FUNDAMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS AND BEHAVIOR OF R.C. BRIDGE PIERS SUBJECTED TO REVERSED CYCLIC LOADING Rizkalla, S.H.l, Saadat, F.2, Higai, T.3 ABSTRACT A total without web bridge piers extensive of reinforcements subjected yielding parameters sixteen of considered longitudinal were to tested to deflection the shear study the specimens behavior large typical to The ratio, applied of enough reinforcement. of Each specimen was concrete the span-to-depth frequency cycles of deflection reversals, reinforced reversals longitudinal included reinforcement, compressive stresses. large-scale cause different percentage load, and of axial subjected to a multiple of three in increments equal to the yield deflection until failure. Based nondimensional on parametric factor was studies introduced of to the describe of such members. The proposed characteristic the maximum ductility, capacities, modes of and failure the shear equivalent observed were stress, viscous experimental the results, fundamental factor was used energy damping behavior to evaluate absorption/dissipation coefficient. classified according to the The range proposed factor, and also to the maximum intensity of shear stresses. on the experimental results, an expression was a introduced to three of the Based predict the equivalent flexural stiffness in the post-yielding range. (1,2) Associate Professor, Graduate Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Student, University of Manitoba, (3) Associate Professor, University of Yamanashi, Takeda, Kofu, Japan. 2 Rizkalla et al. INTRODUCTION Bridge piers are commonly lightly reinforced in both longitudinal and transverse different Unlike directions. categories in terms of beams shear and columns, span-to-depth they fall ratio, as into related to the percentage of reinforcement and level of axial compressive stresses. The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of typical bridge piers when they are subjected to reversed cyclic deflections large enough to cause extensive yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement. tot~l A without web of sixteen reinforcement large-scale were tested. reinforced The specimens concrete were specimens representativp. of typical bridge piers in terms of material properties, section properties, and construction The details. different parameters considered in this program are the shear span-to-depth ratio (a/d), percentage of longitudinal reinforcement (p), frequency of the applied load, and level of axial compressive stresses (a). The experimental as given in Table effect of shear program was The objective 1. span-to-depth divided for ratio, into subseries aid, on three I-A was the mode major series, to examine the of failure and ductility. For these specimens, the percentage of longitudinal reinforcement was to maintain a varied monotonic load, vc ' reinforcement, v y . and constant the examined in Series II. III with axial compressive prototype. shear strength under shear stress at yielding of the longitudinal In subseries I-B, seven specimens were tested to examine the effect of the percentage was ratio between the o~ steel, p. Finally, force The effect of the load frequency two specimens were tested in Series to simulate the actual conditions of the 3 Rizkalla et a1. • TEST SPECIMENS The pier is relationship shown in between Figure The 1. a tested specimen and a dimensions and typical bridge reinforcement details of a typical specimen are also shown in the same figure. The effective depth, d, span-to-depth was aid, to varied allow for between 3.29 and 6.05. cover the typical end block the foundation used to in was of strength of of 30 MPa for to of shear such members, simulate typical fabrication variation ratio, The percentage of steel, p, was also selected range designed the the as given boundary in conditions reinforced concrete bridge piers. the specimens and was was ready-mixed designed from a Table for local 1. The provided All by concrete a nominal ultimate concrete mix plant. The reinforcement used consisted of hot deformed bar grade 300 MPa. For the was applied hydraulic two using jacks specimens an and in Series especially pin designed connection cantilever in the vertical plane, provided by Teflon strips was III, to the load allow axial compression frame for the as shown in Figure 2. attached at the end equipped of load with two of the rotation A bracing system the cantilever to minimize its lateral rotation. TESTING APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE The vertical reversing loads and deflections were an electric-servo closed loop MTS testing system. downward Py . The measured. (negative load) corresponding The specimen up to a deflection was applied using The specimen was loaded load equal to the calculated yield load, at unloaded the to location the of original the load, Oy' position and was then loaded upward (positive load) to a deflection equal to the yield deflection. The specimen was unloaded and the same procedure was repeated for two more Rizkalla et al. 4 cycles of deflection reversals, as shown in Figure 3. deflection was increased by capacity of the specimen was increments less of Oy After three cycles, the until the than the yield load, load-resisting indicating failure of the specimen. For Series II, cycle followed control mode. by a For the above procedures were used for the first half fully Series reversed sine wave loading under the deflection III, the axial load was applied and maintained constant by using a pressure regulator before the application of the yield load and the measurement of the yield deflection. The strains of the longitudinal steel were measured using electric resistance strain gauges. The average steel strain was also measured using LVDT's which were mounted on steel studs projecting from the reinforcement, as shown in Figure 4. longitudinal Using the same technique, the average diagonal and vertical strains were measured to determine the average shear strain. Loads and deflections at the end of the cantilever specimen were recorded continuously by an X-Y recorder. was observed using a magnifying lens, and sketches part of the Crack propagation were plotted as the cracks progressed. TEST RESULTS Material properties and the experimental results specimens are given in Table 2. for the sixteen Due to the nature of the applied reversed loading, the diagonal shear cracks intersected each other to form an x-shaped crack for most of the specimens. The load deflection hysteresis for a typical specimen, 1-4, is shown in Figure 5. response 5 Rizkalla et al. Ductility ~, The ductility factor, defined as the ratio between the maximum deflection before failure, 0u, and the deflection at yielding, Oy, for all decreases the specimens with the in Table increase of The 2. the results percentage indicated of that longitudinal is given ductility steel and It is also clear that the ductility the yield strength of the steel, pf y . is influenced by the shear span-to-depth ratio, aid, and the tensile strength of the concrete, f t , since all the specimens failed in shear(l). The parameters was relationship between examined using tested in Series I the ductility factor, the experimental data of this program. ll, for all and the above the specimens Based on a multiple linear regression analysis, the following relationship was obtained. 0) The mean and the standard deviation values were found to be 1.00 and 0.11, respectively. The tensile strength, f t , could be evaluated based on the measured concrete splitting strength, f sp ' or the ultimate compressive strength, f~, as follows(2): (2a) 0.6 fsp (2b) or The powers of the different variables included in the parametric relationship, Equation 1, suggest the possibility of using a nondimensional characteristic factor, K, to predict the ductility, where K (3) The relationship between the ductility factor, characteristic factor, K, ~, and the proposed for all the specimens in Series I of this program Rizkalla et al. 6 is shown in Figure 6. Based on a best fitting curve for the experimental data, the following relationship is proposed: 1 0.8-0.13 K Jl = The above (4) relationship is shown also in Figure 6 as a solid line. The mean and the coefficient of variance values were found to be 1.00 and 9%, respectively, of the clearly indicating a very high degree of predictive accuracy Specimens in Series II are also shown in the proposed expression. same figure. The proposed characteristic factor, relation K, ductility factor of 2. expression provides suggests which a minimum value corresponds to To exclude the flexural the maximum value for an of integer 2.3 for the value for the failure mode, K of 5.3, the proposed which corresponds to a ductility factor of 9. MODES OF FAILURE The appearance of the crack configuration failed to indicate a clear trend which could be used to classify the mode of failure for such members. The location of yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement was the only common observation which could be used to classify the different mechanisms. Using the proposed characteristic factor, K, it was possible to classify the modes of failure accordingly, as shown in Figure 6. on the range of yielding of of the the K-values, the longitudinal critical crack reinforcement pattern and could be the Based extent predicted. proposed classification of mode of failure can be summarized as follows: The Rizkalla et a1. Mode 7 Failure (1): is at the maximum moment of the longitudinal for specimen 1-7. Mode (2): of the is section, to a large caused by the reinforcement at this vertical relative movement localization of the yielding section, as shown in Figure 7 This mode is typical for K-values between 4.8 and 5.3. within mainly 8 and 9 a distance caused longitudinal Figures due This failure mode is characterized by yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement failure mainly d by widening reinforcement for from specimens the of within 1-1 and maximum moment the the x-shaped same 1-5, section. crack distance, respectively. or The buckling as shown in This mode is typical for K-values between 4 and 4.8. Mode (3): The failure is characterized by yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement within a distance 2d from the maximum moment section. is mainly due to the initiation and widening of a as shown in Figure 10 for specimen 1-4. Failure second diagonal crack, This mode is typical for K-values between 2.3 and 4. EFFECT OF LOAD FREQUENCY A total of four specimens were tested in Series II, with different frequencies, as given in Table 1. The crack patterns at failure for the different aid categories were approximately similar to those for the similar specimens tested frequency within have a However, under the negligible test static limited effect results loading ranges on suggest under higher frequencies. the condition. considered ductility possible in and changes The variations this the load program seemed maximum in in shear failure to stresses. criteria 8 Rizkalla et a1. EFFECT OF AXIAL LOAD Two and higher specimens, aid, ranges of of 0.98 MPa and tested presence axial shear that of resistance axial 3-1 in and representative subjected to this program. The stresses ductility compressive as were compressive and 3-3, of stresses an axial to no general conclusion can be made at the this indicated increase such members(3). It modes the compressive results appeared affected of both was of stress that the also the maximum observed fai lure. stage due to the lower However, limited ranges considered in this program. ENERGY ABSORBTION CAPACITY In Wa , the magnitude of the energy absorption capacity, provides a means to evaluate the response of a structure to the various loading on general, the histories. actual deflection By area definition, under increment. the The this energy could be load-deflection hysteresis relationship between the determined prior based to failure normalized energy absorption capacity with respect to the product of yield load and deflection, I " w, and the proposed characteristic factor, K, for all the specimens in Series I could be mathematically expressed as follows: I" = 1.82 e O . 86K (5) w The mean and coefficient of variance values for the above relationship are 1.02 and 14%, respectively. The work index, Iw, introduced by Gosian, et al. (4) can be expressed as: n Iw = ~ Pi pi i=l Py oy (6) 9 Rizka11a et a1. where Pi and 0i are the maximum applied load and deflection at the ith cycle, and n represents the number of cycles prior to the failure deflection Based increment. Iw and I " was w coefficient excellent on the examined experimental and found of variance values agreement between the of to results, be 7%, of the simplified work index, Iw, in lieu of I " w absorbed energy, Wa. factor solid K for line all obtained respectively, This indices. relationship The linear. 1.04 and two the to would between mean indicate an justify the the represent and use actual The relation between Iw and the proposed nondimensional the specimens represents the best in Series fitting I is curve shown to the in Figure 11. experimental The data, and can be mathematically expressed as follows: The mean K Iw = o. 4 1 and coefficient (7) - 0.07 K of variance of 1.01 and 9%, respectively, were obtained. To minimize the effect of the loading pattern used in this program, an average work index, Iw Iw The ave ,could be used as follows (5): (8) ave relationship between the ductility factor and the average work index for all the specimens tested in Series I without web reinforcement is shown in Figure 12. The solid line represents the best fitting curve to the experimental data, which can be mathematically expressed as follows: ~ The mean obtained. web = 1.72 IW and The ave coefficient comparison reinforcement and (9) - 0.72 the of variance of 1.00 and 5%, between the expression above proposed equation respectively, for piers by Arakawa(5) for were without columns Rizkalla et al. 10 with 0.3 percent proposed lower transverse relationship bound for reinforcement complements the family of is Arakawa's curves with also shown in Figure 12. The findings the by different introducing percentages of web reinforcement. ENERGY DISSIPATION CAPACITY In general, provides a measure reversed loads. the for By magnitude the of inelastic definition, this the energy performance energy could dissipation of a be capacity structure evaluated under based on the areas enclosed by the load-deformation hysteresis loops prior to failure deflection. NED, with The relationship respect to the between linearized and the ductility factor, ll, in Figure line 13. The solid the normalized applied energy for all the specimens represents the best energy of dissipation, the first in Series fitting I, cycle, is shown curve for the experimental data, which can be mathematically expressed as follows: (0) The and 9%, mean and respectively. the coefficient Thus, of variance are found to· be 1.01 for a given ductility, which can be predicted using Equation 4, the normalized energy dissipation can be determined. MAXIMUM SHEAR STRESS Based on the normalized with respect to the characteristic shown in Figure 14. measured to data, the maximum shear the concrete tensile strength, factor, K, for all the specimens stress, ft, in vu ' is and related Series I, as The solid line represents the best fitting curve for the experimental data, which can be expressed mathematically as follows: = 0.71 ( 11) 11 Rizkalla et al. The high predictive accuracy of this proposed expression is reflected by the values for the mean and the coefficient of variance of 0.99 and 2.5%, Specimens respectively. in Series Based on this relationship, web reinforcement, yield load be the to are also shown in the of 20% of shear the stresses corresponding modes of failure intensity of maximum shear were also stresses. K-value for each failure mode, stresses are established figure. for to the tensile strength of the concrete ensure reasonable performance under large deflection reversals The same it is recommended that for bridge piers without intensity limited II classified Using the same to (~=6). according specified to the ranges of the ranges of the intensity of maximum shear the three proposed modes, as shown in Figure 14. The maximum shear depends also on by work index, the the degree Iw. stress resistance, vu ' of a structural member of severity of the applied energy represented The relationship shear stress with respect to the between the normalized Vu tensile strength of concrete, f maximum ,and the t work index Figure 15. based on The solid the experimental line results of series representing the best I fitting is shown curve in to the experimental data can be expressed mathematically as follows: (12) = The and 6%, shear obtained respectively. stress of a mean Using provide energy absorption coefficient this pier without desired deformation capacity. to and of variance relationship it web reinforcement, For example, such that it is values possible vu ' for are 1.01 to evaluate any level of assume that a pier is required can withstand a deflection of five times the yield deflection with a deflection history as shown in Figure 12 Rizkalla et al. 3, and the load capacity should be always more corresponding work would translate tensile index in this case into strength of a maximum the concrete approximately equal to 45, which is shear The than the yield load. stress according of to approximately Equation 25% of (12). This the value could also represent the concrete contribution in resisting shear for pier structural members with web reinforcement. EQUIVALENT VISCOUS DAMPING COEFFICIENT The use the advantage may approximate small. The dissipation of of the equivalent viscous linearizing the other coefficient, capacity, WD' the forms ~eq' and equation of motion. damping if the of can the be expressed linear ~eq' damping coefficient, This coefficient dissipative in terms strain energy has energy of the stored at is energy maximum displacement, Ws ' as follows(6): (13) The equivalent characteristic factor, in Figure 5.3 can 16. be The K, viscous damping ultimate as related to the for all the specimens tested in Series I is shown relationship approximated at by for the a given following range of K between equation, which is 2.3 also and shown as the solid line in the same figure: ~eq = 0.12 3/K (14) The accumulated equivalent viscous damping coefficient at different deflection in Figure increments 17. It is for all clear the that specimens tested the histories in of all Series I is shown these specimens can be represented by a single curve independent of their fundamental variables, as shown by the solid line. Using linear regression relationship can be expressed mathematically as follows: analysis, the Rizkalla et a1. 13 o• 2 2 Seq = in which viscous line 0 is the damping deflection the concrete loading conditions. The (15) coefficient represents reinforced 0.15 y - 6/o difference in is which In sought. relationship columns at with the proposed web the by accumulated same figure, Gulkan, et reinforcement under equivalent the al. high dotted (7) for frequency It is evident that both curves follow the same trend. the response the reinforcement and above curves be very useful of the be The prediction of the history of the equivalent viscous damping to influence may frequency. deemed of web to to is effect according attributed coefficient the limit load in an iterative dynamic analysis of the response to any input excitation. EQUIVALENT FLEXURAL STIFFNESS The change of the overall flexural stiffness could be attributed to cracking of concrete, longitudinal steel(7). local reinforcement, For deflection and spalling of the concrete, reduction of modulus of elasticity of the calculation at service flexural stiffness, EI, could be predicted using inertia, Ieff' the concrete and by the ACI code(B). proved to be slippage of the modulus of load the conditions, effective moment elasticity, Ec ' as the of proposed The comparison between the computed and measured values in good agreement up to 70% of the yield load(9). However, athigher load levels the scatter appears and increases as the load approaches the ultimate load under monotonic loading condition. Under deflection reversals large enough to cause extensive yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement, extensive cracking of the concrete occurs both at the top and the bottom surfaces of the beam, leading to a substantial reduction in variation of the stiffness. the applied load. The stiffness However, the changes continuously with slope of the secant the line at 14 Rizkalla et al. any point on equivalent ~, load-deflection flexural stiffness, curve EI, at could that be used level. The to represent stiffness the ratios, between the equivalent flexural stiffness, EI, and the effective flexural stiffness, I the EcIeff' were calculated for all in this program. the relationship the specimens tested in Series Based on the multiple regression analysis of the data, between the stiffness ~, ratio, o/oy, aid and was established as shown in Figure 18 by the solid line, which can be expressed mathematically in the following form (3): The mean and coefficient of variance of 0.99 and 12.9%, respectively, were Using obtained. EI, the above equation the equivalent flexural stiffness, for a given reinforced concrete bridge pier at any desired deflection level, 0, in the post-yielding range could be evaluated. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The following observations and conclusions are based on the experimental program discussed in this study: 1. The fundamental using a behavior proposed of bridge nondimensional piers can be characteristic fully described factor, K, as follows: K 2. The proposed factor, K, was used to derive expressions which could evaluate and the energy ductility, maximum shear absorption capacities stress, and the energy dissipation ultimate equivalent viscous damping coefficient of such members. 3. Using the classify proposed the characteristic failure mechanisms factor, into K, three it was possible different to distinct 15 Rizkalla et al. modes of to a This failure. classification was rational categorization of these accomplished parallel failure modes based on the maximum intensity of the applied shear stresses. 4. The load frequency within the limited range of this program is considered to have an insignificant effect on the mode of failure, maximum would shear suggest stress, and possible However, ductility. changes in failure the criteria test under results higher frequencies. 5. The results of the two specimens tested in the presence of the axial compressive load indicated that the axial compressive stresses affect the mode of failure and increase the maximum shear stress capacity and ductility. 6. For the given loading history a relationship between the ductility factor and the average work index, for the prediction of the Iw , was deve loped to allow ave deformation capacity of such members subjected to various degrees of severity of the applied load. 7. Expressions viscous were damping proposed for coefficient and the prediction the equivalent of the equivalent flexural stiffness of such members in the post-yielding range. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was carried out in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Manitoba with financial assistance Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. NOTATION a aid shear span = shear span-to-depth ratio from the Natural Rizka11a et a1. 16 d = effective depth of the section EI = equivalent flexural stiffness concrete modulus of elasticity concrete tensile strength fsp = yield strength of steel = concrete splitting strength f' concrete compressive strength I moment of inertia of the cross-section c = effective moment of inertia work index I wave = average work index K = nondimensiona1 characteristic factor n = number of cycles prior to failure deflection increment NED = normalized p = percentage of longitudinal reinforcement p energy dissipation capacity load Pi = maximum Py = load in the ith cycle calculated yield load = calculated shear strength under monotonic load maximum shear stress shear stress corresponding to yielding of longitudinal reinforcement at maximum moment section energy absorption capacity energy dissipation capacity = strain energy stored at maximum deflection 6 = deflection = measured yield deflection = maximum deflection prior to failure 17 Rizkalla et a1. ~ = ductility factor ~ = stiffness ratio o = axial compressive stresses ~eq equivalent viscous damping coefficient REFERENCES 1. 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No. bxd (mm) Longitudinal Reinforcement p% aid Py (KN) Vc (MPa) Vy (MPa) Vc Vy Frequency of Loading (HZ) Axial Compression Stress (MPa) III I-' I-' III Cb rt I-A 1-1 500x350 3-20 M 0.51 3.29 83.9 0.80 0.48 1.67 1-2 500x230 3-20 M 0.96 5.0 65.8 0.96 0.57 1.68 " " " " 0.0004 None III I-' 1-15 M 1-3 500x190 4-20 M 1. 26 6.05 57.8 1.06 0.61 1. 74 1-4 500x190 6-20 M 1.89 6.05 83.70 1. 27 0.88 1.44 1-5 " 3-20 M 0.95 " 43.80 1.02 0.46 2.22 " " 1-6 " 5-20 M 1.58 " 70.80 1.12 0.75 1.49 " 1-7 500x350 2-20 M 0.40 3.29 66.10 0.74 0.38 1.95 " " " 0.46 " 74.80 0.77 0.43 1. 79 " " I-B 0.0004 None 1-10 M 1-8 " 2-20 M 1-15 M II III 1-9 " 5-20 M 0.B6 " 140.70 0.99 0.80 1. 24 11 11 1-10 500x280 3-20 M 0.64 4.11 68.0 0.89 0.49 1.82 " " 2-1 500x350 3-20 M 0.51 3.29 83.8 0.77 0.48 1.60 0.01 None 2-2 " " " " " " 0.77 0.2 " 0.78 " " 1.60 2-3 " " 1.60 0.05 " 2-5 500x190 4-20 M 1. 26 6.05 58.8 1.10 0.62 1.77 0.1 " 3-1 500x350 3-20 M 0.51 3.29 10B.70 0.B4 0.62 1. 35 0.0004 3-3 500x190 4-20 M 1. 26 6.05 64.76 1.18 0.68 1. 74 " " " 0.98 0.98 ...... '" TABLE 2. Test Results J;d ~. N Series Spec. No. f' c (MPa) fy (MPa) ft (MPa) 0 K (~) Pmax (KN) Vu (MPa) Vu Vy Failure Cycle Yielding Location II NED ;0;III ~ ~ III I-A I-B II III 1-1 37 343 2.34 4.33 3.77 -103.76 0.59 1.23 -6oy/1 1d 4 37.43 1-2 35 341 2.10 3.19 6.70 - 73.43 0.64 1.12 -50y/l LSd 3 22.37 1-3 36 343 2.28 3.17 8.56 68.29 0.72 1.18 +4oy/1 1d 3 20.64 1-4 40 341 2.58 2.4 8.40 88.64 0.93 1.06 +4oy/1 2d 2 7.57 1-5 42 341 2.40 4.54 6.90 - 52.52 0.55 1.20 -6oy/2 2d 5 69.72 1-6 ~3 342 2.04 2.28 8.50 75.34 0.80 1.07 +4oy/l 2d 2 8.28 1-7 38 342 2.16 5.14 2.66 - 79.15 0.45 1.18 -8oy/2 7 114.89 1-8 38 343 2.52 5.24 2.77 - 92.15 0.53 1. 23 -90y/3 8 151.11 1-9 41 343 2.52 2.82 4.68 145.55 0.83 1.04 +4oy/1 1d 2 7.4 1-10 41 343 2.64 4.88 4.21 - 78.83 0.57 1.16 -8oy/1 ld 6 97.39 2-1 34 343 2.00 3.76 3.74 - 99.5 0.59 1.23 -4oy/2 1d 3 18.28 2-2 34 343 2.00 3.76 3.80 -107.5 0.61 1. 27 -50y/2 1d 4 39.42 2-3 35 341 2.04 3.86 3.33 -101.5 0.58 1.21 -6oy/1 1d 4 39.52 2-5 40 350 2.23 3.06 6.54 - 74.0 0.78 1.26 -6oy/2 2d 5 59.8 3-1 36 342 2.04 3.85 3.55 +122.12 0.70 1.13 +6oy/2 1d 5 46.88 3-3 41 342 2.52 3.54 8.14 - 73.62 0.77 1.13 -50y/2 2d 4 32.48 CD M' III ~ N o 21. Typical Bridge Pier Foundation Anchorage System AppHed ~ It , - I. Axial Load I 700 ~ I I Al C-TOP Reinforcement 1150 Applied Deflection 1I1:~Il-~UI-!.1~=:±====~i;t~ IU : I DI 11- b- 500 •.! 3~ ~f· • • ~ r. ~.;,~5~ 1 ••• :gT Sec. A-A 100 Fig. 1. Relationship Between a Typical Specimen and Bridge PierS. Fig. 2. Test Set-Up with the Presence of Axial Load. "'0 22. z o - t- 68y (,) 48 y - UJ ....J u. 28y o 0 I -6a y - ~AAA~ tZ -2ay Y~l~VV 123 oQ.. -48Y UJ o g ....J I o 3 1 6 1 9 I I 12 15 CYCLE NUMBER Fig. 3. Load Pattern Fig. 4. Instrumentation for Average Steel Strain. 10.0 9.0 MEAN-I.OO STD. -0.09 ~ 8.0 - C.0.V.-9% e SERIES I I!J SERIES II ~ 7.0 tU ~ 6.0 >. 100 SPE~N Ij 1-4 '83.11KNI II, '8.4 ("''''' JCIII.!I-6,1983 ~ P,+~'7 t- a <I o 0.8-0.13K I ::l 5.0 ...I I I tU :::> 40 -40 -41y I L _ -I r I o 4.0 I 41, DEFLECTION (mm) . 3.0 ~I , iii~ I :f I ~ , 0 :f ~ ~ )( 1&1 -J ~ J:\Jt\lLl 2.0 1.0 N 2.02.3 3.0 4.0 4.75 5.3 6.0 CHARACTERISTIC FACTOR (K) Fig. 5. Typical Load-Deflection Hysteresis. Fig. 6. Relationship Between Ductility and the Characteristic Factor, K. N W 24. Fig. 7. Final Crack Pattern for Specimen 1-7, 90y/3. Fig. 8. Final Crack Pattern for Specimen 1-1, 6 Oy/l. 25. Fig. 9. Final Crack Pattern for Specimen 1-5, 7 Oy/1. Fig. 10. Final Crack Pattern for Specimen 1-4, 4 Oy/1. 140 120 . ~ ~ x w 8 r 100 80~ K lw : 0.41- 0.07K z ~ GOr MEAN -1.01 STD. :0.09 C. O. V.=B.9 % 0::: 0 3: - 7' 0::: 0 I-- 0 8 6 ~ 1'",.8'(1_1ve • • 5 ~=0.3% - :i.. 0 (,) (Arakawa, et. 01.) Lt >- 4 I-- 40 ..J 3 I-(,) ::::> 20 0 UM Specimens Arakawa,et. 01. 2 ~ p.=1.72 Iw 1/ ave -0.72 ~ =0 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 CHARACTERISTIC FACTOR (K) Fig. 11. Relationship Between Work Index and the Characteristic Factor, K. 0 I 2 3 5 4 AVERAGE WORK INDEX CI w ave 6 ) Fig. 12. Relationship Between Ductility and Average Work Index, Iw ave ' N '" >=-J-V) V) 0.40 UJ ex: a SERIES I t; ~ 160 6 140r ~ a.: 120 0 (f) (f) a ><.!) NED =1.8 (fL)2.19 N C.0.V.-2.~ c:t ~ 0.2~~ o ~ 0.25 80 -I ~ p----r 0.~07 J ex: 40 ~MOOE(2) 0.224 ~ 60 ~ _.QJ.L ft Ko.74 ~MOO£(3) X 100 % e ~ 0.30 a w STD. -0.02 :I MEAN =1.01 STD. =0.09 C.O. V. =9.3 % 0::: w z w 0.35 ~ fJ') w z z t:J SERIES 11 MEAN-0.99 0.20 ;1 MODE (I) =~ ~ ~-=--- a ,.,_. ----~ ..J ~ :E 0::: FLEXURAL 20 0 Z 0 O. 15 I 2 :; 4 5 6 7 8 DUCTILITY FACTOR {fL} Fig. 13. Relationship Between Normalized Energy Dissipation and Ductility. 9 IL--_....I-_--'-_........L_ _.L.-_.....L-_---'-_--JL...-_""--_--' 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 CHARACTERISTIC FACTOR K Fig. 14. Relationship Between Normalized Shear Resistance and the Characteristic Factor, K. N "'../ -- ..-- "- 0.40 r\0 0.24 ::J 0.22 > ......... Cf) Cf) W CT wQ1 0.35 ....z ~ Cf) u ii: l&. 0.16 0 0.30 () Vu 0.6 (!) ft (Iw)O.23 ::E -: ~ 0. 14 l MEAN-1.01 a STD.-O.Og c.o.v.-g.l% Z 0:: 0.12 CS ::> (J) MEAN =1.01 STD. =0.06 C.O.V.=5.6% 0.25 <t: ~ ...J 0.18 W I 0 W N 0.20 w Cf) -X~ a ..... a::: a::: <t: w a ~ ::> 0 0.10 () (J) :> 0.08 IZ W ..J 0 ~ 5 0.20 0 w <! ~ a::: 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Z 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 CHARACTERISTIC FACTOR (K) WORK INDEX (IW) Fig. 15. Relationship Between Normalized Shear Resistance and Work Index, Iw' Fig. 16. Relationship Between Equivalent Viscous Damping Coefficient and the Characteristic Factor, K. N 00 - CT ~ 0.25 eeq:0.22- Z ~ 0.20 MEAN :0.99 STD. :0.11 C.O.V.o:ll% t- !:!:! ~;~y 0.20 @ o 0 0.15 <:> a:: :?! « ./ -- .... .................. ---- -- 4>-0.17 (: )0.18 ~ / () en //~e o~ -&-1 0.05 I (GULKAN, ET AL.) I ~ 3 0.05 ----- DYNAMIC I ...J C.O.V-12.9% 0.10 - - STATIC I LLJ STD. -0.13 IX) eq =(I+IO (1-1/./8'1"8») 150 1 1 § (~)o.a5 MEAN -0.99 ... '" 0.10 0 > tz ..... ./ ./ 0 en 0.15 <:> () z <:> <:> L.L. L.L. LLJ C> <:> <:> c:> I ~ ~ 0 LLJ o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DISPLACEMENT DUCTILITY RATIO 9 (S/S y ) Fig. 17. Variations of Equivalent Viscous Damping Coefficient with Displacement Ductility Ratio c/cy. 10 o 2 3 4 5 9 678 DISPLACEMENT DUCTILITY RATIO (8/8 y ) Fig. 18. Relationship Between Stiffness Ratio, Displacement Ductility Ratio, o/Oy' ~ , and N \0