W E B A P P E N D I X CHAPTER 1A A Review of Statistics and the Security Market Line Although many of these concepts will be familiar to you from earlier statistics or introductory corporate finance courses, a quick review of this appendix will be helpful as you work your way through the remainder of the chapters.The first section reviews variance and standard deviation, section two deals with covariance, and the last section reviews some of the security market line fundamentals. 1.1 COMPUTING VARIANCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION Variance and standard deviation are measures of how actual values differ from the expected values (arithmetic mean) for a given series of values. In this case, we want to measure how rates of return differ from the arithmetic mean value of a series. There are other measures of dispersion, but variance and standard deviation are the best known because they are used in statistics and probability theory.Variance is defined as: n Variance (S2 ) ⴝ a (Probability ) (Possible Return ⴚ Expected Return ) 2 iⴝ1 n ⴝ a (Pi )[Ri ⴚ E (Ri )] 2 iⴝ1 Consider the following example, as discussed in Chapter 1: Probability of Possible Return (Pi) Possible Return (Ri) Pi Ri 0.15 0.15 0.70 0.20 ⫺0.20 0.10 0.03 ⫺0.03 0.07 ⌺ = 0.07 This gives an expected return [E(Ri)] of 7%. The dispersion of this distribution as measured by variance is: NEL Probability (Pi) Return (Ri) Ri ⴚ E(Ri) [Ri ⴚ E(Ri)]2 Pi[Ri ⴚ E(Ri)]2 0.15 0.15 0.70 0.20 ⫺0.20 0.10 0.13 ⫺0.27 0.03 0.0169 0.0729 0.0009 0.002535 0.010935 0.000630 ⌺ = 0.014100 WEB APPENDIX 1A 1 2 WEB APPENDIX 1A The variance ( 2) is equal to 0.0141.The standard deviation is equal to the square root of the variance: n Standard Deviation (S2 ) ⴝ Da iⴝ1 Pi[Ri ⴚ E (Ri )] 2 Consequently, the standard deviation for the preceding example would be: Si ⴝ 10.0141 ⴝ 0.11874, or 11.874% Therefore, you could describe this distribution as having an expected value of 7% and a standard deviation of 11.87%. In many instances, you might want to calculate the variance or standard deviation for a historical series in order to evaluate an investment’s performance.Assume that you are given the following information on annual rates of return (HPY) for common stocks listed on the TSX: Year Annual Rate of Return 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0.07 0.11 ⫺0.04 0.12 0.06 In this case, we are evaluating actual returns; therefore, we assume equal probabilities.The expected value (in this case the mean value, R) of the series is the sum of the individual observations in the series divided by the number of observations, or 0.04 (0.20/5).The variances and standard deviations are: Year Ri Ri ⴚ R (Ri ⴚ R)2 2010 2011 2012 0.07 0.11 ⫺0.04 0.03 0.07 ⫺0.08 0.0009 0.0049 0.0064 2013 2014 0.12 ⫺0.06 0.08 ⫺0.10 0.0064 0.0110 ⌺ ⫽ 0.0286 2 ⫽ 0.0286/5 ⫽ 0.00572 ⫽ 10.00572 ⫽ 0.0756 We can interpret the performance of TSX common stocks during this period of time by saying that the average return was 4% and the standard deviation of annual returns was 7.56%. 1.1.1 Coefficient of Variation In some instances, you might want to compare the dispersion of two different series.The variance and standard deviation are absolute measures of dispersion, which means they can be influenced by the magnitude of the original numbers.To compare series with greatly different values, you need a relative measure of dispersion.The coefficient of variation is a measure of relative dispersion: Coefficient of Variation (CV) ⴝ Standard Deviation of Returns Expected Rate of Return NEL WEB APPENDIX 1A 3 A larger value indicates greater dispersion relative to the arithmetic mean of the series. For the previous example, the CV would be: CV1 ⴝ 0.0756 ⴝ 1.89 0.0400 It is possible to compare this value to a similar figure having a markedly different distribution. For example, assume you wanted to compare this investment to another investment that had an average return of 10% and a standard deviation of 9%. The standard deviations alone tell you that the second series has greater dispersion (9% versus 7.56%) and might be considered to have higher risk. In fact, the relative dispersion for this second investment is much less. CV1 ⴝ 0.0756 ⴝ 1.89 0.0400 CV2 ⴝ 0.0900 ⴝ 0.90 0.1000 Considering the relative dispersion and the total distribution, most investors would probably prefer the second investment. 1.2 COVARIANCE Because most students have been exposed to the concepts of covariance and correlation, the following discussion is set forth in intuitive terms with examples. A detailed, rigorous treatment is contained in DeFusco, McLeavey, Pinto, and Runkle (2004). Covariance is an absolute measure of the extent to which two sets of numbers move together over time, that is, how often they move up or down together. In this regard, move together means they are generally above their means or below their means at the same time. Covariance between i and j is defined as COVij ⴝ a (i ⴚ i ) (j ⴚ j ) n If we define (i ⫺ i ) as i⬘ and ( j ⫺ j ) as j⬘, then aij œ œ COVij ⴝ n If both numbers are consistently above or below their individual means at the same time, their products will be positive, and the average will be a large positive value. However, if the i value is below its mean when the j value is above its mean or vice versa, their products will be large negative values, giving negative covariance. NEL 4 WEB APPENDIX 1A Calculation of Covariance Exhibit 1A.1 Observation i j i ⴚ i j ⴚ j i⬘j⬘ 1 3 8 ⫺4 ⫺4 16 2 6 10 ⫺1 ⫺2 2 3 8 14 ⫹1 ⫹2 2 4 5 12 ⫺2 0 0 5 9 13 ⫹2 ⫹1 2 6 11 15 ⫹4 ⫹3 12 ⌺ 42 72 7 12 Mean COVij ⫽ 34 34 ⫽ ⫹5.67 6 Exhibit 1A.1 should make this clear. In this example, the two series generally moved together, so they showed positive covariance. As noted, this is an absolute measure of their relationship and, therefore, can range from ⫹⬁ to ⫺⬁. Note that the covariance of a variable with itself is its variance. 1.2.1 Correlation To obtain a relative measure of a given relationship, we use the correlation coefficient (rij), which is a measure of the relationship: COVij rij ⴝ SiSj Recall earlier that standard deviation was: 2 a (i ⴚ i ) Si ⴝ T N If the two series move completely together, then the covariance would equal ij and COVij SiSj ⴝ 1.0 NEL WEB APPENDIX 1A 5 The correlation coefficient would equal unity in this case, and we would say the two series are perfectly correlated. Because we know that COVij rij ⴝ SiSj we also know that COVij = rij ij.This relationship may be useful when computing the standard deviation of a portfolio, because in many instances the relationship between two securities is stated in terms of the correlation coefficient rather than the covariance. Continuing with the example from Exhibit 1A.1, the standard deviations are computed in Exhibit 1A.2, as is the correlation between i and j. As shown, the two standard deviations are rather large and similar but not exactly the same. Finally, when the positive covariance is normalized by the product of the two standard deviations, the results indicate a correlation coefficient of 0.898, which is obviously quite large and close to 1.00. This implies that these two series are highly related. Exhibit 1A.2 Calculation of Correlation Coefficient Observation i ⴚ i 1 2 a ( i ⴚ i ) 2 j ⴚ j ( j ⴚ j )2 ⫺4 16 ⫺4 16 ⫺1 1 ⫺2 4 3 ⫹4 1 ⫹2 4 4 ⫺2 4 0 0 5 ⫹2 4 ⫹1 1 6 ⫹4 16 ⫹3 9 a 42 s 2j ⫽ 42/6 ⫽ 7.00 s 2j ⫽ 34/6 ⫽ 5.67 s j ⫽ 17.00 ⫽ 2.65 rij ⫽ COVij/si sj ⫽ 1.3 34 sj ⫽ 15.67 ⫽ 2.38 5.67 5.67 ⫽ ⫽ 0.898 12.652 12.382 6.31 SECURITY MARKET LINE The security market line (SML) reflects the combination of risk and return available on various investments. Investors would select investments that are consistent with their risk preferences; some would consider only low-risk investments, whereas others welcome high-risk investments. Exhibit 1A.3 graphs the expected relationship between risk and return. As noted in Chapter 1, beginning with an initial SML, three changes can occur. First, changes in the perceived risk of individual investments can result in changed positions on the SML. Second, if investor attitudes toward risk change, so will the slope of the SML. Lastly, the SML can experience a parallel shift due to a change in the real risk-free rate (RRFR) or the expected rate of inflation—that is, a change in the nominal risk-free rate (NRFR).These three possibilities are discussed below. 1.3.1 Movements along the SML Investors place investment alternatives somewhere along the SML based on their perceptions of the risk of the investment. Obviously, if an investment’s risk changes due to a change in one of its risk NEL 6 WEB APPENDIX 1A Exhibit 1A.3 Relationship between Risk and Return Expected Return Low Risk Average Risk Security Market Line (SML) High Risk The slope indicates the required return per unit of risk NRFR Risk (business risk, etc., or systematic risk) Exhibit 1A.4 Changes in the Required Return Due to Movements along the SML Expected Return SML NRFR Movements along the curve that reflect changes in the risk of the asset Risk sources (e.g., business risk), it will move along the SML. For example, if a firm increases its financial risk by issuing debt, investors will perceive its common stock as riskier and the stock will move up the SML to a higher risk position. Investors will then require a higher return. Any change in an asset that affects its fundamental risk factors or its market risk (i.e., its beta) will cause the asset to move along the SML, as shown in Exhibit 1A.4. Note that the SML does not change, only the position of specific assets on the SML. 1.3.2 Changes in the Slope of the SML The slope of the SML indicates the return per unit of risk required by all investors.Assuming a straight line, it is possible to select any point on the SML and compute a risk premium (RP) for an asset through the equation: 1A.1 RPi ⴝ E (Ri ) ⴚ NRFR NEL WEB APPENDIX 1A 7 where: RPi ⫽ risk premium for asset i E(Ri) ⫽ the expected return for asset i NRFR ⫽ the nominal return on a risk-free asset If a point on the SML is identified as the portfolio that contains all the risky assets in the market (referred to as the market portfolio), it is possible to compute a market RP as follows: RPm ⴝ E (Rm ) ⴚ NRFR 1A.2 where: RPm ⫽ the risk premium on the market portfolio E(Rm) ⫽ the expected return on the market portfolio NRFR ⫽ the nominal return on a risk-free asset This market RP is not constant because the slope of the SML changes over time. Although we do not understand completely what causes these changes in the slope, we do know that there are changes in the yield differences between assets with different levels of risk even though the inherent risk differences are relatively constant. These differences in yields, or yield spreads, change over time. For example, if the yield on a portfolio of AA-rated bonds is 7.50% and the yield on a portfolio of BBB-rated bonds is 9.00%, the yield spread is 1.50%.This 1.50% is referred to as a credit risk premium because the BBB-rated bond is considered to have higher credit risk or a higher probability of default.We can see substantial changes in the yield spreads on AA-rated bonds and BBB-rated bonds in Exhibit 1A.5. Yield Spreads on Canadian Corporate Bonds Exhibit 1A.5 Basis points 500 500 450 AA A BBB Investment-grade Index 400 350 450 400 350 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 1989–96: Scotia Capital corporate bond yields minus mid-term GoC yields 1997–2008: Merrill Lynch option-adjusted spreads 1989–91: monthly averages; 1992–2008: end-of-month values Sources: Bank of Canada, Financial System Review, June 2008, http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/fsr/2008/fsr_0608.pdf (Chart 4, page 12). Reprinted by permission. NEL 8 WEB APPENDIX 1A Although the underlying risk factors for the portfolio of bonds in the AA-rated and the BBB-rated bond indices would probably not change dramatically over time, it is clear from the time-series plot in Exhibit 1A.5 that the difference in yield spreads has experienced changes of more than 100 basis points (1%) in a short period of time (e.g., see the yield spread increase between 1992 and 1993 and the dramatic declines in 2006). Such a significant change in the yield spread during a period where there is no major variation in the fundamental risk characteristics of BBB bonds relative to AA bonds would imply a change in the market RP. Specifically, although the intrinsic financial risk characteristics of the bonds remain relatively constant, investors have changed the yield spreads they demand to accept this relatively constant difference in financial risk. This change in the RP implies a change in the slope of the SML, as presented in Exhibit 1A.6.The exhibit assumes an increase in the market risk premium, which means an increase in the slope of the market line. Such a change will affect the required return for all risky assets. Irrespective of where an investment was on the original SML, its required return will increase, although its individual risk characteristics remain unchanged. Change in Market Risk Premium Exhibit 1A.6 Expected Return New SML Original SML Rm′ • Rm • NRFR • Risk 1.3.3 Changes in Capital Market Conditions or Expected Inflation Exhibit 1A.7 shows what happens to the SML when there are changes in one of the following factors: (1) expected real growth in the economy, (2) capital market conditions, or (3) the expected rate of inflation. For example, an increase in expected real growth, temporary tightness in the capital market, or an increase in the expected rate of inflation will cause the SML to experience a parallel shift upward as shown in Exhibit 1A.7.The parallel shift occurs because changes in expected real growth or in capital market conditions or a change in the expected rate of inflation affect the economy’s NRFR that impacts all investments, no matter what their levels of risk are. NEL WEB APPENDIX 1A Exhibit 1A.7 9 Capital Market Conditions, Expected Inflation, and the Security Market Line Expected Return New SML Original SML NRFR´ NRFR Risk Key Terms correlation coefficient, p. 4 covariance, p. 3 security market line (SML), p. 5 yield spreads, p. 7 Problems 1. Your return expectations for the common stock of Gray Disc Company during the next year are: GRAY DISC CO. Possible Rate of Return Probability ⫺0.10 0.00 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.15 0.35 0.25 a. Compute the expected return [E(Ri)] on this investment, the variance of this return ( 2), and its standard deviation (). b. Under what conditions can the standard deviation be used to measure the relative risk of two investments? NEL c. Under what conditions must the coefficient of variation be used to measure the relative risk of two investments? 2. Your return expectations for the stock of Cornerbrook Computer Company during the next year are: CORNERBROOK COMPUTER CO. Possible Rate of Return Probability ⫺0.60 ⫺0.30 ⫺0.10 0.20 0.40 0.80 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.40 0.20 0.10 10 WEB APPENDIX 1A a. Compute the expected return [E(Ri)] on this stock, the variance (2) of this return, and its standard deviation (). b. On the basis of expected return [E(Ri)] alone, discuss whether Gray Disc or Cornerbrook Computer is preferable. c. On the basis of standard deviation () alone, discuss whether Gray Disc or Cornerbrook Computer is preferable. d. Compute the coefficients of variation (CVs) for Gray Disc and Cornerbrook Computer and discuss which stock return series has the greater relative dispersion. 3. The following are annual returns for Canadian T-bills and U.K. common stocks. Year Canadian T-Bills U.K. Common Stock 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0.063 0.081 0.076 0.090 0.085 0.150 0.043 0.374 0.192 0.106 a. Compute the arithmetic mean return and standard deviation of return for the two series. b. Discuss these two alternative investments in terms of their arithmetic average returns, their absolute risk, and their relative risk. c. Compute the geometric mean return for each of these investments. Compare the return and geometric mean return for each investment and discuss this difference between mean returns as related to the standard deviation of each series. 4. As a new analyst, you have calculated the following annual returns for the stocks of both Granum Corporation and Leader Industries. Year Granum’s Rate of Return Leader’s Rate of Return 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 5 12 ⫺11 10 12 5 15 5 7 ⫺10 Your manager suggests that because these companies produce similar products, you should continue your analysis by computing their covariance. Show all calculations. 5. You decide to go an extra step by calculating the coefficient of correlation using the data provided in Problem 4. Prepare a table showing your calculations and explain how to interpret the results.Would the combination of the common stock of Granum and Leader be good for diversification? NEL