International Corporate Finance J. Ashok Robin Me



Corporate Finance

J. Ashok Robin





About the Author vii

Preface xvi

Chapter 1

Introduction 1

1.1 Globalization 2

Political and Socioeconomic Factors Influencing

Globalization 2

Technology, Innovation, and

Globalization 4

1.2 Theories of International Trade and Industry

Location 5

Classical and Neoclassical Theories of

Trade 6

Other Theories of International Trade 7

Theories of Industry Location 8

1.3 MNCs, Foreign Direct Investment Strategy, and

Globalization 9 *

Dunning's OLI Model 9

Knowledge Capital 9

MNCs as Facilitators of Globalization 10

MNC Activity: The Intel Example 11

1.4 Special Risks Faced by MNCs 11

Currency Risk 11

Economic Risk 12

Political and Regulatory Risk 12

Variation in Business Practices 13

1.5 Corporate Governance of MNCs 13

MNC Goals and the Agency

Problem 13

Internal Governance and Monitoring

Mechanisms 14

External Monitoring Mechanisms 14

U.S. or Anglo-Saxon Governance

Model 15

Governance Practices in European and Asian

Countries 16

1.6 International Financial Management

Issues 17

Summary 18

Questions 18

Extensions 19

Case: Clover Machines: Determining a

Global Strategy 20

Appendix 1. Example of Comparative

Advantage 21

Chapter 2

International Financial Markets: Structure and

Innovation 25

2.1 Foreign Exchange Markets 25

MNC Participation in Foreign Exchange Markets 26

Other Participants in Foreign Exchange Markets 26

Market Characteristics: Size and Currencies 27

Market Structure 28

Foreign Exchange Quotations 29

Bid-Ask Spread and Transaction Costs 31

Currency Cross Rates 32

Foreign Exchange Markets: 24-Hour Trading 33

Foreign Exchange Market Trends 33

2.2 International Money Markets 34

International Banking: Classifying Transactions 34

Eurodollars and LIBOR 35

Eurocurrency Markets: Origin and Instruments 36

Calculating Returns on a Eurodollar Deposit 37

2.3 International Debt Markets 37

Eurocredits 38

Eurobonds: Origins 39

Features of Eurobonds and Their Markets 41

Recent Developments in Debt Markets 42

2.4 Global Equity Markets 43

U.S. Equity Markets 43

Other Exchanges 43

Trading and Liquidity 44

Cross-Border Listing 44

Recent Developments in Global Equity Markets 44

Summary 45

Questions 45

Problems 46

Extension 48

Case: Clover Machines: Dabbling in

International Markets? 48

Appendix 2. Autodealing: Technology and

Innovation in Currency Markets 49

Chapter 3

Currency and Eurocurrency Derivatives 51

3.1 What Are Derivatives? 52

Instruments: Basic Building Blocks 52

Risk Management and Demand for Derivatives 53

The Wide World of Derivatives 53

3.2 Currency Forwards 54

Cash Flows and Settlement 54

Market Structure 55 ix


Forward Price 55

Counterparty Risk in Forward Contracts 57

3.3 Currency Futures 57

Market Structure 58

Daily Settlement 59

3.4 Currency Options 64

Options Parameters and Terminology 64

Market Structure 65

Option Exercise and Cashflows 66

Summary of Option Payoffs and Profits 67

Factors Affecting Call Option Prices 67

Currency Call Option Pricing Formula 69

Pricing Put Options 71

3.5 Eurocurrency Derivatives 71

Eurodollar Futures 71

Short-Term Interest Rate Futures 75

Summary 75

Questions 76

Problems 77

Extensions 79

Case: Clover Machines: Building Derivatives

Capability 80

Appendix 3 A. Forward Pricing Theory 81

Appendix 3B. Option Delta 82

Chapter 4

Currency Systems and Valuation 85

4.1 A Brief History of Monetary Regimes 85

Gold Standard 86

Bretton Woods Agreement 88

Smithsonian Agreement 89

The European Monetary Union 90

4.2 Contemporary Currency Systems 92

IMF Classification of Currency Systems 92

Floating Currency Systems 93

Pegged Currency Systems 96

Conditions Fostering the Use of a Pegged Currency

System 97

4.3 Currency Valuation Basics 98

Currency Demand 98

Currency Supply 99

Currency Equilibrium 100

Calculating the Change in a Currency's

Value 100

4.4 Factors Affecting Currency Values 101

Current Account Analysis 101

Financial Account Analysis 102

4.5 How Governments Intervene in Currency

Markets 103

Sterilized and Nonsterilized Intervention 103

Other Methods of Intervention 104

Challenges in Implementing Intervention 104

4.6 Currency Crises^n Emerging Markets 105

Causes 105

Consequences 106

Response 107

4.7 Currency Trends 107

Summary 108

Questions 109

Extensions 110

Case: Clover Machines: Effects of Emerging

Market Currencies 110

Chapter 5

Currency Parity Conditions 113

5.1 Basic Arbitrage in Currency Markets 113

Locational Arbitrage 114

Triangular Arbitrage 115

5.2 Money Markets and Currency Markets 116

Covered Interest Arbitrage 116

Interest Rate Parity 118

5.3 Product Markets and Currency Markets 121

Law of One Price 121

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 122

5.4 Eurocurrency Futures Markets and Currency

Markets 125

5.5 International Fisher Effect: Real Rates of Return and Inflation 127

National Fisher Effect 128

International Fisher Effect 128

5.6 Currency Forecasting 129

Using the Spot or Forward Rates 129

Forecasting Future Spot Rates Using Parity

Conditions- 130

Forward Interest Rates and Currency

Forecasting 131

Fundamental Forecasting 131

Technical Forecasting 133

Assessing Forecast Accuracy 133

Summary 135

Questions 136

Problems 136

Extensions 139

Case: Clover Machines: Currency Arbitrage 140

Chapter 6

Currency Risk Exposure Measurement 143

6.1 Variation in Foreign Exchange 144

The Standard Deviation of a Currency 144

Currency Volatility and Firm Performance:

Overview 147

6.2 Transaction Exposure 148

Definition of Transaction Exposure 148

Scenario Analysis 149

Markowitz Portfolio Approach 150

Netting Currency Flows 152

Value at Risk 154

Contents xi

6.3 Economic and Operating Exposure 156

Operating Exposure: Overview 157

Operating Exposure: A Closer Look at Contributing

Factors 157

Estimating Operating Exposure 159

6.4 Translation Exposure 161

6.5 Firm Type and the Nature of Currency

Exposure 162

Summary 163

Questions 163

Problems 164

Extensions 166

Case: Clover Machines: Estimating Currency

Risk 167

Appendix 6. Sales Index 169

Chapter 7

Currency Exposure Management 171

7.1 Why Manage Currency Risk? 171

The Need to Execute the Firm's Strategic Plan 172

Tax Advantages to Reducing Currency

Exposure 173

Other Managerial Reasons for Reducing Currency

Exposure 173

Comparison of Currency Risk with Other Risks 175

7.2 Actual Hedging Behavior by Firms 175

General Hedging Activity 175

Currency Hedging 176

7.3 Hedging Techniques 176

Operational Issues 177

Forward Hedge 178

Money Market Hedge 180

Option Hedge 181

7.4 Maturity Mismatches 186

7.5 Operating Decisions to Mitigate Transaction

Exposure 188

Invoice Currency 188

Leading and Lagging Contractual Cash Flows 188

Netting 189

Risk-Sharing Contracts 189

7.6 Operating Decisions to Mitigate Operating

Exposure 190

Geographically Dispersed Suppliers 190

' Geographically Dispersed Customers 191

Product Differentiation 191

Summary 191

Questions 192

Problems 192

Extensions 196

Case: Clover Machines: Hedging Currency

Risk 197

Appendix 7. Delta Hedging Using

Options- 198

Chapter 8

Capital Budgeting 199

8.1 The MNC Capital Budgeting

Process 199

8.2 Competitive Advantage Offered by International

Projects 200

8.3 Types of Overseas Projects 202

8.4 Overview of International Capital Budgeting 203

Project NPV 203

Special Considerations in International Projects 203

Project Cash Flow Equation 205

Cash Flow Inputs 205

8.5 Net Present Value of an International

Project 206

Forecasted Data 206

Foreign Currency Cash Flows 207

Domestic Currency Cash Flows and NPV

(Approach I) .207

Foreign Currency Cash Flows and Net Present Value

(Approach II) 208 -

Comparing Approach I and Approach II 209

Sensitivity Analysis 210

8.6 Currency Risk 211

Currency Risk Break-Even Analysis 211

Integrating Capital Budgeting and Exposure

Management 212

8.7 Country Risk 212

Incorporating Country Risk in the Project NPV: Two

Approaches 213

Political Risk Insurance 215

Summary 215

Questions 216

Problems 216

Extensions 220

Case: Clover Machines: Evaluating a Foreign

Project 221

Chapter 9

Advanced Capital Budgeting


9.1 Parent versus Subsidiary Asymmetry: Main

Reasons 223

Example of Cash Flow Asymmetry: Taxes 225

Example of Cash Flow Asymmetry: Restricted

Remittances 227

Example of Cash Flow Asymmetry: Local

Financing 229

Identifying the Various Components of Value 230

9.2 Differing Real Cost of Capital for Parent and

Subsidiary 230

Parity Violation and Parent Financing 231

9.3 Managerial Response to Value Differences between

Parents and Subsidiaries 232

xii Contents

9.4 International Projects and Real Options 232

Overview of Real Options 233

Valuation of Option to Expand 234

Valuation of Option to Abandon 237

Volatility and the Valuation of Real Options 240

Summary 240

Questions 241

Problems 241

Extensions 244

Case: Clover Machines: Advanced Project

Analysis 246

Appendix 9A. Currency Arbitrage 247

Appendix 9B. Using Option Pricing Theory to

Value Projects 249

Appendix 9C. Inflation and the Depreciation Tax

Shield 250

Chapter 10

Long-Term Financing 253

10.1 Financing MNCs' Activities 253

MNCs Need Continuous Access to Capital

Markets 253

Advantages Enjoyed by MNCs 254

Constraints That MNCs Face 254

10.2 MNC Debt Financing 255

Bank Loans 255

Bond Financing 256

10.3 MNC Equity Financing 257

Venture Capital and IPO Financing 257

Internal Equity 258

External Equity 258

Dual Listing 258

10.4 Cost of Capital and Optimal Financing 259

Cost of Debt 260

Cost of Equity 261

Weighted Average Cost of Capital 263

10.5 Strategic Issues in Financing MNCs 264

Mitigation of Agency Costs 265

Mitigation of Country Risk 265

Exploiting Lack of Integration in Capital

Markets 266

Mitigating Currency Exposure 266

10.6 The Use of Derivatives in Financing

Activities 267

MNC Use of Interest Rate Swaps 267

MNC Use of Currency Swaps 269

MNC Use of Structured Notes 270

10.7 How Foreign MNCs Use U.S. Equity

Markets 270

Summary 272

Questions 273

Problems 273

Extensions 276

Case: Clover Machines: Global Financing 276

Appendix 10. Calculating the ICAPM Beta 277

Chapter 11

Optimizing and Financing Working

Capital 279

11.1 Overview of Working Capital Issues 279

11.2 Cash Management 280

Optimal Cash Balances 280

Short-Term Investment Alternatives 281

11.3 Receivables 283

Risk Factors 283

Credit Terms 283

Monetizing Receivables 284

Expediting Net Receipts of Cash 286

11.4 Bank Financing 288

Types of Bank Loans 288

Eurobank Loans 289

11.5 Market Financing 291

Commercial Paper 291

Euro Commercial Paper 292

Notes Facilities 292

11.6 Financing Strategies to Minimize Cost 293

Short-Term versus Long-Term Financing 293

Currency Considerations 294

Use of Forwards 297

Financial Slack 298

Summary 298

Questions 299

Problems 300

Extensions 303

Case: Clover Machines: Credit and Short-Term

Financing 304

Appendix 11. Netting in Action: Alstom Takes

Netting to New Level 305

Chapter 12

International Alliances and Acquisitions 309

12.1 Overview of Alliances and Acquisitions 309

Licensing Agreements 310

Procurement and Outsourcing Agreements 310

Distribution Agreements 311

Strategic Alliances 312

Joint Ventures 312

Minority Ownership 313

Mergers and Acquisitions 313

12.2 Motives for International Acquisitions and

Alliances 314

Penetrating New Markets 314

Obtaining New Technology 315

Overcoming Adverse Regulation 315

Achieving Economies of Scale or Avoiding

Redundancies 316

Contents xiii

Offering More Comprehensive Solutions to

Customers 316

Achieving Global Distribution or Sourcing

Capabilities 316

12.3 The Joint Venture: Description and Examples

Joint Ventures: Types and Examples 317

Challenges in Implementing and Sustaining a

Cross-Border JV 318

Valuing a JV or an Alliance 318

12.4 International Mergers 320

Conducting Large Cross-Border Mergers 321

Important Drivers for Recent Cross-Border

Mergers 322

Challenges for Cross-Border Mergers 324

Valuation of Cross-Border Mergers 325

Other Issues in Evaluating a Foreign Target

Summary 328

Questions 328

Problems 330

Extension 332

Case: Clover Machines: Chinese Joint



Venture 333

Appendix 12. Valuation of Real Options in

Cross-border Mergers 334

Chapter 13

International Trade


13.1 Import and Export: Shipment and

Payment 337

Risk Factors 338

Payment Methods Not Involving an

Intermediary 339

Payment Methods Involving an Intermediary 340

Letters of Credit versus Documentary Collections 343

The Banker's Acceptance 344

13.2 Import and Export Financing 345

Import Financing with Letters of Credit 345

Export Financing with Letter of Credit and Banker's

Acceptance 346 ,

Loans and Guarantees from Export-Import

Banks 346

Other Trade-Financing Techniques 347

13.3 Measuring International Trade 347

The Balance of Payments Accounting System 348

Trends in International Trade 349

13.4 Trading Blocks and Agreements 350

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and World

Trade Organization Agreements 350

The North American Free Trade Agreement and

Other Regional Agreements 352

13.5 Global Organizations Influencing International

Trade 353

World Trade Organization 354

International Monetary Fund 354

World Bank 355

G8 356

Summary 356

Questions 357

Problems 358

Case: Clover Machines: Eyes on the Doha

Round 359

Appendix 13. A Primer on U.S. International

Transactions 360

Chapter 14

International Taxation and Accounting 365

14.1 Taxation of MNCs: An Overview 365

Jurisdiction and Taxable Entities 366

Various Types of Taxes MNCs Face 366

14.2 Tax Harmonization 369

International Tax Treaties 369

Foreign Tax Credits 370

Alternative Tax Scenarios and Effective Tax

Rates 371

14.3 Tax Minimization Strategies 373

Transfer Pricing 373

Other Methods to Minimize Taxes 374

14.4 International Accounting Overview 375

Accounting as a Corporate Control

Mechanism 376

Differences in Accounting Standards and

Incentives 376

Accounting in Emerging Markets 377

International Financial Reporting Standards

14.5 Currency-Related Accounting Issues 379

Issues MNCs Face in Accounting for Foreign

Operations 379

U.S. Regulations: SFAS 52 380

14.6 Derivatives Accounting 382

Accounting Issues 382

Types of Derivatives Hedges 382

Effects of SFAS 133 383

Summary 383

Questions 384

Problems 385

Extension 388

Case: Clover Machines: Minimizing Global

Taxes 388


Chapter 15

International Portfolio Investments 391

15.1 Why Invest Internationally? 391

Profit Motive 392

Risk-Reduction Motive 393

Graphical Depiction of International

Diversification 395

Currency Diversification Considerations 395

xiv Contents

15.2 Barriers to International Diversification 396

Currency Risk 396

Government Controls and Taxes 399

Informational Asymmetry 399

Corporate Governance 400

Global Crises and Contagion 401

15.3 International Equity Investments 402

Depository Receipts 402

Mutual Funds 402

Exchange-Traded Funds 405

Derivatives 406

U.S. MNCs 407

Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds 407

15.4 International Bond and Money Market

Investments 408

15.5 What the Future Holds 409

The Rise of Equity Culture 409

The Rapid Fall of Barriers to Financial

Globalization 410

The Globalization of the Financial Services

Industry 410

Summary 411

Questions 411

Problems 412

Case: Clover Machines: Deliberations at

Brickleys 414

Glossary 417

Index 423
