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Pg. 3 – ACE Personal Lines Marine WŐ͘ϳϱʹdƌĂǀĞůĞƌƐ^ĞůĞĐƚĐĐŽƵŶƚƐĨŽƌ ͻ^ŵĂůůŽĂƚƐ ^ŵĂůůƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ͻWĞƌƐŽŶĂůtĂƚĞƌĐƌĂŌƐ ͻtŽƌŬĞƌƐŽŵƉĞŶƐĂƟŽŶ ͻzĂĐŚƚƐΘDĞŐĂzĂĐŚƚƐ ͻŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů^ŵĂůůƵƚŽ ͻŚĂƌƚĞƌŽĂƚƐ ͻKĨĮĐĞWĂĐǥԦ ͻWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞŽĂƚƐ ͻƵŝůĚŝŶŐWĂĐǥԦ Pg. 11 – ACEC Business Insurance ͻ^ƚŽƌĞWĂĐǥԦ WŐ͘ϭϮʹĨŇƵĞŶƚ,ŽŵĞŽǁŶĞƌƐWƌŽŐƌĂŵ ͻZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚWĂĐǥԦ ͻ ͻ'ĂƌĂŐĞWĂĐǥԦ ͻŚƵďď ͻƵƐŝŶĞƐƐWĂĐǥԦ ͻŚĂƌƟƐ ͻŽŶƚƌĂĐƚŽƌƐWĂĐǥԦ ͻ&ŝƌĞŵĂŶ͛Ɛ&ƵŶĚ ͻƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚWĂĐǥԦ WŐ͘ϭϱʹdƌĂǀĞůĞƌƐ^ĞůĞĐƚKŶĞǥԦĨŽƌŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂŶŬƐ ͻdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJKĨĮĐĞWĂĐǥԦ Pg. 19 – Bonds ͻZĞůŝŐŝŽƵƐWĂĐǥԦ WŐ͘ϮϬʹŽůůĞĐƚŽƌĂƌ WŐ͘ϵϳʹdžĞĐƵƟǀĞ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ WŐ͘ϮϭʹŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJhŵďƌĞůůĂ WŐ͘ϭϬϭʹ,ĂďŝƚĂƟŽŶĂůWƌŽŐƌĂŵ WŐ͘ϮϯʹŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚWƌĂĐƟĐĞƐ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ ͻƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚWƌŽŐƌĂŵ WŐ͘ϮϲʹǀĞŶƚĂŶĐĞůůĂƟŽŶ ͻsĂĐĂŶƚŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJWƌŽŐƌĂŵ WŐ͘ϮϳʹǀĞŶƚ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ ͻsĂĐĂŶƚWĞƌƐŽŶĂůWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJWƌŽŐƌĂŵ WŐ͘Ϯϴʹ&ŝĚĞůŝƚLJͬƌŝŵĞtƌĂƉнǥԦ ͻsĂĐĂƟŽŶ/ŶĐŽŵĞWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJWƌŽŐƌĂŵ WŐ͘Ϯϵʹ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůĚǀŝƐŽƌWƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů>ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ ͻŽŶĚŽŵŝŶŝƵŵWƌŽŐƌĂŵ Pg. 30 – Flood Insurance WŐ͘ϭϬϱʹ^ƚĂŶĚͲĂůŽŶĞ&ŝŶĞƌƚΘsĂůƵĂďůĞ WŐ͘ϯϵʹ,ŝŐŚůLJWƌŽƚĞĐƚĞĚWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ƌƟĐůĞƐWƌŽŐƌĂŵ WŐ͘ϰϬʹDĂƌŬĞůKƵƚĚŽŽƌƐ^ƵŝƚĞŽĨWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ WŐ͘ϭϬϳʹŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů/ŵƉĂŝƌŵĞŶƚͲWŽůůƵƟŽŶ WŐ͘ϰϱͲDŝƐĐĞůůĂŶĞŽƵƐWƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů>ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ WŐ͘ϭϬϴʹDŽƚŽƌdƌƵĐŬĂƌŐŽ WŐ͘ϰϲʹEŽŶͲƉƌŽĮƚŝƌĞĐƚŽƌƐΘKĨĮĐĞƌƐ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ WŐ͘ϰϴʹEŽŶͲƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ WŐ͘ϱϱʹƉƌŽůŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ WŐ͘ϱϲʹWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJDĂŶĂŐĞƌΘK WŐ͘ϱϳʹZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚƐƌƌŽƌΘKŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐ WŐ͘ϱϴʹZĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶĂůsĞŚŝĐůĞƐ WŐ͘ϲϬʹ^ƚĂŶĚͲĂůŽŶĞWĞƌƐŽŶĂůhŵďƌĞůůĂ Need Marketing Assistance? WŐ͘ϲϰʹdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJŽŶƐƵůƚĂŶƚWƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů>ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ Postcards Email Marketing WŐ͘ϲϱʹdŚĞ,ĂƌƞŽƌĚ Prospects Cross-selling ͻůĂƌŵŽŶƚƌĂĐƚŽƌƐWƌŽŐƌĂŵ Leads Retention ͻƌďŽƌŝƐƚWƌŽŐƌĂŵ ͻWŽŽůΘ^ƉĂ/ŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞWƌŽŐƌĂŵ ͻKƌƚŚŽƟĐƐΘWƌŽƐƚŚĞƟĐƐWƌŽŐƌĂŵ ͻ^ĞƉƟĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚŽƌƐ/ŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞWƌŽŐƌĂŵ ͻ^dWWƌŽŐƌĂŵ;^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝnjĞĚdƌƵĐŬΘƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚͿ Pg. 74 – Travel Insurance www.iiaba.net/MMAC You’ve come to the right place. ACE Personal Lines Marine Market Whatever the coverage needs of your personal lines marine clients, you can provide them with best-inclass products through your Big “I” Markets access to industry leader ACE. The marine experts at ACE have dedicated an entire division to Recreational Marine insurance and understand well the intricacies of each segment of the boating market, from the most luxurious mega-yachts to small runabouts. ACE Recreational Marine Insurance has more than 200 years of history that began in 1792 when its predecessor company wrote the very first marine insurance policy in the United States. With regional underwriting offices located in prime boating communities across the country, you can benefit from the high degree of product knowledge and boating expertise of ACE underwriters. The ACE Charter Policy provides comprehensive and highly tailored coverage for yachts chartered exclusively for private pleasure purposes (fishing charters, sightseeing, etc.) with six or fewer passengers. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Charter boats up to $5mil in value - Charter Policy • Maximum of 6 passengers • No USCG inspected vessels • Owners/Named insured must be 21 (LLCs ok) • Length: Minimum 27’ - no maximum • Hull values: No minimum - $5 million maximum • No high performance vessels (Cigarette, Scarab, etc. - refer to our Performance Policy) • Copy of owner’s or hired captain's license required • Available in all states except Alaska and Florida • Condition and Valuation surveys required at 10 years of age for saltwater risks. 20 years of age for freshwater risks • Lay-ups - afloat or ashore • Deductibles: 1% or min $250 to 5% or min $1,250 - depending on age of vessel • Minimum premium: $250 COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Charter boats up to $5mil in value - Charter Policy • Agreed Value Coverage - We pay the entire agreed amount, with no deductible, for a total loss. • Replacement Cost Loss Settlement - Repair or replacement of covered property is paid for without deduction for depreciation for many partial losses. • Liability Protection - Limits of coverage to suit your personal needs, including: legal defense costs, pollution cleanup and containment coverage, wreck removal and Jones Act coverage for paid crew. Alcohol-related claims are excluded under this policy, as are any claims arising from swimming, scuba diving and parasailing. • Medical Payments - Reasonable medical and related expenses are included for all those onboard, boarding or leaving the covered vessel. These benefits are provided on a per person basis, rather than per occurrence. Optional and customized limits are available. Claims arising from swimming, scuba diving or parasailing are excluded. 3 • Uninsured Boater Coverage - Pays for bodily injury to persons aboard the insured watercraft who are injured by an uninsured owner or operator of another vessel. • Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) Coverage - If Liability coverage is purchased, our policy provides coverage in addition to the Liability limit up to the required OPA statutory limits, regardless of the Liability limit chosen. Additionally, if the OPA statutory limit is increased in the future, our policy will automatically increase the applicable OPA limit to match the new higher statutory limits. • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) - When Liability coverage is purchased, coverage is automatically provided for those employed aboard the vessel who are within the jurisdiction of the LHWCA. • Personal Property & Fishing Equipment Coverage - Protection is automatically included for the clothing, personal effects and fishing gear of the boat owner, family members or clients. Optional higher limits are available. • Towing & Assistance - Our policy includes this coverage free of charge, with optional higher limits available. • Tender/Dinghy Coverage - Optional coverage limits and deductibles are available. • Trailer Coverage - Optional protection is available with a low deductible. • Options o The Departure Charter® Policy option is an economical alternative for customers interested in a basic charter insurance policy at an affordable cost. This policy offers basic coverage that addresses most serious losses, with loss settlement on an actual cash value basis and significantly lower premiums. Coverage Availability: The Marine Insurance - Charter Boat program is currently available to member agents in all states except Alaska and Florida. The Elite Yacht Program® is ACE’s exclusive program to fulfill the specialty insurance needs of luxury yacht owners with vessels valued at $5 million or greater. Exceptional yachts require specialized insurance protection and the Elite Yacht Program provides significantly increased benefit levels for a broad range of coverage, along with many other valuable and unique policy features. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Mega Yachts $5mil or higher in value. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Mega Yachts $5mil + in value - Elite Policy • A multitude of deductible-free coverages. • Worldwide navigation limits are available. • “Blue Cards” for Mediterranean cruising required as proof of insurance in Italy, Spain and Greece - free of charge. • ACE’s unique Hull Deductible Waiver - When a covered claim exceeds the Hull Deductible amount, no deductible is applied. • Replacement Cost Loss Settlement - Repair or replacement of covered property is paid for without deduction for depreciation for most partial losses. • No depreciation applies on the following items (new for old loss settlement): o Machinery inside the vessel - Personal Property 4 o Personal Watercraft - Crew Personal Property o The items that are subject to depreciation (including canvas coverings, sails, outboard motors and outdrives, trailers) are not depreciated unless they are five years or older. • Occasional Charter Coverage - Our policy automatically includes this coverage. • Liability Protection - High limits of coverage available to suit your personal needs, including: legal defense costs, pollution cleanup and containment coverage, wreck removal and Jones Act coverage for paid crew. • Legal Defense Protection - Covered payments made for the cost of an insured’s legal defense, related to ownership or use of the insured yacht, are in addition to the Liability limit, up to a maximum of the Liability limit amount. Many other policies simply combine any defense costs into a single Liability limit, whereas the ACE Elite Yacht Program in effect provides an additional level of protection. • Uninsured Boater Coverage - Pays for bodily injury to persons aboard the insured watercraft who are injured by an uninsured owner or operator of another vessel. • Medical Payments - The medical payments limit offered is on a per person basis, rather than per occurrence, and we will pay costs incurred up to three years from the date of occurrence. • Captain and Crew Coverage - Liability coverage is extended to the captain and crew members serving aboard the insured yacht. • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) - When Liability coverage is purchased, coverage is automatically provided for those employed aboard the vessel who are within the jurisdiction of the LHWCA. • Marina as Additional Insured - The marina, yacht club and similar facility where the insured yacht is kept is automatically included as an Additional Insured. *Waiting periods apply to Loss of Charter Income (7 days) and Rental Reimbursement (72 hours) before coverage begins. Coverage Availability: The program is currently available to member agents in all states except Alaska, and there is limited availability for permanently moored Florida risks. ACE’s Performance Boat Insurance Program is designed to meet the unique needs of high performance boat owners whose vessels have speed capabilities up to 100 mph. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Performance boats up to 100 mph - High Performance Policy • Maximum speed: 100 mph • Available in all states • Pleasure use • Owners/Named insured must be 21 (LLCs ok) • Credit-based rating • Clean MVRs required • Surveys required when vessel is 10 years or older. • Racing excluded 5 • Deductibles: 3% or min $1,000 to 5% or min $1,500 - depending on age of vessel • Minimum premium: $300 COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Performance boats up to 100 mph - High Performance Policy • • Broad navigational limits are available. • Capability to customize policies with optional coverages to meet each owner’s needs. • Property Damage - A total loss of the insured vessel is covered on an Actual Cash Value basis. Partial losses are covered based on the lesser of: the actual cash value at the time of loss; the cost to repair subject to depreciation; or the cost of replacement. Mysterious disappearance is excluded. Loss or damage to machinery inside or outside the vessel is limited to 25% of the Property Damage Coverage limit. • Liability Protection - Limits of coverage are available to suit your personal needs, and include: legal defense costs, pollution cleanup and containment coverage and wreck removal. • Medical Payments - Reasonable medical and related expenses are included for all those onboard, tional and customized limits are available. • Uninsured Boater Coverage - Pays for bodily injury to persons aboard the insured watercraft who are injured by an uninsured owner or operator of another vessel. • Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) Coverage - If Liability coverage is purchased, our policy provides coverage in addition to the Liability limit up to the required OPA statutory limits, regardless of the Liability limit chosen. Additionally, if the OPA statutory limit is increased in the future, our policy will automatically increase the applicable OPA limit to match the new higher statutory limits. • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) - When Liability coverage is purchased, coverage is automatically provided for those employed aboard the vessel who are within the jurisdiction of the LHWCA. • Personal Property Coverage - Protection is automatically included for the clothing and personal effects of the boat owner or family members while the property is on board the insured vessel or while being loaded or unloaded. Optional higher limits are available. • Towing & Assistance - Our policy includes this coverage, with optional higher limits available. • Tender/Dinghy Coverage - Optional coverage limits and deductibles are available. • Trailer Coverage - Optional protection is available with a low deductible. Coverage Availability: The program is currently available to member agents in all states except Alaska and Florida. The Yachtsman/Boatsman® Policy and its many special endorsements are designed exclusively for all types of pleasure boats less than 27’ in length. 6 TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Small Boats (under 27’) - Yachtsman/Boatsman Policy • Length: no minimum - maximum 26’ • Hull values: no minimum - no maximum • No high performance boats (Cigarette, Scarab, etc. - refer to our Performance Policy) • Bass boats acceptable. Pontoon boats on inland waters acceptable • Available in all states except Alaska and Florida • Pleasure use • Owners/Named insured must be 21 (LLCs ok) • Some boating experience is desired - refer first-time boat owners • Credit-based rating • No surveys required. Photos required when vessel is 20 years or older • Limited availability for permanently moored Florida risks • Deductibles: 1% or min $250 to 5% or min $1,250 - depending on age of vessel • Minimum premium: $175 COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Small Boats (under 27’) - Yachtsman/Boatsman Policy • Comprehensive, all-risk and agreed value protection. • Capability to customize policies with a multitude of optional coverages and endorsements. • Medical payments benefits provided on a per person basis, rather than per occurrence. • Most liberal navigational limits available, with coverage while afloat, ashore or being transported by trailer anywhere within the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii or Canada. • Agreed Value Coverage - We pay the entire agreed amount, with no deductible, for a total loss. • Replacement Cost Loss Settlement - Repair or replacement of covered property is paid for without deduction for depreciation on most partial losses. • Liability Protection - Limits of coverage up to $1 million, including: legal defense costs, pollution cleanup and containment coverage and wreck removal. • Medical Payments - $5,000 medical and related expenses are included for all those onboard, boarding or leaving the covered vessel. These benefits are provided on a per person basis, rather than per occurrence. Optional and customized limits are available. • Uninsured Boater Coverage - Pays for bodily injury to persons aboard the insured watercraft who are injured by an uninsured owner or operator of another vessel. • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) - When Liability coverage is purchased, coverage is automatically provided for those employed aboard the vessel who are within the jurisdiction of the LHWCA. 7 • Personal Property & Fishing Equipment Coverage - $2,500 is automatically included for the clothing, personal effects and fishing gear of the boat owner and guests. Optional higher limits are available. • Towing & Assistance - We automatically include $1,000 of coverage with optional higher limits available. • Trailer Coverage - Optional trailer coverage is available. • Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) Coverage - If Liability coverage is purchased, our policy provides coverage in addition to the Liability limit up to the required OPA statutory limits, regardless of the Liability limit chosen. Additionally, if the OPA statutory limit is increased in the future, our policy will automatically increase the applicable OPA limit to match the new higher statutory limits. • Marine Environmental Damage Coverage - Protection is automatically provided up to $10,000, per occurrence, for fines and penalties for marine environmental damage, as defined by the policy terms. This coverage limit is in addition to the insured’s applicable Liability and OPA limits. • Search & Rescue / Emergency Services Coverage - Expenses incurred by an insured in relation to a governmental unit such as the USCG that provide emergency aid and assistance are included for no additional charge, up to a $10,000 limit. • Optional Endorsements o Boatsman® Policy with Actual Cash Value Endorsement - A more affordable policy that provides actual cash value coverage for a discounted premium, by covering the insured boat up to its current market value in the event of a total loss, with consideration given to depreciation and condition of the vessel at the time of loss. With this endorsement, payments made for Partial Loss Settlement are reduced by depreciation of damaged items, and the policy deductible will be applied. o Replacement Cost for Outdrive Units and Outboard Motors - For an additional premium, this endorsement provides replacement cost coverage for outboard motors and outdrive units, five years old or newer. Coverage Availability: The Marine Insurance - Small Boat program is currently available to member agents in all states except Alaska and Florida. ACE has been a leading provider of yacht insurance for decades, offering the most comprehensive policies available for both private pleasure and select charter usage. The Yachtsman® Policy provides unparalleled all-risk protection for a wide range of pleasure yachts 27 feet or greater in length and up to $5 million in value, including select occasional charter opportunities, along with many unique benefits and features that are unmatched in the marketplace. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Yachts (27’ to $5mil in value) - Yachtsman/Boatsman Policy • Length: Minimum 27’ - no maximum • Hull values: No minimum - $5 million maximum • No high performance vessels (Cigarette, Scarab, etc. - refer to our Performance Policy) • Available in all states except Alaska and limited availability for permanently moored Florida risks • Pleasure use • Owners/Named insured must be 21 (LLCs ok) • Vessel owners should be experienced in similar size/type vessels. Refer first-time boat owners or those making a jump of 12’ or more 8 • Credit-based rating • Condition and Valuation surveys required at 10 years of age for saltwater risks. 20 years of age for freshwater risks • Available in all states except Alaska and limited availability for permanently moored Florida risks: Florida eligibility is only available for preferred vessels over $1 million in value with a permanent, full-time captain employed. • Lay-ups - afloat or ashore • Deductibles: 1% or min $250 to 5% or min $1,250 - depending on age of vessel • Minimum premium: $250 COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Yachts (27’ to $5mil in value) - Yachtsman/Boatsman Policy • Personal yachts, corporate yachts or occasional charter vessels that are 27’ in length or greater and with values up to $5 million are all eligible. Please refer to our Mega Yacht product for vessels greater than $5 million in value. • A wide range of cost-saving, enhanced or tailored coverages are offered to fulfill your specific needs. • Broad navigation limits are designed to meet each owner’s cruising needs. • Agreed Value Coverage - We pay the entire agreed amount, with no deductible, for a total loss. • Replacement Cost Loss Settlement - Repair or replacement of covered property is paid for without deduction for depreciation for most partial losses. • Liability Protection - High limits of coverage available to suit your personal needs, including: legal defense costs, pollution cleanup and containment coverage, wreck removal and Jones Act coverage for paid crew. • Medical Payments - $25,000 of medical and related expenses are included for all those onboard, boarding or leaving the covered vessel. These benefits are provided on a per person basis, rather than per occurrence. Optional limits are available. • Uninsured Boater Coverage - Pays for bodily injury to persons aboard the insured watercraft who are injured by an uninsured owner or operator of another vessel. Limits match P&I up to $2 million. • Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) Coverage - If Liability coverage is purchased, our policy provides coverage in addition to the Liability limit up to the required OPA statutory limits, regardless of the Liability limit chosen. Additionally, if the OPA statutory limit is increased in the future, our policy will automatically increase the applicable OPA limit to match the new higher statutory limits. • Marine Environmental Damage Coverage - Protection is automatically provided up to $10,000, per occurrence, for fines and penalties for marine environmental damage, as defined by the policy terms. This coverage limit is in addition to the insured’s applicable Liability and OPA limits. 9 • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) - When Liability coverage is purchased, coverage is automatically provided for those employed aboard the vessel who are within the jurisdiction of the LHWCA. • Personal Property & Fishing Equipment Coverage - $10,000 of protection is automatically included for the clothing, personal effects and fishing gear of the boat owner and guests. Optional higher limits are available. • Search & Rescue / Emergency Services Coverage - Expenses incurred by an insured in relation to a governmental unit such as the USCG that provide emergency aid and assistance are included for no additional charge, up to a $10,000 limit. • Towing & Assistance - Our policy includes $1,500 of this coverage with optional higher limits available. • Tender/Dinghy Coverage - We automatically include this protection, with optional coverage, limits and deductibles available. • Trailer Coverage - Optional protection is available with a low deductible. • Automatic Coverage for Marinas as Additional Insured - Marinas, yacht clubs and similar facilities where insureds keep their vessels are included automatically as Additional Insureds. • Optional Endorsements o The Partial Loss ACV endorsement is a cost-saving alternative for vessels older than 10 years of age. Provides agreed value coverage for total losses with partial losses settled on an ACV basis. o Occasional charter endorsement up to 24 days per policy year. o The Departure Policy option is an economical alternative for customers interested in a basic charter insurance policy at an affordable cost. This policy offers basic coverage that addresses most serious losses, with loss settlement on an actual cash value basis for all losses and significantly lower premiums. Coverage Availability: The Marine Insurance - Yacht program is currently available to member agents in all states except Alaska, and there is limited availability for permanently moored Florida risks. Florida eligibility is only available for preferred vessels over $1 million in value with a permanent, full-time captain employed. 10 ACEC Business Insurance Program The ACEC Business Insurance Trust (ACEC BIT) provides business insurance and professional liability direction and insights into the engineering industry. The ACEC BIT’s Business Insurance Program is endorsed by the ACEC National Organization as well as the 51 state and regional councils. Participation in the programs offered by the BIT is exclusive to ACEC members. Please review with your clients/ prospects, the value of ACEC membership. The ACEC Business Insurance Program offers topness Insurance Program is offered by The Hartford and provides the following coverages: Property General Liability Automobile Workers' Compensation Umbrella Liability - Program stability during unstable times Broad coverage for Property, General Liability, Automobiles, Workers’ Compensation and Umbrella Liability Risk Management Services Convenient payment options 26 years of top-notch service by a dedicated service center staffed by professionals that serve only ACEC policyholders. Coverage Availability: The ACEC Business Insurance Program coverages are not available in Alaska or Hawaii. There are also restrictions that limit general liability writings in Arizona, California, Washington, Nevada and New York. Finally, there are restrictions on property limits available in windstorm-prone areas. ve in the following areas: Construction, including general contracting activities Subsurface drilling Hazardous waste removal and other environmental activities Diving operations Marine/U.S. Longshoremen Ownership or operation of aircraft 11 Four Affluent Market Quotes with One Submission! Requesting a quote from Big “I” Markets (www.bigimarkets.com) for high net worth & affluent homeowner clients has never been easier. You only have to submit one quote request and fill out one application for affluent homeowners. You then select via a checkbox which company(s) you would like a quote for. You can request a quote from just one or all four of the affluent carriers! This saves you a lot of time while making it easier for you to benefit from having access to these great affluent markets. After selecting the Affluent Program from the Big “I” Markets personal lines product menu, this is what the new market selection screen on Big “I” Markets looks like: Which Company would you like us to quote? ACE (requires a minimum of 3 lines for a new business quote) Chubb (will write monoline homeowner) Chartis (requires a minimum of 3 lines for a new business quote) Fireman’s Fund (requires a minimum of 2 lines for a new business quote) QUOTE ACCOUNT WITH ALL FOUR CARRIERS Remember that for homes with replacement costs of over $1 million, the affluent markets offer many coverage features that add tremendous value to insureds and the higher the value of the home and the more jewelry, fine art, and high-end personal items in a household, the more an insured needs the type of coverage provided by the affluent markets. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Risks Eligible for Coverage: Protected (within 5 miles of a fire station and 1,000 feet of hydrant) homes of $500,000 of value or more as part of a package acct.* Jewelry, fine art, collections, as part of a package acct. High symbol, high performance vehicles with acceptable driving records as part of a package acct. Yachts of $100,000 in value or more Condo or Renters with at least $75,000 in contents ($150,000 for Florida) Collector car accounts, will be considered monoline *Not applicable in all states. Ineligible Risks: (Not limited to the following) Unprotected homes (over 5 miles to a fire station and no fire hydrants within 1,000 feet) Homes built prior to 2000 with EFIS on or about the property (visit Product Resources for information on EFIS) Unsupported secondary residences Homes under construction or renovation Homes with loss frequency, prior multiple water losses or ‘open’ status claims Homes valued over $1 million that are not equipped with a central station alarm system Monoline high performance vehicles Homeowner Coverage Features/Benefits: Coverage is available for home, umbrella and valuables (these lines required for new business; auto may be required as part of the package depending on the risk). Including auto when possible is most beneficial for the customer to qualify for the max. multi policy credits. All policies are direct bill to the insured. The minimum deductible is $1,000; risks with prior losses will be considered based upon the merits of the account. 12 Included in Portfolio: Full replacement cost coverage for dwellings, as well as A&A for condos & co-ops Replacement Cost on Contents Extended Replacement Cost on Home Total Loss Settlement Option Medical expense amount of $50,000 included Backup of Water/Sewer to coverage A limit Credit Card/Bank Coverage up to $100,000 Deductible reserve included with $2,500 ded. or higher. Unlimited Ordinance and Law Coverage Primary flood end. Available in most states for pref. flood zones Ability to tailor the coverage amount for other structures and contents Identity Fraud Included $100,000 Coverage Availability The ACE Platinum Portfolio Program is available to registered members in AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IL, KS, KY, MA (No Auto Available), MD, MI, MN, MO, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI, & WY. Chubb Masterpiece® Homeowner Coverage Features/Benefits: Coverage is available for stand-alone lines or package coverage as determined by underwriting and company requirements. Each homeowner risk receives a complimentary, in-depth appraisal to verify your insureds are properly covered. All policies are direct bill to the insured. The minimum deductible is $1,000 and risks with prior losses will be considered based upon the merits of the account. Included in Masterpiece: Replacement Cost on Contents Extended Replacement Cost on Home Total Loss Settlement Option Lock Replacement Coverage Water/Sewer Backup Coverage - buy back in some states Credit Card/Bank Coverage up to $10,000 Business Property Coverage on Premises up to $10,000 Unlimited Ordinance and Law Coverage Unscheduled Jewelry Coverage up to $5,000 Unscheduled Silver Coverage up to $7,500 Identity Fraud Included Coverage Availability The Chubb Program is available to registered members in all states with the exception of Nevada. 13 For Chartis Homeowner Coverage Features/Benefits: Coverage is available for $1MM or more with a minimum of three lines of business. Included are: Guaranteed replacement cost - Included Backup of sewers and drains - Included; up to dwelling value Business property - Up to $25,000 Deductible options - Up to $100,000 available Primary flood - Available Equipment breakdown - Available Identity fraud restoration expenses, ATM robbery, and financial fraud, embezzlement or forgery - Available Traumatic threat or event recovery - Available Green rebuilding expenses - Available Waiver of deductible on losses over $50,000 - Available Replacement cost cash out option - Included Lock replacement - Included; no deductible Food spoilage - Included Loss prevention devices following a claim - Included; up to $2,500 available Coverage Availability The Chartis Program is available to registered members in all states. Fireman’s Fund Prestige® Home Premier coverages include: Coverage is available for package coverage (minimum of three lines) as determined by underwriting and company requirements. Each homeowner risk receives a complimentary, in-depth appraisal to verify your insureds are properly covered. All policies are direct bill to the insured. The minimum deductible is $1,000 and risks with prior losses will be considered based upon the merits of the account. Included in Masterpiece: Home - Full Cost Replacement Coverage Personal Property - Replacement Cost Coverage Other Structures - Replacement Cost Coverage Increased Construction Costs Required by Code Changes Deductible waived on losses exceeding $50,000 (Deductibles of $10,000 or less - not applicable to hurricane deductible) Identity Fraud Expenses ($15,000) Kidnap and Ransom Expenses ($10,000) Loss of use - no dollar amount Backup of Sewers and Drains 14 Travelers SelectOneSM for Community Banks offers one of the premier portfolios of protection in the industry and is delivered by a team of experts dedicated to serving community banks. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY The following characteristics should be considered as the minimum criteria for an account to successfully qualify for a coverage quotation: Deposit accounts are subject to FDIC insurance or, in the case of credit unions, insured under the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. The account is not presently operating under any restrictive controls by order of a regulatory body. Quote proposals are most effective when made in conjunction with the account's renewal anniversary date. There is no size limitation for community banks, savings and loans, or savings banks. However, credit unions considered for Travelers SelectOne® products should have assets in the $20-$750 million range. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Travelers SelectOne® Product Portfolio Highlights Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Protecting the bank’s assets and the best interests of its management team is important. Having an effective insurance plan can also help a bank attract and retain qualified board members. With directors and officers liability insurance from Travelers, your clients can gain confidence and peace of mind that they have the support they need if a potentially damaging suit threatens their business. Consider the following: Personal asset protection for directors and officers, including an automatic additional $1 million in coverage that cannot be eroded by payments already made to the bank for its indemnification obligations or its own liability or by payments under any other insuring agreement of the policy Option to add coverage for the bank's indemnification obligations to its directors and officers Option to add coverage for the bank's own liability o For a privately held financial institution, coverage extends to a wide range of management practices acts, as defined in the policy o For a publicly traded financial institution, coverage is for securities claims as defined in the policy Employment practices liability issues affect every company and industry - no employer or business segment is immune to charges of discriminatory practices from disgruntled current or former employees. Travelers employment practices liability coverage option is frequently selected to insure this exposure. Consider the following coverage features: Coverage for the bank and its directors and officers Coverage for claims brought by government entities, employees, independent contractors or leased employees Defense costs for covered claims seeking non-monetary relief No retention for non-indemnifiable covered claims 15 Coverage for punitive or exemplary damages, and the multiple portion of any multiplied damages, if such damages are insurable under the law of any jurisdiction that is most favorable to their insurability Community banks purchasing EPL coverage from Travelers automatically receive access to THE AGOS GROUP, LLC (AGOS). AGOS specializes in employment practices, providing employers with a wide range of risk management services with programs designed to help employers manage and mitigate workplace loss and litigation. The Travelers automatically provides the following value-added services for EPL customers: Best Practices Risk Management LineTM, a toll-free telephone service that connects employers to risk management consultants from AGOS, who provide proactive, up-to-date risk management solutions and education. Employment experts are available to help callers examine employmentrelated facts, evaluate their risk and create a plan to minimize exposures to workplace issues. The EPL ResourceTM Internet-Based Employment Practices Resource, a website with a wealth of employment practices information, including self-assessments, sample policies and procedures, training bulletins, a best practices knowledge base and an experts’ forum. Bankers Professional Liability Coverage Community banks offer a variety of services to customers, and such services continue to expand - especially with the evolution of the e-business platform. Personnel who manage these professional services, as well as the bank itself, could be liable if errors and omissions occur in the execution of services. With bankers professional liability coverage from Travelers, banks can be protected from a wide range of related exposures. The Travelers provides lender liability coverage and professional services liability coverage under its bankers professional liability insuring agreement: Lender liability coverage o o o ownership interest in a loan Professional services liability coverage o Employment Practices Liability Protection o o services to be covered Professional services include loan servicing on behalf of a third party Trust Liability Insurance Among the many roles potentially served by a bank and its employees is that of trustee. As a trustee, a bank may be responsible for managing an estate, a trust account or other similar asset. This representation could occur in a variety of capacities, including executor, administrator, custodian, and other roles. But the banker who assumes this role, as well as the bank itself, could be liable if a customer is not pleased with the service provided, or if errors and omissions occur. 16 Travelers offers trust errors and omissions coverage to help protect banks (and any insured persons) from a wide range of exposures related to providing trustee services: All trust liability protection is under one policy, with coverage extending to the bank, its directors, . Coverage applies to a wide range of trust acts, including executor, administrator or personal representative of estates, administrator of guardianships, manager of personal property, and more. Policy automatically includes coverage for the bank as trustee of any IRA or Keogh account. Fiduciary Liability Insurance (except for multi-employer plans or employee stock ownership plans [ESOPs]) Coverage for an ESOP available subject to underwriting requirements ties imposed by ERISA, any other matter claimed against the bank or insured persons because of of a plan Defense costs coverage available by endorsement for claims for bodily injury by a plan participant, based upon rendering or failing to render medical services through a managed care provider Financial Institution Bond Travelers offers one of the most extensive bond forms available to commercial banks, savings and loans, savings banks and credit unions. With limits of $10 million or less, coverage is offered on an “each and and court costs and attorney fees are covered as a part of the limit - even if the underwriter does not elect to conduct the insured’s defense. Unauthorized signature, check kite and computer theft are just a few of option. Property/Casualty Travelers is a leader in protecting community banks and credit unions from property/casualty risks. Our and limits for ATMs, business interruption and more. Our array of coverages includes: Property Mortgage-holders E&O/impairment Real estate owned Mail A variety of coverages for e-business exposures Internet liability Workers compensation 17 General liability and Internet liability Trust properties (property & GL) Foreclosed properties Data processor E&O Annuities/mutual fund E&O Automobile liability Kidnap and Ransom Travelers’s kidnap and ransom policy is a highly specialized product that teams with one of the premier crisis management response firms. Our insuring agreement includes coverage for ransom, ransom lost in transit, e-commerce extortion threats, rest and rehabilitation of victims, legal liability for defense expenses, damages arising from family suits and additional expenses. Worldwide coverage and zero deductible are standard options. The fees for the “on call” and “site response” services of the crisis response firm are fully covered in addition to the policy limit of liability. POLICY FEATURES Travelers SelectOne® provides quality, state-of-the-art insurance products to community banks, savings banks, savings and loans, and credit unions. A specimen policy is located in Product Resources on Big “I” Markets. Travelers SelectOne® is endorsed by two national banking associations: Independent Community Bankers of America and America's Community Bankers. 18 BONDS Goldleaf Surety Services targets all performance bonds and almost every other type of surety and fidelity bond that may be needed by your insurance clients. Goldleaf has great market capacity for Bid Bonds and Performance/Payment Bonds on all types of contract obligations, including: All construction trades - all sizes All subcontractors and artisan contractors Environmental work (including asbestos abatement) Subdivision and site improvement work Service contractors Software, IT and technology-related industries Specialty manufacturers Goldleaf also has extensive experience with and can handle all forms of License & Permit Bonds, Court Bonds, Fidelity Bonds and other Commercial & Miscellaneous Bonds: Excellent surety markets for these bonds 24-hour response time on many license bonds required throughout the U.S. Access to online bond forms and statutes in many states There is a small segment of the marketplace we do not handle. We don't handle certain hazardous classes of bonds, bail bonds, or customs bonds. Goldleaf Surety Services offers connections to more than two dozen A-Rated surety markets for performance bonds and almost all other types of surety and fidelity bonds - including bid bonds, performance bonds on construction and non-construction contracts, and all forms of court, commercial and miscellaneous bonds. The Bond Program is available to members nationwide. 19 Collector Car Now you can provide your clients who are collector car enthusiasts with top-notch coverage for their rare rides with access to Chubb’s Collector Car insurance program on Big “I” Markets. Key Benefits to Agents • Chubb no longer has an exclusive agency relationship for collector car business. • Chubb can now consider collector car opportunities directly from all CPI producers. • Chubb is now “open for business” for monoline collector cars. • Great way to keep all of a client’s accounts in one place and improve overall account retention. • Legendary Chubb claim service ensures less work for you at the time of a claim. • Competitive price makes it easy to close the deal. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Chubb will entertain new collector car risks provided that they meet the following guidelines: All operators in the household must have good driv- ing records. The vehicle should not be operated by anyone under the age of 25. Operator should have experience operating similar vehicles (i.e., high performance). There is one regular-use vehicle per operator. It is intended that the vehicle is used primarily for collector car purposes. The vehicle is not used during instruction, practice, preparation for, or participation in any competitive, prearranged or organized racing or speed contest. The vehicle is not used on a racetrack, test track or any other course of any kind. The vehicle is garaged. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY High limits for comprehensive, collision and liability coverages. Large or small, Chubb can accommodate collections of all sizes and values. Liability limits available up to $50 million. Coverage for newly acquired collector cars worldwide. No mileage restrictions. “Agreed Value” coverage that can increase with the value of the car. Once Chubb 20 agrees on a value, it is locked in for the policy term. That’s the exact amount your customer will receive if the car is stolen or totaled in a covered loss. And, with proper notice, coverage can be increased to reflect market value any time prior to a loss. No deductible. Fair replacement of parts. After a covered loss, Chubb’s claim practice restores the car to its pre-accident condition and authenticity. $750 for “loss of use.” To address your customer’s immediate concerns after a covered loss for items such as car rentals, meals, lodging and other reasonable incidentals that may be needed when a covered loss occurs more than 50 miles from his/her closest residence. Off-premises coverage. Coverage for fire, explosion, and many other perils while the car is in a repair shop. Coverage Availability: The Chubb Collector Car Insurance Program is available to members in all states. Commercial Property Umbrella Our increasingly litigious society has created new and complex exposures for a variety of businesses. Chubb’s Umbrella Liability insurance is designed to help mitigate the significant liability risks companies face every day. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Chubb is currently servicing the following target markets via Big "I" Markets: Commercial Property Office Buildings Industrial Buildings/Warehouses Shopping Centers Residential Property Apartments Condo Associations UNDERLYING REQUIREMENTS General Liability limits of at least $1M/2M/1M/1M Employers Liability limits of at least $500K/500K/500K Automobile Liability limits of at least $1M CSL Underlying carrier financial rating of at least A-6 (A.M. Best) & BBB (Standard & Poor’s) COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY The Chubb Umbrella policy is one of the few that feature two separate insuring agreements. Coverage A - Excess Follow Form Coverage B - Umbrella Liability 21 Coverage A - Excess Follow Form Insurance offers these key benefits: Reduction of potential gaps in insurance protection by adopting the provisions of a company’s scheduled primary policies. Vertical continuity with primary coverages. Loss payments are made on behalf of the insured. Duty to defend suits on behalf of the insured after underlying limits are eroded. Coverage B - Umbrella Liability Insurance offers these key benefits: Broadened protection to help close or eliminate gaps in a company’s primary insurance program. Protection when no underlying insurance applies. Loss payments are made on behalf of the insured. No self-insured retention. Definition of Personal injury includes discrimination, harassment and segregation (where permitted by law). Chubb refers to the insurers of the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies. Not all insurers do business in all jurisdictions. This literature is descriptive only. Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policies as issued. 22 Employment Practices Liability/EPLI Employment-related lawsuits are a primary concern among employers of all types. Big “I” Markets offers you two markets to consider for your clients' EPLI needs. The first is offered by Alexander J. Wayne & Associates and provides you with markets that can handle a wide swath of EPLI risks, even those that may need to be placed in non-admitted markets. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY AJ Wayne can write employment practices liability for any size company operating in any industry. It is very effective on companies with 1-100 employees, but can also entertain large companies with 1,000+ employees. It can write everything from "run of the mill" manufacturers to contractors, retail stores, lawyers, insurance agents, accountants, consultants, etc. It can even write accounts with claim activity. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Broad claim definition Claims made and reported Duty to defend 3rd-party coverage is available Defense in addition to the limits is available Full prior acts for unknown claims is available for companies without prior coverage Punitive damage coverage available where insurable Minimum premium: $1,000 Limits available: we can offer as low as $250,000 or we can quote $1,000,000; limits above $1,000,000 are available in most cases Minimum deductible: usually $1,000 Loss control services and pre-claim assistance may be available Coverage is sometimes available in cases where a company does not have an employee manual All carriers rated A- or higher AJ Wayne is licensed in all states EXCEPT the following: DE, MT, NE, NM, ND, UT, & WY. If needed, it can write coverage non-admitted, and can file surplus line tax in the following states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, IL, IA, IN, KS, LA, NV, NY, MI, MO, NC, NJ, OH, PA, VA, TX, WI and WV. ISSUING CERTIFICATES In most cases, agents can issue certificates and supply a copy via email to drewkelly@ajwayne.com or fax to 773-328-0508. It is not A.J. Wayne & Associates' responsibility to review certificates for accuracy. Travelers Stand-Alone Employment Practices Liability Wrap+ This product is for more conventional EPLI risks and is underwritten by Travelers and is available as a stand-alone Employment Practices liability product or can be written as part of the Wrap+ suite of liability coverages available from Travelers for privately owned companies. Wrap+ is a revolutionary executive liability insurance policy with the breadth of coverage required to address the current and emerging exposures of private companies. Its modular policy design means an easier process for you and your insured. Each Wrap+ coverage has been crafted to seamlessly work in conjunction with all of the other Wrap+ 23 coverages or function as a single policy. It boasts some of the most progressive coverage in the industry. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Employment Practices Liability from Travelers is created in two easy steps: Decide how much coverage: Shared aggregate limit for all coverages combined Shared aggregate limit for selected liability coverages Shared aggregate limit for selected crime coverages Individual limit for each coverage Choose a claims handling option: Reimbursement Duty-to-Defend Coverage Availability: Employment Practices Liability is currently available to insureds in all states with the exception of: CA, LA, NE, NV, VT and WV. POLICY FEATURES Features Common to All Liability Coverages: Additional Defense Coverage o Additional Defense Limit of Liability o Survives exhaustion of base limit o Available for each liability coverage elected or shared Defense options o Duty to Defend (100 percent predetermined allocation) o Reimbursement Single retention for claim triggering multiple liability coverages and no retention if unable or not permitted to indemnify Worldwide coverage - claims made or occurring Foreign parent corporation coverage as co-defendant Severability of application representations Subsidiary acquisition - 25 percent of assets Extended Reporting Period o Bi-Lateral o 3-year run-off available for pre-determined premium o Report potential claims o Elect by liability coverages 24 Duties in the event of claim - triggered by knowledge of Executive Officer Employment Practices Liability Wage and Hour Law violations defense sublimit Third-Party Wrongful Acts coverage Outside Position coverage Independent Contractor claims coverage Broad Definition of Employee Definition of Loss includes: o Punitive damages - most favorable venue o Multiplied damages o Damages measured by value of stock options or other employee benefits Amended settlement provision - 70 percent / 30 percent Risk Management Services Risk Management PLUS+ OnlineSM for Employment Practices (with the purchase of the employment practices liability or directors and officers liability coverage part): includes online training on topics such as sexual harassment and employee terminations, training bulletins, searchable databases, sample policies and forms, self audits and unlimited access to employment attorneys. 25 Event Cancellation EXPO-PLU$ is event cancellation insurance designed specifically for events, meetings, seminars and trade shows. It provides total protection for your client’s event budget in case they experience a loss of expected revenue. The product is underwritten by Seabury & Smith. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY This coverage is designed for any association or company that has a convention, conference, tradeshow or meetings. There is no event too small or too big. We cover events all over the world. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Communicable Disease - coverage is available Cost of Remedial Action - Underwriters and the representatives will work with you to attempt to remedy and avoid, where possible, a situation that could result in a claim under your policy. If this fails and you still suffer a claim, the policy limit is still there in full to respond to your covered loss and has not been eroded by the cost remedial action. Insured Commitments - in addition to limit of liability, up to 20% extra is available for those financial commitments you have entered in to and undertaken by others on your behalf. Let us know if your commitments are greater than 20%: Our underwriters will consider extending this to suit your needs. Automatic coverage for additional indoor events related to your principle event that is under $100,000 budgeted gross revenue and/or expenses during the policy term. Future Marketing Expense - in addition to the policy limit you purchase and without dollar limitation, subject to their approval, underwriters and their representatives will work with you to positively promote your future event should a loss occur. Golf Event Cancellation - if you stage a “Golf Day,” up to $100,000 due to adverse weather is included should your day be cancelled. Golf Hole in One - up to $25,000 if you arrange a “prize” for par three hole not less than 175 yards, or 165 for the ladies, should you wish to enhance your “Golf Day.” Team Building/Recreational Outdoor Event - for any Team Building and/or Recreational event you arrange as part of your meeting is automatically included up to 5% of the limit of indemnity or $75,000, whichever is lesser, should it be cancelled beyond your control. Emergency Travel Arrangements - up to $50,000 for return of participants back to venue should they become stranded. Government Requisition of your event venue is included in your new policy form. Limited Terrorism, including threat - $1,000,000 or limit of indemnity, whichever is lesser, is included in the policy. Additional options are available. Hotel Penalty Charge Coverage - provided up to $10,000 if you fall short of hotel room commitment and penalty is imposed by hotel. Cancellation, curtailment, postponement, removal to alternative premises or abandonment including enforced reduced attendance to an ongoing event. Strikes involving labor, service or transportation results in a reduced attendance or forces you to cancel, postpone, curtail or abandon your event is covered to the full limit of indemnity. Liberalization Clause - if policy form is revised to provide additional coverage without charge, the policy will automatically provide the additional coverage. 26 Blanket policy can be issued for all your scheduled events and provide coverage up to 36 months in advance of your events. Personal Property - $150,000 All Risk of direct physical loss or damage at the event site, including while in transit to and from the event site and $125,000 Physical Loss of Door Receipts. Enforced Reduced Attendance of the Attendees, Exhibitors, etc. Auditable policy available, upon request. Event Liability Philadelphia Insurance Companies affords a market for a wide range of Special Events. We understand ents marketplace, and we have a team of underwriters dedicated solely to handling Special Events business. Acceptable Classes/Exposures: Art Festivals Auctions Band Competitions Beauty Pageants Concerts: Classical, Jazz, Country and Blues County Fairs and Festivals Craft Fairs / Garden Shows Dance and Music Recitals Dog and Cat Shows Educational Seminars Fashion Shows Flea Markets Flower Shows Fundraising Events / Social Gatherings / Social Club Events Harvest Fest Home Shows Job Fairs Parades Parties: Banquets, Weddings, Anniversary, Graduation, Birthdays, Proms & Luncheons Picnics and Pig Roasts Religious Meetings or Church Events Reunions: Class & Family Speaking Engagements Soap Box Derbies Sports Tournaments / Exhibitions (spectator liability only) Theatrical Events and Musicals Unacceptable Classes/Exposures: Aircraft & Balloon Events Amusement Parks Block Parties Concerts - Rap / Punk Demolition Derbies Exotic Animals / Shows Extreme Skate Board / Cycle Events Fighting or Tough Guy Competitions Firework Stands Go Kart Races / Tracks Gun / Knife Shows Haunted Houses with Mechanical Devices Horse Racing Model Airplane Contests Monster Truck or Big Foot Competitions Mosh Pits Motor Racing Motorized Events NOC Mud Events - Any Parachute Jumping Political Conventions Rave Parties or Events Rodeo and Roping Events Snowmobiles Survivalist Games Tractor Pulls Trampoline Events Union Meetings Walkathons White Water Rafting Wind Surfing Primary General Liability Limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence/$3,000,000 Aggregate Umbrella Limits up to $10,000,000 available Also available for eligible accounts: Liquor Liability Hired and Non-Owned Auto Inland Marine NOTE: Coverage begins and ends at 12:01 A.M. Standard time at the Named Insured’s Mailing Address as shown on the policy (this is one minute after midnight) Coverage Availability: Event Liability is available to member agents in all states except Louisiana, with limited availability in Alaska. 27 Fidelity/Crime - Wrap+SM This product is underwritten by Travelers and is available as a stand-alone Fidelity/Crime product or can be written as part of the Wrap+ suite of liability coverages available from Travelers for privately owned companies. Wrap+ is a revolutionary executive liability insurance policy with the breadth of coverage required to address the current and emerging exposures of private companies. Its modular policy design means an easier process for you and your insured. Each Wrap+ coverage has been crafted to seamlessly work in conjunction with all of the other Wrap+ coverages or function as a single policy. It boasts some of the most progressive coverage in the industry. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverages include: Outside position coverage for claims brought by outside claimants Third-party wrongful acts coverage Loss includes multiple damages and punitive damages Flexible limit options Worldwide coverage Fidelity/Crime from Travelers is created in two easy steps: Decide how much coverage: Shared aggregate limit for all coverages combined Shared aggregate limit for selected liability coverages Shared aggregate limit for selected crime coverages Individual limit for each coverage Choose a claims handling option: Reimbursement Duty-to-Defend Coverage Availability: Fidelity/Crime is currently available to insureds in all states with the exception of: CA, HI, LA, NV, RI, and WV. Policy features Fidelity / Crime Discovery-based policy trigger - coverage reach back Enhanced Insuring Agreements o o Property (blanket or scheduled basis) Expanded Computer Crime coverage New Insuring Agreements o Personal Accounts Forgery or Alteration 28 o Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement for Management Staff Members o Claim Expense reimbursement Broad definition of Employee Loss reporting threshold of 25 percent retention Automatic Coverage - Subsidiaries & Employee Benefit Plans Financial Advisor Professional Liability Big “I″ Market offers a program with a focus on the small financial advisors/planners and RIAs who have seen an underserved insurance market over the past few decades. Yet the exposure has been steadily growing with increasingly volatile markets as well as the more litigious culture we live in. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Financial Planners Registered Investment Advisors Investment Advisory Representatives Asset Managers Investment Management Consultants Divorce Planners Broker / Dealers Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds Financial advisor professional liability exposures lie in their ability to choose their clients appropriately, document their objectives and goals, select appropriate investment strategies, execute them without trading errors and disclose all the risks and benefits of the investment strategy to their clients. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Claims made and reported Coverage for life, health and accident sales available Coverage for product sales as a registered representative available Duty to defend coverage available Access to per-mediation legal counsel at no costs offered by the carriers on selected programs Expertise and Experience of the most successful insurance carriers in defending advisors Tax preparation coverage available Covers discretionary and non-discretionary asset management Independent contractor coverage available Divorce planner coverage available Minimum premium: $1,000 Limits available: we can offer as low as $250,000 or we can quote $1,000,000; limits above 29 $1,000,000 is available in most cases Minimum deductible: usually $1,000 All carriers rated A- or higher AJ Wayne is licensed in all states EXCEPT the following: DE, GA, MT, NE, NM, ND, UT, & WY. If you would like to write coverage non-admitted, AJ Wayne can file surplus line tax in the following states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, IL, IA, IN, KS, LA, NV, NY, MI, MO, NC, NJ, OH, PA, VA, TX, WI & WV. Flood Insurance Big “I” Flood can help with placement of flood insurance both with the NFIP’s WYO Selective Insurance and for coverage above and outside of the NFIP with coverage selections from broker Wells Fargo Special Risks. Submissions for your clients can be made by clicking on Insurance Products Commercial or Personal; Flood – Commercial or Personal; Flood - Commercial or Personal - Excess NPC/CBRS in Big “I” Markets. Flood - Personal Lines Eligibility: Participating (Eligible) Communities Flood Insurance may be written only in those communities that have been designated as participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Emergency Program The Emergency Program is the initial phase of a community's participation in the NFIP. Limited amounts of coverage are available. Regular Program The Regular Program is the final phase of a community's participation in the NFIP. In this phase, a Flood Insurance Rate Map is in effect and full limits of coverage are available. Limits Available: BUILDING COVERAGE: Single family dwelling 2-4 family dwelling Other residential Non-residential CONTENTS COVERAGE: Residential Non-residential Emergency Program Regular Program $35,000* $35,000* $100,000** $100,000** $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $500,000 $10,000 $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 * In Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and U.S. Virgin Islands, the amount available is $50,000. **In Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and U.S. Virgin Islands, the amount available is $150,000. Note: For the RCBAP, refer to the Condominium section of the Flood Insurance Manual for basic insurance limits and maximum amount of insurance available. Source: National Flood Insurance Program Manual, May 1, 2012 Coverage Features and Benefits: Big "I" Flood, in cooperation with Selective Insurance as our Write-Your-Own (WYO) company, has been offering the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to our member agents since 2001. Our flood program is a part of the federal flood insurance program and, therefore, follows the same rules and regulations of the NFIP. Big "I" Advantage (for-profit division of IIABA) operates as a managing general agency for Selective Insurance - Flood Operations and member agents participate in the program as sub-producers choosing business options that best suit their own agency operations. Big "I" Flood utilizes Big “I” Markets as a registration and quote request platform. Agents enter the risk data in our 'Request A Quote' function and the company underwriter responds in the Activity Box with: a free, guaranteed zone determination; quote(s) which shows various deductibles; and a partially completed application(s). Coverage Availability: Flood Insurance, as a product, is available to IIABA members nationwide. It may be written only in those 20,000+ communities (cities, counties, townships) as participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); however, we are able to quote above and outside of the NFIP program when necessary. Take a look at our Excess/NPC/CBRS products. Program Structure: How Does It Work? Big "I" Flood options are designed to serve all IIABA member agents, from those who only write a few policies a year to those with a substantial flood market who wish to have expert advice through the process of quoting, writing and servicing flood policies. We have no volume commitments or access fees. Commission for this service level is 18%. Higher commission is negotiable with sizable book rolls or production. Policy & Products Policies through the WYO Program are: A. Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) consists of the Dwelling Form, the General Property Form and the Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP). Copies of the policy forms are in Product Resources. B. The following products are available under the SFIP: 1. Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) is available in moderate-risk flood zones B, C, & X for owners of single family, 2-4 family dwellings, other residential and non-residential buildings which meet specific eligibility requirements. 2. Mortgage Portfolio Protection Program (MPPP) offers a force-placed policy available only through a WYO company. 3. Scheduled Building Policy is available to cover 2 to 10 buildings. The policy requires a specific amount of insurance to be designated for each building. To qualify, all buildings must have the same ownership and the same location. The properties on which the buildings are located must be contiguous. This policy is not offered at this time. Flood - Commercial Commercial flood differs from personal flood in maximum limits available and according to the Flood Insurance Manual. See previous page Flood – Personal for Limits Available and other information. Personal Lines Excess/Commercial Excess Excess flood insurance, whether personal or commercial, is an important protection to offer to your clients. Home and business values frequently exceed the limits available from the NFIP program. By providing additional limits/coverage you not only solve your customer's needs, but you further minimize exposures to agency errors and omissions. Excess Flood Insurance options are provided through our excess flood broker, Wells Fargo Special Risks, Inc.: Excess Over Primary Non-Participating Community (NPC) Properties Coastal Barrier Resource System (CBRS) Properties Eligibility Excess over Primary: Residential dwelling (1-4 family), other residential (i.e. apartments), commercial properties and condominiums located in participating communities as recognized by FEMA/NFIP in the Regular Program. Properties in the Emergency Program are subject to underwriter's approval. Non-Participating Community (NPC)/Coastal Barrier Resource System (CBRS) Properties: Residential dwelling (1-4 family), other residential (i.e. apartments), commercial properties and condominiums designated as Costal Barrier Resource System (CBRS) properties or located within Non-Participating communities (NPC) may not qualify for the NFIP. Wells Fargo Special Risks is willing to consider any submission subject to an underwriting review. Limits Available $15,000,000 aggregate is available per property location, overall interests for building, contents and loss of income with even higher limits available upon request. Minimum Premiums, Taxes & Filings: All policies are subject to a minimum earned premium which is the greater of: $500 Residential Property $1,000 commercial Property OR 50% of gross written premium All premiums are subject to state surplus lines taxes and any applicable stamping fee (s). If the agent is unable to file the taxes and fees, WFSR can handle for the agent at less commission to the agent. Program Features & Highlights: This program closely follows the same underwriting rules and regulations of the NFIP primary flood program. Excess coverage limits 'attach' to the underlying NFIP policy at the maximum available limit. Coverage for NonParticipating Communities (NPC) or Coastal Barrier Resource System (CBRS) properties is primary or first dollar coverage. Coverage Restrictions & Underlying Insurance Requirements: Excess over Primary: We deem that the Insured carry the maximum underlying NFIP limits and/or deductible. All policies issued, respond in excess of the following amounts Building (structure permanently affixed to its foundation) Residential $250,000 Commercial $500,000 Condo - $250,000 x # of units Contents (household or business contents) Residential $100,000 Commercial $500,000 CBRS & Non-Participating Communities: Building - Standard Program up to $500,000 Contents - Standard Program up to $100,000 Deductibles: CBRS - minimum $50,000 NPC - minimum $5,000 Terms & Conditions: Properties are underwritten on an individual basis Additional Limits may be available upon request Coverage must be 80% of dwelling replacement value Coverage provisions are similar to the NFIP standard policy except no Increased Cost of Construction (ICC) coverage option. Loss of Income: Net business income or rental values are subject to $100,000 self-insured retention or 30 days, whichever is greater and can only be bound in conjunction with building coverage. Multiple Buildings: If more than one building is at a site, the building being insured must be clearly identified on this application. If more than one building is to be insured, Sections II through V must be completed for each structure or attached on a comparable schedule of properties to include all pertinent underwriting information. Policy Types The excess flood program is issued on a 'following-form' policy meeting the terms and conditions of the underlying NFIP or WYO flood coverage. This is to ensure continuity in the grant of coverage being provided by the NFIP. This includes the following NFIP flood forms/policy types: Standard Flood Insurance Policy - Dwelling, General Property & Residential Condominium Building Association policies Preferred Risk Policy - Dwelling or General Property policies Scheduled Building Policy is available to cover individual buildings and/or on blanket basis providing a shared aggregate limit for all structures scheduled CBRA and Non-Participating properties are subject to underwriting requirements Loss of Income* * Loss of Income is a coverage NOT provided by the NFIP. As such, this coverage is written subject to a $50,000 self-insured retention (SIR). Highly Protected Property Big “I” Markets and Fireman’s Fund have partnered together to provide you access to Fireman’s Fund’s monoline and complex property product. If you have large, property-driven commercial clients with a proven interest in risk management, Fireman’s Fund expertise and Highly Protected Risks capabilities deliver benefits beyond traditional HPR coverage. For the best HPR risks, Fireman’s Fund has in-house capacity of $560 million under a single roof. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Large monoline property schedules $100mm TIV and greater for superior properties manufacturing TIV schedules $50mil TIV and greater. Target Classes include: • Real Estate Management/Trusts (Lessor's Risk, Class A office buildings, shopping centers; no development, low turnover on scheduled properties) • Regional hospitals • Private schools, colleges and universities • Manufacturing (Including some food processing) • Luxury condos (only non-coastal, newer, fully sprinklered, MNC) • Upscale mixed-use properties (combines condos, retail and restaurants on one campus) • Retail • Distribution/wholesale • Warehouse (no Warehouse Legal available, proper sprinkler protection for the exposure/racks required) Excluded Classes: • Habitational (NO APARTMENTS) • Chemical exposure (chemical reactions, labs, environmental) • Logging/lumber • Poor quality risks • Poor financials • Vacant • Coastal properties (unless coastal TIV is less than 15% of the total schedule and MNC or NC) • No capacity in the following county: Harris County, Texas • X-Wind offered on a very limited basis COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: • Capacity up to $560mil in-house under one roof, schedules up to $3B • Low minimum premium of $25,000 • True HPR Engineering services to consult with Insureds on building construction for up-fits, new construction, and maximizing credits 39 • Boiler and Machinery Coverage reinsured through Hartford Steam Boiler • NUMEROUS Additional Coverages available for Hospitals (outlined in proposal) • buildings to be re-built Green in the event of a loss Coverage Availability: Fireman’s Fund preferred Property Form is available in all 50 states; International locations can be contemplated with 90-day lead time. Markel Outdoors Suite of Products Big “I” Markets offers an enhanced niche program for Rod & Gun clubs, Hunting & Fi ters & Guides and Dude Ranches. This outdoor insurance program is available in all states except Alaska and Hawaii. Rod & Gun Club TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Private sporting clubs eligible for this program are those that own all land or the majority of land on longterm lease on which club-approved activities take place. Underwriting Appetite Sportsman’s clubs and private shooting clubs Lodging, including food and beverage services, for members and guest Limited use of club facilities for fee-paid social events and charitable fund-raising activities Ineligible Classes Clubs without established by-laws Homeowner associations Public shooting facilities open to walk-ins COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Commercial Package Policy available for clubs with owned property Inland marine coverage for insureds’ and customers’ personal property and equipment Equipment breakdown Kennel facilities for members’ hunting dogs Cast & Shoot broadened enhancement form o Includes coverages such as: accounts receivable, business income including extra expense, consequential damage, debris removal, forgery and alteration, inventory and appraisals, newly acquired buildings and business personal property, ordinance or law, pollutant cleanup, processors coverage, valuable papers, water back-up from sewer drain Monoline Liability 40 Commercial Auto Commercial Excess/Umbrella Liability Hunting & Fishing Lodges and Plantations TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY southern sporting plantations. Guest activities may encompass a broad range of guided sporting and recreational offerings. Underwriting Appetite Wing shooting - upland bird and waterfowl Big game and turkey hunting Clay target and other range facilities Ineligible Classes Any hunting not fair chase Coastal property COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Liability Aggregate is 3 times the occurrence limit. Approved memberships are eligible for 5 times the occurrence limit. $6,000 medical payments Advertising and personal injury liability Property Insurance coverage forms available are basic, broad, and special Replacement cost coverage Business interruption Spoilage coverage Custom and Elite Hospitality broadened o Includes coverages such as: accounts receivable, business income with extra expense, consequential damage, contractual penalties, debris removal, electronic data processing, ordinance or law, pollutant cleanup, valuable papers, water backup from sewer drain Inland Marine Insureds’ and customers’ personal property and equipment 41 Crime Employee dishonesty, robbery, and burglary Commercial Excess/Umbrella Liability Limits up to $10 million Optional Coverages Key employee replacement expense Commercial auto Bailee’s coverage Horse mortality Disease and contamination Mechanical breakdown Employment practices liability Homeowners coverages and personal liability for owner-occupied main dwelling or lodges used as a primary residence Care, Custody & Control of non-owned horses Sex abuse TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY - tions can be conducted with or without horses. Underwriting Appetite Upland bird and waterfowl hunting guides Guided canoe and kayak tours Backpacking/wilderness camping Nature and wildlife tours and photography Ineligible Classes Equipment rentals without guides or primarily unguided operations No coverage for high-risk activities such as rock climbing, whitewater rafting, downhill skiing, ATV/ snowmobile tours, snowboarding Rivers no higher than class III 42 Blue water/deep sea fishing ventures No risks in Alaska or Hawaii COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Commercial Package Policy Guest lodging in personal dwelling Inland marine coverage for insureds’ and customers’ personal property and equipment Equipment breakdown Pro Guide Plus broadened enhancement form o Includes coverages such as: business income including extra expense, business personal property, property in transit, spoilage, personal effect of others, processors coverage, employee dishonesty, and emergency vacating expense Monoline Liability Aggregate is 3 times the occurrence limit. Approved memberships are eligible for 5 times the occurrence. Commercial Auto Commercial Excess/Umbrella Liability Dude Ranches TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Dude ranches provide a family-oriented vacation destination where the primary activity is horseback riding. Additional family activities are based on a western experience, such as cattle ranching, square dancing, family dining, hiking, and swimming. Underwriting Appetite Dude ranches where horseback riding is the primary activity Resort dude ranches where horseback riding is featured, along with other diverse activities Working dude ranches, with cattle or livestock operations Ineligible Classes Resorts where horseback riding is not the main activity Hourly rental operations Cabin rentals only Bed & Breakfast (refer to our Property & Casualty unit) COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Liability Aggregate is 3 times the occurence limit. Approved memberships are eligible for 5 times the occurence limit. $100,000 fire legal 43 $6,000 medical payments Advertising and personal injury liability Property Insurance coverage forms available are basic, broad, and special Replacement cost coverage Business interruption Spoilage coverage Custom and Elite Hospitality broadened o Includes coverages such as: accounts receivable, business income with extra expense, consequential damage, contractual penalties, debris removal, electronic data processing, ordinance or law, pollutant cleanup, valuable papers, water backup from sewer drain Inland Marine Insureds’ and customers’ personal property and equipment Crime Employee dishonesty, robbery, and burglary Commercial Excess/Umbrella Liability Limits up to $10 million Optional Coverages Key employee replacement expense Commercial auto Bailee’s coverage Horse mortality Disease and contamination Mechanical breakdown Employment practices liability Homeowners coverages and personal liability for owner-occupied main dwelling or lodges used as a primary residence Care, Custody & Control of non-owned horses Sex abuse 44 Miscellaneous Professional Liability Philadelphia’s Miscellaneous Professional Liability policy (MPL) provides errors and omissions coverage to a great variety of professionals, via endorsement to a basic claims-made, pay-on-behalf policy. The underwriting staff tailors each policy to address the exposures unique to each class of business. Professions Eligible for Coverage: Computer Consultants/Programmers Computer Software Consultants Management Consultants Marketing Consultants Mortgage Bankers Mortgage Brokers Plus many more! See ‘Product Resources’ on www.bigimarkets.com for a full listing of Eligible Professions Universal Coverage Features/Benefits: Defense afforded for groundless, false or fraudulent allegation Pay-on-behalf insuring agreement Reasonably priced, extended reporting period Policy allows for insured consent to settlement Definition of claim includes arbitration proceedings Predecessor firm coverage provided Coverage extends to independent contractors Wrongful acts not imputed to innocent partners Free 60-day discovery clause Prior acts coverage is available for qualified applicants Limits Available The liability limits available range from $100,000 up to $10,000,000. Minimum premium: $1,000 Minimum deductible: $2,500 Maximum deductible: $100,000 What is Claims-Made? PIC’s policy is issued on a Claims-Made form. Professional Liability Insurance policies are usually issued on a Claims-Made basis as opposed to an Occurrence form. Under Claims-Made policies, coverage applies only to claims that are reported during the policy period and occurring after a “retroactive” or “prior acts” date. The prior acts date is usually set (with underwriter approval) at the date that the insured first began carrying uninterrupted professional liability coverage. One of the key advantages is that the insured’s 45 covered claim would apply to the current policy and limits rather than the lower limits that may have been carried years earlier at the actual time of the error or omission. Service Loss Control Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker LLP (WEMED) to provide as an included service a Loss Assistance Hotline. The hotline provides policyholders with 2 FREE HOURS of legal consultation with knowledgeable attorneys on any matter that could potentially result in a claim under a PIC policy. More information on accessing the Loss Assistance Hotline can be found in the technical bulletin under ‘Product Resources’. Coverage Availability Miscellaneous Professional Liability coverage is underwritten by Philadelphia Insurance Company on an admitted basis (available in all states except Louisiana). Philadelphia Insurance Companies has an A.M. Best Rating ‘A++’ Superior. Liability, and Internet Liability. Ineligible Risks: Blood Banks, Nursing Homes, Condo/ Homeowner Associations, Assisted Living Centers, Abortion Clinics, Adoption/ Foster Care Placement Services (which exceed 20% of the Insured’s revenue), Governmental Agencies, Police Departments, Pro-Bono Law Firms, Volunteer Fire Companies. Coverage Highlights: Option to have the insurer assume the defense or pay on behalf of coverage Separate limits can be purchased for Employment Practice Liability Elimination of gaps and overlaps with one carrier writing all coverages Defense costs are in addition to the limit of liability Includes punitive, multiple or exemplary damages (where insurable) Spousal and estate/heirs coverage Personal injury and publishing/advertising liability is included D&O 46 Severability language applies to fraud and profit exclusions Employment Practices Third-party liability included No mental anguish or emotional distress exclusion Leased employees included in definition of insured Definition of employment practices offers many coverage options Fiduciary Liability The responsibility on trustees, employers, fiduciaries, professional administrators, and the plan itself with respect to errors and omissions in the administration of employee benefit programs as imposed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Workplace Violence Highlights Workplace violence act includes actual or alleged intentional and unlawful use of, or threat to use deadly force with an intent to cause harm No mental anguish or emotional distress exclusion Damages include business interruption expense and public image restoration expense Internet Liability Libel, slander, or oral or written publication of defamatory or disparaging material Invasion of, or interference with, the right of privacy Infringement of copyright, service mark, trademark, trade dress, or trade name, title, or slogan Improper use of literary or artistic titles, formats or performances. This program is available to members in all states with the exception of Louisiana. 47 Non-Standard Property AFFLUENT NON-STANDARD HOMEOWNER When standard markets are unable or unwilling to write your high value exposures, log onto www.bigimarkets.com because Lexington Insurance Company most often can. Through Big “I” Markets, you have access to the ultra-flexible LexElite homeowners insurance at sensible rates for the risks other carriers decline. Coverage Highlights Industry-accepted ISO HO3 policy forms modified to tailor coverage for unique exposures 1/ 13 Wind mitigation credits for hip roof, roof straps, shutters and wind protective glass . Many standard ISO endorsements and customized LexElite endorsements available including Personal Injury; All Risk Contents, Golf Cart liability, Personal Article Floaters Flexible all other peril and wind deductibles ne ote w :B no ig n- “I” st M an a da rke rd ts pr is op no er t a ty c bu ce si pti ne ng ss un til 1/ Wind Exclusion credits available What you should send to us for consideration: High value homes No maximum limit High profile/target occupations Coastal, non coastal or brush exposures Rental or short-term rental properties Homes titled in an LLC or corporate name Risks cancelled due to nonpayment of premium Risks with prior losses or being non-renewed Poor credit NON-STANDARD HOMEOWNER Having difficulty finding coverage for your homeowner? Big “I” Markets can help. LexElite offes homeowners insurance at sensible rates for the risks other carriers decline or are unable to write. Coverage Highlights N Industry-accepted ISO HO3 policy forms modified to tailor coverage for unique exposures Many standard ISO endorsements and customized LexElite endorsements available. Flexible deductible options Minimum Premium $1,000 25% Minimum Earned Premium Applies What you should send to us for consideration: Mid to High value homes (Minimum values vary by state, with some as low as $150,000). Log onto Big “I” Markets www.bigimarkets.com to review list of minimum values by state. 48 Coverage A minimum dependant upon state. Older, updated well-maintained homes Coastal, non coastal, brush exposures Unprotected risks Log homes Trampolines, unacceptable animals, unfenced pools Rental or short-term rental properties Homes titled in an LLC or corporate name 1/ 13 . Risks cancelled due to nonpayment of premium Risks with prior losses or being non-renewed 1/ Poor credit ne ote w :B no ig n- “I” st M an a da rke rd ts pr is op no er t a ty c bu ce si pti ne ng ss un til VACANT DWELLING If you are having trouble placing a vacant dwelling, check out Big ”I” Markets. That is where you can gain access to LexElite® Vacant Dwelling Insurance, which provides attractively priced property coverage for your client. Coverage Highlights ISO DP3 special form including extended coverage and vandalism available for most dwellings Flexible 3, 6 and 12 month terms (100%, 50%, 25% Minimum Earned Premium depending upon policy term) Wind and earthquake coverage Numerous coverage options include on-premises theft, personal liability and medical payments Flexible deductibles What you should send to us for consideration: Hard-to-place vacant dwellings, old or new, coastal or Inland Unoccupied and for sale Unoccupied due to the owner’s death N Unoccupied because the owner has been relocated by his or her employer Poor credit history COASTAL HOMEOWNER Coastal markets can be challenging and when standard markets are unable or unwilling to write your mid to high value coastal exposures, Big “I” Markets usually can. We provide access to LexElite homeowners insurance at sensible rates for the risks other carriers decline. Coverage Highlights Industry-accepted ISO HO3 policy forms modified to tailor coverage for unique exposures Many standard ISO endorsements and customized LexElite endorsements available Wind mitigation credits for hip roof, roof straps, shutters and wind protective glass 49 Flexible all other peril and wind deductibles Wind Exclusion credits available Minimum Premium $1,000 25% Minimum Earned Premium Applies What you should send to us for consideration: Mid- to High-value homes Coverage A minimum ranges from $300,000 to $500,000, dependant upon state. See statespecific pages on Big “I” Markets . Will consider risks without hurricane shutters/wind mitigation 1/ 13 Homes located in adverse flood zones 1/ Rental or short-term rental properties ne ote w :B no ig n- “I” st M an a da rke rd ts pr is op no er t a ty c bu ce si pti ne ng ss un til Homes titled in an LLC or corporate name Risks cancelled due to nonpayment of premium Risks with prior losses or being non-renewed Poor credit history UNSUPPORTED SECONDARY HOMEOWNER Always a tough placement, Big “I” Markets may be a viable alternative market for unsupported secondary homes. You have access to the very flexible LexElite homeowners insurance at sensible rates for the risks other carriers decline or are unable to write. Coverage Highlights Industry-accepted ISO HO3 policy forms modified to tailor coverage for unique exposures Many standard ISO endorsements and customized LexElite endorsements available. Flexible deductible options Minimum Premium $1,000 25% Minimum Earned Premium applies What you should send to us for consideration: N Mid- to High-value homes Coverage A minimum dependant upon state. See state specific pages Primary home not required Older, updated well-maintained homes Coastal or non-coastal exposures Unprotected risks Rental or short-term rental properties Homes titled in an LLC or corporate name Risks cancelled due to nonpayment of premium 50 Risks with prior losses or being non-renewed Poor credit history SEASONAL HOMEOWNERS Having difficulty finding coverage for an unsupported seasonal home? Here are some of the features of the market you have access to on Big “I” Markets. Coverage Highlights Industry-accepted ISO HO3 policy forms modified to tailor coverage for unique exposures Many standard ISO endorsements and customized LexElite endorsements available. . Flexible deductible options 25% Minimum Earned Premium applies ne ote w :B no ig n- “I” st M an a da rke rd ts pr is op no er t a ty c bu ce si pti ne ng ss un til What you should send to us for consideration: 1/ 1/ 13 Minimum Premium $1,000 Mid- to High-value homes Coverage A minimum dependant upon state. See state-specific pages Primary home not required Older, updated well-maintained homes Coastal or non-coastal exposures Unprotected risks Rental or short-term rental properties Homes titled in an LLC or corporate name Risks cancelled due to nonpayment of premium Risks with prior losses or being non-renewed Poor credit history N UNPROTECTED HOMEOWNER Go to Big “I” Markets when the standard markets are unable or unwilling to insure your unprotected home. Here is why. Coverage Highlights Industry-accepted ISO HO3 policy forms modified to tailor coverage for unique exposures Many standard ISO endorsements and customized LexElite endorsements available. Flexible deductible options Minimum Premium $1,000 25% Minimum Earned Premium applies 51 What you should send to us for consideration: Mid- to High-value homes Coverage A minimum dependant upon state. See state-specific pages Protection class 9 and 10 Require adequate alternative water source reviewed on a case-by-case basis Risks with year-round accessibility Homes located in a resort community Unsupported risks 1/ 13 . Log Homes Builders’ Risks 1/ Rental or short-term rental properties ne ote w :B no ig n- “I” st M an a da rke rd ts pr is op no er t a ty c bu ce si pti ne ng ss un til Homes titled in an LLC or corporate name Risks cancelled due to nonpayment of premium Risks with prior losses or being non-renewed Poor credit history NON-STANDARD RENTAL DWELLINGS This is a market for when you are having difficulty finding coverage for a home rented either full time or short term. Big “I” Markets might be able to help. Coverage Highlights ISO 2000 HO-3 providing broader coverage than many of the standard DP-1 and DP-3 forms Risks written on an individual basis, 12-month policy Flexible deductible and coverage options Minimum Premium $1,000 25% Minimum Earned Premium applies What you should send to us for consideration: N Mid- to High-value homes Coastal or non-coastal exposures Coverage A minimum dependant upon state. See state-specific pages Homes located in a resort community Unprotected risks Unsupported risks Rental or short-term rental properties Homes titled in an LLC or corporate name Risks cancelled due to nonpayment of premium 52 Risks with prior losses or being non-renewed Poor credit history CORPORATE/LLC OWNED HOMEOWNER For those situations where you need coverage for a home titled in a Corporate name or LLC, see if Big “I” Markets can help. Coverage Highlights Industry-accepted ISO HO3 policy forms modified to tailor coverage for unique exposures . Many standard ISO endorsements and customized LexElite endorsements available 1/ 13 Flexible deductible options 1/ Minimum Premium $1,000 ne ote w :B no ig n- “I” st M an a da rke rd ts pr is op no er t a ty c bu ce si pti ne ng ss un til 25% Minimum Earned Premium applies What you should send to us for consideration: Mid- to High-value homes Coverage A minimum dependant upon state. See state-specific pages Coastal or non-coastal risks All occupancy types eligible including rental and short-term rental properties All classes including: owned by individual but LLC-name for tax purposes, owned by actual corporation for use by Officers of the company. Loss of Use/Rents, Liability and Med Pay eligibility determined on a case-by-case basis Unprotected risks Unsupported risks Risks cancelled due to nonpayment of premium Risks with prior losses or being non-renewed Poor credit history PERSONAL BUILDERS RISK N Are you having difficulty finding coverage for a home under construction or undergoing renovation? Then go to Big “I” Markets and see if Lexington Insurance Company may be a viable alternative option. Coverage Highlights Industry-accepted ISO HO3 policy forms modified to tailor coverage for unique exposures Theft of building material and Builders Risk Extended coverage options available. Ability to convert to a Homeowner policy upon completion of project Flexible deductible options Minimum Premium $1,000 100% Minimum Earned Premium (Home can be converted to full Homeowner upon completion) 53 What you should send to us for consideration: Ground up construction Coverage A minimum dependant upon state. See state-specific pages Homes under renovation occupied or unoccupied Mid-term projects Multi-year projects Insured acting as General Contractor Spec homes for sale after construction Poor credit history 1/ 13 . NON-STANDARD CONDOMINIUM This market specializes in covering condo or tenant risks that standard market carriers cannot or will not write. 1/ Coverage Highlights ne ote w :B no ig n- “I” st M an a da rke rd ts pr is op no er t a ty c bu ce si pti ne ng ss un til ISO HO-6 (Condo) Optional standard ISO endorsements available to allow customized coverage Coverage for loss of use/loss of rents available Flexible deductible options Minimum Premium $500 25% Minimum Earned Premium applies What you should send to us for consideration: Coastal or non-coastal exposures Additions and Alternations (A&A) Minimum $5,000/Minimum Contents $20,000 Loss Assessment coverage available Rental, short-term rental or vacant condos Risks with prior losses Risks cancelled for nonpayment of premium Poor credit history Corporate Owned or LLC NON-STANDARD RENTERS N Increasingly tenant risks are being underwritten more closely. If your tenant insured is having trouble finding coverage, this product could be an option. Coverage Highlights ISO HO-4 (Tenant) Optional standard ISO endorsements available to allow customized coverage Coverage for Contents, Loss of Use, Liability and Med Pay Flexible deductible options Minimum Premium $500 25% Minimum Earned Premium applies What you should send to us for consideration: Minimum Contents $20,000 54 Risks with prior losses Risks cancelled for nonpayment of premium Poor credit history Proliability In our sue-happy culture, it’s important for professionals of all types to protect themselves with a professional liability policy. To help you help your clients do that, Big “I” Markets has eleven classes of Professional Liability products. Getting a quote is as fast. By teaming up with market provider Seabury & Smith, Big “I” Markets agents can get instant quotes, and only have to complete a full submission once a client has decided to buy a policy. Even then, submissions can be done in minutes, and with credit card information, a policy can be bound at the same time! The product is listed as proliability on the BIM commercial products menu. Once selected, you will have the option of getting a quote only, or directly issuing the policy, at which time you will choose from the eleven classes of business available. The proliability program is designed to provide a quick quote and policy issuance for occupations listed below. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Current eligible classes include: Athletic Trainer Dental Assistant/Hygienist Dietitians Interpreter for the Deaf Nurse Optometrist Pharmacist Physical Therapist Rehabilitation CounselorTherapist Surgical Assistant/technician COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY : Professional Liability limits vary by occupation. Coverage Availability: Available to members in all states except California. 55 Property Manager E&O The Smart Pro Property Manager's E&O program is a comprehensive approach to professional liability for property managers through exclusive endorsements with the industry’s most respected carrier. Target Market & Eligibility Property Managers that manage Residential or Commercial Real Estate, including apartment buildings and Community Associations, are eligible for this program. The program will accept risks with Real Estate Agent or Broker revenues as well as Property Management. A requirement of this program is membership in the American Association of Real Estate Owners RPG, Inc. Membership fee is $200. Ineligible risks include Assisted Living Facilities, Nursing Homes, Stadiums/Arenas and risks that have revenues of more than 25% from either Property development or Construction Management. Coverage Features/Benefits: • Professional Services include coverage for “Real Estate Agents and Brokers” • Owned and Managed Property coverage for many owned and managed situations • Failure to Place or Failure to Maintain Insurance • Personal Injury definition includes wrongful entry, invasion of privacy and wrongful eviction • Punitive and Exemplary Damages • Independent Contractors are included as insureds • Discrimination for Claims Alleging Fair Housing Violations: Legal Defense is provided • Bodily Injury and Property Damage Consequential Loss • Civil Administrative and Civil Regulatory proceedings are included in the definition of claims • Pollution extension for Third-Party Financial Loss • Consent to Settle provides 70% of additional loss and claim expenses • Coverage for services provided over the Internet • Allocation- 100% Defense costs for claims alleging both covered and uncovered matters Coverage Availability: The Property Manager E&O program is available on an admitted basis in all states except AK, AR, LA, VT & WY. 56 Real Estate Agents Errors & Omissions Travelers was the first company to offer errors and omissions liability protection to real estate agents and brokers consistently since 1956. Travelers 1st ChoiceSM for Real Estate Professionals provides professional liability protection for claims or suits resulting from real estate agent or broker professional services. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY The following characteristics should be considered as the minimum criteria for a real estate agency to successfully qualify for a coverage quotation: active owner/broker with 3 years experience or more have gross annual revenues of $30 million or less 5 years professional liability loss history majority of revenues from sale or leasing of residential or commercial real property incidental property management, appraiser, or auctioneer transactions COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY A specimen policy form is available for review by accessing the Product Resources page of Big “I” Markets. Policy Features: Bodily Injury and Property Damage resulting from a covered professional service(s). Disciplinary proceedings defense expenses reimbursement up to $25,000. Increased liability limits available for those who qualify. Defense expenses related to covered claims in addition to the limits of coverage. Deductible applies to defense expenses, unless endorsed or not allowed by state. Option to provide prior acts coverage without a retroactive date limitation, for those who qualify. Many extended reporting period options, including an unlimited time period endorsement option. No exclusion for fair-housing discrimination committed in real estate professional services as a real estate agent or broker. No exclusion for losses resulting from a real estate agent or broker failing to advise a buyer or seller that pollution, fungi and bacteria exist on a property. No sub-limits for certain types of claims. Coverage for employees and independent contractors of the insured automatically included as protected persons for claims resulting from professional services they perform for the named insured. Coverage Availability: Real Estate E&O is available to members nationwide with the exception of CA, HI, and LA. Please be advised that effective October 2006, all real estate agents Errors & Omissions in the state of Tennessee are required by law to be two-year polices. 57 Recreational Vehicles – Personal & Commercial National Interstate Insurance Company offers property and casualty insurance for motor homes, bus conversions, travel trailers and medium duty tow vehicles. The policies have been designed specifically to meet the needs of RV owners. National Interstate’s claims professionals handle RV claims exclusively while product management continually looks for ways to enhance customer benefits. Today, more than 74,000 RV owners in 42 states are covered by National Interstate RV Insurance programs; and National Interstate is endorsed by the Spartan Chassis Club and the Newell Owners Club. National Interstate provides coverage for motor homes, bus conversions, medium duty tow vehicles and converted medium duty tow vehicles with a value up to $1.5 million; and travel trailers and 5th wheels with a value of up to $150,000. For more information on covered recreation vehicle types, including eligibility requirements for all categories, please see the Recreation Vehicle Categories Supplement in the Product Resources Section. All policy terms are annual unless specifically approved by the company. National Interstate does not impose minimum or maximum limits on the age of the primary driver. Commercial usage of recreational vehicles is acceptable, with the exception of those rented or leased to others. If an insured uses their recreational vehicle for commercial purposes, they must purchase additional coverage to avoid the commercial usage exclusions in the standard policy. All commercial risks must be approved by National Interstate. The following coverages are available in all states with the exception of AL, DC, KY, HI, MA, MD, MS, RI, VT, AND WV. Coverages for most states are written on admitted, modified ISO policy forms with RV specialty coverage endorsements. Specialty coverages are available in most states where coverage is available. Total Loss Replacement: If an insured experiences a total loss on their motor home, travel trailer or fifth wheel during the first five model years, we will replace the vehicle with a brand new comparable model. Beyond five model years, we will pay the amount the insured originally paid for the coach toward the purchase of a replacement. In either case, the insured is protected against depreciation of their RV. Disappearing Deductible: For each claim-free year, the selected comprehensive and/or collision deductible will be reduced by 25%. If an insured has four consecutive claim-free years, they will have no deductible to pay in the event of a loss. Once a claim is paid, the deductible is restored to the original level shown on the policy, and begins to decrease again for every claim-free year. Personal Effects Coverage: We will replace the RV owner’s lost, stolen or damaged personal items normally carried on trips such as clothing, sporting equipment and cameras. Full-Timer’s Coverage: Individuals who use their RV as a primary residence for more than 5 months out of the year need to purchase full-timer’s coverage that is able to provide personal liability coverage similar to homeowner’s liability. Additional Coverages: Valuable property coverage for items such as jewelry, camera and sports equipment, golf cart coverage, medical payments coverage and coverage for storage shed are available to RV owners. National Interstate offers the following Standard Coverages: Bodily Injury/Property Damage Uninsured Motorists/Underinsured Motorists Medical Payments Physical Damage (comprehensive and collision) Personal Injury Protection (in states where applicable) 58 National Interstate offers the following RV Specialty Coverages*: Replacement Cost Personal Effects Full-Timer’s Personal Liability Total Loss Replacement/Purchase Price Coverage Purchase Price Guarantee Coverage Agreed Value Coverage Extended Utility Trailer Coverage Diminishing Deductible Mexico Coverage Vacation Liability Recreational Land Motor Vehicle and Small Watercraft Coverage (Golf Cart Coverage) Emergency Vacation Expense Scheduled Medical Payments Scheduled Valuable Personal Property Adjacent Structures Towing and Roadside Labor Windshield Safety Glass Coverage Full-Timer’s Secured Storage Personal Effects Full-Timer’s Medical Payments Custom Equipment Coverage Awning Replacement Coverage Emergency Roadside Assistance provided by Continental Car Club 59 Stand-alone Personal Umbrella As a Big “I” member, you have access to two stand-alone personal umbrella markets, which enables you to write most any risk you will run across. RLI has been the Big I endorsed carrier for over 20 years, and whether the risk qualifies for RLI or for an alternative market for risks RLI will not write, you can support your state Big “I” association by placing your stand-alone umbrella business with the Big I Advantage® Umbrella Program. Endorsed Market - RLI Personal Umbrella • Limits up to $5 million available • You can keep your current homeowner/auto insurer • New drivers accepted - no age limit on drivers • Up to one DWI/DUI per household allowed • Auto limits as low as 100/300/50 in certain cases • Competitive, low premiums for increased limits of liability • Simple, self-underwriting application that lets you know immediately if the insured is accepted • E-signature and credit card payment options • Immediate coverage available in all 50 states plus D.C. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY The RLI PUP is an umbrella liability policy that provides coverage in excess of the underlying policies’ coverage, subject to exclusions listed on pages 4 and 5 of the policy provisions. It is vital that you make sure the insured is carrying the minimum required limits of liability on their underlying policies to avoid a gap in coverage should a loss occur and to avoid a potential E&O exposure for themselves. The application outlines the minimum underlying limit requirements. Following are some of the requirements necessary to qualify for this policy. The application contains a complete list of qualifications and is self-underwriting; if a risk does not fit the requirements exactly, it will be declined. No exceptions. The insured must carry, as a condition of coverage, applicable personal liability policies for at least the minimum required limits as shown on the application. The insured's live-in relatives must be covered under automobile and personal liability policies for at least the minimum required limits. Individuals in the care or custody of the insured or a member of the household must also be covered. Members of the insured's household may not own/lease or regularly operate more than ten (10) vehicles (not counting antique, classic and/or collectible vehicles). Members of the insured's household may not have more than four drivers under the age of 22. Members of the insured's household may not own more than ten (10) residential properties total and not more than five (5) properties rented to others. Members of the insured's household may not own or regularly operate more than three (3) watercraft (counting only boats between 14-45 ft with a maximum speed of 50 mph; and not including canoes and jetskis, waverunners and other personal watercraft). Members of the insured's household may not own more than three (3) jetskis, waverunners or other personal watercraft. Drivers under age 20 must have a clean driving record for the last three (3) years. Drivers age 2021 or over 79 are acceptable with up to one (1) driving incident in the last three (3) years (N/A for drivers over 79 in HI) 60 No one driver may have more than three (3) moving violations in the last 3 years. Each driver in the household must have no arrests, citations or convictions for reckless, careless or negligent driving and no suspensions (for reasons other than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs), revocations or refusals to license in the last 5 years. 500/500/50 or 500 CSL Automobile liability limits are required when there are drivers under 22. Drivers over 69 must carry minimum limits of 250/500/100, 300/300/50 or 300 CSL. One (1) arrest, citation or suspension for DUI/DWI is acceptable per household in the last 5 years (3 years in MT). Underlying limits of 500/500/50 or 500 CSL are required. Underlying limits of 100/300/50 are available to applicants eligible for the Preferred or Standard tier at a higher premium. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: The RLI Personal Umbrella Product (PUP) is an unsupported product, meaning the insured does not need to place their underlying coverages (auto, homeowners, watercraft) with RLI. Up to $5 million coverage limit is available. RLI's Personal Umbrella Program Provides the Best Protection: $1-, $2-, $3-, and $5-million liability limits are available. ($1-million if the applicant falls under the PUP Special tier.) Covers incidents involving any premises in the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico covered by a policy that has Personal Liability coverage, including a Farm Owner's policy. Covers incidents involving operation of most motor vehicles (including cars, RVs, motorcycles, motor homes, trucks and most watercraft). Covers incidents involving slander, libel, and defamation of character, invasion of privacy or false arrest. Defense costs are covered, even if the insured is not liable. Worldwide coverage as long as the suit is brought in the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico. Coverage is available in all states and the District of Columbia. Broad underwriting guidelines allow insureds to easily qualify for the program. The application is self-underwriting; as soon as the application is complete, you'll know whether or not the applicant will be accepted by RLI. Competitive premiums are offered for all coverage limits to keep RLI's umbrella insurance coverage affordable. Program Features: Direct bill to the insured at renewal A premium matrix replacing time-consuming rate calculations Availability regardless of the carrier providing the underlying coverages A self-underwriting application No minimum volume requirements 61 Excess Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) coverage available nationwide. Acceptance with up to 3 accidents, 6 violations, 10 cars, 10 properties, 3 watercraft and 3 personal watercraft Coverage available for up to 25 antique, classic and/or collector cars The policy includes typical umbrella exclusions such as aircraft, large watercraft and intentional injury The policy may be written either in the name of an individual, in the names of both spouses, or in the names of two unrelated individuals as long as they reside in the same household. The insured's spouse and members of the insured's household who are relatives or are in the insured's or member of the household's care and custody are insured under the policy Coverage Availability: This product is currently available in all states. Excess Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) coverage is available nationwide for an additional charge. The available limit of Excess UM/UIM Coverage varies by the state of risk. The RLI Personal Umbrella Policy is administered by an elected state administrator in your state and is available for quoting on the Big "I" Markets system in AK, AZ, CA, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, ID, IN, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NH, NJ, ND, NV, NY, OH, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WI, WV and WY. You can log onto Big “I” Markets to see a list of administrators by state and to download an RLI application. You can also go to www.iiaba.net/umbrella to download applications and rates for your state. Alternative Market - Anderson & Murison The Anderson & Murison’s Primary and Excess Umbrella Liability insurance is designed to help you place personal umbrella risks that RLI cannot write. • Limits up to $10 million available • Ideal for risks that have drivers with multiple violations/accidents • Will consider high profile personalities such as elected officials, athletes, media personalities & entertainers • Will consider risks with prior liability losses exceeding $25,000 • Drivers over age 75 acceptable with two violations • Drivers under age 22 can have minor violations • Driver exclusion endorsement available for drivers with unacceptable driving records • Written on A-rated Scottsdale paper TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Ineligible Risks • Business pursuits including policies written in corporate name • No underlying CPL • Risks with commercial underlying policies - OL&Ts are acceptable • Open claims of any type COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY 62 Primary Personal Umbrella Policy Policy Features: $1, $2, $3 $4, $5 and $10 million in liability coverage Only $1 million in coverage is available in AK, IN, NJ, WV & VT Up to $5 million in coverage is available in the states of NJ & WA Insureds with up to 4 moving violations are acceptable Insureds with one DUI or other major violation are acceptable Driver exclusions are available in all states except AR & WI UM/UIM coverage up to $1 million ($100.00 per vehicle) is available in the states of AK, IN, NH, VT & WV. Motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles & personal watercraft okay Residential farms are usually acceptable Coverage for vacant land, apartment units & rental units Entertainment, sports & political personalities are acceptable with special rating Worldwide Coverage Excess Personal Umbrella Policy Use this policy in combination with the primary umbrella policy to provide very high limits of coverage for very low premiums! Policy Features: $1, $2, $3 $4, $5 million limits in excess of underlying umbrella Entertainment, sports & political personalities are acceptable with special rating Worldwide Coverage Both the primary umbrella product and the excess umbrella product are currently available in all states EXCEPT CT, NY & LA. You can download an application and submit a quote directly on Big “I” Markets by selecting “Personal Umbrella Alternative Market” from the personal lines product menu. Members in AK, CA, HI, OR, and WA should contact their state association for applications and rates. 63 Technology Consultant Professional Liability In today’s insurance market, Technology Consultant Professional Liability (E&O) is one of the fastest growing areas. Big “I” Markets offers access to A.J. Wayne & Associates who entertains all types of technology and computer consultants, with one of the broadest products available at extremely competitive rates. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Tech accounts are great opportunities for your agency. Many applicants require coverage for client contracts. A.J. Wayne & Associates can entertain all types of technology and computer consultants including, but not limited to, the following: Software Developer Web Hosting Training Turnkey Systems Developer Internet Consultant Troubleshooter Search Engines Network Consultant Website Developer E-commerce Websites Programmer Security Consultant COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Broad and basic coverage forms Claims made and reported Duty to defend Defense in addition to the limits is available Copyright / trademark infringement coverage is available Libel, slander and other personal injury coverages are available Punitive damage coverage available where insurable Unauthorized access / hacker liability available Independent contractor coverage available Minimum premium: $1,000 Limits available: we can offer as low as $250,000 or we can quote $1,000,000; limits above $1,000,000 are available in most cases Minimum deductible: usually $1,000 64 All carriers rated A- or higher In most cases, coverage can be offered from an admitted insurance company. A.J. Wayne is licensed in all states EXCEPT the following: DE, HI, MT, NE, NM, ND, UT, & WY. If you need to write coverage non-admitted, AJ Wayne can file surplus line tax in the following states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, IL, IA, IN, KS, LA, NV, NY, MI, MO, NC, NJ, OH, PA, VA, TX, WI & WV. ISSUING CERTIFICATES In most cases, agents can issue certificates and supply a copy. It is not A.J. Wayne & Associates' responsibility to review certificates for accuracy. Please check with A.J. Wayne & Associates before you issue a certificate. Think Specialized Risks. Think The Hartford Captive & Specialty Programs provides agents with a solution to place individual accounts of small, midsize and large risks that may have a higher-hazard exposure or require specialized underwriting on a guaranteed cost structure. The Hartford’s Alarm Contractors Program provides all-lines coverage for alarm contractors, installers of burglar and fire alarms or central monitoring stations, repair and monitoring of residential and commercial security systems. It features specialized coverages such as errors & omissions for breach of duty, lost key coverage, and more. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY The Alarm Program offers coverage for companies that provide at least one of the following operations: • Alarm Installation • Alarm Monitoring • CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) Installations • Smart Homes that include Alarm Installations • Access Control Eligible accounts require: • Risk in business at least four (4) years. • Any operations beyond that which is described above may be considered for this program provided those operations are in the scope of alarm work and with underwriter’s approval. • Risk must have the equivalency of two full-time installers and/or monitors. • Account’s end user/subscriber must sign a contract that contains a liquidated damages clause on all monitoring jobs and at least 80% of installation jobs. • Liquidated damages must be no more than $25,000. • Subcontract less than 50% of annual receipts and use a written sub-contracting agreement if exposure exists. Accounts with the following exposures are not eligible for the Program: • Manufacturers 65 • Distributors • Consulting or Design work done for others (without installation) • Fire Suppression Systems/Sprinklers • Guard Service • Private Investigators • Elopement Control Systems • Car Alarms/Audio Installations • Internet Security • Any high-hazard government work such as homeland security, defense/weapons work, nuclear plants and/or airports. We may consider accounts with the following incidental exposures, but with acceptable underwriting of: • Flow Control Installation/Monitoring • Medical Alert Installation/Service/Repair/Monitoring • Medical/Hospital Monitoring • Fire Extinguisher Service/Testing • Climate Control • Industrial Processes Alarm Installation/Monitoring • Jails, Correctional Facilities Installation/Service/Repair or Monitoring • Low-hazard government work COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: • GL Choice • Property Choice® • Commercial Auto • Workers’ Compensation • Umbrella ® The following coverage enhancements are available in the program: • Errors & Omissions for alarm system and central station protection service – covers breach of duty arising out of negligent acts or errors & omissions committed by you or your employees • Aggregate limit – applies per project, rather than to all projects as a group • Extended property damage coverage (optional) – for customer’s property that is in your care, custody or control • Lost key coverage (optional) – for the cost to replace keys and new locks including the installation that arises from the loss of a customer’s keys 66 Coverage Availability: All Hartford agents can access the program directly except in Alaska and Hawaii. The Hartford’s Arborist Program provides specialized coverages for arborists performing tree care, landscaping or lawn care operations. Our program features specialized coverages such as workmanship error, herbicide and pesticide application, and more. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY: Eligible operations include: Green Industry operations are acceptable as long as receipts from tree care, landscaping and/or lawn care generate at least 35% of their total receipts. Ancillary operations are acceptable and may include: • Nursery/Garden Centers • Sale of Firewood or Mulch • Machinery Dealers (both Farm and Garden type) • Wholesale Nursery • Retail/Wholesale Equipment and Supplies • Concrete work such as stamping or pavers Applicants must be a member of a professional organization (e.g., TCIA, PLANET or regional association); have a professional degree (e.g., Certified Arborist); or have a formal written safety program in place. General Liability must be written to consider any other line of insurance, which includes Commercial Auto, Inland Marine, Property, and Umbrella. Accounts with the following exposures are not eligible for the program: • Herbicide/Pesticide or Fertilization >25% of sales/total operations • Dealers or distributors of Herbicide/Pesticide or Fertilizer • Unlicensed applicators of Herbicide/Pesticide • Any risk applying herbicides/pesticides: o By helicopter or airplane o Indoors or on agricultural products (e.g., crops and orchards) • Consulting operations without completing work (does not include estimates/bidding) • Tree moving or relocating services >10% of sales/total operations • Snow plow operations > 40% total operations • New construction operations, on tract housing or multi-family residential developments in the states of CA, AZ or NV. Tract housing is defined as a development with the characteristics of similar lot size, similar cost and similar or limited floor plan. • Risks involved in removal or maintenance of vegetation along Railroads. • Risks involved in any construction or demolition activities using cranes or heavy equipment. • Use of lattice boom or tower cranes Minimum total account premium is $3,000. On a GL only account, this would require at least $75,000 of ratable payroll (usually 3 or more full-time employees) to meet this premium threshold. 67 The program is not available in AK, HI, IN, and LA. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: • General Liability Choice® Coverage Form • Property Choice® Coverage Form • Commercial Auto • Inland Marine • Umbrella The following coverage enhancements are available in the program: • Workmanship error – for repair or replacement of trees and shrubs accidentally damaged or destroyed by your work • Herbicide and pesticide application (optional) – for bodily injury and property damage caused by pesticide and herbicide application away from the premises you own • Auto pollution liability (optional) – for all covered autos Coverage Availability: The program is currently available to member agents in all states except in AK, HI, IN, and LA. GL must be written for any other line of business to be considered The Pool & Spa Insurance Program is an all-lines program, including Workers’ Com- pensation for pool/spa installation and service contractors, retailers, wholesalers/distributors and manufacturers of pool and spa products. For consideration on any other lines of coverage, you must submit and accept General Liability coverage. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Minimum total General Liability premium is $3,000. This would require at least $75,000 of ratable payroll that is usually three or more full-time employees to meet this premium threshold. The program provides coverage for businesses that: • Generate 75% or more of their receipts from providing services or supplying goods to the pool & spa industry. • Manufacture vinyl liners, pumps, filters, and filter components. • Subcontract their work up to 50% on new business accounts. The following ancillary exposures are also acceptable in this program: • Landscaping • Masonry • Concrete Construction Accounts with the following exposures are not eligible for the Program: 68 • Distributors/Manufacturers that import more than 25% foreign products. • Work done for water parks, theme parks or amusement parks. • Installation of specialty pools, including; but not limited to wave pools, horse pools, medical rehab pools, etc. • Installation of pools or spas above the ground floor level. • Pool management or lifeguard services. • Manufacturers of products other than liners, pumps or filters. • Installation, service or repair of wood/pellet stoves, and gas fireplace inserts. • Retail sales of: - Recreational vehicles, including; jet skis, motorcycles, mopeds, golf carts, snowmobiles, etc. - Tanning beds or equipment. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: • GL Choice® • Property Choice® • Auto Broad Form endorsement • WC Broad Form • Follow-Form Umbrella (up to $2,000,000) The following coverage enhancements are available in the program: • Contractors’ Limited Pollution. Provides coverage for pollutant brought on the jobsite.* • Broadened Coverage for Swimming Pool (Pop-up). Offers coverage for pools, constructed by the insured, that “pop-out of the ground” due to water pressure. • Design and Installation Errors and Omissions Coverage. Available for work done by the insured.* • Per Project Aggregate • SPICE® Endorsement. Covers employee tools, property in transit and installation. • Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act Inspection Errors and Omissions – Provides coverage for the insured’s legal liability due to “business injury”. * Available in most states and if requested/acceptable will be offered in quote. Coverage Features/Benefits: The program is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, HI, LA, NV, and IN. Currently, the Pool & Spa program only writes new business in AZ and CA for service and retail operations. GL must be written for any other line of business to be considered. 69 The Hartford’s Orthotics & Prosthetics Program provides all-lines coverage for O & P Practitioners, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. The program includes a full range of commercial property and general liability coverages and features the professional liability coverage that’s essential to these businesses. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY • Practitioners engaged in the design, manufacture, and fitting of custom artificial limbs, bracing, ocular, pedorthic, and mastectomy products • Manufacture of artificial limbs, bracing, ocular, pedorthic, and mastectomy products without fitting or other patient contact. • Distribution of O & P equipment and accessories • Retailing O & P accessories Accounts should have a minimum of 40% of total revenues derived from 'Practitioner' related services, and no more than 60% from the sale of other durable medical equipment. Applicants must have one of the following certification requirements based on their operation: • ABC (American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics) or BOC (Board for Orthotic/ Prosthetist Certification) by at least one Practitioner on staff for risks that custom fit or have patient contact. • Orthotic certification if risk has patient contact for shoe manufacturing/fitting. If no patient contact, certification is not required. • Ocularists NEBO or NCCA certification for technical professionals who specialize in fitting ocular prosthesis, false eyes. • State licensing for risks that have Physical Therapists on staff. We will consider new ventures when the owner has had three or more years of prior industry experience and is active in the business. The new venture must be loss-free since its inception. A resume outlining experience of the owner(s) must accompany the applications. Accounts with the following exposures are not eligible for the program: • Manufacturers' representatives • Risks that manufacture, distribute or lease drugs, antibiotics, chemicals and apparatus used to administer them and invasive equipment or devices with exception to Halo exposure • Manufacturers of component parts COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: • GL Choice • Property Choice® • Commercial Auto • Workers' Compensation • Umbrella ® Coverage Availability: 70 All member agents can access the program directly except in AK, HI, CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI, and VT. agents located in CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI, and VT can contact your local Hartford representative directly. The Hartford’s Septic Contractors Insurance Program is designed especially for installation and service contractors, septic system pumping services, septic inspection services, and portable toilet rental and cleaning companies. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Our program features specialized coverage such as septic system design and installation errors & omissions, septic system inspection service errors & omissions, and contractor’s equipment enhancements for pumping operations. In addition, all lines of coverage are available, including workers compensation. Ancillary operations acceptable in this program include: • Excavation not related to septic work in all states but AZ, CA and NV Accounts with the following exposures are not eligible for the program: • Risks with Land Application exposures (on or off premises) • Handling of industrial waste • Hazardous waste disposal • Waste treatment operations • Soil remediation • Municipal wastewater treatment facilities work Minimum total account premium is $3,000. While the program is designed for wellestablished independent contractors, we will consider New Ventures when the owner or senior management has three or more years of prior industry ownership and/or management experience in the operations that we are currently being asked to write. We will require a resume for the owner(s). COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: • GL Choice® • Property Choice® • Commercial Auto • Workers' Compensation • Umbrella The following coverage enhancements are available in the program: • Design and Installation Errors & Omissions Coverage - Covers work done by the insured. It also includes Septic System Inspection Service Errors & Omissions Coverage with $25,000 sublimit at no 71 additional charge. Higher limits carry an additional premium. • Auto Pollution Endorsement - For septic pumping or portable toilet cleaning operations • Extra Expense Coverage - To clean tanks and pumpers due to unintentional handling of hazardous waste • Mechanical Breakdown Redefined - Covers loss to property caused by fire or explosion • Per Project Aggregate Coverage Availability: The program is currently available to member agents in all states except Alaska, Hawaii, Indiana, and Louisiana. We will consider risks in Arizona, California, and Nevada for septic system pumping or portable toilet rental operations only (coverage for septic system installation or repair is not available). The Hartford’s STEP Program® businesses of all sizes. provides quality insurance coverage and services for TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY. It is a program especially designed for manufacturers, distributors, installers and repairers of specialized truck bodies, trailers and equipment, such as: • Dry freight trailers • Refrigerated trailers • Snowplow attachments • Dump trucks • Refuse trucks • Trailer manufacturers • Fire trucks & ambulances Ancillary Operations: The following ancillary exposures are also acceptable in this program: • Auto Body shops as long as towing receipts do not exceed 50% of total sales. • Risks that rent or lease equipment, trucks or trailers provided that this operation makes up less than 20% of the total sales. • General truck repairs such as tune-ups and oil changes • Operations meeting hazard grades 1-8. • Operations meeting hazard grades 9-10 with Underwriting Manager approval. Accounts with the following exposures are not eligible for the Program: • Truck Chassis manufacturing • Altering the chassis to the extent that the account, through registration, becomes recognized as the chassis manufacturer. • Tanker bodies used in the transportation or storage of chemicals, gasoline, LPG and LNG. • Manufacturing, distributing, repairing or installing: o Passenger conveyance bodies. (e.g., buses, trams, RVs). 72 o Operations involving heavy engine or driveline work. o Tank bodies used in the transportation or storage of fuel, chemicals, LPG and LNG. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: • GL Choice® • Property Choice® • Auto Broad Form endorsement • Inland Marine • Workers› Compensation • Umbrella Coverage Availability: The program is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, HI, and LA. Travel Insurance Big “I” Markets, in partnership with Travel Insured International, offers two travel products that will make your clients rest easier when they take their next trip. The Worldwide Trip Protector and World Trip Protector Gold products offer comprehensive choices to protect travelers before departure and during a trip from a wide range of unforeseen possible events that could cancel or interrupt travel plans. Coverage includes trip cancellation, trip interruption and trip delay, missed connection, baggage and personal effects protection, baggage delay, emergency accident and sickness medical expense and emergency evacuation, travel accident protection and 24-hour Assistance Services. Travelers also have the options to purchase additional accident and sickness medical protection, additional emergency evacuation and repatriation, flight insurance in a choice of benefit amounts, and renters collision insurance for their rental car. Purchase of the optional medical upgrade will remove the deductible and excess insurance provision. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY (*See Table on next page) Coverage Availability: Trip insurance is available to member agents nationwide. 73 74 Travelers Select Accounts/Small Business Travelers Select Accounts provides a complete range of coverage solutions, services and competitive products and pricing that offer your insureds and you both value and flexibility spanning the entire breadth of the small commercial marketplace. There are twelve segments of business available on Big “I” Markets. Travelers Workers Compensation coverage provides advanced claim and medical technology to promptly handle and fairly resolve workers compensation claims and can be written on a monoline basis! TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBILITY Eligible Industries: Offices, Retail Business Segment Restaurants Contractors - Artisan Trades The applicant must meet the following guidelines to be eligible: The applicant does not lease employees to other employers. The applicant does not operate, hire, lease or own aircraft or watercraft for business use. Ground transportation, including an employee van pool, is not regularly provided to 6 or more employees in a single automobile Subcontractors must have certificates of insurance for Workers Compensation. The following operations are not eligible for the Office segment: Detective, guard, patrol services Employee leasing or temporary help services Family planning/pregnancy counseling or birthing centers Government, municipalities, or post office Hospice or home health care services Lobbyists and Political Consultants Manufacturers Reps (Reclassify under the Wholesalers segment) Political campaigns COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Monoline Workers Compensation - NO supporting lines required. A National Carrier with the capacity to write multi-state exposures on one policy. Convenient billing plans. Risk Control Customer Care - A customer care website that is available for you and your clients’ risk control needs. This site offers a list of products, resources, and training tools that can help reduce risk exposures. 75 Coverage Features/Benefits: $100,000 Each Accident $500,000 Disease - Policy Limit $100,000 Disease - Each Employee Up to $1,000,000 Limits available. Direct Bill Loss Control Billing & Auditing 24-hour claim reporting Early Intervention Workers Compensation website for injured employee (www.mywcinfo.com) Network of highly qualified individuals Prompt and accurate determination of compensability On-site access to medical expertise Stay-at-work or Return-to-work plan Coverage Availability: Workers Compensation - Travelers Select is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, CO, DE, HI, MA, ND, NM, NY, OH, PA, WA & WY. Travelers Small Commercial Auto Coverage provides up to $1 million of liability protection and can be written on a monoline basis! TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBILITY Travelers will entertain vehicles used commercially, but is NOT a market for: 1. 2. 3. 4. Livery services Hauling of hazardous materials Truckers Dump Truck operators COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY LIABILITY COVERAGE* High Liability Limits up to $1 million Provides liability protection for damages caused by your insureds and their employees to others for bodily injury, property damage, and covered pollution costs and expenses that result from the ownership, repair, use or loading or unloading of an automobile. PHYSICAL DAMAGE OPTIONS* Protects an owned vehicle against loss. Three coverage options are available: 1. Collision Coverage — Covers losses resulting from the collision of your insured’s covered auto with another object or the overturn of the covered auto. 2. Comprehensive Coverage — Covers losses resulting from any cause of loss other than collision or overturn. Collision with an animal or bird is available under this coverage. 76 3. Specified Causes of Loss — Covers damage to your covered auto resulting from: Fire, lightning, or explosion; Windstorm, hail, flood, or earthquake; Theft; Vandalism and mischief; or The sinking, burning, derailment or collision of a vehicle used to transport a covered auto. Travelers offers a broader range of deductibles. Collision deductible up to $25,000 option. Comprehensive deductible up to $10,000 option. Specified Causes of Loss up to $10,000 option. *Exclusions apply. UNINSURED MOTORIST AND UNDERINSURED MOTORIST COVERAGE* Provides UM/UIM/UMPD coverages as mandated by the state. Covers damages caused by drivers and vehicle owners who do not have liability insurance or not enough liability insurance. Travelers Office PacSM is designed for a variety of firms providing medical, legal, financial or other professional services for their clientele. Target markets & eligibility: Some of the more than 40 eligible classes include: Accounting, Auditing, Bookkeeping Claims Adjusters - Independent Consultants Employment Agencies Financial Planners Insurance Agents Interior Decorators and Window Designers Lawyers Medical Offices Mortgage Brokers Real Estate Appraisers Real Estate Sales - Residential Tax Preparation Services Telemarketing and Research Services Telephone Answering Services INELIGIBLE Operations, Products or Services for Office PacSM include: 77 Auto rental, leasing office and auto clubs Banks and other financial institutions Blood banks Consultants providing advice regarding manufacturing processes, process or product design, quality assurance/ compliance, safety/OSHA, compliance and machine guarding, construction process modeling and goods manufacturing practices/compliances Family planning/pregnancy counseling, or birthing centers Insurance companies (administrators, TPAs, property casualty, life/health) Lobbyists Medical laboratories Mortgage and loan companies Operations that are conducted principally away from the premises, not listed in the classifications Property management firms Real estate management firms Surgical procedures performed on insured premises when those procedures involve the use of general anesthesia Travelers Building PacSM is designed for lessors of commercial buildings occupied by offices, mercantile, and retail establishments. Up to 5 locations, up to 6 stories, up to $5 million Total Insured Value per building, up to $15 million Total Insured Values per policy. TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBLE CLASSES INCLUDE: Apartment & Mercantile Garages & Gas Stations Mercantile Offices Religious Use Shopping Centers INELIGIBLE Operations, Products or Services for Building PacSM include: Buildings with violations of fire or life safety codes Any building whose tenant(s) would be ineligible for Master PacSM. Arenas or stadiums Assisted living facilities Auditoriums Bars or taverns Bowling alleys 78 Commercial parking lots or garages Correctional facilities Day care centers Dwellings Halls Hospitals Hotels Nursing homes or chronic care facilities Schools Senior living facilities, including assisted living and independent living (excluding active adult, e.g., 55+ communities). Skating rinks Tenants with 24-hour operations or operations open past 2 A.M. occupying more than 25% of the total square footage Truck stops Warehouses, private or public Underwriting Guidelines: Businesses should have adequate protective measures to detect fires and thefts. All buildings must sustain a minimum occupancy rate of 80% Buildings must be wholly leased to others, with less than 10% occupancy by owner for rental or building maintenance. A list of building occupancies is required All tenants must maintain General Liability insurance with limits at least equal to the insured’s primary General Liability limit of insurance COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Master PacSM BOP form Building Owners Extra Three liability options Power PacSM Endorsement o Accounts Receivable - Increased by $100,000 on and off premises o Brands or Labels - Up to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense from Dependent Property - Increased to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense - Newly Acquired Premises - Increased to $500,000 o Claim Data Expense - Increased to $10,000 79 o Computer Fraud - Up to $5,000 o Electronic data processing equipment, data and media off premises - Increased to $50,000 o Electronic vandalism - Increased to $50,000 o Extended Business Income - Increased to 90 days o Identity Fraud Expense - $15,000 (Annual Aggregate Per Insured Person) o Limited Building Coverage - Tenant Obligation - Up to $5,000 o Lost Key Consequential Loss - Up to $500 o Newly Acquired Business Personal Property - Increased to $500,000 o Ordinance or Law - Includes tenants improvements and betterments o Ordinance or Law - Increased Period of Restoration - Increased to $50,000 o Outdoor Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Lawns - Increased to $5,000 o Unauthorized Business Card Use - Up to $5,000 Coverage Availability: Building PacSM is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, FL, HI, LA, RI & TX. Travelers Store PacSM is designed for a wide variety of retailers primarily engaged in brick and mortar commerce. Up to 5 locations, up to $5 million Total Insured Value per building, up to $15 million Total Insured Values per policy, and up to $5 million Total Annual Sales per policy. TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBILITY: Some of the more than 144 eligible classes include: Bagel Shops, Bakeries, Coffee Bars, Donut Shops, Delicatessens, and Juice Bars Beverage Stores Clothing, Accessories: Children, Adult, Sports Apparel Department Stores Electronic Stores Florist Shops Furniture Stores Grocery Stores Hardware Stores Jewelry Stores Meat, Fish and Poultry Stores Pet Stores Photographers Shoe Stores Sporting Goods, Bait and Tackle, No Firearms or Skis Toy Stores 80 INELIGIBLE Operations, Products or Services for Store PacSM include: Stores that directly import product Stores open after midnight Seasonal operations; the store must be open a minimum of eight months per year Adult entertainment Auction rooms - general merchandise Awning shops Barn Sales Boat dealers Building Materials, used Businesses with total receipts from the following types of services exceeding 25% of their total sales: assembly of products for customers, installation (see contractors segment), leasing, rentals, repair work (see contractors segment), and service work (see contractors segment). Chemical, pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers (over 10% of total sales). Construction equipment rentals Diet Food Stores Drug Stores Fire suppression systems, installation Firearms, guns, and ammunition - repair, sales, or service Fireplace or wood burning stove stores Fireworks Flea markets Live poultry or animals LPG tanks or equipment - repair, sales or service Mail order operations Nurseries Organization or coordination of athletic events (does not include financial sponsorship only) Orthopedic and artificial limb stores Police supply stores Prefabricated buildings (over 10% of the total sales) Rock and stone specimens Salvage or odd lot sales Sports equipment (extreme or high adventure) Swimming pools, hot tubs or whirlpools 81 Tent stores Tobacco stores Used goods (except antique stores) Underwriting Guidelines: Three years in business is preferred. Exceptions for new ventures will be entertained provided the risk has three years prior management experience in the same type of business or is a franchise. Revenues generated by transactional websites that allow for the transfer of private consumer/ business information in exchange for goods/ services or information (internet sales) must be less than 50% of total revenues. Websites should have system security certification. Businesses should have adequate protective measures to detect fires and thefts. Goods susceptible to water damage should be palletized. Travelers Restaurant PacSM is designed for fast food and family-style restaurants. Up to 2 locations, up to $750,000 Total Insured Value per building, up to $2 million Total Annual Sales per policy and up to $600,000 Total Annual Payroll. TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBILITY: Eligible classes include: Asian Fast Food Drive-In (Service in Car) Food Courts Mexican Take-Out Pizza Fast Food Subs and Sandwich Take-Out All Other Fast Food Asian Family Style Buffet Cafeteria Italian Family Style Other Ethnic Cuisine Family Style Pizza Family Style (no delivery) Seafood Family Style Steak Barbecue Family Style All Other Family Style INELIGIBLE Operations, Products or Services for Restaurant PacSM include: Bars or restaurants with liquor sales in excess of 50% of total annual revenues Establishments open after 2 A.M. Seasonal operations; the applicant must be open a minimum of eight months a year 82 Businesses with any of the following exposures: adult entertainment, happy hours, operations in conjunction with lodging facilities, operations on three or more levels, including basements Concert venues Country clubs or service clubs Dance floor Night clubs Pubs Street vendors Underwriting Guidelines: Three years in business is preferred. Exceptions for new ventures will be entertained provided the risk has three years prior management experience in the same type of business or is a franchise Businesses should have adequate protective measures to detect fires and thefts The applicant must have an automatic high temperature shut-off on all deep fat fryers All hoods, ducts, grease filters, deep fryers, and surface cooking equipment must be protected by a UL 300 listed automatic fire extinguishing system and must be serviced and inspected every 6 months Emergency lighting must be installed and operational Exits must be properly lit and equipped with panic hardware The combined minimum limit of insurance for Business Personal Property and Restaurant Equipment is $50,000 for all family style classifications COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Master PacSM BOP form Building Owners Extra Three liability options Power PacSM Endorsement o Accounts Receivable - Increased by $100,000 on and off premises o Brands or Labels - Up to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense from Dependent Property - Increased to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense - Newly Acquired Premises - Increased to $500,000 o Claim Data Expense - Increased to $10,000 o Computer Fraud - Up to $5,000 o Electronic data processing equipment, data and media off premises - Increased to $50,000 o Electronic vandalism - Increased to $50,000 o Extended Business Income - Increased to 90 days 83 o Identity Fraud Expense - $15,000 (Annual Aggregate Per Insured Person) o Limited Building Coverage - Tenant Obligation - Up to $5,000 o Lost Key Consequential Loss - Up to $500 o Newly Acquired Business Personal Property - Increased to $500,000 Coverage Availability: Restaurant PacSM is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, FL, HI, LA, RI & TX. Travelers Garage PacSM is designed for independently operated or franchised automotive service and repair businesses, up to 2 locations, up to $1.5 million Total Insured Value per building, up to 8 employees per location, up to $200,000 Total Annual Payroll. TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBILITY: Eligible classes include: Air Conditioning Service, Checking, Charging, Installation and Repair Body Repair and Collision Shops Brake Installation and Repair, Shocks and Struts, Exhaust Systems and Alignment Detail Shops, Pin Striping, Auto Waxing and Buffing Electrical Repair and Installation including Speedometer Installation General Repair with Gas Sales General Repair without Gas Sales Glass Installation Oil Change and Lubrication Painting and Pin Striping Rustproofing, Undercoating, Glazing Sound and Communication Equipment Repair and Installation Tune-Up and Emissions Testing Upholstery, Tops, and Sunroof Repair and Installation INELIGIBLE Operations, Products or Services for Garage PacSM include: Airbag disabling Auto dismantler, rebuilders, or restorers Businesses with guard dogs Businesses providing pick-up or delivery of customers’ vehicles Businesses servicing: Motorcycles, Off-road vehicles, RVs, Vehicles over 20,000 GVW, or Vehicles used for racing Car washes (as the predominant operation or more than one bay as an ancillary operation) Custom fabrication of motor vehicles or motorcycles Equipment or tool rentals 84 Gas stations without repair operations Ownership or sponsorship of racing vehicles Parking garages or operations Propane line installation or servicing Renting, leasing, or loaning vehicles Sales of autos, boats, motorcycles or recreational vehicles (incidental used auto sales, not exceeding 15 vehicles held for sale is acceptable) Salvage or wrecking operations or yards Self-service bay rentals Tire recapping or vulcanizing Tire sales in excess of 25% of Total Annual Sales Towing operations (as the predominant operation or more than one tow truck as an ancillary operation) 24-hour operation Underwriting Guidelines: Three years in business is preferred. Exceptions for new ventures will be entertained provided the risk has three years prior management experience in the same type business Businesses should have adequate protective measures to detect fires and thefts Customers should not be allowed in the shop area Hazardous materials must be stored and disposed of in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations Final inspections should be conducted on all vehicles before being released to customers All owned buildings should be fully occupied, with no seasonal occupancies - seasonal is defined as any occupancies open less than eight months of the year. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Master PacSM BOP form Building Owners Extra Three liability options Garage Keepers Liability is included for either direct primary or legal liability coverage Power PacSM Endorsement o Accounts Receivable - Increased by $100,000 on and off premises o Brands or Labels - Up to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense from Dependent Property - Increased to $25,000 85 o Business Income and Extra Expense - Newly Acquired Premises - Increased to $500,000 o Claim Data Expense - Increased to $10,000 o Computer Fraud - Up to $5,000 o Electronic Data Processing Equipment, Data and Media off premises - Increased to $50,000 o Electronic vandalism - Increased to $50,000 o Extended Business Income - Increased to 90 days o Identity Fraud Expense - $15,000 (Annual Aggregate Per Insured Person) o Limited Building Coverage - Tenant Obligation - Up to $5,000 o Lost Key Consequential Loss - Up to $500 o Newly Acquired Business Personal Property - Increased to $500,000 o Ordinance or Law - Includes Tenants Improvements and Betterments o Ordinance or Law - Increased Period of Restoration - Increased to $50,000 o Outdoor Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Lawns - Increased to $5,000 o Unauthorized Business Card Use - Up to $5,000 Coverage Availability: Garage PacSM is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, FL, HI, LA, RI & TX. Travelers Business PacSM and Business Pac PlusSM are designed for businesses providing personal consumer services, businesses repairing light consumer goods and businesses engaged in printing. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY Eligibility: Revenue generated by transactional websites that allow for the transfer of private consumer/business information in exchange for goods/services or information (internet sales) must be less than 50% of total revenues No violations of fire or life safety codes Up to $5 million Total Insured Values per location, with up to $50 million Total Insured Values per account, and up to 15 locations Up to $15 million in Total Annual Sales per account The following operations are not eligible for the Business segment: Alarm or security system design, service or installation Day spas Janitorial supplies sales Massage parlors or massage services producing more than 25% of total revenues (other than facial massages) Open past 2 A.M. Software design Schools 86 Barber Shops, Beauty Shops & Nail Salons - None of the following: Mixing, blending, repackaging, relabeling, or sale of products under the insured’s label Tanning services (including tanning beds and spray on applications) Physical fitness classes or counseling Weight reduction counseling Cosmetic surgery (including application of permanent make-up) Electrolysis or laser hair removal Body waxing (other than facial services) Body piercing (other than ear piercing) Chiropody (medical treatment of the feet) Hair implants Underwriting Guidelines: o Three years in business is preferred. Exceptions for new ventures will be entertained provided the risk has three years prior management experience in the same type of business or is a franchisee. o Revenue generated by transactional websites must be less than 50 percent of total revenues. Transactional websites are defined as websites that allow for the transfer of private consumer/ business information in exchange for goods/services or information. Websites should have system security certification. o Businesses should have adequate protective measures to detect fires and thefts. o All owned buildings should be fully occupied, with no seasonal occupancies. Seasonal is defined as any occupancies open less than eight months of the year. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Master PacSM BOP form Building Owners Extra Three liability options Power PacSM Endorsement o Accounts Receivable - Increased by $100,000 on and off premises o Brands or Labels - Up to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense from Dependent Property - Increased to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense - Newly Acquired Premises - Increased to $500,000 o Claim Data Expense - Increased to $10,000 o Computer Fraud - Up to $5,000 87 o Electronic data processing equipment, data and media off premises - Increased to $50,000 o Electronic vandalism - Increased to $50,000 o Extended Business Income - Increased to 90 days o Identity Fraud Expense - $15,000 (Annual Aggregate Per Insured Person) o Limited Building Coverage - Tenant Obligation - Up to $5,000 o Lost Key Consequential Loss - Up to $500 o Newly Acquired Business Personal Property - Increased to $500,000 o Ordinance or Law - Includes tenants improvements and betterments o Ordinance or Law - Increased Period of Restoration - Increased to $50,000 o Outdoor Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Lawns - Increased to $5,000 o Unauthorized Business Card Use - Up to $5,000 SPECIAL COVERAGES o General Liability Limits of $2 million per occurrence/$4 million aggregate are available for Business PacSM. o Bailee's Customers Goods coverage option is available. o Business Income and Extra Expense coverage is included for Business PacSM. Coverage applies on an Actual Loss Sustained basis for up to 12 consecutive months. Coverage may be written on a policy or location level basis for any dollar limit without the 12 month limitation. For Business Pac PlusSM, Business Income and Extra Expense coverage is optional. When selected, the coverage may be written with a policy or location level dollar limit. The dollar limit is based on 50 percent of annual receipts and may be modified. o Business Income and Extra Expense From Dependent Property coverage is included for up to $10,000, when Business Income and Extra Expense coverage applies. Higher limits are available. o Business Personal Property Off-Premises coverage is provided, including while in transit and temporarily away from the scheduled premises. o Electronic data processing equipment, data and media is covered, subject to the Business Personal Property limit for a maximum of $50,000 (higher limits are available). This coverage includes electronic vandalism for $25,000. Enhanced perils include protection against loss by electric current, mechanical breakdown and power failure. o Employee Dishonesty and Forgery or Alteration coverage are both included for up to $25,000. Higher limits are available. o Equipment Breakdown coverage is included. Diagnostic equipment, power generating equipment, and production equipment are limited to $100,000 for direct damage (with higher limits available). o Extended Business Income coverage is provided for up to 60 days when Business Income and Extra Expense coverage applies. o Liability for Damage to Premises Rented to You is covered for up to $300,000. o Money and Securities are included within Business Personal Property. For Business Pac PlusSM, theft of money and securities coverage is included up to $25,000 with options to increase. 88 o Professional Errors and Omissions coverage is included for Barber Shops, Beauty Shops, and Funeral Directors. Optional protection is available for Printers. o Seasonal Increase coverage is included, which increases your Business Personal Property limit by 25 percent to accommodate seasonal differences. o Signs within 1,000 feet are included: within the Building limit when Building coverage is selected; or within the BPP limit when tenant is contractually obligated. o Theft Damage to Rented Property coverage is included within Business Personal Property when the tenant is contractually obligated. o Website Injury protection applies to most classes. Coverage Availability: Business PacSM is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, FL, HI, LA, RI & TX. Travelers Contractors PacSM is designed primarily for small residential, specialty trade contractors. Up to 2 locations, up to $500,000 Total Insured Value per building, and up to $100,000 Total Annual Payroll per policy. TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBILITY: Some of the more than 45 eligible classes include: Cabinet Makers - Shop Only Carpentry Interior Carpet and Floor Covering Installation Carpet, Rug, and Upholstery Cleaning Concrete Construction Counter Top Installation Electrical, Household Appliances and Equipment Installation, Service, or Repair Electrical Wiring within Buildings HVAC Contractors Janitorial Service - No Residential Landscape Gardening Painting Exterior Painting - Interior and Paperhanging Plumbing Siding, Gutter, Downspout Installation Tile and Stonework - Interior INELIGIBLE Operations, Products or Services for Contractors PacSM include: Advertising Sign Companies - outdoor Airport runway or warming apron - paving or repaving, surfacing, resurfacing or scraping Alarm and alarm systems - installation, servicing or repair 89 Asbestos remediation contractors Blasting or demolition contractors Boiler inspection, installation, cleaning or repair Bridge or elevated highway construction Building Structure - raising or moving Deep trenching or tunneling Exterior work over three stories Industrial processing plants or equipment Amusement facilities Fire suppression systems Hospitals Cable installation in conduits or subways Caisson or cofferdam work Concrete or cement distributing towers - rented to others, installation, repair, or removal operations. Work subcontracted to others exceeds 25 percent of total receipts Subcontracted work in connection with bridge, tunnel, elevated street or highway construction, reconstruction or repair Subcontracted work in connection with building construction, reconstruction, repair, or erection apartment or office buildings over four stories. Subcontracted work in connection with street or highway construction or repair Subcontracted work in connection with oil and gas field construction, reconstruction or repair Subcontracted work in connection with any pipeline, communication line, power line construction, reconstruction or repair Contractors equipment - any type, rented to others with or without operators Crop spraying by contractors Dam or reservoir construction Dike, levee or revetment construction Drilling - other than water Electric light or power line construction - any type Elevator light or power line construction - any type Environmental remediation contractors Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems (EIFS) contractors Farm or agricultural operations - any type 90 Farm Machinery - by contractors Fireproofing Floor waxing Fumigating Gas mains or connections construction General contractors Geophysical exploration - seismic method Hazardous materials contractors Heating or combined heating and air conditioning equipment dealer or distributors with no installation, servicing or repair Hoist - hydraulic or mechanical Insulation work - any type Jetty or breakwater construction Lead abatement or remediation contractors Logging or lumbering Machinery or equipment - any type - installation, service or repair Metal Erection - any type other than purely decorative Mold remediation contractors Oil or gas wells, rigs, stills, - any type of operation Painting - exterior of buildings or structures exceeding three stories in height, oil or gasoline tanks, ship hulls, steel structures or bridges Pipeline construction - any type Railroad construction Real estate developers Rigging - any type Roofing - any type Salvage operations Sand and gravel digging Sandblasting Sewer or septic tank cleaning Ship repair or conversion Snow removal as primary operations Tank construction, installation, erection or repair - any type Tent or canvas goods - erection, removal or repair - away from shop 91 Underpinning buildings or structures Waterproofing - any type Welding or cutting Window cleaning services Work over three stories in height Wrecking or demolition Underwriting Guidelines: Three years in business is preferred. Exceptions for new ventures will be entertained provided the risk has three years prior management experience in the same type of business. Work subcontracted to others must not exceed 25 percent of annual sales and must be separately rated. Certificates of insurance with limits at least equal to the insured's primary General Liability limits must be obtained for subcontracted work. There should be favorable contractual risk transfer. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: Master PacSM BOP form Building Owners Extra Three liability options Power PacSM Endorsement o Accounts Receivable - Increased by $100,000 on and off premises o Brands or Labels - Up to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense from Dependent Property - Increased to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense - Newly Acquired Premises - Increased to $500,000 o Claim Data Expense - Increased to $10,000 o Computer Fraud - Up to $5,000 o Electronic data processing equipment, data and media off premises - Increased to $50,000 o Electronic vandalism - Increased to $50,000 o Extended Business Income - Increased to 90 days o Identity Fraud Expense - $15,000 (Annual Aggregate Per Insured Person) o Limited Building Coverage - Tenant Obligation - Up to $5,000 o Lost Key Consequential Loss - Up to $500 o Newly Acquired Business Personal Property - Increased to $500,000 o Ordinance or Law - Includes tenants improvements and betterments o Ordinance or Law - Increased Period of Restoration - Increased to $50,000 92 o Outdoor Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Lawns - Increased to $5,000 o Unauthorized Business Card Use - Up to $5,000 Coverage Availability: Contractors PacSM is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, FL, HI, LA, RI & TX. Travelers Apartment PacSM is designed for owners of buildings used exclusively as apartment houses, including cooperatives. Up to 5 locations, up to 6 stories, up to $5 million Total Insured Value per building, up to $15 million Total Insured Values per policy. TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBILITY: Eligible classes include: Building (1-4 apartment units per fire rating division) Building (5-12 apartment units per fire rating division) Building (13+ apartment units per fire rating division) Cooperatives Travelers Technology Office PacSM is designed for technology firms providing computer consultation and a variety of technology services for their clientele. Up to 15 locations, up to $15 million Total Insured Value per policy, up to $15 million Total Annual Sales per policy, up to $3 million Total Annual Payroll. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY: Eligible classes include: Commercial Computer Installation, Service, or Repair Computer Consultants Computer Consultants - Remote Offices Computer Instruction Data Preparation & Processing Information Technology Facilities Management Personal Computer Installation, Service or Repair Software Developers and Designers - Custom Software Developers and Designers - Prepackaged Web-based Services - Applications for General Use Web-based Services - Applications for Specific Business Use Web-based Services - Internet Search and Index Tool Website Developers & Designers INELIGIBLE Operations, Products or Services for Technology Office PacSM Ineligible applicants include anyone that develops, designs, services, installs or maintains any type of software or services with the end application in the list below: Amusement parks and devices 93 Emergency response services Environmental controls Internet Service Providers (ISP) Manufacturing process software / integration Medical equipment (software) applications Military / Defense Department applications / services Modeling Software - CAM, CAD, Environmental/Geophysical simulations Nuclear applications Professional support software - medical, legal, engineers, and architects (technical information or application software / systems) Petrochemical applications Quality control software / systems Risks that are not developers of technology, but merely use technology or operate their business on the internet - including but are not limited to: Banking or credit services, Dating / escort services, Social Networks (My Space, Facebook, etc.), Gambling or gaming, Employment or temporary help agencies, Music sales or downloads, Travel services, Digital Media (publishing), Auction sites, including group buying or barter sites Satellite or space communications Security software and services (systems and premises including identity recognition) Software with severe products liability Traffic Control Communications software / applications - Air, Water, Land, Rail Telecommunications Companies / Service Providers including Wireless communication Video / electronic game developers Underwriting Guidelines: Two years in business is preferred. Exceptions for new ventures will be entertained provided the risk has three years prior management experience in the same type of business Revenue generated by transactional websites that allow for transfer of private consumer / business information in exchange for goods / services (internet sales) must be less than 50% of total revenues Websites should have system security certification Daily backups must be performed and stored at an offsite location Contingency plans must be in place for replacing equipment and relocation to facilities with appropriate services such as Internet connectivity and network wiring Businesses should have adequate protective measures to detect fires and thefts All owned buildings should be fully occupied, with no seasonal occupancies - Seasonal is defined as any occupancies open less than eight months of the year E&O coverage is not provided in Select’s Technology Office segment 94 COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Master PacSM BOP form Building Owners Extra Three liability options Power PacSM Endorsement o Accounts Receivable - Increased by $100,000 on and off premises o Brands or Labels - Up to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense from Dependent Property - Increased to $25,000 o Business Income and Extra Expense - Newly Acquired Premises - Increased to $500,000 o Claim Data Expense - Increased to $10,000 o Computer Fraud - Up to $5,000 o Electronic data processing equipment, data and media off premises - Increased to $50,000 o Electronic vandalism - Increased to $50,000 o Extended Business Income - Increased to 90 days o Identity Fraud Expense - $15,000 (Annual Aggregate Per Insured Person) o Limited Building Coverage - Tenant Obligation - Up to $5,000 o Lost Key Consequential Loss - Up to $500 o Newly Acquired Business Personal Property - Increased to $500,000 o Ordinance or Law - Includes tenants improvements and betterments o Ordinance or Law - Increased Period of Restoration - Increased to $50,000 o Outdoor Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Lawns - Increased to $5,000 o Unauthorized Business Card Use - Up to $5,000 Coverage Availability: SM is currently available to member agents in all states except AK, FL, HI, LA, RI & TX. Travelers Religious PacSM is designed for small churches and other houses of worship not af- , up to 2 locations, up to $500,000 Total Insured Value per building, up to $2 million Total Annual Sales per policy, and up to $600,000 Total Annual Payroll. TARGET MARKETS & ELIGIBILITY: Eligible classes include: Owner-Occupied Religious Institutions Tenant-Occupied Religious Institutions INELIGIBLE Operations, Products or Services for Religious PacSM include: Asylums 95 Camps (day or sleepover) Convalescent homes Day care services Home for the aged Hospitals Infirmaries Orphanages Newspaper or web publishing (other than church bulletins) Radio and TV broadcasting Rehabilitation services (drug or alcohol) Schools Shelters or halfway houses Special events as follows: athletic tournaments, fairs or carnivals with rides, fireworks displays, haunted houses, hayrides, rallies and tours Underwriting Guidelines: Institutions should have adequate protective measures to detect fires, thefts and life safety, with no cited violations. Coverage is not available for Abuse/Molestation or Pastoral Professional Liability. If premises is leased to others operating a day care service or school, certificates of insurance with limits at equal to the insured’s must be obtained from all tenants. The value of exterior stained glass windows should be established separately and added to the building value. Limits in excess of $100,000 should have an outside company appraisal. 96 Executive Liability Wrap+® from Travelers is available to privately owned companies. Wrap+ is a revolutionary executive liability insurance policy with the breadth of coverage required to address the current and emerging exposures of private companies. Its modular policy design means an easier process for you and your insured. Each Wrap+ coverage has been crafted to seamlessly work in conjunction with all of the other Wrap+ coverages or function as a single policy. It boasts some of the most progressive coverage in the industry. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Wrap+ from Travelers is created in three easy steps: Chose one or more of the following coverage options: Employment Practices Liability Directors and Officers Liability Fiduciary Liability Miscellaneous Professional Liability Fidelity/Crime Kidnap and Extortion for Ransom Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Decide how much coverage: Shared aggregate limit for all coverages combined Shared aggregate limit for selected liability coverages Shared aggregate limit for selected crime coverages Individual limit for each coverage Choose a claims handling option: Reimbursement Duty-to-Defend Policy Features: Features Common to All Liability Coverages: Optional Additional Defense Coverage if quoted and purchased o Additional Defense Limit of Liability o Survives exhaustion of base limit o Available for each liability coverage elected or shared Defense options o Duty-to-Defend (100 percent predetermined allocation) o Reimbursement Single retention for claim triggering multiple liability coverages and no retention if unable or not 97 permitted to indemnify Employment Practices Liability Wage and Hour Law violations defense sublimit available by endorsement if quoted and purchased. Third-Party claim coverage if optional coverage is quoted and purchased Outside Position coverage for employment claims by outside claimants Coverage for Employment claims made by Independent Contractors Broad Definition of Employee Definition of Loss includes: o Punitive damages - most favorable venue o Multiplied damages o Damages measured by value of stock options or other employee benefits Amended settlement provision - 70 percent / 30 percent Directors and Officers Liability Supplemental Personal Indemnification limit option Investigative Expense limit option No anti-trust or professional services exclusion Final adjudication - conduct exclusions Severability of exclusions Waiver of retention if finding of no liability Amended settlement provision - 70 percent / 30 percent Broad definition of Insured Person o Includes employees Fiduciary Liability Settlement fees coverage o Voluntary compliance resolution program administered by IRS or U.S. Department of Labor Omnibus Pension and Welfare Plan coverage Coverage for benefit plans not subject to ERISA Title I Automatic ESOP coverage Coverage for terminated or sold plans and certain merged plans Extortion for Ransom o Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Products, Trade Secrets and E-Commerce Broad Definition of Insured Person - includes Employees, Guests and Relatives 98 Definition of Loss includes punitive and multiplied damages - most favorable venue Amended settlement provision - 70 percent / 30 percent Miscellaneous Professional Liability Reimbursement coverage for Disciplinary Proceeding Expense - sublimit with no retention Claims-made instead of claims-made and reported Prior acts coverage may be available - even if insured has not purchased prior coverage Definition of Loss includes punitive damages - most favorable venue Optional split limits subject to aggregate Amended settlement provision - 70 percent / 30 percent Fidelity / Crime Discovery based policy trigger - coverage reach back Enhanced Insuring Agreements o Fidelity - Employee Theft, ERISA Fidelity (with Inflation Guard) and Employee Theft of Client Property (blanket or scheduled basis) o Expanded Computer Crime coverage New Insuring Agreements o Personal Accounts Forgery or Alteration o Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement for Management Staff Members o Claim Expense reimbursement Broad definition of Employee Loss reporting threshold of 25 percent retention Automatic Coverage - Subsidiaries & Employee Benefit Plans Kidnap and Extortion for Ransom Eight expanded and enhanced Insuring Agreements with dedicated limits of insurance for each Insured Event: Kidnap for Ransom Extortion for Ransom Detention and Hijack In Transit / Delivery Rest and Rehabilitation Expenses Personal Accident Additional Expenses Legal Liability 99 Fees and expenses of Crisis Response Firm do not erode limits of insurance Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement (can be purchased by private companies on behalf of their employees) Insuring Agreement o Reimburses Insured Persons (employees, directors, officers and qualifying family members) o Expenses (enumerated out-of-pocket expenses to reestablish credit or clear name) o Identity Fraud (transferring without legal authority identification with intent to commit unlawful activity) Limit options from $1,000 - $25,000 for each Identity Fraud Worldwide coverage - occurring anywhere Lost wages - $1,000 per week up to 5 weeks (subject to limit) Attorney’s fees with prior consent Daycare / eldercare coverage Risk Management Services All of the Wrap+® coverages include Risk Management Plus+ Online® at no additional cost to the policyholder. It is a one-stop resource, providing a comprehensive set of tools that will protect the policyholder’s organization from costly litigation. From ethics training guidelines to coverage-specific white papers and articles. All of our materials are delivered via a dynamic web-based platform so the policyholder can be assured of up-to-date information. Risk Management Plus+ Online® for Employment Practices (with the purchase of the employment practices liability coverage part) includes, at no additional cost, online training tools on topics such as sexual harassment and wrongful terminations, training bulletins, employment practices checklists, and access to an EPL call-in helpline to assist with general questions about workplace concerns*. Risk Management Plus+ Online® for Plan Fiduciaries (with the purchase of the fiduciary liability coverage part) includes articles, white papers, training covering ERISA and related laws, and access to the ERISA Helpline for quick practical guidance on day-to-day workplace issues relating to employee benefits and ERISA law. Policyholders are eligible for up to one hour of consultation with an ERISA attorney. *Assistance not intended to replace the insured’s attorney. 100 Habitational - Apartment Program The Worlds Apart - Apartment Program targets the successful professional property owner who has developed the management skills necessary to secure responsible tenants and maintains his/her buildings in a safe manner. Our underwriting approach is to offer the Professional Property Owner quality coverage at a competitive price. The depth of his/her management skills and experience is reflected in the pricing of the overall risk. We insure regardless of property age as long as the properties have been updated within the last 30 years. The insured must own a minimum of eleven residential rental units; there is no maximum number of units or building/property size. Eligible Classes / Occupancies 1-4 family Dwelling 5+ family converted Dwelling Apartment Buildings Garden Apartments Mixed Apartment/Office or Apartment/Mercantile and Mercantile lessors risk or Office Lessors risk occupancies, where the office or mercantile represents 15% or less of the total square footage. Rental Condominiums Outbuildings and appurtenant structures usual to dwelling and apartment living such as vehicle garages and storage facilities. Public Housing (Housing Authorities, low income, affordable, Tax credit, Section 8) Senior Housing (not assisted living) Student Housing (privately owned off-campus housing, no fraternities or sororities) High-rise Urban risks Unless specifically outlined in the state-specific restrictions on www.bigimarkets.com, each state follows the general underwriting guidelines. The WORLDS APART Program provides quality coverage with options such as: Building and Business Personal Property Coverage Comprehensive Liability including Personal Injury Special Perils (including Equipment Breakdown coverage) Guaranteed Unlimited Replacement Cost - NO LOSS LIMITATION OR CAP! Mechanical Breakdown Loss of income (actual loss sustained for 18 months) Law and Ordinance Flood Earthquake Hired and Non-Owned Automobile liability 101 Water backup and Sump Overflow The WORLDS APART Advantage Endorsement (Over 20 Coverage Enhancements) - see Product Resources on www.bigimarkets.com for a complete list Coverage Availability: The Worlds Apart - Apartment Program is currently available to member agents in AR, AZ, CO, CT, DE, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MT, NH, NJ, NY, NV, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, and WI. Vacant Commercial Property Program: Admitted The Vacant Property Program is an Admitted program targeting commercial property that is partially or totally vacant, for sale and/or in receivership. Eligible Classes / Occupancies Commercial property totally or partially vacant Commercial habitational including commercial condominiums Minimum of 5 rental units; property schedule may consist of single-family dwellings so long as at least 5 Low to mid hazard occupancies (no warehouses, manufacturing or industrial buildings) Commercial buildings - $5,000,000 max per location Must have active property management in place Protection class 1-9 Renovations valued up to 10% of the building value Swimming pools and hot tubs must be drained to appropriate levels, covered and securely fenced and locked General liability limited to designated location Time element available for partially vacant properties only No coverage for property off-premises or newly acquired or constructed property Acceptable reasons for vacancy include: Commercial property for sale or in receivership Commercial property inventory not yet sold The following risks are not eligible: Foreclosed property Bank-owned property Playgrounds, pollution exposures, more than 10 acres Buildings currently damaged, scheduled to be demolished, partially constructed, obsolete buildings that no longer have functional potential 102 Unless specifically outlined in the state-specific restrictions on www.bigimarkets.com, each state follows the general underwriting guidelines. The Vacant Commercial Property Program provides coverage for the commercial building and property under the Commercial Package Policy (CPP). Monoline General Liability policies are not available. 12-Month annual policy Direct Billing No taxes or inspection fees $500 minimum deductible ($1,000, $2,500, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000 and $75,000 also available) $1,500 minimum premium; subject to a 25% minimum earned premium Vacant Property Program: Admitted The Vacant Property Program is an Admitted program targeting homes vacated by the owner for reasons other than foreclosure. Our underwriting approach is to offer these owners coverage for their homes and give them peace of mind when it becomes necessary to sell or vacate their home. Eligible Classes / Occupancies 1-4 Family Dwellings * Residential Condominium Units Outbuildings such as detached garages scheduled as separate building No minimum property value except in CT; $1,500,000 maximum property value CT only - $150,000 minimum property value Acceptable reasons for vacancy include: Owner being relocated for their job and must sell the home; Owner receiving a temporary job assignment and intends to return to the home; Owner is required to move to a rehabilitation, assisted living or nursing home; Owner has passed away; or Builder’s inventory that has not sold. General Liability will be excluded for risks containing: Trampolines Tree houses Underground storage tank The following risks are not eligible: Foreclosed Property Bank-Owned Property Property vacant for more than 18 months Renovations over $50,000 Industrial and Commercial property Buildings held for demolition No individual Condominium or Apartment units 103 Habitational - Vacation Income Property The Vacation Income Property program (VIP) will enable your agency to never worry again about the right insurance for your client’s vacation income property. Insure their most important investments with the only policies designed exclusively for their vacation income property needs. Rental exposures often create difficult circumstances for owners looking for protection. The VIP product is designed for secondary or seasonal use of one and two-family homes and condominium units that are used solely for rental or for combined rental and personal use. This type of property must be professionally managed and maintained via contract with a local property management or real estate firm, caretaker or insured with multiple years of experience renting to others. Properties are typically written in their own name and/or with multiple owners, the name of a Trust, LLC, or business. These properties are traditionally located near the coast, on ski area resorts, lake communities, golf and mountain destinations. Eligible Risks: 1 and 2 family homes Condominium units In the name of a person, LLC, Trust, Business, Multiple Owners The VIP Program provides quality coverage such as: Building and business personal property coverage Comprehensive Liability including Personal Injury Special Perils Loss of rental income Theft coverage Law & ordinance limited included at the lesser of $10,000 or 5% of limit. Property Managers are also insured under this product Watercraft Liability for watercraft included in the vacation rental (subject to underwriting approval) Discounts to insureds that have “Certified Property Managers.” Customized coverage choices, including docks, canoes, pool coverages, hot tubs & more Coverage Availability: The Vacation Income Property program is currently available to member agents in CO, DE, MA, MD, ME, MI, NH, PA, TN, VA, VT and WI. Habitational - Condominium Program The CAPsureSM - Community Association Program is tailored to insure many segments of the community association market where our more flexible pricing tools and coverage options will allow us to underwrite on a profitable basis. We have designed coverage, pricing structure and underwriting approach to offer insurance to a very broad spectrum of community association risks. There is a minimum number of 11 units, though there is NO maximum number of units or buildings/ property size. Our key concern is that the risk is well maintained, well managed and financially sound. In addition, we insure regardless of property age as long as the properties have been updated within the last 30 years. Eligible Classes / Occupancies 104 Condominium Association Homeowner’s Association Cooperatives Seasonal Association Secondary / Rental Association Timeshares Planned Unit developments Condominium Conversions Self-managed Association the general underwriting guidelines. The CAPsureSM Program provides quality coverage with options such as: Building and Business Personal Property Coverage Comprehensive Liability including Personal Injury Special Perils (including Equipment Breakdown coverage) Guaranteed Unlimited Replacement Cost - NO LOSS LIMITATION OR CAP! Mechanical Breakdown Loss of income (actual loss sustained for 18 months) “All-In” coverage that automatically provides building coverage that includes coverage for unit owner's Law and Ordinance Flood Earthquake Hired and Non-Owned Automobile liability Water backup and Sump Overflow The WORLDS APART Advantage Endorsement (Over 20 Coverage Enhancements) - see Product Resources on www.bigimarkets.com for a complete list Coverage Availability: The CAPsureSM - Community Association Program is currently available to member agents in AR, AZ, CO, CT, DE, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MT, NH, NJ, NY, NV, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, and WI. Stand-alone Fine Art & Valuable Articles Coverage Recognizing the unique needs of clients, the Fine Art and Valuable Articles Program offers tailored products ears of dedicated experience in this area, underwriters work with agents and brokers to structure valuable articles insurance coverage to well as other collectibles. 105 Submissions that do not qualify for the Fine Art and Valuable Articles Program include: • Losses within 3 years that may be related to scheduled items • Policies where the TIV is over $50,000 and there is no central station fire & burglar alarm • Description of items must be given at time of submission • Applications must be fully completed at time of submission • Clue/Credit reports must be acceptable and meet requirements prior to binding We do not offer coverage for the following items: Hearing Aids, Bicycles, Handbags, Professionally used Musical Instruments/ Equipment; Electronic Equipment (including but not limited to: Video Game systems, Computers, I-Pods, Professionally used Cameras) For Personal Products Coverage can be designed to meet the client’s needs with different policies available offering the following features: • Agreed Value, Current Market Value or a combination of both with All-Risk, Worldwide Coverage (including breakage and mysterious disappearance). No per item limitations • Coverage available for personal collections while on loan to museum exhibitions. • No limitation on packers • Consistent approach to loss in value • Coverage for the cost of replacing or restoring the identifying labels for wine. • Comprehensive forms to thoroughly address critical policy features rather than treat them as an afterthought to homeowners insurance. • For Commercial Products cial art collections: corporate collections, museums, exhibitions, dealers and commercial artists. Following a flexible loss limit approach, insureds can select appropriate coverage limits for premises; transit; and unnamed locations, domestically and internationally. The Fine Art and Valuable Articles Program offers: Blanket or scheduled items coverage No per item limit on blanket coverage Actual value or Current Market Value up to 150% $75 million capacity Consideration for any type of collectible including wine, musical instruments, antiques, stamp and/ or coin collections, sports memorabilia and collectible figurines Special wine coverage including mechanical breakdown and restoring/replacing damaged labels Optional deductibles available Coverage for breakage and mysterious disappearance Worldwide coverage Admitted carrier in 48 states (not available in AK or HI) 106 Environmental Impairment - Pollution If you are looking for assistance with a client's environment impairment liability or pollution coverage needs, you have come to the right place. Your client could be a restoration contractor, condominium association, real estate investment trust, an artisan contractor trying to meet the needs of a bidding specification calling for mold and/or lead coverage and completed operations coverage or simply own a fuel storage tank. American Risk Management Network (ARMR.Net) can handle all of these situations for you. Below is a list of products available from ARMR.Net. If you are unsure about the risk, acceptability or strategy, submit it via our simple quote for, go to our informational website and/or give us a phone call to discuss strategy Underground Storage Tanks Target market & Acquisition All Coverage Areas Available from ARMRNetSpeciality EIL Products 5HVWRUDWLRQ&RQWUDFWRUV3ROOXWLRQ*HQHUDO/LDELOLW\ 5HDO(VWDWHZLWK0ROG/HDGRU3ROOXWLRQ /HDG6DIH5HQRYDWLRQ&RQWUDFWRUVRU3URSHUW\ Owners &KLQHVH'U\ZDOO )XHO8QGHUJURXQG6WRUDJH7DQNV867V Applications 8SGDWHG2XUUHVWRUDWLRQFRQWUDFWRUVDSSOLcation is now available in the Big “I” Markets 'Product Resources' section. Please note that while we can obtain a firm, bindable quote with a completed ARMR application, some of our carriers will require a company specific application signed by your client prior to binding. Please contact us if you have any questions about our application process. %HWKHILUVWWRRIIHU\RXUFOLHQWVZLWK867VWKH 7DQN$GYDQWDJHRSWLRQ:LWKWKLVSURJUDP\RXKDYH the ability to cover the other environmental loss exposures of a site without having to buy a separate (,/SROLF\7KHPRVWXSWRGDWHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH 7DQN$GYDQWDJHSURJUDPLVDYDLODEOHRQWKH$50RNet website at this link. http://www.armr.net/tank.html You can paste this in a new session of your Internet browser but be aware depending on how you do that you can end up navigating away from your Big I Markets session. 'XHWRWKHSRWHQWLDOXQLTXHQHVVLQYROYHGZLWKHDFK environmental risk as well as the preparation time needed for more complex risks, we would not ask an agent or broker to complete a lengthy application in order to start the placement process. An important aspect to understand with EIL/pollution coverage is the need and circumstances. Once we know that, we can help you identify your client's risks, determine the coverages and find out which of the leading EIL/pollution insurers is the one that will fit your client's needs best. Please submit as many details related to the risk as you can using our "Submit a Quote" feature and a member of our staff will contact you within 24 hours to discuss the risk in greater detail and help come up with a strategy to bind the account. Application Note:$3')$SSOLFDWLRQLVDYDLODEOHLQ Product Resources of Big “I” Markets for download but register date/time of every risk with a Quote 5HTXHVWILUVW$RQHSDJH7DQN$GYDQWDJHLQIRIOLHULV also available in Product Resources to help guide discussions with your prospect(s). )RUFHUWDLQFODVVHVRIEXVLQHVVWKHDSSOLFDWLRQVLQRXU product resources page will usually give us enough information to obtain a rate from most of our carriers, provided that the application is reasonably completed with supporting documentation. If an agent has an existing relationship with their client and is able to get a completed application to us with all of the supporting documentation, we can usually go from a new submission status to binder issuance within 24-48 hours for a broad range of environmental risks. Please submit information and details of your client's risk situation via the "Submit a Quote" section and our staff will contact you to discuss your client's situation, possible coverage options and marketing strategy. If you are able to complete one of the applications in our "Product Resources" section along with the quote submission, we can usually get a firm, bindable quote in 24-48 hours. Most EIL/pollution placements will earn you 10% commission and are written on a non-admitted, surplus lines basis. Commission can vary, however, and admitted placements are also a possibility for some lines of coverage. Requirements for quoting and binding If you have questions on any specific question or section of an application, please contact us and we will gladly assist with any clarification or additional info needed to complete. 107 Motor Truck Cargo REQUIREMENTS FOR QUOTING & BINDING 1. Create a quote detail for your client by clicking on Request a Quote. 2. Complete the information requested and forward completed applications by attaching in your client's Quote Detail or by faxing to 703-995-4406. 3. A printable quote indication will be attached in your client's Quote Detail. 4. If the quote indication is acceptable please provide a request for a formal quote using the new message feature which will be provided within 2 business days. 5. A printable quote proposal will be attached in your client's Quote Detail To request a binder: 1. Open your client's Quote Detail 2. Click on Request a Binder 3. Underwriter will review and respond within two business days with request for more information or policy detail. If you have questions at any time please contact your underwriter using the New Message feature within your client's Quote Detail or using the information below. The ACE Commercial Risk Services® Inland Marine unit specializes in the motor truck cargo product for small accounts. It features a streamlined the underwriting process to ensure greater efficiency and timeliness to our brokers and clients. TARGET MARKET & ELIGIBILITY ACE Motor Truck Cargo is available for the following risks: • Low theft commodities • Building materials • Steel • Dry Grocery Items • Paper Products • Plastics • Contractors Equipment Restricted classes: • Household Goods Movers • Blood/Plasma/Tissue • Courier Services • Contingent Cargo • Freight Brokers • Freight Forwarders • Armored Car • Owners goods on owners trucks • Excess Cargo • Money/Coins/Negotiable Securities/Bullion • Jewelry • High Valued Autos • Precious & Semi-Precious Metals COMMISSIONS & POLICY ADMINISTRATION Upon policy issuance it will be attached in your client's quote detail for download and delivery to the insured. Commissions are paid by Big "I" Markets monthly via EFT or quarterly via paper check, and is 66% of Big "I" Markets' commission. ENDORSEMENTS, RENEWALS & CANCELLATIONS Endorsements - Attach all endorsements requests through the Big "I" Markets system using the 'New Message' tool located in your customer's quote detail page. COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS & AVAILABILITY Coverage Features/Benefits: • Coverages designed to respond to a wide variety of trucking exposures • Coverage is on a legal liability basis for risks of direct loss or physical damage to cargo carried by common or contract carriers Renewals - 120 days prior to policy expiration a renewal application will be attached in your client's quote detail for download and completion. A signed renewal application and current MVRs are required prior to renewal date. Advantages: • Strong financials to protect your client's liability exposures • Professional claims team • Superior underwriting talent • Superior customer service • Access to the product expertise and global reach of the ACE Group of Companies Cancellations - Agents are to complete and have the insured sign an Acord policy release form and forward to Big "I" Markets by attaching electronically in the insured's Quote Detail or fax to us at 703-995-4406 and we will convert and attach it. Limits: • Earned Freight Charges up to $2,5000 • Debris Removal Expense up to $5,000 • Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Expenses up to $10,000 • Expenses to Protect Covered Property From Further Damage up to $5,000 • Miscellaneous equipment such as tarps and chains up to $1,000 Coverage available in all states except CA, AK, and HI 108 NOTES I Market your agency with the new Member Marketing Activity Center www.independentagent.com/MMAC BIG MARKETS Big “I” Markets Product Availability: Personal Lines: Commercial Lines: ACEC Business Insurance Bonds Bid Contractor Performance Surety Other Child Care Commercial Auto Commercial Builders’ Risk Commercial Media Umbrella Commercial Property Umbrella Community Banks Business Insurance Program Event Liability Fidelity/Crime (Wrap+) Financial Advisors’ E&O Flood Insurance (Excess also available) Apartments Alarm Contractors Arborists Insurance Program Specialized Truck Equipment Program Specialty Pool & Spa Highly Protected Risks Insurance Company Professional & Business Insurance Miscellaneous Professional Liability Mobile Food Vendors Motor Truck Cargo Non-Profit D&O Liability Outdoor Markets Rod & Gun Clubs Proliability Program Property Manager E&O Real Estate E&O Restaurant Casual Dining Pac - Travelers Select Restaurant Fine Dining and More - Fireman’s Fund Travelers Select Accounts Apartment Pac Building Pac Business Pac Condominium Pac Contractors Pac Garage Pac Office Pac Religious Pac Restaurant Pac Store Pac Technology Office Pac Technology Consultants Prof. Liability Affluent ACE 4:1 Package (Four Carriers) Chubb Fireman’s Fund Business Collector Car Policy Event Liability At-Home Flood Insurance Excess NPC CBRA Marine Insurance Boat Mega-Yacht Performance Boat Charter Small Yacht Boat Under 27 Feet Non-standard Homeowners Non-standard Homeowners Coastal Homeowners Non-standard Condos Non-standard Homeowners Non-standard Rental Dwellings Non-standard Renters Personal Builders’ Risk Seasonal Homeowners Unprotected Homeowners Unsupported Secondary Homeowners Vacant Dwelling Personal Builders’ Risk Personal Excess Policy Personal Umbrella Policy Affluent Program Travel Insurance Online Registration www.bigimarkets.com Big “I” Markets (BIM) is the IIABA member’s online market access program with no fees, no volume commitments and competitive commissions. We’ve made it easier than ever to Plug into the Power of Big “I” Markets! Register online today and discover a fresh new way to do business. All products are only accessible online and coverage is subject to licensing compliance and underwriting approval. To register online you will need your login ID and password, your agency tax ID number, your agency E&O policy, and your state agency/agent license information (where applicable). Log on to www.bigimarkets.com today to begin the registration process and start quoting in minutes! Product availability varies by state. Are you taking ADVANTAGE of your IIABA membership? Big “I” Professional Liability www.iiaba.net/eo As a member of your state association, you have access to the Big “I” Professional Liability program, the most respected and comprehensive program in the business, offering a variety of insurance agents’ E&O products that are hand-selected for their superior reputation and exceptional performance. With comprehensive rates and a long-term market, the Big “I” Professional Liability program is properly positioned to meet your professional needs, protecting the future of your agency. Big “I” Markets www.bigimarkets.com Exclusively available to Big “I” members, IIABA’s online market access program features specialty/niche coverages, program business and hard-to-find markets. Unlike similar programs, there are no registration fees, no volume commitments and competitive commissions. In many states, additional markets are available through Big “I” Eagle Agency. Visit www.iiaba.net/eagle to learn more. Big “I” Flood In, Above & Outside the NFIP www.iiaba.net/flood or www.bigimarkets.com Big I Advantage® operates as a managing general agency, and agents participate as sub-producers for the Big “I” Flood Program. Selective Insurance Company is our provider for this NFIP Write-Your-Own program, and they make writing flood insurance easy and profitable, leaving the method of quoting up to the agent. Excess Flood is also available. Wells Fargo Special Risk is our broker offering Excess over any NFIP primary policy, Non-Participating Community Properties or Coastal Barrier Resource Act properties. Coverage placed in various Lloyds Syndicates. ® Big “I” Retirement/Employee Benefits www.iiaba.net/retirement Having trouble deciding which retirement plan is right for you or your agency? Big “I” Retirement Services is here to help you choose which plan best meets your circumstances. We offer quality investments, state-ofthe-art administration and the support of your association as an advocate for your agency. Look to us also for Group Long-Term Disability, Group Short-Term Disability and Group Term Life Insurance. Personal Umbrella Market - RLI www.iiaba.net/RLI RLI’s Personal Umbrella Policy stands atop your client’s existing homeowner and auto insurance to provide an extra layer of personal liability protection. With RLI’s PUP, auto or home coverage can be maintained with any insurance company provided the mandatory minimum underlying coverage limits are met. RLI’s @Home Business policy responds to the needs of over 100 eligible business classes on an ISO BOP form. Premiums starting at $150, competitive commissions, easy underwriting and a self-rating application should make this product an easy sell. Business Resources www.iiaba.net/advantage Enjoy member discounts for a variety of services to assist in managing your agency. Caliper (personality testing and human resources consulting); FedEx (express delivery); Mines Press (printing); Artizan Internet Services (Service 911, CSR 24) and more. InsurBanc www.insurbanc.com InsurBanc is an FDIC insured bank founded by agents exclusively for agents. You can rely on InsurBanc for custom products designed to underwrite your success such as acquisition and perpetuation financing and cash management services perfectly suited to the way you do business. WHY Walk when you can soar? Don’t miss out on the invaluable risk management resources available exclusively to you. Log in to www.iiaba.net/EOHappens the Big “I” Professional Liability Program Prevent. Our exclusive risk management resources help your agency avoid making common preventable mistakes. Protect. Prosper. our experienced claims teams are in your corner in the event of a claim. can focus on growing your most important asset–your business. Our superior coverage through members with leading edge agency E&O products and services. IIABA and its Visit www.iiaba.net/EOContact When you know you have the Reasons to Buy Your E&O Insurance from the Big “I” Professional Liability Program #1 Our dedicated professional state association staff understands your competitive environment. Our local service that understands your unique needs will make you smile. The Big “I” Professional Liability Program: Offers efficient and quality service based on local administration of the program Ensures you are adequately protected Provides expertise to help guide you through the claims process Is familiar with the competitive E&O environment in your region Uses your state association as a distribution channel that is consistent with and supports the independent agency system For a proposal, log onto www.iiaba.net/EOCONTACT. Big “I” Professional Liability Risk Management Tips: Most Common Errors Attorneys See The Swiss Re Corporate Solutions panel counsel attorneys average almost 25 years of experience in defending insurance agents’ E&O claims. They have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. We asked them to provide their thoughts on the common errors they see agents make, causing them to be involved in an E&O claim. Review the items listed below and take stock of your agency’s performance to see if there are areas of improvement needed to prevent these errors. Most Common Errors Attorneys See When Defending Agents Attempts to negotiate with the carrier on behalf of the customer after the denial of a claim Failing to document coverage discussions where the customer declined to purchase coverage, including higher limits Lack of timeliness in delivering the policy to the customer Failing to comprehensively document telephone conversations with customers Lack of compliance with carrier requirements in placing coverage Failing to follow internal steps outlined in the agency’s procedures manual Lack of communication in understanding the customer operation or coverage needs Failure to respond in a timely fashion to customer inquiries and questions Dabbling - getting outside of the agent’s expertise Not identifying differences in coverage when renewing a policy on a different policy form Making coverage determinations on behalf of the carrier Failing to discuss updating coverage as their customer grows Not getting signed applications from their customers Holding yourself to be an expert or risk manager when you are not Lack of knowledge of the product they are selling Overstating or misrepresenting the product’s coverage Preventing E&O Claims: An Ounce of Prevention Equals a Pound of Professionalism Ben Franklin said “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Unfortunately, in our imperfect and hectic world, we often lose sight of being proactive and are more reactive. We asked Swiss Re panel counsel what agents could do to prevent E&O claims or at least to get them resolved quickly. Below are their responses for your review to see how your agency stacks up. Take a moment and get PROACTIVE by sharing these with your staff and talking about this list at your next staff meeting. It will be worth the time because not only will these best practices help reduce your E&O exposure, but they can also improve your profitability and professionalism. Best Practices to Prevent E&O Claims or Get Them Resolved Quickly: Understand the standard of care owed to your customer and how this may vary depending on the state in which you are doing business. Maintain standard agency procedures that address each type of customer transaction Audit to ensure standard agency procedures are adhered to by all agency staff, and that file comments are at the professional standard desired by your agency Thoroughly document customers’ files with requests for coverage, both offered and rejected Use surveys/coverage checklists to identify customers’ exposures and to document the acceptance or rejection of coverages Voicemail, email, fax, or other electronic communication should contain a disclaimer stating coverage cannot be bound without speaking with a licensed representative Implement a standard procedure to review policies and endorsements for accuracy, recognizing that nonadmitted policies in particular may contain non-standard coverage conditions or exclusions Deliver policy on a timely basis and document policy was delivered while also including language instructing your customer to read their policy to ensure that it is in accord with the insurance ordered, and to contact your agency if any changes are desired. (Note: State laws may require varying levels of delivery confirmation) Utilize the agency management system at all times and for all communications/correspondence Send written correspondence to customers confirming declined coverages Include disclaimers on all coverage summaries and policy delivery correspondence. o Example language: PLEASE READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY: This is a proposal (or summary) provided for illustration purposes only; it is not a legal contract. It is provided to facilitate your understanding of your insurance program. Please refer to the actual policies for specific terms, coverage, conditions, limitations and exclusions that will govern the event of a loss. Specimen copies of all policies are available for review prior to the binding of coverage. In assisting you with your insurance needs, we have been dependent upon information provided to us by you. If there are other areas that need to be evaluated prior to binding of coverage, please bring them to our attention. Should any of your business operations or exposures to loss change after coverage is bound, it is the customer’s responsibility to let us know promptly so proper coverage(s) can be discussed. Avoid “renew as is” - Discuss with customers what has changed since last year and offer increased limits or additional coverages Stay within your comfort zone and area of expertise Be aware of how policies you place integrate and overlap, especially regarding umbrella and excess policies Instill a “claims prevention” mentality among agency staff Submit ALL claims to the carrier in a timely manner and do not make coverage determination on behalf of the carrier Have the customer sign, date, and initial applications, where required Require continuing education to staff beyond just what is required to maintain licenses Have service standards and respond to all customer inquiries in a timely fashion Do not alter standard Certificates of Insurance forms or indicate coverage or limits that do not exist on the actual insurance policy Require written confirmation from the insured before making any changes to an existing policy, or if accepted via telephone, send written confirmation to the customer verifying change These tips are taken from the Big “I” Professional Liability Program’s Panel Counsel Survey, a collection of findings that taps the collective wisdom of the Swiss Re Corporate Solutions claims team attorneys. Swiss Re policyholders may access this report by logging into www.iiaba.net/EOHappens. Choose well and prosper. Group Short-Term Disability Guardian Life Insurance Company of America weeks or 26 weeks Guaranteed Issue (with specific requirements being met) Maternity Coverage Group Dental Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Comprehensive coverage is available for Group Life Insurance Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Coverage can be extended to spouse & children Custom planning designs SEP, SIMPLE IRA, SIMPLE 401(k), Safe Harbor 401(k) & Regular 401 (k) Benefits include basic services, major services Group Long-Term Disability Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Waiver of premium available Residual disability benefits 2 levels of plans available: 60% of earnings and 66 2/3% of earnings Guaranteed Issue (with specific requirements being met) We’re ready to take your order. Don’t let your money just lie there. 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Once you have enrolled in the FedEx savings program, your discounts will automatically be applied to your FedEx account number so you can enjoy these great savings every time you ship. *FedEx shipping discounts are off standard list rates and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Shipping discounts are exclusive of any FedEx surcharges, premiums or special handling fees and are not available to package consolidators. Eligibility for discounts subject to FedEx credit approval. Eligible services subject to change. Base discounts on FedEx Express® 15-21%. An additional 5% discount is available for eligible FedEx Express shipments when you ship online at fedex.com. Discounts are subject to change. Which tool does over half of IIABA’s Best Practices insurance agencies use? Caliper. Best Practices agencies know the bigger you want to be, the better you need to manage your #1 asset… Your people. Caliper does that. Did you know that the average IIABA Best Practices Agency spends well over half its revenues on compensation? Did you know that the larger the agency, the more they spend on people? Did you know that 55% of IIABA Best Practices agencies are Caliper clients? Let’s face it, the people in your agency are your biggest asset. maximize top performers. helping insurance agents successfully navigate today’s challenges by deploying the best talent. Find out what Best Practices agencies know and many members have known for over 30 years. 5Oyears 25,OOO companies For member-exclusive pricing, go to www.iiaba.net/caliper. 3,OOO,OOO individuals assessed Insurbanc Case Study: New Day Takes A Fresh Approach Jeff Lejfer, a specialist in environmental and construction risks, has always been detail oriented when it comes to operating efficiency, in his career with insurance carriers and with his specialty firm. Owner’s Profile Who: Jefferey S. Lejfer, CPCU, President and Founder, New Day Underwriting Managers What: Growing his specialty insurance firm and making it run more efficiently and effectively. How: For his insurance firm focusing on environmental and construction-related professional liability coverages, Lejfer turned to InsurBanc for online banking to process premiums more efficiently and lending products to support his growth ambitions—and because its philosophy and specialty matched well with his firm and his broker partners. ----Jeff Lejfer appreciates expertise and efficiency. He knows what he has in his specialty insurance firm, and he knows what he wants from his business partners. Over a 30-year career, Lejfer has built a broad knowledge base in assessing risk and protecting clients in the areas of environmental insurance and construction-related professional liability. His team of New Jersey-based insurance professionals at New Day Underwriting Managers LLC works nationally with a growing number of insurance agencies. New Day works in tandem—Lejfer calls it “co-brokering”—with those brokers to manage environmental exposures (in commercial real estate, manufacturing, environmental consulting and transportation) and construction related professional liability (for contractors, developers, owners, architects, and engineers). “What we’re selling to our broker customers is our intellectual capital and our ability to get an optimal solution for a risk,” declared Lejfer, “as opposed to getting access to an insurance market.” Since New Day’s insurance markets also give brokers direct access, Lejfer deliberately chooses an attitude of transparency for New Day. In fact, unlike many wholesalers, New Day will readily share with broker partners the name and contact information of an underwriter. processes to presentations to information technology to the telephone system. He still personally reviews, for example, every line of the customer service surveys his firm conducts. With his eye for expertise and efficiency, Lejfer appreciated InsurBanc’s service philosophy and its focus on knowing insurance distribution business models. InsurBanc, he said, “understands the insurance business. Their clients—independent agents—are my clients.” Lejfer has freed up time by working with InsurBanc. Lejfer was hampered by another banker’s inability to understand the business practices of the insurance industry. “When I went for a line of credit to a local bank, I was asked to put up a fiduciary account as collateral. The banker did not even know that was not my money. They just did not understand the financial statements of an insurance agency,” Lejfer recounted. InsurBanc provides New Day Underwriting Managers with a line of credit for working capital and cash management products for its deposit relationship. New Day takes advantage of InsurBanc’s suite of online banking tools, including electronic bill pay and remote deposit. Lejfer’s keen desire to use technology to enhance relationships and create efficiencies is illustrated by his investment in a Web-based video telephone system that lets him work, virtually, face to face with broker partners around the country, InsurBanc backs up its expertise with efficiency of its own, Lejfer pointed out. “We’ve been using online banking since day one with InsurBanc,” he recounted, explaining that tight timeframes for accepting premiums and binding policies make remote deposit a competitive advantage. “We’ve been paperless since day one, too. We felt that was the only way to create efficiency, and we would not be able to operate as well as we have without technology. That’s allowed us to be successful in our business.” “It’s been a good switch,” he said of working with InsurBanc. “We’re all talking the same language. It’s been beneficial to have our own banker.” “I look at it as a long-term partnership,” similar to New Day’s relationships with agent partners, Lejfer reported. “Even for a small company like myself, having that relationship with InsurBanc for the long term and having them understand my business and the challenges I go through” is beneficial. “We are philosophical partners with retail brokers, and we work more like a consultant in analyzing risk, making underwriting submissions to carriers, and recommending coverages and markets,” Lejfer explained. Lejfer and New Day Underwriting Managers provide their brokers with extra minds to analyze risk. InsurBanc gives Lejfer a team of banking professionals who think and work for him and his banking needs. Along with his expertise, Lejfer brought from the corporate world a keen focus on operating efficiency. Even in his firm’s first year in 2005, he instilled big-firm discipline in everything from business Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lending . Just a guppy when it comes to selling flood? www.iiaba.net/Flood Don’t be shy - Big “I” Flood is here to help. There’s a lot to understand when it comes to flood insurance. We admit it! From changing flood zones to determining the best level of protection for our client, there is a lot to navigate. So even though you’re a big fish when it comes to selling other coverages, flood can make you feel like a guppy! But don’t let this prevent you from offering flood coverage to your clients. We’re here to help you understand and sell flood. Big “I” Flood provides: ACCESS - In, Above & Outside of the NFIP! EDUCATION - Classroom CE or the new Flood Learning Center on VU ADVOCACY - Representation on Capitol Hill & NFIP advisory committees Learn more at www.iiaba.net/Flood, or contact Big “I” Flood Program Manager Linda Mackey at linda.mackey@iiaba.net or (800) 221-7917. Let us explain how we operate in, above, and outside the NFIP! FLOOD In, Above, and Outside the NFIP!