STA 490H1Y: Statistical Consultation, Communication, and Collaboration 2012–13 Instructor: Dr. Alison Gibbs E-mail: Office: SS 5016A Telephone: (416) 946-7589 Office hours: Mondays 13:00–14:00 Thursdays 10:00–12:00 Appointments for other times can be made by e-mail. Course web page: Available through T.A. advisors: Zeynep Baskurt, Andriy Derkach, Edwin Lei, Cody Severinski Course content The purpose of the course is to develop skills in the collaborative practice of Statistics. This will be done through class discussion, readings, case studies, and a collaborative project with a student working on a research project in another discipline. Many course activities will focus on developing oral and written communication skills. Project Most of the course will be structured around the collaborative project. Two or three students will be assigned to one project and you will be guided in the work on the project by a T.A. advisor who is a senior Ph.D. student in statistics. Discussion about your project with the classmate(s) assigned to the same project is encouraged, however you are expected to hand in independent work. Your T.A. advisor will be monitoring each student’s contribution to the project. Class meetings Class meetings are on Mondays 11:10–13:00 in SS 2129 on the dates indicated on the attached schedule. Attendance at all meetings is mandatory as there is no substitution for participating in the discussion that will take place. For most meetings, there will be assigned reading which must be done in preparation. Project team meetings On weeks when there is no class meeting you will have project team meetings with your T.A. advisor. You will meet either at 11:00 or 12:00, depending on your project assignment. Rooms, times, and your T.A. advisor will be distributed in class. Meetings with your T.A. advisor will take place on the dates indicated on the attached schedule. Your collaborator is scheduled to be at the meetings on four dates. 1 Readings and references Required readings will be be posted on Blackboard. Anytime you need a reference on a statistics topic (software or methodology) see what you can find on your own. Then ask your T.A. advisor or me. Communication E-mail is best if you are unable to come to campus because of illness or if it is necessary to make an appointment outside of office hours. I may contact the entire class by e-mail. Any messages will be sent to your address, which should be registered on ROSI. Evaluation (dates are tentative, but unlikely to change) Weight Date Attendance 5% 5% class meetings project team meetings Participation 5% 5% class meetings project team meetings Preparation for project team meetings 5% project team meetings Project presentation to class 1 5% November 26 Project presentation to class 2 5% February 4 Project presentation to class 3 5% March 25 or April 1 One page project summary 5% February 11 10% November 19 Writing assignment Draft of final report for collaborator Draft technical summary 5% 5% March 18 Results presentation to collaborator 5% March 18 Final report for collaborator: Statistical work Writing Final technical summary April 1 15% 10% 5% No late assignments will be accepted without documentation of a valid reason. 2 Accessibility needs The University of Toronto is committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations for a disability, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom, or course materials, please contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible: or Academic integrity Academic integrity is fundamental to learning and scholarship at the University of Toronto. Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in this academic community ensures that the University of Toronto degree that you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic achievement, and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves. Familiarize yourself with the University of Torontos Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters at Computing Computing can be done in SAS or R and this will be something you decide with your mentor. You can access SAS and R on the CQUEST system. CQUEST computer labs are available in Ramsey Wright. To get an account, go to CQUEST can also be accessed remotely through ssh. A license for SAS for personal use can be purchased from the Information Commons Licensed Software Office. Go to for more information. R can be downloaded for free from Student research days If your collaborator is from EEB, he/she will be presenting his/her project at the EEB Undergraduate Research Fair in early April. If your collaborator is from Psychology, he/she will be presenting his/her project at the Psychology Poster Day in early April. Plan to drop by to offer support to your collaborator and see what other work is being done. The Statistics Student Research Day will be held in late April. You are invited to present the results of your work as a poster at that meeting. For those presenting, I will pay the costs of printing your poster and your registration. Some of the posters from last year are on the walls of the 6th floor hallways. How to do well in the course • Be prepared and on time for all classes and meetings. • Ask good questions. • Do all of the assigned work on time. • Demonstrate that you are trying. • Work on your project every week, even before you get the data. 3