -48.0 -48.0 -8.0 -48.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 9.5/10.0 9.5/10.0 9.5/10.0 9.5/10.0 1.0/2.0 2211. .. 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.909 1.000 2111. •• 1 1111. .• 1 0.195 0.086 0.079 0.269 0.040 0.524 0.111 0.083 1.000 0.016 The notation 2211 .•• 1 denotes the partition allocating x(l) and x(2) to the outlier component and x(3) through x(15) as "good data". Similarly for the partition 2111 •.. 1; 111 .•. 1 denotes the partition allocating all fifteen observations to the N(~1,02) component. The entries in the columns for each of the three partitions is the posterior probability of that partition, expressed as a fraction of the "most likely" partition. The overall impression of the table for various combinations of prior parameters identifies x(l) and x(2) as "most likely" the outliers. Notice that with the very weak prior in the fourth row the optimal partition is 1111 •.. 1, but the posterior probability of the partition 2211 .•• 1 is 90.9% of that for the "all good observations" partition. This prior assumes only one (ni=1.O) "good observation" at a one inch (mi=8.0 eights of an inch) increase in height of cross-fertilized over the self-fertilized plants. probably would not have been noticed by Darwin. SUch a slight difference Larger differences probably I I. II I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I· I -14- occurred in Darwin's experience to have motivated him to design such a careful experiment. It is an example of good design in Fisher's Design of Experiments. It should be emphasized that the model assumed for the data of Table 1 is given in (4.1). Notice that ~2 is not restricted to be information (mZ=-mp was used to reflect this feeling. covariance (viz) in the matrix~' -~l' but the prior By using a negative of the prior (Z.Z), this could be strengthened. iz The prior correlation between ~l and ~2 is pi2 = vi2/ lv v and the closer pi2 is taken to -1, the underlying thought that more strongly. = -~l will be represented ever Despite the subjective nature of these suggestions, the alterna- tive of assuming 5. ~Z ~2 = -~l is less appealing. A Multivariate Extension and Relation to Cluster Analysis Consider a mixture of two multivariate normal distributions of a p component random vector x, i.e., (5.1) where ~l and ~2 are p component mean vectors and the p by p variance-covariance matrices are specified within a common variance parameter parameters of (5.1) and corresponding to (2.6) with 0 2 ~l and 2 0 • ~2 The prior for the independent given is (5.2) The search for the optimal partition can be reduced to finding, for fixed m, the partition of a sample ~1'~2""'~ from (5.1) which minimizes I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I· I -15- (5.3) nmi - -1 - + +T (x ~ - lmk-mp m n (xlmk-m - 1')H, 1 If ~ t (n-m)n + n-m+' n z (x- Z -1 - 2mk-mi)!:!.., (~2mk-!!!.Z' ) t ~ = ~ = ~, the p by P identity matrix, and limiting vague priors are assumed on H.1 and 11Z (ni and n Z tending to zero), the minimization reduces to the multivariate analogue to (3.7), i.e., (5.4) As discussed with (3.7), the comparison of values of (5.3) is reasonable only for the values of m, l<m<n-l, Since the proof in the Appendix is dependent on a scalar ordering of the sample observations, other methods are necessary to limit the search for Pm*k*(N) with multivariate data. Notice that (5.4) is the objective function of the Edwards and Cava11iSforza (1965) approach to cluster analysis. That is, their method divides the n observations into two sets such that the sum of squares of distances between the two sets is maximal, or equivalently, minimizes the within partition sum of squares, (5.4). Their search is over Zn-1_ 1 partitions; at least one obser- vation is allocated to each set (Zn- Z) and no identity is associated with either set ((Zn- Z)/2). Ward (1963) considered hierarchical grouping on the basis of optimizing an objective function, but offered no comment on the selection of the objective function measuring homogeneity or similarity. Besides the "within sum of squares" criterion, other authors have proposed various criterion and based I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I •• I -16- a cluster analysis on such, e.g., Soka1 and Michener's "weighted mean pair" similarity criterion, (1958). A more recent description has been given by Soka1 and Sneath (1963). A comparison of clustering techniques is given by Gower (1967) with mathematical considerations being given primary emphasis. The remainder of the section will be spent offering a relation between cluster analysis and mixture models. Although cluster analysis is typically given a non-parametric context, Cox (1966) mentioned that mixtures and "internal classification" schemes are related. If the data can be modeled by a mixture of meaningful sub-populations, it seems quite natural to try to "estimate" which observations ''most likely" came from which constituent of the mixture. The optimal partition of the sample is a candidate for determining which observations ''most likely" came from which component. Finding the optimal partition for a sample from a specific mixture model (only two components here) was viewed as equivalent to optimizing an objective function, specifically, maximizing the marginal posterior probability of a partition of the sample. (Recall that the marginality was achieved by integrat- ing over the parameter space; no inference is desired of the parameters.) As presented in the third section this function, NmAmk , is composed of two gross factors. The Nm factor depends only on how many Xi are allocated to the "first" component. The Amk factor depends on which m of n Xi are allocated to the "first" component. The point must be made that the mixture model assumed should offer some information on the fonn of the function which is to be optimized. Of course, different mixtures are expected to be associated with correspondingly different measures of interset distance. As a conclusion, notice that if the mixture of two multivariate nonna1s in (5.1) with conunon variance-covariance matrices, 0- 2 1, model the data, the prior I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I I· I -17- information on 111 and H..2 is of the limiting vague fonn discussed earlier, and the Nm factor is ignored, then the optimal partition corresponds to minimizing the within partition sum of squares (5.4). Acknowledgements This work was supported primarily by funds from the National Institutes of Health administered by the Department of Biostatistics, The University of Michigan. I would like to express my appreciation for the guidance of Dr. William A. Ericson throughout the investigation. References Anderson, 1. W. (1958). Wiley, New York. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Box, G. E. P. and Tiao, G. C. (1968). A Bayesian approach to some outlier problems. Biometrika, ~:119-l29. Cox, G. R. (1966). Notes on the analysis of mixed frequency distributions. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 19:39-47. De Finetti, B. (1961). The Bayesian approach to rejection of outliers. proceediats of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Proba ility, 1:.:199-210. Dixon, W. J. (1950). Analysis of extreme values. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 21:488-506. Dunsmore, I. R. (1966). A Bayesian approach to classification. the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 28:568-577. Journal of Edwards, A. W. F. and Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1965). A method for cluster analysis. Biometrics, 21:362-375. Ferguson, T. S. (1961). On the rejection ot outliers. Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. 1:253-287. Fisher, R. A. (1960). Design of Experiments. (7th edition). Haefner, New York. I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I I· I -18- Fisher, W. D. (1958). On Grouping for maximum homogeneity. American Statisticsl Association, 53:789-798. Journal of the Geisser, S. (1964). Posterior odds for multivariate normal classifications. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 26:69-76. Gower,J. C. (1967). A comparison of some methods of cluster analysis. Biometrics, 23:623-637. Lindley, D. V. (1965). Introduction to Probabilit¥ and Statistics from a Bayesian Viewpoint, Part 2: Inference, Cambrldge University Press, New York. Raiffa, H. and Schlaifer, R. (1961). Applied Statistical Decision Theory. Harvard Business School, Boston. Rao, C. R. (1952). Advanced Statistical Methods in Biometric Research. Wiley, New York. Sokal, R. R. and Michener, C. D. (1958). A statistical method for evaluating systematic relationships. University of Kansas SCience Bulletin, 38: . 1409-1438. Sokal, R. R. and Sneath, P. H. (1963). Freeman, San Francisco. Principles of Numerical Taxonomy. Sonquist, J. A. and Morgan, J. N. (1964). The detection of interaction effects. Monograph No. 35: Survey Research Center. Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan. Symons, M. J. (1969). A Bayesian Test of Normality with a Mixture of Two Normals as the Alternative and Applications to 'Cluster' Analysis. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Michigan. Ward, J. H. (1963). Hierarchical grouping to optimize an objective function. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58:236-244. I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I· I -19- Appendix This appendix establishes that the optimal partition in a mixture of two univariate normals with specified variance ratio is of the form Pmk* (N) = Hi+1, •.. ,i+m}, {l, ... ,i}U{i+m+1, ... ,n}) (1.1) Pmk*(N) = ({l, ... ,i}U{i+n-m+l, ... ,n},{i+l, ... ,i+n-m}). (1.2) or The value of i is to allow any allocation of m consecutive order statistics to f l in (2.1) in (1.1) and any allocation of n-m consecutive order statistics to the second component in (1.2). Without loss of generality, h is taken as greater than or equal to one, i.e., the larger variance component is labeled as the second constituent of the mixture. maximizing As remarked in the third section, minimizing W'~k is equivalent to \lli:. There are some preliminary ideas to be discussed .. First a partition of the order statistics can be thought of as a sequence of n lIs and 2's indicating whether each xCi) is allocated to the first or second component of the mixture, e.g., with n=S and m=2, 21122 represents a partition denoting x(2) and x(3) are allocated to the first component and x(l)' x(4)' xeS) are allocated to the second. Defining a "run" as a sequence of consecutive lIs or 2's, the partition 21122 has three runs. An "exchange of allocation", or exchange, is to inter- I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I I· I -20- hence one can assume 2<m<n-2. This requires n to be greater than or equal to four. Before proceeding with the details, the idea behind the proof is sketched. Let nand m be fixed. 2112122. that W~ Consider any partition with four or more runs, e.g., It will be shown that there exists an exchange of allocation such has a distinctly smaller value when evaluated for the resulting partition than for the former partition with four or more runs. The resu1t- ing partition may also have four or more runs; if so, the exchange procedure is repeated. fewer runs. Eventually the process will lead to a partition with three or Hence, any partition with four or more runs is dominated by (has a larger W~ value than) some partition with three or fewer runs. No "infinite cycle" is possible since each exchange produces a positive decrease in W~ and there are only (~) possible partitions. crease in W~, To insure a positive de- the n order statistics are assumed distinct, i.e., x(1)<X(2)<"'<x(n)' Now (1.3) where (1.4) and I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I I· I -21- n'1 ~' ~') = -1 = 'n'1.2' . nb ( (1.5) 2 Algebraically, ~ can be written N* ::ill =1 a (a c b) d' (1. 6) with . (1. 7) (1.8) b = m(n-m)ni2' (1.9) and (1.10) Hence, W'nil< can be expanded as a [1 S2 + CT ~ lmk 2, S - iii m1 lmk + (m1') 2] + 1 m'Slmk - n-m 1 m'S 2mk d2b [1 m(n-m) SlmkS2mk - m 1 2 + ~ [(n-;) 2 S2mk - n~m mZS2mk + (m Z) 2] , where SSlmk = L xi ' I lmk and similarly for SS2mk and S2mk. Slmk = 2 Xi' I lmk + m1' m2'] (1.11) I I. I I I I I I I -22- Collecting and simplifying the coefficients of the various terms, the coefficient of -Slmk reduces to (1.12) The coefficient of -2S lmk becomes 2 2 B = -d1 [m'1 (n'1 (n-m+h . n') 2 - h (n'12)2) + m'2 (n-m)n'12 ] . Similarly, the coefficients of - ~ S~mk and - h~ SZmk are (1.14) and Ie I I I I I I I Ie I (1.13) (LIS) respectively. The coefficient of 2S lmkSZmk reduces to (1.16) The constant terms remaining are denoted by K, (1.17) Therefore (1.18) + 2ES lmkS2mk + K. I I. I I I I I I I Ie I I I I I I I I· I -23- Consider a partition with four or more runs. Let y denote an xCi) currently allocated to the first component normal but to be exchanged with an xCi) assigned to the other normal constituent. assumed to come from the second component. Let z denote this xCi) Define (1.19) (1.20) ss 2mkz = SS 2mk-Z2 (1. 21) and (1.22) As a function of y and z, (1.23) W~(z,y) = z2(1-A) - 2z(AS lmky+B-ES 2mkz ) (1. 24) + ~2 [y2(1-C) - 2y(CS2mkz+D-h2ES1mky) + 2Eyz + K'. Note that W~(y ,z) = W'~ and W'~k(z,y) = W~" where k' is the subscript of another partition for the same value m. If the difference, W'~(z,y) - W~(y,z), is greater than or equal to zero, then the exchange did not produce a partition with a smaller W~ value. A I -24- I. I I I I I I I negative difference means a "successful" exchange. can be written as (z-y) [(z+y)F+G] , (1.25) 1 F = I-A - E7 (I-C), (1. 26) where and G = -2(A+E)Slrnky + ~ (C+h 2 E)S2mky-2B + ~ D. there exists an exchange which makes (1. 25) negative. The set of all partitions with four or more runs can be divided into two disjoint and exhaustive classes. The first class is composed of all those partitions with four or more runs and the right most run is of 2's, e.g., 2212221112. I I I I I I I Note that m and n are assumed fixed, 2<m<n-2, I (1.27) It remains to be shown that for all partitions with four or more runs, I_ Ie Explicitly the difference The complementary cl~ss is all those with four or more runs and the right most run of l' s, e. g., 22l222112l. n~4. Consider the class of all partitions with the right most run (RMR) of 2's and having four or more runs. Let Zo denote the largest order statistic in the fourth RMR, zl the smallest order statistic in the third RMR, z2 the largest order statistic in.the third RMR, and z3 the smallest order statistic in the second RMR. The claim is that one of two exchanges results in a negative value of (1.25), i.e., a partition which dominates the original. are Zo with zl and z2 with z3. The two exchanges Since W'nil< is translation invariant, let zO=O, zl=Dl , z2=D l +D 2, and z3 = Dl +D 2+D3 · Now Dl and D3 are strictly positive since the order statistics are assumed distinct. It may be that D2=0, if so, then z2=zl' i.e., the third RMR has only one element. I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I· I -25- Let S10 = II xi-z O' (1.28) 1mk S13 = S10+ z0- z3 = SiO-D1 -D 2-D3 , S21 = II x i -z1 , 2mk (1.29) (1.30) and (I. 31) The first exchange identifies Zo with y and zl with z, hence S10 as Slmky and S21 as S2mkz in (I.25) and (1.27). Equation (1.25) becomes (1.32) The second exchange identifies z3 with y and z2 with z, hence S13 as Slmky and S22 as S2mkz in (1.25) and (1.27). Using (1.29) and (1.31), equation (1.25) becomes (I.33) Since D1 and D3 are positive, dividing (I.32) and (I.33) by them, respectively, does not alter the sign of the equation. The result is (1.34) and (1.35) SUppose (1.34) is greater than or equal to zero, i.e., the first exchange was not an improvement. Therefore, the first part of (I.35),-(D 1F+G), is I I. I I I I I I I -26- non-positive. The proof is complete if the second part of (1.35) is negative. The coefficients of D1+D3 and 2D 2 in the latter piece reduce to 1 C (1.36) 1 - .h2 + A + 2E + }iT and (1.37) Since D2 is greater than or equal to zero and 1-~ is nonnegative (h~l), the result is established if (1.36) is positive. Recall respectively. D1+D3 is positive since D1 and D3 are both positive. The coefficients of D1+D3 , (1.36), is positive if A+2E+C/h 2 is positive since 1-1/h 2 is non-negative. From (1.12), (1.14), and (1.16), A+2E+C/h 2 reduces to Ie I I I I I I I .e I (1.38) Using the facts that N' is a synnnetric, positive-definite matrix and one can verify that d, (1.10), is positive. h~l, " The result will be established if 2 + 2n'12>0 . h 2n'2 + n'/h 1 (1.39) Since N' is a synnnetric, positive-definite matrix, (1.40) Now (1. 41) therefore, expanding the left side of (1.41) and adding 4ninz to both sides of the inequality yields I I. I I I I I I I -27- h~(n')2 + 2 (n')2/h~ > 2n'n' + 1 2 1 - 4n'n' 1 2' or 2 (h 2n'2 + n'/h 1·· )2 -> 4n'n' 1 2' (1. 43) and hence (1. 44) from (1.40). The inequality in (1.39) is now established. The conclusion is that for all partitions with four or more runs and the right most run of 2's, there exists an exchange of allocation which results in a smaller value of ~~. To complete the proof, it must be shown that there exists an exchange which results in a smaller value of ~~ for the class of all partitions with Ie four or more runs and the right most run being of l's. I I I I I I I Ie third RMR or of the third and second RMR. I (1.42) In the previous case, the improving exchange was between the interface elements of the fourth and In this case either the exchange at the third and second interface or at the second and first interface will result in a negative value of (1. 25) . The proof is not given since it is literally identical to the above proof. The following result has been established. The partition which maximizes " ° (I . 3) f or m--2 , 3 , ... ,n- 2 lOS one Whl"ch has AInk -- (T1n' VYmk )-~(n-3) Wl°th lAn, VYmk glven ln all m xCi) 's allocated to the normal component (with mean ~l and variance cr 2) adjacent to one another, or is of the form (n-m) consecutive xCi) 's allocated to the normal component with mean ~2 and variance h 2cr 2. the optimal partition is of the form (1.1) or (1.2). loss in generality by asstulling arbitrary. h~l Stated another way, Note that there is no since the labelling of the components is It was elected to label the larger variance component as "2". I I. I I I I I I I I_ I I I I I I I e I I -28- Only n of the ~) partitions need be examined to find Amk*, (3.2). The optimal partition is found by searching the NmAmk* terms over O~<n as indicated in (3.3) • The basic approach in the proof of this appendix was suggested by Dr. W. A. Ericson, The University of Michigan.