SPEECH COMMUNICATION 1003 01 /SPRING 2007 8334 Office Hours: Tues/Fri: 9-11 or by appt. Class time: Tues/ Fri. 11-12:15 INSTRUCTOR: PAULA MANN OFFICE: Dunton 335, PHONE: SYLLABUS GOALS This course aims to introduce students to techniques and provide practice that will improve verbal communication, especially in speaking before a group. The most important goal of the course is to make the students better at speech communication in general, from informal situations to formal, speech at podium presentations. STUDENT’S WORK The work for this class will consist of in-class participation, reading of assigned materials, and selecting topics, researching and preparing outlines for the speeches and a final presentation of the speeches. Each student will give 4 speeches over the course of the semester, ranging from simple, introductory speeches, then descriptive, informative and persuasive speeches. GRADING This is a course based heavily on “learning by doing”; each class will require the students to engage in speech activity as speakers and as listeners. For this reason, attendance and active participation will be an important part in determining the grades. Grades will be based as follows: Attendance: 25% Participation: 25% Speeches: 50% NOTE: You will be required to buy the book A Concise Public Speaking Handbook by Steven and Susan Beebe. It is on order at the bookstore and should be available by the end of the month. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SYLLABUS: Weekly schedule of work and homework assignments— Tues. 1/16 – Introductions, Syllabus, Interview and intro exercise Friday 1/19- Epod handout, listen to MLK speech, discussion 1/23 Discussion of general topics, begin selection for Descriptive Speech 1/26 Example of entertaining speech, Introduction & Conclusion, Topic selection 1/30 Active listening/Confidence handouts, Descriptive speech presentations 2/2 Continue speech presentations, discussion 2/6 Introduce informative speeches, examples 2/9 Brainstorm info speech ideas 2/13 Narrow topics, make selection 2/16 Write purpose statement/Central idea 2/20 Library visit for research 2/23 Prep Outline, Supporting and organizing your speech 2/27 & 3/2 NO CLASS 3/6 & 3/9 Give Informative speeches 3/13 Introduce Persuasive speeches, examples 3/16 Brainstorm persuasive speech ideas 3/20 Discuss Intro and Conclusion, examples 3/23 Select Topic, Purpose Statement, Central idea 3/27 Library visit for research 3/30 Develop Preparation Outline, Supporting & organizing your speech 4/3 Discuss, bring in Presentation Aids 4/6 Prepare a Delivery Outline 4/10 NO CLASS 4/13 TBA 4/17 Discuss and rehearse delivery techniques 4/20 Final editing and reworking 4/24 & 4/27 Give Persuasive speeches, notes 5/1 Last class, recap, review problems 5/4 FINALS WEEK, Final delivery of Persuasive Speeches a-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------