10/17/2008 Lecture 18 Phase Diagrams Definition of a phase diagram A phase diagram is a representation of the states of matter, solid, liquid, or gas as a function of temperature and pressure. In the Figure shown below the regions of space indicate the three phases of carbon dioxide. The curved lines indicate the coexistence curves. Note there is a unique triple point. Pressure (atm) Chemistry 433 NC State University Degrees of freedom Within any one of the single-phase regions both temperature and pressure must be specified. Because two thermodynamic variables can be changed independently we say that the system has two degrees of freedom. Along any of the coexistence curves the pressure and temperature are coupled, i.e. any change in the temperature implies a change in pressure to remain on the line line. Thus Thus, along the curves there is only one degree of freedom. The triple point is a unique point in phase space and there is only one set of values of pressure and temperature consistent with the triple point. Thus, we say that at the triple point the system has zero degrees of freedom. If we follow the liquid-vapor coexistence curve towards higher temperature we find that it ends at the critical point. Above the critical point there is no distinction between liquid and vapor and there is a single fluid phase. Degrees of freedom How many degrees of freedom are there in the liquid phase? A. 0 B. 1 C 2 C. D. 3 Degrees of freedom How many degrees of freedom are there in the liquid phase? A. 0 B. 1 C 2 C. D. 3 Free energy dependence along the coexistence curve In a system where two phases (e.g. liquid and gas) are in equilibrium the Gibbs energy is G = Gl + Gg, where Gl and Gg are the Gibbs energies of the liquid phase and the gas phase, respectively. If dn modes (a differential amount of n the number of moles) are transferred from one phase to another at constant temperature and pressure, the differential Gibbs energy for the process is: g dG = ∂Gg ∂n P,T l dn g + ∂Gl ∂n dn l P,T The rate of change of free energy with number of moles is called the chemical potential. 1 10/17/2008 The significance of chemical potential of coexisting phases We can write the Gibbs free energy change using the following notation: dG = μ gdn g + μ ldn l Note that if the system is entirely composed of gas molecules the chemical potential μg will be large and μl will be zero. Under these conditions the number of moles of gas will decrease dng < 0 and the number of moles of liquid will increase dnl > 0. Since every mole of gas molecules converted results in a mole of liquid molecules we have that: dng = -dnl Solid-liquid coexistence curve Coexistence criterion In terms of chemical potential, the Gibbs energy for the phase equilibrium is: dG = μ g – μ l dn g Since the two phases are in equilibrium dG = 0 and since plain language, g g , if two p phases of a dng ≠ 0 we have μg = μl. In p single substance are in equilibrium their chemical potentials are equal. If the two phases are not in equilibrium a spontaneous transfer of matter from one phase to the other will occur in the direction that minimizes dG. Matter is transferred from a phase with higher chemical potential to a phase with lower chemical potential consistent with the negative sign of Gibb's free energy for a spontaneous process. Degrees of freedom What are the degrees of freedom in the liquid phase? To derive expressions for the coexistence curves on the phase diagram we use the fact that the chemical potential is equivalent in the two phases. We consider two phases α and β and write μα(T,P) = μβ(T,P) Now we take the total derivative of both sides ∂μ α ∂μ α ∂μ β ∂μ β dP + dT = dP + dT ∂P T ∂T P ∂P T ∂T P A. Temperature and Volume B. Temperature and Pressure C Pressure and Volume C. D. All of the above The appearance of this equation is quite different from previous equations and yet you have seen this equation before. The reason for the apparent difference is the symbol μ. Remember that μ for a single substance is just the molar free energy. Degrees of freedom What are the degrees of freedom in the liquid phase? A. Temperature and Volume The Clapeyron equation Substituting these factors into the total derivative above we have VmαdP – SmαdT = VmβdP – Smβ dT Solving for dP/dT gives B. Temperature and Pressure C Pressure and Volume C. D. All of the above β α dP = Sm – Sm = Δ trsSm = Δ trsHm dT Vmβ – Vmα Δ trsVm TΔ trsVm This equation Thi ti iis kknown as th the Cl Clapeyron equation. ti It gives i the two-phase boundary curve in a phase diagram with ΔtrsH and ΔtrsV between them. The Clapeyron equation can be used to determine the solid-liquid curve by integration. P2 dP = P1 Δ trsHm Δ trsVm T2 T1 dT T Starting with a known point along the curve (e.g. the triple point or the melting temperature at one bar) we can calculate the rest of the curve referenced to this point. 2 10/17/2008 The Clapeyron equation The integrated form of the Clapeyron equation is: Δ trsHm T2 ln Δ trsVm T1 P Δ H T B. ln 2 = trs m ln 2 P1 Δ trsVm T1 Δ H C. P2 – P1 = trs m 1 – 1 Δ trsVm T1 T2 A. P2 – P1 = P2 Δ H = trs m 1 – 1 P1 Δ trsVm T1 T2 D. ln The liquid-vapor and solidvapor coexistence curves The Clapeyron equation cannot be applied to a phase transition to the gas phase since the molar volume of a gas is a function of the pressure. Making the assumption that Vmg >> Vml we can use the ideal gas law to obtain a new expression for dP/dT. dP = Δ trsHm = PΔ trsHm dT TVmg RT 2 The integrated form of this equation P2 P1 dP = P T2 T1 Δ trsHm dT RT 2 yields the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. ln P2 Δ H Δ H T – T1 = trs m 1 – 1 = trs m 2 P1 R R T1T2 T1 T2 The Clapeyron equation The integrated form of the Clapeyron equation is: Δ trsHm T2 ln Δ trsVm T1 P Δ H T B. ln 2 = trs m ln 2 P1 Δ trsVm T1 Δ H C. P2 – P1 = trs m 1 – 1 Δ trsVm T1 T2 A. P2 – P1 = D. ln P2 Δ H = trs m 1 – 1 P1 Δ trsVm T1 T2 Applying the ClausiusClapeyron equation If we use ΔH of evaporation the C-C equation can be used to describe the liquid-vapor coexistence curve and if we use ΔH of sublimation this equation can be used to describe the solid-vapor curve. The pressure derived from the C-C equation is the vapor pressure at the given temperature. Applications also include determining the pressure in a high temperature vessel containing a liquid (e.g. a pressure cooker). If you are given an initial set of parameters such as the normal boiling point, for example you may use these as T1 and P1. Then if you are given a new temperature T2 you can use the C-C to calculate P2. Conceptual Question Conceptual Question The key assumptions for the Clausius-Clapeyron equation that defines the liquid-vapor and solid-vapor coexistence curves are: The key assumptions for the Clausius-Clapeyron equation that defines the liquid-vapor and solid-vapor coexistence curves are: A. Vmg >> Vml ,Vms >> Vmg A. Vmg >> Vml ,Vms >> Vmg B. Vml >> Vmg ,Vmg >> Vms B. Vml >> Vmg ,Vmg >> Vms C. Vms >> Vmg ,Vml >> Vmg C. Vms >> Vmg ,Vml >> Vmg D. Vmg >> Vml ,Vmg >> Vms D. Vmg >> Vml ,Vmg >> Vms 3 10/17/2008 Conceptual Question Which expression can be used to determine the coexistence boundary of two phases: Δ S A. dP = trs m dT Δ trsVm Δ H B. dP = trs m dT Δ trsVm Δ S C. dG = trs m dT Δ trsVm Δ H D. dG = trs m dT Δ trsVm Which expression can be used to determine the coexistence boundary of two phases: Δ S A. dP = trs m dT Δ trsVm Δ H B. dP = trs m dT Δ trsVm Δ S C. dG = trs m dT Δ trsVm Δ H D. dG = trs m dT Δ trsVm Constructing the phase diagram for CO2 We can use the Clapeyron and Clausius-Clapeyron equations to calculate a phase diagram. For example, we can begin with the CO2 diagram shown above. The triple point for CO2 is 5.11 atm and 216.15 K. The critical point for for CO2 is 72.85 atm and 304.2 K. We also have the following data Transition Fusion Sublimation Conceptual Question ΔtrsHo (kJ/mol) 8 33 8.33 25.23 Ttrs (K) 217 0 217.0 194.6 Note that we can calculate the enthalpy of sublimation from ΔvapHo = ΔsubHo - ΔfusHo = 16.9 kJ/mol. ρsolid = 1.53 g/cm3 and ρliquid = 0.78 g/cm3, respectively. The density ρ = m/V = nM/V so the molar volume is Vm = V/n = M/ρ where M is the molar mass. In units of L/mole we have Vsm = 44 g/mole/[1530 g/L] = 0.0287 Vlm = 44 g/mole/[780 g/L] = 0.0564 ΔfusV = Vlm - Vsm = 0.0564 - 0.0287 = 0.0277 L/mole Constructing the liquid-vapor curve Constructing the phase diagram for CO2 Starting with the triple point we use the Clausius-Clapeyron equation to calculate the liquid-vapor coexistence curve. P = 5.11exp{ΔvapH/R[T – 216.15]/216.15T} P = 5.11exp{2,032[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Notice that if we were to calculate the critical pressure using this formula we would obtain 77.3 atm which is about 5 atm larger than the experimental number. There are several sources of inaccuracy including mainly our neglect of the temperature dependence of the enthalpy. We can also begin a the critical point P = 72.8 exp{ΔvapH/R[T – 304.2]/304.2T} P = 72.8 exp{2,032[T – 304.2]/304.2T} Constructing the liquid-vapor curve T (K) 216.15 220 230 Pressure ((atm) P = 5.11exp{2032[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Liquid-vapor P (atm) 5.11 6.03 90 9.0 Pressure ((atm) P = 5.11exp{2032[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Liquid-vapor P (atm) T (K) 5.11 216.15 4 10/17/2008 P = 5.11exp{2032[T – 216.15]/216.15T} P = 5.11exp{2032[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Liquid-vapor P (atm) 5.11 6.03 90 9.0 13.0 Liquid-vapor P (atm) 5.11 6.03 90 9.0 13.0 24.9 T (K) 216.15 220 230 240 Constructing the liquid-vapor curve T (K) 216.15 220 230 240 260 Pressure ((atm) Constructing the liquid-vapor curve Pressure ((atm) Constructing the liquid-vapor curve Constructing the liquid-vapor curve T (K) 216.15 220 230 240 260 280 Constructing the solid-vapor curve T (K) 216.15 220 230 240 260 280 300 304 Pressure ((atm) P = 5.11exp{2032[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Liquid-vapor P (atm) 5.11 6.03 90 9.0 13.0 24.9 41.0 63.7 72.8 Pressure ((atm) P = 5.11exp{2032[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Liquid-vapor P (atm) 5.11 6.03 90 9.0 13.0 24.9 41.0 Constructing the solid-vapor curve Solid-vapor P (atm) T (K) 5.11 216.15 Solid-vapor P (atm) 5.11 3.38 1.64 T (K) 216.15 210 200 Pressure (atm m) Starting again at the triple point P = 5.11exp{ΔvapH/R[T – 216.15]/216.15T} P = 5.11exp{3034[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Pressure (atm m) Starting again at the triple point P = 5.11exp{ΔsubH/R[T – 216.15]/216.15T} P = 5.11exp{3034[T – 216.15]/216.15T} 5 10/17/2008 Constructing the solid-vapor curve Constructing the solid-vapor curve Solid-vapor P (atm) 5.11 3.38 1.64 0.725 0.298 Solid-vapor P (atm) 5.11 3.38 1.64 0.725 0.298 0.111 T (K) 216.15 210 200 190 180 Constructing the solid-liquid curve T (K) 216.15 210 200 190 180 170 Pressure (atm m) Starting again at the triple point P = 5.11exp{ΔvapH/R[T – 216.15]/216.15T} P = 5.11exp{3034[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Pressure (atm m) Starting again at the triple point P = 5.11exp{ΔvapH/R[T – 216.15]/216.15T} P = 5.11exp{3034[T – 216.15]/216.15T} Constructing the solid-liquid curve Solid-liquid P (atm) 5 11 5.11 Solid-liquid P (atm) 5 11 5.11 58.0 T (K) 216 15 216.15 Constructing the solid-liquid curve T (K) 216.15 216 15 220 Pressure (atm m) Using the Clapeyron equation we calculate: P = 5.11 + [ΔfusH/ΔfusV] ln{T/216.15} P = 5.11 + 2,967 ln{T/216.15} Pressure (atm m) Using the Clapeyron equation we calculate: P = 5.11 + [ΔfusH/ΔfusV] ln{T/216.15} P = 5.11 + 2,967 ln{T/216.15} Constructing the solid-liquid curve Using the Clapeyron equation we calculate: P = 5.11 + [ΔfusH/ΔfusV] ln{T/216.15} P = 5.11 + 2,967 ln{T/216.15} Solid-liquid P (atm) 5 11 5.11 58.0 124.2 Solid-liquid P (atm) 5 11 5.11 58.0 124.2 319 559 780 987 1180 T (K) 216 15 216.15 220 230 Pressure (atm m) Using the Clapeyron equation we calculate: P = 5.11 + [ΔfusH/ΔfusV] ln{T/216.15} P = 5.11 + 2,967 ln{T/216.15} T (K) 216.15 216 15 220 230 240 260 280 300 320 6